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Xemnas Clan[Complete] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Xemnas Clan[Complete]

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PostSubject: Xemnas Clan[Complete]   Xemnas Clan[Complete] I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 10:46 pm

Name: Xemnas Clan
Founder: Unknown~
Location: Takigakure

History: The clan history is that rooted in witchcraft and fortune telling. Though the clan itself was expansive it was only in result to the fact that there were few with the KKG ability that brought it great wealth. At that time, they were feared greatly for their abilities and didn't belong to a singular country but were more then most 'nomadic' traveling from one place to another between southern Earth, northern Wind, Bird, Grass and Rain Countries. They did this in secret to keep themselves from being discovered. They kept the other nations at bay by excepting bribes to keep information they had gathered secret and not sharing them; as information was an important as power itself during times of international war.

This was not only their form of wealth but also protection as if they were threaten they in turn threaten to spill information that would cripple an entire village and in some instances this was used as a bluff; whether they had information or not, their was no way of outside influence finding out. This was, until, a few spies had infiltrated the ranks of the clan. They were able to find out exactly what was known and what wasn't and when a country stepped up to the clan in order to extinguish their power, they once again bluffed that their knowledge would ruin the country that was striking them. This time, they laughed, calling their bluff and attacking the clan. The clan's strength wasn't in military power and were nothing more then thieves living off of the bounty of a few gifted individuals.

The clan quickly became refugees as no other nation would accept them; quickly turning them away when it was discovered that the gifted fortune tellers of the clan had been assassinated. They eventually made their home in waterfall country where they had not once settled before and hide away in shame of history and the great riches that they had lost. From that day forth, not a single individual has been born with the KKG ability, seemingly because of outside clan marriages that have thinned the bloodline, however this changed in recent time when a single new boy was born by the name of Vice...
Special Info: Lack Elemental Affinity

Requirements: N/A
Current Members: Vice Xemnas

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Bantagan
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Doujutsu
Rank: E-S

Bantagan ~ Omniscience Eyes - This is a powerful doujutsu Kekkei Genkai. The projection eye allows the user to, when activating the eyes themselves, project their site through space as if an astral projection of site itself. Their site alone can travel through objects and over great distances very quickly, allowing one to essentially see anywhere as if they themselves where there in person. The projection of site cannot be seen (with the exception of active sharingan and byakugan), making it perfect for spying and information gathering... It doesn't sharpen vision, it allows one to see anywhere in physical space.

However, while this has alot of potential there are a few limitations as well. Because one is projecting their site, all function of their body while using the Doujutsu becomes nul. They enter a meditative and unconscious state where they have no way of defending themselves. Thus, while using the doujutsu technique, they themselves are immobile and vulnerable. Needless to say, in a normal battle situation this wouldn’t be practical.

Also, one cannot simply de-activate the doujutsu. Their projected site must return to the body itself before deactivating the doujutsu become practical. Though the astral projected site can travel about a mile in 2 seconds, long distance use such as a country away would mean that it would take 30seconds or more. The user of the doujutsu, if found, would be completely helpless. Not only this, but because of the extreme focus needed to use the doujutsu and mastery involved, the user cannot possibly conjure elemental ninjutsu.

In character, the activation of the doujutsu appears as the pupils turn white and the cornea turns black; as if the eyes themselves are inverted. One must, in a post, post themselves activating the technique. They can then post in another thread as such:

"~{o} {o}~"

These are the watching eyes that insist that the post is being watched by the user. While any post is up to be watched, only current information is gathered. One may watch private events. When finished, the use will post as such:

"~<-> <->~"

Insisting that the eyes are closed. They can then go to watch another post, or return to their original body. It is possible that the original body be attacked while one is watching a post, and thus the user is at the mercy (or lack their of) of the opponent. However, one gains all IC knowledge between the opening and closing of the doujutsu eyes. Seeing as though one must be responsible with such an ability, miss use, even if by accident, can result in expulsion of ones character and possible banning depending on the severity of the infringement.


