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Kaji's Jutsu list Raikage version [W.I.P. Also contains NEW KUMOGAKURE EXCLUSIVE TECHNIGUES] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Kaji's Jutsu list Raikage version [W.I.P. Also contains NEW KUMOGAKURE EXCLUSIVE TECHNIGUES]

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Kaji Kanto

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Kaji's Jutsu list Raikage version [W.I.P. Also contains NEW KUMOGAKURE EXCLUSIVE TECHNIGUES] Empty
PostSubject: Kaji's Jutsu list Raikage version [W.I.P. Also contains NEW KUMOGAKURE EXCLUSIVE TECHNIGUES]   Kaji's Jutsu list Raikage version [W.I.P. Also contains NEW KUMOGAKURE EXCLUSIVE TECHNIGUES] I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 5:43 pm


Kumogakure Exclusive Kenjutsu/Weaponry
Quote :
Name of Jutsu:Ultimate Slash- Kyuukyoku Kiritateru
Users:Kumogakure ninja
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:N/A
Training Link:-
Description:Kyuukyoku Kiritateru is a Kenjutsu technique utilized by a few select Kenjutsu Shinobis from Kumogakure no Sato. The ninja concentrates chakra into his blade, then after the ninja has finished pouring chakra into the blade, he will deliver a strike to his opponent then he keeps moving, trying to do quick footing and transference s and appear behind the opponent, or at his sides to strike numerous times and then lastly he will strike behind his opponent for a 'kill' blow down the spine. The number of slashes that are performed is limited only by the user. There is a form of this technique that utilizes Shunshin but is strictly reserved to the Raikage.

Name of Jutsu:Spiderweb of Lighting
Users:Kumogakure Ninja
Type of Jutsu::Weaponry
Element Affinity:Raiton
Training Link:-
Description:The ninja sets up a wire field, either on the ground or in-between two or more tree's. The ninja will keep the end of the wire in his hand, and once his opponent falls into the wire field, the ninja will send a bolt of lighting through the wire and create an electric fence. If these wires are touched the electricity will spark into the opponent leaving numbness a deep second degree burn and paralysis in affected limb. Paralysis will last five post's from the time of affection. However paralysis is not the full 5 posts. On the first post of affection the limb will go numb and the will slow. The second post the limb will cringe and start to cramp up causing decreased mobility. on the third and fourth post the limb will be paralyzed. On the fifth post the limb will regain mobility but still be cramping and numb.

Name of Jutsu:Spark Edge
Rank: D
Users:Kumogakure ninja
Type of Jutsu::Kenjutsu
Element Affinity:Raiton
Training Link:
Description:User focuses lighting into his palm, then grabbing the hilt, focusing it to go through the blade and causing the blade to have an electric effect. It gives the blade a static sting to it allowing the blade to cut in deeper faster and creating a static charge to it that increases stings and causes burns and even longer lasting damage. This increases the rank of all kenjutsu by one rank and increases all damage taken by 50%.

Name of Jutsu:Shinku Buddha Giri-Vacuum Buddha Slash
Rank: D-A
Users:Kumogakure Ninja
Type of Jutsu::Kenjutsu
Element Affinity:N/A
Training Link:-
Description:It's a technique that involves chakra gathering into a weapon, to then throw it, doing multiple slashes but it depends on the rank of the user. If, for example a Gennin uses this technique, he is able to do ONE slash, but as he gets stronger and ranks up, he is able to do more slashes. Its principal use is to strike at adversaries beyond the range of his sword. Essentially, it breaks the air with a slash and forces out a powerful shock-wave at the adversary. This shock-wave is brought out by having the ninja slash down with there sword connecting with the air causing the air to gather more speed and more chakra into it causing it to explode forward and bringing on a powerful wave of chakra and wind with it. This is a very blunt and powerful technique but is in no way lethal but can cause very heavy trauma damage. D-rank = one slash. C-rank = 2 B-rank = 4, A-rank = 7 slashes maximums.

Name of Jutsu:Gokōjin-Halo Blade
Type of Jutsu::Kenjutsu
Element Affinity:-
Training Link:
Description:It is a dual-sword battō-jutsu technique. During execution, both swords are unsheathed at incredible speed at dead-range of the adversary, unleashing a strike with enough power to bust an adversary to shreds. This is done by releasing both blades one a second after the other creating an X based cross slash and forcing it forward into the opponent then releasing chakra into the wound causing it to become deeper and harder. This technique can shatter any armor [Including any diamond based armors at the cost of the swords depending on the materials] and can prove to be fatal on any unarmored opponent. This technique however physically exhausts the user and they are unable to perform any other battō-jutsu or any jutsu above B-rank techniques for 5 post's afterwards.

