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Yuzuki's NPC, Akuro [[Done]] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Yuzuki's NPC, Akuro [[Done]]

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Yuzuki's NPC, Akuro [[Done]] Empty
PostSubject: Yuzuki's NPC, Akuro [[Done]]   Yuzuki's NPC, Akuro [[Done]] I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 10:35 am

NPC To:Yuzuki
Name: Ippu, Akuro
Nickname/Alias:Akuro-san, Oba-san (By Yuzuki)

Age: 54
Age Appearance: 50

Akuro looks like a woman with high authority. She looks intimidating to most children and other adults. Akuro's face has been aged with time, showing wrinkles when she frowns and when she doesn't frown. She usually wears a scowl on her face, her red-painted lips cracking each time she does.

Her eyes are an intimidating ice-blue, which look white in the sunlight. Her black hair has visible streaks of white, and is tied in a bun and held up by chopsticks.

Akuro is tall, reaching to the height of five-foot nine. She's physically fit and has some muscles from past ninja-work. She has a few cuts and bruises on her back, right hand, and left leg: all from battle and ninja training.


Skill Level: A-ranked
Ninja Rank: Jounin Retired Ninja

Village: Konoha
Birthplace: Konoha
Previous Village: Konoha

Akuro plays the role of the crabby old lady who lives in the village. She is a perfectionist and won't let anything other than the best be at her presence, resulting her into having very petty arguments about choosing a team. She is very prickly and strict. She's dominating and would always want things to go her way. Akuro is also bossy, and will continue to boss someone around until he/she does what she wants.

Akuro is also over protective and can be very paranoid about those she cares about. She centers her world on Yuzuki, and Yuzuki alone. She absolutely refuses for anybody to get close to Yuzuki. She believes that she is the only person who Yuzuki can trust, and will find a way to sabotage the other person.

Akuro makes sure she's intimidating when she needs to be, and will use all forms of intimidation. If she can't intimidate someone to do something, she'll resort to manipulation. And if she can't manipulate, she'll resort to threats.

Akuro is also the ninja who kills without hesitation. Due to this she has been feared by many of her generation. Akuro will kill those she has been ordered to kill, or those who carry a secret she does not want known.

Goals: Protect Yuzuki, Keep her "secret" from Yuzuki
Alignment: Neutral

Canon Personality: -

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Taijutsu
Recessive: Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Doton
Recessive: Katon

Akuro was born to a strict family. She was the first child of two of Konoha's best jounin. Because of this, she was taught to live up to her parent's skills and knowledge. Even when she was a baby, she was expected to be someone great. Akuro was pushed harder than any normal toddler. She was made sure that she walked at an even earlier age than usual. She talked when other baby's couldn't. And she was trained hand seals when other baby's were playing.

She was pressured into living the life of an elite ninja. Her parents would show no love to her, but instead pushed her into training. She'd get small congratulations and praise if she did something fairly well, but other than that, she received nothing but kunai knives and shuriken.

Her parent's dreams for her were to make her a Hokage for the village. They started allowing her to train academic jutsu when she wasn't admitted to join the academy in a young age. They permitted her to leave the house to train alone. They left her in forests, making sure she found her way back.

When she turned five, her mother had a nervous break down. It turned out that her mother was pregnant, but lost the child due to the result of a mission that went bad. Her mother started going crazy, and saw babies everywhere. Akuro was pressured into making sure that the house still ran smoothly, even at a young age.

When she turned six, her parents entered her into the academy. There, Akuro surpassed the students. Since she knew the academy jutsus, she didn't have to work as hard but gave in effort anyways. The teacher, was impressed by her results and decided to train her privately after class. Her father was happy with this result.

When she turned seven she graduated the academy as a genin, and her parents had a surprise for her. A new baby sister who her parents adored more than the world itself. They named her sister, Shinju. Shinju was the beautiful child who couldn't possibly be a ninja. Their parents spoiled her, they allowed her to go through life the easy way. Her mother treasured her and showed obvious signs of favoritism. It was obvious it was because this was her mother's special child. The child she didn't want to lose.

Her sister wasn't trained to be a killer-ninja, instead her parents told her to become a medic-ninja, their little nurse. While Akuro was going through harsh genin training, her sister was being given fantasies of being a wonderful healer. This made Akuro push harder, wanting to train for the chuunin exams harder.

She passed the chuunin exams when she was ten. There she learned about the values of teamwork and other values she needed to know. She completed and went on many dangerous missions, including missions that normal chuunin shouldn't go on. She trained with the best ninja of her generation, her dream of being Hokage might actually come true.

When her sister became a genin 9 years later, Akuro was a successful jounin. She lead an even better squad. She was given permission to lead her sister's squad. She constantly put her sister and her teammates down, but was actually surprised with their results. Her sister was good at chakra control, far better than Akuro herself was when she was a genin.

Due to this, Akuro was jelous and made sure her team got the worst and most dangerous missions. She tried getting her sister killed numerous times, and was made sure her sister was embarrassed at least once during a mission. She detested her sister and called her a weakling, when she infact was jealous.

