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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)

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Hanashi Shikyo
Shikyo Riku
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 12:31 am

"Wasnt...expecting...this" Riku grunted through his teeth. Walking with not only a load on his back filled with food and supplies for the next few days and not to mention a unconscious sixteen year old boy who so happens to be the Vongola's next leader. So much joy was in Riku's face as his eyes showed every bit of annoyance walking up the village gates to Kumogakure.

He was careful to say the least and he made sure that his aura and his face didn't show it. It's been two years, two years since his last visit to Kumogakure no sato. That long away from a village that he considered home now was nerve-racking to say the least. He was neutral but he was an enemy not yet to reveal himself to villages. As of now, he was just a traveller carrying an unconscious teen over his back. He had a few options; in his view, the more logical option was to take the hidden paths of the shadow and land in the hidden compound of the Shikyo clan. Easy enough though he was a bit worried on Leon's part if he were to enter the realm of darkness. His mind is vulerunable to the whispers of spirits who are bound to that world. They would try to take Leon as a host to escape the constant inner and outer suffering of their past regrets in the living world, constantly repeating itself in the shadow realm. Not wanting for Leon to be posessed, he decided the other option was to go through the village gates

Leon was unconscious, anyone could see that if one were to walk past Riku. His face look serene, peaceful. It was something of a odd rarity despite the fact that he continued to complain, whine, moan about how it sucks that Riku was not training him and of course, blocking any chances of him getting a woman. Even know, Riku was stilll annoyed by the fact that he majorly cockblocked him. What gives? Seriously, every guy would've agreed that Leon pulled the ultimate cockblock by acting in such a manner. What was he raised by-Before Riku could even finish the thought, he was already up by the Village guard. They looked at him solemnly, no attention stir of action or any chance of violence was in their faces or in their auras. A mental sigh, thankfully he wont have to fight the guards and other jounin though he kept his guard up.

"Where do you hail from" one of the guards said "I do not reconize you"

Obviously smart one, do I look like I hail from here? Of course Riku wanted to say that but blunt sarcasm wasn't going to help him today. He had a unconscious kid on his back and he needs a room to stay in. Play it cool, just play it cool. Which village to choose, which village to choose. Kiri, Suna, Ame, yes Amegakure will do. "From Amegakure sir, I'm here on a visit to see a close friend, Hanashi Shikyo if you know her". Dont sound too friendly he thought to himself but dont sound like you are about to go on a mission.

"That's nice and all, but we'll need to see some type of identification if you wish to pass" the second guard said with a stern voice "We had many incidences were spies have come in proclaiming to see a friend"

"Most certainly. I know it's rough times at the moment. I heard there is a rumor going around that the Akatsuki is back and there might be a war coming along" he lowered his voice a bit as he was reaching into his back pocket "I hope that is just a rumor"

"For now, it is a rumor but we cannot start making large assumptions just based on a rumor" the first guard was looking at Riku carefully, making sure that he wasn't trying to pull a fast one. Riku pulls out what appeared to be a little black book. It was a passport. He first guard took and open up to see the registration of Riku Momashi, age twenty-four and a level of chunin with a few missions on his back and the registration number being 0003820482583. The guard looks at him and then the picture. It matched up perfectly and of course it matched perfectly, there was no mistaking that this Momashi was in fact this person.

"And who is that on your back? I'm assuming he comes from Amegakure as well?"

Riku has a puzzled look and turns to Leon. He looked at him as if he was surprised to see him on his back. He lets out a soft laugh and a wide smile "Oh him. Sorry about that, he's extremely tired. I was training him just a night ago and the training tired him out quite a bit. I was planning on coming in earlier but he was still asleep. I didn't want to wake the guy so I let him sleep while I was coming into Kumogakure to meet Hanashi"

The second guard looks at the first and vice versa. Their auras did not chance from it's color of caution, a earthly orange that radiated off of them. It was funny how both of them had it. If he didn't know any better, he would've assume that they were brothers since they both had dark skin, however the first guard had more flowing hair then the second guard, who had more spiked and short. It was only just a few seconds but during those seconds, Riku was ready to run away, disappearing out of their sights as it was very agonizing but there auras began to brighten from that dark earthly orange to a more vibrant yellow. The first guard handed him back the passport, now with a warm smile

"Thank you kindly" a small smile came on Riku face just seeing that smile cause now he can relax

"I remember my time when my sensei carried me back to the village. I was so tired, I fell asleep then and there. He reminds me much about my past. I'm surprise they are letting chunin train genin nowadays. You must be something to be training"

Riku did a mild shrug, though it didn't show do to Leon's arm wrapped around his neck "I have a knack for training apparently...we dont have many jounin in our village do to a civil war that's currently striking our village. I was lucky to get him and myself out of there to meet Hana"

They looked at him a bit puzzled, the smile that they both had faded away. Riku improvise the entire thing and it was going good with the script these guys were in. The aura surrounding both guards were starting to waiver a bit, starting to go into the color of confusion which is also the color of sicknes, a dark green with a slight tint of orange around the outer layer of the aura. Riku's hand went into a sign, hidden from the view of the guards activating the tranquil aura. His aura, surrounding his body released small tendrils that seem to sow itself into the guards aura. The green and blue were meshing together in a beautiful orchestra of flames twirling with each other. The guards confusion then turn to a almost still calmness and the smiles arose from them once again

"I heard there were some civil confusion in Amegakure. Hopefully you guys figure something out soon otherwise we'll might have another war on our hands. Nobody wants that"

"No, nobody does" says Riku. He moves Leon slightly, adjusting him on his back "I better put this guy in bed. Guy's all tired and he's quite heavy to be honest. Guy eats a helluva lot" Riku laughed and so did the guards. Riku walks past then, waving slightly while the guards waved back. Act one scene one was played nicely Riku thought and now it's time for scene two. He walks through a bunch of people who were also coming into the village. The first guard sworn he just saw him cause as soon as he blinked, Riku had already formed with the crowd, disappearing away like he never exist.

Riku did walk out of the crowd that he blended in and walked into a hotel. He was debating whether or not he should go into the apartment complex that himself, Hitoshi and the two Tengu Kings had stayed only a year ago but he decided against it. Besdies, he didn't want the trouble of fooling an entire apartment complex thinking that he stayed there again. He didn't hae Hitoshi with him and genjutsu is not cup of tea per se. A hotel would be his best bet before heading over to a few places he had in mind. Checking in and retrieving his key, he goes up to his room where he settles down all of his thinks and his student sleeps quietly in a state of between. He lays him on the second bed. He looks at him with solemn eyes. The boy would be powerful; That's for sure something he knew. No vongola leader was weak; though he did think that Tsuna, the current leader, was more of a scardy cat then anything but he turned out ok. Leon was someone like Tsuna in his determination to become strong but was lacking the scaredy cat part. He pats Leon's head, warm it was which was surprisingly comforting before removing it. "Time for me to leave" he said.

He took out the little black book that he had in his back pocket. He smiles as he throws the book on the first bed. It disperesed into tiny lights that look like stars one sees at night. The light then turn slowly into a blade with that formed perfectly on the bed. He takes the hilt and slides it in the sheath that was behind him. He cracks his neck and lets out a soft sigh of relieve. That felt good, real good. It was good that he was able to trick the guards, he's been a bit out of practice since he hasn't been into any giant villages in awhile. His spying skills haven't failed him yet. He takes the key out of his pocket and walks out of his room, locking the door behind him. He was setting himself out into the village where he was hoping he could catch someone's attention.

The funny thing about being seen and unseen is that there is a complex equation that has alot of variables in the mix. If one wants to sneak around, one has to look around cautiously everytime. First, the ground level. Is anyone following in front or behind you. Next is to see if anyone suspicious or non-suspicious person is watching you. Then the sky. The buildings themselves. One also has to look at there own being to see if there is any bugs on your clothes. With Rku, he figured something fairly simple to get past this equation. If he doesn't want to be seen, he puts on a aura of the tranquil that allows him to blend in with the crowd. If he is alone, the assumption of him being a spy is significantly low and a follower might assume he is apart of the village or a merchent, or a regular villager. The aura abilities are powerful in there own way and Riku has exploited such techniques since he was a young boy. Walking through people as if he did not exist was something he is fond of. He is fond of the fact that he had no one following him yet. But the reason being was because he did not wish to found yet. Once he moved out of the crowd and into a nice little tea shop just in the west district of Kumogakure, that's where he activated an aura that attracts

He use to do this when he was a young teen. It usually got him more and more girls and even older women. He understood at a very early age that some, if not many women, have a distincit thing they look at when they are looking for an attractive guy. Sure, Riku had the appearance of a very handsome man but some women are also attracted due to the auras that connect with each other. When auras are connected, they will do one of two things; The first is the combining, or sowing, of auras. When auras connect and begin to 'sow' within each other, Riku and that woman will begin to connect instantly. With that, Riku will know what she does and doesnt like, what are favorite things, ectera and ectera. The second thing would be to repel. Some auras dont mesh well with each other. If they dont mesh well, then a relationship is deem impossible. Funny things about human beings is that regardless of how the auras dont work well, they still try to have such a relationship. It puts great humor with Riku and at times wishes to tell people who he sees a relationship that doesn't work to break it off*.

Same with this ability. His aura will go out into a affected area of his choice and people whom his aura wishes to choose will mesh or 'sow' itself into their aura, allowing that person to come to him. They will not understand the concept of how his aura would be influencing others to find him but they'll have a nagging feeling to go to a certain place and find something...or someone for that matter. He sits down at a table outside. He watches as a people at one table had left leaving with pleasant smiles and laughter as they walk past them. One person had a orange aura, while two others had gold and grey. They were vibrant and bright which gave a warm feel to Riku. He sees his waitress come over to ask what he liked. He smiled only asking for chai tea and complimented her on her looks and beauty. You gest, she said. Riku did not and said that her beauty was meek and humble.

"A humble beauty is a great beauty for it leaves such a man like myself in awe for others not to see what lies between those brown eyes you have. Does it have a sing a beautiful tune or rather does it write beautiful music. Maybe it draws something abstract and thoughtful"

The waitress blushed "I do draw a bit. I haven't gotten far with any of my drawings but no where close to something like you said. I think of it as pointless stuff to get things off my mind"

"Oh but that is not it. Art is a way of expressing more than what you have deep within yourself. It is a way to express such views you see in the world. Consciously you see it as a way to get stuff off your chest but the soul sees it with a thousand views"

"I'm sure you say that to all the ladies. I'll bring your tea out soon"

"Thank you" he lays her a smile and she smiled back. He looks out in the crowd, watching the people move to and from like a group of mindless zombies walking back and forth. He saw there auras, all of there auras. Sometimes it was overwhelming to look at but he controlled it. He wasn't fond of giant cites like the villages from the amount of auras that almost overtook his eyes and made him blink constantly. Sometimes he wore a blindfold in order for his sensory input to be put at a minimum but that was only because if he was in a village for a extended period of time, it would begin to irritate his eyes. The color of the people were almost the same. Regardless if they were talking in a group or walking with a phone in there hands or shinobi moving to and from to there house to their mission. It was all the same, the same distincit dark grey that almost look black.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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Age : 31
Location : Living in a fantasy based on reality.

The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 6:58 pm

Emerald eyes stared throughout the village. It seemed such a short time when Hanashi was now known as Kiyoshi's Advisor. To tell you the truth, she sometimes found herself lazy and not really wanting to do the job of an Advisor, but she always pulls through. Even if she doens't like it or not. How long has it also been since she and Hitoshi told Kiyoshi some "slight" info on the Shikyo clan? Two years, just like when Riku also "left" Kumogakure no Sato. Seriously, just because he's the Akatsuki leader AND the Shikyo Clan leader doesn't mean he can't visit once or twice. Hanashi sighed as she looked down to the streets, currently she was sitting on the edge of an apartment complex and looking down at the streets where the people were bustling, happily passing through; like every other day. This was starting to bore her, just a bit.

"Tch", she yawned and placed her hand behind her head, scratching it as she looked lazily at the people that were moving around and about. "It's the same old thing every day. Honestly, it's getting quite boring... Well", she crossed her legs, her right over her left one and placed her right hand under her chin. "I could go and check if there's any trouble around Kumo... But", she shook her head. Her black hair moving and then stopped when she stopped shaking her head. "It's kinda boring when you only face agaisnt weaklings..."Then again, it was annoying when she had to go up with anyone that knew Genjutsu. Curse those bastards, not all of the clan members were all well "adpated" on using Genjutsu. Hell, some can't even use it, just like Hanashi. Although, she's never seen her own flesh and blood(her father) fight in front of her, or something so she doesn't really know. "Oh well", she shrugged her shoulders and placed both of her cgloved hands on the edge as well as she raised an eyebrow. "Might as well go see how's the guards doing"

She pushed herself off the edge and landed with a soft 'thud'. The people nearby were shocked, seeing as they didn't know that there was someone on the rooftops. But, some seemed quite calm, almost too calm, they were used to this kind of thing happening once in awhile. Mostly Hanashi's very well known since she's the Advisor and all. But sometimes... It's such a pain. Hanashi was wearing Jounin vest, a sleeveless one, and under the vest she was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and dark black pants. Plus her black ninja sandals and wearing her Kumogakure headband around her right thigh. She absolutely hated wearing it like a headband, it annoyed her! She got up and dusted herself off, then looked at the people who were still shocked and did a peace sign with her right hand. "Yo", and then was on her merry way to the gates.

