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    Soren (done) Shauntaystaffimgf
    Happy New Year:

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    January 16th to January 22nd

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     Soren (done)

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    Soren Kiyomeru

    Soren Kiyomeru

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    Location : Where ever my root`s reach...

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    PostSubject: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 8:34 pm

    Name: Soren Kiyomeru
    Nickname/Alias: Unknown

    Age: 289
    Age Appearance: early 20s

    Soren is easily distinguished by two large venus flytrap-like extensions that envelop his head and upper body, giving him a plant-like appearance. When his extensions are open and his head is visible, it is revealed that Soren has short green hair yellow eyes, and that his body has two different colored halves, his left side is completely black and the right side white. The white color doesn't extend all the way down Soren`s body, as his feet are both black his hands are also black. When he splits into two the plant like extensions go down the waist and now have the appearance of spikes, each halve has half of the Akatsuki robe and the halve they are missing is replaced with new body mass.

    Unlike the white side, which shows a normal mouth, nose, and eye, the black side shows no visible orifices at all and only shows the iris of the eye. The black side also has white dots along the edges; these are not flat markings, but rather protrude from his body, like little white bumps. Soren also has unusually rounded teeth. He has a Indigo nail polish (his toenails are bluer) for his fingers and wears his ring on the right little finger.

    Gender: Male?

    Skill Level: S- rank
    Ninja Rank: Missing-nin

    Village: Unknown
    Birthplace: Country of Grass
    Previous Village: Unknown

    Clan/Bloodline: Unknown Soren can merge his body with the ground and plants to move at very high speeds through the networks of roots and water veins. Once merged, Soren`s presence is completely concealed, making it almost impossible to detect him. This makes this jutsu perfect for up-close spying and infiltration.

    Personality: According with his two differently colored halves, Soren seems to have a split personality. The two halves also converse with each other, and occasionally differ in opinion (the black half is more serious and intelligent while the white half is carefree, easygoing, and seems to enjoy toying with others). They also seem to communicate through their thoughts. Their voices sound very diffrent from one another, the black side having a low tone while the white side having a higher tone.
    Soren`s main role within the Akatsuki is to function as a spy, and often performs duties that are similar to a hunter-nin. He has been shown able to move his body and take part in the tailed beasts sealing ritual simultaneously which, in addition to being unique to him, allows him to act as a lookout while the sealing takes place. When an agent to Akatsuki, or possibly even a member, dies, Soren is sent to devour their bodies so as to not have their secrets revealed, which adds further his venus fly trap theme. Soren is also the one sent to retrieve the rings of dead Akatsuki members. Due to the role he plays, Soren is the only member of Akatsuki to act without a partner on a regular basis. Despite this, Soren serves as a sort of superior to other members, as they often reported directly to him instead of to the actual leader. He is most of the time seen appearing with Riku shikyo though he appear`s relevantly distant to stranger`s and rareley start`s a conversation, however he is bound to talk with himself due to his "split personality" often seen saying whatever is on his mind possibly upsetting anyone around him... he is however not intrested to talk with meat, as he calls most humans making perhaps apperent that he is a Cannibal, but that statement is wrong hence he is not human... however he is very loyal to the leader of akatsuki... and would do anything to please him, though the same cannot be said about his "comrades" they are none the less a team...

    Goals: Land
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Canon Personality: Zetsu

    Skill Specialty:
    Dominant: Elemental
    Recessive: Fuuinjutsu, NInjutsu

    Elemental Affinity:
    Dominant: Suiton
    Recessive: Doton


    Orphan: When Soren was young he was found in a garden by a old man, the man was suprised by the discovery of this weird looking plant, at this point Soren was an inicent little plant. With teary eyes he watched the man approach him. He could not move, he was so scared, the man gently placed his arm on the venus-flytrap extension`s, and patted it he asked for his name, which was the only thing he posessed at the time, Soon they learned to grow closer to each other, in a way that Soren though impossible. He became his child, the man was wise and did not judge people by their apperence, however his apperence made it hard for him to move around in the outside world, he have been pushed around several times by people who think he don`t fit here, Soren hated the people outside, even the grown ups, he usually avoided to go out in the daylight, exept when he had urge to do so, after he was a plant and plants need sunshine to survive...

    Growing up: As the year`s passed Soren grew up. He took care of the man who was the only man who he respected, he thought that things would never change, but nothing last`s forever, sometimes he thought about his memories from the past, his family in the jungle, his brother Zetsu who had dissapeared, but those memories where fading slowly... Soren who started to delve in the past, forgot about everything around the man who saved him, had died, Soren came knowing what had happened he ate him withouth regret, now the man would be a part of him forever. He was old he knew that, certain thing`s would change around here, Soren gave no tear`s there where no need to, plus he could not cry.

