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Hyouton Jutsu Shauntaystaffimgf
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Month: 1

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January 16th to January 22nd

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Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



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 Hyouton Jutsu

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PostSubject: Hyouton Jutsu   Hyouton Jutsu I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 9:32 pm

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Koori Saiku [Ice Release: Ice Trick]
Rank: E
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: After forming a few handseals and concentrating chakra in the users finger tips the user touches someone with their cold fingers and releases the chakra in their finger tips. This leaves the opponent with a cold feeling that runs down their spine.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hyoushou no Sousaku [Ice Release: Ice Floor Creation]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user performs a few handseals, causing a small strip of ground to become icy and slick. This is often used to counter a charging enemy by causing the ground beneath them to become slippery and cause them to fall.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Kaze Tsumetai [Ice Release: Icy Wind]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: First, the user takes a few cubes of ice and crunches them in their mouth. The user then does a few handseals to amplify the cold emitted by the crushed ice and blows it out in a very cold gust of wind

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Koori no Hahen [Ice Release: Ice Shard]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: After two handseals the user creates a single small shard and throws at target, however it's near useless beyond a range of 5 meters, making it a weapon to surprise the foe then a real threat, which makes it most effective against unprotected parts of the body.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Supurinta- Se [Ice Release: Splinter Torrent]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user performs a few handseals, causing Hyouton chakra to accumulate in their mouth. Right afterward, the user can exhale and shoot a torrent of small ice shards. Though harmless, the attack can be very frustrating from the successive stinging.

Name of Jutsu: Yukidama [Snow Ball]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user goes through a few handseals and then gathers his palms together. Within his held grips, the user is capable of creating a snow ball that he can shoot at an opponent.

Name of Jutsu: Suno- Fure-ku Sankaku [Snow Flake Sensation]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: After forming a few handseals and concentrating chakra, the user spins around their axis once or twice inducing the water vapor in the atmosphere to freeze and turn into snow flakes. As a result, the user gets an aura of continuously regenerating snow that puzzles the opponent, or give the user charm and even allow the user to disappear out of sight if fast movement is performed. This jutsu would be only draining for a student to keep for a long while.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Kowareyasui Koori [Ice Release: Fragile Ice]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user flashes through quick handseals and then places their palms on the frozen surface of a lake or a pond. Afterward, the user manipulates the ice to melt most of it making it very fragile to stand on. As a result, any movement by the target or any slight impact to the ice will shatter it to pieces and cause whoever standing on it to sink into the frigid water.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hyoutenka no Sutingu [Ice Release: Subzero Sting]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user does a few handseals before he fills his gathered palms with water. The user's chakra will then cool the water freezing degrees very close to 0 Celsius. The user himself won't suffer the extreme coldness, but once he decides to squirt his handful of liquid on someone, they will by stung by the pain of the extremely-cold water touching them.

Name of Jutsu: Koori Bunshin no Jutsu [Ice Clone Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: This is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes ice to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Koori Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out attacks on its target. Also, elemental clones can think, but only on the rudimentary level, and the concentration for their jutsu needs to be maintained by the user. When this clone disperses, it reverts into falling shards of ice.

* Special Notes *
- Each bunshin takes 1/10 of your chakra pool to make.
- Bunshin can only travel a moderate distance from the user
- Bunshin have 1/10 the power of the user. This includes weapons, items, powers, speed, reaction speed, etc.
- Elemental Bunshin can perform taijutsu, non-elemental jutsu, and elemental jutsu of its own element that the user knows, so long as the jutsu maintains contact with the elemental clone through the whole time. Note however, that an elemental clone only has as much chakra as the user gave it, and some of it is used to maintain the clone. Attempting to use a jutsu the clone no longer has enough chakra for will cause the bunshin to burst without the jutsu being performed.
- Will disperse after a single hit or upon the user's command.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Otaki Arashi [Ice Release: Cascading Storm Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: After performing a series of handseals, the user can create a swirling tornado of cutting shards of ice around him. It spins at an intense speed delivering a flurry of slashes. It is useful for dealing with multiple enemies at once or a possible escape technique.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hisanyuki no Jutsu [Ice Release: Flying Snow]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user creates a large ball of tightly compacted snow. It is then launched as a shooting bolt of ice after it is carefully aimed at a user. Although it is fast, its path is linear in direction and can be avoided if noticed in time.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Daburu no Kouri Shuriken [Ice Release: Double Ice Shuriken]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user's hands gather to finish a few handseals quickly. Afterward, the user extends their arms to their fullest and to the back farther and farther. At the palms of the user, and away from the opponent's sight, two ice shuriken start to form and even slowly spin. The user then violently pushes both arms ahead, possibly crossing them, flinging the two shuriken at the opponent. The shuriken are light and thinner than normal shuriken, but that only gives them more speed and more pain-inflection due to being sharp and cold.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Kouri Senbon [Ice Release: Ice Needles]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: As soon as the user finishes handseals for this jutsu, they make fists and hold their arms crossed against their chest. Gradually, three ice senbon will form in each grip between the fingers. The user can then use his newly-generated senbon as throwing weapons or in close-combat, notably more efficiently than normal senbon in terms of speed, piercing and hardness. The melting of the needles can be prevented by Hyouton chakra.

