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Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
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For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Empty
PostSubject: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 1:50 am

Basic Information:

Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] L5aaaad55e1fdc81e9a8ad8zk7
Name: Kibou, Heiki

Nicknames/Aliases The Chaotic Flash

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: At height, he stands at a good five feet ten inches in one half. The lean physique of his body can be surmounted of the past training Konoha truly had the offer. There is more to this than that but for now, we will remain here with this.

Heiki, of course of his nickname, has blonde spiked hair. It travels down to the back of his neck but it is the balance between short and long. It's long enough for him when he begins to sweat profusely or get his hair wet that his hair will drag down covering his eyes but it is not short enough for anyone to se his forehead. On his forhead is an x shaped scar that is off center from his left eye. It was placed there by an old accident he had as a young child, it still remains till this day.

He has sapphire color eyes, one that might compare it to the gem itself. Because of his consistant peaceful and harmonious attitude, there is a slight gleam in it. He appears to get light turning to a deep sky blue but there are other times where people have claimed to see his eyes as a midnight blue, almost reaching the color of black. His eyes do compliment the shape of his face. As a child, there was a distinct sense that Heiki would become a very handsome individual and he did become such. He wasn't necessarily fat (althouth there was a period of slight chunkiness at toddler age of five but it disappeared once he graduated the academy). The leanness of his body gives the cheekbones a definite narrow and cut appearance about his face.

When it comes to attire, he doesn't draw attention due to the fact tha the forest green jacket of the jounin vest are the standard color. He wears the dark blue pants with tape wrapped around his right leg. When he takes off the vest, what remains is the thin blue long sleeved shirt that is adjustable depending on the current condition. If it is hot, he can unzipped the top part of the sleeve, same goes with his pants which are adjustable according to weather. If parts of that shirt is not necessarily he'll remove the entire shirt altogether What is custom about his attire is the training weights that he wears. There are a few set whch are his gloves, his arms, there are some weights on his thighs, a set of weights around his calves, his boots and the jacket itself. Underneath the shirt is another set of weights that is wrapped around his abs. It's a first line of defense as wel. He increases them ever so often in only get a sleight edge in battle due to is speciality of taijutsu.

Personality:What is interesting about Heiki's personality isn't the fact that he can be funny at times or silent at times, it's the fact that he doesn't have a "tick" personality. One might call this type of persona of the random due to the fact that Heiki is probably more along the lines of someone who is extremely chaotic or extremely docile. It could be concluded that Heiki doesnt suffer from bi-polar but he isn't ever mad at anyone nor does he get depressed. IF we could categorize his personality, it's the fact that is quite sarcastic, laisidasical and very free of worries. He doesn't mind bouncing off the job for helping a few kids gather money or helping elderly. That's the most information about his tick persona that is known about him. He is quite a mystery in honesty

One thing that might seem like a turnoff to others but it's the fact that he can sometimes play stupid yet other times he probably one "smart mutha fucka" He's very smart, in fact, too smart for his own good. When he feels like hiding it, he'll play the stupid card, maybe do something to get away from the attention that he has some type of intelligence rolling within him. If he doesn't want to say anything intellectual, he'll be quiet and stay away from conversations and debates as such. He thinks of it as "too much of a hassle" and "it can get boring really quick".

It is said that he can be happy-go-lucky but in that very state, he is also extremely destructive and chaotic when he wishes. As it was already stated, he doesn't get mad, he doesn't get depressed but he'll destroy things that will probably do harm to him in the near future. He likes doing that by performing destructive and powerful acts of chaos just so it wont bother him in the near future. He rarely does this however due to the fact that there appears to be nothing that bothers him. Things slide off him very well making him one of the most calm-headed people in Konoha and possibly other countries. He could be a likely candidate for the Hokage position if anything were to happen to the current Hokage but of course he would turn that down.

He has an odd tendency of smiling when a situation doesn't follow suit of the typical norm. In most cases, his smiles can be heart-felt but at the saem time there is only sarcasm in there. Even with that smile, he can show a good amount of disrespect towards ppeople. His face, appearing hateful and unresolved is underneath a very sweet and very gentle towards nature. He does care about the world and everyone that inhabits it. He loves such things as a gentle breeze of the October sky, the soft rain peddling down in the spring, the sounds of cicadas on July summer night, he feels a certain type of harmony among these peaceful ideals. Those that threaten such disorder usually faces his internal and external wrath.

