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Early Morning Meetings Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Early Morning Meetings

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Nonko Ryuuza
Nonko Ryuuza

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Early Morning Meetings Empty
PostSubject: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 5:17 am

Early morning sunshine filtered in through a crack in the dusty black curtain that hung over the window and shone across the sleeping Shinobi's face. The man had spikey black hair and a handsome face. For the time being he was fast asleep, unaware of anything going on around him. Outside his room drifted in the sounds of scuffling feet and then a pause before wheezing breath could be heard. The door creaked open slightly and in stepped a man of around forty-five, wearing a ripped up shirt and cut off pants. The man made his way slowly to the bed where the Shinobi lay and reached across his body to the katana that lay there. His fingers wrapped around the scabbard and whipped it up quick as lightning. The man grinned and turned to walk away when a lazy voice spoke behind him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

A shiver ran down the man's spine at how calm the Shinobi sounded. Twisting around he glared down at the man and shook his head. Matsu watched the man for any signs of a threat and then held up his hand, gesturing for the man to return his sword. The man, sensing defeat, tried to run out of the room as quickly as possible. Without thinking Matsu whipped the kunai out from under his pillow and buried it deep in the mans back. With a yelp he dropped the blade and bolted out of the room without looking back. Matsu sighed and climbed out of the bed, stretching as he went. His well toned, tan body rippled as he did so. Running a hand through his hair he walked over to the sword and picked it up, throwing it lazily back on the bed. Afterwards he walked around the bed and pulled his pants on. It was still early but he needed stuff done that day.

An hour later Matsu stepped out into the sun wearing a black shirt with the collar turned up, both his swords and black pants with his traveling boots. Dodging carefully around people he made his way deeper into the village towards the ramen shop. He needed to stop for breakfast before doing anything. People turned and watched him as he passed. It seemed that the story of what happened in his room had spread through the village like wild fire. With a sigh he shook his hand and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. He knew that he needed to be wary at all times. The guy he attacked might have had friends who were willing to fight. No matter, he would handle them if they came.

Noises surrounded Matsu on all sides as he caught sight of the ramen shop. Some of the folk around him were asking him to describe what had happened. He waved them away and kept moving towards the ramen shop. Now that he thought about it he was incredibly hungry. The aroma of the ramen drifted to his nose and his mouth started water. Quickening his pace he almost ran into the interior of the shop and threw himself down into a sit by the counter.

"I'll take a bowl of beef ramen with extra vegetables." He turned away to watch the rest of the people eat before the thought hit him. Spinning around he waved down the cook, "Make that two, will ya?"

When the cook nodded he went back to waiting for his food to arrive. As soon as it did he shoveled some into his mouth and sighed with content. The food was delicious and he had only just started. Taking more and more bites he quickly finished off the first bowl before starting on the second one. It didn't last much longer than the first one. Paying the cook, he turned and walked back out into the sunlight with a full stomach.

Walking slowly, he made his way back through the village towards a park bench. Matsu sat down and leaned against the wall behind it, closing his eyes. The sounds of the village filled his ears and slowly started to lull him into a light sleep. Anyone who touched him would wake himup but as no one was touching him he was left in peace. A slight snore started coming from deep in his throat and his mouth hung open. Sleep was bliss for him.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 1:42 pm

She was literally fussing and fuming for the first time -ever- in her whole life. It was amazing how much that damned man was able to make the usually indifferent, calm and cold Yoshiko feel this way. Like she could take the next weapon she saw and just -kill- him and actually enjoy it! "What is the matter with me these days? I've never been this tense.. this ... human in behavior." Her mind took her back to when she was visiting the Konoha village, the gentle face of Yoshimaru popping up and making her stop dead in her tracks. This is probably his fault. I should have never allowed myself to get the least close to that man. And the funny part was really that she hadn't really been trying that hard, he just managed to slip right into her long frozen heart and leave a very clear but painful mark in there. While she had been walking aimlessly inside the Amegakure village, she had slipped her katana onto her back as did she with her backpack. Yoshiko took a few deep breaths and tried to relax her whole body, ignoring those that stared at her as she was standing completely still at the middle of a walking pathway, seemingly not even breathing as she was entering her own mind to ease it. Don't be this foolish Yoshiko... don't let someone get into your head. It's not worth it.

"The best thing would be to never return to that wretched village... never have those gentle eyes confuse my thoughts again. Not see how good it would be to live there in peace and harmony with all those... normal people." And yes, there lay the big problem. Those people in that village were happy... normal.. content with their lives. While Yoshiko was still chasing the ghosts from her past, never feeling at ease when anywhere, always looking behind her shoulder. A person like her would never be able to live at a place like Konoha. Surely it was painful to think about, but if she would just be able to realize that again then things would be better. She could go back to being her indifferent self and not be bothered like some hot headed schoolgirl at anyone that would pick a fight with her. "Yeah .. that's it. I just have to remind myself what my purpose here is." To work for the Akatsuki... to find her sister. Those things were really the only things she -should- be worrying about.

"Oops, I'm sorry about that!" The girlish voice that seemed to come out of nowhere made Yoshiko snap out of her thoughts and realize that someone had actually bumped into her. A girl that was probably around 12 years old, with platinum blond hair and equally bright colored bluish eyes stood before Yoshiko and was staring at her with a mixture of humbled and scared expression. Her hair had probably seen better days since it didn't look like it had been washed recently, as did her skin and clothes. A beggar? Yoshiko knew just -why- that girl had bumped into her, but unfortunately for the youngster that was now tiptoeing in front of her, then Yoshiko didn't keep her cash in her pockets. "You should be more careful, not all would let you go without punishment." A shocked gasp emitted from those pink lips as the blue eyes went slightly wide. "Uh-uhm.. I'm not sure I know what you mean." Yoshiko's purple eye closed for a split of a second as she took a deep breath and reminded herself of her words about starting to calm down. With a sidestep the Tomoko girl started to walk away from the girl but just as she passed her, Yoshiko let out just a small amount of her always hidden killing intent. It wasn't noticeable by anyone else than the girl it was aimed at, and as the brown haired ninja kept walking away she heard the soft thump as the other girl's knees struck the ground.

"In this village she will end up dead after a short while..." But perhaps this small incident now with Yoshiko would make the poor thing open her eyes and leave this village at once. I'm getting softer... usually I wouldn't have even bothered giving that girl a hint just how close she is to getting killed and just how dangerous this village can be. Everywhere you looked there were sneaky eyes watching, shadows lurking in every alley. It was probably just a matter of time before this village would be going to Hell.

Now perhaps it was because she was in such deep thoughts, or maybe she was still more sleepy than she had thought. But as Yoshiko was walking, and clearly not paying attention to her surroundings, she found herself making a yelping sound while flailing her arms frantically as she tripped over a pair of feet and was in the air for about a second before she crashed down onto a male body. While scrambling up to her feet, and rubbing her aching nose from having it literally smeared against a hard chest, Yoshiko looked at her apparent victim with teary eyes while cursing the ache in her nose. "ah..I'm sorry about that..." She felt like an -idiot- and like she had finally become the most unfitting ninja in the world. It was like.. official now. The man she had crashed down onto had black hair that was put in a spikey way, and he had very handsome features along with blue eyes that were still filled with sleep. Oh so he was sleeping.. that would explain probably why I was able to trip without either of us knowing what was coming.
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Nonko Ryuuza
Nonko Ryuuza

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 3:39 pm

Care free things flitted through Matsu's calm mind as he slept on. The warm weather had caused him to drift off into a deep slumber before he could stop it. Dreams and nightmares chased each other through his head as he slept. A whimper escaped his lips a few times while he slept during the times he was having a nightmare. His eye lids fluttered and a soft breeze ruffled his hair a bit.

A sharp pain exploded through the Shinobi's chest and disrupted the flow of his dreams. His eye lids snapped open and he looked down to see a woman standing there rubbing her nose. For a second a look of surprise and confusion were displayed on his face before he caught himself and wiped the emotion off his face. A single purple eye stared up into his blue ones and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the girl slamming into his chest. Pushing himself up from the slouched position he had been he ran a hand through his hair and yawned.

"How's your nose? Im sorry it had to collide with my chest but you should be more careful where you walk. Try not to fall too often or you might end up hurt."

The whole time Matsu spoke his voice never changed from the usual lazy tone it seemed to keep. He didn't see the need to exert himself and put emotion in his speech. As long as he got his point across it didn't matter. Matsu turned to the woman and watched her closely. There didn't seem to be any harm that could come from her so he just watched her lazily. It would be interesting to get to the know the woman better even if they had met like this.

