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    Uxebu Shauntaystaffimgf
    Happy New Year:

    Year: 0638

    Month: 1

    Season: Winter
    Your weekly weather report:
    For the week of:
    January 16th to January 22nd

    Konoha: Snow Storm

    Tea: Snow Storm

    River: Snow Storm


    Taki: Snow

    Wave: Snow

    Suna: Windy


    Bird: Windy

    Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



    Kumo: Snow Storm



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    PostSubject: Uxebu   Uxebu I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 07, 2010 12:52 am

    Name: Uxebu
    Founder: Aki Supaida, also known as Sofu Supaida
    Location: N/a

    History: Approximately 300 years ago, Aki Supaida was granted the ability to infect other creatures into spider like beings. However, the ability was not known to him as it merely acted like a poison when he killed and fed on other creatures by driving them insane and shortly after, completely relaxed and unable to defend themself. He killed and devoured many victims with this powerful poison. He soon found that he became a completely different spider that no other spider could mate with. Aki became his own species of spider. Angered by this he took his wrath out on humans, infected them but not bothering to finish them off, basically using chemical torture to try and sooth his anger.

    Eventually he had infected nearly a whole town and within that town there were five people that survived the infection. Those people developed powerful spider-like abilities and senses, but they did not honor the spider that infected them in the first place. They used these powers to hunt down and kill Aki Supaida.

    After Aki was killed, the survivors were at a loss as to how to control and use their power’s to full effectiveness. They were however able to communicate with spiders and chose to communicate mainly with non-carnivorous fruit-spiders. With their help they were able to learn a lot about their powers and were even able to transform many of the fruit spiders into members of the Uxebu clan who soon became the clan leaders due to their non-aggressive and wise behavior.

    From then on, most of the infected came from fruit spiders themselves as they were much better at controlling the poison and keeping the infected alive. Still, many of the infected went insane or died due to the brainwashing nature of the poison. About 10 percent of the infected survived to become actual clan members.

    The clan resided within Sunagakure, but many of the clan leaders lived in another dimension. They live in rainforest-like area which can be linked to the naruto world through fuuinjutsu, only accessible to Uxebu clan members. The link to this dimension was destroyed when the clan was almost completely eradicated.

    A genocide attempt was made on the clan, which was almost completely successful except one last member who was lost in time and presumed dead. No one longer seeks him and everyone still believes he is dead after 160 years of no trace of being alive.

    Special Info: All this information is only known to one character IC; Seiya Uxebu. All other documents have been destroyed and/or lost.

    Anyone that wishes to gain the kekkei genkai may ask me for it. It is still possible for other clan members to be made due to the fact that clan members are not born, they are infected and morphed.

    Requirements: Seiya’s Blessing and his Bite
    Current Members:
    Seiya Uxebu

    Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Uxebu
    Type of Kekkei Genkai:
    Ninjutsu/ Fuuinjutsu/Medical
    Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
    Rank: D-S

    Description: The Kekkei Genkai is given, a person is not born with it. A special type of poison is administered to the host and there is a very small chance of surviving it and being able to use it effectively. When given from a human, the poison has a 98% fatality rate. When given by a spider, the poison has a 90% fatality rate. Those who fall in the fatality rate often do not die, but suffer painful sanity loss as the poison does a lot of brainwashing. Those who suffered heavy loss of sanity were often killed as it was deemed better to die than live through the pain.

    Those who survived gained super human strength, a strong skeletal structure, tough skin, enhanced taste and smell, and multiple spider web abilities.

    They are weak to jutsu that heavily change the temperature. (Ice, fire, etc) They also only feed on fruits and meats. They used to be known to feed on other humans, but that trend has long since died out.

    Ninjutsu: The use of spider webs to bind the opponent. The user is able to spit spider webs from his mouth and generate it from his hands. (Spiderman stuff)The silk is 5 times stronger than steel and far more resistant to damage than Kevlar. However, the adhesive that binds the silk to objects isn’t as strong thus it is best use to entangle opponents. It also sticks far better to cloth than flesh. The silk itself is very flexible and can be used like a trampoline.

