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    Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori) Shauntaystaffimgf
    Happy New Year:

    Year: 0638

    Month: 1

    Season: Winter
    Your weekly weather report:
    For the week of:
    January 16th to January 22nd

    Konoha: Snow Storm

    Tea: Snow Storm

    River: Snow Storm


    Taki: Snow

    Wave: Snow

    Suna: Windy


    Bird: Windy

    Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



    Kumo: Snow Storm


     Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori)

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    Join date : 2010-04-24
    Age : 34
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    Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori) Empty
    PostSubject: Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori)   Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori) I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 12:04 pm

    Name: Rasari Hissori
    Nickname/Alias: Elder Rasari (only by fellow Hissori clansmen), Rasari Masamoto (used by everyone else).

    Age: 24
    Age Appearance: 24

    As the picture, but without the mark on his forehead and with grey eyes. Clothing differs a bit, wearing leather cheastplate and arm guards, with trousers. Colours are similar to blend in with his background, and he carries around several different types so that he may adapt to his surroundings.

    Gender: Male

    Skill Level: A
    Ninja Rank: Jounin

    Village: Kumogakure
    Birthplace: In the Hissori Outpost, just outside Kumo.
    Previous Village: N/A

    Clan/Bloodline: The Keiji

    Personality: Like his grandfather and his father before him, Rasari is a quiet and stoic individual. Like his father, Munashii, he has an extreme distrust of those outside his clan, and is deeply cynical and pessimistic. However, despite his cold and misanthropic exterior, he harbours a longing for the land to know peace, passed down to him through his grandfathers' teachings. Although he doubts that the people in this world can truely achieve peace, he will do everything he can to help conclude matters without fighting. However, when the time comes to fight, he is never found wanting. He may be the last to resort to violence, but he is always the first into a fight. He is very loyal to his clan and his Village and is willing to give his live to defend them.

    Goals: To protect Kumogakure, to assist those who seek peace.
    Alignment: Good, although willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

    Skill Specialty:
    Dominant: Kenjutsu, Weaponry
    Recessive: Ninjutsu

    Elemental Affinity:
    Dominant: Doton
    Recessive: Fuuton

    History: When Rasari was born, compications during the birth caused his mother to die. He never learned anything about her, for no-one in the clan would speak of her because it pained them to think of it. His father was especially bitter over her death, although he never showed it to his son. Munashii became very introverted and often went on missions alone, leaving Rasari with his grandfather, Rei. A previous Raikage, Rei taught Rasari many things, such as basic ninjutsu and how to better use the bloodline limit of the Hissori, the Keiji. But he also taught him how one day he desired the world to know peace, for everyone to co-operate and forget the bloodsoaked past.

    Rasari took this ideal to heart, and absorbed himself into his training. Like most Hissori, he went to the Academy, but he always felt out of place there, and never made any friends. It soon became apparent that Rasari was very talented at chakra control, and Rei taught him some minor medical jutsu. When he reached the age of ten, Munashii and Rei took him to the tomb of Ryoushi Hissori, the founder of the clan, to get the clans' seal placed on him. When he returned, he was quieter than his usual self and when asked what had occured, he just gave a shrug. Afterwords, Rasari and his father became much closer and Munashii even took him on a few of his less dangerous missions to give him some real world expirence.

    At age twelve, he passed the Academy Exams with flying colours, and went back to his clan for the rest of his training. After completing the nessercery number of missions, he entered the Chuunin Exams with a couple of his cousins who were also Genin. The Written Test was easy enough, as he could use his Keiji to spy the answers off someones sheet. During the Forest of Death (as the Exams were taking place in Konoha) several groups of Genin ninja from Kusagakure (who had teamed to increase the chances of getting the right scrolls) ambushed Rasari's team. After the dust settled, Rasari was the only one still standing, his cousins dead and his foes also dead or dying.

    Gathering all the scrolls, Rasari made it to the tower in his blood drenched clothes, a disturbed glint in his eye. He was set in his match with another Kusagakure ninja. After a few minutes, the ninja requested to withdraw, but Rasari was having none of it. The dead faces of his cousins in his mind, he bisected his opponent down the middle, shocking the observers and Exam officials. He was disqualified, and remained a Genin.