Without another word Matsu stood up and started walking in the other direction. He had a feeling the woman would follow him but if she didn't he wouldn't mind. While his back was turned to her he allowed a small grin to flit across his face before falling back into stony calm. When he reached the end of the road he had been on he turned and around called back to the girl.

"Are you coming?

It was good to have someone to talk for the first time in a long while. It had been months since the last time he had seen any member of the Akatsuki and he had started to grow lonely again. It wasn't good for a person to be alone for too long. They started talking to themselves and losing their minds. Matsu had experience with that because he had started losing his mind when he was traveling in the wild for all those years with no company except his own. He didn't want to be alone like that again.

A warm breeze blew through the air and brought with it the smell of ramen. Matsu looked in the direction of the smell and sighed. He didn't have much money left so he couldn't really buy any at the moment but he sure was craving some more. His eyes traveled back down to face level as he turned away from the smell and stared through the crowd. People were milling around everywhere, going about their business as if the world would never change. But Matsu could tell by their faces that they were dreading something. Crime had become worse in Amegakure of late and the people knew it. They were worried for what might come sooner rather than later.

Matsu leaned against the wall beside him and tilted his head back. His eyes closed for the second time that day and he waited patiently for the girl to catch up with him. If she didn't come within five minutes he would leave but he figured he could give her a chance. Yawning again he relaxed his body and waited for the time when the woman made it to him.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 7:51 pm

At first Yoshiko had been expecting something completely different as a reaction. A yell, cursing, flailing or whatever there really was... But instead this stranger just seemed... well... relaxed! His lazy voice was kind of comfortable for the ears, and she was glad to see that not all had to be crazy serial killers like her traveling companion and apartment wrecker had been. Although she was not about to just automatically think that this calm man that she had just attempted to break her nose on, was someone nice just because he held his calm. Yoshiko pulled her gaze away from his eyes and stopped rubbing her nose, even if it was still aching a bit. I shouldn't be looking like some kid here... nooot the right place. And he was now apologizing? This was beyond her understanding. The Tomoko girl was used to being around rough people, people that understood violence and not words. So was it any wonder that she at first stared at this man in front of her like he was an alien before managing to sputter out some words. "Ah it's ... fine really. You shouldn't be apologizing, I wasn't looking where I was going. So... sorry about that.." She kept her voice low, and figured that a small bow of curtsy was the best she could offer before she turned her gaze back up to his face and studied him a little. Just what was his role here in this village? Was he one of the thugs.. or in some clan? Or was he just a traveler?

As this mysterious man stood up and started to walk away, Yoshiko followed him with her visible eye while putting her hands behind her back. Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen. Nothing that indicated hostility. And since he was leaving, then he didn't seem to have in mind any more small talk... which was kind of a pity. Wait... she found that a pity? Just what -was- going on with her head? It would probably be good if he'd leave and they wouldn't meet up again, since in the end... wasn't it enough that in the past few days Yoshiko had already met and got to know a gentle Konoha ninja that messed with her mind and made her loose all focus on what was important, before she then met a messed up killing machine that loved to toy with her anger? She could only imagine what category this man here could fall in... or well truth be told she really couldn't.

But just as she was about to turn on her heel and start walking away, the man paused and looked back at to where she was still standing. Oh great.. now he'd think she was a stalker or something as she was still watching him. Eh? He wants me to come...? What for? A slightly confused look entered her face as she hesitated slightly before starting to walk in his direction. Worst case scenario... then he was some idiot that thought he could mug her, in which case she would prove to him that appearance -can- be very deceiving as she was just as strong as any man out there. But well... what was the best case scenario then? Perhaps the mugging part was the best case... and maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. And since just when were you such a damn coward? Meh.. it was annoying when one had to scold herself. With silent and quick footsteps she gained on him, as he stood there waiting and leaned against a wall with his eyes closed. He must have been the most relaxed person she had ever come across, she was sure of that.

Now as she stood in front of him..again.., Yoshiko looked upwards into his face while waiting for him to say something... or do something. She parted her lips and was about to speak, but couldn't then think of anything that was unsaid between them. Awkward.. Come to think of it.. she was starting to get really hungry now, making her wonder if he was up for some food. Yoshiko shifted her stance and looked around, wondering if this was after all a trap. I must be getting really -really- paranoid lately.
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Nonko Ryuuza
Nonko Ryuuza

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Location : Your moms house ;)

Early Morning Meetings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 5:57 am

Soft foot falls announced the arrival of the girl. Matsu opened one eye and peered down at her, taking in the pretty face and one vivide purple eye. Her other eye was covered by hair that seemed to have been brushed over it. Matsu thought better than to ask her why she covered that eye so he just pushed himself off the wall and stepped a few paces away from her and then breathed in the sweet aroma of ramen. For the second time that day his mouth started to water and he couldn't control himself. He almost flung himself into the crowd and disappeared. The only thing that stopped him was the girl and the fact he knew restraint and control urges.

Turning back around he looked at the girl once again and yawned, putting his hand over his mouth to stifle it. His stomach grumbled due to hunger and he sighed as he looked down. It wouldn't be long before he was forced to get something to eat so he might as well speed up the process as fast as possible. He raised his eyes and stared up at the girl with his sharp blue ones. [/i]I wonder if she'll want to go get some food. Only way to find out is to ask her.[/i] Matsu gave her a warm, friendly look that only translated through his eyes. The expression on his face didn't change from the bored look it always kept.

"Care to join me for a bite to eat? I need something to cure this apparently endless hunger that has possessed me."

Beckoning her to come with him with a wave of his hand, Matsu turned and headed straight into the crowd. Immediatley he lost sight of everything but what was directly ahead of him. People bumped into him from all sides, knocking him from side to side. He lazily stuck his foot out and tripped a middle aged man who was trying to run past him in a hurry. The man crashed face first into the ground and lay there groaning for a few minutes. Matsu stood watching the man until he stood up again and started to head towards him. Cocking his head to the side, Matsu eyed the man with a look of interest.

"What the hell is your problem!?"

"I don't know what your talking about. And I would kindly apppreciate it if you stopped yelling at me. It isn't the smartest thing you could do. Try walking in the opposite direction before I do something you won't like."

The man stood his ground for a few more seconds but soon turned and walked away. Matsu could hear him muttering about crazy people who talked as if they had no emotion. On the inside Matsu roared with laughter but on the onside he maintained stony calm. Since he had already had his fun he continued on through the crowd until he reached the other side and walked through an alleyway filled with trash and other debris. He kicked stuff out of his path as he walked through, trying to clear a path for the girl that was most likely following him. I still don't know her name. I need to ask it when we get to the ramen shop. Yawning, Matsu came out on the other side of the alley right in front of the shop he had been planning to go to.

The smell of ramen filled the air around the shop. His mouth started to water once again and he hurried inside and took his seat. While he waited for the girl to catch up with him he ordered a bowl of ramen and started to eat it slowly, savoring every bite. The shop was full to the bursting point except for two chairs. He occupied one and was saving the other for the girl. Matsu didn't know why he cared whether she came or not but he did. It was probaly because it had been so long since he had any type of companionship. None of the Akatsuki had contacted him of late and other than them he didn't know many people. Even among the Akatsuki he only knew a couple of people. It was good to have someone to just talk to again. It had been too long in Matsu's mind although it had only been about a month.

Matsu cleare his mind of thoughts and continued to eat his ramen while he awaited the girl. He slid easily into a relaxed state since it was second nature to him. Everything around him became a low buzzing sound as he drifted off into a pleasant dream. The only thing about him that didn't change about him while in this state was him eating. Even though he was day dreaming his hand and arm still worked and brought food to his mouth. A lazy expression played across his face and he shifted in and out of awareness as he waited.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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Location : in your closet .. wearing your underwear on my head

Early Morning Meetings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 10:12 am

Something seemed to be wrong, he looked like he wanted to take off as he kept glancing towards the center of a crowd of people. Is there someone he has to meet? But then she got the answer to that question as she heard quite clearly when his stomach grumbled. Well now she wouldn't at least have to hesitate in asking him if he wanted to go eat somewhere, and just as to second that her own stomach made a low gurgling sound. His eyes got very warm and gentle, without really any expression entering his face as he asked her if she'd wanna join him for some food. Somehow that warm expression made Yoshiko feel calmer than any smile would ever had. I wonder how old he is ... looks to be around my own age. Her eyes went over to his two swords and then back to examining his strong figure. It was clear this was a man that trained much, and was therefore probably very skilled. Yoshiko had the feeling that if they crossed blades, she would have to work for her victory.. if the victory would be hers. To never underestimate your opponent... It was what she lived by, and it had saved her up until now.