    Fuuinjutsu: The user has multiple seals all over his body, which can be used in conjunction with these abilities. The user is able to grow spider fangs, an external skeleton, manipulate string weaponry after properly placing seals on them. He can also spread a spider web across surfaces made of a special seal. Basically by placing your hand on an object, spider webs slowly grow across the surface. The speed with which the web traps the opponent increases with training.

    Each clan member is planted with Fuuinjutsus that are necessary to unlock some of their full potential. They are located on the following parts of the body and their appearance…

    Shins - webs
    Forearms – web
    Under the jaw – spider
    Back – large spider
    Back of neck – spider bite (basically two dots)

    Medical: With advanced taste and smell, they can determine chemical properties far better than the average human. With enough education the ninja can become an encyclopedia of chemicals. This helps greatly with medical jutsu in determining the right courses of action quickly. They can figure out difficult to stop poisons weaknesses and effectively call out rare diseases on the spot.



    Name of Jutsu: Spider Silk generation
    Rank: C
    Users: Uxebu Clan
    Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
    Element Affinity: N/A
    Description: The user performs a short string of hand seals and then generates spider silk from his mouth or from the palm of his hands. Like normal spider webs, it is five times stronger than steel and more resistant to damage than Kevlar. A practiced user can use this as a basis for their main combat, but most people use it for traps and possible armor. The webs can be shot from the palms as sticky projectiles.

    Name of Jutsu: Spider web net
    Rank: C-B
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
    Element Affinity: N/A
    Description: The user performs a short string of hand seals and then generates a slightly more advanced form of spider silk, already in a web formation. The user then spits out the web and it works the same way as a net. It however, has a much higher chance of trapping the victim due to its sticky, flexible and strong nature. A ninja can perform this jutsu and fire it from the palm of their hand but it takes a B rank amount of chakra because of the webs intricate design. At B rank it can also be thrown making it a much more useful jutsu.

    Name of Jutsu: Supaida Style: Ultimate Cocoon Defense
    Rank: A
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
    Element Affinity: N/A
    Description: The user performs a medium sized string of hand seals and then shoots web silk from both hands and his mouth simultaneously. He then spins in a high speed circle and cocoons himself in the silk. This results in a very powerful and impenetrable defense to jutsus of the same rank. This however takes a chunk of chakra and a prerequisite is advanced taijutsu training. Getting out however requires a basic fuuinjutsu known by the clan.

    Name of Jutsu: Silent Spider Crawl
    Rank: C
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
    Element Affinity:N/a
    Description: The user covers his hands and legs in spider silk to dampen the noise made from moving. He or she becomes completely silent to normal human ears and quiet to abnormal ones. Abnormal being like an Inukuza.


    Name of Jutsu: Tarnishing Webs
    Rank: C
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
    Element Affinity:N/a
    Description: The user already has seals placed on them previously on both of their arms. The seals are in the shape of just a net of spider webs. He or she performs a larger string of hand seals and then grabs both of their forearms and says, “Tarnish” to active the jutsu. The jutsu then tarnishes all of the users own spider silk which then lose all of their strength. This jutsu is to be used with cautious in the heat of battle as it can waste your own webs. This also works on Fuuinjutsu based webs.

    Name of Jutsu: Body walker; Spider binding seal
    Rank: C-S
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
    Element Affinity:N/a
    Description: The user has the ability to bind his opponents down with the use of a seal. The seal has the ability to grow over physical surfaces and when the object or person comes in contact of the seal, it becomes immobilized. The seal grows in the shape of a web, basically entangling the victim. (Imagine Nara shadow techniques but with some tweaks)

    Part 1: The movement of the seal

    The user must perform a medium string of hand seals when having the seal travel across a surface area. He places his on the surface area and must keep his hand there or else the seal will stop growing and dispel. The seal can also travel across surface areas as long as they remain in contact. Once the contact is broken the seal dispels.

