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Daisuke Hikaru Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Daisuke Hikaru

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PostSubject: Daisuke Hikaru   Daisuke Hikaru I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 02, 2010 8:29 am

Name: Daisuke Hikaru
Nickname/Alias: Kirigakure's Silent Blade | The Samurai Shinobi

Age: 28
Age Appearance: Mid-late twenties


Gender: Male

Skill Level: S
Ninja Rank: Missing Ninja

Village: N/A
Birthplace: Kumogakure no Sato
Previous Village: Kirigakure no Sato

Clan/Bloodline: Yakushi/None

Personality: Over the years, Daisuke has gained a more calm and less sadistic and/or fretful personality. As opposed to his earlier years where he frets over many thing, Daisuke has forgotten most of those problems and just relaxes whenever he can. During times of just peace, Daisuke has also developed a more positive outlook on life and has grown a better sense of humor, causing even him to crack a joke every now and then, though most of them are sarcastic in nature.

Even though Daisuke has developed his positive outlook, he still holds his serious persona when the situation calls for it, turning into a whole new person if he's placed into battle for example. Unlike his younger brother and mother, Daisuke will not hesitate to kill someone if he has to. He is also a strong believer in the quote "Kill or be killed." Daisuke would also rarely crack a smile or even talk in these situations, thinking of them as distractions to keep him from succedding in his short term goals.

Goals: To find a specific purpose worth fulfilling.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Canon Personality: N/A

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Fuuinjutsu
Recessive: Kenjutsu | Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Raiton
Recessive: Suiton

History: A short while after Daisuke Hikaru was born, his father, Masaki, started to teach him about the life of a carpenter, Daisuke would try to learn at first, but quickly grew bored of it. Masaki was disappointed in his son’s refusal to follow in his father’s footsteps, but Sayuri, Masaki’s Wife and Daisuke’s mother, assured him that Daisuke would find his own path to a life of happiness. At the age of five, Daisuke was very ambitious to find out what he would want in life. He carefully watched and studied many professions, but none of them caught his interests, all he knew was that he wanted to help people and have excitement along the way. One day, on his sixth birthday, Daisuke went to the Kumogakure training field to play, but while he was playing, Daisuke accidently tripped on a rope and set off a trap, sending a dozen kunai his way.

Just as he was about to be massacred, he felt someone pull him away at an incredible speed, Daisuke looked to see who rescued him to find a Jonnin Kumogakure kunoichi. Apparently, she was working on how well she can set up a trap and Daisuke became an unintentional test dummy. She told him that the training field was for ninjas only and that it is no place for children, but as she was telling him this, Daisuke’s only thought was how graceful and fast she moved as she rescued him, even the trill of almost being killed exhilarated him. As the kunoichi was lecturing him, Daisuke finally found his profession, he wanted to become a ninja. After the lecture, the kunoichi took Daisuke home to find a worried sick, and pregnant by the way, Sayuri, who constantly thanked the kunoichi. When Masaki got back from work, he decided have a party at the house, along with uncles, aunts, and cousins, in celebration of Daisuke’s birthday.

It was then, that Daisuke told his family about his newly chosen profession, silence filled the entire house as he let the family know his goal. No one in the Hikaru clan has even dreamed of becoming a ninja because the clan’s general opinion of a ninja was an assassin a.k.a, a killer. Daisuke protested by telling his story of the kunoichi that saved his life, but, upon hearing this story, the clan countered by stating that it was her trap that almost ended his life in the first place. Sayuri was the only one that seemed to even remotely see reason in her son’s believes, but kept her mouth shut. Masaki ended the conversation, but not Daisuke’s dream. Upon Kiyoshi’s birth, Daisuke studied ninjutsu in secrecy, obtaining scrolls and books from a number of stores. Eventually, at the age of eight, he started getting a hands-on experience.

