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Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete)

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Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete) Empty
PostSubject: Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete)   Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 3:42 am

Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete) Mask

Name: Ashigaru Foot Soldiers
Founder: The Ashigaru clan was formed by four great warring families.
Location: Their base is in the land of fire, but they may join any village.


Special Info: Members of this clan specialize in the use of weapons, and forsake jutsu to further perfect their craft with them. As such, all members of the ashigaru clan are required to take either Weaponry or Kenjutsu as their primary specialization. Furthermore, Clan members may never choose Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Genjutsu or Puppetry as a secondary speacialization later on. Clan members also do not know the bulk majority of basic academy jutsu, and receieve only water walking and tree climbing as basic common jutsu. Beyond these the Ashigaru soldiers of D rank may choose only 2 jutsu from the basic academy list. Ashigaru are able to learn one more jutsu each time they increase in skill rank, until at A rank when the ninja learn a total of 6 of the listed basic jutsu. Ashigaru will never learn jutsu beyond these on their own.

Because this family focuses so much on the use and training of weapons, Ashigaru are able to select a single weapon that is ranked 1 rank higher than their skill level. This applies to all ashigaru as long as they are in good and honorable standing with their family. These weapons are ancestral heirlooms that have been passed down by generations of feirce solders, and each weapon has proven its value over and over. These weapons are issued to the soldiers under the agreement that they are to be returned in good standing. If a soldier ever looses this weapon, they are all but banished until they have atoned for this greatest of dishonors.

Because this family spends most of its life hiring its numerous soldiers out to whoever will put them on the front lines, ever member of this clan sees active battle before they are even 15. War is an everyday occourance, and death just the same. Because dying in battle is such a great honor, and because fleeing from battle is such a horrid disgrace, members of this clan are highly resistant to fear. When faced with any fear type effect from any source equal to or under their rank, the Ashigaru is able to completely negate the effect. Any effect of higher rank will instead only cause 1 post of partial paralysis on the character. Durring this single post the ashigaru is able to defend themselves, but unable to advance on the source of the effect. After the post ends, the ashigaru will recieve a 25% boost to their speed and strength for one post, as they attempt to make up for any honor lost in the momentary display of fear.

Beyond their resistance to fear, the Ashigaru are among the most die-hard soldiers to have ever walked the lands. While not possessing of impressive jutsu, or even basic magical powers, the clan is still able to carve out an existance for itself. It's fanatical warriors are so well hewn for battle that even the effects of swords and axes will only slow them down. After training up to the level of D rank, and truly becoming soldiers, the clan members are completely unaffected by pain of any sort. This ability is a double edged sword in that ignoring pain can prove to be more fatal than tending to a serious injury. This ability gave rise centuries ago to Ashigaru soldiers who could fight on even past death. Saddly, this really means that a great many ashigaru drop dead shortly after a battle is won.

Ashigaru Keep: The ancestral stronghold of the family lies in the souther reaches of the land of fire, about a days march from the southern shore. The keep houses the vast bulk of the family when they are not on assignment, and typicaly sees daily activity in training. The ashigaru are relativly open with others, and are willing to sell some of their newly crafted, non-ascentral, wares to the general population, for a pretty penny. Ashigaru clan members, on the other hand, are able to shop for weapons and armor almost at the base cost of creating such items. As such, when spending mission credits on weapons, armor, and military equipment of B rank and below, the clan member is able to recieve a 50% discount on the price of the item. This only applies to soldiers in good and honorable standing with the family.

The keep houses about 500 soldiers at any given time, though can hold more when war is rare, and battles are hard to find. It's position atop a low rising hill gives it a good vantage over the fields and few farms that surround it. For the most part, everything outside of the keep is fully dedicated to the act of training, and houses everything from obstical courses to marching classes, target ranges, and even places to ride horses. Within the thick and high stone walls of the keep there are two taverns with enough lodging space for about 20 visitors, as well as numerous shops. The clan maintains a small stable, but horses are not for sale. Ashigaru treat their horses as great heros, and any horse may be issued to a soldier for indeterminate time. If the horse perishes, a ritual honoring the steed must be preformed, and the horse must be paid for.

Ashigaru Equipment: Beyond their weapons, Ashigaru take great pride in their armor. It is very common for ashigaru soldiers to wear armor that is fashioned to take on the appearance of oni's or demons in represensation, and come attached with all manner of spikes, and crests, and decorations. All Ashigaru wear a dome shaped, steel helmet, and most wear a steel face mask that looks like an oni's face. The ashigaru issue their soldiers the absolute best in protective gear, and as such, all Ashigaru recieve the following items.

Name of Weapon or Item: Ashigaru Undermail
Owner: Ashigaru
Location: Most of the body
Rank: C
Description/Abilities: This is a form fitting suit of fine steel links. The small chain forms a protective steel mesh suit which will help lessen the effects of peircing and slashing attacks. This suit of mail is so fine that it takes on the appearance of fishnet from a distance and can be worn quite comfortably under normal clothing. Most ninja are issued suits of this that have already been dyed a deep black.

Name of Weapon or Item: Ashigaru Armor
Owner: Ashigaru Soldiers
Location: Body
Rank: C
Description/Abilities:Ashigaru armor is light. It proctes the vitals from serious injury, while allowing free mobility of arms and legs. Armor from the Ashigaru family has seen countless repairs, however still maintains it's masterful quality. The clan usualy designs it's armor to take the appearance of an oni or an ogre to help instill fear in their enemies. Most soldiers wear a traditional helmet with metal face plate resembling such a beast as well. This light plate mail covers most of the body and leaves very little skin exposed, and comes with plated gloves and boots as well.

