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Retsu Aburame (Konohagakure Chuunin) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Retsu Aburame (Konohagakure Chuunin)

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Blue-Eyed Devil

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Retsu Aburame (Konohagakure Chuunin) Empty
PostSubject: Retsu Aburame (Konohagakure Chuunin)   Retsu Aburame (Konohagakure Chuunin) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 5:25 pm

Basic Information:

Retsu Aburame (Konohagakure Chuunin) Untitled-1
Name: Retsu Aburame

Nicknames/Aliases: The Creeper

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Retsu usually wears generally heavy attire with high collars that hide his face, along with the traditional Aburame dark glasses that cover his eyes. This makes his actual facial appearance very difficult to see, but without it he has rather sharp features and pale skin. Beneath the large coat he wears is a sleevless top with no back to it and simple shinobi styled trousers and footwear. He usually has a pouch with him that contains various ninja tools.

Retsu stands at five foot nine inches and is slightly built. He is leanly muscled thanks to the dexterity training he has gone through. His hair is brown, loosely brushed back and slightly bushy. His fingers are long and almost spindly looking. His posture is usually straight with his hands at his sides.

Personality:Retsu has a very cool, detached outlook. He has been bullied about his abilities for most of his life and has developed many walls to keep people out of his life. He shields himself from people very well. Not many people can figure out what he is thinking behind his dark glasses.

As a result of being bullied intensely by his classmates and avoided by most of the villagers, Retsu has always felt animosity towards people in general, those living in Konoha specifically. He has buried the hatchet for now it seems, in the interest of working more efficiently, although when it will rise up again is uncertain. Yet despite his feelings of animosity, Retsu still has a sense of loyalty to the Village, a sense of duty that runs deeper than his resentment.

He prefers his own company to that of others, but through his fascination with insects he knows that there are benefits to working in a team, even if he hates doing so. When around people he speaks sparingly if at all, using very short sentences to get whatever point he wants to get across quickly. He especially dislikes those that talk during battle.

While he normally remains cool-headed in most situations, one sure way of knowing that you have annoyed or angered him is if a clicking noise starts to come from him, a sound of hundreds upon thousands of tiny wings. This is a warning, one that most people understand even if Retsu's facial expression and tone of voice do not change.

Retsu is rather philosophical when left to his own devices, and often spends hours contemplating the nature of the world and its subjects. He is also a genius when it comes to his Kikaichu, able to utilise them quicker than the average Aburame as well as creating new breeds with ease.

Clan Information:
Name: Aburame
Location: World Wide

History: Once a small clan, the Aburame grew over the years and can now be seen with signature sunglasses and bulky clothing to hide their clan’s Kekkai Genkai. At birth, the Aburame are introduced and infused with the Kikai, small destructive bugs that feed off Chakra. Covering their bodies to keep their enemies clueless to the bugs, the Aburame can use the Kikai Mushi to attack or track enemies, even steal their Chakra. The clan has been noted for hailing from not only Konohagakure no Sato, but from Sunagakure as well, now, however, they’re a country-wide clan.
Special Info:

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Type of Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Rank: N/A

Description: N/A

Clan Traits: The Aburame clan is a clan characterized by their use of insects as weapons. The insects live in symbiosis within the body of the shinobi. At birth, members of this clan are offered to a special breed of insects called destruction bugs as a nest, residing just under their host's skin. The insects can leave and enter through various pores, apparently by eating their way through the skin. They feed on chakra as a food source, making them quite deadly. The relationship between the shinobi and the insects is mutually beneficial. The host grants the bugs shelter and allows them to feed off their chakra, their body becoming a living hive, and in return the bugs do the user's bidding, allowing the shinobi to perform ninjutsu-like techniques without the use of hand seals or chakra conversion.

A female bug can be left on a target, which then can be tracked by smell by the male bug, or scout bugs can be sent out and return to tell the host information about the area. For this reason, Aburame clan members are experts in espionage; they can communicate with the bugs, and the bugs specialize in stealth because they make no noise or motion during combat. In addition to utilizing insects in battle, the Aburame clan also studies insects. They were rivals of the Kamizuru clan, the bee users, until they defeated them in battle. A major defining trait of the Aburame clan is that all of its known members wear dark sunglasses that hide their eyes as well as jackets that cover part of their face.

Rank Information:
Skill Level: B
Ninja Rank: Chuunin
Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Konohagakure
Previous Village: N/A

Special Information:

Elements Affinity:
    Dominant: N/A
    Recessive: N/A

Skill Specialty:
    Dominant: Ninjutsu
    Recessive: Weaponry: Kenjutsu

Special Characteristics

Points and Ryo:

  • Strength: 16
  • Dexterity: 61
  • Stamina: 11
  • Speed: 17

Total Stat Points Earned: 0
Mission Points Earned: 0

Justu/Item/Other Information:
Retsu Aburame's Kentankachu

Retsu Aburame's Tanto

Retsu Aburame's Jutsu
Not included are the established clan techniques already noted in the clan section of this profile. Retsu knows those as well.




