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Tetsubun Clan Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Tetsubun Clan

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PostSubject: Tetsubun Clan   Tetsubun Clan I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2010 1:48 am

Name: Tetsubun
Founder: Unknown
Location: Wandering clan; mostly keeps in the smaller countries between the wind and earth (mainly a small encampment on the border of the two to the left of the Bird country), however they wander all the countries and members occasionally settle in various locations.

Much of this clan’s past has been lost to time, including the specifics of its origins, but this is what is in fact known: It was initially just a band of refugees from some small, little known nation behind the earth country. No one really cared about it; and thus no one noticed when it was wiped out by its bigger neighbor so long ago. After running from a slaughter the different refugees from all over the small nation banded together to form a roaming group of laborers, traders, and storytellers that would take what jobs they could steal from whoever was offering to hire them.

They got by like this for generations, surviving but without purpose or any form of structure; in fact they had a number of religions initially but those had faded out with time. But one day, on their way through the border of their own origin country (which was now inhabited by the descendants of people that came from the stone), and it’s neighbor (which shared a different border with the wind) one of the wagons in the small group lost a wheel and it fell initially onto the side of a steep face of a smaller mountian but then suddenly the wall gave way revealing a large open chasm. They decided to rest there and attempt to repair the wheel.

While they were there some kids wandered off to play, and found a smaller entrance to a cave in the chasm itself. As they wandered around they decided to go in, and as they did they found themselves in what appeared to be some old temple, but this was odd, it seemed in perfect condition. They wandered for a while, eventually coming into what appeared to be the main chamber, near the center of the mountain. Looking around there were intricate designs on everything, and what appeared to be a three tiered fountain that let out onto the floor with no water, they then realized in the dim light of a jar filled with fireflies that there were actually grooves running down the sides of all the passages. In the back of the room just behind the fountain was an obelisk with a hole in it, the boys teased and prodded each other to put their hand into the hole. Finally one of the boys gave in, he approached it and slowly pushed his arm in, and it seemed hollow. As he got his arm in as far as it would go, all the way to the shoulder, he felt what he thought was the back of it, it was carved on the face and felt like a sun around the outside. He then pushed on it and pushed in and popped out, he immediately pulled his arm out and paused. He then told one of the others to put their arm in and they did, only this one felt the dial and turned it, suddenly something locked around his wrist, he freaked and tried to turn it back but that caused sand to suddenly start pouring from a hole in the ceiling onto the top of the obelisk and then into holes in the top of it, then he felt sand start to run over his arm. All the boys started to freak out, and then holes at each of four corners in the ceiling began to pour into the grooving on the floor and a fifth above the fountain began to fill that. Then there was a click from within the obelisk and the boy suddenly screamed in pain as his arm was crushed and then shredded to bits. Hearing the echoed scream members of the caravan came running , but what they found was not boy with a missing arm, but a young man whose arm was replaced by stone and shifting sand.

Something was awakened that day and it was powerful, never since has a member pulled out a stone arm, but either pulled out an intact arm or pulled out a stub and had blood soaked sand come out separately. That boy grew up to become the first true member of this clan, having something sealed in him by the temple that passed to his descendants.

Currently this clan is centered in the very chasm that they happened upon that day, and have members spread all over the ninja world.
Special Info: This clan has no real ranking system besides a small difference between normal members and what they call the “Prophecies”, the difference is that compared to normal members the “Prophecies” have more potential to use this clan’s abilities to their fullest. The actual abilities of this clan are that they naturally use physical manipulation of their chakra (that is overly dense in earth element, and equivalent to a normal dominant in wind; though wind is the recessive) to manipulate sand physically.

Requirements: None
Current Members: Kouhaku Tetsubun

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Eki-Kiseki
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Mainly Taijutsu, techniques can help with fuuinjutsu if a member can learn it.

Description: The abilities granted by being part of this clan are all based in sand but are complicated, but there are divisions that define these abilities; they are as follows:

The primary division is between Light, Dark, and Forgotten sand, this is more of a yin and yang concept in that Light and Dark are two sides of the abilities and forgotten are techniques of both or techniques mixing Light and Dark.

Light techniques are externalized techniques, techniques that are used distanced from the user’s body and do not include solid rock; Dark techniques are internalized, techniques used directly on or in the users body and generally include turning sand to solid stone; and finally Forgotten techniques are Light, Dark, or Twilight (fusion of Light and Dark) techniques not allowed by the clan’s own code by anyone but the ‘Prophecies’.

Within the Light techniques there is sand guidance, allowing the user to guide sand through chakra using their own motions to control it (this technique much resembles a dance); and sand creation, where the user forms the sand into actual creatures with self control (this is a harder technique to use).