He doesn't necessarily like doing work. When he isn't practicing martial arts, he'll sleep around and hang about all over Konoha or around fire country. This gives him a lazy persona at first glance but he has sense of immediency when the time is right, a code following very close to Bushido. When battle is all, It is said in battle that the hollowness of his eyes intimidate such of the fiercess opponents. One has stated "It's like his eyes were God's eyes of judgement as he stared down at the scared earth. You first think it's sadness then mercy. You feel every emotion within those eyes and that's the most intimidating thing to look at" He draws probably a blank face, it's hard to tell due to there being very few who actually lived to tell the tale. This one was a man who died just a few minutes after getting attack by Heiki.

With that in mind, it is assumed that the word 'mercy' is not in his vocabulary. He has two types of mercy which involves death, of course, and a type of slow and tormented mental death that involves either removing something that was precious to the opponent. That way they'll remember such foolishness in engaging this being. Some have called him the blonde demon and others have foolishly gave him the title of the Yellow demon of Konoha, which was closely related to the Yellow Flash of Konoha. He doesn't particularly like that title due to the fact that Minato Namikaze had such a title and out of respect, he wishes for him to have tha title. Though the simularities with raw unsurmounted speed and creation of a new technique, it is not surprising for people to think of him as that.

His relationship with interesting. He can sound polite but underneath it is sarcasm. Some has described him as a person who could grab your throat and not think twice about, all with a coy smile and relentless blank face that has more than enough to kill you without him even squeezing your throat. Others has described his his voice something that is perhaps bored of life, the storm of internal depression deepens as he lives the life of a sad existence. Many have said that he sounds pretty cold and cruel, blissfully talking the amount of a harsh blizzard. Most of the time he sometimes sound exhausted or bored of things, almost as if life itself is quite boring but he enjoys talking like that to irritate someone who is of a serious nature. When someone is probably goofy, he'll act the opposite and be an asshole and serious. He does this out of the fun of probably irritating them. Those who have a higher status than him and that he respects (The kages for example) he'll tolerate them. He'll act a bit kinder in his talking. In his most neutral and probably relax form of speech, he sounds very calm and pleasant to hear.

Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:04 am

Rank Information:
Skill Level: S-rank
Ninja Rank: Jounin
Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Konohagakure no sato
Previous Village: N/A

Special Information:

Elements Affinity: Fuuton, Raiton
    Dominant: Fuuton
    Recessive: Raiton

Skill Specialty::Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu
    Dominant: Taijutsu
    Recessive: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu

Special Characteristics

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Shikyo Riku

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Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:14 am

Points and Ryo:

  • Strength:45
  • Dexterity:90
  • Stamina:70
  • Speed:100

Total Stat Points Earned:
Mission Points Earned:

Justu/Item/Other Information:


Konoha Limit Techniques


Raiton Techniques


Fuuton Ninjutsu




Other Techniques


Known Styles of Martial Arts



Name of Weapon or Item: The Body Weight Armor Set
Owner: Heiki Kibou
Location: The entire upper body and lower body
Rank: C

Description/Abilities: This is a customize set of body weight set that gives not only restrictions but also a type of armor against blunt protection. Due to Konoha's technology of the mastery of deception, the apperance of the body weight looks extremely light but it is in fact six times the amount according to Heiki's body weight (This is all together, not seperate).

The color of the second layer (the deceptively thin layer) is entirely black. This is all underneath his clothing (according to the picture in the Character appliction) and in his Jounin outfit. The jacket itself has slits that can slide little weights. The weights will have the kanji for 'heavy' when it slides into the pockets. There are ten pockets in all.

The armbands and legsbands are surprisingly different from the rest. From the looks of it, it appears to be a thin long sleeve shirt and a thin long black under armor. But it is in fact deceptive. The mesh layer is thin and flexible but at the same time heavy to walk and run in. Due to Heiki's ability to care heavy weight constantly without strain, he does not feel the effects of the drag. It is also able to take blunt force as well. Things that are chakra conductive can easily damage the thin mesh like armor

History: Like all great Taijutsu masters, Heiki wished to train his body so that he can utalize the entire body like the former taijutsu masters of the past. Yamamoto, who begain his training early before the start of his academy days began placing small body weights on him. For the first few weeks Heiki would move a bit sluggish but after while, after his body began to adapt to the weight, he would run around it comfortably. It was a bitch for him to move if he was trying to play tag with his friends

When he was able to move around comfortably, Yamamoto would add more weights to this and make him walk around. This was all for his body to adapt to the weight, even to the point where he could sprint in it. Well, as time moved on and as the young man wished to gain new feats. Heiki strength training was taken to the max as he became a chunin and decided to utalize the power of raw speed in order to dispatch himself quickly among enemy ranks.