He would often make up an excuse to go outside, such as playing, going to the market, ect.., go to the training field, and practice ninjutsu and taijutsu, and he would even take his younger brother along to watch. He also convinced the kunoichi that saved him to help him with genjutsu, when she just happened to pass by. The kunoichi, seeing Daisuke progressing quickly for someone who hasn’t had a real teacher, offer Daisuke the opportunity to join the ninja academy. Daisuke was ecstatic, but his celebration was cut short, however, when he found out that he needed his parents’ consent. Sayuri knew of Daisuke’s secret training and offered to help in any way, Daisuke was surprised by this and the fact that when he explained his situation to his mother, she quickly obliged to sign any papers and accompany him, and his younger brother, to the orientation. Daisuke was thrilled, and by the time Masaki found out about his enrollment, Daisuke was already accepted and Sayuri, along with Kiyoshi, convinced him and the rest of the family to drop the matter.

Daisuke was excited about his first day at the academy, but, even though, the teachers seemed to accept him, his classmates thought that it was strange for someone to just be joining the academy at the age of 10, plus, no one in his family had any type of experience in ninjutsu, causing them to believe that he had no ninja abilities whatsoever, thus, they teased him constantly. Daisuke surprised all of his nonbelievers, however, by displaying extraordinary skills as a ninja in training. Daisuke displayed so much skill and natural talent that the higher ups decided to quicken his growth in the ninja society. So, Daisuke was allowed to take his graduation exam after 2 years in the academy, as opposed to the 4 years that most student had to do. To everyone’s surprise, or Sayuri’s, secretly, and Kiyoshi’s happiness, Daisuke became the Hikaru clan’s first ninja. Though his younger brother complained about not having a graduation party, Daisuke was just happy that he was finally going to live the dangerous, and heroic, life of a ninja.

‘This is not the dangerous and heroic life of a ninja that I expect.’ This exact thought has crossed Daisuke’s mind at least 4 times during every mission within 6 months of becoming a Gennin because the only missions that he was involved in were silly D-rank missions that included gardening, house-sitting, baby-sitting, homicidal pet-rescue missions, and more. The closest he being was to being heroic was guarding a comic book store from a bunch of 3-year olds throwing rocks at the windows and the closest he’s been to dangerous was “rescuing” a homicidal, run away bull dog. Getting sick of all the crappy missions, Daisuke complained to his “new” sensei, Ayane, Who was, ironically, the kunoichi he met during his sixth birthday, to get him better missions. After the 19th complaint, She finally gave up and decided to talk to the Raikage. After much convincing, the Raikage finally give her a C-rank mission, the stipulations were pick up an important “package” from Konoha.

Daisuke was excited about finally getting a worth-while mission that he didn’t entirely mind the countless days it took to walk from Kumo to Konoha and kept guessing about the dangers that lie ahead of him, much to Ayame’s and his teammates’, Kushiro and Rika, dismay. One night, as they were on their way back to Kumo with the package, a small box, Rika had gotten kidnapped by a couple of Chunnin level ninja, being held ransom for the package they had received. It was then that Ayame discovered that the “package” was a scroll with the information on an S-rank summoning jutsu and that the Raikage accidently switch their C-rank mission to an A-rank mission. Ayane told Daisuke and Kushiro to stay put as she went to rescue Rika, but, seeing this as an opportunity for the adventure and heroic he was seeking, (he has a one-track mind, doesn’t he) Daisuke convinced Kushiro to accompany him in following their sensei. When she found out that Daisuke and Kushiro followed her, Ayane was furious, but decided to let them join the rescue mission, After her students made their puppy dog faces.

When they entered the fort that Rika was being held in, they were planning on sticking together, but were separated when a sudden bomb detonated and Daisuke was taken prisoner, fortunately for him, he had developed a lock picking jutsu while in the academy, sampled from the rope escape jutsu, so he escaped easily. While searching from any member of his team, and hiding from guards, Daisuke came across a chest that was locked so he used his lock picking jutsu to open it and found two swords. Daisuke was curious about their unusual and opposite appearance so he decided to take them. He eventually found Kushiro, also taken prisoner, and Rika; they were eventually were discovered Ayame, who quickly “escorted” them out because she had planted several paper bombs in the fort. After that, the team continued their way backed to Kumo with the scroll, which Ayame had the entire time.