Basic Kenjutsu


Kaji Exclusive Kenjutsu

Name of Jutsu: Manten Ashiba Yaiba [Perfect Footing Sword Style]
Rank: C , S [No B, A-ranked]
Users: Kaji Kanto and his Kenjutsu students
Type of Jutsu:: Weaponry “Kenjutsu”
Element Affinity: N/A
Training Link:
Description: This technique is the essential use of chakra to perfect ones footing while utilize kenjutsu based styles. However because of this styles power it must be learned in stages. This is essentially the same as the normal Taijutsu style except it adds in Kenjutsu. The user must also have the Taijutsu style to have this style in which the user must be one ranked higher [in the taijutsu style] than the level of the style here. [Excluding S-rank]

C-ranked level is the essential understanding of the style. This style is the same as the taijutsu style when it comes to footing but it also adds in with the ability of being able to move keep there arms moving also with there legs allowing there sword to move just as fast as there moving. This Is through practice of being able to increase there arms sudden strength to cause the continuous movements of the users arms while there moving. However at this level it is severely uncontrolled and the user is essentially just swinging wildly since there is no chakra boost to the arms.. It is also combined with the c-ranked level ability of the taijutsu style quoted below. This technigue can only be learned at Chunin.

Quote :
C-rank is the next level of the style and is by letting chakra flow to and out of the feet, meaning that once the person has stepped onto the ball of there feet and try to push off they will fly forward because of the chakra. However at this level it is very hard to control the abilities of this thus losing ability to create a fluid motion. However at this level the users speed has become greatly increased giving the nin equal to one rank higher in there speed however they have an increased turning radius and it becomes impossible to corner. This chakra cost is minimal but steadily will add up and to anyone under Jounin rank they can not keep it going for over 5 post's.

C-rank takes an E-rank amount of chakra per every 15 steps and usually a B-rank amount of chakra per post depending on what happens all together and can only be kept out for 3 post's max for a beginner of this level. 8 post's at adept. 15 at Master. .

S-ranked level is the essential mastered form of the style and with this it becomes the highest level of this style. It is copied with the base S-ranked level of the taijutsu style with another added affect. The S-rank style is quoted below.

Quote :
S-rank is the final level of the style and only one person has truly mastered it and that is Kaji koi Kanto. This level of the style is essentially just a bigger chakra burst and can even now be utilized to climb vertical surfaces of up to 50 feet tall due to the intense speeds and continuous boosts. This level the user gains the essential speed of a god. [Add One and a half ranks to there jutsu's so a S-rank gets an additional chunin level amount of speed putting them past many ninja.] The user becomes so fast when at S-rank that they become invisible completely to any normal site except a path of rubble from where there feet connected two steps ago. [This means the steps of the ninja are so fast that the ground doesn't even show that its been hit till the user is already two steps past where they just stepped.] There is only one dojutsu that can come close to seeing the user and that is a three tomoe sharingan and even then the user is blurry and still very hard to foresee what they will do. However this technique is very draining and only one nin can keep it open for over 3 post's and that is Kaji Kanto the Raikage. Kaji's current limits on how long he can use this level is 6 post's and after that he is left with only enough stamina to stay conscious.

S-rank takes a C-rank of chakra every 7 steps and usually a S-rank per post [depends on the action] A beginner can only achieve this for 1 post at a time. An adept can achieve it for 3 post's at max and Only Kaji can keep it open long and his max is currently 6. S-rank Shinobi only. [Kaji will be the only master of this level]

This level is where is by adding an E-ranked amount of chakra channeled to the arms to allow the muscles to be filled with chakra enough to make them able to be used while the increased speed is active. However at this sense it allows the users to use there sword with proficiency at there level of speed. This style is only know to Kaji and you must know the S-rank level of the taijutsu to be able to learn this.

Kumogakure exclusive Taijutsu

Raigaa Bomu - (Liger Bomb) Lightning Personal Bomb wrote:
Raigaa Bomu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Raikage. After lifting his opponent over his head, he will smash them neck-first into the earth, shattering the ground below. The technique is said to be so powerful, that no one has survived the attack. Only Uchiha Sasuke, using Susanoo, was able to avoid death. The power of the attack was enough to shatter several of Susanoo's bones.

Raigyaku Suihei - Lightning Brutal Horizontal wrote:
Raigyaku Suihei is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Raikage. After charging his body with his lightning current, Raikage will deliver a wrist chop against his opponent.

Raigyaku Suihei - Lightning Brutal Horizontal wrote:
Raigyaku Suihei is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Raikage. After charging his body with his lightning current, Raikage will deliver a wrist chop against his opponent.