It was then that Heiki, during his time as a very young Jounin asked the research time for a chance to have a body weight/ armor deal that could be flexible yet very heavy to Heiki. The entire suit took them about three years and two months to complete before Heiki's intitation into ANBU. The weight was good enough for Heiki to adapt to it and after five months of training, he continues to up the weights on the suit. in another five, he'll up it again to keep is body strong and sharp.

First Layer

Second Layer

Jacket minus the black sleeves. He wears the jacket for formal events, meetings and a few meetings. The Jacket adds about 1.5 times the amount to the normal six

Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Black-nitrile-glove

Name of Weapon or Item: Special Kunai Set
Owner: Heiki Kibou
Location: In Two pouches placed around his lower back
Rank: C+

Description/Abilities: All together, there are thirty kunai's, each in six sets of something correlating with his elements and abilities. Five of them are design specifically for offense (Taijutsu mainly), another ten are there to enhance its cutting ability (For both Fuuton and Raiton Ninjutsu), and the fifteen are design for Fuuinjutsu, which will be explain.

These fifteen kunai have something that many Kunai lack. Five of them are set off type Kunai, meaing that they are placed for trap-making and if a person were to walk in its perimeter, these five kunai will set off a discharge that'll wont explode but give them a sense of vertigo, nausea, hallucinations and a sense of impending doom (As if they are about to have a heart attack)

Name of Jutsu: Barrier of Depression
Rank: C
Users: Heiki Kibou
Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
Element Affinity: N/A
Training Link: N/A
Description: When all five Kunai are placed at least ten meters apart from each, it creates a invisible barrier that is hidden from the eyes and sensors due to the fact that it does not conduct a type of chakra at first glance. Truly at first glance, the kunai itself has a kanji on the metal that says "Sorrow". When a person or a group of people enter into this field, the person will feel a sense of vertigo, nausea, possible hallucinations and a senes of impending doom. The moment they step out is when the effects wear off or if one were to knock out at least one of the kunai away from it's place then yes

There is another set, the second set in the fuuinjutsu kunai that is a minro form of a set-off type but the only difference is that it doesn't necessarily activate anything along the lines of offense and it is more along the lines of a supplementary type of effect. When four are placed between an area that is 100 to 200 meters apart, the user is aware via the last and fifth Kunai of how far the target is to them. The Kanji for "Near" either grows dimmer the farther they are to him or glows brighter the closer they are at to him.

The last set is a defensive type. These five Kunai are used to place a minature seal around either himself or a group of people away from from physical and some powerful ninjutsu techniques for a temporary time.

Name of Jutsu: Kunai Barrier Jutsu
Rank: B
Users: Heiki Kibou
Type of Jutsu:: Fuuinjutsu
Element Affinity: Yin-Yang
Training Link: N/A
Description: Placed around either in some type of shape (Either a circle, a square, a triangle, it depends on how many Kunai Heiki throws out) A 360 degree barrier arises from the ground covering the user or any other person(s) in the barrier from physical and ninjutsu's up to A-rank. The shield will last for about two post but the major weakness of this is that nobody can get in or out (not even from underground)

All fifteen kunai themselves can release a very powerful fuuinjutsu that entraps the victim into a dome that not only consumes the air within the dome but also begins to crush the vicitim to their deaths. The following jutsu is explained

Name of Jutsu: Stomach of the Shinigami
Rank: S
Users: Heiki Kibou
Type of Jutsu:: Kinjutsu/Fuuinjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A
Training Link: N/A
Description: Hence from the name, all kunai must be placed between a fifteen meter radius of each other, all around in a large circle (No other shape is it able to conduct as powerful as a circle). Within this, either Heiki himself or a clone will before the long handseal in order to activate the process.

The beginning process is the kunais will all change the kanji's to death and will begin to sink into the ground. The groun will begin to glow a purple and streaming out will it create a dome that is near impentrable, neither victim can escape nor can anyone help them out. The prison will then begin the quick process of giving them that sense of intense vertigo, powerful hallucinations and what not. The dome wil lthen begin to consume the oxygen rapidly and then it will begin to crush the opponent until the victim is dead.

