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An early meeting (open) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 An early meeting (open)

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PostSubject: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 2:01 am

Kitty sucked in a deep breath, as she stomped her way through the neighborhoods. I am a genin, but my mom still acts like I need help doing everything! Anger was clearly coming off in waves; and showing not only on Kitty's nearly flawless face, but also in her shockingly blue eyes. That were in slits at the moment. Like I couldn't go meet my teammates without body guards!

Taking in another breath, Kitty went through the series of events that happened only moments ago.

"Mom, I'm going out to meet my teammates." Kitty reached for the door knob, but was stopped by one of her father's highered lackeys, that slammed the door shut. Giving an apologetic look to the blind shinobi, the big goon grabbed her by her arm, and pulled her over to her angry mother. Bowing towards the woman of the household the hired help left the room.

"Where do you think you where going young lady?"


"Without bodyguards? Do you know what kind of danger you could've gotten yourself into, you could've walked in front of an oncoming car or fallen into a ditch! Honey, I know it sounds stupid, but with you being...handicapped, I just want to look out for you."

"Seriously, the best you can come up with is handicapped and to top it off you think i'm so 'handicapped' that I wouldn't hear an oncoming car coming, thanks mother thanks a lot. O' and if you haven't noticed I AM A GENIN. That means I can obviously do something despite my blindness, so please just let me go do something simple without having the goons follow me around."

Kitty's mother began to open her mouth for a witty comeback, right when Kitty's father walked into the room. Confusion was clear on his face, one that resembled Kitty's in more way than one; though she'd never know that. Soon though after analyzing the room, he seemed to catch on.

"Are you having this argument again? I thought we agreed that Kitty is becoming a young adult and can make her own decisions, and that she will have to learn everything the hard way like a normal shinobi."

Tapping his daughter's shoulder twice, the signal for her to leave immediately, Kitty ran out the door while her parent's discussed her situation.

Kitty sighed as her mind came back into the now. Lightly tilting her head to the right, and listening to her surroundings Kitty assumed that she was in the right destination to meet with her fellow genin. In the letter that she had one of her parent's servants write, she told them to meet at the new construction yard, across the street from the civilian school. Using two very loud places, Kitty assured herself that she would be able to find it, due to the loud kids and even louder construction tools.

Lifting her head to look up at the sky, Kitty looked at what she guessed was the sun. Perk numero uno of being blind, the sun doesn't hurt you like it hurts everybody else. Closing her sightless eyes, Kitty let the heat dance across her pale skin. For the normal person today would've been a tanktop and shorts day, but not for Kitty. Today was like everyday for her; a large plain grey hooded sweatshirt that sank down just a few inches above her knees, a pair of dark blue jeans that if not held up by a belt would fall straight down to her ankles, her usual black converses, and to top it all of her normal sloppy ponytail. That was another thing weird about Kitty, she did not have normal hair, it looked like she got into a fight with a paint brush; unlike normal girls, Kitty had bleach blonde hair with hot pinks highlights running throughout it.

"Where o' where could my teammates have gone. O' where o where could they be."
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Nonko Ryuuza
Nonko Ryuuza

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PostSubject: Re: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 5:57 pm

A plain letter rested in the palm of the young Genin's hand. Nonko surveyed it carefully, reading each line. He was to meet his two other team mates at the new construction yard. Nonko groaned. The place he was supposed to go was directly across the street from the civilian school. The kids there didn't really like him due to him always pulling pranks on them. It wasn't the smartest thing for him to go there and put himself right in their sight if they were looking. Shrugging the feeling of foreboding off, Nonko dropped from his perch on the top of his house and landed smoothly on the ground below. Lookind around, he made sure no cars were coming and ran across the road. It would probaly be quicker to stick to the rooftops but he didn't want to rush. He had a good hour before he was supposed to meet them.

The rumble of cars on the next road caused Nonko to sigh. Konohagakure didn't have cars like Kumo did and it was much quiter there. It had only been three days since his returen to the village and he hadn't done much since. Already he missed the smell of the trees and the sound of nature. Kumogakure wasn't the place for him but he knew he had to stay here for the time being, just until he got stronger. Then he would leave and make his own life instead of having the village control his life. A grin spread across his face at the prospect of living outside of the villages control. They would probaly try to hunt him but he didn't care. By then he would be able to evade them with relative ease. Smiling, Nonko turned down an alley and walked on towards the spot he was supposed to be going to.

