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Genetic Weapons: Invasion Project (Finished) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Genetic Weapons: Invasion Project (Finished)

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PostSubject: Genetic Weapons: Invasion Project (Finished)   Genetic Weapons: Invasion Project (Finished) I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2010 11:06 pm

(It is to be noted that this is not a clan por say but the result of scientific project in Kumo. Though it will follow the template, it may seem a little out of place in some areas for this reason.)

Name: Cruznik
Founder: Cain Nightroad
Location: Kumogakurge

History: The Genetic Weapons division is a group of highly intelligent men who are responsible for a great deal many of the technological advancements in society. They specialize in genetics and in turn, try to enhance the quality of a human being permanently. They have undergone several projects, some failed, and some that did not go very far. For the most part, Shinobi do a fine job of their own in being the weapons of the villages, but the division is still seen as valuable as things they develop as weapons tend to be in turn adapted into daily use items by civilians. They have been around for many many years. An example to display this is that one of their first successful inventions was the ear piece transmiter and reciever, which was introduced around the time of the second kage generations and was implemented most in the 4-6th kage generations, depending on which village you were in.

This project was called the Invasion project, and was run by a man named Cain. Cain was the pioneer, the creator, and executor of the entire thing, fueled by his own passions to be a shinobi, which failed because of his lack of a decent charka source. Thus he created the idea of the Nanobots. These little creatrues were engineered to give the host the abilities shinobi gained from their charka through a new source of energy, or rather, an enhanced already existing one, Bioelectricity. It was a project that went on many years, but it was found that the micro machines did not go well wtih chakra at all. The match was so rough that even the patients with the lowest had enough to cause the nanos to overcharge, cause their host to go insane and attempt to destroy what they saw. After years of this turmoil, Cain, having less chakra then any and all of the test subjects thus far, opted for the experiment himself, realizing that if this failed, it would be the end of the project.

It was a success, and Cain achieved greater power then a lot of shinobi possessed, knowing full well how to utilize his own creation to the fullest. And so, it being a success, he continued his venture, did some recalculations, and figured out the perfect limit of chakra a person could have and be compatible with the nanobots. It was only a fraction higher then his own, but it gave him slgihtly wider parameters all the same, and he found two other subjects. The first was Abel Nightroad, a boy of about 15 years of age, and also Cain's younger brother. The other was an undocumented girl who later dissapeared. She was about ten at the time. However, All of them were of jounin power, however, cain grew greedy, and knowng the danger of taking such action, released the nanobots to 100% operational capacity. He went crazy and rampaged the village. It took the combined efforts of Abel and a few other jounin to get him out of the village, as they were unable to destroy him. The story of the three known as the three Cruznik continues from there.

Special Info: Cruznik are formed when they under go the experiment which implaces the nanobot type 01, 02, or 03 in them in the invasion project. The project has been discontinued due to the events with Cain Nightroad, so only three were ever created, or will ever exist. All of his data was destroyed, so it would take a lot of work to get the project working again, and to do so would be illegal. These nanobots take energy from the person they inhabit, as in they take nutrients gained from food, and so basically are another function of the body. This however, means that the one housing them would have to eat exponentially greater amounts of food to maintain themselves. These micromachines give the host the ability to perform shinobi like techniques based on which set they have in the, Only the specifications of set 01 and 02 are known.

The Nanos typically lay dormant in the Cruznik, staying at only 2% operational capacity. To use them to their potential, they can be activated at different levels., 30, 50, 80, and 100. In their dormant state, the Cruznik is completely useless as a weapon, and is just like an average citizen. Releasing it at different incraments changes the apperance of the cruznik based on which set they are endowed with and also increases their fighting capabilities. They are each attributed to a ninja rank.

30% = Genin
50% = Chunin
80% = Jounin
100% = Kage

This being said they can be on the level of any ninja rank they so desire, but are classified as Jounin, or S rank ninja if they are defected. However, in order to use each level, the users body must be able to handle it. If not it will take its toll inadvertently. To go with this, due to restricted power, there is a limit of time limit a person can use the nanobots in their released mode, meaning there is a lmited time they can be considered a shinobi in battle. This goes by percent, and is one post per percent. To clarify

30% equals 30 posts.
50% equals 50 posts, (Etc)

This does not stack. Meaning if the user jumps from having 30% activated, to 80% after having it activated for 20 posts, they will only be able to maintain for another 60 unless they unleash the 100% capacity level, which, based on what has already been stated, will only be able to be activated for a shorter amount of time. Now based on this and the fact that they do not have chakra, the use of certain techniques diminishes this post count.