    At C rank, a ninja has the web travel at 1 ft per second.
    B = 2.5 ft per second
    A= 4 ft per second
    S = 5.5 ft per second

    Part 2: What the seal actually does

    The seal acts much like a spider web would, except not manifesting itself as physical matter. Thus, as it crawls onto human skin, it leaves no trace of touching, sound, smell but leaves an obvious indication visually; thus, its best used for stealth based mid-range combat or close range combat. Once it comes in contact there is a still a chance for the seal to be broken by simple taking your body part off where it comes in contact with the rest of the web. However, if multiple body parts are being contacted, all of those body parts must move off. To fully trap the opponent, the user must partake in part 3.

    Part 3: The point of all this

    After the user has covered the body parts he wants, he then does a one handed bird seal and releases a decent amount of chakra through the seal. The seal then “hardens” and then the victim is bonded to anything that the seal was also touching. Basically, the seal acts like a glue which can harden on demand. It is only possible to break this with a very large chakra base. However, after the hardening the seal no longer grows. So if the user wants to continue to bind his opponent he must start the process all over again.

    The user however does not NEED to make the seal travel across other surface areas for this jutsu to work. He can simple place him palm on someone after performing the necessary hand seals and then bind them in the seal itself, much like being trapped in a net.

    For example; the user places his hand on the opponent’s chest. The seal travels across the chest and once it reconnects with itself on the back the victim has been tied up in web.

    Name of Jutsu: Relative blood; Spider transformation
    Rank: B-S
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
    Element Affinity:N/a
    The user taps into their seals that were placed on their body at the time of infection. When the corresponding seal is activated, the seal dissipates into the body.

    B ranked – Spider neck bite – located on back of neck
    The user grows spider fangs on the inside of his mouth. They replace the normal human teeth and can be used to suck chakra out of victim and transfer it into his own chakra pool.

    A ranked – Spider armor – Located under jaw
    The user grows a strong exoskeleton that is capable of withstanding far more damage than average human skin. It is only as strong as bone and is weak to Fire and lightning base jutsu. The user’s appearance then is that their skin tone turns very dark, near complete black and they turn slightly hairier than normal.

    S ranked – Spider embodiment- Located on back
    The user again grows fangs, except much smaller ones. These are used to infect another creature and administer a poison that has a 98 percent fatality rate. Those who survive become a Uxebu.

    Name of Jutsu: Silk control; Weapon Embodiment
    Rank: B-A
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
    Element Affinity:N/a
    Description: The user places a seal on a large tapestry of spider silk and then turns it into a rope. The maximum length of the rope is 15 feet. The rope then acts very much like a snake in the way it moves, but the weapon must constantly be in contact with the user or else it falls limp. The weapon most often used is a whip that binds it opponents or strikes at them. Also the best place for the weapon to be attached is at the hand or wrist. Other places can come in contact with the weapon but the sacrifice will either be the weapon’s length usefulness or the control of the weapon itself.

    Name of Jutsu: Spider’s Tooth-knife Summon
    Rank: B
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
    Element Affinity:N/a
    Description:The user summons a spider tooth that extends off the user’s index finger. The tooth acts like a blade and it only 1 inch long. It however is extremely sharp and is able to cut most material, including steel. It is not normally used as a weapon because of its short size but used more as a medical supplementary tool; a tool very useful for making incisions when tools are short at hand.

    Name of Jutsu: Eternal Slumber; Timeless Cocoon
    Rank: S
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
    Element Affinity:N/a
    Description: The user must make a large circle of seals around and slowly release chakra through the seal. Simultaneously he builds a cocoon made up of spider silk in which he can reside in. This is a two hour process that much be done with extreme care. The cocoon is heavily woven to make sure that nothing can disturb the user while he is inside. Once he is done draining 70 percent of his own chakra into the circular seal, he bites his thumb and uses his blood to make two more seals, one on his chest and one on the cocoon. He then makes his way into the cocoon and locks himself inside it. After, he says, "Resuto" and the cocoon seals shut. Simultaneously, dormant chemicals in the user's body activate. They allow the user to survive without sustenance, but at the cost of remaining asleep. It is unknown how long someone can survive while inside the cocoon.