"As usual. Scaring the citizens, what a bad role model, Hanashi." A smirk appeared on her face as she looked towards her right. Walking beside her was a fellow Jounin, he seemed young, well, anyone was younger than Hanashi. But they don't know that. "I'm not a bad role model. I just don't like taking the little "easy" road. I do like having fun once in awhile, you know?" He laughed. It was a very lively laughter, something she'd always hear when being around him. "You haven't changed after just becoming a mother, and also our Raikage's advisor. Don't get into 'too' much trouble, you do represent the village when our Raikage is away"

"Eh....", the look on her face was either she was bored or really didn't care, maybe both. "I know when to act like a representative and when to act myself. Sure, once in awhile I make errors. But, hey were only human, right?" Does she even COUNT as a human? Eh, who knows, Shikyo's should be considered the walking immortal, death or whatever anyone that knows about the clan and really know them. Not just know a few info about them that really isn't important, the only that knows about the clan at the moment in Kumogakure is the Raikage, and maybe anyone of Kyouken or Riku's most trusting people... IF they have any. "Well, I'm gonna go check on the guards at the gate, you wanna come with or you busy, as usual?" She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. His azure eyes looked at hers, a serious expression on his face before laughing and petting her head. "Yeeep. Got to do paperwork, it's annoying but, hey we all gotta do it. Take care, Hana", she waved by at the Jounin and returned back her eyes towards the road and finally reaching her destination: The gates of Kumogakure no Sato.

The Shikyo woman placed her right hand on her right hip and the other on her black waist lenght hair and looked at the guards who appeared haven't noticed her yet. Hanashi closed her eyes, and one of them began to twitch. She was never a patient woman "Oy!" That made both men turned themselves around and bowed, saying either between "sorry, sorry!" or "forgive us!". "It's fine", she waved her hand at them and then looked at both of them. "So, how's everything? Anyone unsual passed?" The siblings looked at one another, then at Hanashi. "Well," the one on her left began to speak. "No one like that has passed... But, were you expecting a visit, Hanashi?" The woman blinked, she had a confused look on her face. "... What? A visit? I haven't received a visit.."

"I think you would know him, Hanashi. He said he knows you, Riku Momashi", she felt paralyzed, her eyes were wide as she looked at them 'Momashi...? Could it be Riku using a fake last name?', "Was anyone else with him?" She had to keep a calm face in front of them. It's best to not draw attention to herself. "A young man. He said he was training him. Is that all, you seemed kinda shocked, Hanashi", the guards looked at her with concern. "Ohh yeah! I was expecting him", she laughed nervously. "My bad, I forgot about 'that' visit... I'll go scout the village and find him. Thanks for telling me!" And with that, she ran back to the village. So, the possibility of this being Riku Shikyo is what? 30, 50, 60%? Eh, who knows. But when she heard Riku Momashi she just somehow felt that it maybe him.... Or not. She could be wrong.

Where o where could this Riku be hiding? Hanashi looked at each person cautiously but casually, to not attract attention to herself, maybe it was another person who had the same name as Riku, but Hanashi just wanted to see for herself that if it was in fact Riku... Well, she'll do what she wants to do: Maybe smack him upside the head?

Hanashi went towards the west district of Kumogakure. When she was there, she felt something, or well sensed. It reminded her of Riku, could this be him for real? Oh well, one way to find out. She walked camly towards the west district, trying to pinpoint exactly where she sensed Riku's chakra. Her eyes travelled over to a quaint little tea shop. 'Bingo?' She thought to herself as she entered the tea shop, and was greeted by a few fellow Jounin, who she waved back. Hanashi's eyes travelled over the people that were in the shop, some Jounin taking time off and conversing with themselves, girls who were with her friends, probably talking about boys and such, couples being all lovey-dovey, silver hair that stands out, waistresses back and for-Wait, silver hair that stands out?

Hanashi walked silently towards Riku, just because her nickname is also 'The Silent Assasin' doesn't mean she can't abuse it once in awhile... Like.... NOW! She was behind him and she smacked his head, a bored look on her face as she tilted her head. After smacking his head, she sat at the other side of the table with an innocent smile on her face, then a smirk. "Look who came back from the dead, Riku Momashi", she chuckled a bit. "Sorry about smacking you, I just couldn't resist, seeing as I haven't seen your ass back here in Kumo in two long years", a waitress came to her and she ordered some herbal tea, nothing special. Hanashi placed her elbow on the table and laid her head on her hand. "I heard from the guards you came with someone else. So..", she stared at him, a serious expression enveloping her face. "What have you been up to these two years, you lazy bastard?"
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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 8:41 pm

He followed two people towards Kumogakure. Enka had nothing against such a good place, but if they were allies with Konoha then they weren't going to get friendly with Enka. His hatred boiled with such thoughts, looking foward. The older man seemed to carry the boy inside the village, and after a long talk with the two guards, the man got in. Enka sighed heavily, having no such clue how to get in. He looked at the two guards. Neither one seemed well rested, and Enka could all to easily speed by them or walk in without being bothered. People seemed to flood in their quickly now, and Enka slipped into the crowd.

After getting in, Enka remaned calm and cool, alert to his senses and watching his own back. He noticed several shinobi, including two young jounin walking together. He began spying on her, as she went to and from the gates he and the man entered. He followed after her, curious to see if she knew where what he wanted to find was. He soon found himself in the west part of Kumogakure, or so he thought. He took a seat and watched from a distance as she smacked the man he followed into Kumogakure. Ouch, was all he could think.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 10:18 pm

The waitress had return with his tea. His attention came back to focus after looking at the crowd of people auras. The clink of the cup on the metal table made Riku's eyes turn to her. A geniunine smile was on her face. The aura that surrounded her was a healthy purple, vibrant and constant. When her hand left the cup, the aura left a small imprint of her fingers. Riku took his hand upon the cup and thank her with a silent nod and a warm smile to compliment her smile. She walked away from her, leaving away purple footprints that lead her back into the tea shop. He took a sip of the tea and set it back down. The warmth of the tea filled him whole. It was bitter, very bitter and that's how he liked to drink his tea. No sugar, cream, milk, nothing, just water and the herbs the chai had. His attention went back to the crowd.

Oh, what a nice day he thought to himself. He thought this because in honesty it wasn't the best of days in anyone elses honest opinion, overcast and grey, the people aura's reflected much of the weather patterns which is not surprising in Riku's case. He blinked and to the world around them, they couldn't see him. He blinked again and he appeared again at the table. A fun trick he loves to do. His eyes glares at the people around him. There were only two other tables that had two other people. They did not notice him there. Maybe Riku was there and they weren't paying attention. The air was very rich with the sweeten of teas. Riku's sense did not focus on that. It focus more on the rainy smell that was in the air. It was distinicitly sweet, a smell after the rain but it had it an after odor. It wasn't pleasant to Riku. In his mind the smell was somewhat bitter, like the taste of ginger with any other added things to make it sweet.

"Oh my. That's you isn't it. I knew you first sister" Riku said softly "Your smell is in your aura now. Have you grown bitter? Or maybe it's age and time" he made another inhale "Oh, oh yes that's the smell I've been getting". His hands were going for the cup but he heard a small pop and his head vibrated a bit. He stops, turning around to see a hazy but yet vibrant emerald green aura that surrounded the very person he knew would come first.

"Look who came back from the dead, Riku Momashi" she chuckled a bit. "Sorry about smacking you, I just couldn't resist, seeing as I haven't seen your ass back here in Kumo in two long years"

Riku went for his tea again, silent. Just let her say what she got to say and let me hear her voice for a second. He grabs the cup and drinks it slowly. It was still hot but that was alright with him. He places the cup down on the table and looks at his sister "You smacked me? I truly didn't notice" he felt her hand make contact with his skin but in honesty he didn't feel that pain. Maybe it was the fact that his aunt use to smack him in the back of the head when he use to play his tricks on the people and he's adapted to such hits

He rose an eyebrow and lean his head onto his hand with his elbow nestle on the armbar "I see that you still have the knack of trying to sneak up on people, abusing the title you have as an assassin. Are you getting senile or have this village truly weaken you?" He wasn't going to finish what he was going to say. He wanted to leave her with such a question for her to think about. The silent assassin was a title that the Shikyo gave her. In his opinion, she's never been much of an assassin. She was train just like a shinobi, raised in a shinobi village and was taught by the village there way of assasination. Regardless of that, they still gave her the title.

His eyes wanders back to the village crowd. The other smell, the smell of youth. A smell that had that disincit smell of youth. You cannot hide from me boy, he said to himself. Nothing can hide from my eyes. He gave a smile over to that person who was following him. His eyes, for that instant, turn into a solid black. The boy would see, regardless of how he saw them, he would see those eyes were not Riku's. They appeared to be someone elses but whom it was can be shrouded in mystery. Riku turn his attention back to Hanashi, his eyes reverted back to a dark grey

"I've heard you were village advisor to the young Raikage. That must be an honor for you" Riku said bluntly. "Working for a little boy who isn't even able to buy cigarettes yet and can't buy his own wine for his own dinner. Must be a great honor to work for him eh" soundly callous Riku folded his hands and rest them on his stomach "So, why you work for him? For pity sake? Maybe you want to help the Raikage do to the fact that you may have some guilt when you left Sunagakure and now it's in complete ruins. Or maybe it's the fact that you want to draw your attention away from Hitoshi disappearing all the sudden while he left your son to you, even though he promised not to leave"

He took a sip of his tea "Would you also tell that child not to follow me. He's been having a difficult time sensing me to be honest. I have to give him credit. I was fading away from the perception of these people as easily as hiding a toy away from a baby. If you would, that would be so lovely of you"
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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Join date : 2010-04-19
Age : 31
Location : Living in a fantasy based on reality.

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 5:30 pm

Hanashi rolled her eyes at Riku. 'Still the same', she said to herself as the waitress came with her tea. She looked towards her and smiled at her kindly and saying 'thank you'. Then she looked at Riku, her eyes looking at his, changing to a light amber. "Can't I abuse it once in awhile? Sometimes you remind me of father, dear brother." She shook her head as she picked up the cup and put the edge of the cup close to her lips, she blew on it, trying to lower the temperature of the herbal tea. Even if it wasn't at the temperature she'd liked, Hanashi took a sip, savoring the taste, even though it was a bit hot for her taste. She placed the cup of tea back at the table and looked at her brother, her eyes going to her emerald color.

"You smacked me? I truly didn't notice", she wasn't shocked that he wouldn't feel it, even being very, very young in her eyes, he was strong. And she had to at least give him credit for that. "No, in fact I'm quite my same old self, dear brother. Just because I'm abusing my title as an assassin doesn't mean I'm going senile. And I'm guessing you're used to smacks, so I'm not all that suprised", a yawn esxaped her lips and she quickly covered her mouth. Had he decided to try and break his own sister down? Make her feel useless? She really didn't feel like that at all. It was exactly the opposite. Sure, sometimes there was absolutely nothing to do in the village, but she wasn't complaining. A yawn escaped her lips again, was she sleepy? Could be, she did feel a tad tired. But it wasn't enough to bring her down, say goodbye to Riku and go on back, no way.

"I've heard you were village advisor to the young Raikage. That must be an honor for you", he said bluntly. Oh, here we go, she mentally rolled her eyes. Hanashi closed her eyes and picked up the cup of tea and drank it slowly, heariong every one of his words. Should they make her feel saddened, angry? They should, so why wasn't she feeling all that angry/saddened?

"Listen, dear brother", she said after she placed the cup of tea down, and she crossed her arms around her chest and raised an eyebrow at him. "You just looove fucking with me, don't you?", she looked at the child that Riku was telling her about and stared at him for a good two minutes before looking at her brother once again. "Let's see... Let's start with Kiyoshi", she raised her hand and then one finger. "I became an Advisor for certain reasons, my boy. I don't care for Sunagakure no Sato anymore. Second of all", she raised a second finger, almost having a peace sign but her face didn't change from the bored look she had. "I survived without Hitoshi, even before you were born. What makes you think I can't survive without him while having my child with me?"

