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The Cult of Jashin Shauntaystaffimgf
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 The Cult of Jashin

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PostSubject: The Cult of Jashin   The Cult of Jashin I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 02, 2010 8:55 am

The Cult of Jashin Cult_o11

The following organisation has been made out as a clan app for lack of a more appropriate place. This following group is not a clan or tied to some random genetic mutation known as a Kekkai Genkai but rather by common faith, religious conviction, psychopathic tendencies and vile abilities. Due to this fact it will follow the clan template closely but not exclusively so and divert from it where appropriate. It is based on the highly controversial beliefs and abilities of Akatsuki member Hidan and is often consider OP and very hard to get. Others might find the concepts presented rather disturbing due to the organisations nature, this is by no means intended but simple tries to reflect accurately the cult’s true nature. With this preamble out of the way let me introduce one of the most chillingly and sadistic organisations to ever exist ……

The Cult of Jashin Cult_o10

    Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, be thee nations great or small, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their corrupted bodies with fire; rend them with blade and torment their souls. Mercy knowth not the Lord Jashin

    4th Commandment of Jashin, Verse 6, Section 14. The Tome of Undying Blood

The Cult of Jashin
Founder: Xanth the Blooded One. The 3rd prophet of Jashin and founder of the Cult in the aftermath of the collapse of Jashinic Empire over 600 years ago
Location: The focus of the cult is whether its incumbent priest is due to its sparse and broad spread nature though it has recently set up a hidden profane sanctuary in the abandoned and defiled Temple of the local fertility God Ramtura in the Rice Field Country


The Cult of Jashin Guy

    They priesthood of Kami call us a foolish heathens in blind service to a hateful god when we a merely a band of enlightened warriors fighting with the common purpose of cleansing the world of their human degredation, personal glory and because we enjoy it. We kill and we are rewarded, the pray and our striken by infirmity. We have the hope of immortality while they languish in mortal toil. Tell me whom is the more blind, they one who receives due reward for faithful service or dies their prayers unanswered. The priest of Kami were right, the world is full of fools but we the chosen few are not among them”

    Comments of the Priest Hatiikon on the folly of humankind, Tome of the Undying Blood

The Cult is a loosely organised group with shared beliefs, values and common skills and equipment. While independent and self contained it runs alongside key institutions, villages and nations and does not supersede them. Its members can have loyalties beyond the cult, such as a village or an organisation and often maintain these links in most cases. In short it is perfectly possible for a Kumo Nin to be both a member of cult and a village Nin. Similarly while it possesses some rudimentary structure it is by no means regimented or tightly controlled and its members possess far wider freedom then might be normally expected. The is no direct chain of command, it’s Priest can not give direct commands to its members nor indeed can any members command more then the respect they are due from earn from activity, personal bonds and religion devotion. This means that the activities cult while horrific rarely conflict with the activities of villages and nations helping maintain a veil of secrecy. While it has a sanctuary its members are usually scattered due to their existing commitments and to avoid drawing the eyes of others rarely meet.

The cult of Jashin is made up of four ranks. While nominally of differing importance, the rank is in itself no indication of power or some perceived chain of command and rather relates to ones internal place within the cult and one’s devotion to it. They are:


The lowest and most commonplace rank, an associate is a Nin who has passed the basic initiation rites and shown a shared interest in murder and destruction. They know a bit about Jashin and the cult but are not aware of the sacred rituals and are only in the broadest sense aware of their dark powers its senior members wield. They do not know the identity of any members beyond those who have introduced themselves or have an idea of how many members there are nor any concept of the plans or the location of the cult’s sanctuary. Their affiliation to cult is loose at best one of shared views on murder and humanity and little more and they are not expected to participate in cult activities. They have access to some basic Jashinic abilities, a reward for services rendered but of all the ranks they are most unchanged in their nature


The second rank, Devotee is a Shinobi who has embraced the Jashinic ways, actively worshipping and sacrificing to Jashin while retaining much of their former identity. A Devotee has been taught the key rituals and is normally, though not necessarily, apprenticed to a Disciple or Priest who trains him in the secrets of cult. They have access to a far more extensive range of techs and equipment then Associates. Additionally they have the option to fully replace a spec with a Jashinic one should they wish to. While their knowledge of the cult is broader then an Associate they still lacking details or knowledge of its greatest secrets and the identities of the cult’s members are unknown except for those they have directly encountered. They may be taken to the sanctuary but if done there senses would have been blocked so that should they betray cult its location can not be learned. Devotees like Associates retain much of the original nature including their Kekkai Genkai and their abilities though they also acquire certain negative traits associated with the evil forces they more then willingly align themselves with. They are more commonly assigned missions then associates and are considered dependable members of the cult


