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Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) Empty
PostSubject: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:04 am

Basic Information:

Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) B8dcb8ae82ade6868f117578c3784733

Name: Shikyo, Riku

Nicknames/Aliases Polymath Assassin; The Trickster.

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has whitish blue hair that cant be mistaken as silver or extremely white. In most cases, it changes in season where in winter his hair color raises in brightness while in the warmer months his hair has more blue in it. His hair is very long, down to his upper back that spikes out at the ends, a rare trait he has considering his backgorund. Because the length of his hair has grown, he has hair that somewhat hides his eyes from everyone who would look at his face. Riku displays very tone attributes with his muscles. Through the constant training he had to endure, every part of his body is sculpted to the finest of detail. Compared to most Shikyo, his talents revolving in Taijutsu allows his body to handle different stresses. On his back are remnants of years of abuse through physical training. He has scars that haven't faded away around it, going around in random directions. The front of his body has some scars too, there is a deep scar that is seen on the right side of his body right down the oblique area of the abdomenal muscles. It trails off slowly as it reaches his waist list. There are smaller marks around his chest

He has very handsome characteristics as his face lacks the baby fat he had when he was a young boy and young teenager. If the physical body does not attracted the girls and women then it is the eyes that gets to them. His original eye color is a very light aqua but has been known to change depending on whether or not he had activated his special ability. It has been known to change from yellow, blue, red, green, purple,gold, white and black. The color varies depending on the certain mood that he shows. The color of his aura is a deathly purple. In the culture of japan, purple symbolizes death in its entirity.

Most of the time He sports something simular of a jounin vest, but lacking any insigna on the back of it ,that is entirely black and of course sleeveless. He keeps it only as a tool to attract woman. When he is on a serious case, he'll have a tight fitting undershirt that will either be white, blue or black. Of course, he wears the typical pants of a shinobi and the boots that are black. Around his arm are bands that look like a brace.

Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) 20 his facial appearance

Personality:The "Tick" personality: He is a very curious person. A dangerous aspect when it comes down to things that could either make him stronger as a person or be used as a weapon for his nessecarily needs. Even as a young boy, he was curious with the different things that his father had studied in the past. He has a knack for getting into things that he shouldn't which makes him very good at doing jobs like spying and inflitration. Another feature that he has is the fact that he is able to percieve things accurately and has a knack for learning everything about anything. He is very fearless in what he does, always taking a high risk at most things (if not all things). He has known to question his curosity because he displays high intelligence. His reasoning sometims get in his way but it never really stops him when his instincits kick him. Fearlessness and Curiousity makes Riku both a hazard and also a deadly asset to anyone he is allied with and also a dangerous enemy. In his voice, he shows only a calm demeanor but in his soul, it is very restless.

The restlessness has always made him seek adventure and perform daring things. Why he does this is because in his life, he has understand that everything around him is nothing but a lie. The true illusionist are the people the work in behind the scenes, behind close doors and let the puppets do there work. Because of this he says that "Nothing is True". Because nothing is true, the only thing that binds man together is the fact that there are laws in store. Laws that control man out of fear, the fear that shackles people together, making them domestic and docile. Because of that, he says "Everything is permitted' Nothing is out of book with Riku. His sees this constantly, making him perform stunts that even ninja of today would consider it a danger. He doesn't mind such thoughts. He doesn't mind any of them any longer. His personality is free-spirited, calm, fearless, relentless, wise and at times cheerful.

This may be very false as Riku may apepar jovial but it really does hide a dark intent in his eyes. Regardless of such, he keeps a wicked smile on his face that never seems to fade away. A trait not truly picked up by anyone but himself. His personality of a enigmatic free-spirt gives him a sense that he may betray those who are close to him.

He's been told about his unpredictable nature which hold true. Riku has alway been unpredictable and random. He loves the act of randomness due to the nature that it somtimes builds a high adrenline rush within him that it causes him to be unpredictable in the moment. His actions are not plan at times, however when he wishes to accomplish a task at hand that might take time, his actions are then schedule and planned out. He likes both of them either way yet the unpredicability is more of his fix.

He enjoys beauty. From his old habits, when he sees beauty he'll become sort of a romantic. It could express a type of liking or love or could be gothic. He enjoys its. Just like he enjoys parts of his immortality. There are times, however where he wishes he could age, then people could see the true beauty within him. He believes that there are some Shikyo who have the right personalities to live immortality and without the fear of death, Riku is half and half. He enjoys it so he can see those he has trained in his life continue to grow, to see his students have children and so forth and so on yet the satisfication that some people get when they die cannot be express by Riku for he had never experience such longing for a eternal sleep

When he is around people (everyone else and some of his family): He displays a very calm attitude that shows that he is cool headed and very 'chilled'. He has a tendency of laying in the background, only to speak when he feels it is nessecary. For some odd reason, because of his chilled and quite honestly, charming persona, he is able to attract people towards him. He does not think of it as odd cause this is how he is. He is friendly and does not show hostile agression. Even if he is agitated or angry, his emotions are kept in check. He can seem a bit arrogant but that is because he wants to be a bit playful to see if anyone can read that he is not the least bit. So far, no one has come clean with his false arrogance.