-The entire activation process takes two post to place the Kunai all around.
-The long seals must take three post before it is either complete and even then, someone can disrupt the user or kill off the clone in order to sotp this from happening.
-If the process is complete, the victim has one post in order to escape, by then the seal will not activate and will stop and cannot be reused again for four days. This is risky for Heiki as it can consume much of his chakra and it's a one time thing. This type of jutsu is a type of collaboration jutsu that can be used against powerful opponents as long as Heiki has a second person along with him to keep the opponent distracted

History: These are customizable seals that Yamamoto once used during his prime. He was a fuuinjutsu master at the time and devised away to create a powerful fuuinjutsu with the kunai using the concept of protection and destruction. However, as the missions became longer and his time was growing shorter, the point of interest to complete the technique was lost and he sealed it away for the next two decades. When Heiki finally began to learn Fuuinjutsu, Yamamoto began his tale of how he wanted to create a killer fuuinjutsu but failed

When Heiki asked for permission to use these kunai, Yamamoto was reluctant at first but he wanted to see if Heiki could actually pull off the final technique, which, beyond believe, he did.

Lacking the Hirashin no jutsu seals and having the Kanji of depression, near and shield. The other ten for fuuinjutsu revoling around the arts of the elements have the kanji of "Wind" or Lighting" the rest do not have kanji seals on it

Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 2:20 am

Background Information/ RP Sample

History:With the saying "a hawk born from a kite" Heiki was truly born from ordinary parents. They were not legendary heroes from days past or any legends of the sort. From their appearance, they were simply a man and woman who came together as two lovers, married a two years during the dating years and birth a health baby boy. The mother was an artist, a shinobi who hailed from the former village hidden in the rocks before moving to Konoha. She loved to draw the undetered art, art that truly had no simple message in them but a deeper message that only a very few could see. The father was a well-known adventuerer who travelled from place to place in search of new treasures for himself. He was a simple artchitect who ventured out. It was from the first glance that they did not appear to have anything grandeur about them. They settled down after Heiki was born.

Heiki was a happy baby, he didn't give the parents any true trouble. The typical hassles of the baby of the whimpering when hungry and the irritation of such bowel movements but beyond that he was not a troublesome baby. The one thing he did very little was cry alot, listing away the typical things that would, he was not a crying baby. He was a tough little child, probably due to his fathers durability but that is what Heiki's father said with a presumputious smile. He didn't know why Heiki never really cried which kind of worried the two. There was one incident where Heiki was two years of age, he was running around in the kitchen area. The house they lived in at the time was old so the stability of the house was most to blame but there was a refrigerator that when one were to bump into, they could easily knock it over.

This occured as Heiki pressed his body against it, unaware of the movement of the refrigerator. Heiki was ready to leave the area when the refrigerator fell down on his arm with a hard thump. Heiki felt that surge of pain stream up from his arm that went towards his back, he didn't let out a cry nor a scream of absolute pain but he felt it. It was not till a few seconds afterward that both Heiki's mother and father came to retrieve the young Heiki. Afterwards, after they took heiki to the hospital, it was there that Heiki was probably suffering from a somewhat mild form of Congenital insensitivity to pain. To physical pain he doesn't necessarily feel but it was proven a year later that he can feel other things that he does feel slight agitation.

Heiki lived with this type of condition but nonetheless he was still a very happy person. A socialable person who did not limit himself into the conversation of others. When he was around children his age, he would be a natural leader, he would devise games for the kids to play and taught them codes and sign language. His little games only spawn into something more troublesome which involved more devious activities such as playing pranks on others, kids and adults alike. The sign language grew into a more complex code he taught to his little gang of people so that they could escape the trouble that they were in. He had devised many other plans such as escape routes, which buildings to play pranks on, which family it would be easier to trick them into stepping on dog shit and which would be harder.

This made Heiki quite a troublemaker and he was listed as the indeed 'mastermind of pranks and tricks" or, Heiki's personal favorite "the little bastard of tricks" he loved doing so and it was all too reminding of a person of the past who done such tricks. Heiki did these tricks only due to the fact that his parents were always leaving him away alone at home. It was not because they wanted to, they regretted leaving Heiki on his own but due to their involvement in matters that Konoha could not control, they were gone alot. He was under the caretaker name Hazuki Yamamoto, an experience shinobi who Heiki's father trust now and forever. The influence Yamamoto had on Heiki would devolop him to the man he is today. He was the main discpliner when Heiki would get caught (and that was rare too). He would there make him do extensive training that involved deeply in the arts of the shinobi, much of it involving the body. Yamamoto didn't necessarily like Heiki and Heiki didn't like Yamamoto at first due to their conflicting personalities. They were always butting heads and it was always difficult for the two of them to agree.

