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Katon Jutsu Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Katon Jutsu

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PostSubject: Katon Jutsu   Katon Jutsu I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 5:19 pm

Name of Jutsu: Chou [Butterfly]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user supplies themselves with fire and use chakra guided by handseals to shape it into a fluttering butterfly. This torching being then can be controlled for a small period of time and in a somewhat large range for any purpose. Eventually, once chakra is no longer consumed for it, or it's out of range, it'll burst into a buff of harmless flame.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Hotsuba [Fire Release: Fire Spit]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user would spit a small flame from their mouth to help ignite anything that is flammable.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Hi Saiku [Fire Release: Fire Trick]
Rank: E
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After forming a few handseals the user rubs his hands together very quickly. As soon as the user's hands are hot he touches the opponent and pushes some chakra out from his hands. The resulting effect is a quick flash of heat through the opponent's body.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Hi Sunappu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Fire Snap]
Rank: E
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This Jutsu was made as apart of a magic act for a traveling magician who used to be a shinobi, but is now taught as a basic fire jutsu. The user makes a hand symbol and then clicks their fingers on one hand, a small jet of flame (Maximum 5 centimeters) protrudes from the users hand and lasts for up to a minute, not harming the user as the flame starts around a half centimeter away from the skin. However constant use may cause burning as the skin slowly heats up.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Moesashi [Flame Release: Embers]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user will first do handseals, and then they can spit small embers at their opponent. Unlike Fire Spit, these embers are physical and can harm an opponent beyond the fire contact.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Karui Yakedo [Fire Release: Minor Burn]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After a few hand seals, the user's hand becomes hot. When the hand touches the target, it creates a small burn. Although not very damaging, it is very annoying to the opponent, and creates a discomforting feeling in some places.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Kemuri Shiryoku no Jutsu [Fire Release: Smoke Sight Technique]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After using a few handseals, the user focuses chakra to his or her eyes. This allows the user to see through smoke, no matter the color or thickness of said smoke. However, smoke will still make the user cough and eventually cause suffocation, so one must be careful using this jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Osoi Hinawa [Fire Release: Slow Fuse]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user makes a few hand seals and points to a nearby fuel for fire. The corresponding object ignites into a fire which expands rapidly. The fuel must be quickly ignitable and it must be in decent reach.

Name of Jutsu: Kesu [Extinguish]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: Taught as a basic technique for safety reasons, the user is able to focus chakra to slowly dissipate flames. While using this technique, the user is unable to activate any other jutsu. Often used to protect the user, strong flames will still cause burns. This jutsu takes a decent amount of time to work.

Name of Jutsu: Moufu [Blanket]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: Useful for things such as cold weather or being wet, the user is able to contain heat within an area. The size of the target is fairly open ended, ranging from a match to a campfire or larger. Activation of the jutsu is as simple as touching the object with one's palm(s) and directing warming katon chakra into it. However, if the target of this jutsu is hit, the jutsu dispels.

Name of Jutsu: Ho Bunshin no Jutsu [Fire Clone Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes fire to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Ho Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out attacks on its target. Also, elemental clones can think, but only on the rudimentary level, and the concentration for their jutsu needs to be maintained by the user. When this clone disperses, it reverts into an eruption of flames.