Children going out to the playground after lunch caught Nonko’s attention. Most of the children that were out there would recognize him and would probably alert their teacher. Nonko sighed and focused chakra into the bottom of his feet before running up the side of the nearest building. Once at the top, he crouched at the edge and looked down on the school. There were kids everywhere, playing on the swings, sliding down a slide and just having fun on a number of other things. This is what happens when your not a ninja. You don’t get training and all you do is play. Nonko shook his head at how these kids could go on living a normal life while he was already a Shinobi of their village even though some of them were the same age as him. It surprised him how the village worked.

Putting such things out of his mind, Nonko scanned the area across from the school. The sounds of the construction tools reached him even though he was so high up. Men moved about, working on various things, trying to complete whatever they were building. Nothing seemed to be out of place except one thing. There was a girl standing in the construction yard, staring up at the sun. Nonko figured this was a member of his team so he dropped from the building and walked as slowly as possible over to the construction yard. Luckily none of the children saw him so he made it safely over to the girl. Stopping in front of her, a grin spread across Nonko’s face. This girl doesn’t look that bad. Laughing inwardly, Nonko raised his hand in greeting.

”My name’s Nonko Ryuuza. Is there any chance that you’re the person that sent the letter telling me to meet you here?” Staring at her, Nonko noticed she had really blue eyes. Shrugging this off, he looked at what she was wearing. The sun was beaming down and it was pretty hot yet she was wearing a grey hoodie. Nonko felt under dressed in his brown vest with no sleeves. Her hair also caught his attention. It wasn’t like most other peoples hair in Kumogakure, which was white, but hers was blonde with pink in it. This made Nonko curious to learn more about her. Not many people he had ever met had hair like that, not even outside the village.
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PostSubject: Re: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 6:15 pm

Aoi groaned. Tightly clutching the piece of paper in her hand, she looked around at where she was. On the corner of a random street near some civilian buildings, Aoi was lost. Again. Typical of her, needless to say, as she had a horribel sense of direction. The letter had told her that she would be meeting her teammates at a construction site that, Aoi assumed, was somewhere around here.

Pouting to herself, she looked at a map that was posted on the wall of a building. The area she was in was apparently near a big shopping center and a civilian school...

' Wait. Civilian School? Which one....OH! THATS THE ONE!' Aoi recongized the school's name from the letter and inspected the map. Even though the school was on the OTHER side of Kumogakure's main area, if Aoi ran, she could make it in time and not be late. Hopefully. I mean, she only had about 5 minutes before it was the designated time.

Grinning to herself, she pumped chakra into her feet and ran up a building. Jumping from building to building, she jumped down to the street, barely missing an older man. He grunted at her, swinging his cane. Aoi laughed as she dodged and ran through the crowd of people. Keeping a solid pace, she raced to the school.

As she ran, Aoi glanced ahead. The school. Grinning widely she picked up pace. With her hair whipping behind her in her long pony tail, Aoi turned sharply to enter the construction site. While in mid-motion, her foot slipped. ' Ah......shit. Aoi thought, as she faceplanted into the ground.

Groaning she picked herself up and wiped her face off of dirt. Growling, she touched her lips. Wet. Faceplant. Blood. Maybe she was wrong about the blood.

Aoi looked at her fingers. Blood.

Rolling her eyes, she gathered chakra into her hands and walked into the construction site. Looking around, she spotted two ninja's that looked to be about her age. Her teammates. Putting one hand on her lips, starting to heal the small wound and another hand into her jacket's pocket, Aoi walked over.

With her healing chakra attached to her lip, she grinned. Once her healing was done, which happened the momment she arrived, Aoi bent back, stretching her exposed belly in the process.

There was a mild pain from fallling, but Aoi didn't let it show. Grinning at the two again, she held up a hand.