    After the events of the Chuunin Exams, Rasari refused to pick his sword again and would not leave the Hissori clan outpost. Several months past, and eventually Munashii and Rei decided to have a talk with him, as he wasn't dealing with his experience, just repressing it. At last, Rasari was able to face what he had done and slowly eased his way back into the life of a shinobi. Rei taught him more about medical jutsu, earth techniques and peace, while Munashii tutored him in the ways of the sword, wind jutsu and the Keiji.

    He never fully recovered though, and carried around a great disdain for people outside his clan. He constantly doubted any good intention other people showed, believing that all they really wanted was things for themselves. This sometimes made him look arrogant, but he still had great doubt in himself, unable to fully believe that he could fully control his anger. However, an event came to pass that made him realise just how much he had grown.

    His grandfather passed away, leaving the position of Clan Elder open. Munashii, as Rei's son, was naturally in line to be the next one, but another clansman, Kazoi, also thought he was just as capable of running the clan and opposed Munashii. This was the first time this had happened in the history of the Hissori clan. The two of them were all ready to fight it out to the death, until Rasari stepped in. He spoke to them, saying that Rei would not want his passing a cause for conflict. He proposed that the two of them found a peaceful way to solve their differences.

    While Munashii agreed, Kazoi was far from happy, and attacked Munashii while he had his back turned. But Rasari was ready for him, bringing his knee and smashing the hilt of his sword into Kazoi's face. He then turned to his fellow clansman and asked if Kazoi was the kind of man the Hissori could follow. They all answered in the negatory, and Kazoi was taken to Ryoushi Hissori's tomb for his punishment. He was never seen again.

    Munashii was enstated as the new Clan Elder, and Rasari now felt that he was ready to retake the Chuunin Exams. This time he was able to pass without even having to draw his sword from its sheath, something unheard off in a long time. From that time onwards, he swore never to draw his sword until no other option was left. He is currently honing his abilities and awaiting what fate has in store for him.

    After an eventful while, Kenshi Uchiha became Raikage. All was well, but not for long. A series of events unfolded that drove Rasari into a very dark place. In time, he realised where he was heading and he did not like it. He left Kumo and his clan (with the blessing of his father and Ryoushi Hissori), so that he could wander the land, gain experience and return renewed.

    Five years passed, and eventually Rasari became a new man. He had encountered a master swordsman in his travels who had taught him mediative sword katas, designed to calm the mind and allow clear thought. It took him a long time to master these techniques. Although they had some combat potential with a bit of adjustment, they were used mainly as a mental aid, something that Rasari had a hard time understanding. He was an angry young man, but with the aid of the Hissori ancestors from the Seal and the patient teching of the swordmaster, he eventually came to grips with his emotions. Rasari felt more at peace than ever before.

    After a while, Rasari decided the time had come to return home, bidding farewell to the old swordmaster. When he arrived, he found that the Hissori had slipped even further into obscurity, destroying or stealing all documents and files that acknowledged their existence. Not even the current Raikage knew of them. Only those who had actually encountered them preiviously had any clue that they existed, and that was nearly five years ago. They were now truely Kumo's shadow guardians.

    Eventually, Rasari's father passed away and he became the Clan Elder. He reinstated himself into Kumogakure as a shinobi too keep a close eye on the Village and it's ninja, as well as to help in it's missions.

    RP Sample:
    Special Characteristics: Tracking/Senses, Chakra Control, Speedster, The Wall

    Public Profile
    Name: Rasari Masamoto
    Appearance: Same as above.
    Village: Kumogakure
    Organization: N/A
    Rank: Jounin
    Age: 24
    Rasari keeps himself to himself and rarely, if ever, tells anyone anything about his past. He is a tracker, a hunter and very stealthy too always moving without making a sound. It is impossible to hide from him once he has you in his sights. He can be callous towards people and reserved around strangers, but he is loyal to his Village and will do anything to prevent it coming to harm. He carries a sword on his back at all times that he knows how to use well. Most of his jutsu revolve around using his weapon.
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    Shikyo Riku
    Shikyo Riku

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    Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

    Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori)   Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori) I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 3:20 pm

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    PostSubject: Re: Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori)   Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 9:44 am

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    PostSubject: Re: Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori)   Rasari Masamoto (A.K.A Rasari Hissori) I_icon_minitime

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