* Special Notes *
- Each bunshin takes 1/10 of your chakra pool to make.
- Bunshin can only travel a moderate distance from the user
- Bunshin have 1/10 the power of the user. This includes weapons, items, powers, speed, reaction speed, etc.
- Elemental Bunshin can perform taijutsu, non-elemental jutsu, and elemental jutsu of its own element that the user knows, so long as the jutsu maintains contact with the elemental clone through the whole time. Note however, that an elemental clone only has as much chakra as the user gave it, and some of it is used to maintain the clone. Attempting to use a jutsu the clone no longer has enough chakra for will cause the bunshin to burst without the jutsu being performed.
- Will disperse after a single hit or upon the user's command.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Boukaheki no Jutsu [Fire Release: Fire Wall Technique] C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: By performing a few seals, the user can exhale a steady stream of fire creating a wall in front of them and partially surrounding them. It's capable of evaporating water and low level Suiton jutsu, and used as a great defense against physical strikes.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Powerful Fireball Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After using handseals, the user must first gather chakra into his hand and mouth. The mouth then shoots out fire and one hand is placed just out of the lips to control it into one intensely hot fireball. This attack is similar to a huge devastating flamethrower.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Haisekishou [Fire Release: Burning Ash Accumulation]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After forming the needed handseals, the user will expel an ash from their mouth. This large cloud begins to envelope their foe.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Housenka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This Katon ninjutsu is a very flexible technique. Housenka begins with creating many small fireballs from the user's mouth, and shooting them at a single or multiple opponents in one strike. These projectiles either can be shot either fast in the same direction, or slow in a rotating formation. Basically, the ninja controls everything, from the strength, and path of the fireballs (Relatively), to the speed they travel towards the target.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Jiraigen [Fire Release: Minefield]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After several handseals, the user will place his or her hand on the ground. Wherever the user touches with his or her hand, a bit of their chakra is left behind. Should any object touch the ground within a close range of the mines, the area will detonate into a small explosion. The user can maximally place five mines per use of this jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Kasai no Ame [Fire Release: Rain of Fire Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This is a jutsu utilizing the fire element. The user performs a few seals and begins concentrating chakra into his hands. Eventually he will manipulate it into a ball of fire completely surrounding both hands, and then fired into the air. The two fireballs will collide and then split into 10-20 separate fireballs which will proceed to rain down on the area as commanded by the user.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Kasai no Kakuchou [Flame Release: Fire Extension]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After finishing the handseals, the user will be able to strike empty air, and simultaneously, a fiery version of his fist or kick will be created where his target is, striking at them.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Mist waltz Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user blows out a great amount of burnable gas. Once it comes in contact with any form of combustion force (from fire to small sparks), the gas ignites and literally creates a sea of fire.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Neppa [Fire Release: Heat Wave]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After a few handseals the user concentrates chakra in his hands then slaps them together and splits them apart releasing chakra resulting in a painful wave of heat towards his target.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Ningyou no Enentaru Ito [Fire Release: Flaming Puppet Strings]
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: Kugutsu no Jutsu [Puppetry Technique].
Description: After using Kugutsu no jutsu the user will apply elemental affinity to their strings in this case fire. Only five strings can be made at any time because of the added focus in applying the element. No other jutsu that requires seals can be preformed unless this one is canceled for obvious reasons. The strings will become visible and glow bright orange making anything they touch heat up and possibly burn though unlike normal puppetry strings these lose the ability to latch on to things. This ability does not require handseals.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Shiyoretsu Riku [Flame Release: Burning Land]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: As soon as the user finishes the required handseals for this jutsu, his feet start to glow in an orange light. From that moment on, the user leaves a trail of burnt land behind him as he moves, even if aerial, the user will leave a trail of fading sparks.

Name of Jutsu: Katon Waiya [Fire Release Wire]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user sends a small stream of fire along a length of cord or other similar object. This does not require the user of handseals.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Enkou Tou [Flame Release: Flame Tower]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After doing a series of handseals, the user slams his palms down to the ground. The impact then appears to cause turbulence under the dirt as it afterward explodes into a fountain of fire that moves ahead towards the target. The fountain is high enough to be described a tower (like a watchtower), and it can move according to the user's will but only ahead and veering to the sides, it can't revert back. Once the tower of blaze hits anything with enough mass as a person, it will discharge in a blast, and blow them/it back with new agonizing burns.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Hibashiri [Flame Release: Running Fire]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: Having finished the required handseals, the user directs his chakra with a kick. As a result, a wheel of fire is created and darts across the terrain towards the opponent at great speed.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Honoo Sude [Fire Release: Blazing Hands]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After the user performs the necessary hand seals, their hands heat up and then burst into flames. The flames do not harm the user, but provide a great advantage at hand to hand combat, and is quite useful in nature.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Houka [Fire Release: Rocket]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After performing the needed handseals, the user would open their mouth a ball of fire will shoot out their mouth with great speed and will burst into a bigger flame when it hits the target.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Kaen Torappu [Fire Release: Flame Trap]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After performing a set of hand seals, the user rubs both hands up together and then places their hands on the ground. Once this is complete, a sea of flames surrounds the enemies and entraps them in this ‘prison’ from which they will be unable to escape from unless they are willing to take life threatening burns. In order for this jutsu to be maintained, the user must always have their hands on the ground and be constantly supplying chakra to the prison.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Kasai Tacchi [Fire Release: Fire Touch Technique]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This jutsu utilizes the fire element. The user concentrates heat into their hands, and by placing it on an inanimate object for a few moments the object heats up to the point it bursts into flames. The amount of chakra and time it take depends on the size and it cannot be larger then the user.

