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Faust Zenjin Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Faust Zenjin

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PostSubject: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:37 am

Basic Information:

Faust Zenjin Hiei_by_kagura88gina
Name: Faust Zenjin

Nicknames/Aliases Saint Faust the Archangel

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Faust is quite short for his age. He only stands around the five foot marker, not counting his hair. He is fairly toned, being more lean then muscular, which insinuates that while he is as in shape as the next guy, he leans more toward being agile then raw strength. He is of a lighter complexion but not pale. His face tends to be stern or soft, with out really much of an in between, though he can show off expressions of all kinds while maintaining one of these two looks. His eyes are a crimson red and his hair is jet black with some white in it. His hair goes nearly into a point that also goes towards the back of his head rather then straight up. It resembles a spiky cone. Also upon his arm he has the tatoo of a black dragon wrapped around the forearm section. This is used in one of his techniques.

His dress is rather simple, yet retains a uniqueness that is quite recognizable. He wears a plain white sleeveless shirt that fits loosely against his body, not inhibiting it in anyway and is quite easily removed. Over this he wears a clock that has no hood which is completely black. and goes down to his knees. However on the inside it is a red that matches the bloody look of his eyes. He wers black pants that turn into white rolls that fit neatly against his shins but are baggy around his thighs. He finishes the look with black sandals. He also likes to have a pearl white scarf around his neck.

Personality: Faust's personality is quite rare and can be somewhat difficult to figure out. He does not broadcast his feelings very well, though this doesnt mean he is emotionless nor appear that way. He shows if in very subtle ways and more uses the aura that people get from being around him to reveal his true thoughts. It is usually easy to tell what he is thinking if you pay attention, though at first glance it might be missed.

He tends to be more of a quiet type in social situations, not really out going nor expressing himself. He is they type to sit in the corner more or less. He has few people he would consider friends, mostly because he distrusts and has a bad view of people as a whole. He is in belife that he is meant to be the judge of people, which isnt off the marker due to his logical brain and mindset.

In battle he can be quite ruthless, and often is very careful in how he picks his battles unless he is forced. Those he fights by choice are those who have angered him and violated the ideal he has for what honor is and should be. He can be quite chivalrous and denotes that respect is the display of a good man. Though he is not evil, he views humanity as such, and has chosen to exterminate them. This is merely due to his corruption of his upbringing in early years where they were taught to focus on the evils of man. His main priority is to dwindle down the human race to a very select few with pure hearts and damn the rest for their sins.

Last edited by Saint on Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:59 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:39 am

Name: Zenjin
Founder: The god Takobune
Location: Random monastery's around the world

The history of the zenjin is one separated completely from that of the rest of the race of men. Men in fact were around before the zenjin were truly, and they were not formed by a man, but specifically created by the god Takobune who they worship above all others. It was around the time just before the villages came into fruition. the world was nothing more then little bands, groups, clans even, of people that traveled the country side, or stayed in one selected spot. It was war torn though, with no cooperation or intercommunication amongst these separate groups. The lord Hakobune despised what he saw as he looked down amongst the men and took action of his own accord.

From the very likeness of man, to better protect them in sight, he crafted the first twenty or so up in the mountains around the area that now resides as Kumo. They were created of him, therefor having some of his traits, and being able to use his power. They formed a monastery and began to learn how to utilize these powers to the fullest potential, with clear instructions on what they were to do. Destroy man.

At first they targeted the smaller bands and clans, harnessing and perfecting their power. Just as they began to rise in power, though still secret, several of the larger clans began to form treaties and making plans to form civilizations where they could cohabitate and work together. The zenjin withdrew with in themselves, not ready to take on these alliances as they would be brought out into the light at that point. Having to take on one clan now meant taking on at least one other, if not several, all at the same time. So they devised a new plan. They vacated their monastery and separated, creating several monasteries around the world in secret locations that were well hidden. They have remained undercover for a long time. They train youth in their ways and giving them the tools needed to learn their way outside the monastery before sending them into villages to be shinobi there, working the system from the inside. There are very few of them at any one time, at the most five spread through out the world, often only two or three. They will sometimes return to their monastery's for re-guidance and certain prayers they can only learn from a teacher. And so they continue on their quest, though progress has been slow, they are just as determined as ever.

Special Info: This clan isnt really well known, and anyone who would be to state to know of their existence IC with out my explicit permission with out having interacted with and learned about it from my character will be a culprit of metagaming.

Requirements: Born Into
Current Members: Faust

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Holy Channel
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Prayer
Rank: D-S

A New Kind of Man
The zenjin are a new race of men entirely, genetically quite similar yet still set aside. Tying in with their history, the Zenjin were in fact created after the rest of the human race had been established, around the time of the start of the five great shinobi nations and villages. They were created in the likeness of men by the god Hakobune, the god of continuance (meaning a god whos spectrum includes the survival instinct, living well and in cohesion with others, and all in the desire to live on and valuing life.) The original members created by this god, as well of their decedents still alive today, are almost identical to men in every manner of their make up save one. They look just like men and can contract all the same ailments and die in all the same ways. They have all the same physical restrictions as well as possessing chakra. However their bodies can also act as a conduit of holy power delivered unto them by Hakobune for their devotion to him. This holy power is a gift given with each of their secret techniques they use and is near limitless. However it is still quite restricted due to their chakra which will be explained below.

The Zenjin have access to a holy power at their disposal which they do not possess themselves but use their bodys as a conduit to receive it from their lord Hakobune. Thus in theory the power is endless, though this is not the case due to other implications. But first to describe what a prayer is. Prayers are rites that a Zanjin can perform in the name of their lord to cause various effects upon the battlefield and even outside the battlefield to perform. They are induced by the use of reading "scripts." Scripts are almost poetic pieces of literature that are in fact excerpts taken from their own bible. After reading off a script the prayer can be used.

Given this, the manipulation of prayers etc are use not dissimilar to ninjutsu. Therefore they are all classified as ninjutsu techniques. Therefore, ninjutsu is a must for the characters main specialty.

The prayer is capable of being removed, however, it is not as simple a process as the use of kai on genjutus, though the method is similar. The afflicted must gather chakra to the section of the body that was hit by the soul fire, as this is the area of the osul in the conduit of the body was afflicted, in an amount equaling the rank of the prayer(s) they were afflicted with. Once this happens the chakra will remove the prayer from their soul. The chakra must then be in someway expelled from the body. This can not be done in the form of a jutsu, and will simply leave the body wiht no benefit other then having removed the prayer. For those with out chakra control, the task of this will require complete concentraion and an almost completely still posture. Those with chakra control shoudl have no problem continuing to fight while doing this, but will not be able to perform a jutsu at the exact same time as the removal process is going on.

