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Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]

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PostSubject: Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]   Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 9:18 pm

Basic Information:

Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] Animeguyseriouswhitehair-1

Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] Aquarion4

Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] C3e12568b3f1ba5863469360b9e391b0086ee5fa

Name: Kashaku Sinota
Nicknames/Aliases Reaper of the mist

Age: 166 Appears to be around mid teens most of the time. Others around his early twenties

Gender: Male


Child Form:

In his younger form Kashaku appears to be around 16 years of age. Long white hair are striking symbol of his lineage. He stands at about 5'6 in this form. He usually wears all black as well, as his eyes being a crimson red. Apparently stoik in appearance he rarely shows anyform of real emotion though on occasion he does well ot display fake ones for the sake of surroundings.

Adult Form:

Kashaku is talloer standing at about 5'9 almost 6 feet tall. His white hair seems a bit more feather-like but still long. It reaches just past his shoulder blades, however his eyes darken into a more purple-ish color. He still wears all back prefering hoods to be pulled over his head most of the time. He's taken a likcing to long black coats. For hte time being his expression continue in the same fashion.

Personality: Kashaku is shown to be a very detached individual who acts on his own accord. As far as rules or orders go he follows none unlessthey are along his own personal path. He views everything as a means to an end. As far as actual emotion it would apepar that he has none. This stems from his belief that emotions are a simple hinderence to his Goals. He has a strong lust for blood, and seeks only power. When in a pressing fight he shows an almost animalistic joy from it, he believes that mans natural instinct is destruction and constantly tryies to fan the flames of war.

The few that may consider him a friend, or those that may think he had taken a liking to are a simple case of manipulation. He fells no form of comradery toward anyeone, as clold, malice and manipulating as he is he still has a fairly broad since of honor. though somethign as foolish as justice he doest not believe in unless of course it is his own brand. That being said he wants dilever his own judgement on the world for its sin.

Clan Information:
Name: Sinota Clan
Founder: Aisu Ozunu, Kodama Sinota
Location: Kirigakure lats 200 years, formerly Konoha (70 years prior)


In the beginning the Ozunu Clan flourished in Konoha for a time. However only two generations into its instatement as a clan of Konoha the Ozunu clan hit a few snags as far as contained profit went. It’s own personal revenue was in jeopardy. As such the leader of the Ozunu clan looked to have his eldest of two daughters married off to a higher echelon clan.

Eventually Aisu Ozunu was married off to Kodama Sinota. Their offspring bore the first of many with a special gift. And their off spring’s off spring. Ozunu was integrated into the Sinota clan which was more of a mutual benefit for both clans, and Aisu was sent off to Kirigakure.

The rise of the clan started with Kuze's father and the appearance of Tatsuma, his legendary katana. the clan was both loved and feared by the people it swore to protect, as such a close eye was always kept on them.

Fall of the Clan

Kuze's rise to power was sudden and ill warranted. The mysterious death o his father leading to him being forced to take over. He married Helena Sato to once again meld a weaker Clan into the Sinota household. This was a beneficial to both Clans, as both would be strengthened to a degree.

Due to events that happened just fifteen years before the Sinota clan was significantly weakened as far as its standing and was almost cast out from the water country completely.

It was later proven that Kuze's exploits had lead to more or a rift between the clan and the land of water. His growing influence was striking fear into the higher ups of the land of water. It was decided that his power being left unchecked was too dangerous.

Kuze was later selected for a mission in which he was betrayed and killed by his own allies (who he referred to as his brothers) the village hidden in the mist had turned on the Sinota clan. Their own power being the cause for their downfall.

The current leader of the clan is unknown. It rightfully belongs to Clous however with his absence another head must have been chosen.

Special Info:

When a member of the clan reaches acertain level their souls will be tested determining their path as a member of the Sinota Clan. Those that follow a path of order and law are deemed Ashitaba, those that chose a more round about neutral way…split between the two are called Fuhen. The last being the path of darkness, Nekura. In the end once they reach the peak of their ability those of the Sinota clan become Kaigan Hito, or awakened beings.