"And third of all..", she raised a third finger "I'm not your messenger, my dear brother. But maybe after staring at him for 2 minutes with a stare that could tell him to stop following, he would leave. Otherwise,if he doesn't, it's your problem". She shrugged her shoulders as she picked her cup of tea again, and opening her eyes, and this time they decided to remain the usual light amber color.

"Now", she placed the cup of tea down and smiled at her brother. "How's your personal life? Found a girlfriend, or something? Or anyone cockblocking you? Hm?" She clapped her hands together. "How about we start off on why you're here, brother. You wouldn't come to Kumo unless you needed to do something in the village. Am I guessing it's something that you'll say "it's none of your business, sister", or something like that?" Ok, trying to imitate Riku. Bad. Besides, she wanted to know why he came here, I mean it's been two years and now he appears? Something could be up.
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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 6:00 pm

Enka kept to himself. He looked up at a waitress, and gave her a look hinting he just wanted to have a seat and relax. But, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of stare he had just recieved. He felt adrift after that, ignoring any further thoughts of staying still. He looked around, stunned and dumbfounded by the area and the fact he followed two people who seemed to know each other. Enka began shakingworried about his own well being and what that man could possible do to him. Enka thought he was going to get up, but was too curious to move away now. He found himself standing, staring towards the two. He closed his eyes, and turned away, walking out.

But he managed to pickpocket a man before leaving, and began running after bumping into him. Enka didn't plan on leaving the village yet, he heard rumours about treasure being here. He kept going, using his amazing speed to get around every person. Shinobi of the village would wonder just what Enka was doing. He slid into an alley. He knew the man probably just realised he was robbed, but Enka didn't care as he slipped into a light sleep, keeping away of the footsteps of Kumogakure.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 6:28 pm

Riku listen. Regardless of how disrespectful he was to his older sister, she was just that; his older sister. He had to respect the fact that he was much younger than her century old sister and rather than to continue on insulting, almost wanting to interrupt her, he smiled casually. His smile was much like a prankster smile after getting caught for something he did and rather than just admitting that he did, he denied such accusations. Thats what his smile said as Hanashi was talking. He took another sip of his tea and let out a soft sigh

"You say that to me as if I cannot see what lies deep in your aura. It is emerald green, rather than being beautiful, it is hazy, almost flickering with not just pain but sorrow. Such sorrow cannot be hidden by the eyes my sister. Nothing can. You appear lazy but tough exterior. What the appearance of a strong woman. Admirable if only they could see deep within you" his tone of voice did not match with the seriousness of the saying. He seem to be a bit more jovial than his serious nature. He points at her heart "Your eyes. They have become harden. A trait that you brought upon yourself over such pain. Pain is a funny thing, you know. It can either break you, create more problems or make the mind strogner"

He paused to take another sip of his tea. The taste was still bitter on his tongue and the warmth of the drink slipped down his throat. He needed it much so telling her sister this, like taking a painkiller for saying something. "You dont have either three of them. It is an odd feeling you have. Neither weaken nor strengthen. You have not broken down or create anew. It is...silent"

"But enough about yourself. I could talk days about you from looking into your aura. You wish to know stuff about me eh?" a smile arose from his mouth "I do not have a girlfriend. Flirting is my thing for now, I'm rather too busy getting into a relationship. Second, yes, I am getting cockblocked as a matter of fact from my new student and thirdly, what am I doing here?" he taps his lip with his finger while leaning back so "Well, what do you think I'm here for. Business perhaps? Maybe I'm here to assasinate your Kage. You are his advisor and guessing from your strength you have currently, I do have a advantage on you but you could have an advantage on me but I rather not go with the odds on that. It would make you certainly agitated"

"Or perhaps, maybe I'm here to take your child. You are still here and you do not know whether or not I have a little minion of mine, a shadow spirit of mine that could easily inflitrate and take. But of course, I have no intention of taking your son. He's still too young for me to do influence him. Maybe, I'm here to destroy your village. Blunt as I might say and even though I'm saying it in public, that would be foolish at the moment. I have no intent on destroying the village. But, I cannot help those who work with me who want to destroy villages. Some of them are just chaotic and so am I" he shakes his head saying that none of these things are apart of him.

Mischiveous in nature, his eyes did have a plan. He did not hide it, he was rather open about his sister looking into them to see if he had a plan or not. Was it a trick perhaps. Maybe, but Riku did say he was at a disadvantage. He could be lying about it and could have a great advantage. He tilted his head slightly "To be honest, you think you have the advantage here because I am the one who is intruding in your village. Dont get too confident. I was in line to become Raikage, so I do know the tricks and riddles of this place. I do like a good trick.I suppose we could play a little game, my sister. It is up to you to decide whether or not you want to play or not. I am in the mood of a game but what game shall we play. Shall we play the guessing game? Oh, that would be so much fun. I think it would be, wouldnt you?" his hands shrugged at her "No, I like riddles. They are quite fun to make up. I've been doing it recently"

"Let's begin. I be here and there, but truly I am no where. I cannot be seen and can be touch. Peaceful yet violent. To what do I speak? Answer that, and I'll tell you why I am here"
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 9:17 pm

"Ahh, correct as always. Again, I'm not that suprised." She placed her hand on the table and yawned again. She looked at her cup of tea, staring at it for the most longest of time. "I'd rather you not try and actually find out what's really going on with me, brother. It's quite annoying when someone like you figure's everything out." Her eyes looked at the people in the shop, they all seemed so happy and carefree. It was something Hanashi's been seeing for two years now, so why? Why was it beginning to-

"Your eyes. They have become harden. A trait that you brought upon yourself over such pain. Pain is a funny thing, you know. It can either break you, create more problems or make the mind stronger", she nodded at this, her eyes closed while she listened to her younger brother. "It's funny", she chuckled. "To think, the little one, you, finds out everything with just asimple glance of a person. You and your aura, Riku. Just like father like son, I guess." She shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly? You think that I think that? I'm quite suprised on that. Riku, even I know you're stronger than me on some parts."

"And for your info..", she shook her head. "If I was to act so 'confident' as you say, I wouldn't be this calm, dear brother. Try to know more about your own family members, allright?" Hanashi just mentally sighed. She will give Riku credit for finding out more that he actually needed to know with that damn aura that he has just like their father, but sometimes he would get Hanashi annoyed, more so than usual. Eh, he's family, that's what she would say to herself. Ok, suuure the usualy family members piss each other once in awhile. She will admit that, but why does Riku always does it to her? She wanted to ask but decided not to.

Hanashi snickered a bit. "Ahh, so your student cockblocked you. I would like to meet the young boy who did that and survived. Then again, you're not the one to go so violent on someome; just maybe train them until the point of exhaustion. Yes, that IS someone like you", she dranked the last of her tea and raised an eyebrow at her younger brother. "Eh, assasinate the Raikage? Doesn't seem your style... Then again..", she shrugged her shoulders. Hanashi threw Riku a glare, "Of course, you and your chaotic allies. I do wonder...", she trailed off, looking at the waitress and doing a motion for her to come over. "Another herbal tea, please". The waitress nodded and headed off back into the shop.

The look on Hanashi's face when she heard the world 'riddle' was priceless. 'Ugh.... Noooooo', "Ugh...", she placed her head on the table and glared at Riku a bit, but nodded. "Let's begin. I be here and there, but truly I am no where. I cannot be seen and can be touch. Peaceful yet violent. To what do I speak? Answer that, and I'll tell you why I am here", she stared at Riku, before her eyes travelling over to the boy who was following Riku. The commotion he made made Hanashi get up and rub her temples. "I'll get back to you on that....", with that she ran from the shop, using her normal speed of course as she looked around for the boy.

"Seriously?", she said to herself as she stared at the people passing her, she scratched her head, keeping a good track of the boy's chakra. 'I'd better get away from the people, I'll have a good chance if I...', she trailed off as she saw a few Kumo nin who were in the shop searching for the boy as well. The ninjas split up, making her look to the right and running towards that direction, careful of not bumping with anyone. "Oy. That boy's gonna get it." But, it was best than to stay in the damn tea shop all day talking with her younger brother, right? She would say a so-so, she still has to answer his riddle. Damn that riddle. Hanashi kept running, it lead her into an alley. Who would have thought? Her eyes were staring into a young boy, who also had silver/white hair. He reminded her of someone... Oh well, she shrugged her shoulders.

Hanashi extended both of her hands and gripped onto the boys hands. She made sure he didn't try to escape since Hanashi made sure she was gripping hard on his hands and started going back to the tea shop. "If you're awake I suggest you give back whatever you stole when we get back to the tea shop." People were casually doing what they needed to do as she passed them, going back in the tea shop and going seeing that Riku was still there. She waved at him with one of her hand and then sat the kid beside her. "And stay, now give me what you stole", shen then looked at Riku. "Knowing you, whatever I can say will be wrong but... The answer for the riddle, is it wind?" She kept an eye on the boy as she waited for Riku's answer. But before that, some of her fellow Jounin came and talked with her a bit, saying that they could take care of the boy, she shrugged and told them 'allright' and they took him, probably to the Raikage's office.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 10:08 pm

His tea was gone as he sipped the last drop of it. He lets a cool sigh. That breath again. Hauntingly cold it was. It made his tea cool from the boiling hot tea it once was. He sets the cup down awaiting for her answer. As expected, she did not give him an immediate answer but she seem rather distracted from the riddle itself. It was not complicated but it was one riddle that was deeper than what it is. Riku rested his elbows on the table ready to lean forward but Hanashi left the table.

Comparing him to their father; Kyouken. He has not seen him in quite some time now. It's been over, three years now? He could not remember such time as trivial as that. Everyone reveres as a legend, a myth of him appearing during trouble times and then disappearing as if he did not exist. There were many worked for their father, even fought beside him. One might say he was a god amongst man. To Hanashi, he was more or less a father figure he was never truly in her life. During that time, Kyouken did not have a choice but to leave her daughter regretting the consciences it brought. To Riku, he was more or less like a father who was still enigmatic in nature.

He takes the cup that had his tea and begins to rotate it in his hands. His eyes were contemplating on the cup itself. People compare me to you father, Riku thought in his mind, but you knew I was nothing like you. I knew there was nothing between us that is simular. There were a few things that made Riku and Kyouken simular in nature, there calmness and there deep meanings at time but Riku wanted something more than that. He was always under the shadow of his father. He was the great Mizukage, the great warrior who was in all four wars, the man who installed the Creed, this and that, somethings and more. Riku loved his father but despised the shadow that he was always covered in. Hanashi only see's Kyouken in his face but Riku see's more of someone else than his father.

"I may know little but you know nothing about me..." he heard him say that to himself. He sets the cup down when he sees his sister wave at him. He gave her a slight wave, though it seem quite uncomfortable to do so. Causing more attention than she intends to do is something that Riku churns in his mind. "I do hope you have an answer. I was beginning to wonder if you knew it or not" he claps his hands and lets out a laugh "So, do you have an answer?"

"Knowing you, whatever I can say will be wrong but... The answer for the riddle, is it wind?"

He claps his hands and has a happy expression on his face. His eyes and face appeared to brighten with the answer she gave him. "Well, I guess I can give you that. There was two answers to this. The simple one was the obvious and that was wind. The other one was emotions. Because you chose the simple answer, I shall give you a rather simple answer to my reason"

He leans forward, his elbows touching the table again and this time the micheivousness in his eyes was at full. They were hollow yellow, the iris was filled with red. It did not seem to fit with the somewhat faded smile he had "There is something that is controlling the villages, the econonmy, the miltary and the daimaiyos. All of them, even part of the Shikyo clan, are in this person's controll. He appears to be human but he has been an enemy of the world since our great-great grandfather has been around. I'm here to find a bit more information about him"

He reaches into his vest and pulls out what appeared to be a ragged book that has been punched by time's fist. "Inside this are journal entires of father. He's been recording this over the centuries. Within this journal, father talks about a person that would probably make the phoenix seem like a idle threat. This opponent of his has been manipulating everything, including the first Akatsuki, the eight shinobi wars and the world itself. I'm here to find a piece of journal that father left. Satisfied with my answer?"
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 12:44 am

Her right eye twitched automatically seeing Riku with such a happy expression. "So... Emotions could've been an asnwer- Oh damn you", she really, REALLY hated riddles. Sure they were all so interesting but sometimes she didn't have the patience for it... Lucky for him that she was able to think about it while going to catch the boy. She also leaned forward, her elbows touching the table now. She saw the mischieviousness in Riku's eyes that made her almost, almoost raise an eyebrow but decided agaisnt it.