Name of Jutsu: Ryuusei Sutoraiku [Meteor Strike]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user hurls a boulder into the air and jumps up after it performing the right hand seals. The user then grabs the boulder in mid-air and, through Katon manipulation, covers it with fire and jumps up after it performing the right hand seals. The user then grabs the boulder in mid-air and, through Katon manipulation, covers it with fire creating a blazing meteor to attack with, which could also be blown up into a gush of small flaming rocks.

Name of Jutsu: Shishienjin [Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This jutsu creates a box-like barrier around an area defined by the four users of it. Anything that touches with barrier will burst into purple flame. As long as the users of the jutsu remain active and unharmed, this barrier can never be broken.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Re-Za [Fire Release: Laser]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This is a ranged jutsu for katon users. This technique was developed to give them some range. Chakra is forced into the point of attack of their body. Afterward it is blasted out in a heat laser. The attack fires in a 90 degree spread. The start to this attack is slow because it requires a charging time of one post. But it then after being fired moves at incredible speed. This increases in strength by shrinking the size of the attack but focuses in the chakra weakening the wave on range. This technique burns using the energy of the chakra. And has a range of 30 ft.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Enen no Sonata [Fire Release: Blazing Sonata]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This technique was developed by a legendary shinobi, who retired into an occupation as one of the greatest chef's in the land. As the chef's greatest assets were his hands, this technique was devised as a unique style of using ones feet to defend, in a dance like motion. This idea was then improved upon, by focusing chakra into the user’s feet, and then, coupling it with a bit of fire mastery was able to mold the chakra to surround the user’s feet within a controlled fire. Every step fans the fire into the motion's direction, every stomp raises the fires causing it to flare up, every kick sends a penance of fire from the sole, and adding this into a dance causes it to not only defends ones self but by mastering the right steps can make for a very reliable offense.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Hoheki [Fire Release: Flame Wall]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user summons a flame that comes in between him and his enemy. After stabilized, the user can push the wall at his target.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Karyuu Endan [Flame Release: Fire Wall Attack]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: A Katon ninjutsu technique where the ninja inhales deeply, drawing in a full chest of air. They then exhale, producing a very wide stream of flames that approach their target as a huge wall. This technique however uses an extremely large amount of the user's chakra and cannot be used frequently.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Ryuuka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: This Katon ninjutsu is believed to be the one of the strongest jutsu of the Katon series. This ninjutsu however requires a lot of chakra, concentration, and preparation time. A few diverse hand seals are done, and after gathering all the chakra in his mouth, the ninja will create so much flame that a red-hot fire will light up around them. All that chakra is then converted into fire inside the ninja's mouth, and it is all ejected at once, creating an extremely long blaze of fire, going directly to the opponent. This technique is straight, fast, and strong. It is most likely to be used after the enemy has been immobilized, because with such large amounts of chakra being used, most users simply cannot afford to waste it all by missing.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Yougan Fi-rudo no Sousaku [Fire Release: Lava Field Creation]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: The user performs a series of hand seals than places their hands on the ground. The earth then slowly heats up and changes into molten rock. After execution, the user must immediately remove their hands and back up so as not to be burned. This not only limits where their target can move, but can also burn them if they are standing on it. The amount of area covered depends on the amount of chakra used.

Name of Jutsu: Chikei no Naraku no Jutsu [Terrain of Hell Technique]
Rank: S
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After a very long series of handseals, the user holds the Dragon seal. As the user stands in one spot, the ground within 100 meters of his or her body will begin to ignite. As larger and larger fires start, they will begin to spread outward from the original location, always traveling away from the user. Eventually, the fires created by this jutsu will become raging infernos, eating away at anything and everything in their path. This jutsu can cause devastation to any environment, as the flames are spread by chakra, and not any type of physical fuel such as grass.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Gouryuuka no Jutsu [Flame Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique]
Rank: S
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After forming the needed handseals, the ninja will expel dragon head fireballs at their opponent. These powerful fireballs can punch through concrete or pierce through a forest burning a long line of trees. Being such a powerful and draining jutsu, this technique can only be performed once per battle by the strongest of ninjas.

