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Creation Guide & Template Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Creation Guide & Template

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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Creation Guide & Template   Creation Guide & Template I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 10:13 pm

Welcome to Shinobi Armada

First of all, we'd like to thank you for registering on our site and joining us here a Shinobi Armada. Since you've joined us, we would like to say that we very much appreciate you doing so and we welcome you here to RP with us. This site is a Text-Based Role Playing Game, or better known as RPG. Unlike normal RPG's, this does not include cool graphics and your favorite Final Fantasy character, what you will find here is a elaborate and massive story. This story includes the life of the character you wish to create and the other characters in this RPG.

This RPG site is focused on the manga, Naruto, by Kishimoto Masashi. This is where we draw all the information from, which his how the moderators and administrators judge creation topics. We ask that you have already read the manga, or at least up to the start of the Time Skip, more commonly known as Naruto Shippuden. (If you're still lost, it's where Naruto's clothes change and he grows up some). If you haven't read the manga up to date, don't worry, if there are any questions or concerns you have about your character, do not hesitate to private message an administrator about your concerns. For those that have read the manga fully, you know that things constantly change, new abilities come out and we understand that you might want those new abilities. The manga is constantly changing, so that means we do as well. We will try our best to approve all creations as long as they are within the rules. Keep in mind that we are 155 years ahead of the Manga, so plan your character accordingly.
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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Basic Info   Creation Guide & Template I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 10:15 pm

Basic Info Guide

Everyone must start with a genin off the bat. You are not allowed to create high ranking characters unless they are open, however, if you are creating your very first character, we must insist that you create a Genin even if higher ranks are open, that way we can be sure of your RPing capabilities. If a village has an open spot for a high ranking character, you must first PM the Kage and ask for said spot. If they allow you to take the spot, then you create your character, different spots might be open depending on which village you choose. If a Kage doesn't answer, ask a moderator or admin. (The Kages will be listed below and all Mods/Admins to the Right of the forum, under Chain of Command.)The Kage must post in your thread that he/she accepts you of said rank (Chuunin and Higher). Please note that all characters left unfinished for 1 week will be moved to the basket.

You may have up to three characters for the moment with 1 NPC per character. NPCs may not be more powerful than your character and if you are S Rank, your NPCs may only be A Rank and below in skill. (Please note that if they are going to be used for fighting and so forth, their techniques, items, etc MUST be put up as well. NPCs MUST be associated with your character in some form: i.e. they must have existed in your history for some time.)

Name: Your character's name. Pretty Self explanatory, first name and last name, both preferably Japanese in origin. Your name can be very important to your character, the meaning may or may not give some underlying description of your character or it could be a random collaboration of words which sound good together. Japanese Dictionaries can be found: here or here.

Nickname/Alias/Title: A title given to your character by someone usually referencing a job, behavior, battle style or skill. For example, Naruto nicknamed Jiraiya the 'Pervy Sage' for his perverted behavior or Kakashi was nicknamed 'Kakashi of the Sharingan' and 'The Copy Ninja' because of his Sharingan and the ability to copy Jutsu which stems from it.

Appearance: What does your character look like? Is he/she ugly, handsome, muscular, thin, fat, ect. There are limitless variations you could choose. A picture is acceptable or a description of at least 150 words or a mixture of the two.

Age: Once again self explanatory. Your character's age. On average your character's age should be in correlation with their rank, with special exceptions.

Physical Age: How old is your character physically? How old does he or she look compared to how old he/she actually is. This can vary from slightly different from your age to very different.
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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Re: Creation Guide & Template   Creation Guide & Template I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 10:18 pm

Skill Level & Rank
Village and Skill Rank, are the rankings given in correspondence to abilities. Your village rank changes as your skills increase, going from Academy Student to Genin, from Genin to Chuunin and so on. In General Skill Rank, Age and Ninja Rank are correlated.