Even during his academy days, the pranks would continue on as his parents were away and his caretaker would train him to death most of the time due to his tricks on the village. Heiki disliked it very much only to see that he didn't have many friends. Yes, he devised plans in order to play tricks and create groups but the kids didn't really want to get trouble, their parents would indocturnate them to stay away from the troublesome kid and would be force to leave Heiki in a state of loneliness. He would have times where he would play by himself, walk alone by himself, eat out by himself and many other things, all of them with just himself. The "Me, Myself and I" crew Heiki would call it. Those were the lonely years but it was during those lonely years that he began to devolop his own personality and build a relationship with Yamamoto. He would always try to do jobs for Yamamoto, doing task such as helping Yamamoto with his small time job. He was happy though, even with the loneliness he had and not devoloping friends, he was happy.

But such happiness would be taking away by fate for a letter came in to Yamamoto. Heiki was at the age of eight, and it was a year after he graduated from the academy with honors. The letter reported that Heiki's mother and father were killed in a mass explosion during a expedition in the mountains of earth country. Yamamoto did not wish to tell Heiki, he refused to but Heiki was a curious one and curiousity always killed the cat while satisfaction brought it back. The happy soul was hurt for a long time. It was deep stab to his soul as he loved the parents who care deeply for him. He wanted to numb the pain by fixing himself with the joy of playing harmful and hurtful pranks in order to feel the sting of others pains and for while he did. But Yamamoto knew that he needed someone and he could not bare to see Heiki in such pain. When Heiki was caught with one prank that got a kid almost killed, he was at the point where the severity of his punishment would invoke in stripping of his rank as a genin but Yamamoto asked mercy and it was granted.

When asked why he did such a thing, Yamamoto explained that he did not want to see Heiki take a downward spiral to obliviion for he knew that he needed someone to comfort him, he needed someone to be their in his life. His mother and father were gone now and he was the rightful guardian to take upon the role. Hard for Heiki to even grasp such concepts, he finally accpeted Yamamoto much more than a person who punishes him for his antics but as a friend and possiblity a father. Yamamoto swore that he would make sure that Heiki would be the best there was by taking him under his wing, as long as he kept his pranks to a minimal.

Such two souls agreed and from that moment Heiki began the longest period of extensive training in his life. Between the routine misisons he accomplished during his genin period and the rest time, his life was constantly surrounded by training. As a genin, Yamamoto built up his body tp reach that type of 'perfection' many genin refuse to learn. They usually specialize in ninjutsu, genjutsu or a balance between the three but it is rare for someone to begin specializing in taijutsu. Yamamoto refused to train him in any other arts of the ninja beyond taijutsu. Heiki didn't understand why Yamamoto would do that. He had heard from rumors of other Jounin that Yamamoto was a very powerful ninja who had devoloped skills that revolved all around from fuuinjutsu, to powerful ninjutsu, to weapons of many kinds to a mass variety of taijutsu.

Yamamoto was a sixty-two year old man (when Heiki was about twelve) who during this time was still in his prime. He didn't seem to loose any power as he settled down. He kept his body at peak levels of fitness, even indocturnating Heiki to eat the way he eats by discarding all the processed foods (or the shit that is derived from shit Yamamoto would say) and only gave Heiki foods that were raw and unproccessed. He never fed Heiki any type of grains, even forbidding him to eat at the ramen shop which made Heiki a bit bitter at Yamamoto for awhile. Yamamoto was a feared man in Konoha and till this day he is still such a feared man. No one would dare to match up to his skill in power and rank and yet he was training the young Heiki in taijutsu.

But with each level of skill and rank that Heiki grew, Yamamoto would begin to train him in other methods of fighting and skill. He only intensified his training with taijutsu, giving him the proper skill allowing him to become better at it but Heiki was beginning to see that Yamamoto was incorporating other techniques such as genjutsu, ninjutsu, fuuinjutsu and other types of kinjutsu. In the large underground corridors, Yamamoto could only secretly teach Heiki the beginning stages of becoming a prominent enemy of the world for Yamamoto was not only respected in Konoha but also downright feared. They only thought of Heiki as being his errand boy and a apprentice to an old man but this old man was knowing that Konoha was become darker and darker as the times began to roll through. Darker times were bound to come through and in all, Heiki was beginning to see such things as Yamamoto was training him.