    Wandering the Country side: As Soren had grown he had lost the reason for existence, did anything play a role anymore? he asked many question`s for himself, they occasionally argued. However even if he was alone he did not notice it, he moved across mountain`s and villages withouth being seen, spying on people and chatting for himself, sometimes he was caught up in a fight. He usually avoided those, he thought spying on people was easy, human`s really where stupid wheren`t they? Soren could not remeber how much time had passed since he became an orphan but it seemed like forever, yet he aged seemingly none at all.

    Joining an organization & Meeting a new friend: As time and space passed by he lived as he had done for now, he however desired for the first time in his life to be useful, to be needed by someone. He had created a bunch of awesome techiques for the purpose to spy and defend himself. There where a bunch of thing`s he wanted to do, a bunch of things he wanted to figure out, there where a bunch of thing`s he wanted to forget. One day he met with a powerful boy, Soren had spied on him since he sensed he was diffrent than the rest, but he figured him out sooner than what he had expected, he was slightly suprised he felt the tremendous chakra stored within this boy, yet he looked so young, could this be the "boy" he had been waiting for, The boy offered him a spot in a organization known as Akatsuki, he said there where a few like him, powerful great people. Soren decided to join him in this boy`s quest for power and domination.

    That day of the meeting: Soren was enjoying his "meal" upon feeding on the human flesh he ripped apart a few bones from the corpse, flushing blood a bit everywhere as he crunched the body into smaller pieces, as he was done he cleaned himself afterward `s, he was satistified by the results for today as he murmured for himself he sensed someone approaching at 2 a`clock, he turned himself to look but it was apparent who ever it was, he was quite far away from him, so he decided to check up on who ever it was, since he felt diffrent somehow from the standard people he spied/tasted on, he moved down into the ground closing the extesions around him. Appearing with just his head from a tree branch with his camouflage on, Soren was looking at a dango rest house, there where many table`s a few people, but the man he looked for was resting on a chair next to a table futhest away from him, by now he noticed something strange about him, his immense chakra could not be missed, it almost felt like he let it out on purpose. Soren unsure if he would dare to go any closer, the "man" who looked so young seemed more like a young boy was wearing a mask over his face, the mask covered his entire face only two hole`s in it showed his yellow glowing eyes, wait what yellow? was that even normal for human`s? Soren decided to take a closer look so he appeared again about 20 meter away from him, he looked at him more carefully, he activated his close range sensor, an old woman came with dango and some hot green tea, at a first glance the boy seemed calm, but when the woman came to him he suprisngly appeard to be carefree and easygoing.

    There was something else bothering Soren something he could not put his finger on, the boy picked up a cup of green tea and sipped a bit of it, then when he placed it on the table, the boy was gone, Soren had been thinking on his next move when he was caught off guard, a quiet moment passed as Soren widened his eyes as he looked at what appeared that the boy was gone? he then heard a voice above him, he identified the chakra above him hey whatcha doing there He could not belive the boy had been able to confuse him let alone notice him, a few drop`s of sweat ran down at Soren`s left cheek, he understood the man was powerful seemingly withouth limit, and by the look`s of it, it seemed like he did not judge him by his appearence something nobody had done since he met the old man Where you watching us since before we noticed you? A small shine could be seen in the boy`s eyes, Soren assumed he had a good reason for this who know`s... you seem pretty decent, would you mind to join my organization? The boy asked, Soren blinked with his left eye that was on the white side, join an organization huh? in doing what exactly? Soren pondered You are wondering for what exact purpose? right? let`s just say i want to bring peace and order to this world would you join us? he asked again what could we possibly offer you? hm a bite? for a moment it got quiet but that was soon broken by a laugh you, you are funny i like that... by the way im Riku shikyo ..... ..... all right we will join, Soren Kiyomeru at your service Soren huh? that `s an awesome name somehow Soren knew he was smiling behind that mask of his... and from this day forward Soren had more and more respect for him seemingly everyday...

    Several year`s later...