Name of Jutsu: Shikigami no Jutsu [Art of Dolls]
Rank: D-S
Users: Xemnas Clan members
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: This is a fuuinjutsu technique in which a small paper tag is used to generate a clone of the user. These clones are usually copies that can either resemble the user perfectly, or be simplistic copies that look similar to the user. These clones, while active, are physical copies like the shadow clone jutsu, however cannot use the techniques of the use; as they are only physical entities. They move according to the will of their creator and one can speak and move vicariously through these clones;

As for their durability, they oddly enough take the properties of paper. They can be easily defeated by something that would cut or pierce the paper tag they originated from; causing them to 'poof' back into the torn tag that flutters to the ground harmlessly. However, blunt attacks without enough force may be survivable it the paper like frame can absorb the blow. In any case, they are still fragile in nature.

The rank decides how many can created at one time;

D- 1
C- 5
B- 10
A- 20
S- 50

Last edited by WTFlash on Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Xemnas Clan[Complete]   Xemnas Clan[Complete] I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 12:31 pm

Balance Release:

While not an elemental affinity, the Xemnas clan are masters of the art of balance. They have broken down the functions of both Yin and Yang and crafted from it a form of both sealing and barrier based techniques that use the very foundation of ninjutsu as its medium.

Yin and Yang are commonly understood as the two figures of balance, and its symbol is one of stability an peace, however, the two, Yin and yang, also have their own elements and cycles that illustrate the smaller scale events that make up the yin-yang balance. The elements of Yin and Yang are symbolic elements, not literal, and shown as such; Wood, Water, Metal, Fire, Earth.

There are four cycles in which these interact normally. A cycle is dominant/recessive relationship, in which each is promoting, or stifling another, thus promoting their own existence. Seals made from these cycles have very specific effects according to the effect of their cycle. To form a seal that deviates from from the cycle can have very radical effects, favoring either Yin or Yang.

[Sheng Cycle]Creation: Wood => Fire => Earth => Metal => Water
[Ko Cycle]Controls: Wood => Earth => Water => Fire => Metal
[Excessive Ko cycle] Destroys: Wood => Earth => Water => Fire => Metal
[Anti-Ko Cycle] Insulting Sequence: Wood <= Earth <= Water <= Fire <= Metal

The advantage of these seals is based on their cycles. Because its a cycle in which they are founded upon, their dependence continue their movement in a chaotic manner. The only way to remove such a seal created by Balance Release is with the opposite such seal.
Just seen in the canon, The seal is applied by forming the Kanji of the five elements on the fingers. Justu are performed by doing this, and then weaving hand signs.

Seals of Balance

Name: Balance Five Elements Seal
Rank: B
Type:: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Wood = Fire = Earth = Metal = Water
The Five element seal is made possible by setting each of the five yin-yang element to be equal to one another, interrupting and preventing any one of the cycles from taking place. When placed over another seal it is made to disrupt its effect by forcing an element of balance on a bias formation. Thus weakening it's rank a tier. It also makes the chakra more stable, and thus harder to mold, following the idea that clay that is too hard is difficult to shape. Thus, each technique will take 1.5x the amount of chakra to use.

Name: Insulting Element Seal
Rank: B
Type:: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Wood <= Earth <= Water <= Fire <= Metal
The Insulting Element Seal is made possible by setting the balance of each yin-yang element to be reverse dominant over each other. In this way, the seal placed will interrupt the effect of an already placed seal via de-stabilization. This dilutes a seal to the point of nullifying its effect, rendering it inactive. It also has a powerful effect on the targets chakra; stripping their element of it's dominance and afflicting ones inner elements. So, as fire element chakra is normally stronger then wind element chakra; it will now be made neutral. If the opponent has two elements that are next to each other in the elemental cycle, the recessive element become dominant, and the dominant element becomes unable to use.

Name: Ko Seal
Rank: B
Type:: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Wood => Earth => Water => Fire => Metal
The Ko seal, of the seal of control is made possible by placing each element in a dominant role over the next. The seal thus allows for the user dominance over the target's chakra. If placed over a seal, it also allows the user to control the activation of the that seal. The user can oppress the target's chakra, stifling and weakening it to the point of being unable to use it. Ever time the opponent attempt to use chakra, one can counter with an equal amount of their own to nullify chakra based effects. If the target has more then one element, a dominant element will be made more powerful, while the recessive element will be weaken.