Within the Dark techniques there is sand healing, where the user forces sand into solid stone on a wound in order to seal it (can also be used to replace limbs if they are lost); and sand defense, a technique where the user forms sand into solid stone on his person as defense.

Some Forgotten techniques are sand resurrection where a user takes the heart of a creature or fallen comrade/opponent along with their blood and uses their own chakra and sand to create a new body controlled by the user (this uses sealing techniques to keep the chakra infused in the heart along with Twilight techniques to create the body); and sand wraith fusion, where the user fuses sand into their own body, making it tougher but generally causing a quick death. This last technique is not something done quickly, it’s preformed over the course of weeks at the smallest amount of time, years at the longest, the only true sand wraith was a member that managed to infuse sand in and around every cell of his body other than his heart and brain, allowing him to actually become sand and use the whole of his body as a weapon besides his heart and mind which he had in their respective places in the body only fully encased in stone.

Some weaknesses to this bloodline are that actual control of the sand is generally slow and so the user will have to spread sand over the entire field and only use some at any given time, and if the opponent can draw sand out leaving a path they can generally slip through the attacks and defenses to strike at the user, also the techniques to seal wounds and such have to be paid extremely close attention to, for if one stray bit drifts off it can slip into the blood stream and potentially be lethal to the user.

As a few side notes, members that wish to be “Prophecies” MUST sacrifice their arm. They can replace the arm any way allowed, including an earthen arm they can move through a complex seal system; but be aware if this is the choice made, as a Genin the arm is very heavy, hard to move, poses a constant drain on the possessor’s chakra. Among higher ranks it’s a bit easier to control as they can use their abilities to control the arm somewhat but that means it is even more straining on their chakra. Finally, due to the way their chakra is used and the way it works in their system, they have problems using any techniques beyond physical manipulation of their chakra; but it also means that as Genin they can’t use any element including their sand manipulation. As Chunin they can use the sand techniques through the physical manipulation of excess chakra, and not until Jounin can they use earth element chakra separately from the wind.


Name of Jutsu: Sand Guidance
Rank: C
Users: Tesubun members
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Sand (Earth/Wind)
Training Link:
Description: This is a Technique that members of this clan always technically have but can’t actually control until they are Chunin, it’s more an ability that allows them to control sand. If the sand is infused with their blood they can control it better than regular sand. This is the Basis for all their sand techniques, and as such the distance for the control of the sand is the farthest for this technique above others. As a Chunin the farthest a member can control is around 15 meters, while at Jounin it's around an eighth of a kilometer and at s-rank the farthest away they can possibly control sand is a mile. (Note: this means at s-rank Jounin even Sand Resurrection is limited to a mile.)

Name of Jutsu: Sand Creation
Rank: B
Users: Tesubun members
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Sand (Earth/Wind)
Training Link:
Description: This technique allows a member to form a creature out of pure sand, this can be tough to control and a bit tougher to just hold together but skilled user’s can actually manage to use two forms at one time. Each creation formed can last upwards of 8- 10 posts, and if used at Chunin level only one can be formed.

Name of Jutsu: Sand Healing
Rank: B
Users: Tesubun members
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Sand (Earth/Wind)
Training Link:
Description: This technique allows a member to seal wounds temporarily by compacting sand into stone over a wound, this can be dangerous if attention isn’t paid as the sand can potentially enter the blood stream and cause the user to die.

Name of Jutsu: Sand Defense
Rank: A
Users: Tesubun members
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Sand (Earth/Wind)
Training Link:
Description: This is a technique where the user forms the sand he controls into solid stone on his person as defense, this makes the user move much slower but adds a lot of defense to their person.

Name of Jutsu: Sand resurrection
Users: Tesubun members
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu/Fuinjutsu
Element Affinity: Sand (Earth/Wind)
Training Link:
Description: This is a technique where a user takes the heart of a creature or fallen comrade/opponent along with their blood and uses their own chakra and sand to create a new body controlled by the user. (This uses sealing techniques to keep the chakra infused in the heart along with Twilight techniques to create the body) This allows the user to control an exact replica of the person or creature from a distance, but the heart contains traces of the person’s faded spirit and if those traces can gain even a little ground on control of the body it returns to nothing but sand and a dead heart. In order to use this technique the heart and blood must be collected immediately after death, then the blood must be infused into sand and the heart must be sealed with chakra. This is NOT used mid battle, or for battle purposes; but takes time and focus and is thus for short-range intel gathering and espionage. The moment his concentration is broken this technique dispels.
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PostSubject: Re: Tetsubun Clan   Tetsubun Clan I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 2:23 am

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