Name of Jutsu: Katon: Mori no Ho Kami [Fire Release: Lance of the Fire God]
Rank: S
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Katon
Training Link:
Description: After a long series of handseals, the user opens his or her mouth. A small ball of flame appears in front of his or her mouth, no larger than a golf ball. A loud whistling sound can then be heard near the user. After a few seconds, the ball will burst forward into a small stream of fire. It bursts forward with enough force to punch holes through trees. The stream extends forward 100 meters before ending it's burst. Once the stream reaches 100 meters, it remains for 3 seconds.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Chou [Butterfly]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user supplies themselves with fire and use chakra guided by handseals to shape it into a fluttering butterfly. This torching being then can be controlled for a small period of time and in a somewhat large range for any purpose. Eventually, once chakra is no longer consumed for it, or it's out of range, it'll burst into a buff of harmless flame.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Hotsuba [Fire Release: Fire Spit]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user would spit a small flame from their mouth to help ignite anything that is flammable.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Hi Saiku [Fire Release: Fire Trick]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: E
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After forming a few handseals the user rubs his hands together very quickly. As soon as the user's hands are hot he touches the opponent and pushes some chakra out from his hands. The resulting effect is a quick flash of heat through the opponent's body.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Hi Sunappu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Fire Snap]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: E
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This Jutsu was made as apart of a magic act for a traveling magician who used to be a shinobi, but is now taught as a basic fire jutsu. The user makes a hand symbol and then clicks their fingers on one hand, a small jet of flame (Maximum 5 centimeters) protrudes from the users hand and lasts for up to a minute, not harming the user as the flame starts around a half centimeter away from the skin. However constant use may cause burning as the skin slowly heats up.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Moesashi [Flame Release: Embers]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will first do handseals, and then they can spit small embers at their opponent. Unlike Fire Spit, these embers are physical and can harm an opponent beyond the fire contact.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Karui Yakedo [Fire Release: Minor Burn]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After a few hand seals, the user's hand becomes hot. When the hand touches the target, it creates a small burn. Although not very damaging, it is very annoying to the opponent, and creates a discomforting feeling in some places.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Kemuri Shiryoku no Jutsu [Fire Release: Smoke Sight Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After using a few handseals, the user focuses chakra to his or her eyes. This allows the user to see through smoke, no matter the color or thickness of said smoke. However, smoke will still make the user cough and eventually cause suffocation, so one must be careful using this jutsu.
[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Osoi Hinawa [Fire Release: Slow Fuse]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user makes a few hand seals and points to a nearby fuel for fire. The corresponding object ignites into a fire which expands rapidly. The fuel must be quickly ignitable and it must be in decent reach.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Kesu [Extinguish]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] Taught as a basic technique for safety reasons, the user is able to focus chakra to slowly dissipate flames. While using this technique, the user is unable to activate any other jutsu. Often used to protect the user, strong flames will still cause burns. This jutsu takes a decent amount of time to work.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Moufu [Blanket]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] Useful for things such as cold weather or being wet, the user is able to contain heat within an area. The size of the target is fairly open ended, ranging from a match to a campfire or larger. Activation of the jutsu is as simple as touching the object with one's palm(s) and directing warming katon chakra into it. However, if the target of this jutsu is hit, the jutsu dispels.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Ho Bunshin no Jutsu [Fire Clone Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes fire to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Ho Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out attacks on its target. Also, elemental clones can think, but only on the rudimentary level, and the concentration for their jutsu needs to be maintained by the user. When this clone disperses, it reverts into an eruption of flames.