E = 1 post
D = 3 psots
C = 5 Posts
B = 7 posts
A = 10 posts
S = 20 posts.

This goes for any and all of their techniques.

Further to be explained is the healing factor that the Nano's provide. Their main goal is to protect their user, and to do so they act in a medical way. This amplifies the healing process......more or less speeding it up using the bodies own energy. This will also diminish the post count based on the intensity of the wound.

Small incision = 1 post
Multiple Small Incisions = 3 posts
Large wounds that do not inflict internal damage = 5 posts
Wounds that go past skin and inflict minor internal damage = 7 posts
Wounds that inflict moderate internal damage = 10 posts
Wounds that inflict massive internal damage = 20 posts

Furthermore the user must have taijutsu and ninjutsu as specialties. Taijutsu due to the obvious increased physical stats needed to maintain the released form. And also ninjutsu to manipulate the energy produced by the nanos in the same way a shinobi manipulates chakra, as they are done in the same manner. If they do not take taijutsu as a specialty, they will have their activated time limits cut in half and the amount that certain actions reduce these time limits will be doubled. They do not need medical because the nanos take care of that themselves, though they can be stopped by the host if so desired for whatever reason.

Below are described the first two sets of nanos and their unique properties.

Set 01
Set 01 gives the user the ability to manipulate wind in ninjutsu like attacks. This is made possible by converting the energy gained from the body into the medium used to control it and also by taking in more air with every single breath at all times then the average person does. About twice as much, though no difference is noticeable in their breathing patterns. This is the pure element and is void of chakra. However it is equal in strength in accordance to rank to lightning based elemental ninjutsu. When released, the eyes turn grey, including the whites of their eyes, with the pupil and line around the iris turning blue. Their hair will fan out around them as well. As an added note, white wings will sprout from their backs.
{i]Cain Nightroad[/i]

Set 02
Set 02 gives the user the ability to manipulate lightning in ninjutsu like attacks. This is made possible by converting the energy gained from the body into bioelectricity, essentially turning the Cruznik into a human battery. This is the pure element and is void of chakra. However it is equal in strength in accordance to rank to lightning based elemental ninjutsu. These nanos will turn the eyes blood red when activated. Also the hair will stand straight up in the air due to the heightened static in their very bodies. Black wings will erupt from their back and these will act as two towers and occasionally lightning will spark between both of them.
Abel Nightroad

Set 03

Side Notes
-It is speculated that they can be passed to offspring. In men the chance is supposedly 50% and the chance for a Woman to pass it on is 98%. If two cruznik mate, it is 99%. It has not actually happened yet so again, this is pure speculation. They would have the exact same properties as the nanobugs in the parents, and if both parents were Cruznik, they would have both sets, but would only be able to release each to 50% capacity, but could release both at the same time. However, this means they could only use Chunin Leveled techniques (B).

-The Nanos do have a drawback in that they have slight AI that is only geared towards destroying. Though they keep their personality as a whole and are still in complete control, When a cruznik releases, they will appear much more malicious then before and a sure fire killer intent will be felt. However, if they release to 100% they will lose all sense of themselves while the nanos are active and can not prematurely shut them off. They would have to be knocked unconscious or they will continue destroying things after their target is disposed of and this could include ones they love, whatever is nearest by.

- Are incapable of performing jutsu or sensing chakra. Likewise it is near impossible for them to be detected by chakra sensors unless they are very close to one another. Even then they will not appear as anything special as there is not enough to reflect their emotions, good or bad. It will just be slightly noticeable, like an ant among the grass.

-Each set comes with a weapon that is housed with in the Cruzniks body themselves and is bonded to them in a unique way. This will be further described when the weapons are applied for. However, they are not accessible unless the nanos are released, even at 30%. It will appear in the wielders dominant hand, though they can stop this from happening if they so wish, but they can not make it go back inside them until the release is cancled and then it will disappear with out even so much as a puff fo smoke.

-The "elemental" attacks produced by the nanobots are not in the elemental circle. This meaning they are not strong against any certain element nor or they weak against any certain one.

Current Members:
Abel Nightroad
Cain Nightroad

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Type of Kekkei Genkai:N/A
Rank: N/A

Description: N/A

Jutsu: (Will be made in individual lists)
Clan Traits:

Last edited by Faust Arp on Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:05 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Genetic Weapons: Invasion Project (Finished)   Genetic Weapons: Invasion Project (Finished) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 1:24 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Genetic Weapons: Invasion Project (Finished)   Genetic Weapons: Invasion Project (Finished) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 1:13 am

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