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Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]

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Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] Empty
PostSubject: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 2:06 am

Name: Nasamea Tsuyoshi
Nickname/Alias: Kaibutsu, Oblivion

Age: 14
Age Appearance: 14





Gender: Female

Skill Level: B
Ninja Rank: Chunin

Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Takigakure
Previous Village: -

Clan/Bloodline: Tsuyoshi / Monsuta-chi


Personality Chart
Extraversion ||||||||||36% Wealth|||| 20%
Stability|||||||||||| 50% Dependency|||||| 30%
Orderliness|||||||||||||||||| 76% Change averse |||||||||| 40%
Accommodation|||||||||||||| 56% Cautiousness |||||||||||| 50%
Intellectual|||||||||||||||| 70% Individuality|||||||||| 40%
Interdependence|| 10% Sexuality|| 10%
Mystical|||||||||||||||| 70% Peter pan complex|| 10%
Materialism|||| 20% Histrionic|||| 20%
Narcissism|||||||||| 40% Vanity|||| 20%
Adventurousness|||||||||||| 50% Artistic|||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic|||||||||||||||||| 80% Hedonism|| 10%
Conflictseeking|||||||||||||||| 70% Physical fitness|||||||||||||||||| 80%
Need to dominate|||||||||||||||| 70% Religious|| 10%
Romantic|||||| 30% Paranoia|||||||||||||||| 70%
Avoidant|||||||||||||||||||| 90% Hypersensitivity|||||||||||| 50%
Anti-authority|||||||||||| 50% Indie || 10%

To begin, Nasamea is a pure introvert. She enjoys spending as much time as she can alone and will try to seclude herself as much as possible in calm areas. Some of her favorite spots are those found in nature where she can listen to a small stream of water or listen to bird calls. Whenever she does come around humans though she appears to be rather temperamental. There are times where she is known to grow very violent and she always appears to be angry except to a few of those she respects. She is a very tidy and organized person who tends to grow sick of human filth; such as when they litter. There are times she is known to take a trash bag and a stick to clean up after them even though it isn't a mission; and though its rare. Her patience has grown quite a bit since her rank up but she can still come off rather negative due to her expressions. Otherwise she has the wall like persona where she conveys no emotion nor any thoughts. This is when she is known to a quiet and lurking shadow.

Once she is alone she is a rather different person as well. She seems calmer, patient, kind, and many other positive traits. Due to her trust issues though it is rare for someone to see this side of her. She holds the belief that nobody cares because they know she is a 'monster'. Due to her difference she feels that they do not understand her nor wish to. This has granted her the chance to be alone. Problem though is whether this is what she actually wants. To truly understand her one must get past her complexity and give her a chance without stabbing her in the back later. Once her trust is broken it is rare for her to ever give it to that person ever again. Otherwise, her trust merely diminishes.

More recently she has appeared more like a hot headed individual with dominance issues (mostly among woman) but once again, just her facade... mostly. Majority of having to do with her clan and will power to grow. Overall, she is beginning to grow into a different persona. This just takes time.


  • To accomplish something spectacular.
  • To rank up as high as she can.
  • To become a master over fire.
  • To master other forms of fighting.
  • To learn until she cannot be beaten by the majority.
  • Join ANBU
  • Kill other Clan Leader / Kisaki

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Canon Personality: -

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Ninjutsu
Recessive: Taijutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Katon [Fire]
Recessive: Doton [Earth]


If you ask a ninja to tell their tale it is not uncommon to hear about their tragedies. Whether it be someone was assassinated, killed on a mission, lost a limb to a battle, or even kidnapped and raped; it is not uncommon at all. Of course, seeing as how Nasamea was born from two ninja. The gloomy darkness still followed her like an old tradition. One of heartbreak and horror that changed their lives forever. That is what she went though at such a young age. If this may foreshadow a future event in her life where the darkness will be casted upon her once more; this too is not uncommon.



Due to being born from a Kisaki in the Tsuyoshi clan, Nasamea was not born human. In fact, she is not human. Her mother was, as stated above, a Kisaki or one of the queens of the Tsuyoshi clan. She had bred with a Bokuhi, a human of pure blood (no bloodline) that was converted into a semi-monster. This human male was none other than Evony Tishuto. Her mother was Akemi Tsuyoshi. Both of her parents were ninja whom each met in a strange way. Evony Tishuto was a man who once lived in Konoha as a Jounin. While on a mission he had met Nasamea's mother, Akemi, when he had got lost. He searched for a sign or something to aid him on his path and it was in fact Akemi who helped guide him. Evony suddenly fell in love with Akemi the moment he laid eyes on her and being non-human, Akemi could smell this due to his blood rising. Evony decided to stay in the small outskirt town in the the fire country until he got to talk to this woman more.

