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 Ibiki Clan

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PostSubject: Ibiki Clan    Ibiki Clan  I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 1:06 am

Name: The Ibiki Clan
Founder: Yomamoto
Location: Konohagakure no Sato

History: In a land far away from the wars and quarrels of the Shinobi lived a race extremely peaceful and intelligent people. The land was called the Land of Blood which was ironic because they lived it was somewhat of a Utopia in all ways. There hadn't been a war in over 5,000 years, disease was virtually removed from thoughts of the people, technology was extremely advanced, and resources were plentiful.

It seemed that all was going to stay the same, then a group of lost shinobi shown up in the land. The shinobi were friendly and marveled at the level of technology that the people had amassed. The shinobi asked the people if they could stay, and of course the people of the land allowed them to stay there because they were so friendly and nice. One of the female ninja named Kokoro Kami and one of the male citizens of the land named Yami Ibiki became close.

One day the people of the land of Blood started to became sick. It made the people of Blood wonder how that person became sick because any pathogens known to the people were ineffective against them. Finally, as they had figured out, it was the shinobi that had made the person sick. Soon thousands got sick from the pathogens that the shinobi brought. Finally, the shinobi were kicked out of the land breaking up the relationship between Kokoro and Yami, but the female shinobi left with something she had not come with. She had a baby unknown to her growing in her womb.

Now that the shinobi were kicked out of the land they wondered aimlessly throughout the unknown world. The day came when the pathogens from the people of Blood started to take effect on the shinobi except for Kokoro. The babies blood flowing through here made her extremely resistant and resilient to any disease. The shinobi started to cough, gain large painful black lumps on their lymph nodes, and became fatigued. Finally, the shinobi died, and Kokoro was to fend for herself.

Kokoro started to show signs of being pregnant. Finally, she had arrived by a large ocean that looked so familiar to her, it was like a dream in her mind. She finally remembered how they got lost because they had been traveling for 10 years before arriving in the land of Blood, perhaps the shinobi and her were traveling in circles. Now she was 9 months pregenent by her count, and she knew that the baby was going to come any time. She needed to find some people to help her with the birth of her baby.

One day of traveling along the coastline and she collapsed. She then woke up in a room raising her head and turning it to look at her surrounding as her training had taught her to do. She then felt it, contractions and they were getting closer together seemingly exponentially...

...Hours later a baby could be heard screaming. It was wrapped up in a cloth in the mother's arms. Kokoro looked at the people who had rescued her and helped her bring the baby into the world. "Wh..wh..what are your names? Wh...wh...why did you save me?" 'I know I should be weak, but I feel so tired... What is wrong with me?' They looked at each other and looked back seriously. "Our names are Shima and Toshiro Kagra. We helped you because you needed help and you were pregenent." The woman started to cry. "We are so sorry, but it seems you are going to die from birthing complications. It seems the baby caused slow internal bleeding, you will be dead in about 2 hours from this. Is there anything we can do for you?"
Kokoro started to cry lightly. The small amount of tears rolled down her cheek. "There is something you can do for me. Please, can you take my baby to Kirigakure no Sato? Do you kn...know where that is?" They looked back and they smiled slightly. "Yes we do know where that is, and we have a boat to take him there." Kokoro smiled. "Good with my the last of my life I write a letter to my parents in Kirigakure no Sato, and give it to them. I want his name to be Yamamoto, after my great grandfather. Please seek out the people with the last name of Ibiki."

Then started the small clan bloodline of Ibiki with the Clan Leader becoming Yamamoto. Their abilities earned them a small amount of fame in the shinobi world in this day and age.

Special Info:

Requirements: Birth or Marriage
Current Members: Yoshimaru Ibiki

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Blood Pulse
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Blood
Rank: D-S

This user has the ability to control all components of his/her blood. The blood in the users of this kekkei genkai are far more advanced than that of a regular human. As a kekkei genkai related to the structure of the body, the user would be perceived as a superhuman to some. Anyone who has the kekkei genkai has red eyes. The 4 blood components are Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Plasma, and Platelets. Here are the abilities of the kekkei genkai.

- Amount of Blood: The user has an relatively high amount of blood making it almost impossible for them to die of blood loss. Though if the user is low on chakra then the blood will stop being made continuously limiting the blood amount you have.

- Manipulation and Control of Blood: The user can control the blood inside and outside his body. The user can gather blood inside of him/her in multiple areas and can make their body as hard as steel. They can send a massive amount of blood to certain body parts to stimulate the muscles to make them faster and stronger. Blood flow increase gives more oxygen to the muscles so it can work more efficiently. The user can also gather blood the ends of their limbs so that it can harden and produce super strength. The user can control the blood outside their body and manipulate the blood. The user can harden the blood, create weapons, and levitate the blood. Users are also able to make hardened blood stronger through their control of the hemoglobin which is rich with Iron. The weapons and the blood inside the user can harden through the amount of chakra they put into it.