"There is something that is controlling the villages, the econonmy, the miltary and the daimaiyos. All of them, even part of the Shikyo clan, are in this person's controll. He appears to be human but he has been an enemy of the world since our great-great grandfather has been around. I'm here to find a bit more information about him"

Hanashi looked at Riku strangely, mostly because of his eye color but also because of what he had just said. The only thing she could really say was: "What?" He reaches into his vest and pulls out a ragged book, or what appears to be. She stared at the book while Riku explained that the journal belonged to their father, Kyouken and had inside entries that their father had started centuries ago. "Heh, whoever it is to make the phoenix seem like nothing at all.... That's very interesting"

"Satisfied with my answer?" Hanashi nodded, feeling a bit excited now. "So, a piece of the journal is in Kumo. Have any place in mind where father might've put it? Even if sometimes you annoy me I would like to help you in this brother. 'Sides, got nothing much to do these days", she stretched and then looked at Riku again, this time putting up a serious expression. "But hey, it's your call whether or not you want me to help you, I just offered. I don't like seeing my little brother, who's the leader of our clan and ... 'that' organization", she said it in a whisper, seeing as she didn't want to be caught talking with someone from the Akatsuki. It be a major screw up on her part. "So, want me to help ya or stay out of it?" She noticed her cup of tea was on the table now, she must've been very distracted to not notice. Hanashi shrugged and took the the cup slowly and drinking slowly as well as she looked at Riku.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 4:41 am

There was no helping but to smile as she whispered 'that' organization in such a manner. Though, he did not have time to torment her with more riddles and games, he would get straight to the point "My dear sister, I would love for you to join but I wish to get this journal myself. Nothing personal, just that I need you to stay safe. You are the one of the strongest Shikyo in lightning country currently. There are no other leaders here because they have secured themselves in Kirigakure and Sunagakure. The place that I am going is a very pericular place. Dad always had an interesting take on how he wanted those to find his journals" It was rare for Riku to say dad. Out of respect, they called him father but Riku would probably be the only one to say dad out of neutral grounds.

"The eyes of the city, it stares upon us" his eyes closed and his smile widen "If I were to discuss my plans further, I might cause you and myself too much attention" he leans over to Hanashi, moving away from people's range of hearing "Do you sense that? You sense something is admist. It is rather an interesting thing. It's like a beast waiting for someone to go into it's cave. You cannot see it yet cause you've been so occupied. I walk into this place and can feel this person's presence. Paranoia perhaps? I doubt it. If I'm paranoid then so was father and father was the most reasonable being I know"

His finger began to poke on the top of the cover, then it flips into the pages of the journal "Dad had an interesting theory about what this feeling is about. He wrote it down before and after he disappeared from this world. Where is that page, ah here we go" his finger lands on a page. The words were in cursive and amazing the pages were still intact. If this journal existed through history, it could only be imagined that this journal would've been through hell and back, considering the fact that Kyouken did things that were indeed unnatural.

November 10th

Cold yet sunny.

Too long I have had an emotion that I could not describe. It is something that the conscious cannot percieve it but it knows it is there. I've just arrived in Konohagakure. The Hokage present is a young man who defeated the great Akatsuki that brought the fourth shinobi war. There were many lives lost in that war, many of my comrades died in there. Sadly, my friend from the A.T.A was killed. I mourn over his lost but I did not stray long in that. If he was here now I could hear him say to suck that shit in and carry on. Being Death, it's sometimes hard to consider the fact that you can see your friends age and your love ones perish while you continue to live on and see it all happen. I've been through the fourth shinobi war and I lived, though countlessly I have a desire to be killed so that this body will no longer have to suffer.

I am getting off topic and whomever reads this I apologize for it. As I was saying, I arrived in Konoha, hometown. Ever since I got back from the between, I've been feeling a type of emotion, maybe emotion wouldn't be the exact word to describe it. A presence perhaps.....

Riku skips through a few pages "Wait, wait, wait....geez, I thought that was the right one. Oh boy, let me see" his finger skips page after page. He stops and looks at the writing. He was muttering to himself, saying a bit softly to see if it was the right one. His eyebrows rose and he pokes at the page "Yes, here we are"

.....I have a theory. It may be something of a long shot but it is the most reasonable theory that I've had in a long while. I presented this case to Kudara, my brother, and he said it could be possible and did not deny that it may not be the case.

I believe that every village was placed in specific locations for a specific reason. The reason I stated was because it was easier for this person, this human, demon, god, whomever he is to control. It all leads in a pattern. The pattern seems random but I do not believe it is. If you were to take a map and draw lines connecting them, it would appear to be connected in a....

Riku stopped suddenly. He turned around facing to a building that was probably it's tallest in this part of the district. Vague to see with his normal eyes, his eyes glisten with a stream of white flames that could could only be percieve as holy. It was all sudden and would seem odd to Hanashi though she would probably sense something admist.

"Oh ho ho, what do we have here?" he was sounding pleasant though he wasn't feeling it at the moment This person snuck underneath my radar. How is that possible. No person, not even father or mother, could get underneath my radar. It caught Riku's attention because it was a sinister. This sinister aura was beyond comprehension in Riku's mind. He snuck past and he was watching. He looks at Hanashi who would be staring at him wondering what was going on. He smirked, reaching into his pocket "I'm sorry that I have to leave, appears to me that I've got myself into a little hassle" he pulls out few ryo for his tea and her. "I would love to give you the journal but at the moment I do feel comfortable doing that, not yet that is..." he does a quick wave at her and tilts his head with a bit of a smile "Do be careful and stay out of trouble"

His fingers rose up to nose and he touched it. Like that, he was out of the perception of Hanashi. Her eyes would wonder where he went but she would not question it for that matter though the question would arise is as to why he touched his nose before disappearing. Riku was still sitting there but he cut off the perception of him being there away from the people. It was the ability of the adapability of the auras. He stands up from the chair to jump up onto the rooftop of the teashop. His eyes were set towards the large building. This aura, it was reaching out to him. It was telling him to come and be alone, dont let anyone follow.

"So they know about my aura abilities and how I can get information. Oh yeah, this isn't any normal person. No one normal indeed" the sense kept on saying not to bring anyone, it was saying that over and over and over. This person was determine not to let anyone know of it's presence. Riku began to run quickly over the rooftops. His speed, unimaginable to the eyes if one could see him. He appeared to be a blur as his body travelled from building to building then a blur that reached high into the air up to the tallest building in that district. He could now see the person. Just like the sinister aura this person had, he also had a sinister and enigmatic appearance of a black overcoat with hat over his head. He could see his eyes nor could he see his face, even with his aura eyes, there was nothing he could see.

He landed only fifteen feet away from the mysterious man. The wind was vigorous up here, his balance would've been lost if he was untrain in the arts of balance. He was surprise to see that this person was not swaying neither to the left or to the right for the winds were powerful up here. Riku scratched a the hairs on his chin and the scratched his head "Asking the obvious would be idiotic I believe, though judging from what I've sense, you wanted to speak to me"

The mans head moved up and down. Riku continued "You're powerful, I can sense that and you have a kill intent that could overwhelm a person" he smirked "Not bad hiding it, though you're that on purpose to show that you dont mess around. You showed yourself now because I've said a little bit too much on my end, is that it? Please, stop me now if I'm dead wrong"

Riku could hear him speak but it did not come out of his mouth but rather his mind. He could almost hear it both in his ear and his mind at the same time. It was almost like an eerie echo I commend you for your observation Riku Shikyo. I do apologize for not revealing myself earlier. You've been konwn to slip out of my grasp and I was wanting to meet you soon. I'm glad you've came to Kumogakure. I was going to lure you here but you did that already without my power

"Oooohh, quite a power you have. Reminds me of my own power, to lure those I want to see and meet me. I suppose I attracted you. Not apart of the plan but I can't complain, ya know?"

You've been on my list for quite some time now. You've obviously wanted me to find out about you

"What kind of list are we talking about? A hit list? Cause if I'm on that, please tell me so I can add it on to the list of people that had me on a hit list. You are certainly not the first"

Not a list like that. A list of which I keep tabs for those who get too dangerous for exploiting me. You were ready to exploit me in that journal of your fathers. If you said anymore, I would've had that waitress gone and poison you and your sister

"Dont bother, she would've resisted if you did that" he waves at finger at him "I had a hunch that the waitress had some type of kill intent inside of her. Manipulated through her mind, her aura was beautiful but deep in the seams I saw that sinsiter linger that could not hide from my eyes. When I talked to her, I used my tranquil aura to take away that thought."

The man was silent

Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 5:09 pm

Again, seeing the smile Riku was putting on was something she would just have to get used to. Hanashi would maybe think he would be up to something, to torture her again with more of his little 'games' perhaps, but she was wrong. Her eyes blinked in surprise. Safe? She needed to stay safe? What was up with Riku at the moment? And the strongest Shikyo that's in the Lighting country at the moment? It was sounding like some events were going one once again in the Shinobi world, whether they liked it or not. 'I still say father always liked having anything that he wanted to be found somehwere very secretive. That or somewhere that it would be the last place anyone would ever look.... Or just a random secret place.

"The eyes of the city, it stares upon us" his eyes closed and his smile widen "If I were to discuss my plans further, I might cause you and myself too much attention", she blinked in confusion but then when Riku leaned over to Hanashi, her eyes widened. There was something admist, how could she have not noticed that? Maybe Riku was right, she was slightly occupied... But still. "Looks like something huge might happen then", as she said that, Riku began to poke the top of the cover and then flips into the pages of the journal. It seemed he was trying to find something in their father's journal. But what?

Hanashi placed both of her elbows on the table and looked at Riku while he tried searching for a particular page. Meanwhile, Hanashi stared at him then at the journal as he flipped the pages, she focused her eyes well on the pages, seeing the amazing cursive writing that their father had. As Riku started reading the page that he had just found, Hanashi listened. Something that struck Hanashi is that he's been in all of the Shinobi wars, making her wonder how old is in fact her father, but that was getting out of topic, wasn't it? Then, Riku stopped and skipped a few pages, looks like he didn't have the correct page. Hanashi sighed, even Riku seems to be having a slight problem in finding a certain page in Kyouken's journal.

Ok, this was getting interesting. Hanashi quietly looked at the journal while her younger brother re-read what's on the journal. Father thought that the villages were placed in the locations that they are now for a specific reason, and then it said someone, whatever it was, could be controlling everything? And that it all lead to a pattern, even though it was random?? The pattern seems random but I do believe it is. If you were to take a map and draw lines connecting them, it would appear to be connected in a...., Riku stopped suddenly, making her blink. "What's wrong?", he turned around facing to a building that was the tallest in the west district. Hanashi stared at his brother, serious as his eyes seemed to glisten with a stream of white flames, this was getting quite odd, even for her, this could mean something is now admist. He sounded pleasant, but knowing Riku, that couldn't matter at the moment. As Riku turned to her, she wondered what was going on, even her eyes seemed to be seding that message to him, trying to tell him what was exactly going on.

"Riku! H-Hey!' He had already laid some money for him and her, "Riku..", a warning tone she had as shescratched her head, annoyed now than she was a bit while ago. He waved at her, then tilts his head with a bit of a smile on his face. "Do be careful and stay out of trouble", she glared at him when he was raising his fingers up to his nose, and then he was gone. Damn that boy! She got up and left the tea shop with a rather annoyed look. He must've used something, she sorta knew he was still in the village but where exactly? Well, she'll go and listen to Riku's words and not get into trouble... much. Right now, she just wanted to know where that bastard went, if he went towards whatever was now in the village... Well, he'd better hope Hanashi doesn't catch him.
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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Heh   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 12:28 am

“Hey, lets go look at that new dance theatre that just opened up,” one guy in the group that was walking down the streets of Kumogakure said. The others agreed and hooted, making cat calls and whistling as they walked towards the strip. The new theatre that opened wasn’t a strip club, but contained many different exotic dancers in minimal clothing, allowing young males in the vicinity to go and get drunk and rowdy. There had also been a massive amount of sexual assaults and complaints registered by civilians because the young males, most of them non-ninja, couldn’t hold their liquor and became touchy and violent.

As the group neared closer to the theatre, cat calls and whistling becoming more evident with the loud and boisterous attitudes, a figure shot out in front of them, causing the group to jump back and blink. However, when they looked round, the figure had disappeared, like a figment of all of their imaginations. Shaking it off, they all laughed slightly and headed toward the theatre again, and continued that way for about 5 seconds before they noticed red specks on each other. Looking behind them, an image of their friend who suggested the theatre in the first place sliding in half filled their minds. There had been no warning, no instigation. Just a black blur and a person cut in half.

~~One Hour Before~~

Leon rolled over, groaning as he did so. He opened his eyes before shutting them tightly and sitting up. His face turned green and he bent over, reaching down the side of the bed to search for the garbage can. Barely grabbing, a loud retching sound filled the air in the hotel room and Leon regurgitated everything he had had to eat yesterday, and quite possibly the day before too. He had already thrown up everything from this morning after Riku had tossed him in the air… and then... Leon heaved again. What had Riku done to him? It was like he had been sent to hell and back again, or something. Keeping his eyes shut, Leon rolled over and curled on to his side facing the dark wall. He was going to try and fall back asleep, but a loud, to him, noise kept ringing in his head. It was like a massive amount of static, with random words getting through.