The rank of Disciple is the third and most famous rank. The only recorded worshipper by the outside world in the past 200 years, Hidan was one such. A Disciple of Jashin is a Shinobi who has taken the ultimate test and sworn their body and soul to eternal service of Jashin. Disciples are holy warriors, evil paladins who are sworn to scour the world of the taint of humanity and live to kill and sacrifice in Jashin’s name. In coming a disciple they cast aside most of their mortal frailties’ loosing any Kekkai Genkai, having to trade on spec for a Jashinic one and gaining immortality and access to some of the most powerful Jashinic techniques. Unlike the two lower ranks they tend have less concern for former ties and often leave their current positions to become missing Nin so that might more easily carry out their divine mission of annihilating humanity. Likewise they tend to retain only a small semblance of their original nature, as they begin to divorce themselves from the past and embrace the might of Jashin. They are fully immersed in the cult’s activities and know the names of all its members and the location of the sanctuary and usually where to find the priest. They also have access to the most powerful techniques and weapons the cult possess. Though the priest can not order them his words carry great with the disciples who consider him to have fully ascended beyond the mortal taint while they themselves risk a return to should they not appease their terrible master.


This fourth and largely unknown rank forms the heart of the cult and spearheads the cult’s activities. A Priest, though often immensely strong, isn’t necessarily the cult’s strongest member and does not lead the cult directly. He has no power to order members to do something. Rather he is the spiritual leader of the cult and protector of its ancient rituals, techniques and the sanctuary. His task is not so much to kill in Jashin’s name but to recruit new members to the cause and bring about the fruition of Jashin’s will by not only force arms but trickery, manipulation and deceit. Where an associate is only slightly altered by their dealings with the cult a priest is something completely changed from his original nature. What was left of his mortality has long since withered away replaced by something altogether more sinister and evil. A priest not only looses any Kekkai Genkai they might possess but will never willing use the jutsu and techniques of those he considers impure mortals effectively losing all existing standard specs and related jutsu. Furthermore he is bound by strict religious commandments limiting his actions both socially and in combat. The Priest as you might imagine is at the heart of the cult’s knowledge and teachings and has the widest access to Jashinic techniques and equipment. While they have no direct control over the cult’s members the priest enjoys considerable influence especially over the more religious members who believe him unsullied by taint carried in all mortals and thus the final word on Jashinic law. The Priest uses this position to direct the cult and encourage its members to achieve the cult’s broader aims


The Cult of Jashin Ritual

    It is said that history is written victors, if this is true then this book shall surely stand as testament to the glory of Jashin upon are eventual success. Some may question our resolve, claim are task to be impossible but is it not also said that the smallest thing can change the world, be certain that if it is true we will find it, bend it to our needs and make the world a new. They may have the numbers but we have the time and every minute that passes humanity it’s unwittingly heading to its overdue destruction”

    Teachings of Sh’Bi, Disciple of Jashin, Observations of the Chosen. Tome of the Undying Blood

The cult traces its roots back over 1000 years ago to foundation of the Jashinic Empire in the Daemon Country. This ancient empire was a theocracy founded on the worship of the great creator god Jashin, Lord of Death and Renewal. The Jashinic Empire was an advanced civilisation built on vast mineral wealth and a powerful army to meet their religious requirements. According to myth Jashin had once walked the land in mortal guise and was responsible for the rebirth cycle of humanity, tending to the dead and breathing life into the unborn. At first humanity was pure and unsullied like the gods themselves but soon they began to taint themselves with debauched activities. The Gods, for there were many in the old days tried to save their mortal children, to redeem them from their ignoble descent into darkness but nothing they said or tried seemed to work. The sacred scriptures said the Jashin who loved the world looked upon his children with great sadness and ultimately sacrificed himself to purged them of their sins so they might have a second chance. The priesthood of the Jashinic Empire believed that the divine sacrifice was the single greatest selfless act history, a one last chance for humanity to be redeemed and that it was beholden of them to honour it. Of course in this particular period the highest form of religious adoration was human sacrifice. To the end for the best part of 500 years the empire waged an unending war on its neighbours to provide a constant stream of sacrifices in Jashin’s honour. However despite this gruesome activity the empire itself was for its time a place of unrivalled enlightenment and harmony with nature. The priests were dutiful and in spite of the duties were generous, warm and kind. They tended the sacred grooves in which all the creatures of the world could find sanctuary under the Lord of Renewals’ embrace. Yet its neighbours hated it all the more as a result from the constant wars to their relative prosperity and together planned its downfall. According to many ancient texts from this period that still exist today this dark empire was finally brought down by what Kami’s worshippers called a righteous crusade that led to the empires collapse, the death of its priests and the burning of its profane temples. The Tome of the Undying Blood records a very different version of events. It tells of the systemic and wanton destruction of a people, the bountiful mountain streams chocked with the blood of the innocent, the burning of the divine groves and the slaughtering of the sacred animals. The nymphs were raped and the priests burned alive on massive pyres built of the beloved fallen trees. The land, once a bountiful paradise was salted and its cities levelled.

