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Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]

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Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] Empty
PostSubject: Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]   Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 28, 2010 8:47 pm

Name: Awamaru Suihou
"Fizz" - The name Awamaru usually goes by, and what he will be referred to henceforth.
"Fizzy Pop" - A nickname given and used by close friends.
"The Cerulean Swordsman of the Waterfall" - Self-titled; supposedly strikes fear in the hearts of men, and amour in the hearts of women.
"Cobalt/Kobaruto Raichi" - Fizz's alias while training in Kirigakure.

Age: 17 years.
Age Appearance: As with anyone around his age, Fizz is recognized as being in his late teens / early twenties.

Appearance: Fizz stands at an even six feet, with an athletic build one would expect of a ninja. He isn't exactly buff, but he has the muscles to back up the reflexes a shinobi needs. Fizz's eye and hair color is important due to his heritage; all members of the Suihou clan have blue in both categories, although the shade is left up to the individual. Fizz in particular has bright, cobalt blue eyes while his Doujutsu is inactive. His hair, while technically dark blue, is close enough to black to be considered as such; it's only in direct sunlight that one can see the blue sheen. It is naturally spiky, and unless drenched, will stay pointed up (with the exception of a single lock that bends downward over his face). Due to a recently developed Jutsu, Fizz is also commonly seen wearing a pair of cobalt blue sunglasses, although its shape varies on a whim.

Fizz's shirt is a blue short-sleeved fishnet/mesh type thing, with solid blue trim/sleeves. The shorts are solid blue as well, and go down a little past his knees. They are pocketed, and have a black kunai pouch strapped over a white cloth wrap around his right thigh. On Fizz's hands are a pair of black fingerless gloves; on his feet, a black pair of standard open-toed shinobi boots. Around Fizz's neck hangs a little glass vial stylized to look like the Waterfall Village symbol. Inside is a crystal blue liquid, presumably colored water. The pendant is a family heirloom, given to several clans of Shinobi in the early history of Takigakure.

Over all else, Fizz wears a zip-up short-sleeved white coat with his traditional black bubbly/wavy pattern on the bottom half (think the bottom half of Azumarill, the Pokémon, but black). The collar is a bit taller than normal, enough to fit the metal plate of the traditional Waterfall Headband on the front. The Waterfall plate splits down the middle while the jacket is open; while closed, the plates click together like a seatbelt buckle. The outside of the coat has two all-purpose pockets located towards the bottom on the sides. The inside of the coat has pockets designed for compact scrolls, and the lining in the back has a seal placed upon it for use with a Hidden Waterfall secret technique.

It should be noted that all of Fizz's clothing is waterproofed, making it ideal to withstand the many Water Jutsu Fizz employs on a daily basis.

Gender: Male

Skill Level: B-Rank
Ninja Rank: Chuunin

Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Takigakure
Previous Village: Takigakure

Clan/Bloodline: Suihou [Link Pending]

Personality: The first thing one would notice about Fizz is his optimistic outlook on life. He's the type to see the good in a person before the bad. He sees the glass half full, and his blue sunglasses are sometimes mistaken for rose-tinted ones. He easily makes friends, or at least tries to. Over the years he has sharpened his people skills, to the point that he is unusually outgoing, and gives the appearance of being comfortable around strangers. He believes laughter to be the best kind of Medical Ninjutsu, and is known to always try his hand at it, even in the heat of battle.

Fizz's other side is comprised of a philosopher and tactician. He strikes a balance between imagination and logic that greatly boosts his ability to think his way through a problem. He exercises this trait quite a bit, often attempting to talk his way out of a situation before any trouble starts. When it comes to maturity, Fizz shows an odd mixture of levels. While around friends, he acts fairly spastic and spontaneous, and is quite flirty around the Kunoichi. Even so, Fizz is still able to handle any situation like an adult, and can be the voice of reason when someone else needs it.

Goals: As a pseudo-wandering ninja, Fizz tries to do what he can by way of helping those that are in need. By taking on missions that are rooted in benevolence, he hopes to better both himself and the world around him, even if it's only a little at a time. Fizz also cares deeply for his home nation's pride, and he feels that it is his job to show what Waterfall Ninja are truly made of.