Kaji Exclusive Taijutsu

[b]Name of Jutsu
: Manten-Ashiba [Perfect Footing]
Rank: D-S [There is no B-rank level]
Users: Kaji Kanto and his Taijutsu Students
Type of Jutsu:: Taijutsu
Element Affinity: N/A
Training Link:
Description: This technique is more or less the use of chakra and training to become a master of there own footing to gain the excelling ability of providing the most efficient movements. However because of this styles power it can only be learned in stages.

D-rank is the essential understanding of the style and its use. The user becomes adept to barefoot running and always lands on the ball of there foot. This allows them to push off easily almost as if they are sliding across the ground instead of actually running. This makes there speed increase by just a minor amount meaning they are just slightly faster than people of there original rank of speed. This level of the ability however will drain a low leveled nin greatly. Any chunnin or below have a max time of using this style for 5 post's or longer.

C-rank is the next level of the style and is by letting chakra flow to and out of the feet, meaning that once the person has stepped onto the ball of there feet and try to push off they will fly forward because of the chakra. However at this level it is very hard to control the abilities of this thus losing ability to create a fluid motion. However at this level the users speed has become greatly increased giving the nin equal to one rank higher in there speed however they have an increased turning radius and it becomes impossible to corner. This chakra cost is minimal but steadily will add up and to anyone under Jounin rank they can not keep it going for over 5 post's.

A-rank is the next level of the style and this is the more excelling part of the style combining the C-rank abilities with that of Martial arts the user becomes excelling at it. This focuses again around the ball of the feet except while chakra is still flowing the user becomes able to pivot off of the balls of the foot much like a martial artist does to dodge and weave between attacks. This gives them an increased mobility and able to increasingly dodge and maneuver in and out of attacks and literally almost achieve a god like speed. [One rank higher in speed still] However now the only thing visible of the users movements, unless a dojutsu is utilized, is when the users feet touch the ground for that short half second. However this is severely draining and anyone below s-rank can not utilize it for over 5 posts.

S-rank is the final level of the style and only one person has truly mastered it and that is Kaji koi Kanto. This level of the style is essentially just a bigger chakra burst and can even now be utilized to climb vertical surfaces of up to 50 feet tall due to the intense speeds and continuous boosts. This level the user gains the essential speed of a god. [Add One and a half ranks to there jutsu's so a S-rank gets an additional chunin[B] level amount of speed putting them past many ninja.] The user becomes so fast when at S-rank that they become invisible completely to any normal site except a path of rubble from where there feet connected two steps ago. [This means the steps of the ninja are so fast that the ground doesn't even show that its been hit till the user is already two steps past where they just stepped.] There is only one dojutsu that can come close to seeing the user and that is a three tomoe sharingan and even then the user is blurry and still very hard to foresee what they will do. However this technique is very draining and only one nin can keep it open for over 3 post's and that is Kaji Kanto the Raikage. Kaji's current limits on how long he can use this level is 6 post's and after that he is left with only enough stamina to stay conscious.

There are a few signs of this jutsu's usage. The first one is the odd way to start the jutsu one must stand in a place and tap one of there foot behind them to create a beat to which they run. The number of taps of the foot indicates the rank. 5 taps = D-rank 4 taps = C-rank 3 taps = A rank and 1 tap = S-rank. The chakra usage is minimal of course but the physical strain is powerful.

D-rank takes no chakra but can only be used for 5 post's at max for beginners 7 for adepts and indefinably for anyone thats a master. Able to be learned at C-rank Genin

C-rank takes an E-rank amount of chakra per every 15 steps and usually a B-rank amount of chakra per post depending on what happens all together and can only be kept out for 3 post's max for a beginner of this level. 8 post's at adept. 15 at Master. Able to be learned at Chunin.

A-rank takes a D-rank of chakra per every 7 steps and usually a A-rank per post[depends on the action]. A beginner can only achieve this for 2 post's at a time. A adept can achieve 5 posts at max. A master is able to keep this on for 10 post's. Jounin level nin only.
S-rank takes a C-rank of chakra every 7 steps and usually a S-rank per post [depends on the action] A beginner can only achieve this for 1 post at a time. An adept can achieve it for 3 post's at max and Only Kaji can keep it open long and his max is currently 6. S-rank Shinobi only. [Kaji will be the only master of this level]

If you push the technique all the way to the max you will barely be able to stand when the technique ends thus this technique must be used sparingly.

A beginner is someone who has only just learned the technique [someone who has only done the initial training topic. An adept is someone who has done another training topic against kaji himself. Masters of this technique are at my discretion and only Kaji can choose them. To learn this technique one must learn it directly from Kaji himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Kaji's Jutsu list Raikage version [W.I.P. Also contains NEW KUMOGAKURE EXCLUSIVE TECHNIGUES]   Kaji's Jutsu list Raikage version [W.I.P. Also contains NEW KUMOGAKURE EXCLUSIVE TECHNIGUES] I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 6:10 am

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