Ninja Rank: Genin
Ninja Rank Description: Genin are the lowest of ninja skill levels. They possess a knowledge of all the basic ninja skills and will do lower C & D rank missions with their Jounin sensei. Once the Genin has successfully undertaken eight missions, they can be sponsored by their Jounin sensei for the Chuunin Exam.
Skill Level: D
Age: 12-14
History Requirements: 3+ Paragraphs

Ninja Rank: Chuunin
Ninja Rank Description: The Chuunin is the basic journeyman ninja of the village. These ninja can become field doctors or teachers. They were formerly Genin who were promoted for displaying excellent intelligence, strategy and combat skills in the Chuunin Exam. Chuunin have the equivalent rank of military captain, exhibiting strong stamina, knowledge and inner wisdom.
Skill Level: C - B
Age: 14+
History Requirements: 7+ Paragraphs

Ninja Rank: Jounin
Ninja Rank Description: The Jounin are ninja who are highly skilled in all jutsu skills and arts. Ninja attain the rank of Jounin through official appointment. The Jounin generally serve as squad commander for mission operations
Skill Level: A - S
Age: 16+
History Requirements: 12+ Paragraphs

Ninja Rank: Kage
Ninja Rank Description: The village Kage is the strongest ninja in the hidden village. The Kage serves as the pillar upon which the village stands and the strength a village presents to the other ninja countries largely depends upon the strength of the Kage in power. They have excellent chakra and stamina and know the most jutsu techniques. Only the Five Great Shinobi Countries are allowed to call their head ninja by the Kage name.
Skill Level: S
Age: 16+
History Requirements: 15+ Paragraphs

Descriptions taken from

Last edited by Caranore on Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Re: Creation Guide & Template   Creation Guide & Template I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 10:20 pm

Currently in Shinobi Armada, there are two villages you may join when starting, Konohagakure or Kumogakure. However, previous villages which your character is from may be any of the other 3 other main villages and any of the minor villages. Below is a brief description of each village:

The Big 5
Konohagakure no Sato; Literally meaning "Village Hidden Among Tree Leaves"; also known as "Village Hidden in the Leaves" or "Hidden Leaf Village", or Konoha for short, is one of the five great ninja villages. As such, it is one of five villages with a Kage as its leader, known as the Hokage. On a mountain overlooking the villages from the north exists the Hokage Monument. The village resides in the Land of Fire. Although Konoha, much like the country in which it resides, has been peaceful for the past sixteen years, and has grown accustomed to that peace, it remains one of the most powerful villages in existence, and has great military power and influence.

Kumogakure no Sato; Literally meaning "Village Hidden in the Clouds" is the Hidden Village of the Land of Lightning. As one of the five Great Ninja Villages, Kumogakure has a Kage as its leader, known as the Raikage. The ninja from this village seem to specialize in Lightning Release techniques. A notable minority also seem to favor the use of Japanese-style swords (or katanas) as standard weapons, instead of the typical kunai that most shinobi wield; and, as a result, many Kumogakure ninjas seem to excel at swordsmanship. The village is located on a high mountain, and is literally hidden in the clouds. The Raikage lives in a large building built into the tallest mountain.

Sunagakure no Sato; Literally meaning "Village Hidden in the Sand" is the hidden village of the Land of Wind. As one of the five great ninja villages, Sunagakure has a Kage as its leader known as the Kazekage. The ninja from this village seem to specialize in Wind Release techniques and the Puppet Technique. Shinobi from Sunagakure believe that the accomplishment of a mission predominates the lives of the ninja trying to accomplish it.

Iwagakure no Sato; Literally meaning "Village Hidden in the Rocks" or "The Hidden Stone Village" is the hidden village of the Land of Earth. As one of the five great ninja villages, Iwagakure has a Kage as its leader known as the Tsuchikage. Its symbol is made of two rocks, with a smaller one in front of a larger one. The ninja from this village seem to specialize in Earth Release techniques.Iwagakure is well-known for the rock-hard attitude of its shinobi. As soon as the Tsuchikage gives an order, the Iwa-nin do so without hesitating, even if it means death. he rocky mountain ranges that surround the village and country provide a natural stronghold. The village profits from this advantageous position and is proud of its strong defenses. The village sits among a mountain range consisting of small narrow waterfalls, with the buildings being composed of rock and stone; shaped from large, elevated formations of rock into tower-like structures. Many of its buildings sit on cliffs connected by a network of bridges.

Kirigakure no sato; Literally meaning "Village Hidden in the Mist", called Kiri for short, is located in the Land of Water. The official head ninja of Kirigakure is the Mizukage. It is also the place from which the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist hail. Kakashi and Orochimaru have both stated that Kiri has a strong and ruthless military that cannot be easily defeated.

The Lesser Villages
Amegakure no Sato; Literally meaning "Village Hidden in Rain", also known as Hidden Rain Village, is a small yet highly industrialized hidden village and the alleged headquarters of Akatsuki located in an unnamed country. It seems to be a rather loosely knit village, befitting the destabilized country, as a fair number of its ninja seem to either be missing-nin or end up as missing-nin, as the infamous Akatsuki leader Nagato and his partner Konan originate from this village. Its symbol is composed of four parallel vertical lines, resembling rain.