* Special Notes *
- Each bunshin takes 1/10 of your chakra pool to make.
- Bunshin can only travel a moderate distance from the user
- Bunshin have 1/10 the power of the user. This includes weapons, items, powers, speed, reaction speed, etc.
- Elemental Bunshin can perform taijutsu, non-elemental jutsu, and elemental jutsu of its own element that the user knows, so long as the jutsu maintains contact with the elemental clone through the whole time. Note however, that an elemental clone only has as much chakra as the user gave it, and some of it is used to maintain the clone. Attempting to use a jutsu the clone no longer has enough chakra for will cause the bunshin to burst without the jutsu being performed.
- Will disperse after a single hit or upon the user's command.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Boukaheki no Jutsu [Fire Release: Fire Wall Technique] C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] By performing a few seals, the user can exhale a steady stream of fire creating a wall in front of them and partially surrounding them. It's capable of evaporating water and low level Suiton jutsu, and used as a great defense against physical strikes.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Powerful Fireball Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After using handseals, the user must first gather chakra into his hand and mouth. The mouth then shoots out fire and one hand is placed just out of the lips to control it into one intensely hot fireball. This attack is similar to a huge devastating flamethrower.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Haisekishou [Fire Release: Burning Ash Accumulation]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After forming the needed handseals, the user will expel an ash from their mouth. This large cloud begins to envelope their foe.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Housenka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This Katon ninjutsu is a very flexible technique. Housenka begins with creating many small fireballs from the user's mouth, and shooting them at a single or multiple opponents in one strike. These projectiles either can be shot either fast in the same direction, or slow in a rotating formation. Basically, the ninja controls everything, from the strength, and path of the fireballs (Relatively), to the speed they travel towards the target.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Jiraigen [Fire Release: Minefield]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After several handseals, the user will place his or her hand on the ground. Wherever the user touches with his or her hand, a bit of their chakra is left behind. Should any object touch the ground within a close range of the mines, the area will detonate into a small explosion. The user can maximally place five mines per use of this jutsu.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Kasai no Ame [Fire Release: Rain of Fire Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is a jutsu utilizing the fire element. The user performs a few seals and begins concentrating chakra into his hands. Eventually he will manipulate it into a ball of fire completely surrounding both hands, and then fired into the air. The two fireballs will collide and then split into 10-20 separate fireballs which will proceed to rain down on the area as commanded by the user.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Kasai no Kakuchou [Flame Release: Fire Extension]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After finishing the handseals, the user will be able to strike empty air, and simultaneously, a fiery version of his fist or kick will be created where his target is, striking at them.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu [Fire Release: Mist waltz Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user blows out a great amount of burnable gas. Once it comes in contact with any form of combustion force (from fire to small sparks), the gas ignites and literally creates a sea of fire.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Neppa [Fire Release: Heat Wave]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After a few handseals the user concentrates chakra in his hands then slaps them together and splits them apart releasing chakra resulting in a painful wave of heat towards his target.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Ningyou no Enentaru Ito [Fire Release: Flaming Puppet Strings]
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] Kugutsu no Jutsu [Puppetry Technique].
Description: After using Kugutsu no jutsu the user will apply elemental affinity to their strings in this case fire. Only five strings can be made at any time because of the added focus in applying the element. No other jutsu that requires seals can be preformed unless this one is canceled for obvious reasons. The strings will become visible and glow bright orange making anything they touch heat up and possibly burn though unlike normal puppetry strings these lose the ability to latch on to things. This ability does not require handseals.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Shiyoretsu Riku [Flame Release: Burning Land]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] As soon as the user finishes the required handseals for this jutsu, his feet start to glow in an orange light. From that moment on, the user leaves a trail of burnt land behind him as he moves, even if aerial, the user will leave a trail of fading sparks.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon Waiya [Fire Release Wire]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user sends a small stream of fire along a length of cord or other similar object. This does not require the user of handseals.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Enkou Tou [Flame Release: Flame Tower]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After doing a series of handseals, the user slams his palms down to the ground. The impact then appears to cause turbulence under the dirt as it afterward explodes into a fountain of fire that moves ahead towards the target. The fountain is high enough to be described a tower (like a watchtower), and it can move according to the user's will but only ahead and veering to the sides, it can't revert back. Once the tower of blaze hits anything with enough mass as a person, it will discharge in a blast, and blow them/it back with new agonizing burns.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Hibashiri [Flame Release: Running Fire]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] Having finished the required handseals, the user directs his chakra with a kick. As a result, a wheel of fire is created and darts across the terrain towards the opponent at great speed.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Honoo Sude [Fire Release: Blazing Hands]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After the user performs the necessary hand seals, their hands heat up and then burst into flames. The flames do not harm the user, but provide a great advantage at hand to hand combat, and is quite useful in nature.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Houka [Fire Release: Rocket]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After performing the needed handseals, the user would open their mouth a ball of fire will shoot out their mouth with great speed and will burst into a bigger flame when it hits the target.