Heiki involvement with Konoha increased, as he became older and more experience, his personality changed dramatically. There was a slight difference in the way he viewed life. For the first time in a very long time he was happier than he was a young child. He figured that during his time as a child, he was a beginning to see that life was nothing he should take too seriously and he had to live life like one big joke. He would have to become the prankster of life. And, in time, he did. He was becoming something that people thought of him as a hopeless nobody but then they began to fear such an existence. Heiki was involving himself in the darker projects of Konoha, being a absolute force that made Konoha a powerhouse as Kumogakure grew in power both economically and its military. His fearsome "Yellow Flash" nickname came to be as there was a rumor of war within the country of wind. There, his elimination of many mercenary groups probably installed the title also as the chaotic flash. There was not a single soul left alive during those times of possible war and civil war, it was there that made Heiki who he is now.

RP Sample:
Village: Konohagakure
Organization: Konoha, Former ANBU
Rank: Sannin
Age: 27

-One of the Sannin

Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 7:58 am

- Your coding for your history is messed up.
- You need to post your topics for your earned points. (Unless you want to save up)
- In order to have The Eight Gates, ou need to lose a recessive specialty.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 11:30 pm

Whoa whoa whoa whoa

I remember that when you activated the eight gates you couldn't use ninjutsu and could only use taijutsu strictly. THAT I remember

Also I'm savin up on the points for Heiki
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Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 2:00 am

I dont know anything about that, really I dont. I simply read in the rules

Taijutsu rules wrote:
If you have it at dominant it also means you can learn the eight gates at the cost of one recessive specialty
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Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 3:30 am

Hmmm, didn't see that. Removed
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PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 3:34 am

Also, I dont see your summoning in your application, might want to add that.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 3:35 am


I'll get to that
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PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 3:38 am

Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] Gamabunta_toad_naruto_picture

Name: Toads of Fire Country(Gama}
Species: Amphibians
Location: Mount Myoboku
Required Sacrifice: Blood
Client(s): Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto, Kibou Heiki.
Contract Holder: Currently Heiki holds its

Special Characteristics

Unique Personality: Being that these toads have some type are consciously aware and have apparent preconigtive abiliteis, they have the ability to interact with there own race and with humans as well. They have different personalites, one of which that seems to stand out is being the proud race of being of toad kind. It is a sort of pride that can also affect the relationship between summoner and summonee. If the two perosnalities clash then it is almost impossible for both parites to work together.

Long Lifes: There is not enough research to go off and study these creatures for those who have summon them do not go far into asking how they live long lives. They just understand that it is probable for toads, both small and large to live very long lifes. Even to this day, the oldest beings are Fukasaku and his wife Shima are in the thousand witch change. It is unknown whether they are immortal beings or not (no further research has been done) but it is apparent they are able to live long.

Intelligence: Though it is not apparent in all of the Toad beings, some do have the apparent intelligence to not only think by themselves but also plan and plot away with cooperation of the summoner themselves. This is apparent with Naruto and the group of toads were facing against Pein in the past.

Summoned Creature: Gamakichi
Rank: S
Though small in this picture, he is now the size of his father Gamabunta in his prime.
Description: He is the first son of Gamabunta, now boss toad of the entire toad world.

He is one of Heiki's favorite of the giant toads, being that him and Gamakichi have rather interesting quirks when they work together. Gamakichi has been prone to be very sarcastic, espicially when battle has ensued upon them. He will crack a joke on Heiki while Heiki will respond also with a cracked response that'll just be as condenscending to the comment. They have both been able to work well together, probably on better combinations besides Naruto, the summoner before Heiki.

Gamakichis wears a simular vest that he wears in the appearance, only with the kanji of "destroy" on the back of his vest. he has a knack for knives like his father so behind his back he carries two large knifes for cutting his opponents to ribbons (As Gamakichi says it. Heiki doesn't know about that but he has yet to see it)

He leans towards fire which is a plus for Heiki and them with collaboration jutsus. The combination of Gamakichi's Fire with Heiki's Wind means they can augment the amount of heat generated and the range it can spread.
Speciality Kenjutsu
Element: Fire

Katon Ninjutsu


Summoned Creature: Gamatatsu
Rank: A
Description: Gamatasu is the youngest brother of the two and the second son of Gamabunta, boss toad. By his apparance, he is just as large his father and brother. While it may appear that he is an intimidating figure, his facial expressions and his general appearance is soft still (even with the rough skin of a toad themselves)

Even till this day, he is still the simple minded toad he was 160 years ago. He is generally dumb, plain and simple. Because of his simplemindness, it is very hard to cooperate with Heiki when it is needed. Although Gamatatsu understands when danger has arose (because his father isn't around as much anymore since he is much older) he is generally carefree and has more of a simple-minded fearlessness that only surmounts to him when his older brother is around.