Alignment: Neutral Good, with Chaotic tendencies. (IT'S REAL LOOK IT UP)

Canon Personality: N/A

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Ninjutsu
Recessive: Weaponry - Kenjutsu/Bladed

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Suiton (Water)
Recessive: Unknown

History: A long time ago in a village hidden far, far away...

The sound of the Great Waterfall was always audible. No matter what part of the village you were in, or even for a mile away into the countryside from any direction, you could hear the endless gushing of water. For those that lived in Takigakure, the sound became simple white noise; sleeping, eating, and all other daily activities went on as always, over the soft drone of the nearby torrent. But today, another sound could be heard: screaming.

It was the wailing of a soon-to-be mother. For the first time in a long time, the medical ninja of the Takigakure Maternity Ward couldn't hear the distant torrent. It had been this way for the last few hours, but it wouldn't last much longer. After a while, the crying of a woman was replaced with the crying of her child; a baby boy. On that fateful morning, Awamaru was born into the Suihou clan of the Hidden Waterfall Village.


Somehow, a few rays of sunlight managed to poke through through the trees, though diffused by the millions of leaves that filled the sky. The rays shimmered on the ground at the edge of a lake near Fizz's home. Now five years old, Fizz couldn't see them at the moment; his vision was elsewhere, on another plane one could say. While his world was mostly cast in darkness, he marveled at what light he could see: The trees swayed with wisps of green; the water lapped with waves of blue; the ground held fast with a glow of yellow. He was being taught to use his clan's Doujutsu, the Aiirogan. The "Indigo Eye", as it was sometimes called, granted the user the ability to see chakra in its base elements as it naturally occurred in the environment. The trait would seldom show up in the Suihou family, but there always seemed to be someone still around who could teach the new generation, those blessed with the brightest of blue eyes at birth. Indeed, Fizz was one of them. He blinked, and as his indigo eyes turned cobalt, the world of daylight returned to him. The soft sunlight continued to dance on the ground as Fizz took a playful dive into the lake.


An azure blade formed in the twelve-year-old Fizz's hand, its liquid shape sharpening as he focused. As he studied his sparring partner, he thought of this family. His father was a ninja. His mother was a ninja. And now their only son was a ninja. The academy had taught him the basics: Fizz already knew about chakra, he used and controlled it often. at Taijutsu, the boy performed quite well. At Genjutsu, the boy failed horribly. At Ninjutsu, the boy shined brilliantly. Fizz was the first in his class to master water-walking, and he had enough chakra control to catch a flying shuriken between his fingers without harm. He even showed an early aptitude for an elemental affinity: Water. After graduation from the Waterfall Academy and becoming a Genin, Fizz was assigned a Jounin and squad that would help him hone his skills in Suiton Ninjutsu. Over time, he became a master of the Waterfall's prized Water Slicing Blade, a jutsu that would go on to become Fizz's signature. With a shift of his weight, "The Cerulean Swordsman" began a charge at his opponent.


Fizz pulled the flap above his head to the side as he entered the ramen bar. He could smell about five- no, six different flavors before reaching the bar stool. Ichiraku Ramen was always a treat, no matter how many times he visited Konohagakure. As a fourteen-year-old Genin, he took many missions to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. His frequent stays made him many acquaintances, and even friends among Leaf Shinobi. As Fizz got closer to the Fire Country, visits occurred more often.

Several of Fizz's visits were credited to the Chuunin Exams. Fizz's squad was eligible for a couple years, and they attended every exam they could. It was third time's the charm for Fizz; his squad once again fought their way through the tests, sometimes viewing other teams as allies, and other times as enemies. Fizz had never reached the zenith of the Chuunin Exam's tournament; but after an incredible display of knowledge, heart, and willpower, he was finally accepted as a Chuunin. He had graduated once again, and continued to maintain a strong tie with the Hidden Leaf.
Fizz brought the chopsticks to his mouth, savoring the flavor of world-class ramen. "This is truly the food of Kages," he thought with a smile.


