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Shihouin's Lion Summons Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Shihouin's Lion Summons

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PostSubject: Shihouin's Lion Summons   Shihouin's Lion Summons I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 4:42 pm

Pride of the Uchiha, Shihouin’s Lion Summons

Shihouin's Lion Summons Fierce_lion
Name: The Pride of the Uchiha
Appearance: A deep colored Lion, slightly darker than normal to suit the terrain of Konoha.
Species: Lion
Location: Konoha (Secret Location)
Required Sacrifice: Blood/Dead Animal
Client(s): Uchiha Only
Contract Holder: Shihouin
These lions are different from normal lions and are suited better for combat. Due to this, their abilities are somewhat different.

Stamina and Size These lions are slightly smaller than normal wild lions and have a bigger heart. This allows them to have an increase in normal stamina. Lions and Lionesses (fully grown) are the same size. The heaviest recorded lion summon is about 450lbs. A normal lion would be about 100 pounds heavier.

Adept Climbers Having smaller size and lower weight makes them adept at climbing trees which can support their weight. This is due to also having thicker paw padding and sharper claws to allow them to travel through trees with ease.

Speed A (normal) lion can typically reach up to a max of 50mph in short bursts [dependant on rank] Due to their bigger hearts and smaller bodies, these lions can keep up a slower speed longer. These lions lack the ability of great speed and cannot exceed the speed burst at all. Unlike normal lions, they can keep up an average level speed longer than normal and run easily with anyone of their rank. [B Rank summon and move as fast as a B Rank] Simply put, even though their disadvantage is in speed bursts, they can keep up a normal speed without tiring out as a normal lion eventually would.

Strength Being the main characteristic and overwhelming force of lions, strength is their main key to taking down prey. These lions are stronger than their normal summoning counter parts. Their strength also allows them to make powerful leaps. Depending on their rank, a lion can easily knock through a wall, dent strong metals, bite through heavy bones and things of the like. Some higher rank lions (A-S) can kill smaller predators with a swipe of a clawed paw. Normally once a lion attaches on to you, its game over. They can easily throw down most animals with their power and momentum to bring them down to the ground for a kill.

Stealth and Senses These lions are able to press deep into the ground to hide for pouncing, their thick padded paws makes it easier for them to move quieter. Their most notable senses are keen vision and smell. They lack the ability of increased feeling and hearing.

Not Scared of Water These lions are not scared of water at all and swim very well.

No Pride Mentality These summons lack the group/pride mentality of normal lions. They can easily work and hunt alone without the need to be in a group. However, it should be said that team work is normally above average with these lions when they work together.

Communication The lions use their tails and other body motions to communicate with each other in silence. Learning the communication method is complex and Shi can communicate with his summons using finger motions, eye blinks or even down to certain feet and toe positions. At B Rank, Shihouin can mentally communicate with the lions through a seal. This requires him to be S rank to place it, or have someone else S Rank place it on him.

Sharingan All lions gain the ability to cast genjutsu if their opponent looks in their eyes. Should be noted that their eyes do not change color for this.

Lion Techniques

Shihouin's Lion Summons Lions_fighting120
These lions are capable of using ninja techniques and custom techniques. All elemental techniques are restricted to earth only in compliance with the rules. They are limited with their jutsu, even down to basic techniques

Basic Techniques

Name of Jutsu: Lion's Tail
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu:: Taijutsu
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: Focusing chakra into the tail, a lion can increase the strength of their tail for attacks. This can be used offensively to destroy things or defensively to deflect kunai which would normally cause damage. It can also be used to hold down opponents.

Name of Jutsu: Strong Claw/Teeth
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu:: Taijutsu
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: A technique where the user will place small bits of chakra at their teeth or claws(nails). This gives the nail or teeth an edge for attacking. A successful strike with this technique can make damage sightly heavier.

Name of Jutsu: Chakra Roar
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: Not a sound based jutsu, but rather a loud roar which sends out a burst of chakra about the size of a Goukakyuu (0-5m). The chakra is invisible and isn’t good at doing anything to amplify the sounds of the roar. It is good at destroying the flight paths of tools, sending them back to their user.

Name of Jutsu: Mole Hiding Technique
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Doton
Description: A simple technique where the user will use its chakra to travel under the earth. By mixing the chakra with the dirt, they can travel quickly underground and also sense what is happening above with their senses. With this attack, a simple attack can turn into a surprise one since the ground is a blind spot in most cases.

