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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo

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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 8:45 pm

Location:The Outskirts of Kumogakure

History: The clan was formed approximately 10 years before the First great shinobi wars. It's forming was due to a strange kekkei genkai that heavily resembled curse seal markings. It is believed that, to combat the hard to see distinction between the kekkei genkai and a curse seal markings, the Clan leader decided to give three marks of guarantee to show which was which. (look to special info for details)

During the start of the First Great Shinobi wars, the clan changed into a military based structure. Thus, many of the clan members were sent into the wars. It is possible that the clan may have had members teach military strategy and create military centers during the war. Many of the clan members rose to be group leaders in the combat for their strategic uses. They mainly used stealth based combat, utilizing smoke and poison.

When the war was over, the clan still had their members train vigorously. Most of the techniques used back in the war are still taught today. Also, the war led to the destruction of most of the archived information about the clan. They are in the process of restoring as much information as they can though.

Special Info:Each members of the clan has a moth tattoo on the back of their neck. It used to symbolize what branch of the clan family you were in, but now members are allowed to
choose whichever one they like. Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Mothsymbol
This was the first way to identify if the member was a true member or their markings that appeared when fighting was from a curse seal.

The second way to tell was by the ability to endure a special type of poison used by the clan. You would fail the test if you started to cough heavily after a small whiff.

The third and final way was to endure a genjutsu that the head clan member only knows how to perform. Each clan member is taught what to do in the genjutsu to escape.

When the war was still around there was a very strict military system, but due to the death of some vital head clan members, rules have been changed. The members still train very harshly, but the ranking system is far more relaxed. Children are held as the things needed to be protected the, but the elderly and those proven of worth are respected the most.

This clan practices stealth based fighting, utilizing poison, smoke, and weaponry. They also use Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu, none of the which seem to be the most popular.

Requirements: You are born into the clan. You used to be executed instead of banished, but there has been some changes. You will be banished for treason against the clan or Kumogakure. Any harm against people of Kumo or clan members, excluding those banished, will have you banished. This includes, theft, murder, destruction of property and anything else deemed unwise.
Current Members:
Sothe Dokuga
Uncle Dokuga

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Doku Tattoos
Type of Kekkei Genkai:Ninjutsu, is adaptable to Offense, defense, and supplementary.

Description:Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Shoulder_tattoo_designs
This tattoo design is located on the palms of the clan member. The user is able to generate poisons from his fingertips, or more specifically from under his nails. The poison is laced with chakra so it is able to be formed in different ways, wanted by the user. The user's body is also able to withstand poison's much better than the norm and is completely immune to the clan based poisons.

Upon using the more extreme jutsu's from the Doku, the user's arms become enveloped in tattoo markings, which can be mistaken for curse seals. The stronger the jutsu, the larger the tattoos spread and can eventually spread all the way on the user's chest. Somehow death occurs when the tattoo's reach the heart. When the battle is over, the tattoo shrinks back down to normal size but leaves an awkward soreness.

D ranked techniques cover your wrist in tattoos
C ranked techniques cover your forearm
B ranked techniques cover your bicept
A ranked techniques reach your shoulder
S ranked techniques cover your chest muscles

The user has a wide span of creativity of how to use the poison. The poison can be turned into smoke bombs the size of walnut. The smoke can be blinding or toxic to the lungs. It can also be a feint bomb and simply used as a simple smoke bomb. The smoke can also be used to activate genjutsu after being inhaled. The stronger the intake and the user, the stronger the genjutsu can be.

The poison can also be planted into foods, onto weapons, and pretty much any other way poison can be planted. At higher levels, the user can secrete the poison already in a gas state and have it cover a battlefield. The gases can become invisible at around Jounin rank.

The weaknesses to this Bloodline is that they cant perform their jutsus without their hands. Lower leveled users need to throw their smoke bombs and have it break upon contact for them to work properly. Nothing potent enough to kill in short time comes around Early Jounin rank. All D-C ranked poisons can usually be stopped before they cause any critical damage.



Name of Jutsu:Basic Poison Smoke ball
Rank: D-S
Users: Dokuga clan
Type of Jutsu::Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Poison
Training Link:N/A
Description: The first jutsu a clan member would learn. The user clenches his hand together and allows his poison to cluster into a ball in his hand. The user forms a chakra ball shell for the poison to be planted into. Afterwards the ball can be thrown and bursts poison gas upon contact. Different poisons can be placed into the ball that is created by the user. This jutsu is the basis for many of the clan's jutsu variants. At high levels, the user can turn his poison into uncolored gases, making it extremely difficult to trace.

