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    Seiya Uxebu Shauntaystaffimgf
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     Seiya Uxebu

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    PostSubject: Seiya Uxebu   Seiya Uxebu I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 07, 2010 11:50 pm

    Name: Seiya Uxebu
    Nickname/Alias:Saishi Gaiaku

    Age: 178
    Age Appearance: 23-25

    Appearance: This is Similar to his appearance, but not completely. Look at text description for full detail.
    Seiya Uxebu BlackHairScarf
    Basically the pieces of the picture you can omit are the ears, the gloves, and the katana at his hip. He has normal human shaped ears. Instead of gloves he has winding rope around his wrist that covers his entire forearm. The rope itself is not very thick, being only a centimeter in width. He has a belt around his waist which carries various equipment; medical and combat wise. He wears tight black pants and a skirt over top them. The skirt itself is very long, reaching to his ankles and is cut in the center, front and back, for mobility. He wears black shoes, which are very light and have good gripping on the bottom.

    Seiya has various tattoos all over his body. Under his jaw is a spider, forearms and shins are covered in spider webs, on the back of his neck is a spider bite and on his back is a giant spider.


    Skill Level: S
    Ninja Rank: Missing Nin

    Village: None
    Birthplace: Village hidden in the Wind
    Previous Village:

    Clan/Bloodline: Uxebu

    Personality: Due to affiliation with spiders, a lot of Seiya’s personally differs a lot from normal humans. His mind has been reprogramed quite a bit from meddling from spiders. He lacks the need to express himself and does not have any artistic qualities. A very quiet person, but not humble. He is aggressive when he wants something, but his wants are usually very basic; foods, water, shelter, sleep, etc. He replaces a lot of human emotion with intellectual might.

    The things he finds joy in are combat, particularly stealth combat. He loves to ensnare people in his traps and then feed on them or use them for other combat purposes. Basically he shares the same joys and disappointments as a spider. Thus, he would get sad after a prisoned opponent fleets. He does however enjoy helping fallen allies and healing them. When it comes to combat, he is simple and yet very effective. The target is to be destroyed or consumed by whatever means necessary; by teamwork, stealth, deception, etc.

    He eats only two types of food, meats and fruits. Some have called him cannibalistic, but he often does call himself only partially Human. He also does not consume friends, thus giving possible signs that he has the ability to care for individuals. Actually very rarely does he walk outside and aims to consume a human just to feed. It is not that he cares for humans though, it is just that humans are quite a large meal and he prefers small animals. Now it is very important to realize that Seiya isn’t evil. In fact, he has no true alignment. You could say that he is simple minded when it comes to good and evil.

    Goals: Feed and sleep
    Alignment: Neutral

    Canon Personality: Kinda like naruto cept…not…like Naruto at all. Maybe if naruto was a mindless spider. Probably more like sakura if she was a mindless spider.

    Skill Specialty:
    Dominant: Fuuinjutsu
    Recessive: Weaponry & Medical

    Elemental Affinity:
    Dominant: Wind
    Recessive: Earth

    History: Exactly 3 days after being born and at 2:18 am, a dot walks through a window sill of a hospital. A slight sigh from a newborn child as it sleeps soundly through the night, disturbs the silence and peace. Nimbly it walks closer, the spot creeps toward the child. A string shoots off the dot and onto the crib of the baby. Quickly it travels up, hastily traveling, tasting the air for its prey. The breath of the child only dooms it further towards its fate. A leg steps onto the stomach of the child, so light that it doesn’t make a sound. The body readjusts and the spider bites the child. A strange phenomenon occurs and streams of webs crawl across the infant’s body and somehow, the child remains aloof. Webs completely cover the baby’s body, lines across its face and suddenly the child disappears into thin air.

    The dot is successful in kidnapping its prey.

    A new landscape, dark green and plenty of trees; it makes one think “Forest, but not quite.” A group of men, women, dots, and giant spiders surround the child, whom lay on a ritual-like circle. “The next of our kin has arrived master.” A woman says with an echo. “Good…and this one looks promising. Try not to consume him Doku.” A man says with a raspy voice. A medium sized spider walks up to the child, cradles him and then flips him on his stomach. He bites the child on the back of the neck and the child lets out a shriek of tears.

    The child’s new family named him Seiya. They trained him like the rest of the children, to become Specialized Anbu for Sunagakure, but he was a little special. Most children his age died and succumbed to sickness from the spider toxins, but he grew to become one of the few that withstood the poison and then used it to grow stronger. Even so, like all his peers, he developed mental disorders. However, he developed one that would actually grow to become useful in his later years. At a young age, Seiya was noted for his pinpoint accuracy with various types of weaponry and even chakra usage. Thus he excelled with weaponry and chakra control. His favorite was fuuinjutsu, as he found it very useful to be able to bind his opponents and trap them in stealth combat.