Name of Jutsu: Yuki no Te [Snow Hand]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user's handseals for this jutsu allows him to use his chakra to form a hand from the surrounding white snow in front of him. The hand is quite large, perhaps as big as the user themselves, and it will imitate the user's dominant hand's movements by the inch. Also, this jutsu is quite draining to keep the hand formed and solid.

Name of Jutsu: Yuki no Nami [Snow Waves]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: After doing handseals, the user's palms will manipulate the snow to create multiple waves that will rise and ram into the target forcefully.

Name of Jutsu: Dai Yukidama [Great Snow Ball]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: This jutsu is best performed at a hillside covered with snow. The user will use his handseals to stimulate a small snow ball into rolling and getting bigger and bigger. The ball then, as large is it becomes, will roll at high velocity at the target crashing into them and overwhelming them with its momentum as they become buried under snow. This jutsu can be less efficiently executed in a flat landscape, though it can be enhanced by the user's physical strength or Fuuton ninjutsu for example.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Aisu Kyu-bu [Ice Release: Ice Cube]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user will first use handseals, and then he will extend his open palms and create a big ice cube. This cube can be approximately as tall as the user. This cube can then be used to block an attack or assault an enemy by means of throwing or pushing it.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hayai Aisu [Ice Release: Swift Ice]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user would blow onto water to freeze it. This would work well on an opponent who is soaked in water. This does not require the use of handseals.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hie Kaze [Ice release: Chilling Wind Technique]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: By concentrating and molding chakra via handseals one can begin to draw upon the heat in the surrounding area and slowly begin to cool the temperature. At first the wind begin to chill, then the water slowly begins to freeze, and any rain turns to snow, and continues to get colder as long as the jutsu is held. Even if it is interrupted it could take up to an hour to a day to return the surrounding area to its former climate.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hyouchuujou [Ice Release: Ice Spiking Columns]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user draws upon water from the water table beneath the ground they are on. When it rises up to surface level it is formed into several spikes of water that are then frozen and forced through the soil at their target .

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hyouheki [Ice Release: Ice Wall]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user's action to create handseals will allow them to create a wall of ice to stand in the way of an attack. the wall is a couple of feet thick, and thus, is quite strong. Nonetheless, a strong or concentrated attack could be able to crack through it. The user has the option of making the wall dense to block sight beyond it, or making it as clear as an ice cube.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Koori no Hashira [Ice Release: Ice Pillar]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: Standing on ground with moisture in it.
Description: This jutsu quickly accumulates all of the moisture in the ground in one point and, following the will of the user, quickly cools it to a low temperature. The cooled water then chills and pushes out from the ground at a high speed, becoming a cylinder of ice. It can range in width and length depending on both the skill of the user and the amount of moisture available but it cannot go further than 2 meters long and two feet in girth. It moves at a speed dependent on the chakra put into the technique, with the upper limit being the user's "charging" speed.

Name of Jutsu: Hyoton: Tsubame Fubuki [Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user launches a bunch of ice needles that are in the shape of mini-swallows. These needles can change direction in the air.