The Soul Fire
The Zenjin have mastery over a unique creation of their lord Takobune that is unique and can only be produced on earth through their bodies due to the holy power with in them creating a new type of chakra, though it is not an element. It is more of an ying yang type charka but follows its own nature to an extent. The soul fire is completely black, and in some aspects behaves just like regular fire, while being different in several others. To begin with the fire is something that does not interact with physical construct, aka, the tangible universe. It is an intangible thing. It can pass through all physcial barriers with ease and no inhibition. However, due to the fact that it takes charka to conjure, it can be stopped by things that are imbibed with chakra mainly weapons and jutsu. However, the fire does not attack the charka system. Rather, it attacks the soul of the person, but not in the most typical way and not how one might assume. Rather, in order to have any kind of affect whatso ever, the soul fire must first be blessed with a prayer. The flame then, after making contact with someone, will "burn" the prayer onto their soul. It will not leave any marks nor cause any damage itself. Instead it will just cause a a feeling with in them, either a burning sensation or a slightly euphoric one, depending on the nature of the prayer. The soul fire must have enough chakra pumped into it in order to sustain that level of prayer. In other words. To use a B ranked prayer, the soul fire containing it must have a B ranks worth of chakra in it. The amount of time the soul fire can be conjured is set at 2 posts per D ranked chakra interval in the technique. This can be extended by 2 at the last post of the technique by sacrificing an additional D. This can be continued to extend this time if need be.

It is possible to use the soul fire with out actually blessing it. In this case, it still does nothing to cause real damage but can prove effective. However, on would probably have to devote most of the battle to using it in this way for it to have any kind of effect, typically used when they do not believe the opponent to be worthy of seeing the power of their god through prayer. When it is void of prayer, it will instead just burn the soul. While this does not cause any actual damage of any kind, it does cause pain when not collected with the holy power of the prayer. The pain varies. Though to be of any kind of real effect, the chakra level must be between B and S ranked, otherwise it will probably go unnoticed. At B rank it will just feel like the muscles in that portion are noted up and very contracted, more or less extreme soreness in the area that made contact or was struck. At A rank there will be real pain, This being about equal to that which is caused by contractions for a woman in the midst of child birth. While this can be quite painful, it is not the worst of it. At an S rank level with out prayer, the soul fire will ignite every single nerve cell of where the soul fire made contact, causing intense pain beyond what most people are used to handling. The effects of these last for ten posts at B it will be ten, A - 5, S - 3.

Delivering the Prayer
There are many ways that a prayer can be delivered. Through all of these require chakra based techniques, which in turn causes them to only have limited access to an otherwise limitless source. The prayers themselves do not take chakra, but creating the method in which they are developed do. This creates greater complexity. The ways are described as follows.

Using Light
Self: The user must use a technique which wraps themselves in the soul fire They can then bless the flame that surrounds them. Once the prayer has been properly prepped, it will sink into them, administering the prayer into themselves. In order to carry enough holy power for the prayer, it will take an amount of charka equal to the rank of the prayer to create.

On Another Person: There are several jutsu which allow for this, and to get more information you would have to read the jutsu that involve it. To sum up the process however, the user will use a jutsu to create soul fire into a form such as a sword or an arrow etc. They will then attempt to hit the target with the creatoin and if successful, will have the prayer burned onto their soul and its effects will occur unto them. It is important to recall that soul fire is not inhibited by things of physical nauture unless they have a chakra backing to them. However, if the soul fire technique is a higher ranked version then the opposing jutsu blocking it, it is possible it may go through it.

Using Seals
Additionally, the clan member can use seals as a conduit to transmit the prayer. The only big kicker to this is that the seal must be the same rank as the prayer being used. Additionally, the seal has to be either charged multiple times or "over charged" with chakra in order to use more then one prayer this way with out having to apply another seal. There is a different seal for every rank. It should be noted that the clan does not require fuuinjutsu as a specialty, however, in order to use the methods in this portion of the application, do.

Personal Seals: These are seals the Zenjin will place upon themselves in order to avoid having to use the method or using the light method in certain situations. Each time the seal is used for using a prayer, they have to charge the seal with chakra in order to use it for such purposes.

Direct Contact Seals: These seals must be applied directly upon the target in order to work. They are very limiting in that only one can be placed at a time and it disappears when all the charka is used up from using as many prayers. So typically these seals can only be used once and are the most difficult to administer. This can be circumvented by using more chakra to make it usable multiple times, but if the seal is not successfully applied, this becomes an extra waste and so is often a very difficult decision to make.

AOE Seals: Area of effect seals use the method of soul fire in turn with the prayer. In addition adding the chakra to the prayer, they will also seal soul fire into it. These are often placed on items or upon the ground or buildings etc. However, these seals take double the chakra to use and have multiple combinations for charka cost. This is because when activated, the seal will create a ball of the soul fire that is uninhibited by any physical barrier that extends out in accordance to chakra added in addition to the chakra needed to create the seal to apply the prayer. The range of this sphere go as follows in accordance to the additional chakra needed. It is to be noted that anyone and any number of people caught in this sphere can be affected the prayer, with an additional C rank per person caught past the first one.

E: 1 meter radius
D: 3 meters radius
C: 5 meters radius
B: 10 meters radius
A: 17 meters radius
S: 25 meters radius

Thine Guard of Heaven
Above and beyond this all, each member of the zenjin clan is bound to a guardian angel from the heavens that can assist them slightly in battle. They do this by fusing with the host and creating a slightly new being, though not highly altered in a large way. To start off the eyes become a gold color through out. This includes the whites of the eyes as well as the iris and pupil. They shine with a very timid light. They do not effect the eyesight in anyway. However, some changes occur in their body as the attributes of the angels body comes into play. As does the mind. The angel is both more physically capable and mentally intelligent then the host. However, it is still limited by the hosts rank and ability to connect with the angel, causing them to stay at a genin level if their host is genin. However they will be promptly faster and stronger, having tradedone of their recessive specializations for the weaponry trait in the field of archery (Bow 'n arrow). While in this form they will grow a pair of wings out of their backs which can have various purposes, namely flight. This will have to be described when creating an angel in their character app.

Genin: 5 posts
Chunin: 7 posts
Jounin/Special Ops: 10 posts
S Rank/Kage: 15 Posts

After this time period is up they will revert back to their normal state and be unable to use any of their prayer or light based techniques for a certain number of posts depending on their rank.

Genin: 4
Chunin: 5
Jounin: 6
S rank/Kage: 7


Soul Flame




Clan Traits:

The God-Disciple Relationship
The Zenjin clan worship a deity known as Hakobune. They worship this idol as their creator and protector, directly relying on his power for the application of abilities exclusive to their clan in exchange for their devout service. These come in various forms (to be explained in the KKG section.) To keep this connection going. They must pray once every other day for at least 15 minutes and once every seven days for three hours. They must also only act in the name of their lord, whether it be to kill or otherwise, and truly believe in their hearts that this is their calling for their god. Additionally, every one of their skills must be induced by a prayer. It can be used otherwise, but to force its use with out using the correct prayer would cut off all connection with their god and cease to be allowed to use their clans abilities.

Social Contempt
Being brought up at first life, when one is most impressionable, in the outside world away from the villages in various shrines strung out secretly across the world, they do not take care for society as a whole. They are taught that the world is corrupt and impure, to focused on their own advancements and self worth to be considered pure anymore. They are taught to believe themselves to be of a different standard, because in a way they are (read history for more info.) They have a dark outlook on humanity, though they hold life in the highest or regards.

