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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished

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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 7:59 pm

Name: Koyota
Nickname/Alias: The Reaper

Age: 24
Age Appearance: 21

Appearance: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Qkudxc10
Head: Koyota's hair is a light grey, almost white in appearance, and is pretty long, but is tied into a ponytail. The ponytail is frayed out, and goes upwards, looking a little bit like a tribal war tail. Two large sections of his bang hang over his face, parted in the middle. The sections of hair sort of outline the upper part of his face, while staying out of his eyes. His eyes have become a dark red color, resembling rubies because of the strange segmented appearance they take on. An "X" shaped scar slashes his face in between his eyes, so that his eyes are in the middle of the crosses. His face is rather manly looking, with a slightly chiseled chin, a soft but normal looking nose, and medium sized ears.

Chest: Koyota's chest is very muscular, and he has very broad shoulders. His muscles aren't overly large, but people often call him muscular. He wears a pitch black combination vest and jacket, that outlines his lower ribcage, which makes him look a little strange. The jacket has small red clouds on it, the signature of the Akatsuki, not most noticeable thing about his jacket. The shoulders of the jacket are slightly pointed and go past his shoulders a bit, giving the cloth the appearance of slight armor, even though it is simple cloth. He also wears a long black scarf, which covers some of his neck, and flows down to the back of his ankles.

Arms: Like his chest, Koyota's arms are muscular, and show off some of him muscular qualities, even though they are covered in black cloth. The cloth is a little bit loose, and connects to his jacket under the slightly pointy shoulders. His wrists and hands are almost perfect looking, not having any scars or callouses on them, but most of the forearms are covered in strange looking gauntlets. The gauntlets are simply a silvery-grey color, and appear slightly like nails. Nails being the nails hammered into wood or other things.

Abdomen: Koyota's abs are well defined, and exposed due to the strange design of his custom jacket. People can clearly see eight well defined abs when looking at him, and even profound muscles on the sides of the stomach, showing how much training he has had. He wears a black belt, with a strange belt buckle on it. The belt buckle is red, and it is a circle of metal, with a perfectly made triangle in the center of it, a cruel symbol of his religion.

Legs: Koyota wears simple pants, but they also have a strange design, being slightly more streamlined and comfortable than most other pants. It has two small slits in them, on the sides of his hips, so that when he runs, the air with smoothly flow through them, and hinder him less. Other than that, the pants are simply, slightly loose black sweat pants, but they are made of silk, giving them a slightly shiny finish to them. He has small, shield looking knee bracers on his knees, that are slightly pointed, having a horizontal crescent moon design on the top of them. He has boots that fit snuggly, and have a deep red center piece running up it, until it hits the knees. The boots have a wooden sandal quality to them on the bottom, even though they are black.

Overall: Koyota is six feet tall, and appears to be slightly scary or frightening in appearance. The strange garb that he wears, along with the central color scheme being pitch black and blood red add to this frightening sense of death that he brings around him.

Gender: Male

Skill Level: A Ranked
Ninja Rank: Missing Nin

Village: None
Birthplace: Rice
Previous Village: Rice


Name: The Cult of Jashin
Founder: Xanth the Blooded One. The 3rd prophet of Jashin and founder of the Cult in the aftermath of the collapse of Jashinic Empire over 600 years ago

Link to the huge clan app: The Cult of Jashin

Jashinic Traits:


Cold: Koyota is very cold, heartless, and evil. He is the definition of what the Jashin cult followers should strive for. He almost never shows any emotion, always being completely distant to everyone he meets. He doesn't really like talking to people, and will usually ignore people who he deems not worthy of talking to him. He constantly gives off the feeling of depression, even though he is never depressed, he simply chooses to show nothing.

Douchebag: Koyota likes to kill people, even if they aren't proper sacrifices to Jashin. This usually means that he has no friends, and he doesn't care. Only certain people who understand what he is trying to do may be spared from his wrath, and he makes certain exceptions for other people, if they are close to the people he let's live. He also doesn't care who he kills, he only cares who gets sacrificed to Jashin, as he likes to pick powerful people to be sacrifices.