Name of Jutsu:Basic Poison Droplets
Rank: D-S
Users: Dokuga Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Poison
Training Link: N/A
Description: The user uses a single finger and secretes poison from his finger tip in liquid form. That droplet is then used to cover weaponry or to be planted into consumables. The user can use any poison's he/she knows how to create and turn it into this form. At high levels, the user can make the droplets tasteless and have their effects be delayed.

Name of Jutsu: Poison Clouds
Rank: B-S
Users: Dokuga Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Poison
Training Link:N/A
Description: The user, being at a high level of power, is able to control their poison much more easily. Thus, they are able to stream poison already in gas state. It can be used to cover a battlefield and act as instant cover. At chuunin level the user is only able to use the Feint Poison gas. The coloration can be manipulated at Jounin level, but not to the state of colorless gas. Colorless gas is available at S rank. At jounin level the user can use any poison that they know how to create.

Name of Jutsu: Poison Mix
Rank: C-S
Users: Dokuga Clan
Type of Jutsu:: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Poison
Training Link: N/A
Description: Available to C ranked users and up, the user is able to mix poison types causing multiple effects. At C rank, the user is limited to 2 blends, A-B rank is 3 blends, and S rank is 4 blends.

Last edited by Wyn on Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Dokuga Poisons   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:38 pm

*Notice: Round 2 symptoms occur after 5 minutes of consistant exposure. Approximately, 5 post in a thread of a character being subject to the poison. The exposure can be split up within a thread. This notice only pertains to the Burn Poison.

Example: Character A is subject to poison and thus jumps away from danger. Character B throws smoke bomb that lands sufficiently enough to give intake to Character A, and repeat. After five Posts of being subjected to poison, stage two occurs (except in case Rank S where stage 2 is an optional delayed reaction.)*

Name: Burn
Rank: D-S (power varies by rank)
Appearance: Purple at D-C rank, Color manipulation at B-A rank, Colorless at S rank
Description:This type of poison is used by the Dokuga Clan. In Gas form it can be adapted to burn the throat and/or eyes. Depicting off the user's skill level, the burns will either be strong enough to blind or a simple annoyance. It can choke a victim or simply cause minor coughs.

Infection Round: D rank
Round One: Irratation in eyes and/or throat
Round Two: Heavy coughing and/or blurred vision. Only occurs if continuously subjected to poison.

Infection Round: C rank
Round One: Heavy coughing and/or blurred vision
Round Two: Trouble breathing and stinging of the eyes. Only occurs if continously subjected to poison

Infection Round: B rank
Round One: Trouble breathing, stinging of the eyes, and blurred vision.
Round Two: Choking and temporary blindness. Only occurs if continously subjected to poison

Infection Round:A rank
Round One:Choking and temporary blindness
Round Two: Complete blindness. Only occurs if continuously subjected to poison

Infection Round:S rank
Round One: Immediate choking and Full Blindness
Round Two:


Rank: D-S(power varies by rank)
Appearance: Green at D-C rank, Color manipulation at B-A rank, Colorless at S rank
Description: This type of poison is scent based. The odor can vary, but lower ranked users will not be able to make odors that would attract an enemy, but only odors to steer them away. The liquid base form is far more potent but is immobile. At high levels, the poison can be extremely distracting.

Infection Round: D rank
Round One: Releases awkward/bad smell
Round Two: N/A

Infection Round:C rank
Round One: Optional semi sweet or very awful smell
Round Two:N/A

Infection Round: B rank
Round One: Very sweet or intensely awful smell
Round Two:N/A

Infection Round: A-S rank
Round One: Very attractive aroma that would cause powerful distractions or Stenches not ever meant to be smelled by man
Round Two: Possible mental scarring from bad smell
Rank: D
Appearance: White at D-C rank, Color manipulation at B-A rank, Colorless at S rank
Description:This poison is actually a fake poison. It's actually simple smog and takes almost no chakra to create. Almost always used in gas form as a normal smoke bomb that simply appears to be dangerous.

Infection Round:
Round One: N/A
Round Two: N/A
Rank: B-S(power varies by rank)
Appearance: White
Description:This poison type is used to combat diseases and other poisons. The user must be a medical ninja or a high ranking ninjutsu expert. Almost always used in liquid form but can be used effectively as gas. The poison enters the body and destroys the invading poisons or diseases. It takes approximately 1 day for the toxins to do their work effectively. Soon after, the poison leaves the body in the form of vomit. This jutsu's power varies with the user's power and thus higher powered diseases must be taken out by higher powered ninjas.