Name of Jutsu: Weighted Hand
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Doton
Description: A jutsu where the user will add Doton chakra to their body. This is usually done with the hands or feet. This can cause the affected body part to be heavier than normal which can also allow for deadlier physical blows.

Name of Jutsu: Rippling Wave Destruction
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Doton
Training Link:
Description: A jutsu where the user will cause the immideate area (0-10m) to be come unstable. The earth will ripple and shake violently, making it difficult to balance. This can also be done again (once more with a B rank) to make the area unsuitable for movement. It can also be done one meter under the ground.

*More Techniques will be added, but trained whether it's lion or summoner*

Lion Types

Shihouin's Lion Summons Lioncubs

Summoned Creature: Lion Cubs
Rank: D
Description: These little buggers aren't good at anything but playing around. They normally like to henge theirselves and explore the village which is handy for not wasting chakra to summon them. They transform into household cats and usually stay up to 50m behind Shihouin. In battle, they don't do much but offer numbers. However their razor sharp teeth can offer a strong offensive. If a larger lion can take down a target, it becomes nothing for a smaller one to put a small bite on the neck to ensure a pierced jugular. They usually like to play with Shihouin and any of this friends.
So far there are four D Ranks until another one is born.
Shiro, a male cub who is Shi's personal favorite. However, he is known for pissing on Shi as a joke if Shi lets him inside of his shirt or on his head.
Takeo, a male cub who is more mature and reserved. He likes to play rough and win all play fights even if it means biting a brother or sister.
Asuka, a female cub who really doesn't seem to care about much. She follows orders and plays around with her sister occasionally
Mai, a female cub who plays as much as Shiro and also is known for pulling jokes like Shiro does.
Jutsu: Basic techniques. They love to make use of the henge technique and change into cats, and then scare little kids or animals by hengeing back into a lion.

Shihouin's Lion Summons Lion

Summoned Creature: Teenage Lions
Rank: C
Description: Several times stronger than the cubs, these lions are good in all forms of combat. They have a strong bite and powerful bodies which are capable of making a series of attacks against the target. They have an exceptionally strong grip and overall strength. It isn't uncommon for a teenage lion to break smaller bones or fracture ribs. Their bite and jaws are powerful enough to cause damage to bones which don't have a lot of meat over them. If they can't bite through a bone, muscle will always do.
Ken (m)
Saito (m)
Rei (f)
Miki (f)

Jutsu: Basic techniques

Shihouin's Lion Summons Picmale4

Summoned Creature: Full Adult Lion
Rank: B
Description: The power of a fully grown lion, from massive jaw to thick muscles lies within these creatures. Just because they are B Ranked and cannot perform but one technique, doesn't mean anyone should underestimate the strength of an adult lion. These things are capable of crushing bone and flesh, knocking small animals down to the ground. Even though the B Ranklions in the pride are at full strength (for a lion), they lack the finer teachings in techniques. It's not good to get in a match with one of these, if one of these latches on to you, it's normally game over.
Toshio (m)
Hiro (m)
Naki (f)
Jutsu: One of the jutsu on the list, and basic techniques.

Summoned Creature: Boss Summons
Rank: A-S
Appearance: These lions are unbelievably huge and pack huge amounts of strength due to their massive size. Not to be trifled with the creatures are proud, majestic and unbelievably loud. All the characteristics of the normal lion are increased due to size as well, and thus proportional.
Description: A boss summon with A Ranks being slightly under the size of Gama and S Ranks being slightly larger. S Ranks appear slightly larger due to their mane and jaw size, but are roughly the same size. There are also two regular sized A and S ranks which are extremely powerful (think Fukasaku). However Shi must be S Rank to summon the elders.
Shi (m) S Rank
Akira (f) A Rank
S Rank Limited
Kazu (m) S Rank
Hana (f) S Rank
Jutsu: Jutsu List, Basic techniques
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Shikyo Riku
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PostSubject: Re: Shihouin's Lion Summons   Shihouin's Lion Summons I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 7:36 am

This is a approval for Shihounin to train and make the contract
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PostSubject: Re: Shihouin's Lion Summons   Shihouin's Lion Summons I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 12:23 am

Here is the link of completion.

Click Me Please
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Shihouin's Lion Summons   Shihouin's Lion Summons I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 12:33 am

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