He still appears to call upon his older brother when Heiki decides to summon him (He is able to summon his own brother). Though it is convinent for Gamatatsu, both Heiki and Gamakichi understand that he can't keep on doing this when he wants him around. However, they are never able to get through the thick head of his and he continues to forget.

He is an person who continues to ask for snacks, which makes Heiki facepalm everytime he summons him. He is always hungry and Heiki has gotten into many debates to either give him snacks in order for him to cooperate. Heiki would usually summon him either fourth or five (sometimes not at all, only relying on another summon with the leaning element of water) but he'll summon him anyways so it wont seem like he is avoiding him

He is much weaker than his brother however due to the fact that he is always hungry and is extremely simpled minded, however when his brother is able to convince him, Gamatatsu is able to be a serious contendor as his brother with his suiton ninjutsu and his collaboration jutsu with Heiki. Though, it only last for so long and sometimes there is no point to him even getting serious
Specilaity Taijutsu
Element Water

Suiton Ninjutsu


Summoned Creature: Gamaroku
Rank: A
Appearance: His skin color is that of a sky blue. He is the same size as his father being only in his fourties. He has a distinct scar same as his grandfather Gamabunta. He has green color eyes, the color of grass on a summer day.
Description: He is the only son of Gamakichi, born fourties years prior to the timeline of today.

He is probably thee calmest of the toads in the toad kingdom, unable to be alarm at the slightest and unable to be anywhere near broken down in emotional fear when something as kill intent or a powerful genjutsu has been bestow to place fear upon him. His calm side has given Heiki more of his favorite in more apporiate battles, He can be condenscending like his father but it sometimes not as noticable and almost seems insulting (unless you have someone like Heiki who can see right away whom he is insulting too). He can be very cold and extremely calculating, almost ruthless at times but nonetheless a generally honorable person with a samurai like personality at times.

He is fatherly to his son and daughter Gamanii and Gamasan and will hurt those who hurt them with absolutely no mercy at all. In honest, he is the cloest to Heiki who is also merciless.

He leans towards fire just like his father and has more variations in the art of fire than his father counterpart.
Speciality Taijutsu, specifically Shaolin Kung Fu
Element Katon

Katon Ninjutsu


Summoned Creature: Gamarai
Rank: A
He is a big as a tree but just a tad bit smaller than Gamatatsu, Gamakichi and Gamaroku
Description: He is another large toad that resembles far closer to what they might say a combination of both a dragon and a toad. Gamarai is essentially non-talkative, not because he can't talk but he decides against talking in any shape or form. He is the extreme silent time, going to a point where it is almost scary.

He has, in the past, only talked to Heiki. When Heiki has heard him talk, he is almost soft spoken and has a very wise speech, it is deep to a point where it is almost fearsome to hear him talk. He is quite respectable towards the boss toad, the boss toads sons, grandsons and great grandson and daughter being that he is just younger than the old toad sages of Mount Myoboku. He usually hangs around in the tallest of mountains either sleeping or training other young toads for future generations

Interestingly enough, seeing his size, you wouldn't think that his speciality is under genjutsu. He is mildly talented in the art of taijutsu but essentially he is able to project his voice outward in a song both terrifying and essentially beautiful at the same time. His element leans towards lightning and currently being the only species of toad to be able to use lightning
Speciality: Genjutsu
Element: Lightning



Raiton Techniques


Summoned Creature: Samurai Toads
Rank: D-B
Appearance: The smaller ones D-ranked

Medium Toads C-ranked
They also carry two katanas on there backs as well

Large Toads B-ranked
Description: These toads are train in the specific ways of both the samurai and the ninja. They are the warrior toads of Mount Myoboku and under the tutelage of the larger toads of the samurai, they can be summoned at the convience. They are usually blue, though there are always those that have some shades of red, green, purple. orange and yellow but the general toads that most Heiki summons are the color of turquoise. They have no element but they are exceptionally powerful in the art of sword wielding.
Speciality Kenjutsu

Summoned Creature: Barrier Toad
Rank: B-ranked
Description: This technique summons a small, gourd-shaped toad, called a "Gourd Toad" (瓢箪蝦蟇, Hyōtan Gama), a unique species of toad indigenous to Mount Myōboku. This technique is used to capture and isolate a victim by dragging them into the toad's stomach. Isolated from the outside world by a barrier, the space inside the Gourd Toad's stomach is far larger than the surface size of the Gourd Toad itself.