Village Hidden in a Waterfall" is located in an unnamed country. In terms of the village's appearance, Takigakure seems to be based on mostly Southeast Asian aesthetics.

Otogakure no Sato; Literally meaning "Village Hidden in Sound", called Oto for short, was Orochimaru's personal village, founded for the express purpose of collecting ninja for his experiments and his quest to learn all jutsu. In actuality, Oto is not really a village, but a group of hideouts and bases scattered throughout the Land of Sound and other countries. Sound ninja use a diverse amount of jutsu, which are mostly centered around modifications and mutations Orochimaru gave them.

"The Village Hidden in the Grass" is located in a thus far unnamed country.Nothing is known about Kusagakure's general fighting style, or even if they have one. It can be inferred from the village's name that its shinobi use jutsu involving flora or possibly Earth Release techniques. Although it has never been named, the country Kusagakure is located in has been shown on several occasions. The country is rich with forests, some consisting of giant mushrooms or bamboo. It also seems to have many rivers and deep ravines.

Note that any other village not listed here either A) Does not exist in the manga, B) Has not been officially listed as ninja village, or C) Only exists in the anime which we are not basing the site off of.
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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Re: Creation Guide & Template   Creation Guide & Template I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 10:22 pm

The Elements
Everyone's chakra leans towards a natural element, decided by the heart. They can learn to access the element through vigorous training in which they learn to mold their chakra into one of the five basic elements. Through a Kekkei Genkai these 5 basic elements can be combined into further elemental combination.
The Basic 5

Creation Guide & Template Fire
Fire: The fire element, also known as Katon. When the user is affiliated with Katon, the chakra takes the form of fire and flames for attacks. These can be fire balls or extended flame throwing. Fire is typically a specialized offensive element. Commonly affiliated with the Tiger hand seal, Fire based techniques are commonly mid-to-long-ranged that cause burning and explosive damage. Fire based Ninjutsu is common among Konohagakure ninja with the Uchiha Clan being once known to be especially proficient with its use.Fire is strong against wind; because wind naturally feeds fire but weak against water due to its ability to extinguish the flames.

Creation Guide & Template Water
Water: The water element, also known as Suton. When the user is affiliated with Suton, the chakra takes the form of water. The water can be used in the shape of walls, allow the user not only to manipulate but (in the case of a master) Possibly the most versatile of the five basic chakra natures, because Suton techniques can not only change shape but form as well. The affinity for Water Release is common to shinobi of Kirigakure. Water Release will naturally extinguish fire (though a sufficiently powerful technique can cause evaporation) but will naturally be overcome by earth.

Creation Guide & Template Wind
Wind: The wind element also known as Fuuton. Although a commonly found element in Sunagakure, wind nature is rare. Wind, like fire is generally an offensive element, it can be used to create huge gusts or small sharp blades of wind. Futon techniques are suited for short-to-mid-range combat, and combine brute force and precision to deal cutting and slashing damage. Users can even channel wind-natured chakra into blades to increase their range and cutting power.Wind is naturally strong against Lightning , and likewise naturally weak against Fire.

Creation Guide & Template Lightning
Lightning: The lightning element also known as Raiton. This affinity allows the user to generate lightning by increasing the high frequency vibrations of their chakra. Similar to wind chakra, lightning is commonly infused into bladed weapons through Chakra Flow for increased sharpness through vibrations, with the added effect of inducing numbness. Lightning is good for middle to long-range attacks.Katon techniques are generally fast-moving and cause not only electrical but piercing damage as well. Common to the ninja of Kumogakure, a Lightning Release jutsu is naturally strong against an Earth jutsu, and weak against Wind.

Creation Guide & Template Earth
Earth: The earth element also known as Doton. When affiliated with Doton, the user can mold their chakra to create or manipulate earth and mud. This element will allow the user to create walls made from earth or mud, as well as allow the ninja to maneuver himself below ground to attack his opponent from below. Earth can also change the hardness composition of objects, making something hard as steel or soft as clay. Earth Release is naturally strong against water but likewise, Earth Release is also naturally weak against lightning.

Note: Keep in mind that these strengths and weaknesses are subject to variables, any jutsu can be beaten by a greater amount of chakra in a calculated defense, these affinities are usually only true when the jutsus are created in otherwise sterile conditions and when created by shinobi of equal or relatively equal strengths.