But back to his question. "I...would like that...actually." She followed close behind the man as he started walking, her purple eye glued to the ground as she very nimbly avoided all contact with the people that walked past them. As always, her senses were fully awakened even if she kept just watching the back of the feet of the man she was apparently going to share a meal with. The stranger didn't seem as concerned as she was with human contact and bumped into many before all of the sudden she noticed a changed behavior of his leg. Did he just... trip that man on purpose? What for then? Was that man someone he knew? Peeking to the side of him, seeing that he kind of blocked her view, Yoshiko was quite sure her guessing was wrong since the one that had just faceplanted the ground was redder than a tomato as he started yelling and cursing. She glanced her eyes to her companion and waited silently for what he would do or say. So he denies having tripped him.. His words had quite a warning to them, making Yoshiko not the least surprised as the other man decided to follow them after. Well there went the theory that this guy was peace loving. By the way.. it was getting kind of weird to just think of him as the -guy-, making Yoshiko wonder if she should ask for his name. But the question was if he would even want to answer that.

They started walking again, or he started walking and her feet automatically started moving also. She noticed him kicking trash and other things that lay on the ground away, making a sort of a pathway. Her feet carried her around and over anything without making a single sound while her eyes were still glued to the back of his legs. As they round about on the corner, Yoshiko stopped dead in her tracks as she sniffed the air. Ramen... Her eyes fluttered closed as she remembered again the taste of the ramen in Konoha. The face of Yoshimaru also came, his cheerful voice as he had asked her what she wanted to order. What was that ramen again...? All she remembered was the taste.. but she couldn't remember what it looked like, or what it had even cost.

Opening her eyes again, she noticed the man she had been walking behind was already at the ramen stand and had begun eating. Letting out a small sigh, she pushed away all annoying thoughts and quickly made her way there also. She never ceased moving like she was sneaking around, or more like every motion was already decided long ago. There were many years since she had mastered to walk around without bumping into things or making any extra sounds. Now seated next to the man, she glanced around at the people that were already sitting there. People seemed to be mostly minding their own business, besides one guy that was probably drunk but he sat about 5 seats away from Yoshiko and her new "friend". Just as her glance ran over that man he smiled widely and gave her a wink while raising his glass. Does he have something in his eye..? Her expression remained indifferent as she turned her attention away from the man and to the person that was waiting to take her order. "I'll have.... beef ramen.." Yeah.. that was probably what she had had in Konoha also.

She didn't have to wait for long until a bowl was placed in front of her, the smell making her mouth water slightly before she took the chopsticks and started digging in. It tasted very good, and yet there was some sort of taste that was missing. Probably just different recipes for each village... When done killing the worst case of her hunger, she started slowing down in the eating before turning her head and looking into the face of the stranger. "My name is Yoshiko..." She paused, feeling it a little weird to add a question to that...statement of hers. Her gaze was lowered again as she poked her ramen with her chopsticks before glancing at him again.
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Nonko Ryuuza
Nonko Ryuuza

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Location : Your moms house ;)

Early Morning Meetings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 12:01 am

The slow buzz of conversation filled the small shop. People all around the Shinobi were talking about things that didn't concern him. Trivial matters that only civilians such as them could talk about. Matsu shook his head as he wolfed down the last bite of his ramen and leaned back in his chair. These people know nothing. They don't know hardship and what it is like to live alone with no one around. They've always been surrounded by friends and family. I wish they could feel the pain I've felt since I was born. Sighing, Matsu turned to look at the girl that had just joined him. She ordered beef ramen and started to eat it. Matsu watched her with interest as she finished off the last bites of her meal. She was different than other women he had met. There wasn't any obvious difference but there was something below the surface that he couldn't put his finger on. I just have to learn more about her.

The sound of her voice aroused him from his thoughts. Yoshiko... So that's her name. Matsu looked at her with his stony expression and nodded. He would give her his name just as soon as he finished his next bowl of ramen. The man waved down the chef and ordered another bowl. Within minutes it had disappeared into his stomach and joined the first one. Yawning, he turned back to the girl and rested his hand on his knees.

"My name is Matsu. It's nice to meet you, Yoshiko."

Leaning back, Matsu put his feet up on the counter and turned his head to stare at her with a single piercing blue eye. He was at a loss for words for the first time since he had met her. There was no topic he could think of that would interest himself or even her for that matter. Stupid questions dashed around his head, begging to be asked. Matsu shot them all down while keeping a calm expression. Knowing that he was the male and he had to take the initiative, Matsu mustered up the courage and asked the one question that was the most prominent in his head.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Matsu mentally slapped himself for asking such a blunt question. The words had just erupted from his mouth without him even realizing what he was saying. Shaking his head, he turned away in embarrasment. Although embarrased beyond explanation, Matsu never changed the expression on his face from the stony calm. If Yoshiko happened to look into his eyes she would see just how embarrased he was though.

Without thinking Matsu made to get up out of his seat and dash out of the front door of the shop. The plan didn't go as well as he had hoped though. Tripping over the legs of the chair, he sprawled spread eagle on the floor to raucous laughter from the people sitting around them. Matsu rose from the floor with a stony look on his face and resumed his seat before looking back at Yoshiko. He hoped she wouldn't laugh at him for what had just happened.

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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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Location : in your closet .. wearing your underwear on my head

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 1:11 am

As the man at her side seemed not to be on his way on telling his name, Yoshiko finished her ramen and then rested her hands in her lap while watching him get his second bowl of ramen. He seems really hungry. Well, compared to her small figure then he would of course probably need to eat twice as much as she did, so why really be surprised? She however was starting to wonder if he was going to tell her his name or not, and as he took his last few bites of the food Yoshiko had already come to the conclusion that she would have to keep thinking about him as someone nameless. But then his voice reached her ears, and made the Tomoko girl turn her head towards him while she drank in his words. Matsu... it seemed like a name that fit him. With a single nod, Yoshiko tried to show her thankfulness for him sharing his identity with her, even if it might be a fake name then it was at least something she could call him by. Names was always something she had needed, even if it was from people she was fighting or just encountering for a short amount of time. Deep down in her head, she knew about all the names of the people she had killed in her past and this present time. And she also remembered the names of those that had met her and had the opportunity to live for longer time.

There came a moment of silence after he had spoken, but Yoshiko felt that he was watching her. Is he trying to think of something to say. He shouldn't really have to.. I like silences better than some forced out words. Matsu's stance as he rested his feet up on the counter was as he himself was... somehow carefree and relaxed. It made Yoshiko somewhat feel jealousy creep through her, as she wanted to obtain that same relaxed outward appearance. Even if she was sure this young man was not all that calm and carefree as he made himself seem to be, then it was probably very handy to be able to have this appearance and be able to fool your opponents not to take you seriously.

As Yoshiko brushed a single strand of her light brown hair behind her ear before stretching her arms lazily, she stopped dead in her movement as his question reached her ears. At first she just blinked, wondering if she had heard him correctly before she turned her head towards him and looked at him with her visible eye. That's a pretty ... strange question. Why on earth would he ask me that? Is he trying to catch me off guard before some more serious question? Matsu turned his head away from her, but not before Yoshiko could notice if only a little, that he had seemed a little... well embarrassed when she had met his eyes, even if he had still had that stony expression on his face like he really wanted to try and hide every emotion that could be boiling inside of him. Seeing that made Yoshiko wonder even more, since if he was embarrassed then this couldn't really have been a trick question. But why would he feel the need to ask her this?

It startled her, making the chopsticks rattle slightly in the bowl, when Matsu all of the sudden jumped up before she had even gotten the chance to answer, and was most probably going to run out of there, when his feet got tangled with his chair. It was just one of those moments when you really wanted to be somewhere else, and fate decided to get in the way. The laughter of the other people filled the place as they seemed very amused by Matsu's embarrassed state as the handsome young man found his seat again, and seemed to want to disappear into the ground. She wasn't sure how or why, but even without him making any expression at all then Yoshiko just ... felt his embarrassment. That laughter around them made she look around with an even colder expression than before, as she slowly stood up and reached into her pocket. That movement seemed to make some stop laughing, as her expression was not really something to laugh about. A few startled gasps were then heard as her fist that had reached into her pocket slammed down on the counter and left there enough money to pay for her and Matsu's food. Her next move was then to grab Matsu's hand, hoping he wouldn't mind that too much as she wasn't in the mood to ask for permission, before she literally dragged the young man out of there with her. Even if she had a rather small figure, she did hold the strength of an S-rank ninja so it wasn't really that difficult of a task for her to almost drag Matsu with her, as he (for now) still hadn't put up a fight as they were leaving the ramen booth behind them with every step they took.