The fog was thick over the ocean as Cobalt sailed Westward. One could say it could be cut with a knife, but Cobalt knew that would be a lie; he had tried many times.

Cobalt hated the humidity. The only good part about it was the cover it provided for his raft. It certainly was odd for a Mist shinobi to hate his own Hidden Village's namesake, but that could be attributed to the fact that he hadn't lived there all his life. In fact, Cobalt's stay in Kirigakure only lasted two years before he mysteriously disappeared.

Cobalt was found on the shores of the Water Country, his hair as white as the crests of the waves that washed up with him. The first people to find him were members of the Kirigakure Black Ops. Before they could dispose of the unconscious boy, an elderly man who happened to live nearby claimed to be his grandfather. The old man was a hermit who took pity on the white haired boy, and saved his life on a whim. After the boy came to, the hermit questioned his identity. He appeared to be fifteen years of age, but of his name the boy had nothing to say; amnesia had gripped his mind, and shattered his memories. The old man looked into the boy's eyes and gave him the name "Cobalt". For a last name, he passed on his own: "Raichi". What Cobalt could remember, however, was that he was a fighter; a ninja. The kind hermit smiled as he learned this fact, knowing he had found an apprentice.

Cobalt's name was suitable for one who who would be learning the skills of the Seven Swordsman: The lychee, or "raichi" was a fruit, just like the other Swordsmen's names. It was rumored to be imbued with the power of the sea, and thus was a name befitting one so aligned with Water. The hermit was a retired teacher for the warriors of Kirigakure; he didn't have much longer to live, and without any family, finding an apprentice was important to him. Cobalt learned several styles of swordplay during his stay, and bolstered his knowledge of aquatic Ninjutsu.

Two years later, the hermit passed away. He had taught the boy everything he knew, and died happily and peacefully in his sleep. Cobalt knew his time in Kirigakure was over; he left the old man in his bed, and fulfilling his request, turned the cottage into a funeral pyre.

The fire was nothing more than a soft, faraway glow through the dense fog. Fizz cursed himself for lying to the old man, but he wouldn't have taken him in if he had known- ...Well, maybe he would have. He deactivated a jutsu, and for the first time in two years, Fizz's hair was black again. It had to be seawater he tasted; shinobi don't cry.


Something was missing as Fizz approached the border to the Waterfall Country, but he couldn't quite place it. The leaves in the trees whispered softly as a breeze passed by, and the birds tweeted along happily. All the familiar sounds were there except...

Fizz had reached landfall in the Land of Waves. He spent a day in the city by the Great Naruto Bridge before leaving for the Land of Fire. The trip was largely uneventful, although he was greatly received once he reached Konoha. He had been away from the mainland for two years, and had learned much during his training. Leaf Jounin commended him for surviving in the "Bloody Mist" that long. Fizz claimed it wasn't that bad. It was the first part of what should have been a wonderful homecoming, but reality was waiting to slap the Waterfall Shinobi in the face: He had no home to go to.

During Fizz's two-year absence, a devastating event occurred in the Waterfall Country. Complete and utter destruction, he was told. Fizz clutched his necklace, the symbol of his village, as he heard the news. Immediately he took off for Takigakure. And as he reached his home country, he still couldn't believe the reports. Everything seemed so normal. That was until he realized-

The faraway rushing sound of the Great Waterfall was replaced with silence. Erased from existence. Where the cliffside entrance to the Hidden Village should have been was nothing but a crater. Trees had been leveled; there was no sign of life. Fizz sank to his knees. He activated his Doujutsu; it had to be some optical trick... But he saw nothing but darkness. A Genjutsu, then.

Fizz must have repeated the word "Release" a hundred times before Leaf Shinobi caught up to him to take him back to his new home: Konoha.


Fizz's jacket hung on the back of the chair he was sitting in. The seventeen-year-old reached behind him and pulled it onto his lap, examining the plate fastened to his collar. It was the arrow-like insignia of Takigakure; as a gesture from the Hokage, Fizz was allowed to keep the foreign plate despite being a member of the Leaf Shinobi. After all, most everyone in the village knew who he was by now, or at least knew of him. He got out of the chair and put the jacket on, reaching into the pockets afterward to find his gloves. He pulled them on, zipped up the coat, and with a Click! brought the two halves of the Waterfall Symbol together.