Eventually, he found her in a tea shop and after they both had long conversations of their dreams and interests they soon found themselves both attracted. Being a Kisaki, Akemi was nervous about having a human partner. She was invited to continue the mission with him and after agreeing they set off to Iwagakure. Fate may or may not have been on their side for Evony was injured severely to the point he was near death. This was when Akemi revealed her true monster self and annihilated the enemies before being forced to convert Evony out of love. She regretted doing so and avoided Evony at first. However, due to him and her sharing the same blood smell he managed to track her down a few weeks later. It was then when Akemi became pregnant with Nasamea and when Evony began to learn how to deal with his new transformation into a Bokuhi.

Childhood Arc

The night Nasamea was conceived the full moon hung high as her parents stayed within their own home in Takigakure. It was tradition and dangerous to give birth in hospitals, due to them being born as monsters, and thus Kisaki were forced to learn how to take care of their young at home without the hospital. Due to the regeneration abilities any damages within were often healed and so complications were not a problem with the mother. Evony learned as well before Nasamea was born and thus he did not have a problem either. Nasamea arrived fine and thus the true work would begin for the family as they tried to raise their daughter.

It was a Kisaki's mission to make sure the next Kisaki in line was well able to master their human form and lucky for Evony and Akemi, their daughter learned fast. Nasamea was able to gain her human form around the age of only 3. However they waited until she was 4 to make sure she was able to use it without suddenly converting back. The job was to not scare the people by suddenly transforming. Nasamea's parents told her that her true form was forbidden unless it was a true emergency and lives were at stake. That turning into her monster form would result in her possibly dying and being rejected. Nasamea did not entirely understand why this was true. She felt her true form was better then being in the human form. As she grew older though and saw people rejected for the smallest differences she soon began to understand. Due to this she rarely comes out of her human form, even when sleeping.

Academy Arc

These years happened to be the time when her life changed forever. As she entered into the academy and met other kids her age she began to grow more fond of being around the adults. She was around adults for most of her life, such as clan members, and rarely played with other kids. Already some believed she thought she was to good for them. Obviously not the best first impression but she began to not care. She tried making friends and in fact made two. These two became very close to her, that is, until the dark cloud began to form over her.

One night Nasamea found herself waking up to her mothers scream and her father yelling. Things crashed and hit the floor, causing Nasamea to instinctively try to see what was causing all of this. She opened her door and crept down the hall as the sounds continued. Barely peeking through the rails from the second story she soon saw her father and a man fighting. Blood stained both of their shirts as her father snarled and tried to get the upper hand. They were both the same, apparently Bokuhi as Nasamea remembered her mother saying.

While her father fought off the other Bokuhi, her mother and another woman were fighting. Their scents were potent, obviously another Kisaki and her Bohuki who were attacking for possibly territory. Nasamea continued to stare with disbelief before her mother randomly shouted "flee!" Being the type to obey her parents, Nasamea did as she said. She locked her bedroom door and packed as fast as she could before opening the window to get away. Right as she was about to leap out though something burst through the door and grabbed her leg. She dropped her clothes out the window before being dragged back in. She screamed and fought back as a large claw tried to grab her. It was then that she released her true form and began to fight back. She was still weaker due to still needing more training but was able to escape.

She soon fled to her friends house and knocked before realizing she was still in her original form. As her friends mother answered she soon let out a scream. Nasamea raised her hands and tried to say it was her but it was truly a terrible mistake. Her friend was in the background and at the sight of Nasamea, immediately rejected her. As Nasamea fled she returned to human form before running to the nearest place other Tsuyoshi members lived. They were dead. It was then she went to Taki's leader and pleaded for protection for the night. The next morning Nasamea received news that her parents were murdered. Of course Nasamea was questioned despite her age. She told them all she could but they were never able to identify the people. Since then, Nasamea has lived in an apartment on her own. An advisor of the leader tended to check in every day to see if she needed anything but she declined every time. At school, Nasamea was rejected and believed to be a monster. This was when her introvert side truly emerged. She lost everything night. Thanks to the Taki leader though she was able to get a temporary home and free food, clothes, and more.

Nasamea was later put up for adoption and found herself being moved to Konoha. Normally family members would take in a child of their own but these members seemed to decline. She was a monster in the Tishuto eyes and a threat in the Tsuyoshi eyes. Due to her being the next Kisaki they felt her scent would be easy to trace and thus they would be killed. Kisaki were normally honored but Nasamea was't believed to be able to last to long.