The environment inside the toad's stomach is a cavernous chamber, which includes a lake of strong corrosive gastric acid that can dissolve anything that should happen to fall into it, along with shores around the acid lake, and formations sticking out of the lake. Once trapped inside, an opponent is cut off from any allies and susceptible to attack, and can then be easily defeated. However, that is only if the opponent get caught in the toad. It has above average range in taijutsu

Speciality; Fuuinjutsu

Summoned Creature: Shop Toad
Rank: B
Description: This technique summons a Shop Toad (見世蝦蟇, Mise Gama) from Mount Myōboku. This toad has the ability transform into a building and with their chakra, and the user gives the building a design they imagined themselves. The target is then lured inside, for example with the promise of cheap drinks. Once the target has entered the store, the toad changes back into its original small form, trapping the target inside the toad's stomach. From the moment the cancellation hand seal is performed, it takes only a few seconds for it to return to its original shape, meaning there is little chance of escape
Jutsu: N/A

Summoned Creature: Diving Toads
Rank: C
Description: The user summons a special Diving Toad (潜り蝦蟇, Moguri Gama) from Mount Myōboku and hides inside its stomach.

The frog is able to dive up to a hundred meters in fresh water, making it especially useful for infiltrating enemy camps that are surrounded by a river or a lake. The stomach of the frog also has a special barrier that obstructs chakra, protecting the user from detection-type ninjutsu. This, currently, can only be used by Heiki

Speciality: Sensory

Summoned Creature: Guarding Scroll Toads
Rank: B
Description: These toads are specifically safe keeping toads that ensue important seals are made. They are made useful if Konoha is in need of ever having a jinchuuriki and needed for a type of fuuinjutsu. They are known for there excellence endurance
Jutsu: N/A

Summoned Creature:Kuchiyose • Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu - Food Cart Destroyer Technique
Rank: B
Appearance: p
Description: Ninpou: Kuchiyose • Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu summoning technique utilized by the the summoner of toads. Using the size of the summon to his advantage, The summoner summons a gigantic toad on top of his target, totally crushing them.

Summoned Creature: Toad Mouth Bind or the Fire Breathing Toad
Rank: A
Description:A peculiar technique of partial invocation that summons only an organ: the esophagus of a great, fire-breathing toad from Mount Myōboku: Rock Lodging (妙木山・岩宿, Myōbokuzan: Iwayado), sending the enemy into his stomach. If activated inside a building or a cave, this trick can ensnare the enemy without them realizing it. In this interior, even the foothold is unreliable, the enemy finds themselves in a tight spot, having a hard time performing at their usual level of skill, and unable to find a proper response. The inside of the esophagus is highly flexible, and adhesive, and won't even allow liberty of movement. In time, the walls of flesh close in and envelop the enemy, dooming them to go inside the stomach where they will be digested
Jutsu: N/A

Summoned Creature: Gamafuu
Rank: C
Description: The oldest twin of Gamaroku children, she is one of the toads that is current line underneath Gamabunta's family. She is an odd one at best, loud-mouth and very quick spoken, she will not hesistate to talk down to you if you give her the chance. Just like her grandfather, she is also extremely condenscending but more brutal than his father. She may seem soft spoken by her appearance but do not be fooled.

Speciality: Medical (learning)
Element: Suiton
Jutsu: N/A at the moment

Summoned Creature: Gamasuu
Rank: C
Description: He is the youngest twin of Gamaroku and under the lineage of the Gamabunta family. He is the more calmer and down to earth than his sister. He has much like his father who has a samurai like attitude towards life. He is fine with such things. He was the better summon of the two since he is always serious in battle and never back downs in such serious situations. He is apparently much larger than his sister and some might mistake him for being the oldest but he is modest and tells them that is not the case

Specaility: Kenjutsu
Element: Doton (learning}
Jutsu: N/A at the moment
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PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 3:40 am

Awkward place to put it but approved nontheless
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PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 3:41 am

Yeah, I couldn't put it in the jutsu/other information because it was too big
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PostSubject: Re: Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin]   Kibou, Heiki [Konoha Legendary Jounin] I_icon_minitime

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