Concerning Elements/Elemental Jutsu
We all know that elements present the real fun in Naruto, they show off the users personality and skill in most cases. However, we must make it fair for everyone. People having lots of elements make it less fair if you might have one.

If you have one element, that is your Dominant. It's your starting element and it will show case the most of your jutsu. Dominant jutsu will rank from D-S depending on how hard you train.

If you have a recessive element, the rank for the recessive jutsu may not exceed B Rank. These count for elemental jutsu only.

If you have an elemental Kekkei Genkai, such as Wood, please include both elements in your dominant and leave the recessive blank. You maybe able to create one or two A or S Rank jutsu depending on your rank and stats. Besides that, all other separate elemental techniques must not exceed B Rank (water and earth separately). In some cases you might be able to pull of one A Ranked technique with. (Note that elements not listed above are generally considered kekkei genkai elements and must be approved of in your bloodline before you may actually use it.)

Note: Genin may only have one element (however Genin are required to RP getting their element), Chuunin up to two, Jounin two or three, and Kages may have up to three.

Last edited by Caranore on Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:05 am; edited 3 times in total
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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Re: Creation Guide & Template   Creation Guide & Template I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 10:30 pm

Skill Specialty
There are a number of skill specialties that give opponents a slight advantage over some in some areas of combat. Read the ones listed below to find which one suits your characters. Keep in mind that specialty means that these skills will make up the bulk of your arsenal, but not all. Note that all ninja may only have one Dominant Specialty.

D and C Ranks may have one
B Ranks may have two
A Ranks may have up to two
S Ranks may have up to three

This skill allows one to be good with ninjutsu techniques. Characters that are good in ninjutsu are able to perform a wide variety of ninjutsu techniques. Characters that have good ninjutsu skill are Itachi, Kakuzu, and Jiraiya. This allows for more Ninjutsu to be used and at a stronger ability.
    Dominant Abilities
      A dominant Ninjustu user is allowed 10 more starter Ninjutsu then would otherwise be allowed.
    Recessive Abilities
      A recessive Ninjutsu user is allowed 5 more starter Ninjutsu then would other be allowed.

Fuuinjutsu / Seal Knowledge
This skill allows one to have excellent seal knowledge and hand-sign speed. People knowing this skill are also great a doing seals and hand-sign speed. Characters with this skill are Sandaime Hokage, Itachi, and Jiraiya. They also contain a vast knowledge of seals.
    Dominant Abilities
      When one has Fuuinjutsu as a Dominant allows the user to perform hand-signs 25% faster meaning they can perform jutsu faster. It also allows the user to create sealing techniques and seals to place onto themselves and others [Up to s-rank sealing arts and S-rank seals]. They can wear up to 4 seals maximum that can be used for combat that they self implant.[1 S-rank seal on them max]
    Recessive Abilities
      When one has Fuuinjutsu as a recessive it allows the user to perform hand-signs 15% faster. It also allows the user to create sealing techniques and place onto others. [They can't place seals onto themselves. Up To B-rank sealing techs and A-rank seals] They can wear up to 2 seals of there own design as long as someone else implants it.

This skill allows the user to have extreme capabilities with medical jutsu and healing techniques. This skill allows the person to heal limbs that would be usually impossible to heal and use lots of medical skills in battle. They are also good at making antidotes for poisons, and even sometimes poisons their-selves. A prerequisite for this skill is Chakra Control.
    Dominant Abilitiets
      Can create 4 types of poisons and heal damage up to one rank above themselves.
    Recessive Abilities
      Can create 2 types of poisons and heal damage up their rank.

This skill allows one to have excellent control over one's body. The character would be able to use Taijutsu as a main form of attacking, with their Taijutsu hits being dangerous. Such characters are Kimmimaro, Rock Lee, Maito Gai, Yondaime Raikage, Killer Bee and Tsunade.
    Dominant Abilities
      One gains control over there body and usually maintain a very powerful physical physique and stamina meaning they last longer and can hit stronger and harder. Taijutsu specialist are the only people who can wear training weights and if you have it as your dominant you can wear up to twice the character's body weight of extra weights that will allow when taken off up to 1 rank of speed and strength burst. If you have it at dominant it also means you can learn the eight gates at the cost of one recessive specialty.
    Recessive Abilities
      One gains a moderate control over there body and usually maintain a semi powerful physique and stamina meaning they last longer and can hit slightly harder and faster. Taijutsu specialists are the only people who can wear training weights and if you have it as your recessive you can wear up to 1.5 the character's body weight of extra weight that will allow when taken off up to 1 half rank of speed and strength burst. Taijutsu recessives have no right to the eight gates.