" Hey. I'm Semi-ku Aoi. What's up? Guessing your my teammates? "
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PostSubject: Re: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 7:04 pm

Kitty sighed as she heard slow foot steps walking towards her. Before she could fully comprehend who it was, the man began to speak to her. Rolling her eyes inwardly, Kitty shifted her non-seeing gaze towards where the voice seemed to be coming from. Although not meaning to, Kitty fully ignored the handshake since she couldn't see it floating there.

"You would be correct twinkle toes."

Kitty was absolutely putting a pun towards, Nonko's light and slow steps towards her. They seemed to girly, and like he was trying too hard to be inconspicuous to somebody. Grabbing a hold of her own head, Kitty thrusted her head once to the right and once to the left. Letting out a sigh of release with each pop.

"Well, twinkle toes, my name is Amane Koneko but you can call me Kitty."

Not even a full minute after introducing herself, Kitty's sensitive ears picked up a new sound. That sound like it hurt Moving her gaze again, Kitty rested it at where the crash appeared to come from. I really wish I could've seen that. Kitty inwardly pouted as the last of the trio introduced herself.

"Smooth move back there, princess."

Kitty gave Aoi, a tiny smirk showing that she was just teasing her. So these are my teammates, one is light on his toes while the other is...not so light. As she mentally judged them, she pulled out her favorite pair of sunglasses and put them on her face. That's right, I'm badass. She gave a little grin at that thought, but then went quickly back to judging them. Well, I bet there is more about them, that they haven't exactly showed yet.

"Since we're trying to get an upper hand on our sensei, I guess we should fully introduce ourselves. I am Amane Koneko, daughter of the creator of Amane Inc., a company that makes lots of auto-mail and other weapons. If you couldn't tell already i'm blind, but that doesn't mean i'm not an adequate fighter. To go with this i'm an alright sensor, i'm somewhat skilled in ninjutsu and my element is Doton. Now who's next?"
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Nonko Ryuuza
Nonko Ryuuza

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PostSubject: Re: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 5:06 am

Twinkle toes? What kind of name is that? Nonko shook his head and stared at the girl. Her voice wasn’t the prettiest he had ever heard but it was quite pleasant. It was probably because he didn’t talk to many girls that he found her voice nice. He was usually preoccupied with training or pulling a prank on someone. The boy had to admit that he didn’t have that much of a social life. Maybe it was time to start becoming more social and hanging out with people his age. It was a natural part of being a teenager and he did need to experience everything he could if he wanted to become a great Shinobi one day.

Nonko tilted his head as the girl, now known as Kitty, told him her name. He grinned and nodded to this as he waited for his other team mate to get there. He was becoming slightly impatient with how long it was taking the other person . It wasn’t cool to be later in his opinion and he would rather everyone be on time so no one would have to wait at all. Still, some people just weren’t as quick as other and he had to give the person a chance to get there.

The sound of someone falling caught the boy’s attention. Spinning around, Nonko searched for the person who had taken the face plant. It didn’t take him long to find her. A girl had just crash landed not far from where he and Kitty were standing and now the girl was making her way towards the name. Nonko nodded as she introduced herself and asked if they were her team. He didn’t trust himself to speak since there was a laugh bubbling up inside him. Not wanting to make a bad impression on his team mates on their first meeting, he kept his mouth shut and didn’t laugh.

Nonko turned back to Kitty as the girl began to speak. So she’s blind? I feel like an ass now. She couldn’t see my nods or wave. Dammit! Shaking it off, Nonko continued to listen as the girl spoke. It would seem the girls father was a rich man, which made her a rich girl. Nonko didn’t really know how touch a rich person could be but he would find out sooner or later. As she finished up, Nonko cleared his throat and got ready to speak.

”I like the idea of getting an upper hand on the sensei. Well, my name’s Nonko Ryuuza and I am the son of Ishimura Ryuuza. He never did anything great but oh well.” Nonko grinned and continued to speak, “”I specialize in Taijutsu and some of my goals are to play a prank of the Raikage. If anyone wants to help me with that, you’re more than welcome to. Oh! And I’ve also left the village once to go to Konohgakure. It was quite the adventure.” Laughing, Nonko turned to look at Aoi and waited for her to speak.