- High-Speed Regeneration: The user has full control of the white blood cells in his/her body and can instinctively create more white blood cells and stimulate it to heal the skin faster by sending out specialized enzymes that trigger hormones and amino acid squences that direct elements necessary for regeneration to that part of the body. The user is also able to use the platelets to close up the wounds to stop it from bleeding any further if necessary just like a bandage wrap and then let the white blood cells heal the wounds. The regeneration can be fast or slow, it all depends on the severity of the wound. The bigger the wound wound the longer it will take. The more severe the wound, the more chakra is needed to heal it quickly. The white blood cells and platlets can also stimulate the healing of bones, marrow, hair, ligaments, tendons, cartalege, and teeth by redirecting different elements the person has consumed through food to those ares.. The body heals instinctively, but to be able to heal severe wounds quickly would require a B-rank chakra amount or more to heal the wounds. This kekkei genkai cannot heal damages to the organs or any critical innards except for organs that are made out of muscle or skin. Along with the regeneration the kekkei genkai gives an unlimited increase to the amount of times cells can multiply without mutations thus increasing the life span of the person with the kekkei genkai to almost an unlimited age and prevents aging by using regeneration abilities.

- Increase of Adrenaline: By increasing the speed of blood in the body users would increase the amount of oxygen and glucose sent to the brain and muscles. As a result the user would be capable of seeing fast-moving objects in slow motion and the users body can react alot faster and the muscles would be stronger as a result of the increase of blood flow. This requires training because it takes up alot of stamina.

- High Immunity to Poisons: White blood cells both defend the body from fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Like how white blood cells heals wounds of one's body, it also defends it from foreign substances. Blood is everywhere so it would surround any foreign substance and then dispose of it. Depending on the severity of the poison, it can completely erase it from the body and it can delay its affects. The white blood cells are everywhere around the body thus the moment a virus enters, the white blood cells will know of it quickly and will advance. The white blood cells are more advanced than regular people's white blood cells so not only will it trap the virus quickly. The white blood cells will destroy it quickly.

- High Stamina-level: The user has control over the plasma in his/her body which contains many sugar, protein, and energy factors. These factors are what makes the metabolism in one's body. The result of the huge amount of blood means that the user has alot of metabolism and since metabolism is energy; the user will have a high stamina-level. Though this means that the user eats a fairly huge amount of food. Users have 25% more stamina then normal users of their rank

-Although this is an extremely powerful kekkei genkai there are certain draw backs. Elements, such as Wind and Lightning are strong against the kekkei genkai. To keep regeneration up the user needs to keep intaking edable matter in order to replace the compounds and atoms that he lost. Also, the user needs to keep regenerating blood during battle while taking it out so he doesn't die of blood lose. Too much blood in the body at one time can cause many of the organs in the body to rupture killing the user of the kekkei genkai.


Name of Jutsu: Blood Manipulation
Rank: D-A
Users: Yoshimaru Ibiki
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
The user is able to use jutsu one rank under their current rank without hand signs. The user uses this for a quick attack or counter attack against the opponent. The user uses this also just like Gaara's sand, though it moves in a more efficient and fluid state. The blood can react with the action of the mind just thinking a though, but with larger and more advanced forms of manipulation the users hands will be necessary, creating like an extrension of the users own body at least to that effect. Using the hands also speeds the use of the blood.

The more liquid the blood the easier it is to manipulate the blood. The user is able to manipulate massive amount of his own blood ranging from something of a small spec of blood to something that could be described as a large lake. As the user increases in rank he will be to manipulate the blood with more control, and power.

The ranges the blood manipulation are as follows: about 20r meters, r= rank that you are which cooresponds with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and D, C, B, A, S respectively. The amount of blood the user can control corresponds with the the equation: 20^r=v, v being volum in gallons gallons. r corresponds with rank respectively. No S-rank techniques can be used with the help of the blood manipulation besides S-ranked blood manipulations itself.

Name of Jutsu: Dance of the Human Puppet
Rank: S
Users: None ATM
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
When the user has infected the opponent with more than a liter of the user's blood the user is able to control the actions of the oppenent. The user must sacrifice half of their chakra in order to control the body of the person the blood is inside. If the oppenents immune system is strong enough to kill the blood the user put into their system the technique is nulled. In order to get their immune system strong enough to stop the jutsu they need to have at least half of their normal chakra to strengthen their immune system. This control will last for around 4 posts.