Leon groaned and rolled on his back, braving the light and opening his eyes slightly to get the glass of water that was left on the nightstand to the right of the bed. Why did Riku do that to him? Who needed to know what everyone… Leon blinked as the voices became clearer. Why was he hearing peoples voices he remembered from long ago and their extremely less than helpful remarks? The swearing and cussing, name calling and being told he was worthless… everything was coming back to Leon at once. He knew it wasn’t just being in Kumo, for he could tell that was exactly where they were based on the wind and chattering in the streets, but something Riku had done to him. But what happened? Leon groaned and clutched his head as the voices became clearer.

”Good for nothing brat… better off dead.”

“Leon? No haven’t seen him. Good riddance too.”

“Kid was nothing but a trouble maker.”

“He’s missing? Doesn’t surprise me. Kid was nothing but a nuisance anyways.”

“Brat. Never could keep his hands clean. Always knew there was someone out for him, but didn’t bother telling him. Whats the use of one rat anyways?”

Leon pulled on his hair as tears began running down his face, of anger, or frustration, or sadness, he didn’t know.

Im at war with the world and they
Try to pull me into the dark
I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slippin' from your arms

It's getting harder to stay awake
And my strength is fading fast
You breathe into me at last

Leon lifted his head and exhaled slowly, his eyes slowly turning a dark red as he shook in anger. Who were they, those people? They didn’t know him, they didn’t try to get to know him. Who were they to judge? His hair standing up slightly due to a leakage of chakra that Leon didn’t know he had, or how to use, Leon punched the wall next to him, eliciting a shriek from the on lookers below as the entire wall crumbled. Leon was oblivious however, as he let out a scream and covered his ears, placing his head between his knees. He stood up and screamed loudly before bending down and punching the floor as hard as he could. The resulting force shattered the foundations of the hotel, and it all came crumbling down. A massive amount of dust and rocks filled the air, with lightning crackling through the air due to electric cords being flung around in the wind caused by the hotels destruction.

I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
here, right now
I'll stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake and I'm alive

A crowd slowly gathered around the fallen hotel, the rocks had finally stopped flying around in the air, the electrical cords had stopped flying. As the dust slowly settled, Leon’s figure emerged, still on his knees with his fist on the ground, the same position he was in when he had punched the floor in his room. Murmurs started at the sight of him, no one knowing whether he was dead or alive. Had the dust been clearer however, there would have been no questions. Blood red iris seemingly swirled in Leon’s eyes, and a slight shimmer cause from heat had enveloped his body. It was like looking at a concrete road and watching the heat waves appear from the sun in the middle of summer. Had the civilians noticed these little tidbits sooner, they might have run. They might have been able to survive. But the dust hadn’t settled yet, and no one could see these slight indications.

I'm at war with the world cause I
Ain't never gonna sell my soul
I've already made up my mind
No matter what I can't be bought or sold

When my faith is getting weak
And I feel like giving in
You breathe into me again

A flying pole was the first sign of movement. Spearing one through the skull , the crowd stared in horror and amazement as blood flew everywhere. The sickening crack as the pole flew through the eye socket and split the back of the skull in half echoed through the air as the body fell backwards, gray matter that could only be described as the brain oozing onto the ground while the body, still partly alive by some chance, spasm on the ground, flailing and kicking. Someone screamed, or maybe they thought they did. It was hard to tell as the murder caused everyone to finally snap out of shock and react accordingly. Well, Leon thought, accordingly depended on the person, as most ninja would attribute running away in hysterical screaming masses accordingly in this situation.

I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
here, right now
I'll stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake and I'm alive

Grabbing two rocks, although boulders would have been a more accurate term, Leon threw them and proceeded to walk out of the dust slowly, reveling in the screams and cries as the boulders crushed people but didn’t kill them. Think he was useless would they? A brat? No good? He would show them all, every last one of the mortals. This power… it felt good. Leon clenched his fists, stretching the material of the gloves he always wore as he walked out of the rubble and looked for his next target.

Upon the horizon was a red cross, which in every village and town, Leon knew, symbolized a hospital. The heat wave around his body thickened. Where were they when he needed them, bleeding in the back of an ally as the people who thought were his friends had stabbed him for the money he had stolen earlier that day? Or when the person he had looked up to as a mentor in the beginning days of his career had tried to crush his skull with a rock because he thought Leon was stealing and hiding money from him? Leon’s glare intensified, the amount of chakra he was excreting causing his shirt to fly out from its tucked state and billow as if there was a strong breeze. And then Leon disappeared.

Waking up waking up
Waking up waking up
In the dark
I can feel you in my sleep
In your arms I feel you breathe into me
Forever hold this heart that I will give to you
Forever I will live for you

The first blast was all they had as a warning, although it wasn’t much. The doors caved in, flying towards the back wall of the reception area. The windows shattered due to the force, shards flying everywhere. Another scream was heard, this one inside the building, as one of the glass shards lodged itself into a patients eye, slicing through the iris and causing not only blood, but a jello like substance to ooze out. Leon smirked in satisfaction and sprinted towards the main support pillar in the middle of the hospital waiting room.

Jumping in the air, Leon flew through the pillar feet first. The impact was equal to an explosion, as dust and rocks of every shape and size flew everywhere. Cries and screams began to sound from everywhere in the hospital and Leon pulled himself out of the wall he had flown into due to the force of his jump. Stepping out of the hole, he brushed himself of and sighed internally. He was wasting time here, there were many more people to exact revenge on. Running down the reception area, Leon put his arm out like he was going to clothesline someone, and took out the remaining support pillars before punching the wall in front of him. The hospital began to cave in and fall forwards.

I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
here, right now
I'll stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake and I'm alive

Jumping off of the hill that the hospital was on, Leon flew in the air and stretched slightly. This was it, this was what he had been missing. The deadly side, the edge. Beginning to run in mid air, Leon landed on a crowded sidewalk and began to sprint through that area. Ignoring the crunching sound underfoot as he landed. He knew he landed on someone, he just hoped it had hurt. Had he turned around and looked, he would have been pleased with the results.

The mans right arm was in shreds, literally. The force of Leons kick off as he sprinted had torn the skin and caused the strands of muscle to separate, looking like red noodles coming out of the arm. The next notable feature was the head and skull, the heel of a boot shaped print stamped through the entirety of the skull. Blood and gray matter pooled beneath the head as the eye sockets had also shattered, causing the eyes and optical nerves attached to the back of the eyes to hand loosely out of the sockets. A jello like substance oozed slowly down one side of the mans cheek, the socket having torn the protective layer that kept the eye in one shape.

Leon kicked up dust as he ran off, unsure of his next target. However, that uncertainty did not prevent him from randomly veering off the roads to run through buildings and take out their support beams, causing them to crumble nearly instantly.

And all the while Leon laughed.

Waking up waking up
Waking up waking up
Waking up waking up
Waking up waking up

Last edited by Caranore on Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 7:06 am

After being found in an alley and return against his will to the tea shop, Enka gave the money to the jounins now taking him to the Raikage's office. There has to be a way, a way to get out of this, he thought. He looked around at both jounin, staring off to his front where a crowd of people were approching. He wanted to react now, but remained calmly in the situation. Both of the jounin kept their eyes on him and where they are going. Enka now knew when he had the chance to escape the clutches of these foolish Jounin. But Enka had wished the female had actually escorted him, he'd feel a lot better with a women around instead of an all guys thing.

But, they happened to hear a large noise, and actually view the scene with description. Obviously someone knocked it down, but Enka didn't see this. Second, the Jounin both got closer, and loosed their grip on Enka to make sure their villagers were alright. Thirdly, people were probably injured or dead, if any lived there. One jounin reacted to the pole, but to no avail of death. Enka took his chance, sweeping his leg behind the other jounin, knocking him back. He then jumped back, running off once more.

Once he got away again, he took refuge in a small alley. Was that the boy that came in with that Riku, he asked himseld as he caught his breath, wide-eyed and worried for all those innocents. But, it was not Enka's job so to speak, and got up and took off, hoping to find that female jounin. He went from rooftop to rooftop, trying, desperately to find her. And when he spotted something that looked like her. He jumped down, trying to get her attention.
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 1:14 pm

Renjiro had been in his large household for most of the day. His house had three bedroom four reception rooms and large spacious kitchen. Being a typical Kumogakure weather he had stayed indoors and relaxed due to it being a very slow month for missions or training requests. Renjiros requirements in the village had become slower and slower since he became a Jounin. He had tried to teach and arranging training sessions for the ninja of the village but as history shows Renjiro either wasn't a good teacher or his standards was too strict for the people who attended. The emergency bell suddenly sounded. An emergency situation had happened somewhere in the village. Some building had collapsed or a ninja going nuts in the village was what flashed into his head when he heard the bell. "Oh, the bell ... " he jumped up and out of his first floor window landing on the roof of his conservatory and then speeding off towards the location of his closest watchtower, where more information could be given to him.

He arrived at the watchtower where two chuunin guards were standing ringing the bell constantly. “Stop the bell, I’m here. What’s the situation” he said in a stern and authoritarian voice. I stop ringing the bell “There is a situation in the centre of the village. The last report was that it was a rampaging boy destroying a hotel. That’s all the information we have. Sorry it isn’t any better Renjiro-sama.” He then bows “ Renjiro sighs “Right ring the bell every 30 seconds. It allows for a state of emergency sound but less of Urgency. All we need is a village wide civilian panic.” Renjiro jumps out of the side of the tall watchtower and begins jumping from building to building at high speed towards the centre of the village seeing a pillar of smoke in two distinct locations “Shit ... Why in the hell hasn’t this been contained. Are all the ninjas in the centre sleeping or something” His eyebrows furrowed as he landed on the centre of the collapsed hotel “ANYONE HERE!” he heard a couple of pleads for help and with that he formed handseals and bite his thumb thrusting a hand down the kanji expanding around the ground “Summoning jutsu!” and in a puff of smoke three fully kitted out ninja squirrels appeared. “Yes Renjiro sama?” “We have civilians trapped under here, get them out I have other business to attend to” as Renjiro disappeared at speed the squirrels was lifting huge boulders that normal human ninjas couldn’t by using the Squirrel Art: Hidden Strength technique.

Renjiro arrived at the now collapsed and destroyed hospital which was the other smoke signature he saw when going towards the city centre. He turned seeing a young male with a huge chakra aura around him. Normally a chakra aura couldn’t be seen but it was clear to Renjiro due to the pure amount of it being produced by this kid. “Oi, Kid What the hell!!!” Renjiro already had his Tonfas out as soon as he saw the kid. The kid’s aura was a weird sight to him, as he’d only seen this with Hibari himself when he ran out of spare dying will flame producing rings. As soon as he spoke Renjiro disappeared using his speed at appear 20 meters away at a safe distance from any chakra boosted technique or burst of speed, according to Renjiro anyway. Renjiro quickly scanned the area seeing civilians everywhere, some in the rubble and some littered around the area shocked and unable to move. In five distinct high speed movements he picked up three people in each movement and placing them away from the area. These movements in total saved 15 people in total and placing them away from the area and any further pain. When he moved back from the area in the 5th movement he arrived by the huge stunned crowd stuck in place by fear. “MOVE!!!! NOW!!! ... Move Or be killed!” With those words the group of 30+ people ran instantly screaming. With that he turned to the boy again keeping an eye on him. “BOY!!! YOU’RE NO KUMO NINJA!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!” he now currently had his cloud dying will aura emitting from his skull cloud ring in preparation for a direct attack. Renjiros dying will flame attacks was his strongest type and as such allowed for greater damage in a smaller area.

WC 746
Jutsus used
Summoned Creature: Ninja Squirrels
Rank: C – produces 3 summons
Ninja squirrels are like any other ninja animal with the ability to use chakra and to use that for specific tasks. However being that these ninja animals are remarkably small compared to other ninja animals (e.g. dogs) the summoning chakra cost of them are dramatically reduced. In addition due to this, the amount of summons produced per jutsu is increased regarding each rank. See table below

Jutsus summons used
Name of Jutsu: Squirrel Art: Hidden Strength
Rank: C
Users: Squirrels
Element Affinity: N/A
Description: This is a jutsu is a version of the cannon Super strength jutsu. In which the user focuses precise chakra control into their hands or feet and releases it with pinpoint timing, which greatly enhances their strength. Tsunade created the concept of this jutsu to intimidate enemies and keep them at bay while she healed injured ninja. Being tiny animals they may need this jutsu to increase speed and strength when fighting an opponent
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 2:38 am

Standing with the man remaining silent for a few seconds would be Riku's oddest and strangely, deadliest few seconds he will have with this person in his entire life. His aura was lazily leaking out of his body, no not lazily, oozing off his body like the slime one sees at a swamp. The slime on the trees that would drizzle down the black bark as it reached into the murky water. Riku was that water. His body was too willing to absorb the black oozing aura coming out of his body. The ooze was mixing with his blue aura. He saw as the blackness was entangling with the blue. It was mixing two different types of oils that would not mix, no matter how you force it in, the two auras were not mixing.