Well now, even if she couldn't figure out why he had asked her this particular question then she didn't have any reason not to answer it. "I.. don't have a boyfriend...and don't worry about this." I wonder what has happened to him that makes him hide his true self this much. Not that she was really anyone to talk when it came to being emotionally crippled.. Yoshiko didn't stop nor let Matsu's hand go until they walked around a corner and she didn't see many around. Her hand let go of his as she looked around to see if there were many people there, or if anyone had followed them from the ramen stand. Seemingly satisfied with the surroundings, she let out a few more words with her soft voice. She was actually lately starting to get used to talking, which was pretty strange for her. "I'm sorry... for grabbing you like that. Many people at one place... don't go well with me." She took a step away from him while glancing quickly at his face before starting to think what to do now. Am I supposed to ask the same question now? That made her feel uncomfortable as she shifted slightly. Besides, he probably had other things to do, while she herself was quite troubled over if she should go home to her apartment and kill Adair or if she should just keep wandering around the village.

Somewhere deep down, a very well hidden emotion wanted her to ask him to stay around for longer. But Yoshiko's pride was too big for that, and also she didn't know just how to ask for something like that or where to go for that matter. It would probably come out wrong if she started to talk, and plus she still hadn't come to the conclusion if he was perhaps one of those people that messed with your head or tried to stab you in the back the moment you'd turn away.
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Nonko Ryuuza
Nonko Ryuuza

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 2:46 am

With a jerk Matsu was pulled from his seat and dragged out of the shop. He stared around at the wide eyed expressions on every face as they watched this happen. It was not a normal spectacle to see a fully grown man being dragged by a smaller woman. Matsu chuckled slightly as he was pulled, using the noise in the street to cover it up. The Shinobi wanted to laugh racously but he just couldn't see himself doing it. Only a small grin showed that he was entertained by what was going on. People around them stared at the two of them rushing through the streets. Matsu winked at one or two of them, straying from his usual lazy self to a more vibrant guy. He didn't know what it was about this woman but she made him feel more alive, even if she didn't talk that much. Her body language just made him feel as if he could do anything when he was around her.

Matsu shook his head violently and cleared his face of all emotion as they were rounding a corner into a more deserted place. Yoshiko let go of his hand and took a step back from him as she spoke. I wonder if she noticed the chuckle or grin? If she did I will live. It isn't like it's criminal to smile once and awhile. Matsu eyed her lazily as he listened to her apologize for dragging him out of the shop. The man shrugged and looked at her. "It's fine. I wanted to get out of there anyways since it was so crowded and hot." Cocking his head to the side, Matsu looked down at her as his eyes twinkled with merriment. If it wasn't for his eyes people would never know what emotion he was feeling at the time. They only have to look into his eyes to see what he's feeling.

Lookinh away, Matsu swiveled around and took in the area. Only a few people were out and about. One or two civilians were hurrying by on their own business. No one was paying attention to the man and woman standing there near one of the buildings. Matsu covered his mouth as he yawned and turned back to Yoshiko. Without thinking he stuck his hand behind his head and relaxed against the wall, leaning one foot up and supporting his body weight with the other. He stared around, trying to think of something to say or do that would allow him to spend more time with her. It was hard for him since he hadn't spent very much time with women in his life. When he was younger he had had a girlfriend once but he didn't want to think about that.

The sound of water somewhere in the distance reached his ears and a idea popped into his head. "Do you want to go swimming? It's been ages since I felt what it feels like to be free and uncaring in the water." For the first time in front of her he let a grin slip. Not caring about trying to hide it, he let it broaden into a full on smile. He actually had a slightly attractive smile for someone who hardly ever did. His teeth were also white from brushing them regularly.

Matsu waited for her answer with bated breath. He hoped she said yes that way he wouldn't have to go alone. It was the fact that he didn't want to be alone again for the time being that forced him to ask her. If it had been any other circumstance he would have probaly said good-bye and left by himself. This was different though. He actually wanted company for the first time in almost ten years. "So, wanna go?"
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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 9:10 pm

Yoshimaru and his clones, along with his child looked at the magnificant, large village infront of them. "Behold, guys... Amegakure." Yoshimaru whispered and grinned brightly. He looked around to see guards, as one of them came up to him. "What is your purpose here?" The guard asked, weapon in hand. Yoshimaru spoke up and said, "I have just came to visit. If you want, I will go and check in with the leader of this village." His voice was very honest, and not lying one bit to these guards. The two men looked at eachother, nodded, then moved out of the way for them. Clearly, Yoshimaru had his ninja headband around his waist, that must've allowed him in almost so perfectly.

They walked in very slowly, curious about all the things around them. The buildings were like sky scrapers. They were made out of things like tin, metal, aluminum, whatever it was, it was holding it up real good. Yoshidoku ran off and got distracted with a particular house. The small boy put his hands against it, feeling that it was cold. 'Must be metal, then.. The skies are cloudy, no wonder its cold..' The boy thought to himself, looking back at Yoshimaru, which was just standing there waiting. "Sorry, daddy." Yoshidoku appologised and chuckled, as Yoshimaru smiled back down at him and nodded his head. It was no doubt that they were... Lost. It was a big and crowded village, and for that, they wondered HOW they could get around without bumping into someone, or something.

Yoshimaru snapped his fingers, as the clones turned into wood, and decintigrated into the ground as splinters of wood. "Well.. I guess we can go find the nearest restraunt and grab a meal. Im parched!" Yoshimaru claimed and looked down at his son, which smiled and nodded. The boy looked to his side and grinned, the familiar smell... It was ramen. "A Ramen shop~!" Yoshido tugged on his dads hand and pointed toward a small shack. Yoshimaru took a sniff and smiled brightly. "You're very right." He said and began walking ahead, "We have no time to waste, lets eat up!" Yoshimaru said as he looked behind his shoulder while walking, Yoshido catching up.

As soon as he turned around, he had JUST ALMOST bumped into a hard, metal wall. His nose was just barely touching it. 'That... Would have been embarassing.' He sighed and turned his head to the side, standing almost to the corner of the ramen shop, he saw a young woman and a man much taller than her. Yoshimaru squinted and looked harder, '... Yoshiko?' He thought, as a bright grin crept apon his face. Yoshimaru quickly walked over to the two, but silent enough for them not to hear him coming. Once he had gotten close enough, he stood just behind her, leaning down to her height, Yoshimaru said in a soft but loud whisper, "Miss me?" He asked and waited her reply. Either she was going to hit him, or turn around and recodnise him. But.. What he was wondering about was the man she was talking to. He had some sort of uniform on, like the older versions of the Aktasuki members.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 11:10 pm

Yoshiko felt glad he wasn't going to bitch at her for dragging him away from there, not that she had really expected that from this man as he seemed to be one of those that went with the flow most of the time. For the moment Matsu seemed just as deep in thought as she was about what to do now for them. His tall figure was leaning against a wall as they awkwardly glanced at each other, while Yoshiko was starting to wonder if she should just do them both a favor and walk off. Even if silences were good sometimes when one had to think, then there were also those silences that were just painfully...awkward just like this one. Since when did I begin to worry about things like that? Well.. perhaps she should be thankful that her more human side was starting to crawl out from it's shelter. Matsu's sudden suggestion about going swimming made her look up at him and ponder to herself as she looked his face over. He had been very handsome before, but when the smile stretched over his face, Yoshiko was sure he'd be able to make anyone feel a slight tingle in their chest.

Being her... unusual self, she tilted her head to the side while keep looking at him with her purple eye. "You look...very nice... when smiling." It was somehow natural for her to be this honest about things, so she didn't hesitate to just say it out loud as she didn't really understand that it might be embarrassing to say this in the face of someone. Especially when it was a stranger. Swimming... that sounds actually nice... it is a hot day now. If I remember correctly there is a good spot here nearby. Maybe he also has that spot in mind. Deciding it might be very fun and something new to do with others, she nodded with a stern look on her face as if she had just made the decision of her life. But before she could speak out, something else happened. Clearly she wasn't meant to be having any calm days in the future, or so fate had decided.