Name: Sheng Seal
Rank: B
Type:: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Wood => Fire => Earth => Metal => Water
Also known as the creation seal, the Sheng seal is made possible by placing each element in a nurturing role over the next in the cycle. The seal thus allows for the user's dominance over the target's chakra. If placed over a seal, it allows one to enforce the power of the seal as if giving it a protective layer. The user can transfer their own chakra to the target, empowering them, or reverse the process to drain chakra from the target(At a rate of a B-ranked amount of chakra per post). One can even transfer their element affinity to the target to improve both dominant and recessive elements to dominant levels(a single rank), like wise, stifle the opponent elements to recessive levels to make their own power dominant.

Name: Overacting Seal
Rank: B
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Wood => Earth => Water => Fire => Metal
Also known as the destruction seal, this seal is made possible by placing each element in excessive dominance over another, causing it to stifle the next, to the point of destruction. The seal thus allows the user to dismantle the chakra of the opponent. If placed over a seal, the Overacing seal will devour the seal within, thus nullifying its effect in the process. Every time the user attempts to use chakra, the overacting seal with burn an amount of chakra equal to the amount used. The use chakra is the result of a completely inefficient process in which the cost of extraction of chakra becomes equal to the amount of chakra used to activate the seal. This proportional effect yields a balance of '0' along with the cost of the original jutsu.

Insulting Forms
(All Insulting Form techniques require kanji focus and chakra weaving, two hand signs each)

Name: Yang: Rejection of the Material World
Rank: C-A
Type: Ninjutsu/Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Wood <= Earth = > Water <= Fire <= Metal
This is a powerful technique using the insulting cycle favoring the water element. This forms a barrier from the seal in which physical attacks techniques and damage is nullified. However, chakra based techniques will destroy the barrier on contact. The radius of this barrier depends on the rank used.
C - 10m
B - 15m
A - 20m

Name: Yin: Rejection of the Spiritual World
Rank: C-A
Type: Ninjutsu/Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Metal <=Wood => Earth <= Water <= Fire
This is a powerful technique using the insulting cycle favoring the earth element. This forms a barrier from the seal in which chakra based attacks techniques and damage is nullified. However, physical damage techniques will destroy the barrier on contact. The radius of this barrier depends on the rank used.
C - 10m
B - 15m
A - 20m

Name: Yang: Rejection of the Physical Self
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Earth <= Water => Fire <= Metal <=Wood
This is a powerful technique using the insulting cycle favoring the fire element. This form of modification in which the user extracts their physical energy in order to create and expand their chakra capacity temporarily. For ever cumulative percentage of speed and strength sacrificed, one gains in chakra.

Name: Yin: Rejection of the Spiritual Self
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Water <= Fire => Metal <= Wood <= Earth
This is a powerful technique using the insulting cycle favoring the metal element. This form of modification in which the user extracts their physical energy in order to create and expand their chakra capacity temporarily. For ever cumulative percentage of chakra sacrificed, one gains in physical speed and strength.

Sheng Form

Name: Yang: Formation of Xue
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu/Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Earth => Metal => Water <= Wood => Fire
This is a powerful technique using the sheng cycle favoring the water element. Using this technique, one can form an energy known as 'Xue'. Xue is an advanced chakra transmuted from ones blood, and thus one must sacrifice an amount of blood in order to use some techniques.

Name: Yin: Formation of Jing
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu/Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Water => Wood => Fire <= Earth => Metal
This is a powerful technique using the sheng cycle favoring the fire element. Using this technique, one can form an energy known as 'Jing'. Jing is an advanced chakra, using yin to essentially form chakra into an energy that can be sustained outside of the body in physical form. Jin takes on a bright red color.

Name: Xue Jing Binding Seal
Rank: S
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: A technique in which Xue is formed in the left hand and in the right hand Jing is formed. Both hands form an open palm with the thumbs extended. Upon the right hand, Jing with form the Yin seal while the Yang will form the Xue on the left. They will then link their thumbs with hands remaining as an open palm. Thus forming an overlapping triangular pattern with the hands.