Requirements: Weaponry!
Current Members: Saru Saya

Name of the Kekkei Genkai:N/A


It should be noted that all Ashigaru techniques are known by all Ashigaru regardless of the fact that they are listed as Taijutsu. All ashigaru are well trained in these three jutsu, and can use them up to their rank without the need for Taijutsu as a specialty. Ashigaru who choose Taijutsu as a specialty recieve no special bonus from these jutsu. These three clan jutsu do not count towards the jutsu limitation placed on this clan, and are chosen in addition to the few others.

Name of Jutsu: Soldier's Endurance
Rank: E
Users: Ashigaru
Type of Jutsu:: Taijutsu
Element Affinity: N/A
Description:Pushing on in spite of all odds is what makes the Ashigaru the true blooded warriors they are. Hours upon hours of battling in formation, and charging enemies lines, has ingrained in them a die hard attitude and endurance far beyond normal capabilities. While this ability does not allow them to heal actual damage, the use of this ability still gives them the energy to fight on when other soldiers would have grown far to tired to even lift their blade in defense. When using this jutsu the user expends a D rank amount of chakra, and this jutsu restores all lost energy due to fatigue or exhastion. This allows them to march all day, and still be fresh and ready for immediate battle. This same amount of chakra can simulate a full night of sleep, however the effect will only last for a few hours. Using it again can allow for this clan to march their army for days straight without resting.

Name of Jutsu: Soldier's Speed
Rank: D-S
Users: Ashigaru
Type of Jutsu:: Taijutsu
Element Affinity: N/A
Description: This jutsu makes the Ashigaru faster, and increases their general combat speed and reaction time. By expending an amount of chakra, the shinobi is pushes it out into their muscles and joints to make them more flexible and faster. A shinobi will find themselves 5% faster per rank of chakra expended. This increase lasts for two posts before it fades, with no lasting side effects. (E-5%, D-10%, C-15%, B-20%, A-25%, S-30%)

Name of Jutsu: Soldier's Strength
Rank: E-S
Users: Ashigaru
Type of Jutsu:: Taijutsu
Element Affinity:N/A
Description:This jutsu makes the warrior stronger, allowing them to power through tough enemies or armor. By powering chakra into their muscles and making them work harder, the shinobi is able to increase their strength to suprising hights. Like the swift spear, this technique is used with any weapon. It gives a 5% increase to the shinobi's strength on the same scale of chakra used. This technique also lasts for two posts before fading, leaving no ill effects. This jutsu may not be used at the same time as the swift spear jutsu, and vice versa. (E-5%, D-10%, C-15%, B-20%, A-25%, S-30%)
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete)   Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 7:15 am


-Taking away simple genjutsu, fuuinjutsu, puppetry and many acts of ninjutsu in replacement of kenjutsu and tad bits of taijutsu in order to keep a balance among the kekkei genkai itself.

-The history itself followed the requirements met by the official standards of the site.

- It is good that you added a clan-based armor/weapon. I can assume you placed this in the item creation


-Both jutsus that deals with the increase of strength and speed must have some type of balance that needs to associate. With a quick boost of strength and speed, there has to be some type of negative effect (A minor form of exhaustion or soreness in the muscle and skeletal groups of the body) Because even in this supplementary mode, there is not a mention of when you go into this form and your attacker does even amount of damage. We can easily assume damage yes but there should be a clarification of what might happen if the body of the Ashigaru, both positives and negatives.

An easy example that has both positive and negative is that, even though there is an increase in strength and speed, if the body gets damage during those two post, after the two post, there is another two post that alleviates pain and the user wont feel it but after those two post, the fatigue would hit in hard. It's the positive and negative that makes a taijutsu/weaponry based clan powerful

-The ill effects in mind, there would have to be a necessary amount of mastery over this. Even with a small percentage, there shouldn't be a automatic "As he/she reached this level, there is an automatic mastery over X rank". I can assume that there is a small amount of training involved in order (since it is involving both the control of the body and the control of chakra all in two post). I wouldn't say this is a major concern but if anyone were to join the clan, it should be mentioned somewhere among the special info.

I hope that makes sense
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PostSubject: Re: Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete)   Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 2:16 pm

Aye, there's a copy of both of the armor peices on my item request, and each has a more detailed appearance description. I am going to be keeping this clan closed, so I wouldn't worry about anyone else playing this clan besides me.

I'm not quite sure I understand your concerns with the Soldiers speed and Soldiers strength. The two are pretty well balanaced. While yes, recieved a speed boost and a strength boost is quite nice, it should be noted that I am only allowed to chose one of the jutsu at a time. It should also be noted that beyond those three jutsu, I will only get a few more to pick from. But, this isn't even the biggest balancing factor. I think the fact that even at S rank, the most you get from this is 30% speed boost seems quite fair to me. It has a low boost, and short durration, for a relativly small chakra cost. They already seem balanced to me.

If I added the drawbacks you described, I would just be lying. Things that cause a little damage, or that cause a little pain, are all but ignored by this clan, and things that cause exhaustion are only slightly more annoying to get around. This clan never gives up or wears out. They fight till they die. Because of that, the drawbacks just won't work. I think the best drawback and balancing feature of those two jutsu is their short 2 post durration, and the fact that you can only use one of them at a time, not both at once.

I also don't mind adding a note that each new rank much be trained if that will make you happy. I won't have much jutsu training to do with this character anyway, so it will give me something to do, and ties into the whole "Never stop training" mentality this clan has.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete)   Ashigaru Clan - Foot Soldiers (complete) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 8:45 pm

As you wish. It was truly a suggestion as I had no problem with the clan itself. Approved untill stated otherwise
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