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Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline

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PostSubject: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 9:32 pm

Note: All information is important; there are parts in the history that further explain the bloodline's description.

Name: Tsuyoshi (剛)
Founder: Kyrie Torvald
Location: Scattered throughout the lands


Special Info:
Some clans have ranks, this is one is no different. However, these ranks are determined at birth, outsiders who receive the blood of the true clan members, and if they clan members can no longer handle their power.
[Ranks are from Highest to Lowest]

Kisaki – Queen(s)
Bokuhi – Servants


Toubousha – Runaways

Breaking Down the Ranks

Clan Traits:
They appear as normal humans. In Nasa's section of the clan, purple hair was dominant. In the Kirigakure section, white hair is rather dominant. In the Iwagakure section, black hair is dominant. Either way, members can look like any other person.


Requirements: Must be born into the clan to have the full abilities of the bloodline. Otherwise one must drink the blood of a Kisaki and become the Kisaki’s Bokuhi.

Current Members: Nasamea Tsuyoshi

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Monsuta-chi [Monster Blood]
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Physical / Transformation
Rank: D - S

Description: To give an overview of what is included in this kekegenkai, those who possess it are known to appear much like any other human would. However, one skill they possess as humans is their ability to regenerate and transform. Normally when one mentions transform they may think of the transformation jutsu but in terms of this, its much like the true ability to shape shift. Not an illusion. More will be explained in depth below.


When it comes to regeneration there are a few important details needed in order to possess the ability to do so. First is simply chakra. Without chakra the said person cannot even begin to focus on the damaged part and heal. This requires precise chakra control which means that normally the said ninja cannot even begin to heal even minor wounds until they are at least C rank (Chunin). Even then wounds may not heal fully or correctly. In order to fully heal wounds to the max, the said person would have to be at least high B rank (Special Jounin) and up.

Another factor besides chakra is blood consumption, as previously mentioned.
Each member must post themselves consuming at least a quart of blood every 3 days in order to use this skill. If they do not then regeneration is impossible until they feed.

When it comes to healing wounds, here is the type of wounds and how many posts they take to regenerate based upon rank. Afterwards there are examples of each injury.


[If user’s limbs are removed they will not re-grow the entire limb but the area around the impact can be sealed over. The user has one post to reconnect the limb and will need to take 7 of their own posts in order for the limbs to reattach as though never ripped apart; due to nerves, bones, etc. Otherwise, the limb is lost. Decapitation not included.]

[Broken bones take 5 posts with no to minimum movement in order to heal. If carrier moves to much their bones may not heal correctly and thus the carrier will have to have them fixed in other ways]

Another name for Regeneration is the ‘Healing Factor’, a factor that allows those who possess it to heal from injury and disease at a faster rate. Those with this bloodline are known to rarely get sick or have a disease, unless they suffer from blood lack.

D-Base and Transformation

Besides regeneration the main factor to this clan, which makes it unique, is a component found within the body. This keystone is what allows transformation to even occur in the first place. In a DNA Nucleotide there are normally four bases: Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, and Cytosine. These are shared by all creatures on earth. However, a new base has been discovered in this bloodline (which was what first began to separate them from the average creature/human). This base, known as the D base, allows clan members to transform due to the base possessing the ability to constantly reconfigure itself. This is why the base can easily stand on its own and why the DNA strand will not collapse (D connects with D typically).

When a beast transforms to and fro human form, because they are born as beasts before the seal is placed on them, the D base found in each DNA Nucleotide will begin to reconfigure themselves (they basically team up to override the rest of the DNA) and cause a drastic change. This is why they are able to change in size, and vice versa.

For more information regarding the D Base see the last Document in the History.

When it comes to transforming there two more aspects that come to play; aside from the D-base. The first would be blood. The user must drink one quart every three days, like regeneration, in order to even consider transforming. This is because during the transformation the muscles are soaked with blood in order to help aid in the stress placed on them; which helps prevent rips and tears depending on what the said person shape shifts into.

