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 Kyouken Shikyo

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

Posts : 441
Join date : 2010-04-13
Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:33 pm

Name:Kyouken Shikyo (false name, Noctis Lucis Caelum)

Age: Unknown
Bloodline: Tenshu Hitokoki (Tenshu Kanki Hitokoki)

Rank: Retired Mizukage
Classification:Unknown, considered an S-rank assasin last updated
Village: Formerly Konohagakure no sato, now Kirigakure no sato
Alignment: Neutral, only taking sides where he see fits

Appearance: Kyouken Shikyo Ff13

Personality: A extremely calm, cool and collective individual, he takes up after his element water, representing tranquility, calmness, wisdom, intelligence, spirituality and adaptive to the enivoriment and to any other elements and personalities. He keeps a calm facial expression, when he is a relax tone, he can be quite friendly and cool but at times he holds it in due to his shyness at times. He's is considered the calmest being in the universe translating his name into "The Tranquil Assassin" or the "The Calm Blue Flash"
highly-intelligent, a "god among god prodigies" as he uses his intelligence when he talks, starts conversations and in battle. Able to devise up extremely complex strategies and find weaknesses and strength of his opponents. He is also a teacher of potentially powerful men and woman so he is inept to be either very kind or very cold

Birth of Death
Noctis is the older and eldest twin brother to the Volo, the heir to the throne of the Caelum Kingdom. Pravus, the alias name of Sojobo, left both the two boys in the care of there hyugan mother. Noctis was a very odd baby and child as he was growing up. His hair, a dark blue with many strands of grey which made his mother very curious on how his hair was much different then his brother who looked very simular to the Uchiha. His mother knew he would be the oddest of the two but he would be the strongest of the two. His mother would usually put them in separate cribs as young babes but no matter how hard she tried the two children would climbed into each others cribs and sleep next to each other. They were unsepartable, even as babies. The mother could only smile, as she see's the two children become an unseparatable bond between brothers.

As both the children grew up, Noctis was a very shy child, compared to his younger brother who was lively and very active. Noctis was one of those children that would get easily depressed and try to hide it by playing his his younger brother or at times read many books on histories, maths, and his most favorite, science. Noctis was seemingly quiet cause he had a very hard time talking through his very young toddler years. Reason being was both minds of his physical and spirtual beings were very undevolop. The part of speech that was suppose to grow expontially grew very small at first but the other parts of his mind that had to deal with logic was overwhelming great and he was able to perform much genius level ideals such as explain many shinobi theories at the young age of 5. Although he was very shy, he was no pushover, he was quietly aggressive in some of his approaches, when his mother, an avid hyuga master, was training both Volo and Noctis in the gentle fist at the age of 4, Noctis was more into succeeding then his brother in this art for he approached it in a more aggressive tone as though he was preparing to master it (however Volo suprassed him later on making him the taijutsu master of the twins).

Begining the academy
Both Volo and Noctis entered into the academy at the age of 4, youngest at the time in Konoha. The training of the academy was alot more difficult then it was before, the challenges were focus on the mental aspect of the shinobi, seeing how a shinobi was able to focus on a mission, surviving on little rations or seeing if there able to take the torture. Noctis, a avid learner of shinobi, was rising up to the challenges when it was coming down to jutsu's and such. Ninjutsu was the strongest suit that he had to offer at the time, surpassing many jutsu's and even learning his second element at the age of 6. Surpassing much of the academic's requirements, both him, his brother and a few other shinobi passed at the earlier. Surprisingly, the time when Noctis and Volo passed the academy to become genin, they were only 5, a year apart from when they attended the academy. The Hokage, Sarutobi, had hints that these two young boys would make Konoha proud. This surprised many of the people of Konoha, to the point of disbelief that this child and possibly more would surpass many of the generations yet to come. Noctis mother was never surprised of the fact that her two sons were strong, she knew more then anyone else that they would surpass everyone, espicially Noctis.

The Beginning Years
The years of being a genin was more of a short lived thing then anything, Noctis, Volo and an unknown member created the Team 13, considered the most destructive group known to Konoha. The mission's were simple, D to C rank missions, task as simple as walking the dog or being a bodyguard for an important person. Noctis began to devolop more and more mental capacity levels that were far beyond the realms of any being to explain. From the age 7, he began to devolop extremely painful headaches that would usually put him in bed most of the time. His mother could not explain why this was happening to his eldest son, he has never shown signs of this before and this was more then just an anomoly. Noctis would usually not go on missions because of his extreme head pains. The pains had become so bad that it would physically make his human body sick. Finally, the day came when Noctis could not take it no more and began to try and read to forget the pain. The pain then decided to decrease and decrease after words. A day of reckoning came when he was in his home, as he was walking from his room to the next he notice that there were objects floating around him. The objects levitated as Noctis walked from room to room, following him where ever he went. This power was the fact of his psionic ninjutsu, a very rare condition in which the mind generates so much power and force that it can levitate objects, create objects with his mind and so forth. This was the begining of the separtion between Noctis and Volo.

After the seeming events, Noctis headaches ceased to come back ever since. He began to do his missions with Team 13 and was now able to take the chunin exams. While Noctis was bedridden, Volo had gotten more efficient and power in taijutsu, surpassing Noctis 3-1. This surprised Noctis in everyway but Noctis had something that not even Volo could explain. The month of March is where the chunin exams began in the village of the leaf. All of the teams from each village gathered around from all different villages to compete to gain the title of chunin. Team 13 was entered this year into the chunin exams this year. The first test, as always, was the written exam. Genin must answer extremely hard questions in order to past. Naturally, Noctis and Volo knew these answers but Noctis wanted to manipulate the minds of his fellow genin so many of them would flunk out. Before Noctis joined the chunin exams, he began to train his mind to perform very power psionic abilities, able to read thoughts, created objects by thinking about it, forming objects that were already there and re-create them. One of his abilities is to manipulate the mind by scrambling the neurons in the brain causing them to have a type of mental breakdown. Out of the 200 genin that were taking the exam nearly 3/4 of the genin failed because they began to breakdown, some crying, others were more gruesome. Some commited suicide on the spot. Noctis had no idea that the his abilities were so powerful that it made alot of the genin commit such heinous acts among themselves. It made Noctis frighten but as made him want to become more and more powerful to obtain that power of mental abilities.

The second part of the chunin exams, the forest of death. A forest filled with creatures that can consume the human body, a trail that is so demented and deferred that if one would to get lost, no one could escape its wrath. The forest of death created problems and nervousness among the genin, even Volo had his doubts on this. Noctis, as the shy and quiet one of the group, had no intentions of turning back because his teammates were fearful of the forest. As they registered themselves in the booth, Noctis recieved the heaven scroll. As Noctis puts it in his pocket, a team from the village hidden in the earth, saw Team 13. Underestimating them and seeing them as weak targeted them for there deathly demised. All the teams were separted.

The two brothers and there co-partner ran into the forest, Noctis beforehand came up with a plan, he wanted to take the time in order to find the scrolls. He knew that Volo and him could do it alot quicker but Noctis took in consideration of his human counterpart. The team began to set up came, Noctis sent Volo and the other team member to gather wood and try to find food while Noctis would set up the tent and such. Like boys following the leader, the two left to retrieve the supplies. A few minutes went by, and it was gettng very late. Noctis, now alone had set up camp waiting for his team members to come back. As he sits there leaning his back on the trunk of the tree, he begins to contemplate and wonder where Volo and the other team member could be. It was very unusual not to see his members not back. Noctis looks around seeing that it was much darker, an two hours had went by, and Noctis was beginning to suspect foul play. He stands up from the tree trunk and jumps into the tree's. There he looked to see whether his brother and his team member would come. Then a painful feeling came into Noctis head, usually what that means is there was somebody here how had much kill intent. It was usually sense in situation like these. Noctis takes out a kunai and closed his eyes. He begins to visualize the area sensing where the source was coming from. He opens his eyes and throws a kunai straight in front of him, the kunai rushes into the push and the sound of metal piercing through skin was heard. A loud scream came from the bushes. Noctis, thinking quickly and quietly, disappeared leaving the aftertrail of himself. The figures in the bush were genin from the village hidden in rain. The man who was stabbed by the thrown Kunai tries to hold in his cries of pain. His other teammate, a short measling opponent who was somewhat sufficient in taijutsu tried to calm him down. He tries his best to pull out the kunai, but then his face was filled with shock. He looks down to see a long and sharp blade been ran through his stomach, he turns around and see's a boy with deadly eyes of the one tomoe sharingan stare into his eyes, Noctis twist the blade, making sure that this stubby opponent could feel the pain and discomfort of his blade ripping through his insides. He pulls it out slowly, letting the blood gush out of his stomach, the genin's eyes went blank and he falls into the ground lifeless before he hits. The other genin, who still had the kunai attach to him, looks at the boy with intense fear, he could feel the amount of kill intent inside of Noctis body, it was unreal, god-like. The amount of kill intent, made the genin go into total shock, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and foam began to rupture out of his ears, eyes, nose and mouth. Noctis pushed him backwards, letting him fall to the ground. Noctis then jumps down from the tree branch and onto the the ground where the two dead genin's. He began to plunder through his there dead bodies. Surprisingly, there was a earth scroll in the coat pocket. Noctis takes it out and puts in into his pocket.

"Too easy" Noctis replied to himself, knowing he could had killed them alot quicker but the longer he thought about it the longer he stalled himself into finding his brother and his comrade. Noctis gets up from the ground and jumps onto the tree, quietly and calmly rushing into the tree’s jumping. He searches the area, looking around to see his team. He hoped that they were not attacked like himself cause that would make him kill regardless whether they are ally or enemy. As he was searching around he see's many fallen brethen from the village hidden in the leaves. Many of them were alot older than himself and he notices they were killed gruesomely. One konoha shinobi was stabbed mutiple times in his body, the kunai stuck in his throat, his eyes were plucked out of his skill and it was descreated by someone. This gave the conclusion in Noctis mind that those who were shinobi in Konoha were weak, being killed of so easily by other shinobi from different villages. Noctis was replused by such weak shinobi at the time.

Finally after a few minutes, Noctis meets up with his brother and his teammate. They had just killed two team members from the village hidden in the sand. Volo looks at Noctis and tells him about how they were ambushed and how they found out that the village hidden in the sand genin were in on a conspiracy with the village hidden in the rain. Noctis, not really shocked, walks past his brother and scans the area with his eyes. He looks over to Volo, with the coldest and most teroffing eyes Volo as yet to see and says "This world....its a cruel and dark cold....". He turns back to Volo and commands them to go to the middle of the forest, where the rest of the chuunin exams is at. Volo and the other teammate did not want to commit that cause it might take hours on hand. Noctis states to both of them that if they get there now, they can rest up safely without the worry of shinobi coming at him. Noctis was more worried about the other teammate than his own safety. He know Volo could handle it but his other teammate was quite fearful of the situation and therefore could not handle such pressure. Noctis jumps high in the air and land onto the top of a tree. He sighes and glances forward, seeing a building which was tall and enormous. Although very young, still extremely intelligent, estimate how fast they would need to travel and how long it would take to reach there final destination. Noctis calculated all the possible situations if there were enemy attacking or if any they were stuck in a genjutsu, how long would that stall them. This took him a few minutes to get a good plan going cause he had no intentions of stopping himself into reaching the final destination of the tower where they can proceed on with the chuunin exams. He jumps down and talks over to Volo

"I estimate this will take about two or three hours, give or take a few breaks to reach our destination. Im sure we can make it there in about an hour in half if we rush"

Speciality:Kekkei Genkai prodigy, Ninjutsu master(Age 15), Genjutsu master(Age 12), Taijutsu (Age 9)specilist, Mental intunded (Under influence of Hitoshi Munashii), chakra intunded, spirtually intuned
Learned jutsus: Suiton Kaika. , Chakra Kaika, Fuuton Kaika, Seishin Ninjutsu(under the influence of Hitoshi Munashii)
Elements: Suiton-Dominant, Fuuton-Recessive, Seishen-unknown(under the influence of Hitoshi Munashii)
Weapons/items: Legendary Katana, Enormous Chakra and chakra storage
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

Posts : 441
Join date : 2010-04-13
Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:34 pm

Volo, comically looks at him "Really? You came up with that? Damn brother...." he covers his mouth saying a curse word. Noctis rolls his eyes and slaps Volo's head "Get over yourself" he jumps into the air and begins to run on top of the trees. Volo and the other genin rushes after to follow and they were mentally preparing themselves for this long and dangerous journey.

The Preliminaries and the A.T.A
Just like Noctis planned out, it was about two hours to they reach there destination. Thankfully, they avoided any trouble from any unlikely enemies travelling to attack the genin team. They all jumped down from the tree and land on the ground, just a few meters away from the entrance. Noctis looks back at his fellow teammates. Volo, who was just picking his ear out of sheer boredom, looks back his brother and smiles. Noctis could not help but to notice his pure innocence. He was just like any normal kid who just went outside and played. Noctis puts his hands behind his head and begins to walk foward. The other genin walks besides him and opens the door for both Noctis, Volo and himself. As they walk inside of the building, it was a feeling of comfortable that overtook the company. Noctis glances back at his team and made sure that they were safe. Although he risked the lives his brother and other team, it was his due responsibility to protect them at all cost. Noctis takes out there scrolls and unraveled them. When he open them both, their, standing in front of him, was a summon chuunin proctor. He was there to direct the team to another location and to rest for the next part of the exam. Noctis, Volo and unnamed member, in this story we shall call me Kusin, were sent towards another room to rest.

A few days later, all the remaining squads arrived at the next exam area. Noctis was patient, ready to take on the next challenge ahead of him. Volo was alittle nervous, Noctis notice it as Volo has a habit of biting on his lip profusely, making it bleed at times. Noctis comforts him by placing one of his favorite candies in his pocket. Volo had no idea that he had done so, but when he did fine out he knew that it was his brother who gave it to him as he was the only person besides their mother who would know about it. Volo smiled as he ate the candy happily. Noctis, keeping his cool attire, watched him eat it. A few minutes before, they were lined up in front of the Hokage and they were told this part of the prelimaries. As they were discussing the rules, Noctis looks over and see one of the teams staring at him. It was a look of infuriation on their faces. Noctis examine them throughly. Seeing that they were also from the rain village, the two teams were probably close and Noctis took that into consideration. Noctis had plans for them, if they were to attack him. He thought up 580 plans for them, if one of them were to attack. This enticed Noctis, even at his early age of thinking, he was ready.

The computer screen was activated, all the remaining teams were standing with there sensei's. Team 13, standing on the right side of one of the ledgings, wait as their sensei was walking up the stairs to reach towards them. His name was Shikyo Zetsumei, a powerful shinobi that was recently reassign to teach a group of genin. On a side note, Shikyo is apart of the unknown A.N.B.U team known as A.T.A or Assasination Tactis and Annihalation squad. An elite part of shinobi who were design to take on any mission that was considered more dangerous than any S-rank possibly given. He wore a typical shinobi outfit, with a bandana over his head. He appeared to have brown hair with black eyes. Extremely calm but difficult to work with type of personality. Every women, both younger and older, adored him for his appearance and his laidback appearance. His hands were in his pockets and his movement was somewhat trancelike as he walked over to Team 13. Noctis looks over at him and does not seem to be impressed, he was never impressed by him. In fact, he thought of Shikyo as a bothersome. Shikyo also did not like Noctis, reasons for there personalities would clash. Seeing that Shikyo had more sincere approach where as Noctis has his rational approach. As Shikyo was walking towards him, Kusin looks up at the screen and see's that it was his turn to fight. His shoulders cracked and his rotates his arm a few times. He looks at Noctis, Volo and Shikyo

"Well, better be off. Dont worry, I tell you how it is. Lata ya'll"

He walks off towards to steps to fight his match. Shikyo looks over at both Volo and Noctis and smiles. "Well how was your trip in the forest of death you two? I hope you two were scared at all"

"Just because we are young doesnt mean we get scared easily" Noctis replied. His was sitting on top of the handles that kept them from falling off. His legs dangled down in the air as he was sitting there plainly. "In terms it was easy for us, we had no problem with it"

Shikyo, obviously annoyed both Noctis remmarks, turn his attention to Volo, whom he liked alittle better than his brother. "How was it for you Volo?"

Volo grinned "It was fun, I had a good time. Hanging out with big brother and Kusin. It was a good trip" he said with euthuasim. Shikyo smiled and looks downward at Kusin, who was fighting for his life. Noctis continues to dangled his legs looking at Kusin fight off the rival Konoha shinobi.