This technique can also be used for healing purposes. If it is used for healing purposes the cost to the user is only around one tenth of the user's chakra. This can be used in conjunction with medical jutsu in order to heal much faster than normal healing with just a medical ninjutsu. In 1 post in conjunction with a strong medical ninjutsu the user will be able to heal almost any wound on the person the user is trying to heal. After that one post the blood will exit the person's body to prevent any complications or problems within the host of the users blood.

Though the user can control an opponent or an ally, this jutsu is usually extremely hard to use within a battle. The infection time it takes to fully take over someone's body is about 3-4 posts depending on how strong their immune system is and the control is released 4 posts later, but during that time the person will have total control.

Name of Jutsu: Blood Shield
Rank: B
Users: None ATM
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
Blood will ooze out of the pores or wounds of the user to create a layer of blood on the outside of the user on one's skin. The blood can become as strong as steel in less than a moment or it can become as flowing as water in a moment. The blood on the outside of the user is constantly flowing to prevent any coagulation of the blood. The shield of blood can move from the skin of the user and form a partial shield that can move around him.

This jutsu can be very chakra costly just like Gaara's sand armor. The user, at low ranks, should never use this in battle because it is so chakra inefficient at that level.

Name of Jutsu: Poison Control
Rank: B
Users: None ATM
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
When the user becomes infected with any poison, toxin, or desease the users immunity system will automatically seek out and destory the desease. The toxin or poison will be forced out through a wound or pores and off of the skin onto the ground. Any desease the bloods immunity system cannot destory will be forced out of the body the same way and will be sealed in a protien solution that will disable the desease from infecting anyone else.

It takes about 1 post for a B-rank and lower foriegn intity and 2 for A and S-ranks to be registered and expelled from the body. More chakra must be added if the intity is extremely complex or advanced.

Name of Jutsu: Weapon Creation
Rank: C
Users: Yoshimaru Ibiki
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
The user is able to create weapons out of his or her own blood and coagulating it with a strong crystaline structure making it as hard has steel when it is created. The user is able to grab a hold of the weapon and can be used like the weapon it was modled after and throw it. The user is able to decoagulate the weapon and manipulate it in its original liquid state. The user is able to create up to 5 weapons with this technique at once. This requires 1 handsign.

If the weapon goes too far from the users body [about 20r meters (r= rank that you are which cooresponds with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and D-S respectively), the blood will fully coagulate and is outside of the users control. It cannot change shape or appearence mid swing either.

Name of Jutsu: Blood Generation
Rank: D-S
Users: Yoshimaru Ibiki
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
Once blood leaves the body blood automatically generates to take its place. This includes generation of red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, and plasma. Once the users chakra is too low he will not be able to do the blood generation, but the user already has a high amount of blood within the body.

The user is able to increase the amount of blood that comes out of the blood by doing 1 hand sign. This increase can rank from a C-ranked amount of blood coming out to an S-ranked amount of blood coming out. This corresponds with the equation 20^r=v, and r is rank, and v being volume in gallons. This technique is quite like Kisame's Exploding Colision Waves technique with the fact that the blood will be expelled in large amounts from the users mouth.

Gross use of this jutsu can result in a sustainial chakra loss.

Name of Jutsu: Coagulation and Decoagulation
Rank: D
Users: Yoshimaru Ibiki
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
The user is able to coagulate or decoagulate ones blood. This can increase the life span of the blood to around a month of time outside of the body. The blood will turn a brownish red color when coagulated and can be as hard or even harder than steel. When the blood is decoagulated one is perfectly able to use it as if it was fresh.

Gross use of this can result in substainial chakra loss.

Name of Jutsu: Super Strength
Rank: B
Users: None ATM
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
The blood in one's body will take in much more than the normal amount of oxygen and adrenaline to give the user super human like strength. While punching or kicking at will blood will harden the skin at the point of contact in order to make the strength of the skin even harder than that of steel just before contact. The affect of adrenaline will cause everything around him to seem much slower than normal allowing him to react a lot more quickly to attacks. During this the user can gain a Euphoric state where the user can feel no pain due to the adrenaline, and will also gain a large amount of stamina.

This Euphoric state can be quite dangerous to the user, just in the way a person with a nerve defficientcy is endangered by not feeling pain. After prolonged use in battle it will grow extremely hard to use hand signs; therefore, the speed at which the user is able to form hand signs decreases dramatically.

Name of Jutsu: Dance of the Rose Petals
Rank: S
Users: None ATM
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
The user will expell thousand of droplets of blood from the user's body. They will then start start to circle the user's body at an fast speed. The blood droplets are extremely strong and starp. They have the ability to cut through just about anything in their path including steel. The user at will is able to change the droplets into weapons and lunching them at the oppenent at will. If the user moves the droplets will move in exact conjunction with the user. The user is able to send all of the droplets of blood after an oppenent at once and they can chase him or her quickly. This jutsu has been known to be able to level whole forests at a time, and it approximately has 2,000 petals.