    He became an official anbu at the age of 13. Seiya was able to accomplish such a task because when infected by Uxebu poison, it brain washes the victim and causes them able to be reprogramed into fighting machines. Of course, this is not 100% brain washing as many of his traits still remain. He still has most of his personality, but does not get distracted by television or videogames like common children. Instead he has been made to enjoy different combat situations which basically meant that for fun, he would train for days and be a happy kid doing it.

    At the age of 17, Seiya was sent on an assassination mission. It was a solo job and had a bit more pay that usual. He was assigned to kill two members of his own clan who were deemed to be traitors. Information was given to him on the location and their appearance. For some reason though, the text explaining it was rather vague, almost like it was obscured on purpose. It was also advised to take them out from a distance. He went to the location that the targets were going to be. Tostino’s Pizza roll hut was where he was meeting them. It was a fairly easy operation, study the area and poison the victims’ order before it gets to them. Seiya figured that it would be best if the targets died from a tasteless poison. Unfortunately, these clan members were highly sensitive to chemically obscure substances, a detail the young ninja had forgotten.

    The two clan members sat down, enjoying themselves in a conversation and basting in the atmosphere of the restaurant. They made their order and Seiya watched carefully, overhearing the exactly order; pepperoni for both of them. He himself had an order of two of every kind of pizza roll. He took the corresponding pizza rolls, already laced with poison, and made his way into the kitchen using Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique to disguise himself as one of the waitresses. He picked a waitress that seemed to not care about her job very much and was purposely performing poorly at it.

    As the order was called up, he took the plate and replaced two of the pizza rolls with the poisoned ones. He took a stride over and placed the pizza rolls onto the table of the victims and quickly walked away, acting like the real poorly behaved waitress. Seiya walked into the bathroom stall and quickly reverted back to his normal form. He strode out of the bathroom a little cheery about the successful planting of the pizza rolls. The two victims bit into the pizza rolls and as soon as they tasted it, both of them spitted it out. The both began choking and fell to the floor. The customers of the restaurant gathered around, shrieking at the commotion. A few people tried to help them, but it was too late. The couple had died from eating bad pizza rolls.

    Seiya moved through the crowd to see his work at hand and up close. He looked down to the floor and for a moment, he grew very cold. Their faces were known to him, very well, oh so very well. “M-mom…?!? DAD?” A tear fell down his face as he knelt down beside the married corpses. A hand was placed on his shoulder from an anonymous customer. “I’m sorry son, there dead.” Suddenly a thud was heard and the man yelled. The thud came from a woman that stood next to the man. “Just because you’re a medical student doesn’t mean you get to say stuff like that to kids so abruptly.” She said with a stern tone. Seiya stood up and walked away. It all made sense to him now. The reason why the description was so vague, why it was said to take them out from afar, someone planned heavily that he was to kill his own parents.

    Angered and confused, he hastily sprints to the anbu headquarters and smashes through the front door. He runs quickly to the man who gave him the assassination contract in the first place, Kei Yoshito. Seiya busts through the front door and yells, “Kei! You Bastard!” He lunges forward with a punch and is sent flying back into a wall. “I apologize for your parents, but it had to be done.” Kei said. “What are you talking about? My parents would never betray the Anbu, much less Sunagakure!” Seiya spoke angrily. “Ah to be so young and naïve; It is a shame that someone of your talent must die for the protection of Suna…. Oh well.” He ended with a smile.

    Unknown to the two fighting Anbu, someone was overhearing the conversation. A deep and raspy voice said, “The boy…Bring him to me Deidara, and don’t keep me waiting!” A few clay spiders walked through the window and then, BOOM The office was completely destroyed and a chunk of the headquarters was left in rubble. A two large shadowy figures appeared next to the unconscious body of Seiya. He was still alive, barely. Kei Yoshito on the other hand was completely covered in 5th degree burns, charred in black. “You take the boy out of here. I know where the documents we need are.” Sasori said with demand. A large clay bird flew down and Deidara picked up Seiya, placing him on the bird and then mounting it himself. “I’ll see ya later Sasori.”

    A light groan and with a little soreness, Seiya awakens at the Akatsuki headquarters; Sunagakure district. “Welcome home my new apprentice.”

    So Seiya begins a new chapter of his life there with Sasori. He secretly meets with some of the spider elders to continue his training as an Uxebu ninja. Most of the elders agree that what happened to Seiya was painfully unjust and some even claimed that Sungakure Anbu was trying to rid of the Uxebu clan all together. Eventually, it did come to that. There was a large scale attack on the Uxebu clan that was planned to wipe them all out. Fortunately enough, Seiya was kindred to his kin and attempted to stop the said genocide. At the battle, he was strongly outnumbered and thus deemed it best to flee with a few survivors than with none at all. He took with him a few members but was not able to bring with him any of the vital elders of the clan. He also managed to grab a lot of necessary documents about the clan’s history and secret jutsus.