Last edited by Saint on Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:16 pm; edited 7 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:39 am

Rank Information:
Skill Level: S Rank
Ninja Rank: Akatsuki
Village: Grass
Birthplace: Grass
Previous Village: Grass

Last edited by Saint on Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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Faust Zenjin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:40 am

Special Information:

Elements Affinity:
    Dominant: Katon
    Recessive: Raiton

Skill Specialty::
    Dominant: Ninjutsu
    Recessive: Fuuinjutsu
    Recessive: Weapnary - Sword

Special Characteristics

Last edited by Saint on Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:38 am; edited 2 times in total
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Faust Zenjin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:41 am

Points and Ryo:

Total: 305
  • Strength: 30
  • Dexterity: 105
  • Stamina: 75
  • Speed: 95

Total Stat Points Earned: 0
Mission Points Earned: 0

Last edited by Saint on Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:17 am; edited 2 times in total
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Faust Zenjin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:42 am


Clan Jutsu (Soul Fire and Fuuinjutsu)




Raiton Jutsu

Katon jutsu


Non-Elemental Ninjutsu


Seal Name: Ignika Seal
Wearer: Faust
Rank: S
Faust Zenjin Seal
Location of Seal: Left shoulder blade
Positive Effects: (See jutsu)
Negative Effects: (See Jutsu)
Transformation Effect: (See Jutsu)
Seal Info: Is used for the jutusu "Ignika Release: The Hero Awakens"

Quote :
Name: Holy Rite: Heed My Cry oh Lord
Rank: D-S
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: -
Description: These are seals that are placed upon a member of the Zenjin clan when they are ready. It symbolizes they are capable of using higher leveled prayers. To obtain it they must show worth in being able to handle higher ranked techniques. They will be placed upon the back from right shoulder blade to the left hip in a line of five seals when the line is complete. They allow the bearer to user to prayers upon themselves by funneling chakra into the seal and then using the prayer, of course using an equal amount in accordance with rank. The seals are as follows and are about the 3 inches in diameter.

Faust has the D, C, B, A, and S versions of this seal tattooed across his back. The appearances are as follows






Angel Transformation

Host: Faust Zenjin
Inner Angel: Micheal
Faust Zenjin 504
Script: Oh the Lord, may you hear my cry. The wicked have all by slain thine heart, your love and guidance needed now more then ever. Release thy mortal chains so that thine judgment may flourish."
Description: The transformation is not a very large one, and overall is more of an add on more then anything. However, it does take a B ranks worth of chakra to initiate. For starters, a black armor plate will appear on his chest and torso. This same material will cover his back and legs and lower arms. He will have Six wings arranged on his back grouped close together that are rather small that give him flight. The metal that makes up these materials provide an excellent defense. They are strong enough to take up to C rank taijutsu with no effect. A B rank would shatter it btu be stopped, leaving Faust exposed, while an A or S ranked would go straight through it and cause him a rank lowers worth of damage. The armor is light and keeps tight to his body, allowing him to keep his dexterity and speed. Also he loses the ability to use fuuinjutsu while in this form, instead allowing him to use a bow which will appear in his hand after the transformation is complete. In turn he will also have two swords that appear strapped to his left and right hip respectively. Additionaly, prayers are reduced by one letter rank in cost for their usage.

Weaponry and Items

Name of Weapon or Item: Kyanseru
Owner: Faust
Location: Across the back, slight diagonal angle, handle pointed toward his left, between lower back and hips, almost horizontal.
Rank: S

Description/Abilities:Faust's blade is a very peculiar make. It is unlike most others in numerous ways and is in fact fashioned to fit his fighting style perfectly. Each key part of Kyanseru means something specific and to go with out notice in most cases would be a lethal oversight. They provide subtle etremeities that other swords do not have and even in simple sparring matches, can lead to making a world of difference to an end unparalleled by most other blades.

Color - The blade of Kyanseru is colored all black, rather then having a silver blade. This emulates the teachings of shadow and going unseen. It does not glimmer and give off light. While this does eliminate the advantage of being able to potentially blind the opponent, it can be used to better use in dimly lit circumstances.

Size and Shape - The shape of the blade provides several advantages. For starters, it limits the ways the blade can cut in which manners. This creates a simplified design for specific purpose, which means that each strike must mean something. This aids in honing ones ability as a swordsman. Also as it is double bladed, meaning it has a blade on both sides and not just one, the range of a cut can be extended and faster offensive maneuvers can be made. It is also thinner then other swords, which allows for better penetration upon flesh. It is also thin enough that it can slip between a pair of ribs with no problem what so ever. Finally it is extremely dense and made of several components, too many to name. It is said to be an unbreakable blade.

Sweeping Strikes
These types of attack from this blade are extremely fast, and the fastest of all the basic maneuvers capable of a sword. However, as it is a large coverage area type attack, takes longer to complete, and is easiest to block. It also does not cut very deep with this strike, and is used for quick shallow wounds instead, used to slowly wear the opponent down.

Stabbing Strikes
These attacks are slower but in all actuality are harder to block because it makes the blade a much smaller target and is more focused. This is also the most lethal of the two strikes. That is because it creates more force and is capable of buring deep into the human body and creating much more internal damage.

Notch - It can be noted that in the center of this sword is an empty slot of nothing but air put into the design. The use of this is very simple and very beneficial. The notch is just big enough to allow the point of a sword of like weapon to pass through, but not wide enough that the whole thing can pass through and hurt him. This is an effective blocking technique in that it gives Faust some control over the opponents weapon by applying opposite force that is more difficult to counteract then the typical block from a sword. This is because it can effectively trap the blade and applys force from two sides and not just one, leaving the only really way to escape the turn of control by backing away and straight back.

Grip/Handle[ - The grip of this sword is very peculiar in that it is actually larger and different shaped. Normally being bigger would make it harder to hold. However, the grip is designed in several rings which allow the fingers better traction and thus better control over it. This allows for great acrobatic displays in swordsmanship and quicker reactions.

Effects Caused By Angelic Transformation
This aspect of the blade is perhaps what makes it most suitable to Faust and his style. The blade will change color, turning into a complete blue, but retaining all other aspects of the soerd mentioned above. This occurs as it is filled with holy energy, and becomes able to be blessed with out using the soul flame to do so. However, it still requires chakra to be funneled into the blade to do so. However, the charka cost will be one rank lower then normal due to the high concentration of holy power in the blade in this form.

History: This is a sword that Faust had crafted to fit his fighting style after he had become a missing ninja and before joining the akatsuki. He wanted something that was a bit of a trademark as far as weapons go. He used it in nearly all of his battles for the final blow, or to end the suffering life of an already fallen but not yet dead enemy. Its name, Kyanseru, otherwise known as cancel, is widespread known for its reputation of being the blade to end life and cancel out suffering and wickedness.