Nature Lover: Something that makes Koyota very strange, is that he completely loves nature. He believes that plants and animals are not of the mortal realm, because they were created before mankind was. Jashin never asks for animal sacrifices, which is why Koyota let them actually effect his emotions. Animals and a beautiful nature scene are the only things that can make him smile, or possibly even cry at the beauty. Yes, Koyota is that deep, even though he is a cold blooded killer.

Loyal: Koyota is very loyal to the cult, and unlike some people, he will follow what the high priests say to the letter, as if they were orders from Jashin himself. This comes from the idea that Jashin saved Koyota from eternal damnation, or the cult did itself, so he devoted himself completely to it. He will also defend other cult members as if they were real brother and sister, and would gladly give his life (if he could, the immortal bastard) to save theirs.

Goals: To continually give sacrifices to Jashin
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Canon Personality: None

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Kurojutsu
Recessive: Jashinic Weaponry

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: None
Recessive: None


Birth Arc: When Koyota was born, he was born into a family of peasants that resided in Rice country. Because they were poor, the parents were living from odd job to odd job, leaving the infant Koyota slightly malnourished constantly. He was a skinny baby, and developed slight health problems because of the lack of food. His parents finally got a break, and got a job cleaning up some of the grounds of the old temple that resided in Rice country.

Early Childhood Arc: As he grew slightly older, Koyota became more and more depressed about the living conditions his family had to suffer through. He became somewhat of a street rat, stealing from some of the local food stands that were around the area where his mother and father worked. The more he stole, the better he got at it, until his father scolded him and punished him harshly when they realized what he was doing. The shopkeepers at the time remembered Koyota's face still, and demanded that he repay for everything that he stole, but his parents refused, simply saying that they didn't have the money. They asked if Koyota could work it off, but the shopkeepers had fallen into an immense amount of debt themselves, so they were angry and desperate. They killed Koyota's mother and father right in front of him.

They were going to kill Koyota. but two of the guards of the village stepped in. Before the shopkeepers could be fully stopped, they slashed an "X" into Koyota's face, permanently scarring him. As he recovered in the hospital, he showed tremendous spirit, because he left the hospital everyday, despite what the doctors said, to continue his parent's work at the old temple. One day, once the bandages were ready to come off, an old priest came from the temple, dressed in a deep red cloak, and asked Koyota if he knew about a being named Jashin. Puzzled, Koyota asked to learn more, and the priest told the young lad that if he wanted to know more, he would have to join the religion, and take up it's practices.

Apprentice Arc: The first few months of teaching were very strange, because Koyota wasn't used to learning all of this new information about the world all at once. He was taught about how the world and the humans inhabiting it were cruel, unforgiving, and naive, and that murder and destruction were the only ways of freeing the mortals of their cuses. Koyota wanted to learn more, but the priests told him that he wasn't ready for such a realization of the world. Koyota kept studying the ways of Jashin, and eventually was offered a special task.

He was appointed to sacrifice someone to Jashin, and was taught a sacrifice method by a priest. He was now an apprentice to the same priest who had asked him if he wanted to join in the first place. After they had found a proper candidate for the sacrifice, Koyota was more than willing to kill him for the good of Jashin. The murder of his parents confirmed to him that all humans had an evil side, even if they claim to be just, which made the killing all that much more of one for mercy. After the deed was done, Koyota was required to drink the man's blood, which he did. After that, he was filled with a very dark energy, which flowed through him and increased his chakra slightly.

Devotee Arc: After several years of being a devotee to the cult, Koyota asked his master if he could pass the initiation to become a full fledged Disciple, but the priest simply stated that Jashin chooses his disciples, not the priests themselves. So, he kept up his work, sacrificing a person every so often, and he even kept up his work with cleaning up the temple grounds. When he went outside the temple grounds, whether it was to purchase things, or to simply get something to eat, he was slightly shunned, and people tended to walk the other direction or cross the street if he was near them.

Koyota didn't care about such things, because he lost his faith in humanity. He realized that these things called humans were nothing but hollow shells, needed to be cracked open so that their true forms could be given to Jashin. Years passed, and Koyota was finally given a special mission to become a disciple. He had to use a sacrificial technique on one-hundred people within a few days, which was extremely difficult. Koyota got to choose when the time started counting down, and he knew that he had to choose the right spot to get the sacrifices. He chose to travel to the village of Snow, and start there.