In all honesty, he is a ladies man. He was never much of a person who liked to shy around girls, he was always trying to get with the girls and as many girls as possible. That was a trademark he's had over the years. Still having the ladies man aspect, he displays a more chiller tone, not trying to get a quick hit from a woman but someone that he can love.

Coming off from his tick persona, he is surprisingly jovial. He will joke around and even make very thoughtful or dirty jokes, depending in which situation he is in. Riku has a tendency to performing tricks and riddles (espicially to his sister, whom depises riddles entirely) Riku gains his title as "trickster" due to his tricky and free-spirited nature. Being a free-spirit, he at times talks in may seem like pure rubbish to some, to others it might seem extreme philosophical but Riku only comes off as someone who just says words just to here him talk. This is just a mask put on to make himself and others (who have a sense of humor like Riku) to laugh. He enjoys being neither part of the random or the purpose and just enjoys being free[/spoiler]

When the battle is occuring: This personality varies. Most, if not ninety percent of the times, he likes to kid around or make joking jestures in order to make the opponent a bit more irritated or give them all they got. He doesn't necessarily want a person to go all out in a battle but he would rather them not hold back while he is trying to kill him. He is quite random in battle.

Sometimes he is dead serious and then the next he is a smiling, even laughing with much joy and cheeriness. He has a tendency of having batles that appear random and it'll only show that he is just playing around or maybe just being random just for that purpose: just to be random. But this is only just a show. He likes to end his battles quickly rather than waiting for things continuing on. It's apart of his assassin training to end things quickly rather than to elaborate.

Though, when the battle is intense, the side that most powerful Shikyo's go into is quite simply, frightening. If he is up against a powerful opponent whom he truly has a itch to kill, his eyes become hollow, his face blank as paper. His voice, ninety-eight percent of time that has a very jovial tone is lost in darkness that extremely powerful Shikyo contain. He is remorseful, cold and right down to it; terrifying. Riku carries that trait like his father and grandfathers before him. Mercy was never something he had when it came down to buisness. When he does have a care, he will spare a person. However, if that person deserves death, the blade will not hesistate. Some have compared it to other men in history who displayed such an omnious presence; the fourth Hokage, the second akatsuki mastermind, the powerful assassin before him.

Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:28 am; edited 2 times in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Join date : 2010-04-13
Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

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PostSubject: Re: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:08 am

Clan Information:
Name: The Shikyo Clan

Founder: The first person who "establish" the Shikyo was Atrum Shikyo

Location: Spread throughout the world


History Part II

Associations (with clans and families)

Special Info:

Requirements: You must be born in the clan or have some type of association with the clan (i.e finding out that the society that people live in is false and want to find a way out)
Current Members: Known members: Kyouken Shikyo, Kudara Shikyo, Kuro Shikyo, Hanashi Shikyo, Riku Shikyo

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Kami no Karada, Tenshu Hitotoki
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu (select few)
Rank: D-S






Clan Traits: Depending on skill level and rank, this applies to all levels. These are the general skills


Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

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PostSubject: Re: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:27 am

Rank Information:

Skill Level: S-rank
Ninja Rank: Jounin
Village: Unaffliated Shinobi
Birthplace: Water Country
Previous Village: Kirigakure

Special Information:

Elements Affinity: Suiton, Raiton
    Recessive: Raiton

Skill Specialty:: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Dominant: Taijutsu
    Recessive: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu

Special Characteristics

Points and Ryo:

Total: 359
  • Strength: 75
  • Dexterity: 84
  • Stamina:100
  • Speed: 100

Total Stat Points Earned:
Mission Points Earned:

Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

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PostSubject: Re: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:28 am

Justu/Item/Other Information:







Clan Jutsu


Other Techniques





Specialized Outfit(s)


Other Items


Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

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PostSubject: Re: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:35 am

Background Information/ RP Sample


Present History

Role-Play Sample:
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

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PostSubject: Re: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:37 am

Public Profile
Name: Shikyo Riku
Village: Unaffliated Wanderer
Organization: Akatsuki (Does not exist)
Rank: S-rank
Age: 24 (last recorded date)
Info: Deceased
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Age : 31
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PostSubject: Re: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 8:58 am

stats are 350 + 9

and you get 700,000 ryo
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PostSubject: Re: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:48 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind)   Shikyo Riku (Akatsuki Mastermind) I_icon_minitime

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