**twenty minutes past**

Volo had dealt with his opponent without any struggle whatsoever. The opponent took him on, underestimating him for his size and his age. Volo clearly had the advantage and took him out without any hassle. Noctis looks around and see that many of teams had already fought. Some were mortally wounded, a team had one member who was about to die due to the fact that the opponent used the gentle fist on him and used it with such amount of force that his organs were almost gushing out of his body. It was clear factor that the day was getting more and more intense by the minute. Noctis looks up at the screen and see that it was his turn "Nokutisu Caelum vs Boushi Kaniza". He looks around to find his opponent and turns out that it was one of the Rain village shinobi who had intent on killing Noctis. His appearance was rugged, his hair shaggy and his clothes were a mere color of gray and silver. He had an appearance that was very tone and stocky, making him seem good with taijutsu. It resembled something of a chuunin outfit. The obvious feature on Boushi was his giant sword he had on his back. It was a large cleaver, twice the size of the boys body. It had a saw like edge to it and its color was a dark grey. The boy licks his lips as he was ready to fight, or rather kill, Noctis. Volo looks over and sees the guy that he was facing

"Man, he sure looks tough. You sure you are ready for this, I mean the guy I fought was pretty easy. I heard this guy killed twelve people in the forest. I know you're strong and everything but dont take him too lightly"

Noctis nodded and folds his arms. Volo then says "Try not to make a mess of things, ok? Mom told us not to make them look like little shits....oops said it again"

Noctis sighes as he leans forward and jumps down off the handles and lands on his feet. His arms were still folded as he walks towards the exam proctor. The guy was already there, waiting for him to approach as the proctor looks at them both.

"Are you two guys ready?"

Both of them nodded, Boushi mouths out "Im going to kill you kid, remember that?"

Noctis sighed as he unfolds his arms.

"FIGHT!!!" the proctor yelled. He jumped backwards off the arena.

Boushi takes out his large blade and begins to swing it around his head. He begins to lick his lips more and more, ready to destroy Noctis. "You ready to get messed the fuck up kid? You killed my friends back there in the forest and now im going to kick your little punk ass. I swear, I'll knock the dog shit out of your face cause at this point, Im through the point of caring whether your ass is dead or not, I might be merciful and just spare you puny ass but I dont think I will do that"

Noctis eyes were closed and he had his head down, as though he was asleep. The kid was now irritated and now pissed off for Noctis was ignoring him. The kid then charges up and runs towards him ready to strike. He puts his arms back, ready to swing his sword at him.

"EAT SHIT!!!!"

He swings it, the amount of force that came with that swing was that to chop off the a man in half. The blade was about to strike Noctis, until he slashed through him fully, or what seemed to be him. It was a mirage, a afterimage of Noctis. Boushi was stun for a moment as he finally looked behind him and it was Noctis, who was now behind him. Boushi then turns to thrust at Noctis but again a afterimage of Noctis was formed and Boushi stabbed air. Boushi then looks around to try and find Noctis. Up above the stands were the other teams, who looked around and they could not even find Noctis. Shikyo was looking and thought to himself What the hell is this kid? When I tested him that one time, I was able to see him move, but now how come I cant follow his moment. What is he?. Volo smiled as he was able to see, but not as much, Noctis movements. He was moving around Boushi so fast that he was not able to see it.

"Dang brother, when did you get so fast? I thought I was faster than you? You like to hide your powers too much" Volo whispered to himself.

Boushi still could not find him, until Noctis appeared right in front of him. So close that Boushi jumped back and tried to slash at him again, but this time Noctis does not move to avoid the slash, he grabs the blade, and looks at Boushi with bloody red eyes. Boushi, startled, tried to take take away and saw at his hand but it did not budge.

"Let....Let freak...." Boushi replied. Noctis, tightening up a open fist, blinks as he was officially more irritated then any other emotion he had at the point. He hated being called a freak, he hated the fact that a human could call him that. He knew that he was not human and seeing that this person can call him that was absurd. Noctis looks into Boushi's eyes and says to Boushi.

"If you ever call me a freak again...I'll make your life....." he punches Boushi straight in the stomach. Boushi instantly coughed up blood. Both his stomach, upper and lower intestines ruptured. He begin to cough up much blood. Noctis then does another open fist to his chest, breaking away the chestplate and almost rupturing his heart. Boushi shakes as he legs go of the blade and was about to fall over until his jounin appeared and caught him in the knick of time. Noctis, still having the hold of the blade, throws it over into the wall. The blade digs in and was stuck in it. The jounin looks up at him and was fearful of him. Noctis looks at the jounin with the bloody eyes of destruction and death. The jounin turns away, trying his best not to come in between his wrath or to say anything. All he did was try and attend to Boushi, who was still coughing up blood.

Standing up the stands, Volo shakes his head "Told him not to go overboard, but then again he did call him a freak.....*sigh* oh well....."

Shikyo thought to him "This kid.....this kid is well over powerful, too is Volo........I wonder......

**A three years later**

It was more obvious that Noctis, Volo and Kusin had passed there chuunin exams. The amount of detail that goes into Noctis training up to become a more powerful shinobi was not evident, seeing that the only training Noctis did was get introduce into his element and learn how to use genjutsu. After that one month of training, Noctis came up the top dog on the finals. He defeated his opponents, one opponent he used nothing but genjutsu, the other was complete ninjutsu. The final battle, which was his brother fought off using nothing but pure speed, there kekkei genkai, The Tenshu Hitotoki. As both brothers passed, Noctis was now set to do the next part of his chapter. The next part of coming towards his step of becoming the person that he is today.

Noctis and Volo, now at the age of 9 going on the age of 10, were set off onto enduring and hard training as they just past there examination of jounin. Noctis and Volo had grown from there last expereince, having to lose there friend Kusin during a mission. The boys were now a two man squadron as no other shinobi could either compete with them. However the only person that could actually team up was Shikyo, the one man who literally train these two boys. He has seen how they have grown from the littlest kids to graduate the exams and making through many deadly missions to these jounin tweens who are now at the level, officially that is, to have them team with him. Shikyo was very impressed and also very skeptical about there power. He realize over the past years that Volo and Noctis, hid there power from all of those who fight them. Seeing how everything was run, he began to see the ways of how these two fight. Volo was the head to guy. He was the one who could charge into battle and kill his opponents throughly and swiftly. He had taijutsu on his side and was presitgous on how he killed his opponents. Noctis, however, was more of the silent to go guy. When Noctis was at the age of 8, Shikyo took his time out to teach Noctis how silence is the key. Being in the A.TA., Shikyo learn many different types of fighting methods, but his favorite method was the Silent Homicide Technique, a perfered techniqued used by Mist Shinobi. For one year, Noctis and Shikyo began there training. Noctis ability to learn things quickly was notice also, as he was able to set up plans that would match up well for both Volo and Kusin. Now that Kusin was gone, he was replaced by Shikyo and Noctis could see what skills Shikyo could place on the team. Noctis could easily see that Shikyo was proficient in long range types of deal. His element of Lightning was very effecient since Noctis could use Suiton techniques and combining the two elements were hell for anyone who dared to stand in there way. This team, now known as Team Shikyo, were death for those who came near them and the Hokage knew this team was deadlier then anything

The Hokage was able to see what type of skills these team had for the village. The advisors feared that they would be the threat towards the village seeing that Noctis, Volo and Shikyo were deadly. They saw how many times this team went up against many S-rank and A-rank missions. They were usually assign towards there ANBU but now they are getting sent to Team Shikyo. The advisors wanted a more regulated and watchful eye on the team. The hokage wanted to know what they had in mind. The advisors suggest that they put them in the A.T.A. The hokage feared that would be too much for the young ones, but the adivors convinced them and it did not take Sarutobi Hokage to be convinced.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

Posts : 441
Join date : 2010-04-13
Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:34 pm

Death Thy name is Noctis

The A.T.A program, its a program that does not exist in any circumstances. All those who join this team are considered "dead" or K.I.A. This program was the elite among the elite, prodigies that make other prodigies look like regular shinobi. The king of the crop, the most feared program to get into for there is always a 99% chance of death. The "Shinigami" corp, whatever it was called it was the A.T.A The hokage feared that no one would remember the two shinobi, but the advisors insisted on the matter. They do not want the village to be a power hungry village, and be considered a deadly village. They wanted themselves to be open and not hostile to any other village who fear that there will be a cause of war amongst them. But the advisors had another reason, the main reason why these kids were going to be in the A.T.A. They were told by the leader of the Caelum clan, Pravus, to enter these boys into it. He thought that if by entering the boys into the A.T.A they would have a better chance of dying. Pravus, a power luster, wanted to keep the title of the leader of the Caelum clan and noticing how powerful these boys were becoming was far too great for him to imagine such power to rule over the clan. He was fearful that if they get older and continue the path that they getting themselve involved with, they will take over the clan and probably killing him. This was a foreshadow of what it is to come. Pravus thought that because they were young, they could die at any time. He had no true knowledge of how powerfully god-like these children had become or about to come, so unknowningly placing these two boys into that program would be the worst mistake Pravus could make in his lifetime. The Hokage sighes as he went down from his office to inform Noctis, Volo and Karai, the boys mother, that they were now considered dead and in the program of the A.T.A.

Noctis knew this day would come, ever since he was introduced into Shikyo, he knew that he would have to enter it cause of there known powers and there abilities. Volo, crying to himself, thinking they would never be able to see there mother again was on his mind. Volo, always being the child that worries on others and not on himself was his key characteristic. He was at times soft-hearted and cared so much about life and how he clings onto it. Karai feared that Volo would lose that soft-heartedness and would surcome to the overwheleming personality of his father. Noctis, seeing that his mother was worried about Volo, promised her that he will do anything to make sure that wont happen.

-----The Realms of Death------

The cold and wretched lands of death, its appearance is of that of a black and white forest, a black and white desert, a black and white world. The appearance was death and only death. In the middle of this realms was a giant kingdom, a castle. This castle, looking somewhat modern but at the same the looks of a edo period like kingdom. It was giant, strecthing forth outwards that lead from end to end. This kingdom lied there the powerful God of Death, the Grim Reaper, the Angel of Death. Raeper the great.

Raeper was the grandfather of Noctis and Volo, father to Karai Hyuuga. He was one of the first creatures that was made by God to make the living dead. His job was simple, simply take souls so they can either be judged or sentence. But at times, God gave him the direct command over mostly everything and anything. Raeper, over time, has the command for people to stray into his realm and get lost in it forever, at times he given humans the passage to live again only to bargain for there souls instead of selling it to the devil. He has so much information, so much knowledge, wisdom, intelligence and understanding on how God, the devil, angel and demons, humans and other humanoid like creatures exist. But he has never fully understand them to the point of living with them. He never understood the complete suffering a human. He tried to turn himself human in order to live like him, but his law was that he can not interfere, just watch and wait. He hated that rule, he hated it with a passion. He was able to have intercourse with a human but never get involved in that relationship. His fury was great

As he sat there in his throne, wearing an all black suit with his hair, very shaggy but very kempt. He had his eyes closed, the only reason he had it closed was that he obtain the most powerful doujutsu in the supernatural realm, The Eye of the Kings. As he closed his eyes, his mind ventured outwards to see what was happening to all the realms. He saw much suffering all the directions but what caught his eye was his daughter, crying her heart out. Raeper has not seen his daughter cry in so long, the pain that she was feeling for also made him feel that same pain. Raeper grabs his chest as he felt that sadness in his soul. He opens his eyes and a teardrop comes down from his eyes. He wipes it off as he notice that this teardrop was not his but his daughters, Karai. He looked at the teardrop and saw what Karai was thinking. He saw that Noctis and Volo were about to go into a situation that might cause them there death. Karai could only wish that someone would be able to stop this tragedy. This had made him sadden and was now force to know whether or not the problem has something to do for her He stands up and grabs his scythe and walks out of the room. A crow, a little bigger than the a crow from the human world flapped towards Raeper

"Where are you going my master?"

Raeper turns to the crow, still walking towards the door, opening it and seeing that crow was still following "Im going to help my daughter....." he said in a very deep voice. His voice could shake the human world or make it freeze over, the voice vibrated across the castle as they were walking towards the entrance way. In his voice, there was sadness, complete sadness, it was terrible when Raeper was sadden by the mere fact that he had to help his Karai. He knew what he must do in order to make her happy. The crow, still wondering what was his planning, continued to follow him

"My lord" in the croaky and creeky voice he had "It is even reasonable for you to leave your post just cause your do something that you cannot interfere......"

"Your right, crow, it is not reasonable to do such things. It is not reasonable for me to get up and go help my daughter cause I was told not to interfere with such turmoils. But when anyone else wants to do something for the sake of there kind, they are allowed but im not.....what kind of sense is that? You tell me crow, what kind of sense is that" his voice raised, angerily "I was told that I cannot interfere, yes I understand but I was never told to assist the only family that can save. Im not going to kill that hokage, nor the adivsors, nor Pravus. No, but what I can do is help the two people that CAN do something...."

"You mean you are going to help your grandsons...."

"Yes, I must. You see, I cant help my daughter for she is my blood but she is an enigma. She can do as she pleases for she does not have the pure responsibilty of shinigami. But what happens when that enigma has two enigmas? Its like breathing in a contradiction such as the 'living dead' or the 'blackest day'. I can help those two get on there feet."

"Yes my lord, I understand that, but once you place your hands on them, they will also have to take on the mantle of Death God. You realize that..."

"Oh i know, and I know just the boy to do that" he opens up his hands and forming out of it was a crystal ball. The crystal ball, shaped very oval and round, clear to the touch, gave the image of the young boy with blue hair "He will take it up. He has the power, the intelligence, the wisdom and the understanding to do such feats. It will be difficult for him, but I will guide him to it" The crow stares at him, not knowing what he meant "Im going to give these two boys something that will make them the most powerful engima's in the world. I will give myself to Noctis and the eyes of the kings to Volo. That way, no matter what obstacle they reach into, they will know they will have me to rely on. That way, I will not let my daughter be sadden by the sheer fact that they are protected by someone close. That is why I am leaving"

"So let me get this straight, the realms of death, those that go there business as psychopumps, the realms of all intelligence.....will be in control by two ten year old boys? Tell me you know what you are doing"

Raeper smiled as he raised his other hand and began to summon a black portal. It was as large as himself and it had a glimpse of the human world. He tighten his other hand, placing the crystal ball back into his body and begins to walk towards the portal. He stops at the entrance of it and waves his hands at him.

"Dont worry, the future will be bright for you, crow. I gurantee that you will not regret me making this desicion with these boys, but more so Noctis. He will treat you right and will make this kingdom shine.....although he is the one that is quite the revolutionary and will bring the council of kings to justice like they rightfully desire......send my regards to Mantis shall you?" He walks into the human world and disappears from the realm of the dead

----Human World----

It was a cold fall night, both Noctis and Volo were in bed as they were about to leave for months at a time for the A.T.A. Karai, sitting outside on the rooftop, glances over at the streetlights and hums a tune. The tune was something she was hum when she was a little child and her father would comment on how beautiful the singing was and how she would make a great musician when she grew up. She closes her eyes and smiles as she reminsances back to the past. The smell of her fathers, it was a stale but had life to it. He would say wise things but at the same times make foolish desicion. She remembered when she told him that she will be leaving to the realm of the living and be a hyuuga women. The only thing that she remember from that was him saying that was a foolish decision and care for wellbeing. They argued for months until she finally left and did not see him for over 120 years. Karai opens her eyes and realize that she was crying cause she was thinking about that. She only wish that things would change between her father and herself. She hated the fact that he probably despise her.

A creak stepped was heard behind Karai. Karai came out of her trance and her guard was up. Immediately, she sweeps around to do a deadly to the the persons chest only to be blocked by a man with gloves over his hand. Karai glares at the person and could not believe she was seeing him. He was seeing Raeper. Raeper looks at Karai and almost did not regonize her, she had the same facial appearance, hair, and looks but her eyes were different. It was a purple like color instead of the white color a regular hyuuga presents themselves. He lets go of her foot and puts his hands back up into his pocket. He looks at her and did not saying anything nor did Karai. They both looked at each other like they were strangers. It was silent enough to hear the crickets chirp and some people on the street talk. Raeper clears his throat.