From the seal, a single seal will form, and from it a multitude of white and black chain will extend, at a rapid pace to surround the target, ensnaring them before pulling them toward the seal. The chain will bind the chakra of the opponent, as well as physically restrain them before pulling them toward the seal. Upon coming in physical contact with the seal in the palms, the target will be drained of their chakra and the soul stripped from the body, which is sealed away completely. Lacking chakra, the target will technically die, as the body is left an empty shell.

The soul and chakra, however are locked in the seal. If this is a human, they can later be 'released' from the seal if an empty vessel is found for them to inhabit. Bijuu and demons, however, can be seal at ones chakra center, at the core, as either a cursed seal (demon) or a jinchuuriki (bijuu).

Ko Forms

Name: Crushing Oppression
Rank: A
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Wood => Earth => Water <= Fire => Metal
This uses the ability of the Ko in which dominance over a recessive is used to not only control, but suffocate the recessive, forcing malnutrition and limiting growth. In this way, the user can create a seal upon the opponent that creates barrier thresholds in their chakra system (thus techniques that are too weak to break the threshold, or powerful and surpass the threshold). Techniques lower then D-rank and higher then B-rank will thus malfunction if attempted to be used.

Name: Elemental Dismantle Barrier
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu/Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Wood <= Earth <= Water => Fire => Metal
This uses the Ko cycle in which ones dominance over a recessive not only stifles but separates chakra from its elemental affinity. The technique forms a 15 meter radius permeable barrier in which elemental techniques become impossible to form. Within the barrier it will cause elemental affinity to repel ones chakra, and thus will never synthesis. Outside, a technique that hits the barrier will be 'dismantled' as the elemental affinity is removed from the chakra. Chakra on its own cannot survive outside of the body, and the affinity has no physical barring without the chakra medium; thus both simply fading out. Only S-ranked techniques are powerful enough to keep their form through the barrier.

Name: Momentum Reversal Palm
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu/Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
Wood => Earth <= Water => Fire => Metal
This is a KO cycle technique that catches and seals momentum, bleeding strength out of physical attacks. The technique, thus, forms a permeable 10 meter raidus barrier around the user in which physical processes are buffered, weakening physical damage up to 75%.

Name: Absolute Stability Seal
Rank: S
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
(Water) (Fire) (Metal) (Wood) (Earth)
This is a seal formed with an un-natural seal that favors each of the yin-yang elements equally, but not only so, but continually so that they do not interact with each other, but are 'complete' on their own terms. Thus, the seal breaks the law of balance in which stability is achieved not through static, but rather, a fluent series of balancing events. The Absolute Stability seal freezes the chakra inside of an individual that it is placed on, not killing them, but rather, reducing their spiritual energy to a vegetable like state. Comparable to a chakra coma, the seal robs it's target of all potential; leaving them as a normal individual.

Chakra Affinity and Ying/Yang Affinity

Chakra Affinities also line up with Yin/Yang Affinities:

Water: Water
Fire: Fire
Wood: Wind, Lightning
Earth: Earth
Metal: Neutral

Oddly enough, symbolic Wood is divided itself into 'dominant' and 'recessive'. Dominant being wind and recessive being lightning. The Metal Yin/Yang affinity is known as the neutral affinity; not appearing to favor any one of the human chakra affinities. Thus, further sealing and barrier based techniques can be formed by focusing on the aligning affinities according to elemental affinities. If you wanted to form a seal strong against Earth, you would use the Wood Recessive to have an elemental advantage OR use water to weaken fire to suffocate earth according to the Creation cycle, OR use metal to enhance water to insult earth. Thus, one can elemental seals based upon multiple 'rules' of any of the now five cycles. This method is summed up in a single sealing technique;

Name: Creation Dominion Barrier Seal
Rank: B
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: N/A
The user can create a seal upon the opponent which can seal the use of one of the opponents elements for as long as they possess one of the following;
-The dominant physical element
-The adjacent recessive physical element
-Ko cycle dominant

Ex., Lightning Seal --
1. Wind
2. Neutral (elementless)
3. Water

Last edited by WTFlash on Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Xemnas Clan[Complete]   Xemnas Clan[Complete] I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:42 pm

All based off of real yin/yang pathology.

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PostSubject: Re: Xemnas Clan[Complete]   Xemnas Clan[Complete] I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2010 2:35 pm

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