Simple. People with this skill are marksman's, meaning their weapon aim, accuracy and use is near superb. Their targets hardly ever miss and they keep their tools in the best shape. Characters with this ability would be Ten-Ten. Allowed Weaponry Techniques, Also can store more weapons than others. Only people with weaponry may have weapons with custom abilities or chakra conductive weaponry. There are various types of weaponry techniques such as:
  • Kenjutsu / Bladed – Art of swords that focus on cutting and slicing.
  • Projectiles – Long ranged such as bows and arrows and Ten-tens various weaponry techs
  • Blunt – Obects such as staffs and things that focus on blunt damage.
  • Piercing – Spears and items that focus on inflicting stabs and jabbing style of wounds.
  • Exotic – Weapons that don't fit into any other categories.
      Dominant Abilities
        You are allowed 2 of the above categories.
      Recessive Abilities
        You are allowed 1 of the above categories.

This skill allows one to be good with the art of illusions, or better known as genjutsu. These characters show skill in being able to cast strong genjutsu and are better equipped to escape from average genjutsu unharmed. Characters that have good genjutsu are Kurenai, Orochimaru, and the Third Hokage.
    Dominant Abilities
      For having Genjutsu as a dominant the user becomes essentially more perceptive and on top of being able to cast and utilize genjutsu efficiently it also allows the user to foresee and feel genjutsu that is one rank below there own rank almost instantly able to tell they are stuck in a genjutsu. At Jounin rank the user gains the essential ability to simulate genjutsu into perceptive nature allowing them to completely generate visions, auditory and sensory illusions allowing them to simulate almost completely real genjutsu that can make the mind cause real pain to the body allowing any harm in the illusion to transition into physical annoyance when the genjutsu is broken. Also as it is your dominant you are allowed to utilize up to S-rank genjutsu.
    Recessive Abilities
      For having Genjutsu as a recessive the user becomes somewhat more perceptive of genjutsu on top of the basic understanding of its use. It allows the user to perceive and feel genjutsu a little while after its cast and they can percieve genjutsu of one rank below them after a maximum of 4 post's. The user can perform up to A rank genjutsu.

This skill gives the user excellent control with puppets and puppetry jutsu. Characters with these abilities are Sasori, Chiyo and Kankurou. The only real bonus to this specialty is the ability to utilize puppets.
    Dominant Abilities
      Dominant may have up to 3 puppets for each rank [12 total at jounin]. They may also create their own poisons up to their own rank and poisons one rank above their own with the aide of another poison user.
    Recessive Abilities
      Recessive may have a maximum of 1 puppet at each rank [ 4 total at jounin]. They may also create their own poisons up to one rank below them and poisons of their own rank with the aide of another poison user.

Specialty and Jutsu Relation
In order to utilize Jutsu to the most effective level, you need the associated specialty. Plain, simple.

Genin can only learn jutsu of their specialties. Plan and simple. [Excluding D-rank ninjutsu and basic academy techniques.]

Chuunin are normally limited to C-Rank or lower of non-specialty jutsu, and up to B-Rank of their specialties. HOWEVER, (yes, there is a however) a Chuunin MAY be able to train jutsu up to B-Rank without having said jutsu as a specialty. Since its not the specialty, the amount of jutsu that can be obtained is limited to 2 jutsu per no spec [Basic specs only] (2 Ninjutsu, 2 Taijutsu, but only if they are not your specialty). Genjutsu, due to being more intricate in design and nature, are limited to 1.

Jounin/Kage are under the same limitations, however they can have 4 B-Rank non specialty, and 2 A-Rank non specialty. Genjutsu is 2 B-Rank and 1 A-Rank.

A Chuunin will be granted the ability to utilize a certain amount of A-Ranked jutsu, again through double the training requirement. This is to ensure that the jutsu are not spammed, and because they technically are a higher rank than a Chuunin could handle. These jutsu will be limited to 3 total for chuunin level. (This is based off of Chuunin being B-Rank. If they are C-Rank, they cannot apply for A-Ranked jutsu).

The same applies for A-Ranked Jounin with S-Rank, except they are limited to one S-Rank technique.

Last edited by Caranore on Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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Join date : 2010-04-13

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PostSubject: Re: Creation Guide & Template   Creation Guide & Template I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 10:34 pm

And now. What you've all been waiting for, THE CHARACTER TEMPLATE.

