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The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App)

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The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) Empty
PostSubject: The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App)   The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 5:50 pm

The following equipment is linked to the 'Cult of Jashin' clan app. Due to the size of the app it was considered prudent to divide according to type and post each part accordingly to lighten the burden on staff

The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) Cult_o11

The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin

I don't know who the Night Mother is, but she rewards me for killing people! My own mother never loved me so much

Acolyte of Jashin to an assembly of cult members

Name of Item: The Sacred Blades of Jashin
Owner: Cult of Jashin (Intellectual Content Owned by Jiro)
Location: In the hands of members or resting in the infernal forges of Jashin awaiting to be summoned by a cultist of suitable rank
Rank: B

Description/Abilities:All weapons whatever the rank enjoy the following special characteristics (A or S rank variants may include additional ones too but anything B or lower can not be upgraded to have any beyond those listed below):

  • They are extremely hard wearing and nigh indestructible
  • The blade is made from a strange blood red metal not found anywhere naturally in the mortal realm.
  • The size, weight and nature make it hard for anyone not practised in the black stance of Jashin to use them effectively. It is considered highly dangerous for anyone without perquisite training to do so and a prelude to unintended self harm
  • Sacred blades’ never lose their edge
  • All sacred blades can be used in conjunction of ropes and chains to extend its range considerably. Training to do this is central to the Black Stance of Jashin
  • Weapons of a B rank or higher are tainted and wounds caused by them are more painful and more difficult to heal as result. Much as if contaminated any wound caused must be sterilised probably or take twice as long to heal. Those who wield such weapons are granted Immunity by jashin as such the taint has no effect on a cult member [/color]
  • Weapons of B rank or higher are Chakra conductive
  • All Jashinic weapons can be summoned to the owner using a variation of the standard summoning technique (listed in Jashin blood ritual Jutsu list). When a cult member with access to Jashinic equipment proves themselves capable of handling a new weapon (aka when they rank up), all they need to do is unsummon their old blade and use the summoning technique and a new blade more suitable to his needs will appear in its place

Weapons with abilities beyond those mentioned must be applied for separately and need both regular approval and cult consent to be officially approved

History: All the Sacred Sacrificial blades are created in forges in Jashin own hell like realm and are consecrated in the unholy blood of his victims. Some of the most powerful have dark and terrible histories or even contain of bound daemons eager to taste the tangy flesh of mortals and devour their wretched souls. They are usually gained by summoning them though on very rare occasions they have been known to be found unattended, lost by some former cult members though this is highly unusual. Given the cult’s relative inactivity in the Shinobi nations this pass 150 years the are none known in mortal hands and thus can only be acquired by heathens in this manner if taken from a current fallen PC cult member.

Appearance: The Sacred blades of Jashin vary in size and shape while retaining a similarity of design notably the red cursed metal from which their blades are made, the tendency to be polearms and their broad edges. The acrobatic and flamboyant style used by the followers of Jashin takes years if not decades to perfect and the larger the weapon the more skill required as a result the rank of the cult member ultimately decides the type of weapon gifted. These weapons whatever their size, all share the same traits and abilities, though high level weapons may have additional features or be possessed by a powerful daemonic presence

The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) Sacred11

Chuunin / B Rank cult members with access to Jashinic Equipment can utilize a Polearm/Long Bladed Weapon of no greater then 4ft long from butt to point

Jounin / A cult members with access to Jashinic Equipment can utilize a Polearm of no greater then 6ft long from butt to point

Last but not least S Rank cult members with access to Jashinic Equipment can utilize either a Polearm or the infamous a huge and deadly 3 bladed scythe. These weapons from base of the handle to its far end to be around 7 ft (not including protruding scythe blades which greatly add to they weapons size)

While all sacred weapons conform to this classification, individual weapons may vary from the above designs and a certain amount of personal licence is allowed


Name of Item: Sacred robes of Jashin
Owner: Cult of Jashin (Intellectual Content Owned by Jiro)
Location: In the hands of members or stored within the sanctuaries armoury
Rank: B

Description/Abilities: The Sacred Robes of Jashin are worn by the cult when operating in the open or as a group. These ominous robes not only grant them nominal protection and amplify their killing intent but serve to hide their true identities. However the downside is that they reek of evil and mark the wearer as a servant of Jashin. The affects of the robes are listed in full below:

Unholy Design: The sacred robes are lined with powerful sigils and dark runes, helping the wearer to avoid danger or even absorbing the damage in the user’s stead. They may be used to reduce the rank of any B rank or lower attack by one every third post to reflect this.

Aura of Death: The robes and their wearers reek of death and discord. The smell of blood and something worse is thick in the air when they are around. By donning the crimson vestments their killing intent given off is greatly intensified capable of striking fear into the most courageous. While wearing such robes the user may amplify one’s killing intent based technique every third post by one rank for no cost.