"Hello.....*coughs*...Karai....." he said in his usual deep voice. He raises a fist to his mouth and does another light cough. Karai could not stand it, it was a result of him always breathing in heavy smoke when he is in the realm of the dead. Karai grabs on her arm and looks away

"Hello....father...." she said ever so softly, almost unheard by Raeper. Raeper was now about to say something until Karai interupted "Why are you here? I thought you said that you disowned me when I left the realm of death to come to the realm of the living? The last words I heard from you is to never return from this place and now you are here right now, in front of me, wanting something of me" she moves some hair out of the way from her face as the wind blew by them "I can tell when you want something, you give me this look. That look like you need me to do something, the same look mom hated you to give. *sigh* before i go off on you father, why are you here? I did not call you, nor do I want to call you"

Raeper raises both hands up as a term of endearment "Listen, I know I said all those things to you. I know what I did was wrong and Im sorry. I wish I could ask for your forgiveness but I cant. Forgiveness is something that I cant take so easily. You are just like your mother, strong-willed, determine, kind, sweet. You were always smart and I barely had to raise you and when you wanted to go to the human world I thought that would be a big mistake. But as I began to think about it, I realize that I could not stop you. I could not just stand in your way of what you wanted to do. If I were to do that, then your mother would surely think of me as a wall....."

Karai looks away and then turns back to Raeper, seeing that he was actually sincere in his words. She never seen him like this in her lifetime. He always thought of him as a cold demeanor, coming and going to do his job of ruling his kingdom and doing his job. Karai begins to tear up "Oh father....please....dont say all those things....its....."

"No its true, Karai. I wanted to get in your way so you would not have to make those mistakes like your mother, but I cant stop you. All I can do is guide you.....and right now you need my guidance......"

"What do you mean father?" Karai asked him

"I know the reason why your sons are going into the A.T.A. Its because of Pravus....."

" thats impossible" she laughed alittle at that statement truly "Pravus loves Noctis and Volo, why would he want to....."
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:36 pm

"Listen to me Karai, Pravus isnt a power hungry person. Someone else is trying to take over. The Caelum family is a powerful kingdom, both in the human world....and all the other realms. You already know they are not human and humanity was never in there blood. I know for a fact that Pravus will do anything to rule over that kingdom.....He fears that Noctis or Volo will take over. If you think about it, I would be too if I was Pravus. Although you may know much about your sons but I heard all over. Your sons are to be of high respect, they are powerful and they can do much that you and I could ever dream of. These two boys are enigmas and they are powerful enough to either help build this universe or destroy it" Raeper points to the stars "They're are limitless options your sons can choose from, whichever path they take, it'll either make or break this world. I realize now that if I dont get myself involve in this, this threat will have entirety both the Caelum and my kingdom...."

"Your kingdom....but wont it be held for me even they were to....."

"Yes but when you are dead, they will go after you and kill you. By law, in order for this realm to be operating correctly, one must take role as "Reaper" and as in terms if Im gone, then it goes to the next blood in line, but if you are gone and there is no other blood then it goes to the person that has relations with that blood......Pravus...."

Karai, now realizing that Raeper is right, looks at him with a face of shock. It makes sense now, it makes sense on why Pravus would do something like that. Before so, the Hokage had much favor over her and had great favor towards Noctis and Volo, but now all of the sudden, they are now put into a program train to kill those who enter it. Karai begins to shake, her knees begin to feel weak and she throws up thinking about how her sons would be killed. She begins to collaspe over, but Raeper grabs her, holding on to her. She was about to faint but Raeper breathed out a scent that was ghastly, it instantly awaken her and she was up, but now the smell of that ghastly scent was in her nose. Karai looks up at Raeper and was now crying. Her tears were simular to that of a phoneix, they were tranquil and peaceful. Raeper brings her closer to him and begins to sooth her. Karai wipes her face

"Father.....daddy.....please I dont want my sons to die......they are my light and my joy, seeing them dead would kill me them"

"Thats why I am here, Karai. I am here to help your sons. Karai, im going to use my whole being to protect them so you wont feel like this..." he stands up, carrying Karai in his arms and then breathes out a smell that would put Karai to sleep. The scent went into her nose and into her mind and begin to its works. Karai tried to resist but knew that it was pointless. Her eyes got heavy and she closed them, she was worried but at the same time at peace knowing that her father will not let her down. She begins to sleep. Raeper walks down the steps leading to her room and places her into the bed. He places the blankets over her and kisses her forehead. It had been a long since he had kissed her forehead, seeing the last time he had done it was when she was only 8 years old. A teardrop came from his eyes, rolling down his cheek and down onto karai, who was sleeping comfortably. He realize this was his tear and this was the first time that he has ever cried for something. He turns around and moves towards the doorway where he turns around. His body began to fade away into particles, his eyes were the first to disappear. Those particles then lead to Volo, and replaced his eyes. The other particles, his body, spirit and mind then faded away. The last things that was heard from him was him saying


Instantly he disappeared but then reappeared into the mind of Noctis. His mind, very intricate indeed. He see's that there were many, many bookcases filled with books. Raeper was astounded to see the amount of information one boy can actually obtain. Raeper walks around trying to find his grandson. As he was wandering, he sees all the books, so many of them. Books that he seen only once in his life, books written by great philoshpers, matheticians, scientist, all of them just in there. They all looked as though they were all read by not once but many times before hand. Raeper was astouded almost cursing out loud cause of it. He walks through many of th bookcases and finds Noctis finally. Noctis was sitting in a chair with a book, he looked very interested in it until he looked up and sees Raeper. Noctis was not startled but he closed the book and stands up to greet him

"Hello must me.....?" he sticks his hand for Raeper to shake

Raeper grabs his hand and shakes it "Well you may not believe this or not but im your grandfather....and I must say, we have much to talk about...."

Over night, the two talked about life and Raeper began to explain to him about the situation on hand. Noctis listen to him and was entice by his words and knowledge. Raeper explain to him about what will probably happen to him, his brother, his mother and his father. He told Noctis that he will become the next being to take on the role of death but also he told Noctis about his status being a enigma and how God's rule was something that he can actually ignore. When he said all of this, Raeper said that him and Noctis are now considered one with each other. Noctis, sat back down and began to take it all in. He was surprised really, but it made sense to him. His life felt like a story and this story was probably never ending due the mere fact that this would become of him and his brother and possibly those around him. Noctis looks up at Raeper and then says

"Ok.......grandfather....but I must say this...." Noctis gives alittle smile and says "Where do I start?"
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:36 pm

It was morning, the sun had just broke away the darkness and there was streams of light coming off from the horizon. Noctis opens up his eyes and moves the blankets up away from himself and gets out of the bed and goes into the mirror. He realize that he was just enlighten by one of the greatest beings in the universe and now he is living inside of him. The thought of it made him excited. If he had hyperactive issues or even slight jest of joy he would had jumped in the air and danced around in his room. But that did not happen until he heard the blood-curling sound of a scream in the next room over. It was Volo's. Noctis knew that this would happen. Now that Volo obtain the eyes of the kings. Noctis sighes as he walks over to the other room down the hall. He opens the door and walks in

"Hey Volo you al......" Noctis could not finish it as he was staring into the eyes of the kings. Noctis was standing near the doorway while Volo was standing look at the mirror which was in front of his bed. Volo was staring at Noctis as he was not able to see the true image of Noctis, he only saw the chakra's and soul of a person. He was absolutely frigthen at the moment. Volo was crying, seeing that the tears stream down his face and his face was somewhat red as he must of been crying and awake for a long time. Noctis shakes his head, knowing this would happen and walks over to him. Volo jumps back onto the bed panicking and tried to hide underneath the cover the eyes that was unknown to him and felt odd. Noctis grabs on the covers and throws it off carrying Volo with him. He takes off the blanket off of him and looks into his eyes

"Dont worry, it does not work on me...." Noctis replied

"What doesnt? These eyes? What can they do?"

Noctis walks over to the closet and takes some clothes, new clothing that was made espicially for them and his katana, The legendary katana that was given to Volo after he passed the chuunin exam. Noctis lays the outfit out on the bed. They were modified ANBU outfits. They were laced in a type of new material that they are testing out for stealth combat. Very soft but according to what the scientist said to them a day earlier, it is resistant to flames, water-proof and can withstand incredible tension. He throws the suit towards Volo and then goes on saying "They are called the eyes of the kings. They are considered the most powerful doujutsu in the living and in other realms. They can make anything think they are something and yet not. Confusing I know, but let me put into simpler terms. Those eyes can differenciate the difference of friend or foe, they can copy other doujutsu's, they make enter the mind and be able to manipulate and.....well you gonna have to find that out yourself I cant just tell you everything."

Volo just looks at Noctis, confused and puzzled as to why his brother knows all of this and yet he does not. He opens his mouth to say something but Noctis interupted "Well I guess you are wondering why I know all of this stuff. Well push comes to shuff cause this was all explain to me by our grandfather.....guess who he is......too late my brother its the grim reaper. Yeah apparently we are grandsons to death...." Noctis continued to go on about his what happen, explaining everything and everyone that is to be effected. When Noctis was done, he had already had breakfast, got his suit and his mask on and they were walking towards the hidden base that was outside the village and underground. Volo could only blink to it (even though wearing the mask its hard to tell whether someone had blinked or not). He looks at Noctis, walking through the dark and hollow caves that travelled underneath the village, baring down on how soon this was. He was breathing very heavily, Noctis puts a hand on his shoulder and then said

"Its gonna be ok brother, here I got you this" he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a white and black blindfold. "Apparently grandfather gave this to me in order for you to see more clearer. Try and see if it works"

Volo grabs the blindfold and takes off his mask. He puts the blindfold over the eyes of the kings. As he was wrapping it, he realize that he was able to 'see' everything and anything. He was astounded "Wow everything is so clear now, Im able to see everything. Before it was hard and I was sensitive to light but I think if I work on this I'll be able to perfect these eyes of what grandfather gave us. I was skeptical to believe in such but then I looked at you......" he points at Noctis chest and his head "I saw that there are two souls inside of you and one of them is pretty dark, I mean you have a dark soul but this person inside of you is just as dark but I can tell between the two...." he puts back on his mask and both of the two boys stopped in front of the door that led to the A.T.A room. Volo took a deep breath as he was nervous trying to hold back himself from running away and going back home to where it was safe. He looks over at Noctis and see that his face was very serious. He had the look of determination and motivation that did not want to stop him from moving behind. Noctis closes his eyes and grabs the handle on the door. He peeks over at Volo and gives him a thumbs up not cause he wanted to but he wanted to let Volo know that he was not scared. Volo gave him a thumbs up as well and Noctis opens the door.

The room was bright and Noctis and Volo's eyes did not adjust to yet. They were pulled in by some unknown person. They were set down in front of some table and as Noctis and Volo's eyes finally adjusted they saw 8 other people, all with mask on to hide there identity. In the middle of that table was a man, he was about six foot five and looked as though he weighed 250lbs top. His muscles bulged out on his vest as his arm muscles were about to rip out of his sleeve. He obtain no hair and seemed to have a dark skin tone. Noctis took note of that and came to the assumption that he might be from the village hidden in the clouds as there family were renowned for there dark skin and muscled bodies. Standing on each side were four people, four women and four men. They were in there suits that were given to them by the same scientist. It was hard to determine which person was which. The muscled man then moved his hand and said

"You can remove your mask now, all of you"

Noctis got a hold of his mask and took it off. His hair comes out of it and he shakes his hair to restore back to its natural look. He looks at the women and see they were not from the leaf village. One had a sign from Sunagakure, two of them came from Kirigakure and another from Iwagakure. Noctis could confidently say that these were one of the few most beautiful women that he has ever seen, two of them had blue hair, simular to himself but it was longer and much more taken care off. There bodies were very tone, almost slim and curvy to the touch. One of the women was alittle more volumptous than the others but she retain definition in her legs. Noctis could point out that she was one that was very effecient in taijutsu. The other women didnt stick out as the rest but was just as beautiful as any of them. Her type was slim also but she had hair that covered one side of here eye, hiding away like a mystery. She had a very nice upper body but lacked in lower. The men however, Noctis could easily regonize. One obvious one was Shikyo, he saw him without his bandana and he had to say that he liked it more with the bandana, his hair was very spiked, almost disgusting to look at but he retain his natural appearance. Two of the men were twins, just like Noctis and Volo but those men were identical. They were also bald, there bodies were very slim and almost fragile but Noctis never underestimated nor overestimated anybody due to there appearance. One of men, who was actually from Iwagakure also, was very odd. He appeared to have scars all over his face, a definited scar would be one that was very deep by his right eye. It seems he was not able to look out of that eye, but he dare not to hid it as though he was too prideful into covering it. He was just as muscular as the man who seemed to be in charge of the whole deal. Noctis looked back at Volo and he saw that he was pretty nervous. Noctis looks at the man, he begins to walk up towards the table, he took out his katana out. Was Noctis bold enough to attack the leader, the two twins grabbed on to there minature sycthes out of there side belts and put it in there hands. The Iwagakure women tighten her fist as she was ready to strike. Shikyo did not budge as he knew that if he were to interfer, he would also interfer with getting in the way of the other shinobi. He wanted to telepathically tell him that he is foolish and should turn around before it was too late but Noctis continued up to the table. The man in charge still had his hands folded and his elbows still rested on the table. Noctis gets on one knee and stands his katana upward as though it was standing. He bows his head

"My name is Noctis Lucis Caelum and I am a loyal member to the hokage, I am a jounin ranking and I am here to serve you......"

The man looks at Noctis for a brief second before standing up and moves over and around the table. He walks up in front of Noctis and grabs his katana by unsheathing it. It almost seem as what Noctis has said was an insult to him. He takes the blade and lightly taps his shoulder with it. He puts it back into the sheath and smiles

"Well it seems you truly want to work for me....and I will be honored if you were to work for me as one of my A.T.A agents"

Volo walks over and gets on his knee as well "Sorry, im just not ahead of the game.........sorry..."

The man laughs as he shakes Volo's hair. "It is fine young one, it would not have matter if you did something like what your brother did or not, you are all welcome here at the A.T.A."

All of the men and women cheered as this was a day of reckoning for Noctis and Volo, they were considered the youngest members to have ever joined the A.T.A program and likely no one else ahead of them will ever join them. Noctis and Volo were proud and were given handshakes and pat on the back as they were introduced to the different shinobis. But that time of rejoice was very short lived as the man in charged, also known as "Dragon" gave them there first assignments.

Brief side note: The A.T.A program is a program that was created years ago after the first Shinobi War. All five of the kages; Hokage, Tsuchikage, Mizukage, Raikage and Kazekage all came together and have extremely powerful representives as an all out "defense" corp to take on all national and international threats. They were all to meet at different locations, at times it would be at Kirigakure, Iwagakure, Sunagakure, Konohagakure or Kumogakure. These positions were considered the highest among high but they were considered the most secretive of all operations, no one is to know about it. Not even higher ranking shinobi or the Daimyo's of the different counties. They wanted this to be kept secret for reasons unknown to us, seeing that this was of high importance they were be considered dead, all those who entered were either K.I.A or M.I.A. No known facts can be traced back to them and anything that will lead back to them will be immediately destroyed. Teams are consist of two or three people. These teams were assign to different parts of the world to be "guardians" or do extremely difficult missions that are considered Suicide S-ranks. Many of the people who enter this program are either killed by the first month or year (which is amazing to see that Shikyo is still in there as he entered the A.T.A program at the age of 22 and now he is at the age of 26).

Death thy name is Madara

**Three years later**

Surprisingly Noctis and Volo had surived the many harsh and dangerous missions that the A.T.A could possibly give them. During the three years, they were teamed up together to take on the task as "guardians" of this world. They have taken on many missions such as destroying other villages that gave off things such as propganda about the shinobi and saying about the corrupt money system, going after certain powerful characters such as the legendary Jouten Rimaka, a powerful shinobi who proclaimed to have taken the lives of thousands and was known as the oldest living being in the world. God-like shinobi who have been sentence to death by all of the countries were also a task the have taken up and Noctis and Volo have become quite good in that type of profession. However many of those missions, many of the orginal ten that Noctis and Volo had remembered and met were either dead or M.I.A. Three of the four women were killed all at once during once mission
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:42 pm

It was a bloody battle from what Noctis was told about how those women died. It was in a small village hidden in sand country. It was considered a "hot" zone in A.T.A log books. The four men, were also destroyed in battle, but not Shikyo, he apparently became crippled after he went on a mission in tea country. Noctis and Volo were considered the last orginal members of the A.T.A of sixth generation. They were now on there tenth generations, many of the new members taken on the paths that made up A.T.A, they were either killed by the next month or the next year. This did not surprise the two shinobi boys as they knew it was going to happen. At first though, when the first sixth generation A.T.A member was killed Volo took it hard. He was sadden, crying for weeks at a time in order to mourn the loss of there fallen comrade. Noctis, trying to soothe him, came over to him and sits next to him. They were sitting on the top of a tree in the middle of forest country when they got the news. Noctis puts a shoulder over his brother who was still mourning over him. Noctis looks up and then says


Volo, wipes his eyes and looks up and at Noctis "What?"