Appearance: Normal

Transformed State

Name of Weapon or Item: Suraikou (Sharp Lightning)
Owner: Faust
Location: Right hip
Rank: A

Description/Abilities: Suraikou is avery niffty blade and one that Faust quite enjoys having in his arsenal. It is a normal katan at first look, a thin silver blade with a square wrist gaurd and a black hilt. The blade does curve slightly toward its end. The blade is receptive to chakra and activates as soon as it is drawn, instantly draining a B ranks worth of chakra and continuing draining a B ranks worth of charka every 3 posts to remain active. This happens instantly unless the user is out of chakra. When it is activated, ble electricity will cackle all around the blade in various places, particularly the blade edge. and the back. The electricity acts as several small saw blades that make its cutting power a lot more effective. It is capable of cutting through all but S rank weapons and armors when activated. Also the back edge which is normally blunt, due to the electric current, is now capable of cutting as well. When the sword makes a cut, it will effectively numb the area first due to the electric field produced by the current on the blade. The numbness will only last for a post before and then the pain will set in, as it also leaves slight burns on the flesh where it sliced through. Additionally, by adding an A ranks worth of chakra into the blade, for just one post the current will increase drastically around the blade, completely enveloping the sword, and it will paralyze what ever limb it hits in a direction away from the heart. Meaning if it hits the elbow, it will only paralyze the elbow, wrist, and fingers, not the shoulder blade.

History:This is a sword that Micheal earned after having defeatead the lord and god known as Mikazuchi. The two had a battle so that Micheal could test his strength and see if he was capable of being a deity some day, and came out barely victorious. As a toekn to show that he had defeated him, he gave him this sword known as one of the most advanced blades of lightning ever created, symbolic as Mikazuchi is a thunder god.


Name of Weapon or Item: Tenkasai (Divine Fire)
Owner: Faust
Location: Left Hip
Rank: B

Description/Abilities: Tenkasai is a very unique blade. The main thing is that the blade is not sharp at any point, but is rounded off where the blades would have thought to have been. The sword in this way is more like a cudgel and such rather then a bladed weapon, but is labeled as a sword. The entire thing is made of a silvery material, and is not made of parts, its is one copmplete object expertly shaped. The hilt is purposely shaped in a cross pattern. The metal is chakra conductive for fire charka only. It activates whenever the user supplys it with a B ranks worth of chakra and continues to do so every 4 posts (it is not automatic like its sister sword Suraikou). When it is activated, the whole blade will be enveloped in flame, but this is not the true nature of the blade. The sword is made of such a soft material, that it will turn into a liquid state, only keeping the sword shape due to charka. The metal hot enougth to leave second degree burns where ever it passes. If it makes a strike, it will not cut, but instead will pass through it, leaving second degree burns upon wherever it landed, causing a good deal of pain to ever was unfortunate to feel its touch.

History: This is a sword that Micheal earned after having defeatead the lord and god known as Hiruko. The two had a battle so that Micheal could test his strength and see if he was capable of being a deity some day, and came out barely victorious. As a toekn to show that he had defeated him, he gave him this sword capable of becoming liquid fire, symbolic as Hiruko is the god of the sun.


Name of Weapon or Item: Bow of Transcendence.
Owner: Faust
Location:Appears in hand during angelic transformation.
Rank: B

Description/Abilities: This bow is a very unqique creation. It is made entirely of an unkown material that is a pale yellowish. It doubles as a qucik blocking device if applicable in the situation, able to block weapons up to B or A rank, depending on the properties of the weapon in question. It has no string or quiver of arrows that goes with it. This is because it is used for soul flame arrows. Beyond that it has no special properties.

History: The bow was gifted as Micheal's primary weapon from the lord Takobune. It was to be his trademark weapon, whether he used it or not, it was what he was known for. Micheal having a highly accurate line of sight and very good at archery. Though Faust does not use it nearly as much as his swords, it is still a trademark because it appears in his hand and is typicaly the first of the weapons he will use.


Name of Weapon or Item: Oniryouken Eye
Owner: Faust Arp
Location: In a jar that he carries with him hidden in a sealing scroll. The jar has a fluid to preserve the eye so that it keeps its properties as a dojutsu, in hopes of having it transplanted at a later date.
Rank: S

From Approved Sookato Clan App
Quote :
The eyes of the Sookato, as illustrated below, are completely black, so telling them apart from other ninja is not difficult at all unless they have their eyes covered. Many of them where strips of cloth or tinted glasses to hide this distinguishing feature. Some, with out care, choose to sport their eyes for all to see and recognize, not particularly caring who knows their clan before a battle begins, believing that it does not matter. The princible of the doujutsu is not exactly unique, and neither is the way it does it, however, the way it is presented, is. The eye is a sensory type eye, and is one of the most powerful of its kind. This is the only part of the clan that really changes with a ninjas rank. It has the ability to sense all types of chakra instinctively, being able to distinguish different types with out having to focus in order to sense anything. To a sookato this skill is just like seeing or hearing. It can help the sookato determine the nature of an attack by reading the chakra in terms of amount, type of chakra, chakra density, etc. All this does is provide subtle knowledge which could ultimately help counter it. However, the sookato would still need a fairly high IQ to piece together these bits of information in order for it to be useful in any way. Also it can obviously alert the ninja that they are in a genjutsu fairly quickly, as genjutsu is caused by chakra in the brain. It does nothing to prevent it but serves as a warning alarm. The shinobi must still have the skill to break free from it in order to break out. This can help a shinobi greatly by allowing him to 'see' what his eyes can not actually capture through images. The sensing of chakra is not seeing it, but is more like simply knowing its there, feeling its pressence. The basic skill is a universal one, but the Demon Hound Eye takes it to a whole different level unheard of amongst shinobi outside their clan.

D Rank: Locked
C rank: 5 Meters
B rank: 15 Meters
A Rank: 40 meters
S rank: 75 meters

Also, though it remains completley black at all times, the powers are not always active and the amount of time it can be activated varries by the users rank.

D Rank: Locked
C Rank: 5 posts/20 post cooldown
B Rank: 7 posts/15 post cooldown
A Rank 10 posts/10 post cooldown
S Rank 15 posts/ 5 post cooldown

Once it is activated it can be shut off before it shuts off automatically. If this is done the cooldown is decreased as follows as well as reduced time restrictions.

D Rank: Locked
C Rank: Up to 2 posts/5 post cooldown
B Rank: Up to 4 posts/5 post cooldown
A Rank: up to 5 posts/ 3 post cooldown
S Rank: up to 7 posts/1 post cooldown.

History: Faust obtained this after slaying of the surviving members of the Sookato clan known as Taku. He was about fifteen at the time, and was only A rank, which, at that point, so was Faust. Faust saw great use in the boys eye and frew attatched to the power it posessed and granted the wielder. And as such, he wished to make it his own. He now carries it with him, hoping to come across a medical ninja who would be willing to do the transplant for him, though his version of the transplant would be a slight bit different.

Appearance: Just a completley black eyeball, looks like a large marble.