Infection Round: B-S
Round One: Numbess in places where enemy diseases and poisons have spread
Round Two: Vomiting approximately 24 hours after first injected.
Name: Genjutsu Poison Trap
Rank: D-S(power varies by rank)
Appearance: Purple at D-C rank, Color manipulation at B-A rank, Colorless at S rank
Description: When the poison is consumed, either by liquid or gas form, the victim is susceptible to the user's genjutsu technique. Very high ranked ninjas can choose not to activate their genjutsu days after it first being planted into the victim. The user must already choose which of their genjutsu to use before using the Genjutsu trap.

Infection Round: D-S
Round One: Victim feels slightly dizzy
Round Two: Victim is then subjected to Genjutsu. The activation time of the genjutsu varies with strength of the user. D rank its approximately 5 minutes/posts after first induced. C rank it is 4 minutes/posts after first induced. B rank it is 3 minutes/posts after first induced. A rank it is 1 minute/post after first being induced. S rank is immediately after being induced.
Name: Disease
Rank: B-S(power varies by rank)(available to C rank with Ninjutsu as specialty)
Appearance: Red at C-A rank, Colorless at S rank
Description:This poison plants disease into the victim's body. At chuunin level it causes minor fevers. At S rank it can cause comas, heart attacks, paralysis, etc. This is considered to be the toughest of the Poison types to create and is only taught to the elite. . At S rank, the Poison can be chosen to have delayed effects.

When the delayed effects become available, the poison has a second function. Instead of feeding on the user's chakra to have it activate immediately, the disease feeds on the victim's chakra and consumes it slowly. Once the disease has enough energy to perform the symptoms it is set to do, it pulls the trigger. When the user wants an immediate effect, the user must spend all his chakra to allow the immediate effect and control the poison just enough to the point where it can be used effectively.

Due the constant loss of chakra, the longer the time the disease spends feeding on it, the more noticeable the chakra loss is, thus making it easier to cure. The S ranked disease however, requires an S ranked Medical ninja to cure it.

*Please note that reducing the amount of symptoms occurring in the victim will also reduce how much chakra you spend.*

Infection Round: C rank
Round One: Optional to have cause minor fever at first and/or slight sore throat.
Round Two: Optional to have cause fevers, coughing, sweating, minor nose bleeds, and headaches. (Occurs 3 post's after first induced. User may only choose 3 of the Round two symptoms.)

Infection Round: B rank
Round One: Optional to have any symptoms of C rank Round 1; minor fever at first and/or slight sore throat.
Round Two: Optional to have any symptoms of C rank Round 2; fevers, coughing, sweating, minor nose bleeds, and headaches. (Occurs 2 post after first induced)
Round Three: Optional to have any of the symptoms; vomiting, heavy coughing, heavy laughter, blood thinning and thickening, migraines, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and fatigue.(Occurs 5 posts after first induced. User is allowed to choose 1 of the symptoms to use)
Round Four: Optional to have any of the symptoms; vomiting, heavy coughing, heavy laughter, blood thinning and thickening, migraines, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and fatigue.(Occurs 10 posts after first induced. User is allowed to choose another 1 of the symptoms to use)

Infection Round: A rank
Round One: Optional to have C rank round 2 symptoms to occur within the victim's next post. fevers, coughing, sweating, minor nose bleeds, and headaches.(User may only choose 3 of the symptoms.)
Round Two: Optional to have B rank round 3 symptoms to occur; vomiting, heavy coughing, heavy laughter, blood thinning and thickening, migraines, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and fatigue (Occurs 3 posts after first induced. User is allowed to choose two of the symptoms.)
Round Three: Optional to have any of the symptoms; minor paralysis,minor hallucinations, minor loss of sanity, loss of motor skills, muscle spasms, tremors, slurred speech, minor loss of a single sense(Occurs 5 posts after. User is allowed to choose 1 of the symptoms to use)
Round Four: Optional to have any of the symptoms; minor paralysis,minor hallucinations, minor loss of sanity, loss of motor skills, muscle spasms, tremors, slurred speech, minor loss of a single sense(Occurs 10 posts after. User is allowed to choose another 1 of the symptoms to use)