"Phoniex, its a mythical bird that is considered immortal, they cannot die but they rise from the ashes anew and become a stronger phoniex. Ever heard of it?"

Volo nods his head as he was still thinking about his fallen comrade. Noctis said "Although he is gone, he is not truly forgotten brother. You have to realize that death is apart of life, we can do nothing to change that fact. Even if we are considered 'gods' themselves, the nature order of things cannot be changed" Noctis gets up the branch that they were sitting on and looks up at the afternoon sky. He looks down seeing that they were high up and notice that there was so much collateral damage to that village. Noctis and Volo had destroyed that village in a matter of minutes, Noctis had planned out a well devised plan that combined Volo's power and Noctis subtle silent ability. Noctis looks over at Volo, who was still crying alittle but was wiping away at his tears.

"Yeah I know that Noctis, its just that.....I dont feel good about kill all those people, they did not deserve it. I know most of them were dangerous criminals but none of them deserved that kind of death. They should've died naturally, just like old people one should die like that....not even you and me....."

"Ah come on Volo, you know we cant die...we are immortal, I mean look at the oldest Caelum, he has to be like 1000 years old, give or take a few years and he looks like he is thiry...listen we are not going to die ok....."

"You dont get it just dont get it...."

That was one of the many conversations they had during there three years as members for A.T.A, there were many conversations like that and after that. But such good talks came with arguements and fights between themselves but were usually solve during missions. After three years or so, the A.T.A members could go back to there village and reconnect with there families, or if they had families of there own. Volo could not wait to see his mother again. There were so much difference between the two of them now. Noctis hair became alittle more darker and had more grey in it. He was alot more taller then he was when he was a small child but now he was a teenager and has grown to be quite a young man. As they walked to there house, Noctis began to think in his mind as he was discussing a concerning issue with Raeper. It was a issue that concern with the Uchiha problem that was occuring internally during there travels. Seeing that the village of Konoha were having slight problems with the Uchiha clan, hearing from a spy that there was going to be a Coup d'etat among them and try to overpower the Hokage. How did Noctis learn about this, this was known when both Noctis and Volo came into meeting one of the most dangerous but probably the most pacifist person ever to exist, Itachi Uchiha

They both met Itachi during a mission that was close to home, they were intercepted by a team of ANBU agents that were on there way to go to Takigakure but were attacked by missing shinobi. The ANBU team had defeated them but some were wounded and decided not to go out and finish up the mission. Noctis and Volo heard from there superior to check if there were any casualities. Being obedient they followed there orders and went to meet up with the ANBU agents. As they appeared, the saw the camp that was set up but no one was there to be found. Noctis could obviously point out that this was probably a trap set up to make sure that no one, other then there own agents would be able to find. Volo searched around the tents that were set up by them only to see that they were hiding in there and tried to attack Volo. Volo disappeared, leaving an afterimage and was moving around the shinobi so swiftly that it was hard to trace there steps. He was slashing as there chest and seeing them fall over was something pleased Volo. He was about to make a kill move until he met eye to eye with Itachi Uchiha. He had a younger appearanc as always, his hair tied backwards but the definited scar on his face was clear that this was no one other than Itachi. Noctis heard about Itachi, seeing he was another person that was from the same class as he and Volo were but they failed to regonize who he was. He heard that he was also in the chunin exams but both Noctis and Volo were so young that they failed to try to regonize him. He was skilled in genjutsu and his sharingan which made him very rival to any shinobi that crossed his path. Volo runs backwards speedingly. Itachi blinked as he was trying to see if he could copy that speed but Volo disappears, only in actuality running at Itachi so fast that his Sharingan had not the capability to see him. Volo appeared behind him with a kunai attack to his throat. Itachi put his hands up as he was cleared outmatch, or they figured. Noctis puts his hands up

"Both of you stop this at once, we are both friends, not enemies. We should not be fighting over something of great speculations, now Volo lower your weapons and Itachi please deactivate your sharingan. Im sure we can be reasonable and lower our defensives"

Volo and Itachi looked at each other, although it was hostilility it was just the heat of the moment. Volo lowered his kunai and spun it around back into his case. Itachi closes his eyes and it return back to its onyx black color. Noctis puts his hands in his pocket, a signature move that is clear on what he does today, noting that he was calm at the moment. This was the first time meeting up with Itachi and seeing him with that sharingan reminded him of seeing the Uchiha clan at there prime.

As they began to calm, what was then hostile and resentment became laughter and enjoyment in the camp. Noctis, Volo and Itachi were enjoying themselves as they began to eat and drink. Volo and Itachi were eating the meats that they enjoyed while Noctis was enjoying the fruits he had found in the forest. Noctis has a extremely dislike to meat for some reason, he hated it ever since he was a child. His father thought of that as being weak but Noctis was very tone and muscular even from the amount of foods he ate. Besides that point, they were all enjoying themselves until nightfall. Itachi informed the two A.T.A members that they will be leaving as soon as the sun comes up so it would be wise for them to get some sleep. Volo did exactly that, as he set up tent and hit the sack as soon as he layed on it. He forgot to put all the covers on him and was snoring somewhat loudly. Noctis, suffering from Insomina from the due fact that Raeper continues to talk to him constantly, flips Volo over on his stomach so he can stop snoring and gives him all of his blankets. He decided he wanted to go outside and look at the moon before heading back to sleep. He walks towards a river that was near there only find Itachi sitting there with his back turn looking at the river as it flowed itself constantly towards a waterfall that led off a cliff. He turns around and see's Noctis. He smiles a bit

"Couldnt sleep I see, I get that too. You know worrying about things"

"Actually im not worried, i just cant sleep, Volo sleeps to heavily and his snoring kept me awake. Plus, its a beautiful moon out today and looking at that makes me feel comfortable" Noctis said

Itachi smiled as he sits down and folds his legs "You know you dont sound like you really are that interested in the moon. You seem so bland and so plain, ya know?"

"Yeah I see where you can get that, but thats how I talk. When im exicted, I barely change my voice and tone but it seem to make people back off at times. Eh, thats not truly my problem cause im thinking about something that concerns you.....concerns something about the Uchiha clan that I've been hearing about...."

Itachi was silent, Noctis could tell that he was he did not feel comfortable into saying about the Uchiha clan. Noctis kneels down on one knee "Oh you dont have to hide it, we all know, we all know whats been going on with the Uchiha clan, its just so happen that I know much more about then anyone else in this squadron and possibly the kage. You seen, I've been watching you. Watching you a great deal Itachi. I havent met you but I know much about you. I've heard you been taking on some serious missions that would considered A.T.A missions. You're smart, powerful, cunning and possibly one of the more greater shinobi here in the village. Which makes you a great candiate for being a spy for the Uchiha clan"

Itachi quickly glances at Noctis "How the hell....?"

"Although im gone and away from Konoha, I certainly know much about the politics that go around in each village and the hidden politics that is surrounding Konoha is defintely the Uchiha clan case. I knew a long time ago that you were a spy, you were too much for the perfect candiate. Seeing that you dont like to fight, seeing that you did not want to harm Volo as he was about to finish you off, you were suicidal at that point. You wanted someone to end your life so you would not have to deal with the problems of the Uchiha, almost making making a pacifist. I can the deductive reasoning that not only you were involved but also an outside party. Someone from the outside that is giving you all the information about the Uchiha........thats why you are out here. You arent truly worried about the ANBU agents but you are waiting for someone, someone in particular who I notice was hiding in the shadows as I was talking"

Itachi sighed as he stood up and brushed off the dirt off his pants. He looks behind him in the trees "You can come out now, I doubt that he is going to leave"

"Oh man, this is something that I cannot get out of eh" like a shadow, the man appears in front of Itachi. Noctis looks at him and gives a full description of him. He was wearing a cloak, all black with red cloud so Noctis could come to facts that this was an Akatsuki member. Seeing that the akatsuki is a hiding group, it took Noctis awhile to figure out that he was from the Akatsuki. He saw the spiked hair that was clear evidence that it was an Uchiha. But what made it more mysterious was the mask that was hiding between him and Noctis. Noctis could not see through it, only thing that made it for sure that was an Uchiha as the small hole on the left side of that mask. That eye gave off a glimpse of red and he saw the rotating part of the sharingan. Noctis blinks twice and sticks his hand out

"Pleasure to meet you, The name is Noctis...."

The man took his hand and shaked it with gratitude. The man was surprised that this boy had enough courage to shake his hand. He was radiating off darkness and pure evil and yet this boy was clearly not afraid. Their were not one speck of fear in his eye he looked into it. "And it is a pleasure to meet you, young man, My name is Madara.......Madara Uchiha...."
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:42 pm

This was the first time ever Nocits got to meet the most powerful Uchiha ever in existance. Noctis has heard about Madara's existance and how he almost obtain the power to rule over Konoha but Noctis and Raeper at that matter could only laugh at Madara's failure as he cease control over his own clan, whom which he has brought up and to obtain the rule over the village. Noctis shook his hand as Madara was considered the mentor and highly respected among the other A.T.A. as he was considered a legend.

"So this is the man that you called upon Itachi, the renowned Madara Uchiha. I have to say im midly impresed by the sheer fact that you even called him up to take on the challenge, what did you to get him, kiss ass until..."

"I dont want to hear it, are the last person to actually judge me on the matter, arent you the same person who killed all those countless lives in had to that damn job in order to achieve your goal and I have to do this so I can achieve my god damn goal, you understand me?" Itachi retaliated. Noctis back up raised his hands trying to make peace with him

"Ok ok, I get it. I understand you, sorry its hard for me to make a joke cause of the way I talk, sorry. Dont worry, I actually want to help in your plan Itachi, seeing that you'll need all the help you can get the Uchiha stable"

Madara walks towards the river and looks at his reflection "And what pretail made you think that you can help us?"

"Well Madara, Im thinking, im considered dead around the world. Remember the A.T.A does not exist it is just there. We are a contradiction factor. I want to make A.T.A come back to the surface by having a elite member of those elite members kill off the Uchiha clan. I want to bring down the A.T.A, make it come back into existance and hopefully ending it. I dont like the fact that the A.T.A existance and something like makes flaws in the Shinobi world. Plus, I think we all know that if we dont have Konoha stable, then the whole village system goes to waste. Making the note that Konoha is one of the worlds most powerful village. Seeing it fall will make other small clans turn against the bigger ones and possibly going up against other villages since they see that Konoha had fallen to the Uchiha"

Madara listen to what Noctis had to say about this. He was intrigued to see that Noctis was very observant and also very stagetic, he saw that he put much thought into this and probably had plans for that plans. This boy Madara thought would be key in the role of the Akatsuki. His intelligence is of that of unknown capabilities, his strength.....god-like. Having him in my Akatsuki will make us unstoppable. Madara nods his head agreeing to what Noctis had to say. Itachi also followed but saw that Noctis revolved much of his methods around violence. Seeing that him, a pacifist, would have to stop Noctis in the end. Noctis then looks at both Itachi and Madara.

"So how do you like it, can i join you two into destroying the Uchiha clan"

Madara instantly replied "Yes, please come and join us. We have much to discuss and plan afterwords, how to make you a member for the Akatsuki"

Noctis sighes "Excellent, Im sure we will be seeing each other soon"

Before Madara left, he gave strict instructions on where they will meet, what date it was, the begining, during and after planning for there escape. Noctis agrees to the terms and returns back to camp where he goes back to sleep right next to his sleeping brother who was now calmly sleeping

***The night of the massacre***

They were now at home safe where there mother had treated them a great meal and was happy to see that they were still alive. She had recieve letters from them constantly (mostly from Volo) about how they were doing and how the missions were going but she was always fearful on the fact that her sons were to die by someone elses hand. But now that feeling was gone for her sons had return and they have not changed one bit, although physically they have. From the time they arrived to Konoha to the night, they had celebrated on the mere fact that both Noctis and Volo were home. But now it was late at night, both Volo and Karai were fast asleep in the bedroom. Karai had gotten depressed not being able to kiss them both goodnight and seeing them seperate from different rooms was not going to happen tonight. Noctis, still suffering from Insomnia, was still awake but it was his time to shine. His moment of glory. His first revolutionary act that will caused the world to be turn upside by him. Noctis was already in his A.T.A uniform as he had never changed out of it. He had a hood over his head that covered his neck, hair and parts of his mouth and nose but not his eyes. He places the mask of the A.T.A over his face and was set to leave. He silently moved acrossed the floor and he was good at it too. He did not make not one sound. He opens up the window and looks back at his mother and brother sleeping comfortably together on the floor with the blankets over them. Noctis waves at them for this would be the last time he would be able to see both his mother and Volo. He was somewhat sadden but it was not as much as he was doing this for the greater good. He moves out of the window and on to a fire escape. He closes the window and disappears towards the spot

Waiting for five minutes, Noctis was in leaning against a tree. He was tapping his foot as he was wating patiently for Madara and Itachi to show up. Noctis had a thing where people were late, he had a type of personality that made sure that he was somewhat ahead of schedule, he liked that due to the fact that there could be some type of variables that come into play. What if something goes wrong? What if one of the Uchiha tries and use the sharingan on me or that person has the Mangekyou Sharingan? You see Madara did not explain clearly on the Uchiha they were fighting. Noctis has not fought a Uchiha before, although they are just pure enough shinobi they have some type of strong chakra and are quick to react. Putting those variable into play made Noctis wonder on why Madara and Itachi could be late. Finally after ten minutes of waiting both Itachi and Madara come up from a pathway towards the spot. Madara was walking right beside Itachi, Itachi eyes were closed but Noctis could see that he could tell that he had been crying but Itachi was doing a good job as of hiding the fact that he had been. Noctis walks up to them

"Finally you show up, what were you two having a pity party? I dont like it when im mislead to have to be here on a exact time and not have the two people are clearly involved in this be late"

"Were here arent we" Itachi said in a cold manner. He was wearing his ANBU captain outfit but lacked the cloak and the mask. "Lets get this over with, ok? Oh and one more thing I forgot to add to this. Noctis.....there is one person that absolutely do not want to be killed and that is my little brother....Sasuke. This is the only person that I want alive, ok"

"Yeah sure.....any reason particular reason as to why I should let your little brother live?"

Itachi stared at Noctis and Noctis stared into Itachi's sharingan eyes. Noctis then glanced deep inside of him and saw the amount of pain that Itachi was going through. He knew that he had to be suffering from the inside and seeing the fact that his mother and father were in on this probably caused him much trouble. But he saw that his brother was innocent and did not know any better. Noctis nods his head and begins to walk towards the sector where the Uchiha lie. Noctis took out his blade "Ok, lets do this"

This was the start of the bloodiest massacre in Konoha history (taking place also was the Izoto clan massacre). Both Madara, Itachi and Noctis split up into three seperate groups. Noctis took himself towards the middle of the sector, where he met some strong Uchiha's. Noctis, not truly entice by this really, took out his blade and disappeared only leaving the blue and black trails of his image. He began to slash at the Uchiha, slicing them down at them. There was two Uchiha's that were standing beside each other. Noctis ran at them at high speeds, when slowed down dramatically, Noctis was moving in between them. He takes his katana and moves it back and slices downward at one of the Uchiha's shoulderblades. It cut him straight through, taking away his arm and parts of his chest. As he was about to fall over, he was cut again by Noctis only this time his head came off. The blood spilled out of him and spattered over a little child who was standing there. That child began to cry seeing the that poor man head roll over to him. The other man, standing trying to defend himself was cut down helplessly. First his arms were cut off, the Uchiha could not have seen it. Noctis was moving too fast for him and no human would be able to see it. The his knees were chopped in split second. That man fell over on his back and was crying out something that Noctis could care less about. Noctis stood over him and wipes the blood away from his katana. He then takes his boot and stomps on the mans throat. He slowly began to crush on it and his head exploded off. The boy, now then pissed himself could not move due to the shock he was suffering. Noctis walks over to him and kneels down in front of him. He grabs his head only to slowly and painfully twist it off. He goes into his pocket and reached into to grab four exploding notes. He stuffs it into the boys skull and throws it into a building. He walks away slowly with his hands in his pockets as he slowly took a breath of fresh air and blew it out. He heard the screams and pleads of many that were taken away as the bomb went off taking away two buildings. Noctis had done his job and was now to settle with Madara's training.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:44 pm

Finishing the job that Noctis had gotten into, he returns back to the orginal location they had met up before the massacre. The smell of blood was sweet in the air but Noctis smelt something very fowl approaching. He turns himself towards the location of the smell and looks to find none other than Madara Uchiha. He looked unscathed, just like Noctis was, and had appeared that he was not even exhausted. Noctis could tell officially that this was the legendary Madara Uchiha that he heard about. He speculated at first to see if it was truly Madara or not but seeing that his abilities was to par of the legend it was true that he was him. Noctis walks over to meet up with Madara. Madara folds his arms but he raises his right arm to his cheek and placed his head on his hand

"My that was quicker then I expected, but thats truly not a surprise seeing what clan you came from. So tell me, were they weak? Were they just ordinary shinobi as you expected them to be, or do the Uchiha clan hold up to the legend?"