Next, which is the major component to this, is chakra.


Finally, the last unique thing about this clan is their diet. As stated twice above, blood must be consumed in order to use the regeneration ability and overall transformation. Without at least a quart of human blood drunk every 3 days, and chakra, none of this would be possible. Why humans? Their genetic make-up is more closely related to those of this bloodline than other such animals. However, if the beast form resembles more of a certain type of animals (such as a dog) the user can drink that particular animals blood. Instead though, they must consume 2 quarts rather than 1 to make up for mostly unrelated DNA.

Any blood consumed is digested and picked up by the unique D-Base to use for all the abilities and what not above. So any blood entering the body will make its way into the bloodstream 5 hours after the hunt.

Note: When drinking a humans blood the Tsuyoshi member can be affected by ailments such as alcohol and drugs. If they drank the blood of a drunk the chances of them becoming drunk are also very high as well; think of it like a beverage.

Because they have a limited diet, since human food can tend to not be agreeable with their systems, they tend to stay healthier as well. Overall this means that the probability of them getting sick is highly low as well. In the long run they tend to live better, healthier, and happier(?) lives. Some have been known to live longer than a 100. This all depends how well they take care of their bodies and does not mean their immortal. Max age would be 130 years old and by then the would probably be to old to use their beast forms without breaking themselves; S rank or not.

Actual Beast Form / Summing it up

When it comes to setting limitations and what not on Beast form the rules are simple. nothing bigger than an elephant or smaller than a medium sized dog (Shiba Inu for a specific breed). Anything that is a greater change from the original human form takes longer to change into as well. A midget would have a rough time changing into anything the size of an elephant but may have an easier time changing into the dog. When stating size changes and amount of chakra used, this has been previously explained in the 'Transformation' area. If the change is minor then it may take 1 post to transform but if the change is major it may take up to 5 posts depending the size compared to their human size.


Name of Jutsu: Jinmenjuushin – (Beast in Human Form)
Rank: B - S
Users: Tsuyoshi Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Inherited
Element Affinity: -
Training Link: -
Description: Almost all of those born into the Tsuyoshi clan are born as monsters, unless stated otherwise, which is a problem when it comes to “fitting in”. So, this inherited ability is what gives the user a human form and allows the user to transform back and forth between the two. Once toddlers have reached a certain age and had gone through the right training they have a seal placed on then (represented as Ancient markings) that will begin to unlock when they are at least B rank. This they may control single body parts (such as only wings). When they are A rank they can begin to transform into half the size of their beast. Once they are S rank they may then fully transform. By then they should have the required chakra control and an excellent physical composition in order to handle the transformation.

*Ancient markings may or may not ever fade when the said person is in their beast form but the seal will weaken and grow dormant.

*Human forms are different per monster, much like how every human is different.

Name of Jutsu: Saisei - (Regeneration)
Rank: C - S
Users: Tsuyoshi Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Inherited
Element Affinity: -
Training Link: -
Description: Those with this bloodline are known to rarely get sick or have a disease, unless they suffer from blood lack. This is because of their inherited regeneration ability otherwise known as the healing factor. The ability to heal mostly depends on if they have enough chakra to do so, aside from needing blood.

The said person cannot heal as a D rank but may begin the process once they are C rank. However, this means they can just barely even be able to heal minor wounds and must learn chakra control as a skill to handle the ability. As a B rank the said person should have grown a better handle of their chakra and this ability, allowing them to heal up to Medium Wounds. Same applies for A rank except they may heal up to Large Wounds. Finally, same applies to S rank and they may heal up to Greater Wounds. By then the user should have precise chakra control and should have learned to stay up to date on their blood collection to fully heal the wound. If the user has not consumed blood for a long duration of time [3+ days in Rp time] they will not have the ability to heal (this means the said person must post at least once in the duration of time of them feeding).

When it comes to healing wounds, here is the type of wounds and how many posts they take to regenerate based upon rank. Afterwards there are examples of each injury.