There are many religions of all forms but only a few have gods whom are truly as they seem. Kami is one but unfortunately for a world that did not understand him Jashin was another. The loss of the empire, the death of his priests and perhaps most importantly the destruction of his holy grooves including the slaughter of the sacred animals whom sheltered it and nymphs who attended it drove the ancient nature god insane and made him vengeful beyond reason. Had Jashin been upon the earth still he would smote them but crueller still was the fact that he had given up his mortal guise to save what he now considered an irredeemably tainted creatures. All he saw was a species that exploited the land, stripped it bare and left it to die. However even so he was not without power. According to the Tome of the Undying Blood, Xanth who was just an acolyte then was saved by Jashin’s guiding hand with a vision of the empires fall moments before it was too late and told him of a place of sanctuary in the mountains. Here Jashin whispered on to him a new set of commandments and breaking an ancient covenant not to interfere with humanity made between the gods many millennia ago blessed him with dark unnatural powers. From the ashes of the q virtuous if bloody empire arose a dreadful and terrible cult with Xanth at its head and descended on a world to carry out its master’s new will. In Jashin’s maddened eyes humanity was irredeemably damned by their actions and their continued existence was blight upon the world, a blight that must be eradicated and the cult would see his will made manifest.

Over the past 600 years of its existence the Cult has changed little. Though they have never achieved their goal, often being stopped moments before the final strike, 100,000’s of deaths have been laid directly at its doors. Xanth and many others have long since been slain, destroyed in spite of the great powers by the innumerable unbelievers. The cult has lost many members and suffered two further crusades at the hands of the defilers whenever they have shown themselves. This is because while independently immensely strong their disgust in humanity is so great that they find it incredibly hard to recruit new members. When coupled with an innate fear of the cult by the priesthoods of lesser gods who in terror urge others to strike them down whenever they appear there have never been many cultist and have always worked in the shadows. In the last two hundred years the cult has all but disappeared from mind, memory and even reality when its last Priest Taiyuan was burned in the hot springs country and her disciple Hidan slew many of its other members before foolishly unveiling much of the cults nature to a wider a world. That said memories rarely survive the generations and almost all have forgotten of them and there deeds. Though the cult is weak the enemy is now complacent and has no idea that even as they sleep the cult has once more set foot in their carefree world eager as to carry out there Lord’s bloody will.

IC Knowledge Warning: The Cult is almost unheard of in its current form and operates in the shadows, out of public sight and consciousness. Hidan was its last active member of note and that was nearly two centuries ago during which time the incumbent priest was honing his skills far away to the west. Jashinism and the cult is not a matter taught in Nin academy or indeed hardly anywhere. A lot of this lack of information stems directly from the major organised religions who burned almost any Jashinic text they can get hold of claiming it to be witchcraft and the devils work. For this purpose unless a character possesses advanced knowledge of Kinjutsu or has come across a PC member or been told be others of a meeting with one they are unlikely to recognise a cultist if they saw one and normally not tell they start to use Kurojutsu.

Special Info

The Cult of Jashin FlamesOfBloodHand

    There are those who do not believe in ghosts and ghouls, witches and warlocks, vampires and harpies. They believe the world safe and that tales of the dark unseen powers are just that, tales, created to scare children. And most are, that’s what we want after all, it would be no good at all if they all wide awake when we come for them would it

    So spoke Ankra, Disciple of Jashin at the Shiran Gathering

Jashin has long since cast aside the ancient divine pact not to interfere with the working of mortals and has seen fit to gift his unholy disciples with gifts and abilities beyond the reach of mortal man. These abilities often occupy the borderline of what is accepted and as such entrance the cult is strictly regulated. The path of the cultist is dark indeed and carries with it many burdens not least steep requirements to maintain many of there dark blessings. The bonuses and penalties for involvement in the cult are as follows


Associates due to their limited affiliation with the cult have the most limited access to gifts but in contrast are themselves least affected by their membership.