Noctis had a quick pause, he realize that saying some lie would probably convince Madara that he would be deceitful however Noctis did not know whether Madara would be able to handle the amount of truth about the clan. Noctis looks back at Madara as he knew what he had to say "They were weak, Madara-sama, they were like killing dogs that have not eaten for days on end. They seemed powerless as I as struck them with the fierce about of power of the Tenshu Hitotoki. Slashing away at there bodies, cutting away the ateries and vessels with my cold blade that could freeze this night. No I would not consider them to be legends but just lackeys for the power mad village we know well as Konoha....." Noctis folded his arm ready to hear what Madara had to say about that. Madara appeared to have a blank look but that was only to the perspective of Noctis, truly Madara was astounded how he was able to put words into flowing melodies that made his heart and soul cry in terror. Madara respected the boy but he also feared him as well. To think that he was that observant meant that he could easily take control over a situation. He might as well kill Noctis now so he would not have to worry about him, but Madara could easily see Noctis power growing exponentially and can see that his chakra was far more powerful than his own. Madara nods his head in agreement as he walks away in silence. Noctis did not know what to expect, he thought that Madara was angry at him for saying such words but the thought of that made Noctis care less about him. Noctis followed Madara to where they were suppose to truly meet up at. Madara was silent on there walk towards the empty temple in the Uchiha clan. His cloak flowed back at Noctis with every step he took. Noctis took off his mask and his hood underneath so he could easily breath and see alittle better. He steps away from Madara to see a glimpse of the now former Uchiha meeting place. It was vast and had much eerieness to it, before so this place was grand, those who entered were considered the best of the best, the most high. It had so much artifacts that was legendary and powerful, Noctis had no need for such stuff but Madara sure did. He wanted to obtain something, Noctis could obviously see that from his aura and from the way Raeper kept on insinuating it. Noctis looks and at the entrance way was Itachi. He looked as though he did most of the work, which in actuality he did. He had a kunai in his hand that was blood drenched. It dripped off of the kunai ever so slowly onto the ground, the crimson blood that was the Uchiha's glisten in the moonlight, Noctis could almost hear the screams of those that were struck done by Itachi and Madara. As Madara and Noctis reached up to Itachi, Itachi's head was down. Noctis walks up to see if anything was wrong with him. But then he saw tears stream down his face. Noctis could not believe this, the most feared Uchiha in Konoha was crying but what was he crying for? Noctis sighed as he walked away from Itachi and towards the entrance gate. Madara walked past Itachi as well

"You coming or not?" Madara replied as his voice faded away as he kept on walking towards the entrance way to the Uchiha hideout. Itachi slowly turned around and placed his head up. His now cold demeanor came up and he hid away the much amount of pain he was going through at the moment. He walks faster to reach up to Madara and Noctis. Madara looks at the doorway and chuckled to himself "Well there is no point of this being here" he raises his hands up, placing his hands into a tiger seal. He inhales deeply and raises his mask up, for a quick glimpse, Noctis could see what Madara looked like and it astounded him. He looked as though he has not age all those years back. His apperearance, both ageless and powerful, breathed out a intense fireball that before it even reached the door, the metal was literally melting away and as the fireball reached and made impact, the door was completely obliterated into nothingness. Madara lowers his mask and uses his fingers to signal them to follow him. Noctis and Itachi looked at each other, there eyes met each other at once, the firery sharingan eyes of Itachi and the cool, calm dark ocean blue eyes of Noctis were like the opposing forces of nature. They turn towards the entrance and walks into the gate.

Madara, Itachi and Noctis all were travelling through a maze-like corridors. Many different shrines were presented, most often shrines that had a demon on it. From what the looks of it they were Tengu's (goblins), many of them were holding a giagantic fan with the Uchiha symbol in the middle of it. Madara path seems to avoid much of these shrines, he was wandering somewhat aimlessly and Noctis could tell that they were trying to get lost in this place. It was a big place and seeing the different rooms was making Noctis feeling uncomfortable, he disliked big places in where he was lead into something disfunctionally. Noctis gives off a loud sigh, Madara heard it and turns his head around

"Is something troubling you, Noctis...?"

Noctis gives an evil look "Yeah I kinda do, I mean I dont know what makes me more upset at the moment. Whether its the fact that you lead us to a place that seems to have a aura that gives off harsh and concerning tones or the fact that you are purposely walking us aimlessly into nothing. I dont know what to choose....." Noctis was now officially annoyed by Madara. Madara chuckles and turns back around walking, leading them. Noctis puts his hands in his pocket and sighed again thinking to himself that he is going to have a problem with Madara in the long run. Noctis then looks up and see's a light, a door was open and there were dim lights that were had a orange tint to it. Noctis took note that there were candles in that room and somebody was probably waiting there and from what Noctis could actually predict that person must of been waiting for a very long time. Noctis turns to Itachi and see's his face was purely cold. He has never seen Itachi like this, long before Itachi and Volo were having a joyous moment and it seemed as though he had a very light-hearted personality, but now after experiencing the deaths of his family and possibly scaring the one person that Noctis believed to be his brother for life. Noctis see's that this has ultimately changed him, Noctis could not understand how Itachi had to feel. He was never assign to kill his own family in order to make sure there was peace or of anything of that sort. As Noctis, Madara and Itachi reached towards the door, Noctis stops walking, ultimatly haulting himself. Itachi and Madara continued on. Noctis reason for stopping was for the reasons that made Noctis feel like this was deja vu, he was lead on a path, wandering towards a goal that will lead him to the next chapter of his life. First it was the academy, then the chunin exams, then the jounin exams, then the A.T.A and now this. Taking this path means that he will live the life as a shinobi that has sworn himself among himself. He takes no orders from anyone and can direct his path as he chose it. To Noctis this both made him estatic but also feaful of the unknown. He thought that if he takes his path he will never be able to turn back, thinking that his brothe would hate him, his mother would cry for him and his own well-being will diminish. Noctis grabbed his chest as he felt the discomfort of that ill feeling in his chest. But in his head, a deep voice said to him Do not fear, my child, this path that you shall be taking will not be blindly fallen. I shall guide you, but it is you that must decide whether you take heed of my guidance. If you turn around now, no one will stop you, not Madara, nor Itachi, nor myself. If you take this step towards that room, then your mind is made up, you cannot take way this path. Only in due time can you step away from this path again and move back to the orginal plan that was set for must chose...Nokutisu..... Noctis closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, it felt like this was the longest breath he has ever taken in his lifetime, or so it seems. He then says back to him That path that I will take......shall be the one that you have walked grandfather but I shall be different....I shall be that engima that you have told me that I am, The Engimatic Death.....thats what I shall be called.... Noctis takes a step forward and then another step until finally he was walking the path towards the room. He opens up the door and see that Itachi, Madara and another person there was sitting down around a table that was completely round. Noctis then goes and pulls out a chair where he sits down and crosses his arms together.

"Glad you can join us, Noctis....we thought you had turn around cause you had gotten bored and such. But it does not matter" Madara said as he throws over a cloak. Noctis catches it and looks at the cloak. It was definetely his size, he stands up and puts the cloak around himself. As he zipped it up, it gave him a feeling of dark desire, something that would allow him to rule this world. He shakes that feeling off as he looked at Itachi who was also wearing the Akatsuki uniform. He felt at ease again as he sat down in his chair, he looks towards at the end of the table. He see's a hooded man, wearing simular outfit but he was alittle bit taller then the rest of the group and he was holding onto a giant gourd, which was just as tall as him. His arms were folded and they were wrapped in some type of cloth that was made out of completely black clothing. The mans shifts himself so he could raise his leg up on the table. As he puts his leg over the other, Madara clears his throat

"Well, since we are all here, I like to get this unofficial Akatsuki meeting started. So at best, I would like you two be introduce to one of my very close friend.....he is a man that was raised in sand country way before it was sand country. He is a long living being that has been in many wars, seen the first Shinobi come out from the ashes, helped build up parts of many villages but also been a terror to us for centuries. Itachi, Noctis I would like to introduce the Chain King himself, Jouten Rimaka...."

Immediately Noctis regonized him, he could not believe that Jouten Rimaka was still alive and well. Jouten takes off his hood and coming down from his head were purple and black dreads. They fall down towards is shoulder and he shakes his dreads. He slides his hands over his dreads, grabbing them and putting them in a ponytail. He then reaches into his pocket and grab black sunglasses and places them over his eyes. Noctis was still shocked, his facial expression even showed it as his eyes were widen and his eyebrows were stiffen upwards. Jouten smiles as he looks at Noctis "Surprise to see me alive, you little twerp?"

Master Jouten teachings and Noctis passage for power

Jouten, a well known enemy and considered one of the most deadliest terrorist in the shinobi world was a threat towards all villages. Espicially the A.T.A. From past refrences, Noctis and Volo were given orders to seach and destroy Jouten and erase all threats that could possibly lead back to him. Noctis and Volo travelled to earth country and sought forth his so-called 'village'. Both Noctis and Volo went and destroyed all the shinobi that roamed in it so freely and the last thing that Noctis remembered doing was setting up bombs everywhere and setting them off causing a mass explosion that rumbled the earths of Earth Country. Noctis remember that the village was oblierated, no living creature could had survived that blast of that extent, even the dead bodies that Noctis and Volo had killed were oblierated. seeing that Jouten was alive and unharmed made Noctis believe that he had truly underestimated him. Noctis unfolds his arms as he looks at Jouten stunned still by this fact. Jouten raises his hands ands shrugs.

"The hell is wrong with you kid, it look like you just seen a ghost or something....well techincally I would be considered a ghost to you since you KILLED my whole entire village and then made me start from scratch......yeah I guess I would be surprise too if I were to do that to you and see you come back from the dead.....Oh wait I was never dead...." he sticks out his tongue like a little child. Noctis eye begins to twitch out of pure irritation. "Dont worry bout it kid, its no harm plan wasnt really to conquer that place anyway"

"OH no?" Noctis question "Then what is it that you were planning to do.....besides...." then the idea came into his head automatically. He began to think about about the mission he had to take. He remember how the ninja were extremely difficult to kill, but it was like they were set up like that. Its rare to find a group who was that organize in order to kill two opponents. Noctis remembers having Volo do some major aerobatic work as he slashed through his opponents and remembers his plans and his back up for plans. It was all somewhat of set up, something that a mastermind would do. "besides the fact that you were watching me the whole time to see whether or not I would join your organization. You guys were recruiting"

"Correcto mundo, just reached the prize of 1,000,00 Ryo" Jouten, laughing as he said it. "You really are a smart kid, I never would've thought you would had figure that out. Well of course Madara knew that from the beginning"

Noctis turns to Madara
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:45 pm

Madara had his arms folded and was agreeing to what Jouten was saying. Noctis grabs his nose and closes his eyes as this seemed to be alittle too much. Noctis would have never had thought that someone like Jouten would had been working for the Akatsuki, he assumed that he did but after realizing that he was pretty much working on his own, Noctis dimissed the fact that he could hdd worked for an organization but now his speculations were right and now the fact that he was being watched by this organization was little bit too much for him at the moment. He takes a deep breath and lets out a cold, freezing air that seemed to freeze the particles that surrounded it. Both Jouten and Madara notice that his aura was leaking out and both of them could see that blue and black aura that was surrounding his whole entire being. Madara, finally had the say to talk, then chuckles

"So, from what I see, I guess you already know why we actually got you here in our organization."

Noctis, although reluctant to say and do it, nodded his head "Yeah, I found out why you would try and recruit someone like me. The Akatsuki is a hidden organization that is, at the moment doing there job but hiding at the same time. They do not want to reveal the fact that they are an active group. When that time comes to where the Akatsuki becomes more of a threat, you have a A.T.A to worry about. The last thing you need is for some powerful group to mess with a revolutionary group. So what do you do? You make crazy and insane terrorist to come and lure out us, me. You created situations that involved much thinking, much planning that needs to be involved with. Plus the added extra of finding top of the line shinobi that have great with all the three factors of Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, made it pretty easy for you, Jouten. Had to do less work then what you were expected to do....."

Noctis stopped for a moment, Jouten smiled and Noctis could easily say that what he was saying so far was the truth so far. Noctic then contined "I see why many of the A.T.A elite were getting killed. You pretty much surrounded them, waited until they were weakened and killed them off slowly. Its how Shikyo got injured and was crippled. His skills were up to par with any S-rank shinobi, it was someone like you two that were planning the steps. Then came me and my brother, you thought you could take it easy on your first mission when we came to destroy the base that you set up in Kumogakure but when we destroyed your base and killed all those countless lives, you had to test me again and again and again, until we had enough and blew up that village that you created. That was probaby the end point in which Madara told you to stop and say that I was the perfect person to then this came afoot and knowing how much I hated the Uchiha clan, you risked the factor of me, knowing who you are, to come from the shadows and abide to Itachi. And thats how this whole thing I correct..?"

"Oh no, you are certainly correct..." Madara stated as he rested his back on the chair. He folded his arms as he was content on the fact that Noctis figured it out, but it surprised him that he figured it out so quickly, it would had taken other shinobi much, much longer before they realize how they were set up. Madara could easily use his skills as an anaylist to be key for him, not to mention his Tenshu Hitotoki and his familar abilities to ninjutsu and genjutsu that Madara gave him the nickname "The Blue Death". Madara then goes to say "Well now that you came and settle that dispute, I have something to tell you also. Yes, it was me that set you up and now that you are here, do you have any regrets or hatred towards me?"

Noctis shakes his head as soon as Madara ended his statement "No, I dont feel a resentment towards you, I feel as though this was fate for me to join this organization. I soon as I heard about it, I had an urge that this organization will pretty much change my life" in common actuality, Noctis was lying on the fact that this was his fate to join. He really had no intentions on joining but to rule it. He wanted to power to change the human world and seeing how difficult it is to do by staying in Konoha was not a factor that he wanted to take apart him. He would probably be stuck there, doing missions after missions, taking on a sensei position and hopefully reaching for the title as 'Hokage', but the rarity of that happen was mircoscopically slim. The only way was for him to change this world and hope that this world would be able to deal with peace was to join or start an organization of some sort. The Akatsuki was a group that already existed, and Noctis just needed a way to join it. Although Madara had set him up, he set himself up for his own death. Noctis was the Enigmatic Death, those that stood in his way would fall onto there knees and beg to live only to be crushed by the foot of Noctis. Madara agreed to that statement Noctis did

"Well I also believe that is was fate that you joined this organization, but what is also fate is the person that will be joining up with"

Noctis was expecting him to say Itachi, he thought of Itachi as another little brother really. He had the same abilities of Volo almost, the only thing that made him different was his genjutsu prowness and his sharingan/mangekyo sharingan. But that is not what Noctis heard from Madara "The person im signing you up with is Jouten"

Jouten turns to Noctis and Noctis turns to Jouten. Both of there eyes met. The tension between them thickend and it was obviously noted by Madara when he said "Now i know there is some differences between you two but I want to see how this two pairs work. The oldest living person who has been around for centuries and the young blue-haired prodigy who has the intelligence of that of God himself. I would like to see what you two can do. Im going to make you two a seperate part of the Akatsuki. I've always respected the fact that Jouten was the one who gave me some ideals about the Akatsuki, I think it would reasonable for you two to be independent. However...." Madara implied "I will be sending you two missions to capture and take in Bijuu. The Akatsuki is still growing and I need people to start off and what else is there better to di than for you two to work together to find out bijuu's. Is that clear?"