Normal Weapons:
- 30 Senbon
- 7 Kunai
- 3 Shuriken
- 5 Sealing Scrolls (Capable of sealing five things with in each)
- 10 exploding tags

Name: Summoning Contract
Appearance: Normal Contract
Species: Rhino
Location: Travels with the herd gaurded by the rhino herd leader only can be signed if passed on with approval by current summoning master (Faust) and the rhino herd.
Required Sacrifice: Blood
Client(s): Faust
Contract Holder: Faust

Last edited by Saint on Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:21 pm; edited 25 times in total
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Join date : 2010-04-20

Faust Zenjin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:42 am


Name: The Neeva Brothers (Locked until S rank is achieved, if ever)
Rank: B
This summon is a group summon, meaning it brings forth more then one summoning. In total there are four. They are all typical white rhinos with no real visual differences. They are some of the most in shape of their kind physically however and stand at the healthy height of 6 foot at the shoulders. They are about 14 feet long. They have two horns, one large one at the end of their snouts which are about five foot long with a smaller horn behind that which is about two and a half feet long. They are quadruplets and look more or less the same. The differences are as follows; Kurama: Scar over left eye, Zaraka: Missing Tail, Faust: Missing his smaller horn, and Roku who is has no battle scars of any sort. The Neeva brothers are all quite hearty, having thick skin that takes very good piercing quality to get through and killing them is not easy. They have thick legs to support their weight. The downside to this is that though they can run up to speeds of 30 mp/h, they are not very agile and are fairly easy targets, also not being able to make sharp turns. They can also not go from full out speed to a complete stop due to the momentum caused by their intense weight. If they try they will just skid across the ground.

Contract Type: Blood
Species: Rhino
Speciality: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Special Abilities/Characteristics: n/a
Personal Information: The Neeva brothers; Kurama, Zaraka, Enzeru, and Roku are brothers and though they are twins and are almost identical to the eye. They have very seperate personalities. Roku is the leader of this heard, being the most reliable and easy to work with, being very intelligent and calm. Kurama is a bit timid and doesnt exactly believe in himself, but does not hesitate to act for fear of failing his brethern and does give it his best effort. Enzeru is a bit of a headache and a loud mouth when it comes to social situations and finally Zaraka is the clown of the lot, always having some kind of joke. Despite these differences, they all take their duty very seriously and when it comes time to battle they work together better then most teams do. Their primary goal is to create more problems for the opponent to focus on then they know what to do with and are mainly supplementary to an extent.

Faust met these summons by stumbling upon the rhino herd at the grass country in his teen years. They formed a strong bond due to his strong beliefs and steadfast faith. They respected him for his cause, understanding fully where he came from. However, as it was, they did not care to trifle in human matters and so he was at first only granted access to this B rank group summon. He was to never call upon any of the others unless the situation desperately required of it.

*NOTE* When using this summon, the summoner may not summon any other summons regardless of any special circumstances or traits.

Summons Jutsu:
Quote :

Name: Raiton Release: Fence-line Formation
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: This jutsu requires at least 2 of the Neeva brothers to be within close range of each other, ten meters max. The brothers will charge lightning chakra to their horns and build up a considerable amount of voltage and will begin to cackle with blue electricity. They will lower their snouts closer to the ground with their horns pointing straight up. The electricity will then spark and shoot out towards the others horn, they will be facing the same way, creating a wall of four streams of lightning. They will then charge around, the lightning sawing through anything that passes through the barrier. this is limited though, They must maintain a distance from each other equal to when the jutsu was cast. Also they will have to move in the same way at the same time. This jutsu can only be sustained for 3 posts. It can also be used with up to all four brothers to create a larger barrier.

Name: Lightning Release: Great Fortitude
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: The four brothers will form a circle about 20 meters in diameter. They will gather lightning chakra to their horns and lower them till the point is touching the ground. The current will then create arcs between each of them, creating the circle shape rahter then a square, and then will shoot inward to the middle of the circle at the same time. When it gets to the center of the cricle, it will shoot straight up in a pillar of electricity about ten meters high. At this point the electricity will just be in the pillar, not the spread across the ground. It will then shoot out towards the ground, creating a dome of electrical spears that fizz and overlap each other about ten meters in diameter, there will be no more pillar. The lightning both when creating the dome and when spider webbed across the ground is just enough to cause paralysis for a single post. however if they were to be hit bye the pillar of lightning that shoots upward, it would overload their body with electricity, paralyzing them for five posts and burning them badly at the point of contact and exit(part of the body opposite the point of contact). If any of the rhinos get their jutsu interupted, the pillar will not materialize and so neither will the dome by proxy and the jutus will end after the other portions meet in the middle.

Name: Lightning Release: Soft Defense Spark Touch
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: This is an extremely simple jutsu that causes the nervous system to overreact to the touch sensory nerves. Any time something applies a decent amount of pressure to the skin of the Neeva brother, a sharp spark of electricity will emit and shock the one who touched them, causing them to be paralyzed for one post if it is a living creature. This stays activated for three posts.

Name: Sendo
Rank: A

Sendo is your typical white rhino only with a few key differences. The first being that he larger in some aspects. He is about 20 foot long and about ten foot tall. Though he is noticeably taller and longer, and over all, bigger, he actually weighs about the same as a normal white rhino, and this is because he is much skinnier. His physical make up is much less bulky and more toned and slim. He is still a rhino though, so he has a good amount of weight and would be considered a large mammal, he is proportionality smaller then the average rhino in this aspect. This makes him much more agile and quicker then the average rhino. He can run a decent amount faster, 45 mp/h at top speed, and is capable of making better turns and avoiding things. The downside to that is he is not as burly or durable as other rhinos and so he is damaged more when he is hit. He is also missing BOTH of his horns. This however has been mended because a pitch black armored plate was fused to his head which has long black blades attached where his horns had been upon his snout. They stand at 7 foot tall in the front and the rear one is 4. The face plate extends and covers his neck as well, protecting it from forward and downward assaults. It stops just past the shoulders.

Contract Type: Blood
Species: Rhino
Speciality: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Fire
Special Abilities/Characteristics:
Flaming Hide
The hide of Senod is much different then that of most other rhinos. The main difference being that it is flame resistant (not immune). This gives a slightly better defense against fire, being able to withstand intense flames that arent directed to attack him through jutsu for a while longer then other people, depending on the intensity of the flame. It is also chakra conductive, but only to Katon based chakra.
Personal Information: Sendo is a very good friend and very loyal to Faust. He plays to primarily distract opponents. He does this with his superb speed which makes him hard to get, but if he is ignored, will be able to land a quick and powerful hit. This coupled with his fire makes him very formidable. He is not cocky at all but can get very intense. His voice is not deep nor is it girly. It holds a demand for respect, not because he requests it, but his whole demeanor proves he deserves it.

This was the first A rank summon that Faust got control of. He was in a battle with an opponent who seemed to be superior to he in the rice country. He had even used the Neeva brothers, but to no avail, their formations were seen through. Knowing he was not supposed to do so, he had enough chakra for another summoning and a few lower ranked jutsu. To his avail, he forced an A ranked level summon, Sendo. At first Sendo was disappointed that he had been called but quickly realized that Faust had had no other choice. He agreed to aide him and the two managed to bring down their opponent. Sendo, taking a liking to this new human, welcomed him to summon him forth whenever he so desired before disappearing. However, as part of this agreement, Sendo forbade Faust from summoning the Neeva brothers in exchange. This was reinforced by the herd as the Neeva brothers were forced to comply and refused summoning calls by Faust shoudl they have ever occurred.
Summons Jutsu:
Quote :

Name: Katon Release: Convergence
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire
Description: Using this jutsu, Sendo will completely cover his body with fire. Its mainly just a look but also has some beneficial effects as well. The first being that it will protect from C rank and below katon and suiton jutsu. It will also keep all futon jutsu at bay, but will in turn cause the flame to increase, burning sendo as follows: E-C 1st degree; B-A, Second Degree; S, 3rd degree. It will also allow him to run across water by evaporating the water and creating a small upward push on his foot to keep him up. He must be going at least half speed to accomplish this. Anything less and he will sink. This jutsu can only be maintained for four posts with a two post cool down or it will burn him.