Infection Round: S rank
Round One: Optional to have 1 of the following symptoms occur; coma, heart attack, instantaneous vertigo, hallucinations, loss of sanity, change in sexual interest(lol), insomnia, instantaneous sleep, sensitive to light(eyes or skin), paralysis, loss of senses. (These occur within the same post of being hit by them. As said before in the post above this one, S ranked attacks such as this kill the user a few second after being used. Thus, using this poison demands sacrifice if the effects are wanted to occur immediately. Look down to Round 2 for more details)
Round Two: Optional to have the reactions(in round 1) to the poison delayed by 1 full day. ( Having a delayed effect is not as dangerous to the user as an immediate effect. The user suffers heavy chakra loss and major fatigue, usually unable to continue battling but still able to escape possibly.)
Round Three: Optional to have the reactions(in round 1) to the poison delayed by 3 full days. ( Having a delayed effect is not as dangerous to the user as an immediate effect. The user spends a chunk of chakra and moderate fatigue.)
Round Four: Optional to have the reactions(in round 1) to the poison delayed by a week. ( Having a delayed effect is not as dangerous to the user as an immediate effect. The user spends a minor amount chakra and minor fatigue.)

*Please note that all the disease poisons can be cured by medical ninja techniques that fight against poison. The S ranked techniques can be cured if a medical ninja reaches and heals the victim before the symptoms occur. Once the Symptoms occur, it is too late.*

Last edited by Wyn on Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:14 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Rules   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:42 pm

Please note that users will not know every single poison type. Feint gas does not count as a Poison type because it is so basic.

A D rank that isnt a Ninjutsu expert will know only 2, ninjutsu Dominant 3
A C rank that isnt a NInjutsu expert will only know 3, ninjutsu Dominate 4
A B rank that isnt a Ninjutsu expert will only know 4, ninjutsu dominate 5
An A rank will know how to use all of them.

Disease base poison can only be learned at B rank.

If you are in this clan please copy and paste the Poison types you wish to know in your jutsu list and have a link to this clan on it.

[url=]Dokuga Clan[/url]
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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 4:51 pm

Quote :
*Notice: Round 2 symptoms occur after 5 minutes of consistant exposure.

Place the time in number of post's please.

Quote :
Name: Disease
Rank: B-S(power varies by rank)
Appearance: Red at C-A rank, Colorless at S rank
Description:This poison plants disease into the victim's body. At chuunin level it causes minor fevers. At S rank it can cause comas, heart attacks, paralysis, etc. This is considered to be the toughest of the Poison types to create and is only taught to the elite. The creation of this poison however, takes 30 minutes beforehand preperation. At S rank, the Poison can be choosen to have delayed effects.

Infection Round: C rank
Round One: Optional to have cause fevers, coughing, sweating, minor nose bleeds, and headaches.
Round Two: N/A

Infection Round: B rank
Round One: Optional to have all of C rank and vomiting, heavy coughing, heavy laughter, blood thinning and thickening, migrains, diareaha, muscle cramps, and fatigue.
Round Two: N/A

Infection Round: A rank
Round One: Optional to have B-C rank and minor paralysis,minor hallucinations, minor loss of sanity, loss of motor skills, muscle spasms, tremors, slurred speech, minor loss of senses
Round Two: N/A

Infection Round: S rank
Round One:Optional to have A-C rank and coma, heart attack, instantaneous vertigo, hallucinations, loss of sanity, change in sexual interest(lol), insomnia, instantaneous sleep, sensitive to light(eyes or skin), paralysis, loss of senses.
Round Two: Optional to have the reactions to the poison delayed.

Please expand further in effects by each post what happens since you can not have an instantaneous heart attack/coma/paralysis to occur. [Really should do this for all poisons but this is the one that really needs it]

So what I'm saying is expand add more rounds and detail the poisons more since poisons are some of the most lethal and effective weaponry there is so it needs detailed ways of how to use it.
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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 9:00 pm

Heavily Edited
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Kaji Kanto

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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 4:58 pm

One last thing about the disease poision how exactly does one delay the symptoms *is after a good theoretical base for this technique* Like does the chakra have a key in suppressing it until the time of wanted exposure or what?
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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 5:59 pm

I've added a paragraph under the disease section that explains into further detail how the disease survives on its own user the victim's chakra instead of the user's chakra.
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Kaji Kanto

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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 6:14 pm

Approved now that changes have been made.
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Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo   Dokuga Clan, Doku Tattoo I_icon_minitime

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