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Ibiki, Yoshimaru Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Ibiki, Yoshimaru

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Ibiki, Yoshimaru Empty
PostSubject: Ibiki, Yoshimaru   Ibiki, Yoshimaru I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2010 9:52 pm

Name: Yoshimaru Ibiki
Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: 12
Age Appearance: 12

Appearance: Ibiki, Yoshimaru AnimeGothGuy (He has red eyes; I don't use photo editors.)

Gender: Male

Skill Level: D
Ninja Rank: Genin

Village: Konohagakure no Sato
Birthplace: Konhagakure no Sato
Previous Village: N/A

Clan/Bloodline: Ibiki/Blood Pulse

Personality: Yoshimaru, when he has time, is a laid back ninja. He spends most of his free time lying around the village training grounds looking up at the clouds while he thinks. Don't let this side of his personality fool you though, he is an extremely hard worker and usually doesn't have much time that is free to just lie about in the training grounds. He tries to keep himself busy so he doesn't fall behind even the best shinobi.

Yoshimaru can sometimes be very goofy in and out of battle. Most of time, in battle, when he is goofy, is to just analyze the oppenent and/or the situation before hand. After a while of reading it the opponent or situation he will turn serious for the real fight. When he is goofy outside of the fight it is because he wants to just have a fun and good time. Most of the time though he will most likely be a little stern or relaxed and laid back.

He will normally try to get a peaceful solution before fighting someone because normally no one in a fight really actually wins, but sometimes he will just go out to fight for some sport or even blood from those who have betrayed him. Around most people he will be humble, but sometimes he will be a donkey if you know what I mean.

Goals: To rank up and gain a name for himself
Alignment: Good

Canon Personality: None

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Blood
Recessive: Wind [Locked]


Pre- Birth-Birth Arc

In the Land of Water there was a Clan called the Ibiki Clan that lived from away from Kirigakure no Sato. It was a fairly small clan with a small amount of memebers because it was relatively new clan. The leader of the clan was named Yamamoto Ibiki, and he fell in love with a beautiful water country citizen named Hina Shikamichi. Eventually they had a small wedding and they were married. They stayed at home for a very short honeymoon and they did what most if not all couples do during the honeymoon.

Things in the Water Country seemed to be going well for the Ibiki clan until tragety struck the clan. Mysteriously many of the small amount of members of the clan began to die. All of the deaths seemed like accidents, but in the minds of the remaining few clan members began to think foul play. Eight months had pasted since the wedding and only 6 of the clan members were left. Yamamoto's wife was very preganent then came Yamamoto's decision. He told his wife to go to the nearly opposite side of the ninja world. He wanted her to go to Kumogakure no Sato, while he stayed here to figure out what was causing these deaths.

It took her around 2 weeks to get to Konohagakure no Sato because of her fatigue from the baby. Finally, she arrived at the village and looked out at the village guards at the gates. They asked her what she was doing there and why she had come, but eventually they let her through the gates. She was allowed in as a guest, and she was to fill out paperwork if she planned to stay in the village. She decided to fill out the paperwork and became a citizen of Konohagakure no Sato. She sent the paperwork in after a few days of filling it out, and a week later she was granted citizenship in Konohagakure no Sato.

Hina was do any day now for her baby and then someone knocked on her house door. The person only held out a letter with drops of blood on it and she began to read in her head.
'Dear Hina,

I love you so dearly my wife, but alas I am dying. I have found out who has been causing these accidents. It is the Yoshimo clan that lives in the village near us. They wanted our land where our small village was and to kill anyone that had claim to the land. They hired assassins to do the job so they didn't have to get their own hands dirty. I have killed many of them by myself, but we are the only two members of the clan left besides the baby in your womb. The only assassin left is the leader of the assassins who I have wounded very gravely. He is coming for you, go for help, leave the village, go hide, do something.

Love, Y....'

The writing had stopped right there.