Daemonic Shroud: The most powerful ability of the sacred robes is linked to their anointment with daemonic blood. Not only does this strengthen the robes and imbue them with some of the daemon’s raw hatred but primarily serves to effectively shield the wearer from identification by direct means. The daemonic blood infuses the garb with the daemons own essence causing their smell, voice and even their chakra signature to appear to be that of a demon rather then their own. No means of direct sensory detection can penetrate this guise making it very useful for members wanting to act for the cult while hiding their true identity. Multiple cult members garbed so will be undistinguishable giving off the same smell, having the same tone of voice and chakra signatures. This is linked to the robes themselves and not the user, so should a user be disrobed their true identity can be unmasked. This does not render them invisible or immune to detection generally, rather it simply trades their identity for that of the daemons while garbed. It may still be possible to uncover their identity by indirect ways such as close observation of their actions or techniques they employ

Evil Personified: There is no question that anyone so garbed is as evil as sin. The unholy robes radiate the hateful power of Jashin and his dread bride, marking the bearer as paragon of death. It is very difficult to charm someone or convince them of your good intentions (jutsu that do so are done at two ranks lower). Civilians will flee on sight and guards will likely challenge any wearer. Those who know of the cult of Jashin will recognise the robes instantly for their true meaning and be all the more prepared to face them.

Finally it should be noted that sacred robes are also relatively practical keeping off the rain and relatively lightweight. They are custom designed not to encumber a member while performing their duties however they was also not designed to be used with additional armour. While it is possible to wear these robes over armour when done the robes make it all the cumbersome and reduce the users speed by 10%. This is cumulative effect, over and above any other speed decreases that may affect the user

History: Almost as long as there has been a cult there has been a need to maintain secrecy while spreading the word of Jashin. Jashinic robes were once mere mundane black cloth used to hide the identities have developed over time to suit the cult’s horrific purpose. It was not until 200 years after its foundation that the robes themselves were bedecked with unholy sigils and runes of protection and consecrated in daemonic blood in Jashin’s own like realm. Though once black that rituals of creation and the constant blood letting have long since stained the ancient and hateful robes a bloody red and they reek of death and destruction.

Appearance: Jashinic robes, unlike their weaponry, does not vary in form or nature. It is comprised of a set of red ankle length robes and a full face mask toped with a large hood that hides the user’s true features. The mask isn’t strictly necessary since the hood hides the user face adequately but is generally one in honour of the night mother and their dark god

The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) Warrio11


Name of Item: Death Mask of the Damned
Owner: Cult of Jashin (Intellectual Content Owned by Jiro)
Location: In the hands of members or stored within the sanctuaries sealed shrine
Rank: A

Description/Abilities: A Death Mask of the Damned is powerful and unholy Jashinic creation with several special abilities and rules related to it:

Unliving Flesh: Death Masks of Jashin are terrifying both in nature and use. These Unliving masks made from the face of the cults victims pulse with unnatural un-life, shifting constantly taking on new and terrifying forms causing untold alarm and horror in all who gaze upon them. While wearing a Death Mask of the Damned a user has the following trait:

Name: Unholy Visage
Rank: N/A
Type: Trait, Killing Intent
Element: N/A
Description: The sheer horror and terror exuded by death mask can chill even the most hardened Nin.

A Rank Ninja’s are shaken for one post after it’s appears to reflect this.
B rank Nin are shaken for 2 posts after it appears.
C Rank Nin are shaken for 3 posts after it appears.
D Rank Nin or lower are always shaken in its presence.

Shaken Nin react slower and more sluggishly then normal as fear grips them and can never perform more then 2 techs in any one post.

Killing Intent Focus: Members of the cult of Jashin are peerless users of killing intent and have many techniques designed to terrify the victims. Death Masks due to their nature are natural focuses for such Jutsu and can be used to transmit the effect by eye contact alone

Revered by the Cult: Each and every death mask contains the bound soul of a damned victim and thus are in their own unique way greatly valued by the cult, normally those who are sacrificed and sent to Jashin’s hell like realm to suffer an eternity of torment but in this case the dark god himself has blessed their use for a more practical purpose. The gift of a Death Mask is considered one of the greatest honours within the cult and sign of high favour with Jashin. However such gifts must be well guarded. Should a mask be lost intact it is possible for others to remove the bound soul and free it from its fate. To lose a damned soul in such manner is unforgivable in the eyes of both the cult and Jashin and as such any one who loses one will take almost any risk to recover it or invoke the wrath of Sithis

History: Vile and foul indeed are the rituals of Jashin and few are fouler then the creation of Death Masks of Damned. Creatable only by the Priest himself it involves taking a sacrificed body and carving rounds into its flesh in a circle around their face with a Jashinic symbol on the victims forehead all the while muttering dark invocations. This will draw the damned individual soul into their face allowing the priest to harvest it by scalping the diseased victim and binding the flesh with a mask of a similar tainted blood red metal to their blades. The effect is to create an unliving death mask of considerable power known as a Death Mask of the Damned

Appearance: The death mask of Jashin vary in appearance as all people do but all essentially are red metal masks over which a human face has been stretched over. They are terrifying and ghastly things and worn only by the cults most devote and evil members. Possession of such a mask is sure sign of ones favour within the cult. Due to disturbing nature I have absconded from finding a suitable picture and will trust to your vivid imagination. It is advised that you don’t think to hard about it.