    The person in the cocoon cannot reawaken himself. It takes an outside force to release him from his cocoon and a special fuuinjutsu to actually reawaken him.

    Name of Jutsu: Awakening Spider; Reborn
    Rank: S
    Users: Uxebu
    Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
    Element Affinity:N/a
    Description: This is the jutsu that awakens a sleeping Uxebu from his cocoon. The requirements are a strange a Uxebu hair, a small drop of Uxebu blood and large amount of chakra. (40% of the average S rank) The user is to use the hair to draw seals onto the cocoon and using the blood as ink. The draw 3 tomoes in a "Y" formation outside the previously made seal. The person then places on hand on the center of the previous seal and with the other hand holds a bird seal. They then say, "Samasu" and then the cocoon begins to crumble. The person inside awakens fully. The reason the user needs to give up a large amount of chakra is too reanimate the sleeping person and also give him a little energy to get them going.

    Clan Traits:

    Name: Spidey Senses
    Rank: D-S
    Type: Skill
    Description: People in the Uxebu Clan share similar sensory traits with spiders. They have increased smell, taste, and touch senses. They can analyze chemicals around them and identify poisons, diseases, and chemical disturbance. Combined with high intelligence they can identify the chemical properties, its name, etc.
    Open: Only to the Uxebu Clan

    Chakra Control:
    Rank: C
    These users have excellent chakra control, which means they waste little chakra in battle. People with excellent chakra control usually have average or below average chakra. Since the amount of chakra is smaller, it is easier to master control over it. People with this skill are like, Itachi, Kakakshi and Orochimaru.
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    Uxebu Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Uxebu   Uxebu I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 12, 2010 6:43 pm

    I will bump this!

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    Uxebu Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Uxebu   Uxebu I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2010 1:32 pm

    T-T its been more than a week and no other comments?

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    Uxebu Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Uxebu   Uxebu I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 4:47 pm

    • Quote :
      Those who survived gained super human strength, a strong skeletal structure, tough skin, enhanced taste and smell, and multiple spider web abilities.
      Explain how much these differ from the average shinobi and [if applicable] their increase as the users rank increase.

    • Quote :
      The use of spider webs to bind the opponent. The user is able to spit spider webs from his mouth and generate it from his hands.
      Explain how it is generated. Does it require chakra? Is it from a gland that clan members have adapted, etc.

    • Quote :
      With advanced taste and smell, they can determine chemical properties far better than the average human.
      How much better than the average human.


    • Name of Jutsu: Body walker; Spider binding seal

    How long does this list, how hard is it to break out and can those who can see/sense chakra notice this?

    • Quote :
      Name of Jutsu: Relative blood; Spider transformation
      Rank: B-S
      Users: Uxebu
      Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
      Element Affinity:N/a
      The user taps into their seals that were placed on their body at the time of infection. When the corresponding seal is activated, the seal dissipates into the body.

    • B ranked – Spider neck bite – located on back of neck
      The user grows spider fangs on the inside of his mouth. They replace the normal human teeth and can be used to suck chakra out of victim and transfer it into his own chakra pool. How much chakra does the user suck per post?

    • Quote :
      A ranked – Spider armor – Located under jaw
      The user grows a strong exoskeleton that is capable of withstanding far more damage than average human skin. It is only as strong as bone and is weak to Fire and lightning base jutsu. The user’s appearance then is that their skin tone turns very dark, near complete black and they turn slightly hairier than normal.
      B rank and above Fire/Lightning jutsu are capable of breaking this and A or above for all other elements?

    • [quote]S ranked – Spider embodiment- Located on back
      The user again grows fangs, except much smaller ones. These are used to infect another creature and administer a poison that has a 98 percent fatality rate. Those who survive become a Uxebu[/quoter]
      Can this be used in combat?

    NOT Finished- will get the rest of this later tonight.
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    Shikyo Riku
    Shikyo Riku

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    PostSubject: Re: Uxebu   Uxebu I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 6:26 am

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