Both Noctis and Jouten replied with


Madara waves them the two off. "You two may leave now, I want to talk to Itachi for a moment. Yo uare free to do whatever you wish to do"

Jouten arose from his chair first, grabbing his giant gourd and placing it over his back. Noctis stands up and pushes in the chair and brushes off his cloak. Jouten walks around the table and towards the door. His steps were light, even from the amount of weight that he was carrying he was noted that he could easily carry it without any hassle. Noctis then walk behind him and out the door both of them went. Noctis closes the door behind him and begins to walk with Jouten. Jouten somewhat towered over Noctis almost, Noctis had to look up at Jouten as they were walking. Noctis put his hands in his pocket and turn his head away from Jouten. Jouten turned around and see's that Noctis was looking at nothingness

"Well I can tell that you aint looking at the dim lights of the candles that is leading onto our exit. Tell me whats on ya mind kid?"

Noctis turns to him "Well first off, dont call me a irritates me to hear that from someone, espicially from the likes of you........second of all I dont feel that anything is really wrong with me, Im just thinking thats all. Can I think without getting harrassed?"

"Whoa...take it easy kid....I mean Noctis.....Im just trying to start a friendly conversation between partner and partner. I mean, we are partners arent we?"

Noctis sighed and was still talking calm "Yeah, I suppose we are partners. But its the sole fact that you were the one that was setting me up on this thing of Madara's. I cant believe that someone like Madara would be able to convince you to be able to do something like that is beyond me"

Jouten had a puzzled look on his face. They finally reached the exit out of the building and outward into the open. It was rainy heavily, and it was not even noticable since they were bellow ground at first. Jouten turns to Noctis "How do you mean?"

"Well, you are considered one of the oldest person's to be alive. You, of all people, have different views on things and your preception is pretty well-thought and has a base. I would think that someone like you would no one would be able to convince you on something is very ideal. Espicially an idealistic person like Madara...."

Both Noctis and Jouten placed there hoods over there heads and they jump far and high into the forest where they streamed across the branches like elegant dancers. Jouten calmly replies "It is because Madara was the one who rescue me from my slumber, you see centuries ago my people went into war, during this time it was a world of mass chaos and unendless days of war. It was I that ended that war and for that time being I was celebrated as a god, but those who lost in the war feared me greatly and figured that I would be too powerful for my own clan, so they sealed me into this chamber in the middle of sand country, where I was locked up away for 500 years until Madara came and freed me. It was he that saved me from my slumber and for that i give him my life.....what would you do if someone were to save you from a slumber like that?"

Noctis thought upon it thinking if that were to happen to him, he then replies only a few minutes later "I would probably kill that person...Jouten, to be honest. I mean, yeah he had well intentions to set you free but he knew that you were a powerful warrior and your skills resembled much of the first shinobi. Seeing that a ancient shinobi is still around probably gave him the idea of using you like a robot. He needed someone who had ancient skills and you were the one to do it. I dont know I like the fact that Madara is just using you like a pawn"

Jouten was quiet for a moment, he began to think back as he remembered the promise Madara made him when he freed him. He remember him saying that he will set him free as long as he did as he was told. Madara never had much liking of Jouten truly, he only used him for his ancient skills in ninjutsu. Jouten realize that what Noctis says was true, all of it. He was being used and Jouten has been so blinded by this that he did not even realize that he was. He turns his head towards Noctis, with a sorrowful look on his face that made Noctis realize that what he said was true "What is it that you suggest we do then Noctis? I dont know what to do really, can I truly fight the one person who saved my life?"

Noctis was silent for a moment as he thought that what he was about to say would change both his and Jouten's lives were to change "I think we need to do is to kill Madara, well at least get him out of the picture. I see that if he is to continued, the Akatsuki will never he settled for change in this world. As long as Madara is alive he will be a blemish...a little spot on this world and I believe that with him gone, you and I can rule it and possibly change this world"

Jouten smiled as he heard Noctis say that. Before Jouten had much resentment towards him but then he figured that Noctis must have a heart for Jouten, which Noctis did. Noctis realize that Jouten was used like a puppet and a god-like weapon and Noctis was used like a god-like weapon for Konoha. Noctis understood that what he must do and in order to do so, he had to win over a few people that can help him. Seeing that Jouten had that eye of understanding more from Noctis, it seems Noctis was on his way to destroy the old Akatsuki and rebuild a new one.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:46 pm

Noctis and Jouten alone were a very powerful team by Akatsuki's standards. Not only was Noctis one of the few people in the Akatsuki that was actually feared for his uncanny ability but also the one of the people that placed in any member of the Akatsuki would make that duo powerful and well-balanced enough Noctis had fast-reaction, intelligence that was used in a quick second, high-speed ability thanks to his training and due to his kekkei genkai, the balance and mastery he had over taijutsu (the gentle fist style, silent homicide technique and various martial arts), ninjutsu (suiton and fuuton ninjutsu), and genjutsu made him valuable as a well-rounded attribute. Madara saw this in with Noctis and although his main focus was Itachi Uchiha, he would use Noctis later, just in case something were to happen to the young Uchiha. Jouten, himself, was a person to be reconize with his long historical fights and wars that he suffered through, plus the power of his clan's kekkei genkai and his taijutsu made him valuable as well but Madara only saw him as a teacher for Noctis. Noctis alone had the talent, the intellect, the power and ability, only thing that he was missing was someone to give him philosophical idea's that will change his persona ultimately. Madara needed that inside of Noctis and therefore put those two together.

Jouten and Noctis, personally, were friends that were quite inseperable. Jouten, the wise-cracking and indeedly odd behavior and Noctis, cool, calm, collective and at times serious personality, at times, clashed with each otehr as Noctis was annoyed by Jouten's behavior and Jouten could not stand his old soul mentality, but it was that conflict that made them a strong partnership with each other. At times, Jouten turned his wise-cracking personality into the wise and philsopohical person that Noctis liked to see and Noctis, sometimes and rarely, would lighten up and fool around with Jouten (although, he did not agree with his methods such as going to a bar, Jouten drinking fifty to sixty drinks and then run off). At times, Jouten would tell Noctis about his past, his history about his race of people. How they were born from the universe itself and they were the children of them. They were peaceful until Jouten came along and he changed the way the Rimakan's lived at one time. Noctis would also teach Jouten things about certain sciences that would interest Jouten where he could not explain or know why it happen. Noctis apparent prodigy level intellect would inform Jouten of these sciences (although sometimes Noctis would say so complex that Jouten would give him a blank face and just forget about asking the question). In short, they were a partnership and friendship that were meant to be

However, this did not change the fact that Jouten was only a master to Noctis and Noctis was only a student for Jouten. Jouten taught him the techniques that will change Noctis life forever. The Kaika (enlightenment) techinques. This gave Noctis the chance to become "one" with his chakra and the surroundings beyond his understandings. Jouten, who was the creator and founder of the kaika techniques, easily taught Noctis these moves. Noctis would focus hours upon hours on how to harness the power of his chakra, it was probably the most difficult training process that he ever had to face in his whole entire life as a shinobi. He had great chakra control but the problem of that was the kaika techniques at first had to work when all of the chakra comes out of the body and then the practioner would try to recreate all of that chakra through another source, i.e the outside. The problem with this was that Noctis had a enormous chakra source. Jouten, after studying Noctis' body found out that he had not only a enormous chakra source but also seperate 'containers' in his body that hold chakra as well. Jouten had no idea that Noctis had this much chakra and this was the reason as to why he wasnt able to further progress in the chakra kaika techniques. Jouten knew that people with extreme amounts of chakra dont fade away after training and this explained why he was able do all of those ninjutsu abilities with no extent. The problem with his extreme's amount of chakra it would fluxuate. At times, it would increase in speed of recovery while sometimes it will slowly increase in recovery. It was because Jouten also figured out that he had a spirit that possesed inside of him and thats the reason why he had all that chakra plus 'containers'. But after that was overcamed, Noctis finally mastered the techniques of chakra kaika. It took him three years to do so and Noctis swore on his life that he would do some extreme training to lower the time process. During his time training, he came up with techniques that will help him focus on his elements, water and wind. He knew how bothersome it was to use handseals all the time in battle in order to deal out powerful jutsu's in the heat of battle and although memorizing was not a problem, it was still a hassle. Not only was the handseals the problem, but also the amount of power dealt with the elements. He wanted to become 'one' with his elements instead of just being two individual beings. He liked the idea of becoming 'one' with his element when Jouten discuss the issue of becoming one with chakra. It intrigued and fascinated him and he wanted to try that oneness with the elements rather than something simpler than chakra. Ironically, after sitting down and literally 'talk' with the element of water and wind, he mastered that ability in less than a two years before he mastered the chakra kaika techniques. Even till this day, Jouten reminds him constantly of how he was not able to master the simplest of kaika techniques and yet master the most complex. He was trying to insult his intellect

***Five years later***

Kyouken was finally twenty-one, the age of adulthood to most people and this is where Kyouken realize that his Caelum clan trait of immortaility and young appearing started to finally show as as Caelum grows older, his hair either starts to get lighter or darker (Noctis hair started to have more white in it rather than black). He had grown sometime during his late teen years. He was now about 5'10, still shorter to his sensei turned partner Jouten who stood at a 6'5 height with his hair reaching down to his lower back. But at least he did not feel like he was shrimp. Kyouken personality, however, ceased to change. He was still the same shy, at times, quiet, humble and honest person that he was when he was a child. His cool, calm and collective personality was dominate over his over appearance. When he joined the akatsuki, he wore a simular attire to a jounin, close to his old sense Shikyo, who wore an all black jounin outfit and he had white streak the ran from the side of his hip down to his ankle on the side of his pants. On the back of his jounin outfit was the sign for the Caelum clan which was kanji for "Death". Now he had gotten rid of that attire as he simply found a new type of attire. The all black 'assassin's' attire, Jouten called it. It was a short sleeve shirt that a collar that stood up from neck to the lower part of his cheekbone. It had a tint of blue by his pecs but it was such a dark blue that it almost look black and it design to look like waves of water or fire (whichever the person perspective of the design was). He had on pants that reached down to his ankles, it look somewhat baggy but it was not (Again, perspective of the person looking at it). He wore boots, which was completely odd on shinobi attire. The usual shoe was at best open soled and was light but these boots were heavy and if anyone were to wear these boots it would be extremely hard to walk in them as they were made out of extremely dense material but at the same time they were flexible. He carried a pouch that contains a few scrolls that contained a few weapons but all in all, there was not much he had. He carried his black katana that was given to him by birth, still carrying it by his right side and take out out with his right hand.

Jouten and Noctis were not always around for the meetings when the Akatsuki organization had it, usually during those times Jouten and Noctis had to handle situations such as capturing bijuu and leaving it at a specific spot so that the other members could seal it away while they look for more. They were not intune with the the statue of hell that Pein and Madara was able to summon for there was no need after they recruited a few more akatsuki members. The only contact they would get was Madara and recently they have not gotten any contact from him. So for awhile Jouten and Noctis went over the vast amount of the mainland to see what was happening in the villages. Noctis and Jouten were in the area of Earth Country. A few days ago, they overheard that Konoha was completely annihilated by Pein, the "leader" of the akatsuki. Although Pein destroyed the village, a young man name Naruto Uzumaki defeated Pein in battle which really surprise Noctis and Jouten.

Jouten and Noctis was sitting in a cafe in the village of Iwagakure. Jouten was sipping on hot and creamy coffee while Noctis was reading a book on a sage who wrote about his philosophy. Jouten takes a nice and heartwarmed sip of his coffee and set it down on the cup holder "You heard about Pein getting killed by some Jinchuuriki name Naruto Uzumaki eh?". He takes a napkin and wipes his mouth.

Kyouken did not make eye contact with Jouten, he continued on reading before saying "Yeah, I heard, I also heard around that the Tschikage is moving towards the kage summit to meet up with all of the kages"

"Even that Mizukage? I have to tell you, that was one fine piece of ass if you tell me. Shoo, give me two hours in a room with that lady and I swear she'll be wanting more of his chocolate speed, eheheheheh. Ya know, putting alittle somethin somethin on that pretty little ass she got. You remember that ass, Kyouken? You cant tell me that ass wasnt fine then a mutha fucka"

Kyouken raised his eyebrows and sighed "Cant say I've did look at her, I mean it was only a year ago that we went into assasinate her but Madara changed plans and decided to delay the mission. He told as soon as we engage with the Mizukage....but whatever, im not complaining"

Jouten blankly stares at him, taking another sip of his coffee "You mean to tell me that you didnt see that fine piece of ass when we were about to fight her? I mean come on, it was just hanging out there man. And those giant knockers man...."

Kyouken looks up at Jouten and puts his book down "Seriously, you're more worst than the time we went to that strip club in Otogakure and tried to get your freak on with all of those girls. It was one women, not like you havent seen them before" he said in a more annoyed tone. "To be more exact, she was a fairly attractive women but I dont see how you can be all mooshy mooshy for the women when looks for humans are so short that they last as long as the beauty of a flower. It looks beautiful for one moment and then the next, it fades away. Even for a shinobi, it fades away like the petals of a flower in the wind"

Jouten choked almost of laughter as he set down his cup as he was done with it "Please, dont get all 'philosophical' on a brotha. Im tell ya, her ass and breast were the finest piece of meat I ever saw in my life....hehehehe, maybe we should go to the kage summit to meet up with her again eh?"

"Are you done?" He asked more annoyed than ever

Jouten sighed, wondering what was going on in Noctis head of his and thinking that he might be gay "Yeah, I am, I guess I can leave them some money. It was some good ass coffee if you ask me. I might just leave a tip for these guys this time". He reaches down into his pocket and pulls out a twenty, he did not care what bill it was, he just wanted to get out of the scene. They did not have there akatsuki cloaks on as they knew the villages were on alert for shinobi wearing cloaks. Kyouken grabs his books and Jouten grabs his metal gourd from the ground

"Lets get out of here and lets meet up with Madara, I really dont wanna be bother with all of this commotion here in the village. And also, I think were being watch" he whispered his last sentence to Jouten. Kyouken, inconspicously, pointed at something over at the wall in the cafe. There were a few people in the cafe. Two jounin, a genin group who were eating sandwiches over by the wall of the room and just a few locals that were spread out throughout the small yet roomy cafe. By the bar was a man. His hair was completely white and from his body appearance he looked lean. His appearance was about 6' even and he appeared to just be a normal shinobi customer. This was the person that Kyouken was pointing to. Jouten smiled as he stood up and began to walk out of the cafe and Kyouken followed Jouten out. The white stranger looked behind him and took the last sip of his coffee. The tender who was washing the glasses look at the stranger

"Hey Hitoshi, want me to put this on your tab?"

The stranger, Hitoshi, smiled "yeah, put it on there. I'll be back later to have another sip, im dying of thirst right about now..." he stood up, hands in pockets and walked out of the cafe.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:46 pm

Walking out of the cafe, Hitoshi began to follow the Akatsuki team towards the exit of the village. Jouten and Noctis seemed to had not notice Hitoshi following as Jouten was still talking about the Mizukage being the women with complete features and details that would make men who look at her go nuts. Hitoshi could analyze that Noctis really did not care for the matters as he simply just ignored Jouten at times by not responding but yet Jouten did not care if he was listening or not cause he was going to put his point across to Noctis. Noctis opened his book and began to read it while listening to Jouten. Hitoshi was getting kinda sick of Jouten talking about all the women he came acrossed. He showed in his face as he had this contorted look saying to himself

This dude is just talking about women, I mean gotdamn, is this all this guy talks about. I see why the blue-haired guy is reading his book, he's ignoring the hell out of him. I would too if I were to listen to him constantly. Shit, I would go further insane if thats all I heard

Hitoshi still continued to follow and then he moved into the ground as Noctis and Jouten exited out of the entrance gate and into the rocky plateau of the earth country. Hitoshi, being a member of Iwagakure no sato, is adaptable to the enviroment. Able to move with the earth and seem like he was one with it was one of his specialities. He notice that twenty-five miles away from the village, both Jouten and Noctis stopped walking. Hitoshi, who was still looking at them from a distance stopped as well, not puzzled but it was kinda random that they stopped. There was no water around and there was no breeze to be honest. It was a humid and cloudy day, nothing was going on. Hitoshi was curious as to what were they thinking until he saw that the two shinobi disappeared at once

What?!? he thought to himself. He looks around and sees from above chains that were heading directly towards his location in the ground. Hitoshi jumps up from the ground, unfusing himself from it and jumps away to safetly, letting the chains strike the ground, rupturing the earth from the inside out. Hitoshi slides across the ground. He looks around to see where he was at. To be honest, he was in the middle of a location that was surrounded by a rocky exterious (two plateaus). They were about two to three miles apart, estimating and in the middle was just nothing but vast emptiness that seem to stretch down for miles. The only thing that was showing clearly were a few dead tree's and small boulders Hitoshi realize that he was trapped by these two guys. He did not realize this until now. Then he realize that he was far away from the village. Damn he thought These guys knew that I was following them.