Kaigan Hito A-S Rank (Also Clan head)

ashitaba (Light) fuhen (Neutral) nekura (Dark): C-B

Shikai: E-D

Upper House-

Kanbu: The Kanbu are all upper household members that are born with a generally well control over their KKG. It's simply their birthright. MAny of hte older members look down on the lower houses despite them being Kin.

Lower House-

Ressa: The Ressa are the lower houses usually maried off and scattered out to other countries and houses alot faster than the uper house' pffspring which usually take mates in. They're born with the abilities to control the KKG but at a lesser degreee due to outside interference and lineage

Must be from either the root house of Sinota or Ozunu, being Kirigakure or Konoha. Must be of some Sinota lineage.

Current Members:
Kashaku Sinota
Clare Sinota
Clous Sinota

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Tenshi Boushi (Angle’s eye), Oni Boushi (Demon’s eye) [Depends on chosen path. Both bear the same effect hover different appearances]

Type of Kekkei Genkai: Doujutsu
Rank: A


Those of the Sinota Clan have the power of the Judgment Boushi , which synchronizes with the spirits of all things, thus it gives them a type of prescience that allowed them to see anywhere past, present, possible futures; as well as seeing and hearing the dead. They gained this power through developments of their lineage, the bonding of Ozunu and Sinota. The Angel’s eye turns the users eyes a dark blue, while the Demon’s eye shows an demonic styled golden yellow color.

Until the power is truly gained, the ability to "see" is scattered through time for those who are new users of the dragon eyes. However the few with experience are able to control the flow of time traveling through their minds.

Failure to have a strong resolve let alone psyche will more than likely lead one to become insane and violent. Tenkorata’s will was wavering at the time leading to his erratic and violent behavior. His power played a key role in his insanity, and later his death by Kodama Sinota.

When it is not always possible just predict certain occurrences, Tenkorata once compared his power to rain. All the rain drops hit a predetermined place, based on wind and such. They congregate together to and flow, eventually making a stream; according to Kodama, that was his fate. He basically says he can hear the rain, but he can't understand the significance of every drop. Basically indicating his Boushi will only show him bits and pieces of possible futures, and he doesn't have the ability to piece together the whole picture. This makes the power worthless in others opinions.


Name of Jutsu: Tenshi Boushi (Angle’s eye), Oni Boushi (Demon’s eye) [Depends on chosen path. Both bear the same effect hover different appearances]
Rank: A
Range: -
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary
Users: Sinota Clan
Element Affinity: -
Training Link:

Description: Those of the Sinota Clan have the power of the Judgment Boushi , which synchronizes with the spirits of all things, thus it gives them a type of prescience that allowed them to see anywhere past, present, possible futures; as well as seeing and hearing the dead. They gained this power through developments of their lineage, the bonding of Ozunu and Sinota. The Angel’s eye turns the users eyes a dark blue, while the Demon’s eye shows an demonic styled golden yellow color.

Until the power is truly gained, the ability to "see" is scattered through time for those who are new users of the dragon eyes. However the few with experience are able to control the flow of time traveling through their minds.

Weakness: Failure to have a strong resolve let alone psyche will more than likely lead one to become insane and violent. Tenkorata’s will was wavering at the time leading to his erratic and violent behavior. His power played a key role in his insanity, and later his death by Kodama Sinota.

When it is not always possible just predict certain occurrences, Tenkorata once compared his power to rain. All the rain drops hit a predetermined place, based on wind and such. They congregate together to and flow, eventually making a stream; according to Kodama, that was his fate. He basically says he can hear the rain, but he can't understand the significance of every drop. Basically indicating his Boushi will only show him bits and pieces of possible futures, and he doesn't have the ability to piece together the whole picture. This makes the power worthless in others opinions.

Name of Jutsu: Feint Blow
Rank: B
Users: Sinota Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Attack
Element Affinity: Fuuton
Training Link: -

The Faint Blow is a two move technique which judging on the path taken by those of the Sinota Clan has a varying effect. Those of the (Light) variation build chakra into the desired hand and foot. This being a close range technique requires on to close the distance greatly. Using any means necessary one is to get close enough preferably by air the chakra stored in the hand flares out becoming visible. Those with light affiliation have their chakra flare up and disperse from the hand and wrist area. The chakra takes the form of feathers as it is forced through the air. The following being the foot takes the same effect. However those of the dark affiliation have their chakra change colors to a deep black. The effects are generally the same as a concentration of force (Fuuton) at a single point.