This advanced manipulation takes a lot of consintration for the user to use. The user is only able to move slowly while in this state, but later when the user has mastered the kekkei genkai he is able to jog around with it. This can be quite costly in blood.

Name of Jutsu: Dance of the Rose Vines
Rank: A
Users: None ATM
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
Blood will form five large long tenticle like structures around the user's body. They can act like five extra limbs. One can use them to walk with, grab things with, hit things, etc. They can reach up to 15-30 meters in length and are very powerful. These vines are as strong as steel and will normally level anything in their path. They can also detach from the user and spin rapidly around the body.

This advanced manipulation takes a lot of consintration for the user to use. The user is only able to move slowly while in this state, but later when the user has mastered the kekkei genkai he is able to jog around with it. This can be quite costly on blood.

Name of Jutsu: Regeneration
Rank: C, B or S
Users: None ATM
Type of Jutsu:: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
When the user recieves wounds the skin, muscles, blood vessels, bone, finger nails, marrow ligaments, tendons, cartalege, organs (extremely limited, only can be used when there is little damage), and teeth will regenerate by creating new cells to place the old cells that were killed or displaced. This does not take any life off of the lifespan of the user because the clan has a much greater set times a cell can multiply without creating unwanted mutations in the cell chromosomes.

It can take an enormous amount of blood and chakra depending on the type of wound. Simple sturctures like skin are easy to rebuilt, but bones take the longest amount of time to heal. The range of posts are 1-4 depending on the complexity and damage suffered. 1-minor, which is like skin, fingernails, etc, 2- moderate like muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartalege, etc, 4-severe bones, organs, etc.

Name of Jutsu: Grand Dance of the Rose Thorns
Rank: A
Users: Yoshimaru Ibiki
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood
This is simliar to the technique used by Kimimaru, DOTSF covering an area of 70 meters in radius. The user must first get a substainial amount of blood into the ground, probably something around an A-ranked amount of blood. The user will then use a series of hand signs, which is 5 hand signs long. After the signs are formed the ground will shake and Large needle like thorns come out of the ground the same thickness and hieght of those in DOTSF. The Needles though are all solidified and coagulated, making them as strong if not stronger than steel.

After the user does this, he is able to meld into the thorn like structures, and is able to transport around the field at will following the structures under ground to go where he wants to go. He is able to go to any sturcture made out of his blood as long as it is connected. Although he can move rapidly through this field, he is only able to slowly get out of said blood thorns, it takes roughly 1/2 of the post. This puts him at a slight disadvantage when attacking.

The user is also able to bring other people into the blood thorns by draging them in with him. They can transport through the thorns as long as the user wills it. While transporting through the thorns, the user is able to manipulate them at will. After he is out he can though. This technique has a duration of two posts.

Name of Jutsu: Oxygen Intake
Rank: C
Users: Yoshimaru Ibiki
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Genkai
Element Affinity: Blood

By using the users blood, the user is able to intake oxygen while inside a large mass of it. The blood absorbs the oxygen via red blood cells from the air surronding it, and it feeds it to the actual blood stream, reoxygenating the users blood. This means that the user doesn't have to breath, and the user will be able to increase the amount of oxygen avialble to the user allow it to be more benificial than actually breathing. This can increase the stamina of the user accordingly. This doesn't require a hand sign, and is on par with Blood Manipulation.

Last edited by Dean on Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Missing Nin
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PostSubject: Re: Ibiki Clan    Ibiki Clan  I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 9:27 am

Alright, so you have weakness against 2 elements, higher consumption of food, and you need to keep regenerating blood in battle as the weaknesses.

Your benefits are as fllows: Increased Stamina, High speed regeneration = long lives, Poison immunity, adrenaline , higher amount of blood, and control of the blood. You also state that your control of blood allows you to make the characters stronger and faster.

Right here, the high speed regeneration and poison immunity completely exceeds the drawbacks. Then you throw in increased adrenaline, stamina, and the ability to not die from blood loss, and increased strength and speed.

This needs a couple more drawbacks, because in all reality, the weaknesses are nil compared to the three main benefits; speed and strength, regeneration, and poison immunity.
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Missing Nin
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PostSubject: Re: Ibiki Clan    Ibiki Clan  I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 11:54 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Ibiki Clan    Ibiki Clan  I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 9:03 pm

At request of creator who wish to alter clan, clan was reviewed and acceptable alterations approved via pm. For detail's PM me
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