Even though Daisuke’s team risked there necks in an A-rank mission, it had to be counted as a C-rank because of the mixed up paper work, which caused the entire team, except for Ayane, to be infuriated. After all of that blew over, Daisuke studied the swords he found, hoping to discover why it was hidden in the first place. He tried collect as many books and scrolls on them as possible, but, being a Gennin, he was only able to discover the names, Tenson Kijin and Tenson Akujin, and several legends, fairytales, and bedtime stories. This frustrated Daisuke, while he was sulking, Daisuke noticed the Tenson Akujin was glowing. Curious, he drew the blade, then he felt a pulse and quickly sheathed it. Wanting to see what the Tenson Kijin would do, Daisuke attempted to draw it, but it wouldn’t budge, he eventually came to the conclusion that the “Only those with a pure radiance is allowed to wield the Tenson Kijin” legend must be true. Daisuke wanted to try a hands on discovery with Tenson Akujin, so he took it with him on every mission he went on, but every time drew it on an opponent, Daisuke would kill get an uncomfortably pleasurable feeling from it.

After realizing it, Daisuke Started to question his own morality, was he good or was he evil? Did he want to help people or hurt them? These type of questions flew through Daisuke’s brain like a jet. Whenever his worried mother would ask if he was ok, he would snap at her, he stopped playing ninja with his brother, and he even threatened his father at one point. His whole family decided to have an intervention, but he refused to explain the sudden change in his personality. One night, at the age of 13, he sat on his roof to think when Kiyoshi joined him to play a game, but, for almost no reason, he snapped at his younger brother. When Kiyoshi started to cry, Daisuke realized what he had done and tried to comfort him, then, realizing that Tenson Akujin was turning his slight frustration into anger and hate, Daisuke explained to his brother that someone of his attitude and stature doesn’t belong in the family and to not follow his footsteps of overzealous curiosity for fear of discovering something that shouldn’t have been discovered. When he put Kiyoshi to bed, Daisuke packed his stuff, picked up Tenson Akujin, along with Tenson Kijin, and headed for the door, but stopped when he past Kiyoshi’s room. Daisuke thought about Kiyoshi’s personality, appearance, and even his name. “Only those with a ‘pure radiance’ are allowed to unsheathe the Tenson Kijin.” With that, Daisuke left the sword, plus a note explaining the sword and his reason for leaving in the best way he could, beside Kiyoshi’s bed and left Kumogakure, hoping that he can gain the knowledge to suppress the powers of the Tenson Akujin.

When Daisuke was making his heroic “I'm going to suppress the powers of evil” statement he hadn’t taken into account the he was a mid-level Gennin with barely enough supplies to last him a couple days, no experience in survival, and possibly the worst sense of direction in all of Kumogakure until he was long lost. After about 3 days, Daisuke passed out from lack of food, then awoke in a bed that seemed to be a hospital. After the confusion of still being alive, Daisuke was informed by a nurse that he was in Kirigakure and he was found unconscious by a few ninja on a scouting mission. Once he was fully healed Daisuke was also informed that he had to see the Mizukage. After much questioning, Daisuke was offered to join Kirigakure, much to Daisuke’s surprise, apparently, Kumo and Kiri weren’t exactly on good terms, so they didn’t have any obligation to simply return him back to his rightful village. Daisuke quickly accepted, knowing that he couldn’t go back to his village at the moment and that he would surely die if he went traveling alone again.