Background Information/ RP Sample
Retsu was born into the Aburame family, a clan of insect-tamers. As with the rest of his family, he was given over to the bugs and made into a human hive. In return for the shelter and chakra he provided the bugs, also known as Destruction Bugs or Kikaichu, the insects do the hosts every bidding, usually defending or attacking when he enters battle. Many, if not all of the techniques Retsu uses include his Kikaichu in some way or form.

When he entered the Academy, Retsu was often treated as a freak thanks to his abilities with insects. While at first the jibes and hurtful things the other children said hurt him, eventually he stopped caring and just tuned them out, allowing their words to wash over him. He kept this shield up permanently, even around those in his own family. He spent most of his time alone, distancing himself from everyone. The fact that most of the people in Konoha avoided him whenever they could did not help his situation.

Unfortunately, this only seemed to encourage the worst of the bullies and one day, when Retsu was already in a foul mood thanks to being told off by his father for staying out too late, one of the kids, who was more intense in his bullying than the others, began the routine of throwing insults at him. When the child said something extremely unpleasant about Retsu's mother, the young insect-tamer snapped. He felt such an anger that he never before had experienced and he lost control of his Kikaichu, who attack the bully, feeding off his chakra.

Luckily, his father had come after Retsu since he had sensed his son's dangerous anger and stopped the attack by sending in his own bugs that fended off his sons' inexperienced assault. The bully was fine but nobody said anything to Retsu's face again (although that never stopped them whispering behind his back). He was harshly punished by his clan later. When graduation came, he passed with flying colours was made a Genin.

Over the passing years he became ever more withdrawn and solitary, often going weeks without speaking. He spent all his time with his Kikaichu, training with them and breeding them into new and better forms. While in a team of Genin he found himself, as usual, shunned by his fellow students and carefully watched by his teacher. This did not help his already deep feelings of seperation and isolation and he started to hold Konoha and its people in great disdain and would often terrorise anyone who attempted to get near his home (he had moved out of the Aburame compound to a more run-down part of the Village). One of the other Genin nicknamed him 'the creeper' and the name stuck, following him around every he went inside Konoha and further alienating him.

It was during one of the team exercises his sensei often put Retsu's team through that he found himself paired off with one of his team-mates. They had to battle each other to grasp what kind of fighter each other was. Retsu's opponents was a close combat type and the boy often came in close to attack him. Retsu found himself hard pressed to defend himself in such a situation and was knocked down more often than not. At the end of the exercise, their teacher asked what they had learned about their own styles. Retsu confessed that his close quarter capabilites were very limited and that he would be much better at range. His sensei suggested that he trained how to dodge more effectively and learn some techniques that would be handy in such a situation. This inspired Retsu to take up dexterity training as well as learning how to use tanto. He trained in these areas extensively to block up this hole in his defence. He even managed to create a way of using his blades at range, using threads made by his insects and swinging them around. Retsu became quite an expert at wielding his blades in this manner.

Eventually after a few years, he managed to breed a new kind of bug, which he called Kentankachu. These vicious little creatures did not just consume the chakra of a foe, but their flesh as well. He managed to do this by having them attack wild animals, despite the fact that their chakra supplies being virtually nil. In time, the bugs breed some interesting new features that allowed them to eat flesh and absorb the trace amount of energy within it. However, he found that this new breed became almost 'locked in' and was far harder to evolve into new types, which annoyed Retsu somewhat. When the other Aburame found out about these new Kikaichu, Retsu was considered as an outcast due to the disturbing nature of his bugs evolved ability.

Yet despite all this hate and fear that he had experienced from the other people, the young Aburame still feels an attachment to the Village. Whether this was from the upbringing of his clan or some other reason, he found that no matter how bady he was treated he could not bear to leave Konoha. He had wanted to so many times but could not bring himself to actually break from the Village. Teatering on the boarderline, it is only a matter of time before something happens that will make him give up on Konoha or make his peace and decide to stay.

Role-Play Sample:
(This sample never actually occured in Retsu's history, it's just a piece I wrote with him as a villain)

Public Profile
Name: Retsu Aburame
Appearance: Retsu usually goes about in heavy attire with high collars that hide his face, along with dark glasses that cover his eyes, making his actual facial appearance very difficult to see. He usually has a pouch with him that contains various ninja tools.
Village: Konohagakure
Organization: N/A
Rank: Chuunin
Age: 17
Info: Retsu is a member of the Aburame clan and is a master of utilising his Kikaichu in battle. He is solitary individual and keeps to himself, rarely talking to strangers. He spends most of his time with insects and enjoys breeding them. He has even bred his own Kikaichu into a new, deadly form. He once came close to killing a fellow student when in the Academy but was stopped before any perminent injures were inflicted. Retsu is often kept at arms length by most people due to the general creepy air about him. Could become a threat to the civillians of Konohagakure if pushed over the edge.
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Shikyo Riku
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PostSubject: Re: Retsu Aburame (Konohagakure Chuunin)   Retsu Aburame (Konohagakure Chuunin) I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 12:57 am

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