Within the darkness, Riku saw the very lives this man took. Each and every single life this man demolish with just a single finger. Every war, every battle, every major event, he orchestrated and controlled and watched-He watches from a chair that is surrounded by thousands of televisions where there were cameras in certain locations, television stations of major events-and laughed a sinsister laughter that trembles the very room he sits in. Riku couldn't see the room entirely but he knew it was large enough to hold so many televisions. He was peeking closer and closer at the back of the chair he was sitting at. He couldn't see what the back of the persons head looked like. It was way too dark for him to see. He was getting a vision of almost touching this person. Riku was ready to turn the chair aorund to see him.

The images stop. Riku was back on the tallest buildling in the district with the man in a black cloak just a few feet away from him. His eyes peered down at his left hand. It was at the hilt of the black blade. He didn't even remember putting it there. He knew his hands were at his hip when he was getting all comical on the man but it was fully grasped on the hilt. He could almost feel this blades pulse, radiating into his hands and through his arm to his mind saying to cut him down. Riku would regret this later to not attacking him but when he heard a large boom he came back to starring at...nothing. The man was gone. He hadn't left through physical means, Riku would've immediately sensed that. An illusion perhaps but Riku would've reconize that right away. Space manipulation was another but he couldn't take that theory to heart yet. He removes his hand away from the hilt. Another time he thought.

Another crash and boom. He heard in the distance people screams of terror. That was definitely from the direction of where the hotel he placed Leon. The sudden realization of Leon being over there and that intense destruction put Riku in a sudden position to act quickly. His eyes glisten then glowed a fierey white which turned his world invertly from a positive aspect to the negative. As the buildlings were black, life around them gave out beautiful and vibrant colors that Riku could not describe at the moment. He has seen this many times before and this would certainly not be the last time he'll use it. He looks downward. He was maybe fifty or sixty stories up and he could see tiny movement, moving away from from that area. His eyes zoom in and he could see the many villagers auras as they were running. The color of absolute fear was a color that ranged from a light orange to a silvery red. His eyes moved towards the trouble, he could see that there were shinobi who had some colors of fear but a color of courage

"It's fading. Something is taking away there courage" he said to himself. He was moving closer to the problem. His eyes was catching something awful. It wasn't sinister or completely destructive like that one man but it was close to it than anything. Riku sighed, hating himself for his correct assumption of who this person was. He was right on the ball. He could damn himself all he wanted but there was no point. Right now he could hear his uncle saying to get his ass over there and do something before things go bad but he could hear his father also saying that it would be best to wait.

"I got this you two. You guys worry too much" saying that made him feel a bit silly. He smiled a bit inappaproiate as it may be at the time, he felt ridiculous. He had to do something first before he went there. He reaches behind his neck and grabs onto the green hilt. Pulling the blade out he says to softly to himself "Take the shape of your enemies and fool them to death, Bouga". At the tip of the blade, it began to shine then the shine went downward to the guard then to the hilt. The blade then faded away into sparks of dust that looked like dimmest of stars in the blackest of nights. Riku runs forward then he makes a large leap towards the next building free-falling towards it. He spins his body as he was making it towards the buildings roof. He lands gracefully and without making any sound and then moves forward swiftly like a blur. His movement was beyond the reconizable speed as he was blur moving across the districts to Leon's location.

He stopped at the buildling that hadn't been touch by Leon's power. He was only a few stories up and he could see everything that Riku was expecting and yet was not prepared for. Unorothodox as he is as a teacher, he should've been prepared for it. He was very glad his father wasn't here right now otherwise he would've gotten a F for fucking up so bad. Leon's eyes were not his own. They were engulfed by the intense negative emotions; anger, fear, frustration, hatred. So much hatred this boy had build up over the years of being alone, being a reject in society. No one gave a damn about him, no one loved him, no one didn't even give him a simple hello to this boy. The flames were not the hyper will flames, it was the will of hatred. His will was going against another person, someone who was just angry just for destroying a portion of the village. They were the dying will flames alright and he knew that too. It was raw, almost like pure honey but it was definitely controlled by this person. The man was strong. Both of them were most likely getting hurt do to the fact that Leon has no control over what he is going to do and this man will try to hurt him in process while protecting the villagers

"You definitely passed phase one of the training" Riku said aloud. He would get both reactions of the man with the purple flames and Leon right away "But I wasn't expecting you blow away a hospital" He reaches out into his pocket and pulls a fan. He begins to waves it on himself to cool himself off with a big grin on his face "Ho ho ho ho, My my, mister scary man, you look like you are gonna kill my student" He was already at the edge, jumping down wasn't a problem. It was thinking of what to do when he lands was the concern.

He landed softly on the pile of rubble. He didn't have to look far from Leon to see that there were a few bodies laying behind him. He saw Leon's hands were in a mixture of the burning dying will flames, blood and rubble from the dirty. He could tell that the blood was from the man who was just a few steps away from him. His small intestines were laying out on the pathway while his large intestines had been stepped on. It had bursted open, the feces coming out of the color oozed out. Riku looked at Leon. He wasn't even fully aware of his distruction. Out of thin air, a cane at appeared. It was a shiney wooden one that Riku began to spin rapidly with his finger around the hook. He looks at the man.

"You...are the cloud guardian, if I'm not mistaken from the purple flames you are emitting from your hands. I'm going to take a guess at your name" he places a hand on his chin and pretends to think thoroughly by saying hmm alot and tapping his chin. He already knew the moment his eyes met. His aura was strong, very strong. If he were to let this man's aura envolop him, he would know everything about this man but he chose not to otherwise it would begin to overwhelm his conscious "Renjiro Kyoya if I'm not mistaken. You are the cloud guardian"

He uses his cane to point at Leon "I can already tell you are ready to strike at him with your dying will flame but let's take a second and think before we do anything to this boy. You have made a correct assumption in defending your people but killing this boy wont do you any good. I would have to step in if you were gonna do that" he spins his cane "This boy is the 11th Vongola leader and I am his sensei" a wide grin appeared on his face "You want to kill him, by all means kill him. Though, I wouldn't risk getting all these people killed as his flames are very unstable and could start to destroy all three of us in the process". He was thinking to kill time. Let his tranquil aura mix in with the will of hatred. He wasn't going to risk using a low dosage on Leon. He was going to the secont potent of his auras. It was dark blue and it trailed its way towards Leon body, envoloping around him like a soft blanket in a warm bed

"Would I make a suggestion as to not attack him and leave him to me. Otherwise if we continue this reckless fighting, I do not think these people are going to see there families tongiht" his words were cunning to say the least. He was sounding logical but at the same time, it was sarcastic and mocking towards Renjiro.

Jutsu used:
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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 7:33 pm

Kiyoshi sighed as he looked over towards his vision of sight, which was towards the rubble filled ground. ‘Where’s mother when you need her?’ Kiyoshi had kicked a bit of the destroyed hospital. Though the vision of it was obscured by the sleeve of his jacket, Kiyoshi’s left arm was bandaged entirely due to him allowing a couple of the victims to bite into it in order to suck out a some of his chakra. At the moment however, Kiyoshi was rather low on chakra because of that fact, probably about half of it was gone at this point, but he still had to figure out the source of the issues.

Behind him were probably about a few dozen or so Kumogakure citizens getting acquainted with balancing themselves due to not being used to standing. Kiyoshi grabbed the right side of his temple as he stumbled a bit, kicking up a bit of dust on the way, a bit of result from using the Heal Bite and Mystical Palm jutsu on so many people, but he would be alright in due time. Kiyoshi wondered exactly how Sayuri was able to do this kind of stuff every day of her life, or at least most of it.

Kiyoshi pushed that thought out of his head for the time being as he shook it, attempting to get the cobwebs out. ‘This is gonna be a long day…’ As such it will because this was all going to have to get replaced and there’s going to be someone that was going to have to replace these, someone was going to have to pay. At the moment, neither Natsumi nor Saib was with him due to the fact that they had their own orders that Kiyoshi gave on the way over here once he sensed the presence of another chakra signature but that wasn’t important right now, if they knew the Raikage well enough, then they’d find him if need be.

Now that the villagers were finally all healed up, there was now the task of finding this mystery destroyer. From what he hears from the villagers, it was a young boy, brother hair and all that mess. But Kiyoshi didn’t need a description, he didn’t even need to close his eyes in order to open up his mind’s eye. He didn’t even need to be a sensor ninja. Any shinobi that had a clue about chakra should be able to feel that from this short distance, all that needed to be done was to head over in that direction and make sure that it wouldn’t continue.

Strange thing though was that Kiyoshi was starting to feel other vibes of unfamiliar chakra. Kiyoshi simply let out another sigh. ‘Long, long day…’ With that, Kiyoshi set off into the direction of that use source of chakra by dashing over there since most of the buildings around him were destroyed anyways. On his way there, Kiyoshi’s sword started shaking across his waist, indicating that there was definitely a disturbance in the force and though he had a relatively calm expression on, there was a bit of sweat going down his forehead showing his concern of it all.

Once he finally got there, the words of an individual made it to his ears. "Would I make a suggestion as to not attack him and leave him to me. Otherwise if we continue this reckless fighting, I do not think these people are going to see their families tongiht". Kiyoshi didn’t know if he was spotted or not, but yelled out. “So do you mind telling us who you are then?” As he appeared beside Renjiro and halted in his spot. Kiyoshi held that same expression of no emotion whatsoever as he stared at the white haired stranger and the boy across from him. "I got several villagers reported dead as well as several dozen formerly wounded and building upon building smashed. I don't I can just let that go by without someone paying for the damages." Kiyoshi's eyes narrowed a bit as he felt a strange connection towards the stranger before him.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 9:23 pm

As Hanashi was running through the west district side of Kumogakure no Sato, destruction was now noticeable. The people in the district had went into panic and started running into different directions, of course thif annoyed the Shikyo Jounin. Hanashi was trying to find Riku, who had decided to pull a delightful dissapearing act right in front of her back in the tea shop. Of course, she knew he did something, but she didn't know -what- kind of technique or whatever he used.

What she knew from him at the moment is that something, whatever he was, god, demon, human or something that would need a new word to describe was in the village, like something was amidst. From what Riku read from their father's journal, the villages all seemed to be connected somehow into this, it seemed like a random pattern but it was a pattern. But how did the pattern formed? So many questions and yet almost no answers. She quickly sensed a familiar chakra signature around, and then saw the same person it was none other than that kid who was pickpocketing earlier and she also felt another chakra signature following the boy as well?

"Kid, what do you want? Can't you see the village is fucked up at the moment? Well..", she scratched her head. "This district?" By now, she had saved a few civilians but that wasn't enough, seeing as whoever was doing. "Hanashi!", said woman looked behind the boy and saw none other than Natsumi, the Raikage's young bodyguard coming her way. 'Well, this is getting interesting', "What's up? And where's Kiyoshi? Shouldn't you, his bodyguard be with him?" she said very bluntly, making Natsumi's eye twitch a bit. "He send me to get you...?", she looked at the little boy then at Hanashi, she waved her hand. "Not from here, was pickpocketing a guy so I caught him. I suggest you bring him with us?" Hanashi couldn't do all that much, she hadn't learn any medical jutsus and she doing her best with the knowledge she had in the moment.

"Um, fine then...", Hanashi clapped her hands together, then turned around and searched for something. Natsumi blinked while the boy may have been somewhat confused as well, she turned around and had rope on her hands and an evil look in her eye. "In case he doesn't leave again... Or else", she tied the roped around him good and tight. Her eyes narrowed when she felt the Raikage's chakra, a Jounin's and boy.... and- "Riku!" she shouted randomly as she looked at the direction the Raikage was, Natsumi on the other hand tilted her head. "Riku...?", she asked at no one in particular. Hanashi turned around and looked at Natsumi and said stenrly "We're going towards Kiyoshi, bring the kid with us. He needs to see Raikage-kun ~", she teased as she stared at the kid. "This time you can't run, so be a good boy and sit back while we drag you towards him, ok?"

Both Natsumi and Hanashi ran towards the direction of Kiyoshi's chakra, dashing quickly towards the buildings that were already destroyed, bodies on the floor with their intenstines out could make someone sick, well, it did to Natsumi a bit, Hanashi was used to seeing things like this long ago. Natsumi had decided to carry the young boy bridal style, even though she absolutely hated doing it but she couldn't complain, not yet anyway. As they arrived where a little group was gathered the first thing that left Hanashi's mouth was: "Idiot!", of course it was directed at Riku, who now appeared to have a fan and a cane? Natsumi was not far behind as she landed beside Hanashi and placed the boy on the floor, then took her Guan Dao from her back and pointed it to the boy's neck as she looked at the Raikage and the others. "We're here, Raikage-sama", she turned her eyes towards someone familiar 'Renjiro-sempai!", she nodded her head towards him while Hanashi had her arms crossed her chest and an eyebrow raised at the cane Riku appeared to have. "Ok....", she shook her head "Moving on... The first question goes to you", she pointed at Riku. "I would like to know where you went and second", she pointed at the young boy who was covered in dirt, rubble and possibly blood.