Once he arrived in the ice-swept land of Snow, he immediately reassured himself that this was the right spot. Snow had a lot of advanced technology, as if they were hiding behind a mask of immortality. The metal structures and the complicated mechanisms were just a ploy, so that they could appear to be stronger or better than others. They were still simply mortals, and they were trying to mimic the immortality that only Jashin should create. After an entire twenty-four hour period of gruesome violence, the deed was done, and Koyota was accepted as a disciple.

Disciple Arc: Koyota spent the next few years, mastering the Kurojutsu that the cult offered to powerful young disciples such as himself. He didn't leave the sacred grounds, unless it was to sacrifice someone to Jashin regularly. He learned all sorts of techniques, and he especially loved to master the special and unique weaponry available to him. The blood red metal always seemed to give him a light smile, even though he had thought he lost all emotions. He especially laughed when it was time to unsummon his old weapon for a new one, and he started thrusting and slashing immediately, trying to master it quickly. It was sort of like a game, to see if he could make Jashin proud enough to give him the next weapon that he wanted.

**Additional - Jiro tell me if this part is alright to put in**

Koyota was even granted a special privilege, to forge his own weapon from the evil realm. Koyota jumped at the chance, and forged a very large looking nail. The nail was about as tall as him, made of the blood red metal, and he decided that it would suffice until he was ready for the clan's most dreaded weapon.

**End Of Additional**

Akatsuki Arc: One day, a small letter appeared on Koyota's sleeping mat in the temple. They had specific directions and instructions on how to reach an area. He consulted his priest, and his priest knew much more about the organization that tried to contact him better than he did. The priest told him to go, and join the organization. It would be a good chance to sacrifice more people to Jashin, and provide more of an experience into the world. So he left.

RP Sample:
Special Characteristics:

Public Profile
Name: Koyota
Appearance: Tall, muscular man, wearing mostly black. The red clouds are a dead giveaway. Has strange gauntlets on his hands, and slight armor on his knees. Characteristic "X" shaped scar on his face.
Village: None
Organization: Akatsuki
Rank: A
Age: 24
Info: Belongs to a strange cult, not much more info about it.

Last edited by Akuma on Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:45 am; edited 4 times in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 11:18 pm

-I'm assuming this is a W.I.P cause there is no history'

-With the Jashin, I'll have to ask Jiro to approve it since it is his creation. Once I see the history, I'll approve it for the Akatsuki
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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 5:20 am

that's fine, Jiro needs to post, I know. umm, so anything else I need for akatsuki? I tried my best on this app.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 4:20 pm

-Please change your rank. "AkatsukI" isn't a ninja rank, that's a title like ANBU is a title.

-There is no say in your history where you met the mastermind. It is only assumed. Please add more detail with that.

-A rank shinobis can only start off with six special characteristics. You have nine.
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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 10:13 pm

What mastermind? If it's the Akatsuki mastermind, I didn't meet him, it said that I left, going to meet up with whoever the organization was.

Special Characteristics: Those were all mandatory to take to become a Jashin, so I dunno what I'm supposed to do with that...
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 10:35 pm

-Ah, ok then to the Akatsuki part then.

-Alright. I can accept this but I still need a stamp of approval from Jiro since he is head of the cult and if any other people have any other opinions on the application
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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 10:49 pm

I pmed him about it
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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 24, 2010 8:09 pm

Approval Given

Few Clarifications Needed:

The Jashinic Traits should go in spoiler in the clan section under the title Clan traits rather then SC since they are integral part of the clan and not unspecific special characteristics. They do not count towards you SC limit either so feel free to add some if you deem them relevant

Secondly the cult doesn't have temple it has a sacred groove, few sanctuaries (hidden temple like hideouts) and hidden shrines but nothing as substantial as a temple
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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 5:32 am

well, it was a temple like hideout then, but my character glorified it, lol. But I added the clan traits section, but didn't really want any special characteristics, really, anything they can do, I can basically do with good RPing.
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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 10:47 pm

so, bump I guess
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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 7:00 am

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 5:24 pm

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Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 1:27 pm

Damn it GN move the approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished   Koyota [A ranked Akatsuki] Finished I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 12:16 pm

Archived due to user inactivity.
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