Name of Jutsu: Flight
Rank: B
Users: Sinota Clan, Ozunu
Type of Jutsu:: Supplementary
Element Affinity: Fuuton
Training Link: -

Flight depending on Clan affiliation is simple in nature. Chakra is stored in the back and then released forming wings built entirely on chakra. The light affinity would have their wings take the form of light blue wings which only support limited flight ofa single person for limited amounts of time. The Dark affinity forms a more demonic stylized look, all black with highlights of an almost red chakra extend from the back.

Clan Traits:

Rank: A
This skill allows the person to be proficient with their doujutsu and use it to it's fullest ability. Characters like these would be Sasuke, Danzo and Neji. Characters not like this would be Obito Uchiha and Hinata.This is reserved unless you have some sort of eye technique.

Rank Information:
Skill Level: Child form B Adult form A
Ninja Rank: Missing Nin
Village: -
Birthplace: Kirigakure
Previous Village: Kumogakure

Special Information:

Elements Affinity: Katon, Suiton
    Dominant: Suiton
    Recessive: Katon

Skill Specialty: Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu/Seal Knowledge
    Dominant: Fuuinjutsu

Special Characteristics

Points and Ryo:

Total: 175
  • Strength: 40
  • Dexterity: 50
  • Stamina: 50
  • Speed: 35

Total Stat Points Earned:
Mission Points Earned:

Justu/Item/Other Information:
Use the Appropriate template for each item, whether it be Jutsu, Items, Summoning, seals or Pets. All templates can be found within the modifications section.







Thsi seal was placed on Kashaku by Dogorama of formaly Kumogakure. An old hermit who tought Kashaku the majority of his genjutsu. This man also serves as the catalyst for Kashaku's darkness. Shortly before Kashakue killed him he placed this seal on the sleeping Sinota. His curse for turning his back on the world it woudl seem. That cost him his life, but in turn along with compounding another seal on KAshaku he was able to impression teh young man for over a hundred years which thought it did preserve him left his weakened. And this seal compounded with it drew his strength from him and makes it harder for him to restore his lost power. However KAshaku has learned to work around it. By meditating and focusing his chakra int othe seal then drawing it all uot at once ove rthe course of three days he can regain his power. However once the limited release is used up he reverts to his child form. This appears indefinate until Kashaku can release the seal. But for that he needs to find "The old mans scroll."

Background Information/ RP Sample


The majority of Kashaku’s history is largely unknown. It has been confirmed that he was a kirigakure jonin before his disappearance, and at one point was a member of the Sinota Clan’s head family. However this was around the time of Clou’s grandfather. The fact that this could indeed be the same Kashaku leaves many aghast.

Begenning of the end: Kiri days.

Kashaku was a promising shinobi of Kirigakure. One of the elites. He was shown to be of great skill and often competed against Aisu Sinota. His brother, Kuze’s father and future head of the Clan. He had a friendly rivalry with his brother and they were almost always together. They often went on missions together and completed them without a hitch, but that changed when Kashaku became a tracker nin for Kirigakure. And this is the begening of his descent to darkness.

A corrupt aid to the mizukage had taken Kashaku under his wing. He often kept the guise of a loyal underling to the mizukage. Kashaku was shown the world through his eyes and viewed everything differently. For a time he was clouded, but it didn’t take him long to realize that he was now tainted. He took a step back to look at what he had become so to speak. But by that time it was too late.

Kashaku had become no more than a puppet, and he decided to change that once and for all. Even if it meant his downfall, or the end of his clan. This was all so much bigger than all of it. The Aid’s plan was a simple coup, something that Kashaku was supposed to be the center piece of. Unable to find away out he continued with carrying the assassination out. However in the last seconds he put his plan into motion, having told his brother of the coup ahead of time he was to turn the tide. A majority of the aid’s followers had been rounded up leaving only a handful to carry out the mission.