  • Associates may learn up to 5 Kurojutsu (see Jutsu of Jashin) of their own rank or lower (S ranks excluded) on top of standard limitations (existing specs)
  • Associates gain the special trait/s: Night Mother’s Protection

All traits and jutsu are lost should the renounce the cult via the appropriate mission

Trait Details


Devotees as the first rank of true follower of Jashin have access to a far greater range of abilities and perks but suffer some negative traits as a result

  • Devotees may learn up to 10 Kurojutsu (see Jutsu of Jashin) of their own rank or lower (S ranks excluded) on top standard limitations (existing specs)
  • Devotees may opt to swap trade an existing spec for either weaponry (inc access to Jashinic weaponry techs) or Kurojutsu in its entirety
  • Devotees have access to Jashinic Equipment of their rank of lower
  • Devotees may choose to make use of the Jashinic Summoning Contract (may not summon Boss Summon)
  • Devotees gain the special trait/s: Blessing of the Jashin, Night Mother’s Protection, Pain Tolerance
  • Devotees gain the negative trait/s: Allure of the Dark, Contempt of Mortality (Lesser)

All traits and jutsu are lost should they renounce the cult via the appropriate mission

Trait Details


Disciples are among the most senior members of the cult who have attracted great favour with their divine master. Blessed with Immortality they stand just one step below the priest himself in favour. They have near unrestricted access to Jashin equipment and techs and many powerful traits but as one might expect from individuals who have sold their very soul a few notable negative ones too

  • Disciples may learn up to 15 Kurojutsu (see Jutsu of Jashin) of their own rank or lower (S ranks excluded) on top standard limitations (existing specs)
  • Disciples may trade the standard basic jutsu for Jashinic basic jutsu. If done all techs must be traded, it is not possible to pick and choose
  • Disciples must swap an existing spec for either weaponry (inc access to Jashinic weaponry techs) or Kurojutsu in its entirety. The can swap another one as well should they choose to
  • Disciples have access to Jashinic Equipment of their rank of lower
  • Disciples may choose to make use of the Jashinic Summoning Contract
  • Disciples permanently loses any kkg, genetic or clan related bonus, trait or techniques they posses
  • Disciples gain the special trait/s: Jashinic Immortality, Unholy Vitality, Blessing of the Jashin, Night Mother’s Protection, Pain Tolerance (Inhuman)
  • Disciples gain the negative trait/s: Servant of the Dark, Contempt of Mortality (Greater), Holy Vulnerability
  • Disciples gain the major negative trait: Ritual of Immortality

Trait Details


Only one step ahead of the disciples stands the hand of Jashin, his representative on the mortal plane, the Priest of Jashin. A Priest shares most of the traits of a Disciple with a few enhancements but at the same time is far more restricted in his options due to the nature of his role

  • The Priest may only use Kurojutsu and weaponry. He may never learn or use any other spec.
  • The Priest must swap basic jutsu for Jashinic basic jutsu. This is not optional
  • The Priest has unrestricted access to Jashinic Equipment. He can not use non-Jashinic weaponry
  • The Priest is the holder of the Jashinic Summoning Contract
  • The Priest permanently loses any kkg, genetic or clan related bonus, trait or techniques they posses.
  • The Priest gains the special trait/s: Hand of Jashin, Jashinic Immortality, Unholy Vitality, Blessing of the Jashin, Night Mother’s Protection, Pain Tolerance (Inhuman)
  • The Priest gains the negative trait/s: Servant of the Dark, Holy Vulnerability
  • The Priest gains the major negative trait: Dark Covenant

Trait Details

Related Info

To keep the app to reasonable size cult jutsu, equipment and summons have been done on separate apps. Please use the following links to view them

Last edited by Jiro on Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:34 pm; edited 15 times in total
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The Cult of Jashin Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cult of Jashin   The Cult of Jashin I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 5:27 pm

Membership Requirements

The Cult of Jashin Angelus

    Cheer up Dear. Remember anyone can murder someone from delinquent children, old ladies, imbeciles and saki addicts but to not shed a tear or spare any remorse, now that takes a special type of person. You could be one too. If you are content to watch the last screams of the supposed innocent as you skewer them on your blade you will go far in the organisation, if not you have good fortune to know that you will not have time to worry about your failure. It’s what a call a win-win situation