"Am I guessing your 'student' I presume who did this?", Hanashi then looked at the Raikage "To think I would see you coming out here, that was the farthest thing on my mind. But you are the Raikage", she shrugged her shoulders. Natsumi looked at the young boy, then at the man known as Riku, she blinked her green eyes. "He's the young man's student? But.. was he the one responsible?", this was very confusing to Natsumi, wouldn't they automatically killed the person responsible or was this something that she didn't know about? Either way, it was confusing to her and to Hanashi as well, but not all that much. To Natsumi, it was like haze was blocking her line of view and she could not see anything as she went forward. Hanashi to her was like the fog had dispersed, but it kept on coming back and then leaving, then coming back again.
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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 9:47 pm

Reborn had laid awake on his bed the whole time whilst Kumogakure was virtually being… torn apart. Tsuna had told him he was relinquishing his title as the Vongola’s Boss some time ago, but thus far he had never really told him who the next boss was going to be nor had he been able to sense it himself like he normally did. But yesterday had been different… Tsuna had finally told him about the 11th.

And today he had that odd, strange feeling that the 11th was going to be around very soon. But whether or not this feeling was right he wouldn’t know until he actually met the boy, or girl, face to face. He had woken up early today, but remained in bed because he didn’t have anything to do for the day and secondly… he was thinking. Thinking about the 11th Generation.

Most of the guardians had been found by now and most were more than ready for the transfer. There only remained one or two more guardians left to find and today he was sure he was going to be meeting the 11th Boss. But he was wondering if he was doing his job quite as well as he should have been. Normally the bosses stayed in power until well… they were in their forties at least, sure some didn’t look like they were anywhere near forty, but that’s what most of them did. They stayed as bosses till they were around the age of forty (if they hadn’t gotten sick and died or killed… or something…) but Tsuna… Tsuna wasn’t even thirty yet!

Had he failed to teach Tsuna the importance of his role as the Vongola’s Boss? That even though they were a mafia family that didn’t mean everything they did was illegal and evil? Or was Tsuna just simply not cut out for the job? Reborn wasn’t sure. He had always hoped and thought Tsuna would stay as a boss until he was at least thirty. Sure, he knew Tsuna wasn’t much of a boss and didn’t want to be one… but he had settled on thirty at the very least. Maybe forty if he was lucky. Seemed he was wrong.

His thoughts would become interrupted though as the new Boss was causing havoc throughout the village. Reborn finally got up and climbed onto the windowsill. Drawing open the curtains he was able to make out crowds gathering all about in Kumogakure and see smoke. Perhaps he should’ve gone outside like all the other Jounin when he first heard the sounds of destruction but no alarm had been sounded, there hadn’t been signs of war, nothing. More than likely it was just another idiot doing something stupid.

And from the looks of it… It was an idiot doing something stupid. But one thing did strike Reborn. The kid, whoever it was, was acting a lot like someone under Dying Will Mode… His thoughts quickly clicked together and he himself jumped down from the windowsill and placed his hand against a wall. Soon enough a compartment slid open and Reborn was walking through his secret pathways and before long he was just outside of the village’s hospital some meters away from all the rubbish.

Okay, so a lot of buildings were destroyed, and there were people dead. ‘-_-’ The Vongolas are going to owe an awful lot of money and grievances to the village after this… And we just redeemed ourselves the last couple of years with Tsuna as our Boss. Now we’re back to crazy, creepy, destructive, unlawful mafias again… Great.’ thought Reborn in annoyance even if he didn’t show it.

He easily spotted the Raikage and trailed him of a sorts, aware that the Raikage could probably sense his presence. But Reborn wasn’t worried about that. What he WAS worried about was the three chakra signatures in front of them. He recognized them all of a sorts. One was the Cloud Guardian. One was their future Boss. And the other one was… a Shikyo?

Due to having already met Renjiro it was hardly difficult for Reborn to identify him and having spent so much time with most of the Vongola Bosses Reborn was well aware of what each boss’ chakra signature tended to feel like, but he had to admit that this kid was… different. Different in his own right, but similar at the same time. And ever since meeting Hanashi Shikyo some time ago Reborn had a very, very, very, very, VERY vague feeling that this man shared the same chakra signature as Hanashi. Maybe he wasn’t actually a Shikyo? Maybe he was just one of their servants or underlings? He still didn’t have very much information about the Shikyo.

And strangely the closer he got, the more calm he felt. He vaguely suspected this was the result of the might-be-a-Shikyo-or-might-not-be-one man. He would’ve made himself more obviously known, but just then Hanashi herself came running onto the scene along with the Raikage’s new bodyguard with a young boy in her arms as well as Saib and Aoitori in tow. What a collection of ninja indeed…
Saib mentally sighed as she went along, ignoring the signs of people dead, dying, and injured. She was already confused and hurt enough as it was with all the recent events going on between Natsumi and Aoitori (she STILL wasn’t sure if she hated Natsumi or still had a crush on her). So Natsumi had literally abandoned them after the Raikage had given them direct orders to find his advisor, Hanashi, TOGETHER, now they were just trailing along after her, big deal.

She briefly glanced back at Aoitori. He was going a little slower than normal, mostly because he was applying quick medical aid to the those that needed some while they trailed after Natsumi (the annoying idiot that she couldn’t decide on whether she hated or not). She supposed she ought to be helping some too, Aoitori had taught her a little something about healing others with herbs and what not but…

Sighing in her head, Saib simply shook her head and focused on what lay before them. Kumo had its own medical nins. They’d take care of the injured. Right now, she had to find Natsumi and play follow the leader. Her pace quickened a little as Natsumi began to run off with someone in her arms (which she found quite odd to be honest) that briefly reminded her of the infamous Hatakes of Konoha alongside of a young woman (whom she took to be Hanashi?). She didn't need to let the deaths and injuries of innocents get to her yet. Maybe later when they got back home, but not now.

She’d glance back every once in awhile only to find Aoitori just within sight. ‘Despite his looks he really does care about people… Only… why did he have to hurt me like that???’ As she neared the small gathering (of notably high leveled ninja) she briefly shook her head to clear her thoughts of Aoitori and focus on the problem at hand.

"Am I guessing your 'student' I presume who did this?" The heck? This weird insane kid they had half seen and half heard throughout the village was the one who had did all of this? But wasn’t he just a… a Genin? Or a Chuunin at the very best? How had he been capable of doing this?! And it seemed like Natsumi had read her mind and voiced her own question.

She glanced at the other people, especially surprise to find a (cute) baby there dressed in a suit and… and holding a gun? Wait a minute. Wasn’t this the same ‘baby’ she had met when she first met the Raikage and Natsumi in his office that one day? … … … The longer she looked at him the more sure she was that it was him. ‘Great, just great. So what the hell is all of this? Some kind of a test?’

"The 11th Boss at long last..." Saib just raised half an eye and looked down at the baby (who had somehow came to stand beside of her). "Rest assured the Vongolas will aide in rebuilding Kumo." What? Vongolas? ... That clan or family thing she had heard him talk about before? What was that anyway? Aoitori had never explained that to her...

And as she looked about at all the people there it seemed like they ALL knew what was going on in some form except for her. This was incredibly confusing for her. A baby ninja, a Genin destroying a village, what next?
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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 08, 2010 3:32 pm

Cloudy was at this from the beginning he sat on a building as the bloodshed had started. He watched the kid who was in such a crazed state he moved like almost a madman. Cloudy smelled the blood and his stomach gurgled with intense unending hunger. Cloudy licked his lips and fangs as he watched the kid who he had come to start liking. He was a monster who was killing humanity for his own selfish reasons. This labeled the kid as a very good person in Cloudy's book and as he flipped his head back and let out an intense moan of pleasure while watching the blood bath take place he felt the building below him buckle and start to crumble. Cloudy just continued to moan and pant as the building fell to the ground soon standing up licking his lips as he walked through the dust of wreckage.

His eyes were wide and his black eyes focused upon the kid who looked to be slowing down he was still crazed but people were interfering. They were trying to stop the kid which made Cloudy jealous, the kid had people who cared for him. Cloudys appreciation soon turned to anger as he clenched his hands into fists. He let enough chakra seep into his gloves as he lifted his hands up. The next thing cloudy knew he was in his own crazed rage as he let his monomolecular wires slowly spread out and grasp out onto the child. The child was going to be his puppet and cloudy was going to add to the bloodshed.

'Hahaha, No, NO, NO! This bloodshed will not stop... ITS TOO FUCKING FUN!' Next thing that happened was cloudy's Mp3 player blasted on and he heard the beat of a song. As the beat came on his hand flexed and soon his finger jumped and the kid reacted instantly he flew straight forward past the man who was trying to calm him and was going straight at Renjiro the jounin of Kumogakure. As he aimed at Renjiro wether the jounin was able to dodge made no difference if he did the kid would go slamming through the buildings behind him and kill even more civilians if he didn't dodge at the speeds the wires and the kid was going he would be instantly knocked out and on the ground. Whatever happened Cloudy didn't care as the event took place he pulled back on his hand again and wherever the kid was he came flying back in a loop taking out every single building in the villages square. As every building started to collapse the world seemed to come falling down with it and as cloudy pulled on the string again his wrecking ball the child came flying back and slamming into a civilian's chest cloudy rotated his hand and the kid did the same becoming a literal human drill. The civilian screamed in pain as the kid grind ed into her chest soon creating a tear ripping through the flesh and cutting into her ribcage and meat sending it flying in every which direction. The blood vessels and the heart were shattered blood falling in puddles to the ground almost like a waterfall from the wound. As the kid cut halfway through the woman the screaming stopped as she started to fall. Cloudy seeing this spread his fingers apart which made the wires do the same and the wires neatly sliced through the rest of the woman causing her lower half to just fall to the ground spilling out blood and the top half one final scream as it fell off the wires and hit the ground in a position of helplessness as blood poured from the cut torso and the heart still pounding slowly getting weaker till it finally stopped.

This made cloudy start laughing maniacally again as he continued to slam the kid into buildings and civilians watching them slowly fall to pieces and crumble into helpless chunks of meat. He sent him flying all over the square and soon brought the kid flying yet again at a group of civilians cloudy made him circle them twice and then he let the kid fly forward the wires coming together and slowly squeezed the group of terrified civilians to death there bodies being squeezed and constricted to the point they were sliced neatly in half. The blood drained from there bodies and there intestines fell out and there screams fell to anguished sobs as they died with no way of redemption.

'More, More, I WANT MORE!' As cloudy screamed this he brought his fingers together and sent the kid flying at civilians once again the kids ripping through one of the mens pelvis's and shattering it the man falling down into intense screams of pain as the kid wrenched clean through him right out of his ass the man died with a sizable hole right in his pelvis as he fell to the ground no longer a man but a good for nothing IT. The next thing he did was send the kid right at an elderly man who had fallen to the ground. Cloudy made the kid stop just before the old mans head and the man fell back and fainted. Cloudy snapped his fingers and the kid was forced to bring his hand back and then straight down into the old mans skull piercing right through the skull and into the brain matter like a knife slicing through it and out the back of the old mans skull. The next thing that cloudy made the kid do was flip the old man around and grasp at his neck piercing his hand through it and then grasping at the old mas spine. Using this cloudy pulled back with all his force slowly ripping out the old mans spine and twirling it above the kids head.

Cloudy then turned the kid to a group of screaming and running civilians and he sent the kid flying forward with the old mans spine lashing out and cutting through the man civilians with the spine in hand. However as one fell and co-warded against the wall Cloudy made the kid stop as he shook his head. 'Cowards don't deserve death, they deserve something worse. Since a coward will face death many times a man with valor will face it only once.' The kid grabbed the mans throat and the man tried to kick the kid and he did successfully but it wasn't good enough. As cloudy flicked his finger he forced the spine the kid was holding down the mans throat piercing his stomach and partially through his intestines the man tried to scream but all that came out was just a gurgle and blood flowing out from the tip of the spine. As the kid let go the man just fell to the side dead and blood just poured out from his mouth. Cloudy just shook his head and soon he flipped his finger.