Then it happened. Her parents switched their ninja views from Akuro to Shinju. They saw potential in her, great potential. When her chuunin exam passed, they thought that she could be the next Hokage. Akuro's love for her parents were greater than the desire to kill Shinju, but she was indeed very jealous. Because of this Akuro made sure that Shinju didn't do so well on her missions, even risking her own village for the sake of her sister's humility.

She robbed her sister of scrolls, equipments, and weapon. She stole her notes, her bingo books, everything that gave her an advantage. Even money was something she took from her sister. She made sure that her sister bought things she didn't need, and waste them when her sister wasn't looking. She made sure Senju's medicine kits were disorganized and switched the pills and bandages around.

Her plan succeeded and her sister's life was going around miserably. Senju failed her jounin test when indeed she had the capabilities to be one. Akuro stopped tormenting her sister and instead she started treating herself better, a prize for winning her game. She focused on herself more, and not on Senju, instinctively knowing that her sister will never succeed at being Hokage.

She began making sure she looked prettier. She focused on appearance just as much as she focused on skill. By the age of 35, Akuro was engaged to a handsome young lad from Kirigakure. He was a good ninja, Akuro gave him that. But she made sure that his skill wasn't as good as her's. She decided to introduce him to her family.

But when her fiance and her sister met, she obviously felt the connection between the both of them. Her fiance began to spend more time with her sister, helping her with her ninja training. He even got her to retake the jounin test again, this time having her succeed. They had a secret romance, and when Akuro found out she threw a fit.

She caught them kissing in Ichiraku's and with that she made sure they were both thrown out of the village. She spread fake lies and rumors about her sister and fiance, the gossip was so bad that Senju and her fiance both fled the village. Akuro filed her sister as a missing-nin. And when Senju was filed as a missing nin, that gave Akuro permission to kill her.

She couldn't grab a reason to kill her ex-fiance though, and this frustrated her. She searched far and wide for the both of them. Focusing on killing the two of them rather than her parent's dream of being hokage, removed her chances of actually being Hokage. She refused the title when opportunities were knocking at her door, and concentrated more on her grudges.

She found them four years later in Kirigakure with a baby girl. Akuro fell in love with the child and adored her like her real parent's would. She found out that the name of the baby was Yuzuki and she was a very special little girl. She watched Yuzuki for years, observing her growth and habits.

She had a new goal now: to take Yuzuki away from her parents. It wouldn't be easy considering her parent's ninja training. Together, the three of them could take her out in a single whack. She needed a plan.

She read files for information in Kirigakure with the permission of the Mizukage. There she found out her fiance's kekkei genkai, and that he should be killed because of it. She arranged a ninja-party to take out the two parents.

During the killing-spree she knocked out Yuzuki and with the help of the Mizukage's jounin she killed both her parents in one night and scribbled her address on a sheet of paper and put it on her sister's hand. She made sure Yuzuki found it. She also paid the Mizukage a high amount of money to keep the secret and to make sure Yuzuki doesn't get killed by the Mist ninja.

Yuzuki came to her house after a couple of days. By then, Akuro retired herself from being a ninja. She concealed any information of Yuzuki's parents and any facts leading her to the murder of Yuzuki's parents. In a year she made sure Yuzuki never had any knowledge of Akuro's trips to the mist.

Special Characteristics:
Tracking/Senses: This skill gives the user a good ability with his senses, being able to track opponents from a distance without them knowing, no matter the ranking the person is most of the time. They have high senses and are able to effectively use their abilities to keep their senses tuned on an opponent. These are your stealth-type characters. The prerequisites for the senses skill is Chakra Control. If you can just track and are not in tune with your senses then there is no prerequisite.

Strength: Character's with this trait are stronger then your average ninja, due to intense training. [Requires Taijutsu or Kenjutsu]

Light Sleeper: Character's with this trait sleep very lightly, most often even the smallest noise will awaken him or her, making them difficult to sneak up on

Speedster: Due to physical training, character's with this trait are much faster than the average ninja. [Requires Taijutsu or Kenjutsu]

LIAR!: Character's with this trait are well versed in the art of lying. They have had practice lying and their bodies give no noticeable clue when they lie. When one of their lies is discovered they often cover it with another lie. This trait is on even footing with 'The Human Polygraph' meaning their lying skills when confronting someone with the opposite trait are the same as an average liar.

The Human Polygraph: Character's with this trait are able to pierce through a lairs veil by reading habits, quirks or nervous reactions given off by a liar. This trait is on even footing with 'LIAR!' meaning their polygraph skills become average when in a 'LIAR!'s presence.

The Wall: Character's with this trait are very adept at hiding their feelings, keeping them under lock and key. Emotions will not be easily noticed by those who do not know the user very well.

Public Profile
Name: Ippu, Akuro
Appearance: A woman with peachy wrinkled skin and icy blue eyes with her hair pulled back in a bun.
Village: Konoha
: Retired Ninja
Age: 54
Info: She used to be a jounin, but quit after her last trip to Kirigakure. Most are intimidated of her, and know that she killed more than a few people.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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Yuzuki's NPC, Akuro [[Done]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuzuki's NPC, Akuro [[Done]]   Yuzuki's NPC, Akuro [[Done]] I_icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 4:15 pm

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