Daisuke was put into a team of three along with Kenji, his later best friend, and Amiko, his later crush. Over the coarse of the next 5 years, Daisuke has honed his skills dramatically. He participated in and passed the Chunnin exam and was later promoted to Jonnin at 16 years old. He was even able to obtain some good reading material on the blades he had obtained 5 years before. He was even able to suppress the killer instinct he had when he drew Tenson Akujin. When he thought things couldn’t get any better, it did. One night, Amiko literally dragged Daisuke from his late night studying to a festival that the village was having. It was then, that she confessed her love for him, they kissed beneath the fireworks.

Daisuke’s mini heaven was short lived, though. One day, when on an info retrieval mission with his Gennin teammates, Daisuke and his team gets ambushed by several Chunnin as well as Jonnin ninja from Kusagakure they were able to dispatch with some of them, but the numbers eventually caught up to them. That was when Daisuke caught the most horrible sight he ever saw. While being detained, Daisuke witnessed several ninja stab Amiko in the back; Daisuke watched as the blood dripped from her mouth and she whispered his name right before she died. Now, completely enraged and holding the Tenson Akujin in his hands, Daisuke lost it and annihilated every single Kusa shinobi present. When Kenji went to check on him, adrenaline still pumping to no end, Daisuke stabbed him in the chest, before he realized what he was doing. When he noticed what he had done, Daisuke was horrified, he tried Desperately to keep his best friend alive, but with no knowledge of medical ninjutsu it was to no avail. Daisuke watched as his best friend died (If only he had Sharingan); Kenji’s last words were only four, with a smirk he choked out “It’s not your fault.” After the his tears stopped flowing, Daisuke respectfully buried his best friend and his loved one. Not being able to find the heart to go back to Kirigakure, Daisuke went traveling again, he's no longer sure of his hopes and dreams, no longer sure what’s right or wrong, he just wanders the land killing all that challenges him. Too bad his sense of direction isn’t much better, though.

About a year later, Daisuke would then go on to be recruited for the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist by a man named Gen. After a short initiation of both Physical and Mental prowess, Daisuke would reluctantly return to Kirigakure. Once he was there, he met a woman by the name of Rain Matari and you could say that he almost instantly fell for her, though the condition of their meeting was a little off for a love at first sight scene since she was supposed to apprehend him and bring him to the Mizukage.

Once in her office, Daisuke explained his recruitment and was granted official freedom to roam the village as a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Soon, Daisuke would meet Kaji Kanto, the then leader of the group and Mizu, Rain’s bodyguard and would go through one final initiation that Daisuke had to go through to join. Once he had passed that, Kaji told him to stay away from Rain for she was a dangerous woman, something that the Mizukage, Rain’s mother, had told him prior to seeing her not too long before that.

Since then, Daisuke went through various things with the organization, but hadn’t seen Rain since. He was eventually hired to become a bodyguard or something by Kaji for a placed they called the “AnT Lounge”. He would then have a horrifying vision about Kiyoshi getting his arm hacked off by the current Raikage and losing the spirit of the sword he left for his brother to him. Daisuke would immediately try and find Kaji so he could do something about it, but was informed of a Kage summit and Kaji’s inevitable death.

The next few months were spent with Daisuke trying to improve Kusagakure, which Kaji has given to him in his will, and trying to figure out exactly what this new threat to the world was and how was he going to stop it. Daisuke would then meet Rain again, but for some reason, it wasn’t the happy greeting he was expecting. Over the course of the next few minutes, Daisuke couldn’t get the thought out of his head that Riku Shikyo, once an associate of his and the son of the retired Mizukage and legend, Kyouken Shikyo, had something for Rain. And, to Daisuke’s extreme disappointment, evidence showed that Rain may have something for him.

Daisuke would then go through various mood swings, almost to the point of insanity, as he felt that he could only blame himself. Maybe if he had spent more time with her or at least expressed his feelings in some way, shape, or form, maybe she would’ve given him a chance, but it seemed that Daisuke would be bombarded with too much responsibilities to make any time for things like that, such as being a good leader for Kusa while gaining new leadership of Kirigakure’s Legendary Seven Swordsmen, etc.