It was in Konoha where she finished her school and graduated as a leaf ninja. Her foster parents care for her, not knowing what she was, and Nasamea continued to keep everyone oblivious. She made sure to never make such mistakes again. Due to all that happened, Nasamea had went from the kind nice girl to a hot headed temperamental child who rarely talked to anyone. She was nice to her foster parents but not truly anyone around Konoha. This may have gave others a bad impression of her but she didn't care. She felt it would be best to leave them all in the dark as long as she could.

Genin Arc

Since Graduating the Academy in Konoha, quite a bit had happened in her genin years. To start she continued to be the same hot headed girl whom seemed to have a hate towards everyone but there were a few people that began to pierce through this. Through a matter of events the closest person to get close was Shihouin. One night her hunger got the best of her and upon shifting into beast form she happened to run into Shi. In her mind she had seen her that night as her real self and despite it all he seemed to accept her however it turned out he wasn't 100% sure it was her until she shifted before him in broad daylight during a mission. From the time they met to the incident and on the two grew closer to the point she even accepted to call him her boyfriend and would note him as someone who pushed her to keep going as well.

At the start Nasamea was placed in a team but something occurred and the team never got together. For a while she was a temporary member in Shihouin's team as well. This was where she began to take on more missions and even met a girl named Ayame; the first to truly realize Nasa's dominance issue between other females. This was all mostly because of her clan though. Since birth she was dubbed a queen and by portraying the dominant factor it was her way of saying she accepted the person but not to forget who she was as well. Even though she was certain Ayame didn't know she was blood thirsty monster.

Anyway, upon the team mate returning Nasamea was casted back out as a lonely genin with no team yet again. She wanted to run off to Kumo a few times but it was Shihouin and her foster parents that kept her there. By the time Nasamea had managed to actually get a team to call her own she had already taken on enough missions to be considered for a promotion. With a little more training with the team and alone she felt she would soon be ready to take on the Chunin Exams whenever they would come. Until the time came though, she continued to train as much as possible and go on as many missions as she could. No matter who she took along.

Meanwhile though, her most reliable friend had managed to turn into one of her questionable enemies. Fueled by what she believed to be his father's influence, Shihouin began to change internally and even attacked her at one point. He did not kill her but had left a nasty wound to her lung. Luckily she possessed the ability to regenerate and was able to heal. Besides that, she was also taken the the hospital after a cat was sent to deliver a message to the medical team there. It didn't make sense. Why didn't he just kill her? As time progressed, Nasamea rarely saw her close friend / boyfriend and soon began to hang around one of her teammates. This way she could still go on missions while also getting some team bonding time in for future missions. It was then that Shi returned and she ended up revealing her true form to another human. Mitsu learned all about her the next day after the two managed to get away from Shi. Nasa was still convinced it was Shi's friend, or the man Takumo, whomever he was.

Chunin Arc

After the day Nasamea saw the Hokage for a promotion, she was then granted B rank and Chunin level. She was thrilled, but rather than rushing home first she later saw Mitsu that day to have their discussion. It was there she explained to him what she was and why she was is before making her way home to inform them of the news. On her way though she was confronted by a man who said her foster family was in trouble. He made it sound as though they were at the mercy of a beast, causing her to desperately flee to her house in worry and fear of the worst. Come to find out though, it was a trap. She didn't know where her parents were but in her house was Takumo, who was actually Shi's dad. He wished to discuss with her about Shi, stating that Shi hated her now even after he had the chance to return to her. Not blaming, or hating Shi, Nasamea took her rage out on his father before spatting words at him. She asked how he could possibly be a father and demanded him to stop meddling in the affairs of others. This was because she felt it was the man's fault for her and Shi' issues; not Shi's.

RP Sample:

Special Characteristics:
[Reason behind possessing majority of these skills already is due to her bloodline and what it provides]




Public Profile
Name: Nasamea Tsuyoshi
Village: Konohagakure
Organization: -
Rank: Chunin
Age: 14
Info: Is actually a monster in human form to avoid scaring the public. Is known to be very temperamental and show hate towards people. Other cases, she is very quiet, stubborn, and cold. Overall though, she tends to have good intentions and is very strong willed. When she wants something or if someone she respects needs help, she'll do whatever she can to achieve her goals and be there for those she cares for.

Last edited by Nasamea on Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:03 am; edited 11 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 12:49 pm

Completion Bump.
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PostSubject: Re: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 7:31 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 5:59 pm

Updated due to Promotion System and ready to be looked over.
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PostSubject: Re: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 6:16 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 1:05 am

Updated due to Promotion.
  • Will RP her learning the Doton element and such once approved
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PostSubject: Re: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 7:32 am

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PostSubject: Re: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 10:08 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin]   Nasamea Tsuyoshi [Konoha Chunin] I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 3:26 pm

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