He was growing majorly bored now as he soon swung the kid back around letting the kid fly through buildings once again. However as cloudy got bored his movements slowed and soon as he sent the kid flying towards the last standing building in the square he let the kid go and he went flying in freestyle and cut through the wall halfway in and out and got himself stuck. On the sign of the building was a woman who was straddling a pole so it was of course an exotic dance club. He had just chucked a kid into a strip club after causing mayhem. As this dawned on him his eyes went wide. Shit he had just ruined his cover in this village and he ran off hoping no one had seen him. He had subconsciously tried to make it look like he was only running after the kid and at his inept speed to the kid he was always ten meters behind.

Ooc: All of the colored sections are his thoughts he never spoke while he did any of this. He also moved with Caranore but it looked more like he was trying to chase him. Oh and Caranore did in fact give me permission to god mod him and do this so no pulling that card. Thank you and have a nice day.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 3:11 am

The more people that came in, the more lively Riku's face had shown. His first glance was to look at the Raikage. He didn't turn around right away, he just heard him say who was going to pay for this collateral damage and asked who Riku was. Those words came to life to Riku as it had an aura in it's entirity. It was almost boring to feel it in his aura, almost unlively. The cane was around Riku's index finger and he had the pleasure into spinning it swiftly around and around. He turns himself to see the young Raikage who had such a emotionless face. His face was definitely young, young for Riku to say young man or even little kid. He was a growing boy, there was no mistake there. He could see that his face was thinning away from the youth he had just a few years prior but he could see it in the cheekbones and jawline area.

Riku had the sudden urge to rub his chin feeling the blue hair that sprout of it. He had a distincit thought to actually shave right now but that wouldn't be proper to do. After all, he was in the middle of a battlefield caused by his student. He was getting surrounded by high level shinobi which Riku did not want to get himself into so of course getting serious would mean he would have to fight. "What's the deal with youth these days trying to grow up so fast. You are such a young Raikage, why act all serious when there isn't much damage around. Gosh". Too many things going on in his head. Easy assasination. They only see the one blade that was on his right side. The blade on his left was the cane and his sword on the back was there to make a good distraction. The sense of his kill intent was low, not even visible to the eye of a sensor. Riku was not a threat to these people. He could easily do it and get away. He could easily do it. They believe they have cornered the rat when it was the opposite.

Not yet, he thought to himself. Patient. They are only puppets right now. He knew they were being puppets. That's probably what the dark figure wants him to do currently so that Riku would be in his little puppet show. No, just continue to spin the cane. That is all he needed to do. Riku had a smile that didn't fade and his face was still in the jovial "hello, how are you today. Would you like to join me in a game. or maybe play a few games with me" glance that just trickled down with happiness and over joyed. His aura was giving it out and they would feel it too as his tranquil aura was getting mixed into it. What fun could he have currently. Would more join into the festivities of the chaotic carnage.

Of course, why wouldn't they? It was not long before there were four other party members to join into the giant charade game. Riku, of course, knew only a three of them. One was his sister, Hanashi. Not a surprise from his sister, the common insults and questions kept pouring out of her like an annoying faucet that just wouldn't stop leaking. Riku did not say anything to her sister directly but indirectly, he puts his pinky into his ear and pretends to dig into it as if Hanashi's words were clogging the eardrums. He gave the gesture of not understanding a word she said and then said in the Shikyo language "Quis eram ut? Vos erant sermo ut loud ut EGO have haud informatio quis vos iustus said" he smiled wondering if father ever taught her the language of the Shikyo. He visibly shrugged at this thought. He rubbed his chin again. That irking notion to shave was getting stronger by the second. His eyes glanced at the young woman who was just beside his sister. A woman with green eyes that were just a tad bit lighter than his sister. He nodded his head as if he was to bow.

The last person he reconized was somewhat of an older aura. He knew it was older, yet mysteriously young. Immortality wasn't the exact word he was looking for but it would be in the same category. His eyes glanced at a young toddler, or rather baby, that was standing just a few meters away from the once standing hospital. Riku could not help but to smile at this aura and this baby for it was a contradiction. He was surprised that this baby did not reconize him but then that same surprised faded as he had forgotten about his own status in reality. The baby was getting closer. Seeing how it was standing on two legs and it's aura clearly had stabile thoughts, this was a man. Riku could've known just a few seconds later even if his eyes could not see aura's due to an odd feeling about him. In that same instant, he saw another young woman. She appeared the same age as the girl standing next to Hanashi. Her aura was young, a confusing color of yellow and green that was trying to get a handle of situation.

Riku laughed embrassedly "I haven't even told you my name yet, Raikage-san. I've totally avoided that question. By purpose perhaps?" he tapped his chin then points at the Raikage with his cane "That would be interesting for you to fig-" he stopped in mid-sentence. The sudden thought of madness had struck him hard like a person had threw a brick at the back of his head. The shock in his mind was unexpected. He thought it was Renjiro's anger that was banging in his head but it wasn't. It was quite a shock. He turns his head to the rooftop where he saw a young man standing there. Jealousy? Happiness. What was this...

Thin wires reflected some light off as it came straight down. His eyes saw it, instantly making his right hand grasp towards the hilt of his right blade. He was ready to pull it out but something in his head told him to stop and it was firm with what it said. What the hell? Riku knew that it wasn't his voice or his conscious voice saying that. It was someone else voice. Female, it was definitely a females voice that told him to stop. Her sterness and direct approach did not give Riku any hint on who it was because he knew it wasn't any woman that he reconized. His hand relaxed, putting his blade back into his sheath. He did not regret listening to this voice later but at the moment, he thought it was just a bit insane for him to let these wires do what they planned on doing. The wires were going in direct contact with Leon, who was not truly out of his Dying will of hatred mode. He wasn't calm yet. When hatred is connected to madness, things get more hectic. Riku didn't know where he heard that from. He was guessing it was from his father or maybe someone who was wise like him.

The bloodshed had not stopped. The boy who was controlling Leon placed all of his insanity through those wires and it was that insanity that was coursing through the blood, muscle, nerves and bone of Leon that made it all the worse. After a purpose miss of the cloud vongola, the buildings began to fall as Leon body caused more and more destruction. It was such a waste; The Raikage had dealt with much of the damage but it appeared that this person who was controlling Leon did not want the carnage to stop. It was a lively game for them to see. He could see this boy conducting on Leon, gracefully like a conductor putting his heart and soul in the emphaisis of his conducting as the orchestra was playing heavenly music. The violin strings brought tension with the players playing it swiftly but powerful. With each crash, each rip of a person's body, he could see this boy putting much more of his soul into the percussion. The crashing of the symbols as the bodies made contact with the buildings.

Here came the clarinet part. Riku could hear it clearly now that it was almost hard for him to watch but simeltaneously, he interest of watching more and more of this beautiful chaos made him keep his eyes on him. The manical laughter only add it more flavor as it was now looking more and more like a play, a tragedy, made by a very sick and perverse man that only a few people could see the genius of this madmen. There was a few ways to end it. Either in a tragic death scene or comically. In that instant, Riku's aura did not have to sense what this puppeteer was going to do. In that instant, his mind was connected with this person

"End it with a bang" Riku said softly. Of course, the conductor did end it with a bang. He slammed Leon's body into a oh so conviently placed club of fantasy, a strip club where he could see the woman wearing nothing but there work clothes and the men who had lusted over them run out frantically, not only scared shitless but embrassed at the same time. Riku sighed wanting to clap for the person who had been performing. His aura was fading away into the distance but it had the feel of frantic panic. The cane in Riku's hand stopped spinning, his hand had a firm grip at the loop. He slams the butt of the cane down on the ground, making a large boom sound. The sound echoed and it continued to echoed in the eardrums of his fellowing Kumogakure shinobi. There was a sudden shift in Riku's chakra and aura. Nothing about it was pleasant at all, the fact of the matter was it was very threatening. It corresponded with the feel of a war that had been long gone. An feeling of one gets as soon as they were about to die; death was lingering in the air and this man shown it to his fellow Kumogakure shinobi with intensity.

The created shadow underneath the now unconscious Leon began to look water. As Leon's body began to sink into it, the echoing boom would keep on reverberating in Leon's head and the words "Be Reborn" would be said over and over like a monk saying a mantra. The will of hatred around Leon faded and the air was beginning to feel calm again. The lingering death that was around the Kumogakure shinobi fade as well. Riku had disappeared again and out of the sight of them. The last thing they would see was the afterimage of him, now fading away like his existance in the world. Hanashi could tell of the tale of Shikyo who are able to move at such a speed that they would appear as a blur or not at all. Had Riku gotten to that point now or has he surpassed such a skill of Shikyo adapation.? He has gotten that powerful over the years and it would only increase. It was threatening to think about because there would be doubt in Hanashi's mind. Was he an enemy or an ally?


"What the hell do you eat?" Riku said carrying a now limp and torn body of a Vongola. "Seriously, you have to eat bricks or something cause to be honest, you are not easy to carry" He had no idea why Leon was heavy. Riku was strong, strong enough to carry a few people and still move quickly no problem but Leon was weighing more and more. He was beginning to think that it was not a physical weight that was burdening down on Riku but rather a spiritual weight. Riku looked at Leon, amazed to see that he was breathing normally despite the fact that he was beaten almost half to death.

"You are a sad creature. The saddest of all other creatures I have faced" he moved a few strands of hair that was matted down on his forehead from his sweat away from him. "So much hatred weighs down on you. It makes you heavy, it makes you...broken and shattered to pieces". He was annoyed by this because he was now starting to get a new liking to this boy besides the fact that Leon was somewhat of a brat. But it was how the world shaped him. He had to be hard and cold in order to survive the world or else the world would had eaten him long ago. Coincidences dont exist, it was the envitable for Riku to be the sensei of Leon.

"You'll be a fine Vongola Leon" he whispered "You'll be fine"

He was miles off from Kumogakure. Travelling by jumping from tree to tree, he did not want to travel in the shadow realms. It was not safe for Leon as of yet. He was unconscious and the souls that were in the shadow realm were attracted to the conscious when the physical was not aware. Leon would be a sitting duck and Riku would have to fight his way through. He would rather fight the shinobi in Kumogakure rather than fight the continous souls in the realm of shadows. He then travels down to the earth carefully and lands properly on the ground. Someone was here but it was not an enemy but an ally. An ally that he knew very well. Sadism was much less more comforting than madness
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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 8:48 pm

To not of his problem, Enka was set down. He didn't like these people, and slowly walked backwards while the moment got tense, the air throbbing with emotions. He jumped back off the building, melding into the many crowds of people, slipping off to the gate. After countless minutes of walkng in a think crowd, he slipped behind some people leaving, exiting with them. He since hoped that women would leave him alone.

Hehehe, I still got my money, he said as he broke from the crowd. He was long away from the gate, pushing what few people were in his way. He almosttripped on his own two feet. He had also heard about a "legend", after he was in the large crowds. He decided his search would start, n the opposite of the wind and sand. He would go to where he thought, and hoped he had escaped.
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The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 9:00 pm

Forgotten, I think you should read this

Hanashi Shikyo wrote:

She quickly sensed a familiar chakra signature around, and then saw the same person it was none other than that kid who was pickpocketing earlier and she also felt another chakra signature following the boy as well?

"Kid, what do you want? Can't you see the village is fucked up at the moment? Well..", she scratched her head. "This district?" By now, she had saved a few civilians but that wasn't enough, seeing as whoever was doing. "Hanashi!", said woman looked behind the boy and saw none other than Natsumi, the Raikage's young bodyguard coming her way. 'Well, this is getting interesting', "What's up? And where's Kiyoshi? Shouldn't you, his bodyguard be with him?" she said very bluntly, making Natsumi's eye twitch a bit. "He send me to get you...?", she looked at the little boy then at Hanashi, she waved her hand. "Not from here, was pickpocketing a guy so I caught him. I suggest you bring him with us?" Hanashi couldn't do all that much, she hadn't learn any medical jutsus and she doing her best with the knowledge she had in the moment.

"Um, fine then...", Hanashi clapped her hands together, then turned around and searched for something. Natsumi blinked while the boy may have been somewhat confused as well, she turned around and had rope on her hands and an evil look in her eye. "In case he doesn't leave again... Or else", she tied the roped around him good and tight. Her eyes narrowed when she felt the Raikage's chakra, a Jounin's and boy.... and- "Riku!" she shouted randomly as she looked at the direction the Raikage was, Natsumi on the other hand tilted her head. "Riku...?", she asked at no one in particular. Hanashi turned around and looked at Natsumi and said stenrly "We're going towards Kiyoshi, bring the kid with us. He needs to see Raikage-kun ~", she teased as she stared at the kid. "This time you can't run, so be a good boy and sit back while we drag you towards him, ok?"

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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 9:36 pm

Hana should explain better, I assumed she only tied my arms up.
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PostSubject: Re: The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi)   The bastard arrives with a student (open to all Kumogakure shinobi) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 9:43 pm

I dont think that really matters or not considering the fact that she never mentioned letting you go and she did mention picking you up. (Though in a rather untraditional manner)
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