    Disciples Kassandra addressing a prospective initiate for cult membership

The cult of Jashin has extensive requirements for the following reasons:

  1. It is one of the few organisations you can join whatever your kkg or specialities
  2. There is no need to have you characters start as a member and it is possible to be both a member of the cult and have a kkg in some cases (since the cult is an organisation whose members are blessed with powers from divine patron in reward for IC services and are not strictly a proper clan)
  3. The rather gratuitous nature of the cult and its actions combined with the religious fanaticism can not be rushed into
  4. Most importantly there are certain Jashinic Techniques that are extremely powerful (often considered OP) and thus need to be earned

The 6 Tenants of Jashin

The Cult of Jashin is relatively informal in comparison to other organisations with a loose hierachy and based on a system of rewards in exchange for service. It is however not completely devoid of rules and has 6 tenants which all members are bound by:

  1. Never dishonour Jashin. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Jashin
  2. Never betray the Cult or its secrets. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Jashin
  3. Never steal the possessions of a fellow Cultist. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Jashin
  4. Never kill a fellow Cultist. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Jashin
  5. Never let harm be done to Sanctuary. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Jashin
  6. Never interfer with the work of the Cult. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Jashin

Breaking any one of the core tenants invokes the Wrath of Jashin and will almost always lead to the foolhardy members swift and untimely termination. The cult shows no mercy to those who would act against her.

The priest may choose to free a member from the constraints of the tenants where it is needed to carry out the Cult's work.

Entry & Departure requirements by position


    Positions = 0/7
    Minimum shin obi rank needed = C Rank
    Position gained upon = Completing ‘Initiation Rites’ special mission
    Position lost upon = Completing ‘Abandoning the Cult’ special mission.


    Positions = 0/4
    Minimum Shinobi rank needed = B Rank
    Position gained upon = Completing ‘Blood Oath’ special mission
    Position lost upon = Must complete ‘Renouncing the Cult’ special mission.


    Positions = 0/2
    Minimum Shinobi rank needed = A Rank
    Position gained upon = High Level Application* or Completing ‘Vows of the Undying’ special mission
    Position lost upon = Not possible. A Disciple will never leave the service of Jashin for any reason


    Positions = 1/1
    Min Shinobi Rank Needed = S Rank
    Position Gained Upon = Very High Level Application* or Completing ‘Dark Pilgrimage’ special mission
    Leaving the Cult = Not possible. A Priest will never leave the service of Jashin for any reason

*Applications must include full details in history of your characters participation in all the necessary Jashinic special missions

Associated special missions by rank

Mission Name: Initiation Rites
Details: The Initiation Rites special mission is broken into three threads, all of which are dangerous yet relatively simple. The first part is simple enough, you need to murder someone in cold blood be they a random person, npc or a pc it doesn’t not matter. This will alert the Cult and lead to you being approached, usually at night by a cult member. They will make an assessment of your potential and whether you have a suitable mental disposition. Should you be deemed worthy you will be asked to perform the third part of the rites, to kill someone chosen by the cult member. This must be completed within a week. Should this be done you will be formally accepted as a member of the cult

Mission Name: Abandoning the Cult*
Requirements: Completion of Initiation Rites special mission
Details: It is possible for a cultist to cast aside the tenants and his involvement in the cult. This is simply done by going to a church or a temple and confessing ones sins honestly and fully then being doused in holy water. This act of redemption is enough to entirely separate from the cult. Unfortunately the cult take’s such actions very poorly and consider people who abandon the cult wretched traitors. Members who leave in this way lose any Jashinic abilities or equipment gained and gain the ‘Enemy of Jashin’ and ‘Redeemed’ Special characteristics

*Warning: While it is possible the leave the cult it is highly suggested that members don’t join in the first place rather then leave at a later point. The cult is highly intolerant of traitors and heretics and the risk of IC death is increased greatly as a result