After going through the next two years of his life, Daisuke would go through a number of people and places and jump through hoop after hoop before Akiko, an associate through Kaiko group that he doesn’t seem to particularly get along with, would give him the info she knew on Kiyoshi. After finding Kiyoshi’s whereabouts, Daisuke trained him to the best of his abilities, Kiyoshi also training him somewhat, before he was able to reunite him with Tenson Kijin. Afterwards, Daisuke would spend the next three years in vigorous self training while surprisingly still keeping up with his responsibilities in both Kusa and Kiri, hoping that he could maybe try again with Rain, maybe one day.

Years later though, the young ninja swordsman grew bored of this theatrical situation and eventually grew out of it, attempting to live a more free life than concentrate on working his way through the affection of another. Since the age of 19, Daisuke has spent most of his time under the radar, keeping himself in continuous training as a means to keep himself in perfect shape if he wanted to try to live his new "anarchy" lifestyle and at the age of 22, he set off into the world in order to find a purpose or goal in life to complete. For the next 8 years or so, Daisuke has traveled to many lands, being hunted and/or challenged in nearly every village he's been to, winning quite a few of them and holding some stalemates in the end. Without his knowledge, Daisuke has also seemed to grow quite a reputation for defeating and killing some of the best fighters of the world and has a bounty for his defeat.

RP Sample:
Special Characteristics:

Chakra Control:
Rank: C
These users have excellent chakra control, which means they waste little chakra in battle. People with excellent chakra control usually have average or below average chakra. Since the amount of chakra is smaller, it is easier to master control over it. People with this skill are like, Itachi, Kakakshi and Orochimaru.

Rank: B
This skill gives the user a good ability with his senses, being able to track opponents from a distance without them knowing, no matter the ranking the person is most of the time. They have high senses and are able to effectively use their abilities to keep their senses tuned on an opponent. These are your stealth-type characters. The prerequisites for the senses skill is Chakra Control. If you can just track and are not in tune with your senses then there is no prerequisite.

Rank: C
Character's with this trait are in excellent physical shape. They are generally slightly stronger, heal faster and are rarely ill.

Light Sleeper:
Rank: B
Character's with this trait sleep very lightly, most often even the smallest noise will awaken him or her, making them difficult to sneak up on.

Rank: B
Due to physical training, character's with this trait are much faster than the average ninja. [Requires Taijutsu or Kenjutsu]

The Wall:
Rank: C
Character's with this trait are very adept at hiding their feelings, keeping them under lock and key. Emotions will not be easily noticed by those who do not know the user very well.

Rank: B
Characters with this trait are generally smarter than your average shinobi, able to create excellent strategies and figure out how another's technique works faster than your average shinobi.

Public Profile
Name: Daisuke "Silent Blade' Hikaru
Village: Kirigakure
Organization: Seven Swordsmen of the Mist
Rank: S
Age: 27
Info: Daisuke Hikaru is what you would call an "Underground Shinobi". He's very rarely seen and usually makes a general impact in his appearances. It should be noted that Daisuke has many talents as a shinobi but mainly revolves around Kenjutsu, once being among the legendary group of seven swordsmen within the mist. Since his departure from Kirigakure, Daisuke has held many recorded battles with legendary samurai and blade wielding shinobi alike, being said to win every single battle that's been placed into his to do list. Daisuke's Kenjutsu style seems to revolve mainly around an unnamed orthodox style, but seems to be able to adapt to his surroundings. Daisuke has been seen performing sealing techniques, indicating that he has quite a bit of knowledge in the Fuuinjutsu arts. It should also be noted that Daisuke has a bounty on his defeat, though it is yet known as to who initially made the bounty.

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:44 am; edited 2 times in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Daisuke Hikaru   Daisuke Hikaru I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 02, 2010 8:35 am

approved for character and for akatsuki member
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