At the back of her mind, Yoshiko just had known something was not right. The small hairs on the back of her neck had risen and a small chill had gone down her spine as if someone was watching her intensely. And as usually her sixth sense about these things was right, as all of the sudden a voice sounded next to her ear. Surely that voice sounded a bit familiar, but unfortunately her body had it's own reactions to surprising things like this, and didn't even give her time to think about the words that were whispered to her. These reactions had often saved her life before, but at times like these... they could be quite unhandy. Yoshiko's hand moved so fast, that only the trained eye would have caught sight of when she loosened a single strap on her right shoulder that had held the katana against her. Before the knot of the strap was even completely loosened, she had the katana in her hand and had turned on her heel to confront whomever this was. All this happened in about 2 seconds, her hair was still shifting in the air as Yoshiko had come to a stop, now bending her left knee slightly while stretching her right leg back while holding her katana, now unsheathed, with a steady hand against the neck of whomever it had been that had whispered in her ear. In her left hand she held the scabbard, ready to use it if she had to defend against a sudden blow. It had taken the Tomoko girl many years and lots of training to be able to get this stance with that speed and agility. Her purple eye had a cold, dead look in it as she was expecting to behead that person that had infiltrated her personal space in this way.

However... everything after this seemed to move in slow motion as she blinked once, then again before staring at the face of Yoshimaru. "W-what...?" Disbelief, hesitation..confusion.. all those were settled into that one word which she barely managed to let out before swallowing hard. She straightened her stance and lowered her katana so that the tip was touching the ground at Yoshimaru's side, seeing how long the blade was. The sun was reflected in the dark blade as the silence hovered over the scenery. Finally, Yoshiko managed to say more, her voice but a whisper. "What are you..doing here?" Had something happened? It wasn't until then that she actually noticed the young boy that was standing there also, it made her frown slightly that he had had to watch his father almost get beheaded. Yoshiko had no reason not to think this kid was Yoshimaru's son, seeing that he was the spitting image of the Konoha Jounin.

This is...too confusing. He shouldn't be here... this is not his world. And why did he bring his child here with him? Is he mad? Amegakure was no place for innocent children like that boy, and she could see very clearly in his eyes that he was indeed a pure hearted child. Yoshiko backed slightly away from Yoshimaru and his son, as she didn't feel like it was right for someone like her to be making any threats in front of that child, until her back touched the same wall that Matsu was standing against. Her hand that was holding the katana squeezed down on it's hilt before she raised it up and fastened it again on her back, using only her left hand to tie a simple knot on the strap that was on her shoulder. She had come up with this strapping thing as it was always very unhandy for her to try and draw her katana like people would usually draw their swords in battles, since the sword was unusually long. This was still such a shock to her, that she wasn't even sure if she was glad to see that man again. The only thoughts that entered her mind were how did he find her and what did he want.

An ugly suspicion came to her as Yoshiko quickly looked around like she was expecting the place to get filled with Konoha ninjas at any moment. It can't be though... I didn't do anything in the village. While in the whole confusion, she hadn't been able to see what Matsu's reactions had been but she hoped he wouldn't be doing anything drastic, since she would most likely be forced to stop him.
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Nonko Ryuuza
Nonko Ryuuza

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 11:48 pm

"You look...very nice... when smiling."

As the words reached Matsu's ears he let the smile stay a few more seconds before changing his expression back to stony calmness. It was weird but he was kind of glad that she thought he had a nice smile. Years had passed since the last time he smiled and she was the first person to ever say he looked nice while doing it. His eyes traveled down and met her one purple eye which was staring up at him. A odd tingling feeling appeared in his stomach that he had never felt before. Matsu sighed and looked away before he embarrased himself. He didn't want her seeing him doing anything stupid that might make her dislike him.

Almost inaudible footsteps announced the presence of another person. Matsu turned and looked over only to see a tall man approaching Yoshiko with a child behind him. Raising an eyebrow, he waited to see what would happen. The man bent down and whispered something in Yoshiko's ear and before Matsu could say or do anything her sword was in her hand and at the man's neck. Matsu stared wide eyed at what had just happened and almost went for his own blade before he saw her lower it. She must know him. He listened as she asked him what he was doing there. Matsu had no clue who the man was but he looked like a Shinobi. The man's eyes traveled over the newcomer, looking for any sign that he was a Shinobi. Tied around his waist was the evidence Matsu needed. A Konoha Shinobi? What is he doing here?

Matsu's hand strayed to the hilt of his katana as he watched the man looking at him. He didn't want to fight the man without knowing whether he was an enemy or not but he sensed something wasn't right. It was time to get to the bottom of things. Stepping forward and taking his foot off the wall, he walked towards the man and looked him in the eye. His cold blue eyes met another set of blue eyes. Matsu stared at the man lazily and sighed as he looked over the man's shoulder and saw a child. I can't kill in front of a child. It wouldn't look right to do such a thing.

Clearing his throat, Matsu decided to be diplomatic instead of aggresive. "What is a Konoha Shinobi like yourself doing in Amegakure? We don't see many ninja from there down this way. And why are you looking at me like you are suspicous of me?" Satisfied with what he said, Matsu stepped away from the man and leaned against the wall once again, waiting for a reply. His hand didn't leave the hilt of his katana and a look of caution was in his eyes.

The Shinobi glanced over at Yoshiko to see if she was alright. She looked a bit shaken by the appearance of this Shinobi. Matsu didn't want to pry and ask questions but he was curious. I just have to wait for the right time. She will tell me when she's ready.
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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 12:20 am

The moment Yoshimaru had said those two words to Yoshiko was the moment that could have ended his life for sure. The sharp blade met with Yoshimaru's chest, as the light shimmered off of the blade's edge and into his eye, which made him squint as an awkwardly funny face. He didnt make a move, or say anything as she just stood there. Yoshimaru wasnt surprised with the move at all. Startling someone like that could lead to your head being decapitated, which Yoshimaru had learned to never do again.

His eyes continued to stare into Yoshiko's as she lowered her blade, not taking his eyes off of hers. She seemed to be very confused on why he was there, which he wouldnt have doubted that he would have been as well, if she ever showed up in Konoha. She spoke in a soft voice, asking on why he was here. Yoshimaru looked around to make sure that only they were to be seen, along with this man with them. Yoshimaru didnt really care for the man, he seemed to look nice, but then again, deadly. He didnt want to cause an uproar or anything as such with violence, Yoshimaru is an easy going man.

Yoshidoku stayed close to his father, grabbing ahold of Yoshimaru's leg tightly. The movement was too quick for the inexperianced mind that Yoshidoku had, so it just seemed like a slight blur to him. Yoshimaru thought of something to say, as he scratched his neck and smiled at them both, the same exact smile that he had the first time that him and Yoshiko met. "Let me explain, because you both look pretty damn confused." Yoshimaru started with a chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood. "Im on a journy to another village, and I had happen to get lost, and ended up here. Me and my son, Yoshidoku, are very exhausted. It was here, or bust and get attacked by some wild animal in the process of camping out in the woods." Yoshimaru had explained. It was the truth, but it wasnt. He didnt want to give away his plans, so thats why he just happened to change his words around. "Believe me, I dont mean to be rude and stare, sir." Yoshimaru had answered the second half of the youg man's question. "Im Yoshimaru, by the way." He ended with.

Yoshimaru really needed to talk to Yoshiko privately, and it was urgent. Very urgent. "Dont mind if I just stole Yoshiko for a moment, sir? Theres something I need to tell her, privately." Yoshimaru bit his lip and looked at the man, knowing he would probably understand. Looking back down, he softly took Yoshiko's wrist, and some of her hand. His gentle eyes looking into hers, without even having to say anything, just told her to be calm and that he wasnt mad. Yoshidoku following, but staying distant. He took her atleast about 10 feet away, still visible and in sight with the young man. "Sweetie, im not mad at you and I know you're confused... " He started out with, him leaning down just enough for his hair to fall against his face, hoping that, just in case the man could read lips, wouldnt be able to. 'Sweetie' was something he normally adressed someone he fancied, or when he was speaking to a female, or a small child. "I.. Got in deep shit with the Hokage and a Barrier Squad member, for bringing you into Konoha. I had two options, and I took the most efficiant one... I left." He had to look away from her eyes, hoping she wouldnt be so mad at him. "You have to understand, that I just didnt want to cause trouble with Konoha. I care about it so deeply, that I left. I didnt want those people in there to be in danger because of me again. I hope you understand." Yoshimaru had just basically spilled out everything to her about what happened. Yes, he did trust her. Yes, it could have been a mistake. No, it wasnt a lie. It was a lot to take in as he opened his arms as a hug. "Im just glad to see you here." He stopped talking there, and just waited for a hug.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 3:08 pm

There was tension in the air between the two men as they stared at each other and seemed to be gathering as much information as possible without actually saying too much or moving too suddenly. Yoshiko noticed this happening, but her brain and body just wouldn't allow her to do anything. Yoshimaru was here, with his son, here in Amegakure. Where Yoshiko was who she was, a murderer.. an outcast. She had actually been starting to feel alright with never seeing that man again, because she knew that he was too pure to be around her. Nothing good would come from that, and she also knew deep down in her well guarded heart that if they would take hands together some terrible things would happen. Why must this happen now... why ..why.. Matsu was talking, she tried to listen to his words but all she could do was keep repeating those same words in her mind. Get a grip! You can't show this weak side to anyone, least of all them. While gathering herself again, she was now able to look at Yoshimaru while keeping her indifferent expression on her face. Whatever he was after, she was sure he'd get it quickly and leave.