Mission Name: Blood Oath
Requirements: Completion of Initiation Rites special mission and the completion of 2 more murder threads.
Details: The next step in raising ones status within the cult requires not only the physical willingness to murder ones fellow man and acceptance of Jashin’s divinity but his active worship. A devotee is someone who has embraced Jashin’s nature, taking him on as his patron god, forsaking all others. This confirmation of faith is confirmed via the ‘Blood Oath’ special mission. After completing 3 dedicated murders (including the one done as part of the initiation rite special mission) be it of a pc, npc or otherwise you will once more be approached by a disciple/priest of the cult to see if you are ready for the next step. Should they deem you worthy they will teach the commandments of Jashin, the convocation of blood and the psalms of destruction of renewal. They will instruct you on the rituals of sacrifice and the first jashinic blood ritual. They will only speak of them once, with great reverence and hushed tones before fading into the unknown, the will return a week later to test you during which time you should memorise them and contemplate their meaning. Any mistakes when reciting the tenants of Jashinism and the prayers of sacrifice are considered sacrilegious and are punishable by death. Assuming you past the test and they believe you faith pure they will led you to a secluded place to perform the Blood Oath of Jashin. Here you will find someone you know and were once close to (not necessarily a pc or npc) bound to a makeshift altar and will be present with a virgin sacrificial blade. On instruction you expected to strike without mercy using the sacred blade using the jashinic blood ritual taught and sacrifice them in Jashin’s name before chanting the psalm of destruction and the psalm of renewal. Should this be completed the pact is sealed be the drinking of the victims blood which attending priest or disciple will catch into a cursed skull. Upon consuming the life fluid of their victim the will become one with Jashin and become true devotee

Mission Name: Renouncing the Cult*
Requirements: Completion of Initiation Rites special mission
Details: It is possible for a devotee, like a cultist to cast aside the tenants and his involvement in the cult. However given his far deeper connection the impact of doing so is rather worse. Like with abandoning the cult this is simply done by going to a church or a temple and confessing ones sins honestly and fully then being doused in holy water. This act of redemption is enough to entirely separate from the cult and the worship of Jashin. Unfortunately the price of heresy is a very steep one and the cult will actively hunt down those who perpetrate it. Members who leave in this way lose any Jashinic abilities or equipment gained and gain the ‘Cursed Heretic’ and ‘Redeemed’ Special characteristics

*Warning: While it is possible the leave the cult it is highly suggested that members don’t join in the first place rather then leave at a later point. The cult is highly intolerant of traitors and heretics and the risk of IC death is increased greatly as a result

Mission Name: Vow of the Undying
Requirements: Completion of the ‘Blood Oath’ special mission as well as well as the completion of four more sacrifices threads
Details: The Path of the Disciple is a dark and evil one and requires nothing short of the pledging of one’s body and soul to Jashin service for eternity. A disciple does not simply worship Jashin as a devotee does but willingly forsakes their old ways to embrace the service Jashin above all mortal things. The ‘Vow of the Undying’ Special Mission is performed at the sacred hour of midnight and will take place at a village/clan holdings with close affiliations to the individual involved and to which a lingering attachment. To prove their skills and devotion they must singlehandedly sacrifice every inhabitant to Jashin allowing the blood of their fallen victims to shower upon them. This entire is overseen be the incumbent priest who will throughout consider the purity of the devotee’s actions. Drenched in their blood the aspiring disciple will then go to village’s heart and using his own blood form the ritual circle of Jashin and complete the psalms of destruction and renewal before moving on to final stage. They must recite the Vow of the Undying with utter conviction and without hesitation before turning their own sacrificial blade on themselves and aiming at their chest strike. Should their conviction and faith be true and the priest give his blessing Jashin will reach out upon him and show his favour sparing them from the finality of death and granting them immortality as well purging him of his humanity.

Mission Name: Dark Pilgrimage
Time Limit: Varies
Requirements: Completion of the ‘Vow of the Undying’ special mission as well as the death of the incumbent priest and acquisition of the jashinic holy book, the Tome of Undying Blood. Jiro’s consent necessary.
Details: Only performable upon the death of the priest and the acquisition of the holy text. Should a Disciple read the book they will learn of the dark pilgrimage by which a disciple may learn of the true secrets of the cult and rise to the hallowed status of Jashin’s divine priesthood. To complete the Dark pilgrimage a disciple must travel to the demon country, long gone city of the empire and up the great mountain to the cave where the Xanth the Blooded One first heard Jashin’s commandments. Here they must meditate and relive the fall of empire through Xanth’s eyes so that they will understand they sins of humanity in a thread no less then 1500 words long. They must then travel west to a land of the barbarians here the must rile the pagans to war and bloodshed and inspire the death of countless thousands not by ones own hand but through others. This requires an additional 1500 word post. In so doing they will learn the work of the priest is to bring about Jashin vision rather then the method it is done.
Next the must travel south to dead lands, full of the graves of the forgotten, witches, warlocks and heretics. Here they must read the darkest parts of the Tome and learn mastery over the dead, the profane rituals of the cult and the power to kill a man with fear alone. This requires a thread of no less then 1500 words. Finally they must return to Shinobi world and create a sacred groove and meditate on all they have learnt and read, in this final hour Jashin will come onto him and mark him as his priest. This requires a thread of no less then 1500 words.