Name: Katon Release: Thundering Herd
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire
Description: This jutsu is an advancement of the Convergence jutsu. The base convergence jutsu will be used to envelop sendo in a veil of fire. He will then pulse this fire forward while leaving a layer yupon him, creating a likeness of him of complete flame three times which will then charge forward and dissipate after having gone 20 meters. After the third one is created the protective veil created by convergence will be no more.

Name: Katon Release: Earth Swim
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire
Description: This is Sendos most basic jutsu. It simply allows him to channel fire charka into his hide, heating it up considerably. It gets so hot that he is able to cut through the earth like a fish through the water, the heat plus the force of his body allowing him to cut through the earth like a knife through butter. He typically sinks to a low enough point where only his horn/blade are above the surface. He will then glide around, trying to slice things open with it. Can only be maintained three posts and then requires a one post cool down.

Name: Dageki
Rank: A

Dageki is the elder brother of Sendo. They are about the same height and length though he is a it smaller, 18x9. Dageki however has his both of his horns and is void of any serious battle scars. The main difference between the two, aside from the fact that Dageki is a teal color rather then white, is his physical make up. Rather then being skinny and such as Sendo, he is actually a tad bit larger in proportion then most, making him the most durable and defensively capable of all the rhinos. This is increased because he too has armored plates attatched to his body, only his are grey and he has a lot more of them (he is not missing his horns). He has one upon his face, this one also goes over his neck and shoulder blades. Here it connects with another one which is over his hump and the rest of his back which has metal studs lining where the spine is. There are also plates on the front half covering the whole length of each leg. However he is actually slower, 30 mph being his top speed, and he is less agile. His horns are the same length as the blades his brother has in their place, 7 and 4. He also has a much thicker tail which is covered in armor as well with a metal ball with spikes sticking out at all angles, giving him a large mace, the ball being about 1 yard in diameter and each spike being about two feet long.

Contract Type: Blood
Species: Rhino
Speciality: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Special Abilities/Characteristics:
Personal Information: Dageki is one of the council three of the rhino herd, thus he is currently the most powerful of Faust's summonings. He is a born leader, though he can be quite off putting as far as his persoanlity goes. He is quite strong and has a good head on his shoulders, having an intelligence that even surpasses his summoners. He fits the role of 'tank' in battle. Relying more on his abbility to be able to take multiple blows and keep going rather then being capable of inclicting much damge thanks to his slow nature. However if he builds up momentum there is not much that can stop him. His primary role is defense. He is quite good at it and the main strategy used with him tends to be exhaust the enemy by forcing them to attempt to take him down so that the summoner can move in for a heft blow.

The two met by complete accident, though in similar ways that Faust and Sendo met. He had in fact meant to summon Sendo, who was unfortunately unavlaible at the time. Therefore he received Dageki instead, much to his surprise. He agreed to help him just this once because of the pact his brother had made and the two managed to fulfill their goal after about an hour. Before leaving, he agreed that he would be at Faust's disposal at any time due to his honorable nature.
Summons Jutsu:

Quote :

Name: Lightning Rlease: Rolling Thunder
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: This is a multi step jutsu that can be quite devastating. Using his more compact then most rhino shaped body, he is capable of rolling into a ball (armadillo style) and rolling around attempting to use his size to crush things or people. As he rolls he also emits a static discharge which creates an electric sphere around him that cackles around his body of blue lightning. This is fairly weak, only capable of stunning the target for a brief second however, it is to catch people who would otherwise barey miss getting hit by him, giving him a brief moment to slightly alter course and nail them.

Name: Ripple Charge
Rank: B
Type: Taijutsu
Element: -
Description: Using this jutsu, Dageki will lay upon the ground in such a way that his underside is flat with his legs tucked in. He will srcrunch up his body to the point where only his metal armor plates are showing, with a few small patches of hide shoing through on the sides. He will then channel his chakra under him, causing it to ripple much in the way a snakes muscles contract etc for movement, allowing him to still move across the ground. This happens at an extreme speed, sending him flying across the ground faster then most rhinos are capable of traveling, about 40 mph. However, he can only move in a straightline and it only goes for about 30 meters.

Name: Raiton Release: Earth Divide
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: This is a very powerful jutsu and is the one that Dageki is known for. He will first Raise up onto his hind legs until he is nearly vertical. As he does this he will gather lightning chakra to his feet, which will begin to cackle with blue electricity. He will then crash down onto the ground at an immense speed, continuing to gather lightning chakra to his feet. When he crashes down, it will leave a small crater where they impact and will launch out the lightning chakra It will create two blasts of Raiton that shoot straight out and are about five meters tall. They will shoot outward for about a meter and then start curving and criss crossing each other as they move forth, causing a double helix pattern about 5 meters across at its widest point. This will go for about twenty meters, and take only a single post to complete from the time he begins to raise till the lightning reaches its end point and fizzles out, thats how fast it is. Anything hit directly by the blasts will be sliced apart and possibly die. Anything caught in the middle of the double helix created will be shocked during their next post due to the static build up caused by the two pure formations of lightning.

Name: Raiton Release: False Darkness
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: Dageki emits lightning in the shape of a spear from his mouth, which then pierces the enemy. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock, meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by adding an additional C rank amount of charka per extra spear. This makes it very difficult to evade. The spear(s) will remain connected with his mouth until the jutsu ends and has a range of ten meters.They do not have to move in a straight path. This meaning that Dageki to control it to some degree though sudden and snap decision turns are difficult due to the high velocity of the technique.

Background Information/ RP Sample

History: Faust was born in Grass country, however, he was not recognized as a citizen. In fact, in the beginning of his life, the civilized world (villages and governments etc) did not even have him listed to have existed. No he was born off in the wilderness in a monastery built into one of many hills. It was here the was the source of his upbringing and turned him into the creature he is today. This is because the monastery in question was a Zenjin one, and being born into it, meaning he was one of them, a Zenjin, and so had the power that can only be granted by a god flowing through him. More then just a bloodline or a KKG, their power was known as a birth right, something they, the chosen people, had been given so long as they remained faithful.

And so he learned the faith from day one. His whole being devoted to mastering the scriptures, memorizing them and understanding their meaning, and also understanding the cause for which they worked for. It was drilled into his head like a white hot poker with no defense, his mind being young, and very corruptible to any such notion or mannerism of life, be it good or evil. Of course that all being a standpoint, of what is good and what is bad, his standpoint of bad was increased and focused on most heavily, taught mostly only the treachery of most humans and the disgusting nature of the race. He was taught some good, but the tolerance of a Zenjin for any wickedness of any kind is overall very low, depending on the circumstances and the concept of just cause.