It was now Yoshimaru's turn to talk, as he was seemingly explaining why he was here. That reason was however not near good enough for Yoshiko. He couldn't have just... gotten lost and ended here. That was just too big of a coincidence. Well he was true to his nature and didn't seem to want to start anything, Yoshiko was quite glad to be frank. She held out her hand and touched Matsu's arm lightly as if letting him know to be calm and not do anything rash. However, as she had suspected, Yoshimaru had more things unsaid as he took her hand in his and started leading her away from Matsu. As soon as his hand had touched her, the young Tomoko girl had tensed slightly but not objected while following the Konoha Jounin a few feet away. She was rather worried that something would happen, and she was still not sure if there were Konoha ninjas laying around and waiting for a good opportunity to jump at her and try to capture her. She hoped Matsu would stay alert also as she now stopped in front of Yoshimaru and waited for what he would say. She avoided looking at the child, as she knew she'd feel pity for him and that was weakness. No weaknesses were allowed. Never. Yoshimaru leaned down to her and started speaking, his voice as low as a whisper. So.. he had gotten into trouble and decided to leave the village. This was not good. If he was telling the truth, then he was probably being followed right now. And that wasn't even the worst part. -She- was the one that had disturbed his life in Konoha, that beautiful village that seemed to have opened the doors to everything for the right people. Yoshiko started feeling rather mad now that she thought about it. "Are you telling me... that you left that village? But why? I'm sure you would have to work things out."

With a small hesitation, she looked down to the ground and bit her lower lip while wondering what to do. She didn't want to be responsible for his life, for his child's life, to be ruined. But could she really say this outloud that was now swirling in her mind? Could she offer to go back there with him, and let him hand her to his superiors so that he could gain his former position? She figured she really must have been getting softer with the years. But how could she do that to her sister? If she would be handed to the authorities, then she would most probably not be able to get away right away and keep up her search. "You must go back. You .. can't do this to your child. Please think about it. You are one of the respectful Jounin of that village. Surely they ... wouldn't just throw you away like that for one mistake." Her voice was shaky, as she tried her best not to break down and start screaming at him... punch him. Yoshimaru however seemed to be completely unaffected to this whole situation, as Yoshiko stared at him while he seemed to be wanting a hug or something of that sort as he spread his arms. Her second hug for many many years... was he serious? It was very embarrassing to ask her of that, especially in the open like this. And especially when he had just talked about such a topic as this one. In fact, all she wanted to do was hold her ears and pretend she didn't see him or hear him as she would run away and just try to forget this all.

"Yoshimaru..." His name was but a sigh as she allowed herself to not feel any worry for just a few minutes as she walked into his embrace and rested her head against his chest. "You .... are an idiot." Just as quickly as she had allowed that foolish Konoha Jounin to get his hug, she stepped back and had now once again her stern expression while finally understanding that there wasn't going to be an ambush for her, but now most probably for him. How was she supposed to help out? Adair was probably still passed out in her apartment, if he hadn't run away that is. Since she had made it very clear he was a dead man when she'd see him again. And well... in this village she didn't know anyone or trust anyone. Matsu was still a stranger to her, even if they had gotten well together now for this short amount of time. She couldn't turn to her leader, since first of all he probably wasn't in this village and second of all he would probably want to kill that Konoha Jounin himself.

While cursing to herself, she weighed the options in her head. If there were ninjas going to pop up around here in search for Yoshimaru, Yoshiko would probably need all the help she could get to kill them or make them leave. But would Matsu help out? He wasn't obligated to, and Yoshiko wasn't in any position to be explaining this complicated matter to him.
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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 10:49 pm

Yoshiko seemed to be tense. Yoshimaru wouldnt doubt it, knowing the fact that him being here with his son, not in Konoha, and being a missing ninja was just a lot to take in. But of course, he could understand how she feels about all this. Yoshimaru wouldnt be surprised either if she was so angry that she might just want to attack him. He was sure that whoever did this to him, he would feel the same way as Yoshiko does.

"You must go back. You .. can't do this to your child. Please think about it. You are one of the respectful Jounin of that village. Surely they ... wouldn't just throw you away like that for one mistake." Yoshiko told him, her voice was almost of a studder, and she was shaking slightly. Yoshimaru sighed and spoke up in order to answer to what she told him, "I cant go back, sweetie... And im doing this for you, for me, and my son. I already thought about it, and I did what was best. You didnt hurt anyone while you were there... But im a danger to that village, I cant risk doing anything like that again... The Hokage told me to fight someone to keep my rank. You know I cant fight my own accomplice." Yoshimaru explained and looked into her eyes the whole time, making sure she understood.

After he had held his arms open, she walked into his embrace and he held her for a few moments. She broke away and he smiled at her warmly. Although, he chuckled when she said he was an idiot, which was quite true. She looked away from him, in which he gently took her chin and moved her head to look at him. "Look at me." He said softly and bent down a little more to meet eye level. It was pretty tough for him being so tall and her being so small. "I wasnt being followed, so you have no need to worry. Im here to find a place to stay, but I happened to find you instead, which makes my day a whole lot better and easier."He grinned and let go of her chin. "I need a place to stay, Koko-chan. Im not trying to be rude and inviting myself, but is it okay with you, if you have a house, if I stayed until I figured out where I was going next?" He asked and pulled a very charming smile, wondering if it would work or not.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 2:32 am

His reasoning probably made sense to him, but not to her. Why didn't he fight and defend his honor? Why let that village lose someone like him? Her expression probably showed what she thought but she held her tongue until Yoshimaru was done talking, as she thought it would be better to get all his reasoning out before she'd do something ... drastic. The tall man took her chin in his hand and then lowered his stance so that he would be able to look more closely at her as he kept speaking. Yoshiko didn't bat an eyelash as she stared him dead in the eyes while having a serious expression on her face, as she fought the urge to have slapped his hand away at first. He claimed not to have been followed, but she couldn't very well just believe that. Perhaps he -thought- so, but there was really no way for him to know that.. or that was at least what she believed. If they had been traveling fast, then they couldn't have had much time to be always on the lookout for scouts.

How come he can trust me this easily, just as I felt like I could trust him with everything just as we met? This is so... bizarre. It can't be right. Was there any special word for a bond like that? At first glance one would perhaps say it was because their souls connected, or their hearts. But to Yoshiko it seemed as if they had just been at the right place at the right time. Twice... Oh well, even if she couldn't very well explain this then she wasn't going to let it go to waste.

This man is my first friend since I was a small child, and I'm not going to dishonor that. If he needs a place to stay, I will let him have my apartment for him and his son. I can always find some other place to sleep. Perhaps she could find a cheap motel room. It was much safer for the Konoha refugees to stay at her apartment than at a motel, since if anyone would be coming after them it was almost guaranteed that the motels would be checked first. "Alright... Even if I can't understand... and probably wont understand your reasons for doing these things, then I will let you and your son have my apartment... until you are ready to leave this village." Her low voice had a hint of an alarm to it as her eye darted away from his face while she thought of what she was about to do. He still doesn't know my identity nor does he know whom I am working for, but I do know that he wont live for long if my leader would catch him in this village. Her decision was that she wouldn't tell him who she really was, and she wished to keep it that way no matter what.