Current Members

    Priest: Jiro

The Cult of Jashin Cult_o12
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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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The Cult of Jashin Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cult of Jashin   The Cult of Jashin I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 7:16 pm

Quote :
Name: Night Mother’s Protection
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: The survivable of the cult has always been based on hiding its existence from the world. In time perhaps the cult can reveal itself but for now it must lurk in the shadows. Even at the lowest ranks it is imperative cultist learn how to stalk their prey and murder the innocent without alerting suspicion. Even so supernatural assistance is not to be sniffed at and the Night Mother is more then willing to cloak her dread husband’s servants from unwanted eyes. Anyone with this trait with trait gains dark vision. Additionally they can move soundlessly when walking at night and are twice as hard to see as a Nin of their own rank. These last two bonuses only apply at night when the Night Mother is powers our at the height

Clarify how there twice as hard to be seen and i'm assuming there still viewable through sensory and sensing abilitys correct?

Quote :
Name: Blessing of Jashin
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: Upon sacrificing the first victim in the ancient manner and drinking their cursed blood cultists receive the dark blessing of Jashin. This infuses their blood with his essence allowing them to use Kurojutsu without harm to themselves. Furthermore they are blessed with a small increase in chakra reserves as the power of their dark god flows through them equating to about 10% more then a Nin of their rank and have accelerated passive healing rate of twice that of a normal human which better enables them to recover from acts of self harm so commonly practised among the cult

Jutsu wise... how much is 10%?

Quote :
Name: Pain Tolerance
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: As cultist rise through the cult so self harm and mutilation especially for the purpose of blood rituals becomes more commonplace. In time cultist understandably develop greater and greater tolerance for it and grow to live, even enjoy the pain. Pain Tolerance comes into forms, regular and inhuman

Pain Tolerance – A cultist with this trait can ignore the pain caused by any non serious injury. Burns, shallow cuts, broken ribs mean little to one such as they. Due to the higher then normal tolerance they struggle to break gen by means of pain alone and can only do so in the gaze of d rank or lower genjutsu
Pain Tolerance (Inhuman) – As they reach the highest ranks of the cult and the blood rituals and mutilation become second nature a cultist tolerance for pain goes beyond normal levels of tolerance. Any cultist with this trait is never affected by the pain he suffers and can seemingly shrug often even the most painful wounds. As a side affect of this any cultist with this trait may never use pain to break any form of genjutsu

Clarify the boundary point between the use of humane and Inhuman pain tolerance. Meaning what rank of follower and what nin rank.

Quote :
Name: Allure of the Dark
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: Though not truly damned yet devotees are on slippery slope to eternal darkness and such a life not only permeates their thoughts but the deeds and outward appearance. Their facial features will become harsher, then eyes more narrowed and voice deeper and colder then before. More notably they begin to give off rather small but noticeable amounts of killing intent when angry or frustrated. In addition the unhealthy interest in the dark arts tends to make the more reclusive and alienate them from their peers. As a result anyone with this trait will find it harder to gain the confidence of others or persuade them. Any techniques designed to coerce or persuade others are reduced by one rank in effectiveness unless based on intimidation

Add in a chakra taint much like the curse seal does to chakra. Thus giving them a more meanacing look when there chakra is looked upon. Just since I think it would fit in with this.

Other than these small things I say really great job. However after the edits are made I would like to state this.

This app will need 3 approvals,

Mine, Riku's and Caranores before it can be used In RP.

This is not because I doubt you or this clan but so the staff has a reasonable collective approval.
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PostSubject: Re: The Cult of Jashin   The Cult of Jashin I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 7:38 pm

Kaji Kanto wrote:
Quote :
Name: Night Mother’s Protection
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: The survivable of the cult has always been based on hiding its existence from the world. In time perhaps the cult can reveal itself but for now it must lurk in the shadows. Even at the lowest ranks it is imperative cultist learn how to stalk their prey and murder the innocent without alerting suspicion. Even so supernatural assistance is not to be sniffed at and the Night Mother is more then willing to cloak her dread husband’s servants from unwanted eyes. Anyone with this trait with trait gains dark vision. Additionally they can move soundlessly when walking at night and are twice as hard to see as a Nin of their own rank. These last two bonuses only apply at night when the Night Mother is powers our at the height

Clarify how there twice as hard to be seen and i'm assuming there still viewable through sensory and sensing abilitys correct?

