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Kabu Tenma (Edited) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Kabu Tenma (Edited)

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PostSubject: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 9:10 pm

Kabu Tenma



Age Appearance:

Kabu is 5'9. He usualy wears a large gourd on his back with his ninja longsword just below it. His long hair is dyed purple hair and violet eyes and his skin is pale. Kabu usually wears a black tank top Gray combat pants and boots in place of the normal shinobi foot wear, and a ragged scarf witch he has had since his younger years as a genin. during missions he wear a Hidden cloud combat/recon vest and a hooded black cloak over his regular clothing, his guord and ninja long sword are placed over the cloak so they are easier to get hold of during combat. He also carries four pouches attached to his belt in witch he carries his ninja tools. Kabu has a dark air about him, witch leads to non-ninja and ninja who don't know him to keep him at arms length.


Skill Level:
B - Chuunin

Ninja Rank:

Kumogakure no Sato (Hidden cloud village)

Kumogakure no Sato (Hidden cloud village)

Tenma clan

Kabu is a quiet person who usualy keeps to himself, although he works well within a team and has on ocasion been know to ejoy nights out with a team he has become used to. As he has grown up he rarely made freinds and only assosiated with his family, leaving him not knowing what to say around new pepole however this has not yet effected his missions. Kabu trains relentlessly with his skills beliving it to always keep him sharp and ready.

As a team leader he treats his teammate's respectfully but keeps them at arms length, leaving others at a loss how to describe him. Most non-shinobi give Kabu a wide berth as he has been known to loose his temper with extreme violence, this is a twist of the truth The only time has ever truely lost his temper with anyone is when his team-mates are hurt and even then is usualy calm after his team-mate is safe.

To become a member of the hidden cloud ANBU.

Netural good

Skill Specialty:
Weponry - Kenjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Suiton - Water
Futon - Wind

Kabu Tenma son of Hizoku Tenma and grandson of Ookami Tenma. The only member of the Tenma clan that has discover his clans secret technique which was unknown to Ookami. When Kabu was nine he was playing in his yard with a stray cat. The cat ran off Kabu chased it and found it laying on a tomb stone and the local grave yard. Kabu stopped and looked at the tombstone it was a member of his clan. As Kabu looked upon the tombstone he was caught in a Genjutsu. He was suddenly surronded by mist and a old man appeared in front of him. "You are a very special boy, Kabu you have a secret locked inside of you that is unknown to even your granfather", the old man said. Kabu tried to speak but couldn't find the words. The old man looked at him with sympathy. "Your eyes are the same as mine when I discovered this secret. I didn't know what to say either", the old man chuckled.

"Brace yourself Kabu, with this genjutsu I can teach you the basics of a technique that only our clan can preform". With that the old man vanished. Kabu was still dumbstruck "But how and why me?" Kabu shouted into the mist. All of a sudden Kabu felt a pain in his hands and slowly traveling up his arms. When the pain reached his head the Genjutsu stopped and Kabu was back in the graveyard, it had begun to rain. As Kabu looked at the tombstone the water seemed to reflect the light off two words, water manipulation. On the way home Kabu looked up at the sky and stopped. "Water manipulation?" As the words escaped his mouth the rain water stopped hitting him. "How is this happening?" Kabu said to no one in particular, then he heard the old mans voice in his head "This is the secret I spoke of. This is the Tenma clans secret jutsu the water manipultion technique allows you to manipulate all water around you". Kabu then realized that that was why the rain water wasn't hitting him.

When he arrived home Kabu ran into the kitchen where his grand father was having a glass of sake. "Kabu where have you been? You where meant to be home by now" Ookami said. "Granfather I have found a secret!" Kabu said exitedly. Ookami smiled and knelt down near Kabu "Realy and what is this secret? Does a girl at the academy like you?" Ookami said whilst chuckling. "No grandfather watch this" Kabu looked at the glass of sake in his grandfathers hands. As he stared the sake started to rise out of the glass. Ookami stood dumbfounded.

