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New Seals for Coal Shauntaystaffimgf
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 New Seals for Coal

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PostSubject: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 12:51 am

Seal Name: Mind Blank Symbol
Wearer: Lady Coal
Rank: A
Appearance: This seal is in the shape of an extremely hard to look at, shifting seal that forms a horrid optical illusion. Though small, it is painful to look at.
Location of Seal: On Lady Coal
Training Link: HERE
Seal Info:After writing out the script for the seal, the user will activate the jutsu. The seal will glow for a moment, and then transform itself into a powerful symbol, which is charged with the user’s chakra. The symbol is full of subtly shifting, non-geometric patterns which the optical lobe can not process. When the brain tries to process the visual information from looking directly at the seal, it will be faced with a visual paradox, and shut down in response. This shutdown is brief, but has several effects. The body will go limp when this happens, causing any items held in the hand to be released and dropped. Furthermore, the legs will cease holding the body up, and the victim of this effect will fall down. The effects of this symbol fade away after only one post, after which the victim is free to resume normal action.

Seal Name: God Speed Seal
Wearer: Lady Coal
Rank: B
Appearance: This seal takes the shape of a pair of small animal tracks which have been placed on the ball of each of her feet.
Location of Seal: Bottom of her Feet
Positive Effects: This seal allows for great bursts of speed when activated.
Negative Effects: N/A
Training Topic: HERE
Seal Info: This seal functions by releasing chakra in the exact same manner each time it is used. This seal acts something like a template which molds and disperses the chakra poured into it into the propper form to fuel the Body Flicker Technique, however this flicker will -always- follow the same path when used. Because of this strict limitation, this seal can only be used in one manner, and one manner alone. When chakra is charged into the seal, it releases it all instantly into the legs and feet, and causes the wearer to recieve a huge speed inscrease. While in this state the user can move so quickly they become little more than a blur, much like Shunshin. The unfortuante drawback of this ability is the great speed does little for manueverability. Due to dangers involved with broken ankles and arches in the past, this seal is designed to ONLY allow travel in a straight line. Varrying the amount of chakra can varry the distance traveled, but nothing can be done to change directions. This seal remains only active for a fraction of a second, which is enough to propell someone forward at Shunshin speeds up to 50meters. Again, you can -only- travel in a straight line. No turning, no jumping, no acrobatics. Straight line only. Use with caution as running into something solid at these speeds is very painful.

Seal Name: Double life Single Soul Seal
Wearer: Lady Coal
Rank: A
Appearance: This seal takes the form of a small and rather simple Daisy.
Location of Seal: Back of her neck.
Positive Effects: This seal allows for free telepathic conversation between people wearing matching seals.
Negative Effects: This seal can not be turned off, and forces free telepathic conversation between people wearing matching seals.
Transformation Effect: N/A
Seal Info: The effects of this seal are profound, but simple in execution. The seal acts as a tethering station which both emits and recieves a constant stream of chakra that is fed from any other seal matching it's design. When two matching seals are within proximity of each other, the chakra emited by one will be recieved by the other seal. When this link is established the concious thoughts of each individual will be heard as running dialoug in the other person's head. Unless the two minds are in perfect harmony with each other the chaotic feed back associated with two conflicting minds will render both wearers of this seal completely distracted by the second stream of thoughts. Because this chaos happened between even sibblings, close friends, and family members, this seal was thought as a failure for some time.

However, when the wearer of this seal forms a Shadow Clone, the cloned seal is able to link with the original's seal and establish a solid link between the mind of the original and the clone. Because the clone and the original each possess the same mind, the link is perfect. This allows the clone and the original to talk freely, and plan in silence This acts as a form of silent comunication for the group, and it also allows the user to keep tabs on roughly how much chakra the other person contains. While this acts as something of a silent, wireless comunications device it does not display any of the other person's senses. You can not see or hear through the other person, nor can you feel their pain.

This jutsu typically has maximum range of 1 mile, as the distance causes communications to be lost in a sort of "mental static" when forced out so long, however Coal is able to over come the weakness briefly. By expending a C rank amount of chakra and forcing it into the Single Mind seal, Coal is able to increase the range by 1 more mile, but for only a single post. Absolute concentration is required to extend chakra out at these ranges, and the user of this technique can not move, attack, or defend themselves while fully concentrating. This effect lasts only 1 post, but can be concentrated on in the next post to renew the effect. Only the person sending a message needs to concentrate at this distance, as the person recieving the message can continue moving, or attacking, or defending however they please.