This continued untill he was about 9 or ten years old, the exact time not entirely certain as they did not keep records such as birth certificates. He was fully prepped with prayers he was already capable of using as well as a basic concept of the usage of his soul flame. He was not to be to advanced to maake the ploy believable. He was going to become a shinobi of the grass country, and learn more proper ways to be a ninja, and get a grasp for the outside world in this way. This was a crucial part in his training. He was in fact the first in all of history to be deployed to Kusa. Others had been sparingly deployed around the world, none of them ever growing to much fame, often being eventually labeled criminals and religious lunatics and forgotten soon after.

Faust knew he was going against the world, and that s a ten year old boy with minimal combat knowledge, he would need to bide his time to an extreme extent, several years till he woudl ever feel comfortable making his move. This mission was going to take his entire life and he probably would never see its end, but he could be a stepping stone for the rest of his kind. He was given no doccumentation, and set off on his way as a traveler who had wondered the world with his mother and father and was now seeking village refuged, using this to possibly, just maybe, infiltrate the grass village as one of their own.

And so he set off, and surprisingly, on his way, met up with another wanderer who just so happened to be looking for a place to call home and practice the ninja arts. Faust learned him to be of the Sookato clan, a clan who had formed their own seperate village that had been destroyed by an unknown force. So They traveled together to the grass village, where they became accepted under condition they fought for their shinobi army after being trained. Being that was both their goals, for two seperate reasons, the two quickly complied.

After showing that they had the basic concept of being a shinobi down, the two were given a quick two week crash course in the basic jutsu taught in the grass academy. It could have easily been accomplished in a day or two, but they wanted to be professinal about it, and additional training never hurt. The two were then placed in the same team as gebub under a jounin leader who was proficent in genjutsu and another genin who was a weapons master who enjoyed bladed chains.

Faust quickly decide to begin his mission and to see how well he could do to judge people and get away with the punishment side of it all. After a few missions and months of observation, he deduced that both Taku and his jounin leader were good men who believed in honor and were almost noble in their own right. The third team member was not however. He was a sadistic boy who liked to play with his food so to speak. Originally his plan was to get him alone on a mission as a pair and pull it off as a casualty of war, but when he was informed that they were being enrolled in the chunin exam, he saw a path to use the wickedness to his advantage to progress and hopefully kill him off at the same time.

They entered and did exceptionally well, making it to the final rounds at a very quick pace. It was jsut one other team that got past the second exam, leaving six to the third which was a mini tournament, as always. Using methods unknown, he rigged it so that he would face his team mate in the very first round. He played the regret, but his team mate was estatic, having always detested the kind and peaceful nature of his other two team mates.

The two squared off and began, and the battle feel perfectly in to Faust's hands. His plan was easy, and it was his opponent who did all the work of kill himself with due acceptance. His anger and sadism made him full willing to kill Faust, and so he did his best, openly showing off his intent to kill. Again he played hesitant at first, but after getting a clear order from his jounin leader which everyone heard, he proceeded to end the lift of his once comrade. It had played perfectly. He had made the kill, in public even, and had done it in a way that was socially acceptable in the shinobi ranks, and his cover remained.

After the exam he was complimented by Taku and his sensei on a job well done. They continued through the rest of the matches, but nothing had been as interesting as team mate killing team mate and being ordered to do so. The matches ended finally and the now five combatants stood before a panel to receive the verdict on who had passed and who had not. They waited anxiously as the results were explained before what they were was actually revealed. At last they called out the names, and Taku and Faust were the victors. They had been official Shinobi for less then a year and they had accomplished something great. Also as both having achieved chunin, there was no need to replace their fallen comrade to keep a full 3 man squad of a genin team.

And so years went by quickly for the two, both staying on top of one another and forming a tight friendship. They even became jounin together at the age of 14. Shortly after, their sensei died, and they were the only two left of the legacy. They did not take a team though, not planing on doing so until the other died so that their legacy could live on if need be. At about the age of fifteen, his first status report was up. It was time to return to the monestary for a week to present his success so far on his mission, complete with kill count which was quickly raccking up in the hundreds. He left with out a word, he was only going to be gone for a few days, a week tops.

He arrived back at his usual home and was welcomed with hearty arms. Up till that point they werent sure if he woudl be dead or not, and were thrilled to learn he had become a chunin. A small feast was held in his honor. The next day fresh and early he was tested to prove his continued devotion to their lord Takobune. This was complete with knowledgeable of alll scripts and that he could still successfully manipulate the soul flam and cast prayers, things only possible if he kept the faith.

He passed with outstanding marks and so he was allowed to give his status report, now certain that he had not forsaken their creator and lord Takobune. It was in the middle of his report on those he had killed as well as reasons behind their wickedness that an unexpected visitor appeared, interrupting the proceedings. His name was Taku, and he was Fausts team mate. He was very curoius as to what the hell was going on, having followed him and observed, and now directly confronting him. Great displeasure was had from the council. Faust after much arguing sent him on his way. It was not but fifteen minutes later, that the order came.

He was to kill the intruder. He had found them and could expose them to the world. Faust fought them tooth and nail on it but they would not listen. It had been issued and it was final. The kill was to be made, and he was the one to make it. After that he was not to return for another five years for another status report, and keep his place in Kusa. Lowering his head in defeat, he set off after his team member, his upbringing to the lord to great to ignore. He found Taku with ease and prepared to fight him. The two exchanged words, and his despair was obvous, even his most profesional manner unable to compose his brotherly love for the man before him, the great Sookato warrior.

He couldnt do it, and the two imbraced. A moment later, Taku was dead, but it had not been Faust. It was an assassin the monastery had sent after them. The assassin explained that thought Faust was loyal, his good nature and feelings for the man had been suspected to have turned out as they did, so reinforcement had been provided. It was of no consequence and it was forgiven. He proceeded to begin the burning of the body, an honorable burial. It was for this notion that Faust did not kill the assassin, understanding full well the place he was in. He just asked one momento be kept, and it was granted. He procured the right eye of his deceased friend, and sealed it away, ensuring to preserve it later on.

The burial commenced and Taku was cremated. The two Zenjin said their good byes and on his way back to Kusa, he stopped at a contacts house he preserved the eye for him so that it would never falter and die. He was advised to take its power, but at the time he could not bring himself to do so. He just wanted to keep his friend with him. Faust continued back to his village where he was met in a very unexpected and hostile manner.

There were gaurds waiting for him as well as the head of the village himself, and to great shock, the assassin. The crime was read out, he was being framed He met eyes with the assassin and knew instantly. It was set up. His suspicious leaving was what had sealed the deal. The village would not take his word. And sot they tried to take his life, but he was to good for them. Again he understood the position of the others and bore no ill will on them for it, their actoins were justified, aside from the assassin. It was then he changed his views. His love of Takobune did not waver, but the monastery was no longer a priority, they were an enemy, corrupted by money and their own secretiveness, no longer capable of running under the own law and philosophy.

After only killing the assassin and suffering some minor wounds from other jounin, he deserted, still determined to fulfill his quest and promise to Takobune. He was not allowed to die, not with out doing everything to prevent it, this would send him straight to hell and he was not about to endure that torture. Instead he kept his mission going by taking the officail money making missions clients offered and made his living as a hermit.