Kashaku himself had gone after the aid himself however certain info was leaked that made him seem like he was part of the coup itself, and he was forced to defend himself against his own people. This allowed the ex-aid to the mizukage to escape. Kashaku himself was forced to flee. His brother being the onlyone to believe his innocence was forced into an oath silence by his brother prior to Kashaku’s escape.

Missing-nin: Kashaku’s return

Kashaku returned to kiri thirty years later having fostering his hatred for the man that caused him so much trouble. However carrying out his vendetta proved to be harder than he thought. His brother was dead, and his son was now the clan head. However with the corrupt aid still in his “safe” position he leaked the info he wanted, which led to an uncomfortable reunion with his clan-mates. He had been framed for his brothers death, and marked for death himself. Kuze, his nephew was sent to track him.

It was then on the outskirts of the water country that Kashaku faced Kuze one on one. The battle was fierce, but Kashaku despite having the upper hand chose to give up on the verge of victory and handed himself over to Kuze. When Kuze asked him why he would do such a thing Kashaku gave his story and told him what happened. And whether or not he chose to believe him was completely up to him. Kuze snuck Kashaku back into Kirigakure and hid him within the Clan-villa. He used his contacts as well as his own power to gain information on the incident. Once night he was cornered by the aid and his following of tracker-nin and other shinobi from the village. During a short-lived battle Kuze had slain the aid but was mortally injured himself, later dying before he could even leave. He knew the truth but could do nothing about it.

Meanwhile Kashaku was forced to flee again with his heart set on destroying such a corrupt and mindless village. Once again he left with an utter hatred for Kirigakure. However before he did eh visited a sleeping young Clous Sinota seconds before he was forced awake and ran for his own life.

After leaving the village he simply started to search for something. A meaning perhapse, an outlet for his anger and power. However he knew that he couldn’t return to an orderly life, it was almost impossible and he lacked the patience to do so. So he continued to search until he found what he was looking for. He had delved into the dark arts years earlier to gain the power he needed unaware of the side affects that it would bring. His unsatisfied blood lust.

As a missing nin he had absolutely no loyalty toward anything. All he wanted was to destroy, his urges to kill grew stronger everyday as he lost himself to the darkness. He locked himself away for along time, watching the world develope. It was then that he took an interest in the akatsuki and the drama that surrounded them. He could only describe the orchestra as something beautiful, but untamed. However upon releasing himself from his own seal he had temperaroly weakened himself considerably as wel las his body losing its form a maturity as he reverted back to his form of his younger self, losing the majority of the power he had strived for a long time. a ssuch he had to wait for another year before he was able to move once more. Though he has yet t ocompletely recover he has to build up chakra to switch to his adault form in order to use his full power.

Role-Play Sample:

Clous' mission was clear. He was ordered to protect a small convoy of refuges as they moved across the fire nation. Nothing to big, the group didnt seem to be a high priority or anything. He figured this mission was a break of sorts. Hm, guess they don't want to work me to hard at the moment. Must be saving me up for something else, at least I hope, because if this is the best I can get then the Hokage and I need to have a talk. He walked next to a cart being pulled by an old man and sighed. God, I’m to nice... Clous took the cart from the old man and started to pull it for him. The old man thanked him and walked along with him telling stories from his youth. Though Clous really didn't want to hear it, but he wasn't the type to reject an old mans wisdom. Maybe he would learn something.

Clous head an odd rattle of chains which no one else seemed to hear. It brought with it a cold wind which no one else seemed to feel either. He looked around as a chill ran down his back. He told the old man to go on and warned the others to keep a look out as he jumped to a tree branch and looking toward the source of the chill running through his body now. He stared at something, and empty spot in the tree line as the convoy moved. Clous' attention sharpened when a frost covered chain flew toward him from beneath him. He jumped back off of the branch and into a back flip. When he landed he was greeted with the sight of the same man.

"You, you're the man who attacked me last time during the assassination." Clous held both of his Katar firmly as the people from the convoy ran behind him. He could hear them scurry around, for some reason Clous felt like he was being targeted.