"Yoshimaru.. understand that there are some powerful men that control this village, and if they will find you... I can't guarantee that you will get away." This was the best warning she could give him, without spilling anything more. "Think about your son, ... and keep clinging to your life. No child... should have to go on without both it's parents." She swallowed and looked again in his face, wanting him to know that she meant every word just as much as he had meant his. After saying this, she took a single step backwards as she gave Matsu another glance. "We should head back before he gets bored of waiting. I just recently got to know him, and don't know if he can be trusted. But what I do know is that it would be best to keep him close... just in case." Her eyes went from the man that was still standing in a relaxed way against the wall, to Yoshimaru's waist where his headband was. "Perhaps.. you should get rid of that also.."

It was now all up to how prepared Yoshimaru was to live the life of a missing nin. Did he have what it took to be able to cling to his life, be able to fight for what he wanted and needed? What Yoshiko wanted though was for him to be able to get away from here, and start fresh somewhere where he could allow his son to have his childhood without them both always having to look over their shoulder.
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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 2:56 am

After he had spoken to her, trying his best to get her to understand, Yoshimaru wouldnt have doubted that she didnt. She seemed to have given some thought into what he had said, which was a good sign that she was taking it into some consideration. "Alright... Even if I can't understand... and probably wont understand your reasons for doing these things, then I will let you and your son have my apartment... until you are ready to leave this village." Her eyes suddenly darted away from his, making him wonder if he was making her uncomfortable, or maybe she was having some sort of emotional battle within her mind. Yoshimaru sighed in relief that he heard that him and his son were to be allowed to stay in her house for the time being. Of course, he wouldnt want to be a burden to them, but it would give him time to get back up on his feet and moving if he got rest for a night or so. He wasnt going to stay long.. Unless she wanted him to. "I really appreciate that, and I promise I wont be much of a burden to you." Yoshimaru told her with a grin.

"Yoshimaru.. understand that there are some powerful men that control this village, and if they will find you... I can't guarantee that you will get away." She said, in a soft and concerned, but serious tone of voice. "Think about your son, ... and keep clinging to your life. No child... should have to go on without both it's parents." She had added, making him look down in disappointment of himself. It was true, Yoshido had lost his own mother, and all he had left to depend on was Yoshimaru. Its a shame that Yoshimaru put his son's life on the line, but he was almost 100% sure that he wasnt going to ever give up and just die infront of his son. He would never allow that. "Lets just not be so concerned, I'll be fine. I promise." Yoshimaru tried to reassure her, but he knew that it wouldnt work just quite that easly. Most likely, he would be tracked down one way or another. She had pointed out the headband around his waist, as he knew it would probably be a good idea as well to take it off. He undid the tie behind his waist and took it in his hands, looking at the leaf symbol. Sighing, he knew he would never be able to go back there after everything that happened. He looked at Yoshidoku as he took off his own headband and gave it to his father. Yoshimaru smiled and put them both in his backpack. "Thank you.. For everything." Yoshimaru pulled another smile at her and then looked at the man against the wall, knowing he was probably growing bored as well.

What she said about the man, keeping him close was a good idea. Yoshimaru and Yoshiko could use an accomplice along with them, just in case someone tried to ambush them. Yoshimaru began to walk over to the man as Yoshidoku followed, holding onto his father's hand securely. "Im sorry that had to take so long. But its all good now. As I said, im Yoshimaru, and you are?" Yoshimaru had held out his hand to the man with a curtious smile on his face. He didnt want to make enemies, but it was always great to make friends from different areas. It would accually come in handy one day if he was in trouble.
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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 3:22 am

The sounds of their voices reached Matsu's ears as he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. He couldn't make out what they were saying and he wasn't one to eavesdrop so he could care less. It had been around five minuted since the man had took Yoshiko away to talk to her privately. Matsu didn't have anything to do but sit there and think about when he would see Riku, the leader of the group he was in, again. It had been months since he had seen the man and he was ready to get an assigment or something to take his mind off everything. If the oppurtunity arose he would go looking for Riku but he didn't have the inspiration for something like that at the time. For now he was content to stay in Amegakure.

Rain started to drop from the sky. Matsu raised his head and opened one eye, glaring up. It hadn't rained once all day and now here it was again, falling like it always did. Shaking his head, he closed his eyes again and let the water drip onto his face. The feeling of it relaxed him more and he started to drift off into a semi-slumber. He could still hear everything that was going on around him even though he was half asleep. Noises were actually more pronounced because of this. Footsteps rushed past him in both directions as people hurried about their business, ready to get out of the rain. Matsu sighed inwardly and waited impatiently for the man and Yoshiko to return.

The sound of heavier, slower footsteps announced the approach of someone else. Matsu rose from his dream like state and turned to see the man approaching him. What does he want? The man's hand rose up as he introduced himself. "Im sorry that had to take so long. But its all good now. As I said, im Yoshimaru, and you are?" Matsu took the man's hand reluctantly and shook it. He wouldn't usually shake hands with someone he barely knew but this man seemed friendly enough. It was unlikely that he would find a knife in his back just by associating himself with this man.

"Im Matsu." That was all the Shinobi said to this man called Yoshimaru. There was nothing else that was needed. Matsu didn't see the point in saying anything pointless or nice. He kept his voice flat and lazy, not showing any emotion on his face what so ever. Pushing himself off the wall, Matsu stepped back from the man a few steps and yawned. He couldn't explain why he was so tired today. It was as if he hadn't gotten any sleep the night before but in reality he had slept peacefully. There was just no explanation for this sudden exhaustion.

Stepping around the man, Matsu walked towards Yoshiko and stopped in front of her. He needed to know what they were going to do now that they had Yoshimaru with them. Even though he barely knew this woman and didn't really know if he could trust her, he figured it was the right thing to do to ask what the plan was. He did need to get to know her and the new man better but that could wait. First he needed to know what was going on and if there was anything he could do to help or if he should just leave them to their own devices. It had been awhile since the last time he had been together with a group like this and it was actually making him feel better on the inside.

"I don't know what's going on and you don't have to tell me if you don't want me to but I would like to help out if I can. I can tell from the look on your face that something is going on and I want to feel useful again. It's been so long since I've been able to help anyone." Matsu felt satisfied with what he said. He just hoped it was enough for Yoshiko to allow him to help.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 23, 2010 3:24 pm

Yoshiko nodded towards the troublesome Konoha friend of hers as she sighed to herself, while she knew that even if he didn't want to be then he'd still be a burden. She only hoped she wouldn't get punished severely if she helped him out. I don't think he really knows how this world works. Even if he's a strong Jounin... he's still rather naive. While watching them both removing the former symbol of their village, her heart felt rather heavy as if she was the one that just lost her village and not them. But she was glad he was listening to her at least about that part. As long as they didn't have the Konoha headbands, then no one would really have any reason to mess with them. "It's no problem, Yoshimaru." For a moment she was curious if he still had that flower she had left for her sister, but now was not the time to think about that. She would talk with him later about if he had gotten any new clues. Yoshiko doubted it though... it was one of those days where she was convinced she was crazy just to think that her sister was still alive.

While they walked back to Matsu, and Yoshimaru introduced himself, the Tomoko girl let her teeth worry her lower lip as she was in deep thought about what to do. Should I take them now to my apartment or wait a little...? This was bothersome, as she had been planning to train this day. It had been some time since she was able to have a time to train, and perhaps have someone to train with. Rain drops started falling down, and at first she didn't even notice them so deep was she in her own thoughts. However as a single drop slid down her hair and under the collar of her jacket, only to travel down her back under the shirt, Yoshiko got a little startled by the chill that she got as she noticed the other drops that were starting to get the ground slightly wet. Rain.. She lifted her face to the sky and opened her mouth slightly to catch a few drops, while her visible eye watched the dark and gloomy looking clouds. Beautiful... The sounds of the approaching footsteps made her stop trying to catch the drops and focus her attention on Matsu that was now standing in front of her, and looking down into her face with his brilliant blue eyes.

He wanted to be a part of this, and from the looks of it he truly meant it. The petite, young woman tilted her head slightly to the side while looking him in the eyes as if to test the words he had just spoken. After a short silence, she shrugged slightly before glancing to where Yoshimaru was standing. "You seem..honest enough. It makes me wonder however... how much you should know... since the truth can have you killed." Reaching her hand up to her forehead, Yoshiko rubbed it slightly as she was thinking again and the headache of tiredness was getting to her. Even if she had gotten some rest at her apartment, then the fit she had had over Adair had already drained most of her energy out. And now she had to deal with this... The rain was making her hair and clothes damp, as a few raindrops slid down her smooth, pale skin and stopped on her pink lips before her tongue darted out and licked the water away. It tastes... fresh. Even if water didn't really have any -taste- to it, then this was still something that just popped up in her head. Her round, purple eye darted away from Yoshimaru and to the ground before it finally stopped on Matsu's face. Can I afford getting more involved? She also wondered how much Yoshimaru would want this young man to help.