When he was about seventeen he came across a man named Riku in his travels whom he found most interesting and similar in philosophy too. He learned of the organization Akatsuki and the new world order he was trying to bring. It was like a sign from god, akatsuki was his place. He joined and so he has remained under Rikus order from that day. As time progresses, the idea to implant the eye has become more and more of a reality.

Role-Play Sample:

Towa breathed a sigh of relief. His absence had not caused alert thanks to his delivered message though the fool of an Aburame, Kasou and his subordinate genin. That ploy had been all to easy to produce. No doubt they still thought Faust was alive and on his mission as well. The trust this place had for anyone they believed to be a comrade would surely be its downfall in the not so far off distant future. He had to hand it to them though, the determination of heart that took was something to be applauded. However, they put to much stake in it and forsook their intellect. It was their own loss.

He now stood just inside the gates, having passed through with his ANBU unquestionable security code. He realized another flaw in the defense system. The ones who guarded the gate were chunin, yet had knowledge of ANBU material. That could present a problem later on. Of course, he knew it would work to his advantage later on. For now he just wanted to check up on things to create a status report for his true alliance. For now he would play the warrior back from a long trip. It had been months since he had been here.

He took his time gettin to the one place he was searching for, the best position to be in to survey how the village was doing. The mission board. He would partake in a series of local, seemingly to simple for him to take missions, to get inside information, see how the people felt. If there was any unrest amongst them or animosity of any kind, he would take note of it. This job was sure to pay off well in the sense of knowledge, and of course a little bank in his pocket was never a bad thing.

He found himself before the board before long, surveying the several post it notes displayed there, determining which to take. Often the kage himself would deliver missinos to someone of his status, but these were the piddly ones that didnt matter as much. There were still some higher ranked ones, but the importance and security level of these were almost null. He looked for several minutes with out finding any one that really caught his eye. Of course this was just work, but he wanted to have a little fun with it all the same. Well fun wasnt really the word, but a challenge of sorts.

Then he saw it. He knew instantly that this was the one he was going to take on. It was a low mission, C ranked, but a familiar name was written across as the issuer of the mission. Shiouin Uchiha. Jackpot. This was that snide Uchiha boy who was with Kasou when he had delviered his message, the one who had set the trap he had so easily disarmed and thrown in his face. He was curious. Chunin huh. It had only been a month or two since they had last met, and he was no where near chunin level then. He knew one thing. The leaf did not just hand out promotions. There chunin exam usually only had 1 or 2 graudates tops. Often times it was zero. He knew that in this time, there had not been an exam established, so he must have been upgraded by the kage himslef. That was most impressive. His interest peaked. He ripped it off the board and read the further instructions.

The training grounds in just one hour was the deadline. He shook his head,. Had he not come along, the mission may not have been taken at all and the Uchiha boy would have been stuck sitting there all morning with no one to practice his genjutsu on. He set off at once.

50 minutes later, He arrived at the trainig area, the mission maker no where to be seen. He still had ten minutes. Towa suspected he woudl be on the dime with his arrival. He had a new hair color, though it was all spiked as when he had it outside the village acting in his true nature. IN the village as a Konoha shinobi, he typically had it tied back and black. Now it was all frayed and out of whack and a blazing dirty bloinde. He was wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts with no shoes what so ever. He had a cigarette in his mouth as well. THere was no clue that he was the same guy that had been int he rice country a month ago.

As he waited, his weight was held differently. Not businesslike, but lazy and laid back. Carefree fi you will. He had a cocky smirk on his face as well. He was portraying someone entirely new. Someone who at first look appeared to be worthless and all togethere didnt give a fuck. A snotnosed brat who youd assume had a 16 year olda attitude and brain. He was ready.

Last edited by Saint on Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:13 am; edited 8 times in total
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Faust Zenjin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:42 am

Public Profile
Name: Faust Zenjin
Faust Zenjin 9-67
Village: Grass
Organization: Akatsuki
Rank: S
Age: 18

  • Self declared holy man
  • Known as "The Saint"
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PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 11:59 pm

Completion Bump, I believe GN wanted to look this one over
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 3:10 am

Approved unless said otherwise.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 3:24 am

Lifeanddeath will give the second look around and final approval
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Faust Zenjin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 1:12 am

Quote :
At an S rank level with out prayer, the soul fire will ignite every single nerve cell of where the soul fire made contact, causing intense pain beyond what most people are used to handling. The effects of these last for ten posts, regardless of rank.

How exactly is it the same post count regardless of rank, considering

Quote :
. To use a B ranked prayer, the soul fire containing it must have a B ranks worth of chakra in it.

If the chakra amounts vary the time of effect will vary.

The AOE seals: do they require an additional cost per person within the area?

Add a post length to all the creations [sword, shield, dragon, etc] for soul fire

The Divine Needle has Chosen Make this C rank

Shadow Sunder If all light is reflected then the target would also be blind, given that the eyes need to absorb the light to see.

The Judged Remain Blind Lower the time or up the rank: five posts is easilly enough time to kill someone who cannot see you. Also, how does this effect things such as the Sharingan’s minor chakra detection or the Byakugan

Grip of Inner Turmoil This would be A if not S

Holy Bind of the Saints up to A rank

The Monks Defense: Altar Truth[b] A B ranked tech would protect against C rank and below items/jutsu and broken by a tech of equal power [B rank Sword would be able to break it but not harm] A rank would be able to break and harm.

[b]Reversal Process: Quick Save
How long does it take to heal the injuries?

Wicked Souls Hellacious Flame Would be S rank

The Field of Gold Lower to 5 posts

The last issue I have wit the clan that once you are within the prayer there is no way to avoid it’s effects. Which makes it akin to a Genjutsu that cannot be Kai-ed out of.

Rising Flame, Seal of Entrapment Adjust rank to B-A with the A relating to the effects on animals
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Faust Zenjin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 2:05 am

archive i suppose, i guess i just have to make a new character
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PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 2:07 am

Archived per user request
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Faust Zenjin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 10:31 pm

- Time post intervals put in on pain caused by more advanced soul fire

-Time put in for soul fire based on post and chakra

- C rank per additional person after the first

- Ranks and post counts fixed to your specifications

- Shadow sunder doesnt cause all light to be reflected, it causes it to not be reflected, which means the light still gets to my eyes and me, but like with a black shirt it is absorbed by my whole body. The reason this will not make me go blind is that colors caused by objects, aka the things i will already be reflecting individual color wavelengths, and so will still be readable by my eyes.

-Judged remain blind will not affect the byakugan as it can see through things. As the sharingan, so far as i know, must take all its information through the tomoe or pupil and can not see through things, this including the chakra seeing business, will not be able to use these effects. These are more or less covered by the description of their own kkgs.

- Monks defense, made it to where only protects from C rnak and below ANYTHING including weapons and even b rnak will harm me, as this is more of a downside to it for me i dont think that should be a problem.

-Revsal process quick save takes 1 post per square foot

-For new countering method see last paragraph in the section titled "Prayer" (Not the jutsu)

- Rising Flame, Seal of Entrapment adjusted
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PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 10:35 pm

Alrighty, approved unless said otherwise.

If I am informed of metagaming the weakness during an RP it will be dealt with.
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PostSubject: Re: Faust Zenjin   Faust Zenjin I_icon_minitime

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