[If user’s limbs are removed they will not re-grow the entire limb but the area around the impact can be sealed over. The user has one post to reconnect the limb and will need to take 7 of their own posts in order for the limbs to reattach as though never ripped apart; due to nerves, bones, etc. Otherwise, the limb is lost. Decapitation not included.]

[Broken bones take 5 posts with no to minimum movement in order to heal. If carrier moves to much their bones may not heal correctly and thus the carrier will have to have them fixed in other ways]

Beast Application
Beast Name: This is for if their monster form is different than their human form. Everything about the human form should be explained in the Character Application.

Clan Rank: This is the rank you are trying to be in the clan. This will be either Resaki, Bokuhi, regular member, or Toubousha.

Rank: What would you rank your monster form? [D, C, B, A, or S]

Personality: Does their personality change when they are in their beast form compared to their human form? Please included any changes, if none then state so.

Appearance: Simply post a picture of your beast form or give at least two paragraphs explaining everything you can about your beast’s looks. From the largest to slightest details. What makes it unique?

Extra Abilities: Are there any extra abilities that your character has while in beast form? Please list those and describe how you are able to perform those abilities. [Note: Using the Special Characteristics format may help]

Jutsu: Here is where you state if there are any jutsu you gain from being in beast form. Please remember, your elements and specialties are the same as if you were in human form. Please use the Jutsu Template for this.


[b][u]Beast Name:[/b][/u]
[b][u]Clan Rank:[/b][/u]
[b][u]Extra Abilities:[/b][/u]

Important Notes: When creating, please use this template and provide as much information as you can. When you are done, post it in the Clan/Bloodline section and wait for i to be evaluated.

You will need approval from me to be in the clan and my approval of the beast form. Also, you will still need approval from an admin and mod but should see me first.

Last edited by Nasamea on Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:20 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 1:16 am

Completion Bump.

Fill free to pick apart and please check the app at the end as well.
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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 1:17 am

So let me get this right, they have increased strength by one rank speed increased by one rank and need blood to survive and have regenerative ability and the ability to create more of them by having people drink there blood. Reverse vampire much?

If this is all true then i see nothing wrong confirmation please....
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 1:23 am

Strength, Speed by One: Yes

Blood to Live: Not necessarily but mostly yes. If they do not drink they will begin to grow very weak. Preferably they should drink the amounts stated above.
Basically, if they do not drink for a prolonged period of time their regeneration slows and they become more lethargic until they go into a comma-like stage. At that point they will be more human-like except well... they're monsters.

Regen: Yes

Create more by having members/humans with no bloodline drink the blood of a Kisaki: Yes

Last edited by Nasamea on Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 1:24 am

Alright then approved due to an essential existing profile exists with the same ability's just reversed a bit.
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 10:17 pm

Archived Upon Request
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 3:27 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 4:03 pm

Alright heres the general gist of it:

Accelerated Regeneration without chakra loss: No especially at the rates

The Beast forms/human transformations arent comparable with ranks [a d/c rank wouldnt be able to handle a transformation of that magnitude]

On top of that you get strength speed and regeneration at no real weakness + the ability to use a beast form.
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 10:12 pm

My apologies regarding the regeneration / chakra. I thought I said it took chakra to regenerate (which I will be honest ive been rping that I lose chakra as I regenerate). I covered the blood part but must have forgotten the other part. But anyway I hope I explained everything better.

Information regarding rank modified.

Strength and speed removed. Regeneration explained in better detail (i hope) and with limitations that encourage the person to post at least once every three days. Um well, I hope I just explained things better. I rewrote the whole Kekegenkai description to better explain everything and set more limitations. (including chakra percentages, when things can be used, etc).

Also, I added in SC's that would most likely associate with this clan. Hope they are okay.
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 5:23 pm

Approved unless said otherwise
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline   Tsuyoshi Clan / Monsuta-chi Bloodline I_icon_minitime

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