"What did you expect, you piece of shit of a shinobi. Thought you could sneak up and attack us when we were apparently 'weak'" a angered and pissed off tone coming from Jouten

Hitoshi turned around and his face got tensed as he saw Noctis and Jouten standing behind him. Noctis was still reading his book, calm and relaxed as he could be while Jouten punched his right fist into his left hand. He twist it and Hitoshi could hear the leather tightening. Hitoshi smiled, he licked his lips as he could feel the sadism adrenline come and rush through his body. Hitoshi takes out his knfie

"So how long did you know that I've been following, since the time we left the cafe?" Hitoshi asked

"No" Noctis responded, turning the page of his book "I've notice you following us as soon as we got into the village. I could sense that kill intent and the sadistic pleasure aura that was surrounding you the whole time" He turns the another page "Dont worry, ANBU, I realize that you were doing your job just fine. You hid your presence, your chakra, and even parts of body and indeed thats impressive. But you must understand that you're dealing with two shinobi that's been through hell and back a few times and you are messing with Death. Thinking that you could hide that sadistic side of you was something you havent been able to master yet"

Hitoshi sneered at him. Sadistic aura? Hmmm no one told me that before, thats fucking new. He smiled some more "Well yeah, I am sadistic, dont get me wrong but hell what can I say, the type of business that we are in, we have to be in order to complete some missions". He reaches in his back pocket and brings out a black book. It appeared to be a missing-nin book. He opens it up and flips it open to the Akatsuki side "Alright, here we go. Jouten Rimaka Age: Unknown, Village: Unknown. Title: S-rank Bounty Hunter. Crimes: Killing over 100 men in a single night, assassination attempt, murder. But you, you blue-haired mother fucker! You dont seem to be on my list. In fact, your not in any village wanted list whatsoever. Its like you dont even exist. What the fuck happen?"
Kyouken closed his book and glared up at Hitoshi "Its a long story, I dont wish to tell you at the moment. It would get very long and complex if you catch my drift"

Hitoshi chuckled "Thats understandable, i wont fucking ask again. Maybe later when im interogating you in our chambers and I get to torture the shit out of you" he laughed alot harder this time but then stopped and smiled. He takes out a few knifes, each between his fingers and licks them all. "Alright, well I guess the stalking shit will have to pause for a moment. I guess its time to take you in, dead or alive. By the way, before I take you in, I might as well tell you my name. The name is Munashi Hitoshi, Seishin master of Iwagakure and the sadistical bastard of the century. Its an honor to meet you two"

Jouten steps forward, ready to confront the sadistical bastard Hitoshi, Noctis puts a hand on Jouten's shoulder as he stepped forward. "Dont worry Jouten" Kyouken said as he puts his book back into his pouch behind him "I'll make this quick, I want to meet up with Madara soon and this obstacle is in the way. I am intrigued however on seishin. I've read about it"

"You have?"

"Yes, they are prodimently strong in earth country. They say seishin orginates from his country due to the rock materials that radiates in parts of the country that enhances babies when they are in the womb of the mother. It also enhances both intelligence and physical attributes of the user as the brain is able to use almost 90 to 100% of there brain activity. Its really interesting and facisinating if this to be exact"

Hitoshi, irritated and now angery, became impatient "HEY MUTHA FUCKER!!! ARE YOU SLEEPING OR ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT!?!?!?"

Noctis walks up towards Hitoshi, who was about thirty meters away at this point. Noctis reaches into his stop watch and looks at the time "thirty seconds..." he said to himself

Hitoshi leans in, putting and hand over his ear "What was that mutha fucka?"

"I said thirty seconds, I'll give you thirty seconds to attack me. Do whatever you wish to me, try to hit me and try to at least get a scratch on me. After that.....your dead as it will be my turn"

Hitoshi had his mouth agaped " ME? Im one of the strongest shinobi in you actually think that Im going to let you kill me after thirty seconds? Please, give me five and I'll fuck you up myself....."

"Your time begins" Kyouken replied, almost to the point of ignoring him and he looks up at Hitoshi. Hitoshi now fully pissed does not hestiated to do something at this point

"OH FUCK YOU!!!" he throws up the knives and they began to float. They were surround by a white aura, that was simular to Hitoshi when he threw them up there. He begins to float them in the air and then they began to mutiply by the thousand folds. He knew this one of his best attacks as it was suppose to set up for another attack. Hitoshi looks at Noctis. He was standing there with his hand on his the hilt of his blade. Hitoshi sighed and shook his head "You know, you make me sick ya know? You think you are so badass that you can actually think that Im going to die by your fucking hands. I mean I have to admit, you do take on the persona of that cool and calm badass type but it that type of cockiness that gets you mutha fucka's killed all the time. I heard about that badass of a shinobi Pein from your group got totally owned by some 16 year old punk with fucking ADD. Its people like them who probably underestimated that kid who got fucked up in the end. pfft, you make me sick to say that you are a shinobi..." The knives all focus at Noctis. Noctis still remain still, motionless and soundless. Hitoshi smirked "Well, tata for now BITCH!!!" The knives them soar all towards Noctis, the blades then began to make impact on something as the dirt from the ground came up creating dust. Hitoshi was laughing senseless as the thousands upon thousands of blades were completely annihalating Noctis. Hitoshi could almost feel the blood coming down from his body, hopeing that it would make him moan of pleasure. The last of the knvies had attack and the dust began to settled. Hitoshi sighed

"Such a fucking bore, thought he would at least put up a fight" Hitoshi looks deep into the settling dust and thats when his own tongue got caught as he saw that Noctis was still standing, not a scratch on his body and his calm persona did not even dissiapate. Hitoshi could not believe it, he just blocked all of those knives but with what? Then Hitoshi remembered the hand on the hilt and notice that Noctis had just put the blade on his left side. Hitoshi was almost in shock until Noctis spoke

"You know....during the time you were talking...that took at least thirty seconds.....after that, I could've just struck you down but I wanted to at least give you sometime to think about your life abit. The sad thing is....that didnt even break a sweat, Im actually still stiff from all that blocking. But I admit, it was a good attack, failed...but it was still good" Noctis began to take out his blade. Hitoshi automatically focused on it but before he knew it, Noctis was behind him, putting his blade back into his sheath. In a instant, the blink of an eye, Noctis had just simply defeated Hitoshi. Blood began to spill out of Hitoshi's body like waterworks as the blood just continued to come out. Hitoshi went silent and was on his knees. His face, pail, his movements, little to none. Noctis walks around to Hitoshi front and looks at him. He look into Hitoshi's eyes and began to see his life unvail in front of him. Noctis began to see the pain that he had suffered through his childhood, losing his mother and father, his foster family beating him constantly. The constant bickering and hearing of children making of him. The physical, spiritual and mental pain he felt going through his life and Noctis saw this as he was the enitity of Death. Noctis began to take pity on such person and realize that his life was a living hell.

Jouten walks towards Noctis, his pitter patter of his feet made it obvious "Good job into fucking up some dude, I mean was it really worth striking the SHIT out of him man? For real, you fucked him up....." Jouten then looks down at Noctis and Hitoshi. "What in the fuck are you doing, I mean for real, for what the fuck?"

Noctis gets up off of one knee and looks at Jouten "This guy life has been nothing but tragedy. If I send him into the other side, his torment will only continue. I think I have use for this guy"

"How?!?! The mutha fucka tried to kill you!! I WOULD just let the mutha fucka die." Jouten retorted in a slang

"Still, I have pity for this human. He was just doing what he had to do in order to protect his village, even if he had to surcome to his inner demon, he had to" Noctis replied in a more calm tone

"So what the fuck you gonna do with him?"

"Simple, he will become my shadow...Tengu Kage...."

Underneath Noctis, his shadow began to grow immensely around Jouten, Noctis and Hitoshi's almost dead body. Slowly and surely Hitoshi's body began to sink into the darkness, where Hitoshi will become a new person, a new being, Death's tengu shadow.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:48 pm

color=indigo]“I honestly think you killed him” [/color]Jouten replied. He walks over to Hitoshi’s seemingly lifeless body and began to question whether or not this boy was still alive after Kyouken mercilessly cut his body like slashed meat ready for the butcher. He kneels down to the ground and shakes Hitoshi’s shoulder “Hey kid, are you alive or are you dead? Come on man, this aint funny no more, at least say something” glancing over to Kyouken, a cold face appeared on his face “Seriously I thought you said that he would become my shadow
Folding his arms, Kyouken nods “Yes, he has become my shadow. As of now, he’ll be incapacitated for the time being. The shadow that I am using is flowing through his body, moving through his bloodstream, nervous system, limbic system, muscle tissue and so forth and so on. It won’t be long before he’ll be ready for the proper training of a tengu kage”
“Ade, ade, whatever you say man. You did take him out pretty quickly and by far, rather than just cutting him up into little pieces, you chose him to become a shadow spirit. Kinda confused on what you are trying to pull, seeing that he is a former Iwagakure shinobi with little talent”Kyouken faces Jouten and points at Hitoshi “Tell me how you think he found us Jouten? Do you think it was out of pure luck that he spotted that we were just akatsuki members? I sensed his eyes were on us, even though he had his back towards us at the bar. It’s not everyday that a shinobi like that comes around”
“Pure luck my friend, its only pure luck that this person even shows up. Not only has the nerve to attack you, but has the balls to even face up against you. Aren’t you considered one of the strongest in the world”
“To be honest, I’m considered one of the few A.T.A agents to live this far. To be this far ahead of the ranking of the A.T.A is considered an honor amongst shinobi in that agency. I’m just glad to make it that far” Kyouken said calmly. He kneels over to Hitoshi on the ground and places his hand on Hitoshi shoulder. His body began to descend into the ground, molding itself with the shadow that had formed underneath Hitoshi body after Kyouken defeated him. When Hitoshi body disappeared, Kyouken stands up and walks by Jouten “We need to get going. We have to meet up with Raizen later on. He’ll have some information about Madara and Kisame while we are here in Iwagakure”
Jouten leisurely strides behind him “Whatever you say. Hopefully, he wont be too irritated that I wanted to go to Iwagakure for their famous latte’s. They are just delicious”
“Well I will have to admit on your part, it was foolish for us to even come to Iwagakure when we were clearly told to keep a lookout for Madara. Even though he is pretty busy at the moment, you cannot tell whether he’ll show up or not”
“I’m not too worried” Jouten said, lazily scratching his thick goatee
“I’m not worried myself, Jouten, but remember, we are on a mission. We cannot let ourselves get sidetrack for a long period of time. I really don’t mind temporary leisure time but this time its serious. If you haven’t figured it out yet, the villages are kinda neutral. Seeing that they are neutral, it’s a perfect and opportune time for Madara to cast war on them”
“Why the hell would he do that”
“Its getting clear that after Pein’s death, his major puppet, has been cut off my one of the few loose screws in the plan. Naruto Uzumaki, one of the last few jinchuuriki in the world and the most powerful bijuu yet.The Nine Tailed Fox. He knew Naruto would continue to get stronger, I doubt he had any thought of Naruto becoming this strong. However, that didn’t cease Madara’s plan. No, Madara may be an arrogant but he isn’t arrogant enough to let that get to his head. He makes sure his plans are flexible, so that they can bend around a few things like Pein
defeat and Naruto gain in power. I wasn’t surprise though when Naruto came back and fought him off”

Jouten agreed by nodding “From our last report from Zetsu, the kid was weak when he first came to the scene. But over time, he became progressing stronger and stronger, thanks to the training of Jiraiya of course” Jouten turns away for a second “Damnit, if only we were there to stop Pein from killing him. He was one of our good sources for the Akatsuki”
“I know Jouten, but if we were to get ourselves involved, then our plans on spying on the Akatsuki would be no use for us. They would easily suspect at the time that we were protecting Jiraiya for a reason. I know I shouldn’t say it, but he was a sacrifice that would’ve make us or break us in the long run. I would rather be made better for the situation ahead than make it harder for us to even bring Madara down” Kyouken sighed, stopping himself from saying anything else too harsh “Lets pick up the pace, I rather get there a little bit early than late”
Joutens face was not too pleasant; showing his apparent feelings about how Kyouken would run towards his destination at high speeds, leaving himself behind was a feeling of inadequacy. Jouten lowered his head, arms and shoulders. He raises his head a bit up at Kyouken “Do we really have to run really fast? You know how much I hate traveling with you, seeing that you are the fastest person in the world”
“Its better to be there early than late, as I said before. We are leaving now”
Jouten gave a heavier sigh, crying falsely, hoping that Kyouken would give some mercy to his misery. Kyouken disappeared the moment Jouten sighed heavily. He instantly know that Kyouken did not see the suffering that he was going through Always so damn calm and cool, son of a bitch didn’t even give me a chance to myself prepared Jouten thought to himself. As he puts his hands into the ox hand seal, his body began sank down into the earth and disappeared out of sight.

It wasn’t long before Kyouken had arrived in the village hidden in sun. Appearing 500 meters away from the entrance gate of the village, he takes off his Akatsuki cloak and folds up into a smaller more compact size to fit in his backpack he was carrying. He moved the backpack off his shoulder and sets it on the ground. The darkness underneath it engulfed the backpack so it was easier for Kyouken to remember that his cloak was inside of it. Kyouken thought it was convenient to have the tengu kage all around him at all times. He was able to travel a lot of items, both necessary and minuscule to him. Whether it was to hide Kyoukens akatsuki cloak, or to hide a kunai or shuriken, even hide him where there is no where else to hide. The shadow ability of his people would be at great use to him.
He kept himself hidden in the trees, keeping out of sight and chakra radar distance from the village. His knowledge knew that each village had a type of “sensory” field that would sense even the most smallest of creatures. It was the technology of today that would such abilities to happen. Kyouken had no problem in going into and out villages, he had a type of ability for that but at the moment, he had to keep a low profile and wanted his main informant and key partner, Raizen to show up without any hassle from him.
He kneels down on one knee, moving himself behind a large tree itself and placed his hand into the tiger hand seal. He only used this technique only to suppress his chakra to an all time low only to make his profile even lower. The last thing he wanted was some sun shinobi popping out of nowhere and engaging in combat with him. That was the last thing on his mind. “Hmmm, Raizen is probably late. He always runs late, which is why it is irritating for me to sit here and wait while I’m in hostile country” he said to himself softly “Seeing that this village is considered extremely violent, I would rather waste my time sipping water underneath a water rather than stand here in this violent country” He looks around at his surrounding, seeing that he was surrounded by trees with the bark colored a mild reddish color. It was unsettling to the eye as it looked as though the trees themselves used the blood of the fallen from this country as nourishment for their growth. Even the leaves were a sickly green color that smelled high in iron. That was definitely a sure sign of blood consumption. Kyouken has heard of this village, seeing that it was consumed with violence and war, similar to the village hidden in the rain as it is an in-between country that separates four violent countries. This village was one and the same but the only thing that differs from the rain village was its inability to find a good leader. From the last report from Raizen, the candidates from each leader would wage war on each other, violently battling out through killing of each others closest family members. It is tragic way to find a leader, battling of willpower and manpower. But it is perfect hiding spot for someone like Raizen to keep a low profile. Seeing that they have there own political indifferences, they were not too worried about what was happening on the inside of there village. They left that to the authorities, the police of that village. Raizen knew that the village would be in scramble of the police are worried about who murdered who and not was going on with people entering and exiting. It was only recently that they change the security of the village entrance, making sure that no one enters or exit.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:48 pm