Opening the window of his Leaf Village apartment let in more light than he anticipated; Fizz squinted for a moment before donning his sunglasses and looking out on the city. He certainly had a nice vantage point of the hustle and bustle of the Konoha streets. He smiled as the sunlight hit his face... It was quite warm without being filtered through a sky of leaves.

"It's no Taki... But it's home, that's for sure."

RP Sample:
Excerpt(s) from other RPs: (1) (2)
Original Content:
Special Characteristics (Custom):
Name: Audio-Acuity
Rank: C
Type: Mental
Description: A person with this characteristic is very musically inclined. This isn't restricted to merely songs, but can recognize patterns in sound in general. They usually have a rhythm to their movements, and have a knack for discerning between voices. Depending on the person, they are either especially resistant or especially susceptible to sound-based jutsu. Examples include Dosu Kinuta, Zaku Abumi, and Kin Tsuchi, Genin of Hidden Sound.
Open: Yes

Name: Mimic
Rank: B
Type: Mental
Description: A person with this characteristic has a talent for copying the movements or sounds of another person. This includes being able to study a subject, and in a short amount of time replicate what is seen or heard. It can be used from merely mimicking a voice, to adopting and adapting another shinobi's technique. Examples include Sharingan users (for obvious reasons), along with Naruto (Uzumaki Barrage) and Yamato (copying Sasori in the "Duplicity in the Grass Country" Arc).
Open: Yes

Name: Puzzle Master
Rank: C
Type: Mental
Description: A person with this characteristic has a knack for solving puzzles and riddles. They can focus on a problem until it has an answer; if they don't, the question will keep nagging them at the back of their mind. They typically solve such problems faster than others, though. Shikamaru is an excellent example of this, although one need not be at genius level to possess this trait.
Open: Yes

Special Characteristics (Pre-approved):
Doujutsu: This skill allows the person to be proficient with their doujutsu and use it to it's fullest ability. Characters like these would be Sasuke, Danzo and Neji. Characters not like this would be Obito Uchiha and Hinata. This is reserved unless you have some sort of eye technique.

Elemental: This skill gives the user excellent elemental control and a wide variety of uses for the element. Most people with this skill can master an element of their choice and will use it like none other. Examples of people with this skill are Kakuzu, Nidaime Hokage, and Asuma.

Sensor: This skill gives the user the ability to sense chakra to a more advanced degree than the average ninja. Those with this characteristic have increased chakra awareness, are to be able to feel chakra and sense how strong or weak it is, and most notably to determine the source and direction of which the charka is coming from. Karin is the most well known sensor in the Narutoverse.

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Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]   Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 7:26 am

You need to drop two special characteristics

Quote :
Recessive: Unknown

Does this mean you don't have one?
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Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]   Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 7:40 am

Kiyoshi wrote:
You need to drop two special characteristics

Quote :
Recessive: Unknown

Does this mean you don't have one?

Ah, just found the limit for characteristics. Since the majority of characteristics would be things I'd have had for a long time, is it possible to make a training session that happened in the past? Like an expanded history topic for training something years earlier?

As for the unknown recessive Element, yes, I don't have one. However, I thought I might change my mind at a later date, and I hadn't yet decided what the recessive would be... I figured I could leave it at "Unknown". If you want me to lock something in now, I can settle for not having one.
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Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]   Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 7:56 am

No, but you can train them once your character gets approved

If you do leave it blank, I believe you'll need to train the element in the future.
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Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]   Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 9:10 am

Alright, I'll ditch "Sensor" and "Doujutsu" for now (hope I'm not shooting myself in the foot for picking two A-Ranks to drop. >.<).

But anyway, I can get Doujutsu back with a 700-word post about training in it, correct? Please say yes, as I've already got it at 500 words. XD
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Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]   Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 11:58 am

Accepted for Chuunin.
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Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]   Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 5:55 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin]   Awamaru "Fizz" Suihou [Konohagakure Chuunin] I_icon_minitime

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