Changed to make it more clear replacing the bonus with a minor immunity to sensory techs

Name: Night Mother’s Protection
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: The survivable of the cult has always been based on hiding its existence from the world. In time perhaps the cult can reveal itself but for now it must lurk in the shadows. Even at the lowest ranks it is imperative cultist learn how to stalk their prey and murder the innocent without alerting suspicion. Even so supernatural assistance is not to be sniffed at and the Night Mother is more then willing to cloak her dread husband’s servants from unwanted eyes. Anyone with this trait with trait gains dark vision. Additionally they can move soundlessly when walking at night and incredibly difficult to detect to the point of being immune to sensory jutsu or abilities 2 ranks below their own. For example an A rank cultist would be immune to C rank sensory abilities/techs at night. These last two bonuses only apply at night when the Night Mother is powers our at the height

Quote :
Quote :
Name: Blessing of Jashin
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: Upon sacrificing the first victim in the ancient manner and drinking their cursed blood cultists receive the dark blessing of Jashin. This infuses their blood with his essence allowing them to use Kurojutsu without harm to themselves. Furthermore they are blessed with a small increase in chakra reserves as the power of their dark god flows through them equating to about 10% more then a Nin of their rank and have accelerated passive healing rate of twice that of a normal human which better enables them to recover from acts of self harm so commonly practised among the cult

Jutsu wise... how much is 10%?

Changed from 10% to enough to use one additional jutsu of their own rank

Name: Blessing of Jashin
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: Upon sacrificing the first victim in the ancient manner and drinking their cursed blood cultists receive the dark blessing of Jashin. This infuses their blood with his essence allowing them to use Kurojutsu without harm to themselves. Furthermore they are blessed with a small increase in chakra reserves as the power of their dark god flows through them equating to enough to use one more jutsu of their own rank then normal and have accelerated passive healing rate of twice that of a normal human which better enables them to recover from acts of self harm so commonly practised among the cult

Quote :
Quote :
Name: Pain Tolerance
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: As cultist rise through the cult so self harm and mutilation especially for the purpose of blood rituals becomes more commonplace. In time cultist understandably develop greater and greater tolerance for it and grow to live, even enjoy the pain. Pain Tolerance comes into forms, regular and inhuman

Pain Tolerance – A cultist with this trait can ignore the pain caused by any non serious injury. Burns, shallow cuts, broken ribs mean little to one such as they. Due to the higher then normal tolerance they struggle to break gen by means of pain alone and can only do so in the gaze of d rank or lower genjutsu
Pain Tolerance (Inhuman) – As they reach the highest ranks of the cult and the blood rituals and mutilation become second nature a cultist tolerance for pain goes beyond normal levels of tolerance. Any cultist with this trait is never affected by the pain he suffers and can seemingly shrug often even the most painful wounds. As a side affect of this any cultist with this trait may never use pain to break any form of genjutsu

Clarify the boundary point between the use of humane and Inhuman pain tolerance. Meaning what rank of follower and what nin rank.


Quote :
Quote :
Name: Allure of the Dark
Rank: N/A
Type: Jashinic Trait
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: Though not truly damned yet devotees are on slippery slope to eternal darkness and such a life not only permeates their thoughts but the deeds and outward appearance. Their facial features will become harsher, then eyes more narrowed and voice deeper and colder then before. More notably they begin to give off rather small but noticeable amounts of killing intent when angry or frustrated. In addition the unhealthy interest in the dark arts tends to make the more reclusive and alienate them from their peers. As a result anyone with this trait will find it harder to gain the confidence of others or persuade them. Any techniques designed to coerce or persuade others are reduced by one rank in effectiveness unless based on intimidation

Add in a chakra taint much like the curse seal does to chakra. Thus giving them a more meanacing look when there chakra is looked upon. Just since I think it would fit in with this.
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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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PostSubject: Re: The Cult of Jashin   The Cult of Jashin I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 8:41 pm

I place my Approval.

Caranores and Riku's still needed.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: The Cult of Jashin   The Cult of Jashin I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 30, 2010 2:52 pm

....... So look at.....

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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Re: The Cult of Jashin   The Cult of Jashin I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 10:45 am

Yah its good. Woulda posted last night but I was to drained
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