    There was little going on these day`s, Soren was bored, he had hardly met any akatsuki member`s since he entered amegakure, and he had been there for quite a while, he did not want to think that Riku had lied to him, more over maybe there where akatsuki member`s just traveling around in kumo or Konoha or wherever, thinking about that he could neither walk in the city since his looks where diffrent, he was unsure what he should expect from that... but figure it was just his part to be a spy, That is the title he was given, that and the akatsuki ring`s... he would hand a fitting ring for a new member everytime someone joined the organization... a fitting request by the leader indeed. That fact alone made him belive the leader`s words, he was usually not easily convinced, but the mere importance of these rings was enough to justifie him as "important" to someone special. Just as Soren was in deep though`s he snapped back to reality when he sensed someone approaching him, he had been sitting on one of the tower`s on ame, the highest tower to be honest. He expected it to be Riku but noticed soon his expections had failed him once again, to see another lowlife, an akatsuki spy he knew well, a mere human... "what is it?" Soren asked with his low tone speaking, he did not look at the man, the man had been working for Akatsuki longer than what Soren cared to remeber, Yet it did not change the fact that he disliked to talk with meat. Yet another reason to be fooled... this man was far from a true member of Akatsuki, his skill level rested somewhere around B rank, "I would be honored if you could train me, Soren-san" honorifics that`s rare, he kinda liked the ring to it none the less. but kept his amused expression tightly locked away behind that cold expression of his, he turned to face him with his yellow eyes locking with its target, it was not like he had any better thing`s to do at the moment... "all right, meet me on the roof of tower 7 asap" suddenly root`s started to emerge into the ground below soren both of his legs transformed into baseless mass as he started to sink into the floor with the extensions folding shut around him, the last yellow glimmer seen on his eyes as his expression less face was covered in darkness moment`s later.

    RP Sample:

    Special Characteristics:

    Skill Based

    Special Features


    Public Profile
    Name: Unknown
    Appearance: Creepy, Bizarre being rareley even seen he is simply a Myth no one actually belived that he exists that is until they might see him...
    Village: Unknown
    Organization: Unknown
    Rank: Unknown possibly S
    Age: Unknown
    Info: From a first glance Soren might seem ridiculous, or simply creepy, his attitude and the fact that his split personality tend`s to differ in opinion might be seem as a weakness, but when the situation turn`s serious they become dangerously calculative just by looking at their opponent they can describe a lot about them, Nothing is known about Soren`s past seeing as he never took the academy, even so he seems to posess a high rank... no one even knew he existed until some reports of possible spying was introduced years later...

    Last edited by Toushirou Ryoken Kousetsu on Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:43 pm; edited 47 times in total
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    Missing Nin
    Missing Nin

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    Soren (done) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 10:36 pm

    Alright, I get this is not done, but there are a few blazing things that stick out.

    A). Akatsuki is closed. Read the available ranks topic.
    B). You need Riku Shikyo's permission for Akatsuki, let alone S-Rank.
    C). You cannot say "look at my avatar" You must post the picture and explain it.
    D). We do not allow canon characters.
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    Soren Kiyomeru

    Soren Kiyomeru

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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 27, 2010 11:09 am

    ...I did get permission to make an Akatsuki member, I did not mean it to be a canon from the start so i changed the name slightly so it would not be so alike... though i did not ask before i made this its a good thing you reminded me.

    Making a monster like Zetsu look diffrent with a similiar blood line is not easy, but i swiched the white and black sides. (not in the pic just the description)

    (i added a description on the appearence and i also added a picture)

    next im going to work on the history... hopefully ill get it done as fast as possible
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    Soren Kiyomeru

    Soren Kiyomeru

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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 4:10 pm

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    Shikyo Riku
    Shikyo Riku

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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 7:44 pm

    -Your age has to match your history information, regardless of minimum requirement.

    -For Alignment, please choose the following: Neutral Evil, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Evil
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    Soren Kiyomeru

    Soren Kiyomeru

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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 02, 2010 9:20 am

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    Shikyo Riku
    Shikyo Riku

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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 02, 2010 3:41 pm

    approved as Akatsuki member
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    Soren (done) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 12:15 pm

    Archived due to user inactivity.
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    Soren Kiyomeru

    Soren Kiyomeru

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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 7:20 am

    Hell no... the only reason for my inactivity is because no body has been posting on my topics besides i posted last week...
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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 7:25 am

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    Soren Kiyomeru

    Soren Kiyomeru

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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 7:39 am

    for the record i was unaware off that nobody said anything and its not like i check every topic every god damn day anyway ._.
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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 8:00 am

    Could you keep the language a clean? Please and thank you (Sorry, pet-peeve)

    The topic was a global announcement, meaning it appeared on every section of the forum and was hard to miss (I think it still is), but nevertheless, you'll need to discuss that with lifeanddeath I believe
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    Soren Kiyomeru

    Soren Kiyomeru

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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 8:13 am

    I am just trying to make my point here! sure maybe i have not been all that active recently but i have been searching for work like crazy irl and finally i found one, btw sorry for the bad language...

    and yeah i will PM him [it might be hard to miss if you know where to look?!?]
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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 11:56 am

    I do believe I stated that those who were archived, simply need to reply to their topic and get re-approved.

    So, Unarchived and Re-approved.
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    PostSubject: Re: Soren (done)   Soren (done) I_icon_minitime

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