Then Hina began to cry, tears began to roll down her cheeks, but she didn't notice that the man at the door was smiling. He walked forward and started laughing and then punched her on her jaw. She fell backwards onto the floor still concious. He then spralled on top of her pinning her to the ground by holding down her arms with his hands and holding down her legs with his knees on top of them. She started to scream extremely loud, but no one came to her aid. Blood began to run down both of the assassin leader's arms. Something very strange happened. It was like the baby could feel the danger and pain of his mother. It started to kick, but the assassin didn't notice it because he was distacted with Hina, and his loss of blood. Then out of nowhere it seemed a small stream of red liquid turned into a log neddle like weapon pierced though Hina's womb, through her abdomen, through the head of the assassin leader clearing all the way through, and out of the back of his head. The assassin's eyes began to close and he collapsed, falling off to the side of Hina.

On her abdomen was a small hole where blood started to ooze out, and her contractions started. 'Now, of all times?!?! And way was that that did that? Was that the baby?' She then struggled to get up off of the floor. Then she ran outside into the streets of Kumogakure no Sato towards the hospital. By the time she had reached the hospital the contraction were growing faster and together. She had lost a lot of blood from the hole being in her abdonmen. Hina was emited immediately to the Hospital where they had to preform a Ceasarian Section to give birth to the baby. Due to the loss of blood from the hole in Hina's abdomen and the blood lost in the Ceasarian Section, she died that day.

Baby-Childhood Arc

Days pasted and an investigation by the Konohagakure no Sato ninja took place. They took in the evidence and were able to guess everything accuately about what happened. The ninja doing the investigation marveled at what the baby had done to the assassin leader. They all thought along the lines of 'What strange and powerful gifts this baby has.' The baby was given the name Yoshimaru Ibiki because Hina wanted it to be his name as a dying wish.

Yoshimaru was a very avid read; he would read just about every night. He know a lot about the ninja world even before he decided to become a ninja. Although he did love to read, he would go outside and just lay down onto the ground watching the clouds pass by in the sky. It seemed to always sooth him. He would never miss the twilight just before the stary skys of the night. Watching the sun set on the wide expansions of the desert was always conferting to him. It would give him a warm feeling where there was nothing. He could feel something missing in his life, he didn't want anything thing, finally he realised that what he was missing was a family and the hole within him was loneliness.

Yoshimaru grew up making many friends within the village. He played ninja with them all the time always being the first to be picked out of all of his friends to play ninja with them. One hundred percent of the time the team that Yoshimaru was on would win. One day when he was 7 some ninja teachers from the ninja academy approached him about becoming a ninja. The idea to Yoshimaru fasinated him because he had always loved playing ninja. He entered into the ninja academy that very day.

Yoshimaru only spent one year in the academy and he graduated at the age of 8 with the some of the highest rankings in the ninja class. Soon after he became part of a Genin team with two other people named Nami and Shinobu. Their sensei's name was Yamato. Yamato had the exact same element that Yoshimaru had.

One day during training when Yoshimaru was 9 accidently got cut on his right hand by his teacher Yamato. Soon blood started to come out of his right hand, but strangely it stopped and receeded back into the wound. The wound then started to quickly heal itself before their vary eyes. This was the first time Yamato had ever been cut and he was surprised by what had happened. His teacher wasn't surprised by the action of his blood, and it was obvious to Yamato that Yoshimaru didn't know about his kekkei genkai. Yamato explained to him about how his small clan village had gotten attacked and how he killed the assassin leader. He then explained how he had read of on his families kekkei genkai eventhough little was know about them at that time except their ability to manipulate their own blood.

That day Yoshimaru went home to practice with his kekkei genkai. He had discovered that he could get his blood to come out of any open oriphous on his body including pores. He decided then that every day after training with Yamato he would come home and train with his kekkei genkai. Finally one day Yamato set off as a wandering ninja from the Leaf Village, and he set out to see the whole world, leaving Yoshimaru behind to continue his training.

RP Sample:

Special Characteristics: Skill Based


Public Profile
Name: Yoshimaru Ibiki
Appearance: Ibiki, Yoshimaru AnimeGothGuy
Village: Konohagakuro no Sato
Organization: N/A
Rank: Genin
Age: 12
Info: Not much is known about Ibiki due to him being a genin, only the leaf village higher-ups would know anything that might be of any importance.

Last edited by Dean on Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2010-04-15
Age : 31
Location : Wishing I could be somewhere else but here, wherever I am...

Ibiki, Yoshimaru Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ibiki, Yoshimaru   Ibiki, Yoshimaru I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 11, 2010 8:24 pm

Hnn approved unless said otherwise?

>.< Mean ole Cara >.<
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