It was only after Kabu had become a Gennin that he realized what a gift his family's secret jutsu was. Kabu was training with his teammates when he was hit in the head during a sparing match. As Kabu fell unconcious he heard the old mans voice in his head again "There is more to the secret technique, use it to encase my tombstone with water and more will be revealed". When Kabu awoke and had recovered from the blow. He went back to the graveyard where he had first found the tombstone.

As the old man had said he encased the tombstone with water. As the last part of the stone was covered the water started to glow and spin. As the water spun faster a hole appered in the ground and a small box appered. As Kabu took the box, the water stopped spinning and splashed onto the floor then the glowing stopped. Kabu took the scrolls home and started reading them. The scrolls contained knowledge on how to infuse chakra with water. Up untill now Kabu could manipulate water but not push in into any froms with this knowledge Kabu trained harder.

When Kabu had reached the age of fifteen he could mould water into any shape he wanted. He could even use it as a sheild to protect himself. It was due to this and a few of his granfathers jutsu that helped him pass the chunin exams with top marks in all the tests. As a chunin he now led a squad, with the water manipulation technique prefected he now focused on his Kenjutsu. His granfather tought him The Kenjutsu his master Lee had taught him. When Kabu asked to be taught more his granfather said "I have given you my wisdom now it is for you to mould it to yourself"

Recently Kabu has led several sucsessful recon missions with his teammates but now the genin in his squad are now chunin and Kabu is awaiting a new squad. He has also bought a gourd in witch to carry a decent amount of water infused with his chakra to use when there is no other water around. Kabu still trains daily with his water manipulation but he still wonders who that old man was as the name one the grave stone simply says Tenma. Kabu has made enquires into the Tombstone but to no avail, all knowledge concerning the stone has either disappeared or has been erased.

RP Sample:

Special Characteristics:
Skill based: Tracking

Custom SC:
Name of Jutsu:
Mizu Soujuu no jutsu - (Water manipulation technique)


Tenma clan only

Type of Jutsu::

Element Affinity:
Suiton - (water)

This jutsu is passed down within the Tenma clan but for some reason the ability to use it skips two generations The reason for this is unkown even to the Tenma clan leaders, there is a theory that that mist village leaders put a sealing jutsu on the tenma clan that supresses the skill to use this jutsu. But no theory has yet been proven true and most are widley dissmissed. This jutsu allows the shinobi to manipulate water and orm it to any shape or form the user wants. It can be anything from Kunai and Shuriken to simple shape like cubes and sphere's, witch makes this jutsu perfect for both attack and defence. But this technique has it's draw-backs the user cannot simontaniously defend and attack at the same time, in order to attack the user has to open to conuter attack, so when attacking the ninja must defend himself by other means. It is the same the other way around the user can form a sheild that will defend aganst most physical attacks but cannot attack whislt doing this.

Public Profile

Kabu Tenma
Kabu is 5'9 grey hair and a slim build. Usualy wears his hidden mist chunin vest and standard shinobi clothing. He wears a large gourd on his back with his ninja longsword just below it.
Kumogakure no Sato - hidden cloud village
Kabu is a member of the tenma clan and is one of the few in the clan that can use the Mizu Soujuu technique. He can usually be found in training alone or with his team or wondering around the village deep in thought.
Other than this this not much is known about Kabu or his clan.

Last edited by Kabu on Sat Nov 06, 2010 1:31 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 9:34 pm

Kirigakure isn't available
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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 10:00 pm

Ahhh I see witch villages are available?
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 10:00 pm

Konohagakure and Kumogakure
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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 10:10 pm

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 10:22 pm

-You might want to change your goals

-Description of at least 150 words or both a picture and description for the appearance

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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 12:55 pm

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 1:08 pm

You have yet to do the appearance (150 word description or more).
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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 1:32 pm

Appearance edited.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Kabu Tenma (Edited)   Kabu Tenma (Edited) I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 5:36 pm

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