Last edited by Wind on Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:08 am; edited 11 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 4:42 pm

Mind Blank Symbol.

The jutsu's intended purposes are obviously for battle/offense. This seal is fine, but it needs to be placed in jutsu creation. (Like I said about 3 times in chat...)

Pulsing Heart of Life

This is nothing short of S Rank, but it isn't described well. It's hard to tell how this jutsu works since there is a lack of examples given. It only implies that it gives appearance to life, but how? What should I picture when I see this? In sort, it doesn't make sense, it's hard to moderate because I can't see how it would be used in RP. From what I understand so far, this seal should also be placed in jutsu creation.

B.R.A.I.N Seal

To my knowledge it is not possible. A fuuinjutsu acts like a code. You input the information and then activate the seal and it works. For instnace, Minato's Hakke's seal on Naruto. It's design is like a code, a template if you will. It blocks out the Kyuubi from breaching and taking over Naruto's mind, but is designed to let chakra leak through. The seal itself cannot have a mind or will of it's own. If you made a seal which makes another persons mind do this, then that's understandable. It should still be said that this is rather impossible, unless done on an object which has a mind. Seals cannot create minds of their own.

Two Real Convergence Seal

It's very powerful. Needs to be placed in Jutsu creation. (Also, like I said 3 times)
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 4:52 pm

Quote :
B.R.A.I.N Seal

To my knowledge it is not possible. A fuuinjutsu acts like a code. You input the information and then activate the seal and it works. For instnace, Minato's Hakke's seal on Naruto. It's design is like a code, a template if you will. It blocks out the Kyuubi from breaching and taking over Naruto's mind, but is designed to let chakra leak through. The seal itself cannot have a mind or will of it's own. If you made a seal which makes another persons mind do this, then that's understandable. It should still be said that this is rather impossible, unless done on an object which has a mind. Seals cannot create minds of their own.
I couldn't agree more that this is a powerful seal, but in the very same seal you mentioned, the 4th kage placed an entire copy of his own mind into it. It triggered when Naruto went 9 tails, and was able to hold a conversation, answer questions, and even get punched. This doesn't put anything near the complexity of design required to fully simulate complex memories, and gives only enough intelligence for a construct to move and talk. Everything else is pretty much accomplished through verbal input, and following orders.

I don't think this seal is over powered, and only allows me to make constructs.
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Kaji Kanto

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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 6:21 pm

*notes one thing*

The seal the fourth used was an S-rank seal that was also using Kushina's left over chakra [Which was most likely hefty] and all it did was place a spiritual conceitedness due to the jutsus nature of sealing. Its like taking a cookie and breaking it. Each part of that broken cookie is still that cookie thus if it had a brain it would still know all about it and it would also have its own conscious thought. So by placing a small portion of there spiritual chakra into the seal as well its as if apart of there soul was in the seal thus giving the seal the ability to create minato and Kushina and have them talk with Naruto to understand and such. This was due to the sealing nature not the actual seal itself. Its also essentially sealing apart of ones mind into the seal so really yeah the way your jutsu looked to me it wouldn't be possible.
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 29, 2010 2:51 am

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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 01, 2010 12:32 pm

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Missing Nin
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 9:21 am

Kiyoshi, as a note, I told her to keep the seals here because they are seals and making them jutsu wouldnt make much sense.

For example: Mind Convergence seal. Why waste the the time creating hand seals, and then wasting chakra to form a SYMBOL of chakra (which mind you would take more chakra for however long it lasted since it has no base for its creation), why you could apply chakra to a seal, have the seal generate a hologram like structure after its activated, and be the end of it.

That being said, Mind convergence is fine.

Double life single soul needs a distance. Since the telepathy is chakra based really, eventually the distancewould jst cause static if someone gets too far apart.

God Speed, due to its extreme limitation, would actually be B-Rank.
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 2:47 pm

Edited as requested. Also, I hope you are talking about the Mind Blank seal, as I removed the convergence seal from the list, along with the mind creation seal. I've given up on constructs for now as I've got other things I need to focus on first.
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Missing Nin
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 4:59 pm

Yeah, Mind Blank. On that note, something I didnt catch was the three second time thing. Make it a post, because when they look into the seal, they can just shake it off as each person has a different perception of how long 3 seconds is when replying
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 9:34 pm

okie dokie
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 13, 2010 7:05 pm

bump. Can I train these now?
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Shikyo Riku
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 13, 2010 7:35 pm

approved for training
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PostSubject: Re: New Seals for Coal   New Seals for Coal I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 7:47 pm

Archived due to user inactivity
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