Kyouken kept it cool as he continued to look at the village hoping to see someone come out. If no one were to come out, he kept his ears and other senses besides his eyes at top notch, just in case Raizen would come up from behind. He heard a soft bristle in the background. Maybe it was Raizen, or perhaps it was an enemy trying to sneak up behind him. He reaches down into his back pocket silently and pulls out a kunai. He immediately turns around and throws it behind him with insane speeds not traceable by the human or kekkei genkai eye.
“Whoa!” A voice said as the kunai disappeared in the forest. The kunai made a cling sound as though someone had deflected it with another metallic surface. The person who made the sound begins to walk closer to Kyouken as his feet began to make the sound of someone stepping forward at him. Huffing and puffing, the man who had deflected it was no other than Jouten. Even with the sunglasses that Jouten had over his eyes, Kyouken could tell easily that his pupils were probably dilated and his adrenaline was pumping through his system. Kyoukens Kekkei Genkai, the Tenshu Hitokoki was one of the fastest speed manipulation abilities in the world. Because they were the original kekkei genkai that passed down there speed to other people, it was not too common for someone of Kyouken’s caliber to perform a simple attack that could had been a lot more devastating. Wiping the sweat away from his forehead, Jouten throws the kunai down on the ground “Seriously, what the hell man? Did you honestly have to surprise a person like that? I mean for real, you could’ve killed me of I wasn’t careful”
Kyouken restfully sighs “Forgive me, Jouten-sama. I did not activate my aura ability so my sensory action was at neutral”
“You could’ve fucked a guy up man, seriously what the hell” Jouten continued to rant as he moves a tree to get towards Kyouken “For real man, that aint no joke, you could’ve taken my head off! Geez, messing up with a playa’s game. You can’t just start throwing kunais just because you hear a noise. What, you think that I was the enemy or some bs? For all you know, I could be a gotdamn bird or a squirrel or some shit”
Kyouken puts a finger to his mouth to shush him quietly “Would you mind quieting down?” He said softly “I don’t want to get spotted by any of the sun shinobi. Its bad enough we are in there territory, it’s totally bad enough that you have to be screaming about making a racket out of little things”
Jouten was insult. His face twisted up “Tch, I’m loud? Hell, I’ll be as loud as I please to be. I’m your gotdamn sensei for crying out loud. The least you can do is give me a little more respect from you”
Did I not say that in the more respectable way possible? Kyouken thought to himself. He tried to reason with Jouten and like his calm nature; he gives a light smile. He felt as though that smile would help balance out Jouten’s anger and irritation at the moment. “Listen, I wasn’t trying to insult you, I’m just waiting for Raizen to come that’s all. If its alright with you if you quiet down?”
Surprisingly, the technique that Kyouken was using was working on him. It made Jouten more relax and it showed as Jouten sat down by a tree beside of Kyouken. He reaches into his left pocket and pulls out a silver box. The sun reflected off of the box and into Kyoukens face, where he moved a hand over his eyes to cover from the brightness. Jouten opens the small box and pulls out a thick cigar. “Sorry kid, didn’t mean to go off on ya” he said as he was searching over his pants to find a lighter “Just that you being a fast person makes it harder for people like me who have to travel through the ground to get to one place to another. That’s the one thing that makes me tick man, you just disappearing and you reappearing like its nothing to you while people like me have to work to get to one place another, ya know?” he digs deep into his pocket “Damnit, where the hell is my lighter? I know I put it somewhere” he looks forward and sees a small flame appear out nowhere “Oh thank you Kyouken” he leans into the fire letting the tip of his cigar light. He lets out a few puffs of smoke after he inhaled a few centimeters of the cigar
“That wasn’t me, you know I don’t have the element of fire” Kyouken replied
“Then who the hell was…?”
“Hi!” A loud voice shouted in Jouten’s ear
Jouten moves his head back, bumping into the tree trunk. He grabs his head out of sheer pain and made a few cursing sounds as he falls over on his side. Kyouken looks up at the tree where Jouten was sitting and instantly saw the person hiding in the tree. “Raizen” he said “Mind coming down?”
“No problem, Kyouken-san” the voice said in the trees. There was a bit of a ruffle and feet pressing off from branch to branch coming down from the tree. A figure jumps down from the last branch of the tree and down on the ground in a squatting position. As he stood up facing towards Kyouken, he waves his hand nonchalantly and with a smile “Yo. What’s up with you man? Sorry for me being a little late, I was preoccupied with a nice and very well mannered woman at a restaurant. I couldn’t miss out on some good lady action”
“Did you go home with her?” Kyouken said, pushing himself off from the ground
“No, not today, I then remembered I was supposed to meet up with you guys. I guess I almost forget, eh?” Raizen laughed scratching his head with content
Kyouken and Raizen were the two original partners when they met up together to be in the Akatsuki. Kyouken was thirteen years old when he joined the Akatsuki but Raizen was only sixteen years old when he joined year after that. Raizen was one of the few members who had also survived the necessary training and missions to become an all time spy like Kyouken was. It was how Raizen and Kyouken met up. They were both on a mission for Kirigakure to infiltrate a neighboring village for reconnaissance. Although Raizen was the oldest of the group when Kyouken’s group and Raizen’s group were combined, it was Kyouken who took charge and infiltrated the mission successfully. Raizen, being carefree and free-spirited gave the impression of no one taking him seriously, but that was only a mirage of his true personality. Kyouken seen it before and it is in Kyouken’s word “A type of personality that does not have a limit of how good or evil it is. It is pure and maliciously evil”. But typically Raizen was pretty laidback and was able to cooperate with anyone he worked with. It was only eight years ago that both Kyouken and Raizen were assign to infiltrate the group known as The Akatsuki and bring down the mastermind to its knees. Both boys were suppose to go in at the same time but Kyouken took the opportunity to go first when he became friends with Itachi Uchiha and became a well known student to Madara Uchiha. Raizen did not have a chance as what Kyouken had and waited for the next three years before they were to reunite with each other. Raizen was under the care of Jouten Rimaka, the last Rimakan of his clan and a powerful teacher to both Kyouken and Raizen.
Considering Kyouken was a more compliant and well-mannered shinobi to Jouten, Raizen was considered the opposite. He would usually give Jouten a hard time on his hand and become more a troublesome rather than a more compliant student. He at times despised his guts but there were times where he could actually enjoy Raizen’s company. He wished he could’ve trained him more than he should had but there is at time for everything
Raizen ends his laughing and looks over at Jouten “Damn, you don’t look so good. You alright, I did kind of surprise ya, if you know what I mean”
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kyouken Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyouken Shikyo   Kyouken Shikyo I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:48 pm

Oh I know what you mean” Jouten said with a hint of irritation and anger. He grabbed on his knee and pushes off to stand up. He leans back to crack his spine and twist his neck side to side to crack the bones his body “I know for the fact that I’m about to beat your ass senseless for scaring the living daylights out of me”
“Hey, chill, chill my main man” Raizen moves over to Jouten and puts an arm over his neck “It’s all good. You know I don’t mean any harm to ya, you know that right?”
Jouten only shook his head with discontent “I’ll never understand this generation. You and your generation’s frickening way of introducing themselves. Whatever happened to a proper greeting or at least the warrior way of introducing each other with a bow or something like that? Ade, ade, you guys give me a headache”
Raizen chuckled to himself, putting a fist over his mouth, trying his best not let out a single burst of laughter “Sorry, Jouten. You are just too much for me to handle. You are such a funny man. Such a funny, funny man” He said, leaving a smile on his face. “It’s just my way of introducing me Jouten-sama” he said finally giving Jouten a bit more respect then what he’s been showing “Besides, you should know me by know that I’m the last person to be traditional
Jouten looked down from his six foot seven lean and slim frame down to Raizens six foot lean and muscular frame. Raizen’s appearance was certainly different from most shinobi. Hailing from the village hidden in the clouds, dark skinned shinobi was not the rare entity. Raizen had a lighter skin tone than most dark skin shinobi there and was somewhat lighter than Jouten’s dark skin tone. The one thin that did stand out was his built. Although he was wearing the typical jounin outfit. Long sleeved shirt with a vest over that. Followed by loosely fitted pant for easy mobility and the boots that was opened toed. Jouten could tell immediately that his muscles in his arms were showing, even through the sleeves. He took note that because of that physical appearance, he must have improved in his taijutsu skill from the last time he trained him only a year back. Jouten stared hard into Raizen light green eyes. Those eyes were the single trait that made him very unique. His green eyes were that of emeralds distinct beauty glistening through a light. It almost stared out at Joutens heart, getting the most intriguing of secrets. His white dreadlocks that resembled that of snow falling from the sky only made his eyes even more stunning to look at. Raizen continued to smile while Jouten was completely disgusted and aloof. He folded his arms and turned away “Eh, whatever, doesn’t matter to me anymore. We came here to meet up with you anyway. Well, Kyouken did not me”
“I know Jouten-sama. Again, I apologize for my tardiness” he voices became more mellow and serious. He slowly turns to Kyouken and reaches into his vest, pulling out an envelope “This was the latest news from the A.T.A leader”
Kyouken reaches over to grab it. He takes a good detail look at it “You haven’t opened it yet?” Kyouken questioned to Raizen
“It’s not my place to open it. I was given strict orders to not open it. I plan on respecting that. He said it would be important to the both of us once you open it up”
Kyouken twist his head slightly. He takes a kunai out of his back pocket and uses it to slit open the white envelope. He puts the kunai back into his back pocket and reaches into the envelope to pull out two sheets of paper. As he looks at them, they were coded messages that only elite A.T.A agents were able to read. He understood as to why Raizen was not allowed to open it and even if Raizen did open it and look at the letter, he would not been able to decipher what the coding had to say. Although Raizen was indeed strong, thanks to the training of Jouten, he was not up the ladder of the A.T.A organization. Kyouken was high above him, he was pretty much at the seat where if the current leader where to die or retire, he would be a candidate. Being one those elite, he was taught how to read messages that even the Uchiha’s sharingan could not decipher. It takes years of experience to learn it but Kyouken, being the prodigy among prodigies was able to learn it in a few weeks time. After reading the letter, he place the letter back into the envelop and sighed
“Well, what is it” Raizen asked it impatience in his voice “What did the message say?”
“It says that we are to now off the Akatsuki mission. The infiltration mission has been aborted and we are to report back to the headquarters at 0800 hours. We have been reassign to be on another mission”
“What!?” Raizen and Jouten both said at the same time
“Yes, I know. It makes no bit of sense to me as this does to anyone else here. But this is what the message say”
“But why all of the sudden we just up and stop doing what we are doing now? Any bit of sense? No, this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. This has to be a trick. What kind of leader would just fucking just up and leave a project when we are this close to getting Madara”
Kyouken begins to think for a bit. He leans up on a tree trunk and places his hand on his chin. Raizen has seen that look before. It was the look of when Kyouken would think up of detailed, well detailed plans that were usually correct and accurate. This was the look of a thinker, a scholar, an analyst who had skills of thinking up flexible plans. “You got something thought up don’t you?” he questioned
Kyouken gives a slight nod “Yes and at first it was just a feeling In fact, I’ve been having this type of feeling for the past few years. Ever since Jouten and I partnered up as not teacher and student but two members of akatsuki” Kyouken puts a left hand on his right hip and closes his eyes “From the moment we were teacher and student, we had our hands inside of the akatsuki foothold for quite sometime now. We were able to keep up with the keenest details of what the group wanted. I found out that Pein was only used as a puppet, Itachi was forced into the group in order to protect his little brother Sasuke and Madara Uchiha was the true mastermind of the Akatsuki and is trying to pull a take over the world scene. However, the moment Jouten and I became partners; we became a bit more isolated from the group. Taking up more assassination missions, using more and more of Jouten’s chain of fate ability and my Tenshu Hitokoki speed. We were isolated and could not get anymore information from them. It was only a few years ago that we had Jiraiya, one of our top spies became more involved into the situation of the Akatsuki. In fact, he was one of our best sources. I knew that would help as spies for the Akatsuki from an outside source away from the A.T.A. But I think there is more to it than that” Kyouken turns to Raizen “It was the fact that I have no information about myself in any village record”
“What?” Jouten said, having a confused look on his face “What the hell does having a record have to do with it. You aint no criminal. Well ok, you kinda are a criminal but you know what I mean”
“Yes, I know what you mean Jouten, but the fact that I have no personal records. No files, no records of previous missions, when I graduated from the academy, when I took my chunin exams and jounin exams. It was all burned away thanks to the A.T.A involvement with the third Hokage and ANBU. Because third Sarubtobi was in fact a sole member of the A.T.A, he allowed my records to be burn away. They said my body was never found on a mission going in Kirigakure. But I doubt that Madara Uchiha did not have an eye out on me”
Kyouken sighed “Like you said before Jouten, I’m the fastest shinobis all over. My Kekkei Genkai allows me to travel at high speeds and allows me to activate it whenever I wish. I can run without the kekkei genkai activated and still be the fastest
“You almost sound like you are bragging Kyouken” Raizen said with his arms folded, contemplating on what Kyouken was saying.
“Yes, it almost sounds like bragging, but it is a known fact and Madara had probably known this from the moment he kept a close eye on me. He had to; it wouldn’t make sense of letting me join into the Akatsuki with such ease. All I had to do was help Itachi kill of the Uchiha clan for there Coup d etat? Any highly skilled shinobi or shinobi group could’ve accomplished that same goal with no problem whatsoever. When those files of mine disappeared, he knew something was up and there is only one group that gets rids of files with relatively ease”
“The A.T.A”
Kyouken nods “Yep that is exactly it, Raizen. This is why he backtracked his way towards the A.T.A and probably created an informant to go inside and find all the information about me. It wouldn’t be a problem considering I’m one of there elite agents. They all have a file on the three of us elites. The leader knew that if we gotten to deep, it would be costly for the A.T.A which is why is he disbanding us”
“That is making a bit of sense” Jouten replied “But why hasn’t he just killed us? I think that would be a lot easier to do than just let us continue our work”
“That is true Jouten” Kyouken responded “But in the game of shogi, you have the ability to take over a person’s chess piece and turn it over to your side. I think that is what Madara was planning on doing rather than just kill us. We are valuable pieces in his little sick game. Raizen’s infiltration and lightning abilities, your ability to move through the ground like Zetsu and use chains like Gaara of the sand and my speed and versatility of the basic jutsu’s makes us extremely powerful knights. Why get rid of us if he can just use us against the world?” Kyouken leans up away from the tree and puts his hands behind his back. Take two strides forward he turns around and points at Jouten and Raizen “I also took into the fact that one of you two are also spy yourself”
Both Jouten and Raizen were surprise by the fact and Kyouken could tell that one of them was faking while the other was showing the sign of truth. He points to Jouten first “You were a likely candidate at first, seeing that your eradicate behavior shifts extremely quickly into an entirely different persona than what you usually are. However, that is only because you have a shift in personalities and it is not uncommon for people like yourself to become…well eradicate. But you.” Kyouken points to Raizen “You were the least common variable in my assumptions when it came to spying and however the fact may be, you are one of my loyal and true friend to me next to my younger brother. This made you a clear candidate that you were also a spy”
Raizen shrugged it off, holding his hands up in false surrender “What you are saying to me right now is like you speaking another different language. Why would I spy against the A.T.A? They would know something was up if I were to spy. They said clearly to us to have no ties our village, even if we have love ones, we are not suppose to have any connection with them
“Yes, but what you forgot to take into the equation that you undermine your abilities of spying and infiltration. You are very good, almost too good to be a regular A.T.A agent. In fact, you are so good that even Madara probably couldn’t tell that you were still spying for Kumogakure for a little while. Till now that is”
Raizen was silent. His smile had faded away and his mouth remains neutral. Kyouken looked at his light green eyes and saw that it got a bit darker than it usually was. Kyouken always had an ability to bring out the dark side of people and this was one of the darker and probably the more sinister looks of Raizen. Kyouken had a light smile on his face “So what I am saying is true, you still have ties to Kumogakure”
Jouten stares at Raizen with not only confusion but had an ecstatic look in his eyes. He was wondering what this outcome would turn out.
Raizen folds his arms and gives a darker smile “You were always the smart one. Able to figure things out without a moments notice. I should’ve known you would’ve said something sooner or later. I had to contemplate whether or not you would’ve said anything about, but knowing you, you kept it very silent”
“There is a plus side to your double agency. The plus side is that because Madara doesn’t follow up on you as much as he does on me”
“Is that even possible, you said that he could dispose of us and or even use us against each other or against the world” Raizen angrily replied “You even said that because of my spying and infiltration abilities, I would probably be a problem for him. Sending out messages to the Raikage. I would think that I would be a likely candidate”
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