Name of Item: Jashinic Voodoo Doll
Owner: Cult of Jashin (Intellectual Content Owned by Jiro)
Location: In the hands of members
Rank: B

Description/Abilities: This simple doll is used in a number of Jashinic rituals however they possess no innate power of their own though given that they are normally made of straw or wood they turn to burn relatively well. Most members who use them are more then adept at making them and tend to carry several on their person at a time

History: The cult has long tradition of mutilation and linking a victims body to other objects. While they are most infamous for linking the victim’s body with their own this not the only way and it is possible to link it with inanimate objects in differing manners. The most common focus of such techniques is the infamous voodoo doll. The first of these was supposedly handmade by the Night Mother herself and each one is in their own way considered a special gift for her blessed children

Appearance: Voodoo dolls tend to be simple wooden or straw (though the actual material used is not important) constructs in the shape and form of a man. They tend to be crude in form but are usually built with a very specific purpose and req an appreciation of the dark arts.

The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) Muslinvoodoodoll-2


Name of Item: Cursed Stakes
Owner: Cult of Jashin (Intellectual Content Owned by Jiro)
Location: In the hands of members or stored within the sanctuaries armoury
Rank: B

Description/Abilities: These long black metals stakes shared some of the traits (but not all of sacred blades):

  • They are extremely hard wearing and nigh indestructible
  • Their sharpened tips never lose their edge
  • They are Chakra conductive
  • Every stake is tainted and wounds caused by them are more painful and more difficult to heal as result. Much as if contaminated any wound caused must be sterilised probably or take twice as long to heal. Those who wield such weapons are granted Immunity by jashin and as such the taint has no effect on a cult member

Furthermore with the addition of a c ranks worth of chakra the user can scramble a victims localised chakra network when they strike making the target unable to manipulate chakra in that section of their body for the following 3 posts

History: Born out of a need for more precise weapons to inflict self harm, the cult of Jashin start using stakes over 250 years ago. The have evolved somewhat since but their nature and role remain largely unchanged

Appearance: They are long black stakes around 2-3ft in length and most commonly used for blood letting and during blood rituals rather then as weapons. The large size of the cult’s weapon makes them relatively impractical for self mutilation which these cursed stakes are highly affective


Name of Item: The Mark of Jashin
Owner: Cult of Jashin (Intellectual Content Owned by Jiro)
Location: In the hands of members or stored within the sanctuaries sealed shrine
Rank: A

Description/Abilities: Less of a piece of an equipment then a mark of ones utter devotion to the cult and its beliefs. Anointed by the Priest himself when a user is raised to the rank of Disciple it is similar in function to a seal. It gifts no chakra to the user but does have one or two useful aspects to it. These only apply will the user has the seal and should the part of the body with it on by separated from their main body it will be ineffective till it that body part is once more reattached

Limited Mind Control Immunity (Cult): Those blessed with the Mark have a immunity to mind control or coertion techniques that would force them to act in breach of cult requirements or tell of cult secrets to outsiders. The mark glows if one should attempt such on a bearer and will deflect such techniques. Attempts to forcibly make them tell the of the cult or its secrets or act out of accordance with the cults practises will invariably fail. However all other forms of mind control or coertion will work as normal. For example it’s not possible for someone to force some with the mark to tell of Jashin or to not sacrifice someone, it is however quite possible to convince them by means of a genjutsu that they are a chicken.

Genjutsu Sensitive: Arguably the most important function of the Mark of Jashin’s is its sensitivity to genjutsu. While bearing the mark, it will burn and glow if the users is afflicted by a genjutsu and should the user pump an appropriate amount of chakra into it cancel the jutsu’s affects altogether much in the same way as Kai. This is very important given the general distain for techniques like kai and the high pain tolerance render many of the cult members relatively defenceless against genjutsu based attacks

Dark Bond: The mark of Jashin not only marks the bearer as a devoted servant of the dark god but links them in a kinship with other bearers. While the possess the mark they will always be able to feel others with it allowing them to sense their broad location and are capable of using the mark to locate them. They can also apply a c rank’s worth of chakra to the mark causing all marks to burn briefly. This is used as a very basic form of communication, normally to call for help or assistance. It is not possible to send pictures or sound through it nor pass secret messages by means of morse code or similar signalling system

History: The mark has been used since before the cult existed by the priests of the Jashinic empire to mark the devote. The form and nature has developed over the centuries though the dark bond has always remained pivitol. A Mark of Jashin is created by branding the bearer with a red hot iron soaked in the blood of the innocents they have slaughtered and is an everlasting reminder of there faith and the service to Jashin and the Night Mother

Appearance: The Mark of Jashin is a red branded version of the standard mask and appears as follows:

The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) 5xoqbn6

The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) Cult_o12
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PostSubject: Re: The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App)   The Unholy Equipment of the Cult of Jashin (Complete, Will be linked to Clan App) I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 8:08 pm

Approved unless said otherwise.

[If anyone else wants to look this over go ahead, Im sure with the length & content I could have missed something.]
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