"You still have no idea. Poor boy, and to think your the head of the clan now. You're father would be ashamed." Those words cut deep and the masked pale man seemed to know it. His frosted chains seemed to snake around him.

Clous' anger built up, reaching the boiling point within seconds. He was doing what he could to keep a cool head. He knew his responsibility was to secure this convoy no matter what. This man was of not the direct concern. Especially since this man seemed to have no interest in the convoy at all. His icy stare seemed to stay locked on Clous as he slowly moved back covering the convoy's retreat.

"You can only hide for so long young Sinota..." His body slowly faded into a shroud of mist as the convoy moved on ahead. He's just like his father, a little more headstrong but overall not too bad. I doubt he has the skill of his father but in time that will change. For now however I believe I have an appointment to keep.

Despite wanting to keep tabs on his younger clans man it was time to move on, he found himself thinking about that past and what he could have done to prevent his world from caving in on him, and now here he was ready to set the world a blaze, not that he had any regrets. The current world wasn't one he desired to live in. But if he could have the chance to try and change it, he could die happy even if he were to fail.

His path crossed with bandits. He wrapped his cloak tightly around himself as they approached. Such vile being with little to no true ability. Kashaku was different, though considered a traitor he never once went against his home kirigakure, instead the cast him out and he turned his back to them. These men however, well they made Kashaku's kind look bad, and more importantly pitiful.

One of the three spoke up, he seemed to be from the land or rain from his tattered headband. " ghoul boy. From the sound of all that rattling you must be loaded." poor full couldn't even tell that the rattle was more of a heavy and weighed down sound. From the looks of it though these men had been out there for a while and lacked anyform of common sense, just prayed on whoever came through.

"Loaded? I promise you, my burden is not one that you would wish to take." Kashaku's cold steely eyes watched the men as they closed in on him. "But I'm not above killing for kicks either." A smirk crossed his face as her threw his cloak off. his frosted chains swirled around him before snaking out in an awkward lash wrapping around the men’s necks before they could react.

The three men struggled gripping at the cold chains around their necks. The cold numbing setting in, they couldn't even tail if they were breathing. The chains weren’t tight at all, but their flailing and struggling made it seem so. The first one who had done the talking up until that point was in a such a panic that he broke his own neck. A pity really, Kashaku wasn't done. "My name is Kashaku, you know the meaning of that name? I bear it for a reason," he chuckled as a Kama tipped chain flew out beheading another bandit and leaving just the last one dangling mid air.

Kashaku smirked walking by him as the chain tightened around his neck cutting off his air supply. he didn't need to watch, he could feel the wonderful struggle through the chains and the chakra he channeled through them. "You should have ran, you could have lived for a few more seconds." The chain returned to Kashaku wrapping around his arm as the last man fell to the ground with a thud. "Clowns..."

Public Profile
Name: Kashaku Sinota
Village: -
Organization: Akatsuki
Rank: unknown
Age: unknown
Info: Kashaku is currently in Amegakure in order to meet with the Akatsuki. His current motives are unknown for the moment.

Last edited by Clous on Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:56 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]   Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 3:49 am

You need to add a description for appearance and clean up some of the brackets hanging out.
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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]   Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 9:48 pm

*Edit's made due to Clan info.
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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]   Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 9:46 am

If you're an Akatsuki member, then you're a Missing Nin (Not Jounin and you're not affiliated with Amegakure)

Also, there's no varying of skill level, it's either B or A

Fix the spacing behind "Genjutsu" as well
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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]   Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 15, 2010 12:59 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]   Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2010 6:13 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]   Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 19, 2010 12:06 am

Your Appearance is only one paragraph per form. Make both of them two paragraphs. Just because you have two different Appearances doesn't mean you can slack on the both of them.

Remove everything about the Sinota Clan

Please refrain from linking items and such, just place them in the app.

Your history is too short, you need 12 paragraphs, not 9. 3 sentences is not a paragraph.

I hope that your rp sample is what you do in a normal post. Please make sure it is.
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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki]   Kashaku Sinota [Akatsuki] I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2010 5:06 pm

Archived due to user inactivity
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