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Kaen Torappu [Fire Release: Flame Trap]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After performing a set of hand seals, the user rubs both hands up together and then places their hands on the ground. Once this is complete, a sea of flames surrounds the enemies and entraps them in this ‘prison’ from which they will be unable to escape from unless they are willing to take life threatening burns. In order for this jutsu to be maintained, the user must always have their hands on the ground and be constantly supplying chakra to the prison.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Kasai Tacchi [Fire Release: Fire Touch Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This jutsu utilizes the fire element. The user concentrates heat into their hands, and by placing it on an inanimate object for a few moments the object heats up to the point it bursts into flames. The amount of chakra and time it take depends on the size and it cannot be larger then the user.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Ryuusei Sutoraiku [Meteor Strike]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user hurls a boulder into the air and jumps up after it performing the right hand seals. The user then grabs the boulder in mid-air and, through Katon manipulation, covers it with fire and jumps up after it performing the right hand seals. The user then grabs the boulder in mid-air and, through Katon manipulation, covers it with fire creating a blazing meteor to attack with, which could also be blown up into a gush of small flaming rocks.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Shishienjin [Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This jutsu creates a box-like barrier around an area defined by the four users of it. Anything that touches with barrier will burst into purple flame. As long as the users of the jutsu remain active and unharmed, this barrier can never be broken.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Re-Za [Fire Release: Laser]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is a ranged jutsu for katon users. This technique was developed to give them some range. Chakra is forced into the point of attack of their body. Afterward it is blasted out in a heat laser. The attack fires in a 90 degree spread. The start to this attack is slow because it requires a charging time of one post. But it then after being fired moves at incredible speed. This increases in strength by shrinking the size of the attack but focuses in the chakra weakening the wave on range. This technique burns using the energy of the chakra. And has a range of 30 ft.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Enen no Sonata [Fire Release: Blazing Sonata]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This technique was developed by a legendary shinobi, who retired into an occupation as one of the greatest chef's in the land. As the chef's greatest assets were his hands, this technique was devised as a unique style of using ones feet to defend, in a dance like motion. This idea was then improved upon, by focusing chakra into the user’s feet, and then, coupling it with a bit of fire mastery was able to mold the chakra to surround the user’s feet within a controlled fire. Every step fans the fire into the motion's direction, every stomp raises the fires causing it to flare up, every kick sends a penance of fire from the sole, and adding this into a dance causes it to not only defends ones self but by mastering the right steps can make for a very reliable offense.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Hoheki [Fire Release: Flame Wall]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user summons a flame that comes in between him and his enemy. After stabilized, the user can push the wall at his target.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Karyuu Endan [Flame Release: Fire Wall Attack]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] A Katon ninjutsu technique where the ninja inhales deeply, drawing in a full chest of air. They then exhale, producing a very wide stream of flames that approach their target as a huge wall. This technique however uses an extremely large amount of the user's chakra and cannot be used frequently.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Ryuuka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This Katon ninjutsu is believed to be the one of the strongest jutsu of the Katon series. This ninjutsu however requires a lot of chakra, concentration, and preparation time. A few diverse hand seals are done, and after gathering all the chakra in his mouth, the ninja will create so much flame that a red-hot fire will light up around them. All that chakra is then converted into fire inside the ninja's mouth, and it is all ejected at once, creating an extremely long blaze of fire, going directly to the opponent. This technique is straight, fast, and strong. It is most likely to be used after the enemy has been immobilized, because with such large amounts of chakra being used, most users simply cannot afford to waste it all by missing.
[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Yougan Fi-rudo no Sousaku [Fire Release: Lava Field Creation]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user performs a series of hand seals than places their hands on the ground. The earth then slowly heats up and changes into molten rock. After execution, the user must immediately remove their hands and back up so as not to be burned. This not only limits where their target can move, but can also burn them if they are standing on it. The amount of area covered depends on the amount of chakra used.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Chikei no Naraku no Jutsu [Terrain of Hell Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: S
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After a very long series of handseals, the user holds the Dragon seal. As the user stands in one spot, the ground within 100 meters of his or her body will begin to ignite. As larger and larger fires start, they will begin to spread outward from the original location, always traveling away from the user. Eventually, the fires created by this jutsu will become raging infernos, eating away at anything and everything in their path. This jutsu can cause devastation to any environment, as the flames are spread by chakra, and not any type of physical fuel such as grass.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Gouryuuka no Jutsu [Flame Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: S
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After forming the needed handseals, the ninja will expel dragon head fireballs at their opponent. These powerful fireballs can punch through concrete or pierce through a forest burning a long line of trees. Being such a powerful and draining jutsu, this technique can only be performed once per battle by the strongest of ninjas.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Katon: Mori no Ho Kami [Fire Release: Lance of the Fire God]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: S
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Katon
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After a long series of handseals, the user opens his or her mouth. A small ball of flame appears in front of his or her mouth, no larger than a golf ball. A loud whistling sound can then be heard near the user. After a few seconds, the ball will burst forward into a small stream of fire. It bursts forward with enough force to punch holes through trees. The stream extends forward 100 meters before ending it's burst. Once the stream reaches 100 meters, it remains for 3 seconds.
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