    The small group then relocated to the outskirts of Suna, biding their time and waiting for a chance to truly escape Suna. One night when most of the clan was sleeping, one of the survivors was still awake and killed the rest of the survivors. When it came time to kill Seiya, the traitor was unsuccessful. Seiya killed the traitor and found himself to be the last member of the Uxebu clan. Knowing full well that if Seiya were to make new initiates to the clan; Suna would surely track them down and kill them as well; He decided to wait until time had changed and the Uxebu would be able to live peacefully again. Seiya performed the ancient Uxebu Jutsu of “Supaida Style; Nekan Kyu Min” which places a Uxebu into a dormant state until awakened by an outside source. There is only one way to reawaken the clan member and that is by, “Supaida Style; Kakusei Han”; A fuuinjutsu that Seiya had left with the old Akatsuki leader.

    160 years later…

    Riku Shikyo hears of an ancient and powerful ninja that was one a member of the Akatsuki. He finds notes of the power’s whereabouts and decides that now would be the perfect time to reawaken Akatsuki’s old friend. He takes all the information he need, including the Fuuinjutsu. The location was deep underground in Sungakure. Riku finds a large cocoon made of spider webs, obviously where Seiya lay dormant. “Supaida Style; Kakusei Han” Riku says and the cocoon slowly falls apart. A body lay inside, completely untouched by time and says, “It’s time, isn’t it?”

    Seiya becomes a new member of the Akatsuki and become one of the two leaders of the assassination division.

    RP Sample:
    Special Characteristics :
    Chakra Control:
    Rank: C
    These users have excellent chakra control, which means they waste little chakra in battle. People with excellent chakra control usually have average or below average chakra. Since the amount of chakra is smaller, it is easier to master control over it. People with this skill are like, Itachi, Kakakshi and Orochimaru.

    Rank: B
    This skill gives the user a good ability with his senses, being able to track opponents from a distance without them knowing, no matter the ranking the person is most of the time. They have high senses and are able to effectively use their abilities to keep their senses tuned on an opponent. These are your stealth-type characters. The prerequisite for the sense skill is Chakra Control. If you can just track and are not in tune with your senses then there is no prerequisite.

    The Human Polygraph:
    Rank: A
    Character's with this trait are able to pierce through a lairs veil by reading habits, quirks or nervous reactions given off by a liar. This trait is on even footing with 'LIAR!' meaning their polygraph skills become average when in a 'LIAR!'s presence.

    Eidetic memory:
    Rank: B
    Characters with this trait are able to recall memories with extreme accuracy, rarely do they forget information.

    Rank: B
    Characters with this trait are generally smarter than your average shinobi, able to create excellent strategies and figure out how another's technique works faster than your average shinobi.

    Rank: B
    Character's with this trait are extremely adept at ranged attacks, their projectiles rarely miss their target when not met with an outside force.[Requires Weaponry]

    Name: Spidey Senses
    Rank: D-S
    Type: Skill
    Description: People in the Uxebu Clan share similar sensory traits with spiders. They have increased smell, taste, and touch senses. They can analyze chemicals around them and identify poisons, diseases, and chemical disturbance. Combined with high intelligence they can identify the chemical properties, its name, etc.
    Open: Only to the Uxebu Clan

    Public Profile
    Name: Unknown
    Appearance: Unknown
    Village: Unknown
    Organization: Akatsuki
    Rank: Most likely S ranked
    Age: Unknown
    Info: No one outside of the Akatsuki knows that Seiya is even still alive. All documents about his assassination were destroyed by the Sunagakure Anbu. He was considered deceased over 160 years ago.
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    Seiya Uxebu Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Seiya Uxebu   Seiya Uxebu I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 08, 2010 7:34 am

    Akatsuki's filled up
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    Shikyo Riku
    Shikyo Riku

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    Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

    Seiya Uxebu Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Seiya Uxebu   Seiya Uxebu I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 08, 2010 12:55 pm

    Taku application is nulled at this time (due to him leaving) and there is tho spots left. Who edited that in the Akatsuki availability that it was full cause last time I checked there was only seven members?
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    PostSubject: Re: Seiya Uxebu   Seiya Uxebu I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 08, 2010 6:14 pm

    That was a my bad, I accidentally counted Matsu.

    Excluding Taku, it would be 8 though.
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    Seiya Uxebu Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Seiya Uxebu   Seiya Uxebu I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 1:15 am

    What happens now?
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    PostSubject: Re: Seiya Uxebu   Seiya Uxebu I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 4:23 am

    Im assuming he approves so... approved unLess said otherwise?
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    PostSubject: Re: Seiya Uxebu   Seiya Uxebu I_icon_minitime

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