NOTE: In your topic title put the name of your character and the rank and village you are applying for. Example: Naruto Uzumaki, [Konohagakure Genin] or Sasuke Uchiha [Missing Nin/Akatsuki]

Name: [Character name]
Nickname/Alias: [Does your character have a nickname? *Madara's nickname was Tobi*]

Age: [How old are you?]
Age Appearance: [How old do you appear to be?]

Appearance: [We take pictures. If you don't have one, a paragraph of at least 150 words will suffice]
Gender: [Male or Female?]

Skill Level: [S=Kage, Jounin. A=Jounin. B=Chuunin. C=Chuunin D=Genin]
Ninja Rank: [Kage, Jounin, Chuunin, Genin or Academy Student]

Village: [Konohagakure or Kumogakure]
Birthplace: [Where were you born? Was it a main village or lesser village?]
Previous Village: [Did you come from another village?]

Clan/Bloodline: [What clan do you belong to? Does that clan have a bloodline? What bloodline do you have even if it doesn't belong to a clan within the manga?]

Personality: [What type of person are you? 2 paragraphs atleast]

Goals: [List some goals your character may have.]
Alignment: [Are you good or bad? Neutral?]

Skill Specialty: [Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Fuuinjutsu/Seal Knowledge, Weaponry, Puppetry, Medical]

Elemental Affinity: [S-C, can have two and D Ranks can have one]
Dominant: [What's your primary element? *Uchiha=Fire*]
Recessive: [What's your recessive element(s)? Kakashi has two recessive elements, Doton and Suiton]

History: [Let's hear your life story]

RP Sample: [Show us your talent! This will play a huge determining factor in the abilities you can get. This could make the difference between applying for a regular jounin or getting an S Rank jounin! This is where you should truly shine. (Please post your RP sample inside spoilers.)
Special Characteristics: Other characteristics which benefit or harm your character. [Your character's SCs should be relative to their history and skills. (I.e. If your history talks mostly of how you trained with Kenjutsu you can't have SCs that give you abilities with Ninjutsu/Genjutsu.)]

Public Profile
A profile that basically defines who your character is in a Role Play. In other words, what your enemies and not so close allies know about your character. Some may be more lengthy than others. The length of this profile should be proportionate to the fame and reputation of your character. Not everything here has to be true about your character, but should tie in with their history and personality.

Name: The name your character is generally known by other people or goes by in the ninja world.
Appearance: How your character most often looks like to others.
Village: What village your character appears to be from or claims to be from.
Organization: Any known organization(s) your character is in or affiliated with that others would know of.
Rank: What your character’s official rank is or what rank they go by in the ninja world.
Age: How old your character appears to be or the age they go by.
Info: Any additional information about your character. Particular weapons utilized by them, tidbits of their history that would have been known throughout the lands or in their village, unique jutsus they use, a bloodline they may have, something strange or unique about them, etc.

EXAMPLE (Famous Ninja):
EXAMPLE (Ordinary Ninja):
As you can see, not all Public Profiles have to be incredibly detailed. And even if you’re an ordinary ninja, you can have a long info, but it generally seems bland in comparison to a more famous ninja. See the EXAMPLE for the Private Profile below to see how Public and Private Profiles work in conjunction to one another. (I will only be using “Shikama“ as an EXAMPLE from here on it. This is to save myself time from having to effectively create two new characters off of the top of my mind. Note that I have shortcutted my way through the Private Profile so as to again save myself time. Do not expect to do something similar to this and have it approved.)

EXAMPLE Private Profile (Shikama)
As you can see, this is quite a shock from his Public Profile. Though the history should be much longer... it shows what I am trying to point out well enough. The Public Profile doesn’t have to be entirely truthful, but it does have to fit in with your Private Profile. I’ve explained what he really is in his Private Profile— a complete ass or demon, yet in his Public Profile he appears to be a well... hero, an idol. This would be approved [if the history were to be the correct length] because I have explained why he seems so heroic in both his personality and history: he pretends to be a hero so that he can cause more suffering. Now not all Public/Private Profiles have to be THIS drastic, but they can be if you want them to.

For your copy/paste convenience!


[i][u]Age Appearance[/u][/i]:



[b][u]Skill Level[/u][/b]:
[i][u]Ninja Rank[/u][/i]:

[i][u]Previous Village[/u][/i]:




[i][u]Canon Personality[/u][/i]:

[b][u]Skill Specialty[/u][/b]:

[b][u]Elemental Affinity[/u][/b]:


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