[Sorry for the horrible post. 4 AM >.<]
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PostSubject: Re: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 2:36 pm

Just by looking at the two, Aoi immediately felt weak between the two. The girl, Kitty, gave off waves of " I'm the leader here. " Aoi knew that Kitty could beat her up, easily, blind or not. Looking to the taller boy, Aoi could tell he wanted to laugh. Why he felt the need to hold it back, Aoi didn't know. But, Aoi didn't know alot of things, so that was normal.

As they both finished up and looked at Aoi, she grinned and starting moving her mouth.

" My turn! I'm Semi-ku Aoi! I specialize in medical-ninjutsu! My mom's a civilian and my dad works in the hospital's surgical section. I can mend most wounds with medical jutsu and I know basic first aid. Please let me help you in missions! " Aoi said excitedly. Only pausing for a second to breathe, she carried on," I'm more of a defensive fighter also, but seeing as you both are more of an offensive type, i guess i can balance us out. It's a pleasure to meet you both. And, ano, Nono-san, the Raikage wouldn't take to kindly to pulling a prank. If you pull us into it, you better have it planned out so we don't get caught. Other than that, Sounds like fun~! Kitty-san, I love your name! It's so cute! "

Right as she finished, Aoi stood there, flowers and sparkles around her. Then a sudden jolt of "reality" hit her.

What was she thinking?! She wanted to smack herself. What was she doing, rambling off in an introduction. These two probably thought that she was crazy and weak. Aoi really needed to get rid of her flowery personality. It wouldn't cut it on the feild to introduce herself to enemy nin, with flowers falling around her.

Sweatdropping at her own stupidity, Aoi, being as slow as she is started talking again.

" Goman, goman, I'm abit talkitive. I start rambling easily, but once Iget into "Mission Mode " I won't be too bad. And I agree with you guys~! Getting an upper hand on your sensei would be awesome. Ahh..I wonder what he'll be like. Aoi paused as she looked up at the sky, wondering about her sensei. . . Then she mentally slapped herself. She went off rambling again!

" Goman-nasi. I started rambling again..." Aoi trailed off, making herself stop talking. Man, they probably thought that she was really weird.
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PostSubject: Re: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 7:25 pm

Kitty listened respectively as twinkle toes spoke. It seemed that he was a trickster, who probably will cause trouble that wasn't all that necessary. Picking on the raikage, that just screams out dumbass all over it. Crossing her arms, Kitty began to make a mental image of what the young man looked like.

She pictured a guy with spiky red hair, twinkling blue eyes, and possibly a distinguishable scar or two on his face. Thinking it over, Kitty began to add more details to the image. She added a tie dye shirt, with green and yellow, simple khaki shorts, and just the regular ninja shoes. Furrowing her eyesbrows over the image, Kitty quickly expelled it. Note to self, ask teammates what they look like one day.

Before she knew it, she began to hear a happy, rambling voice begin. Obviously it was the only other girl here. Listening to what the girl was saying, Kitty figured out that she was a medic, making her a great addition to the team. Though the girl didn't seem all that confident in herself, which became even more obvious with the incessant rambling.

Letting out a slight yawn, Kitty began to picture what Aoi looked like. She pictured a short girl with pink hair, green eyes, possibly some laugh lines. In Kitty's mind's eye, she saw Aoi wearing a little too revealing black top and some short blue jean shorts. Mentally shaking her head, Kitty expelled that image to. I really need to stop doing that!

Noticing that they both finished, Kitty groaned internally. I didn't think this fully through, I really should have thought of what we would do after introducing ourselves. Going over different scenarios in her mind, Kitty finally found something that just seemed like a great bonding time.

"So, who wants to get some piercings and tattoos. My treat!"

What was more bonding then getting your skin torn apart by metal and getting ink thrusted into your skin. Without waiting to hear there answers, Kitty began to walk off in the completely wrong direction. I really wish I could see where I was going.
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PostSubject: Re: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 11:32 pm

canceled due to nono leaving D:
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PostSubject: Re: An early meeting (open)   An early meeting (open) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 10, 2010 10:44 am

D: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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