"What I can say for now.. is that if you ...forget that you saw that headband of his.. then that would help us out." Matsu seemed smart enough to figure out that by the now sudden lack of headbands on Yoshimaru and his son, was that they were forced to hide their identity. And in most cases that meant missing nin. "I'm going to be letting them borrow my apartment... and if anyone asks around for people that fit their description... point at a random motel." She didn't sound like she was giving orders, this was more a favor being asked without her actually asking. Taking a step from Matsu and towards Yoshimaru, she asked what was needed the most to know now. "Is there anything you need to do, or do you want to go to my place now?" She had some food at home, but perhaps they wanted something that was already cooked. When they would get to her place, she was also going to be pointing out that they better not leave the apartment much.

With a glance at Matsu, she gave him a small nod as if now finally deciding he would be helping them. "I appreciate your enthusiasm for helping us, and I gladly accept. I ...also think Yoshimaru will do that..." This was very good, as she was now able to keep Matsu close by without him feeling suspicious. And if she would find out he was only doing this to betray them later on, she'd just have to kill him. It was as simple as that. If she would get more blood on her hands by helping Yoshimaru, then it would at least be better than having to kill someone for no good reason.
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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 23, 2010 4:20 pm

Yoshimaru noticed that Matsu had one firm grip, but it didnt seem as if he was trying to hurt Yoshimaru as he shook hands. "Im Yoshido!" His son spoke up, wanting to be in the conversation as well. Yoshidoku had one spazztic personality, but he was almost quiet the whole day, and this was one of his outbursts of somehow, joy. "Yes, this is my son, little Yoshi." Yoshimaru grinned and looked down at his son, as he began to run off into the rain. Even if it was just sprinkling, Yoshido loved playing in the rain. Yoshimaru sighed and ran after him, grabbing him in a big bear hug. "Dont run off like that, okay? You stay close to daddy." Yoshimaru told his son as Yoshido nodded and held onto his father, as Yoshimaru stood up and held his son as he walked back to them. "Sorry about that, he has a small attention spand when it comes to rain." He chuckled and looked down at Yoshiko and then at Matsu.

"You seem..honest enough. It makes me wonder however... how much you should know... since the truth can have you killed." Yoshiko spoke as she glanced over to where Yoshimaru was standing, but somehow talking to Matsu. Yoshimaru nodded his head in understanding and watched as she looked up into the sky to watch the rain fall down onto her and the ground. He did the same and smiled at the sky. 'Hashirama.. What the hell have I gotten myself into?' He thought to himself and chuckled. He was on one crazy ride, and it was going to have some sorts of twists and turns. He chuckled and looked back down at Yoshiko. He noticed his hair was beginning to almost get soaked.

Yoshimaru put down Yoshido for a moment and removed a hair tie from his wrist, reaching behind his head, he began to tie his hair in a loose ponytail. It sometimes helps whenever his hair gets wet, since its so thick, it gets heavier and he hates it. Yoshidoku put his arms up at his dad, as Yoshimaru reached back down and picked him up and lifted him in the air, then into his arms. Yoshidoku was really small for a ten-year-old, but sometime soon he'll be just as tall as his father. Well, thats what they're both hoping for. But just as Yoshiko was done speaking to Matsu, she took a step forward to Yoshimaru and asked, "Is there anything you need to do, or do you want to go to my place now?" It has accually been a while since he had eaten or slept, and Yoshidoku was getting tired as well. "Well.. Im accually a really good chef, so im sure I could make something to eat for whoever wants food. It comes with the whole, 'single dad' package." Yoshimaru told Yoshiko and smiled at her. Yoshidoku turned his head to look at the young woman and grinned, speaking to her, "Daddy can make some kick-butt soups, and rice, and and ramen, and and.." Although he stopped and bit his lip, Yoshimaru whispering for him to just relax and sleep.

"I'd rather go now before it starts to really pour down." Yoshimaru told Yoshiko with a smile, not sure if Matsu would be coming as well, but it wouldnt really matter to him. The more the marrier.
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Nonko Ryuuza
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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 24, 2010 10:27 pm

Wet hair dripped into the Shinobi's face as he listened to Yoshiko speak. It seemed that she thought he was honest and that she wanted him to point people in the wrong direction if they asked about the other man. Matsu noddded in understanding and turned away from Yoshiko, walking back to his place on the wall. His eyes travelled over the man, child and woman as he listened to them talking to each other. Nothing they said realy concerned him. The only thing that he heard that really caught his attention was that he was welcome to help them. "Thank you for allowing me to be of assistance. I won't disappoint you."

It had been years since he had been needed in any way. It feels... good to be needed again. Matsu grinned on the inside while he waited to hear what they were going to do. His head rose quickly when he heard the prospect of a home cooked meal. The man couldn't remember the last time he had had one of those. The prospect of it almost made him laugh with glee but he retained his calm composure.

The rain started to come down harder as he looked around. It had become more relaxing since the rain started falling since people were making their way indoors. Matsu liked the idea of being alone in the streets and not bothered by some random stranger. Yawning, the Shinobi looked at Yoshimaru and Yoshiko. "Mind if I tag along and get some of that food you plan on cooking? Im already hungry again."
Smiling sheepishly, Matsu looked at the two of them and hoped they would allow him to come with them.

His eyes travelled to the sleeping form of Yoshidoku and memories flooded his mind. He was six again, training with his father and learning everything there was to learn about the Kaguya clan. The memory flashed and he fourteen, going on his first mission with his Genin squad. Tears started streaming down his face as he remembered everything that had happened in his face. Raising his head, Matsu wiped his eyes quickly and turned away from Yoshimaru. He couldn't allow another man see him like this. The only time he ever got like this was when he was alone in his own apartment with no one that could possibly catch him.

Taking three steps away from the two of them, Matsu turned back to them. He used the rain as a cover up to his crying, making it look like his face was wet from the rain that was coming down. Sighing, he looked them over and waited for them to tell him what they were going to do. He hoped they allowed him to join them in their little dinner. Maybe it would take his mind off the past. He really needed something to do that now.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: Early Morning Meetings   Early Morning Meetings I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2010 7:57 pm

There was a sting somewhere deep in Yoshiko's heart as she had watched the loving father and son together. Memories of her father when he had played with her small brother and younger sister started haunting the young Tomoko ninja, and she squeezed her eyes shut while she tried to block them out. I can't loose my face here and now.. She missed her family every single day, no matter how much she tried not to think about it or try to be strong. It was just something that she couldn't flee. And also the guilt... the horrible guilt over having killed her little brother with her cursed clan's abilities when she had snapped and murdered the men that had taken away her parents. Nothing and no one could forgive her for that, and least of all herself. If there wasn't that light she was aiming for, her sister, then Yoshiko would have probably given up on everything the first day she had alone. Opening her eyes again she noted that the rain was starting to flow down now, making it only a matter of few minutes before they would all be drenched through their clothes. The chilliness of the wet drops that were running down her body made her shiver slightly, but still welcome that feeling.

Her mind got now open to what was happening in front of her, as she liked the idea of them all going to her apartment instead of keep standing here in the open where anyone was free to hear their conversations if one listened close enough. Yoshimaru and his son were also clearly somehow so... new in that village that many could become curious. I have to see if I can get a word on where my leader is .. The offer Yoshimaru made about cooking sounded tempting, but she wasn't really hungry, seeing that she ate ramen not that long ago. But well.. homemade food still sounded a little tempting for her and made her cross her arms while shaking her head at her own greed. Well ... it's not like I can get homemade food anytime, so I wont be scolding my greediness this time. The boy now turned his attention to Yoshiko, making her try and look a little more gentle as she listened to him praise his father's skills in the kitchen. The boy got calmed down though by his father, and Yoshiko nodded her head as she agreed with Yoshimaru on leaving now.

"Of course.. you can come also. If I remember correctly I have just enough food in the fridge." I hope it's still alright... She motioned towards Matsu before walking now ahead of them all in the direction of her apartment. As she pondered a little to herself while walking. Was it my imagination..? She had noticed something about Matsu, as if he was rather sad. But if this was rain or tears that were streaming down his cheeks, she didn't know. It wasn't really any of her business anyways.

[Topic gets moved to Yoshiko's apartment, I will make the first post there.]
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