Name of Jutsu: Hyourou no Jutsu [Ice Prison Technique]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: After forming the needed handseals, the user will touch the ground, causing columns of ice to rise from the ground at their foe. If caught, the ice will rise up around the target and imprison them.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Saido Suwaipu [Ice Release: Side-Swipe]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: Thrusting their hand out, the user creates a long, thin line of ice, sharp on one side. The user then swipes their arm horizontally, the line of ice flying off at the end of the movement.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Ryuusou [Ice Release: Dragon Frost]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: Gesturing with his hands after the completion of handseals, a small group of big piercing ice spikes forms aerially around him and shoot at the target desired.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hyoushou Hi [Ice Release: Ice Crystal Hail]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user's preparations of a long chain of handseals will then allow them to raise their hands to the sky and call upon a hail of rhomboidal ice crystal against their target. The hail will be quite ferocious and harmful due to the crystals weight and momentum of falling. Moreover, the hail is uncontrolled by the user, so it can harm them as well.

Name of Jutsu: Yuki Yose [Snow Summoning]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: Depending on the weather, this jutsu can be easy or very difficult to execute. The user performs a series of handseals, and then calls upon frost and snow to form around him in a relatively big area. The snow rises in level to almost knee level. For that, this jutsu is quite beneficial to supply snow for jutsu. Importantly enough, at high temperatures, this jutsu is quite default, draining and time-consuming. While in much colder circumstances, this jutsu could be a piece of cake.

Name of Jutsu: Hyoton: Akaka Hachure [Ice Release: One-Horned White Whale]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user creates a large one-horned whale out of the ice nearby that is shot at the opponent, crashing down on top of them with its massive body. This jutsu has a great deal of force behind it, able to knock even the largest summons or strongest of shinobi aside, but as a downside takes up a lot of chakra.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Enbu no Buttobasu Touketsu [Ice Release: Full Frozen Waltz]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: To perform this attack the user must be capable of incredible agility and maneuverability. The user first attacks by grabbing hold of the opponent’s wrist, pulling the opponent’s arm toward them. They quickly thrust their outer most foot against the footing of the adversary, knocking them off balance, slams their free fist into their opponent’s stomach, knocking them upward. They then make a Koori Bunshin which leaps after the enemy, while the user follows in the shadow of it. The Koori Bunshin then swings at the enemy but instead of hitting them shatters into ice shards that continue past the enemy. The user then thrusts the shards into the opponent’s back, injuring them and sending them towards the user. Then they grasp the enemy and spin back, sending the target toward the ground, making them hit the ground with their back first. Finally the user gathers ice around their heel as they do a front flip while they fall back to the ground, slamming the ice covered heel into the enemy’s chest.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Haryu Muuko [Ice Release: Piercing Dragon Fierce Tiger]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: A Hyouton (Ice element) jutsu where the user creates a large tiger out of nearby ice. Due to being so cold, it can freeze nearby water around it while attacking its target. It resembles an ice version of Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu, and its hand seals are tiger, bird, boar, then followed by dog.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Hyougen [Ice Release: Ice Field]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: A ninjutsu that creates a field of ice that is emitted outward, causing the surrounding area to be covered in a frost that quickly becomes pure ice. This is a very powerful technique which is mostly considered forbidden due to its destructive capacity.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Rogan Nadare no Jutsu [Ice Release: Wolf Fang Avalanche Technique]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user creates an avalanche of wolves made of snow that run towards the opponent to attack. This attack is able to cause opponents who hit by it to be sucked underneath, and potentially drown, making it very dangerous. As a trade of, it has a large chakra cost.

Name of Jutsu: Touketsu Yaiba no Arashi [Frozen Blade Storm]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: To initiate this attack, one must be able to manipulate water. By performing a few seals, the user begins to take a section of water and shape it into a blade, then turning it into ice. The more chakra used and the higher the skills, the more ice/blades can be made. Once the blade is fashioned it can then be launched at the selected targets, from many directions, all controlled by the users chakra, but this take a lot of concentration, and even still, has somewhat poor accuracy, which is only made up for, by creating multiple blades at once.

Name of Jutsu: Yukitama Hougeki no Jutsu [Snowball Bombardment Technique]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user concentrates their chakra into the snow, causing balls of snow to form and rapidly fire at a target. These balls are nearly as dense as stone, making them very solid, and they are all about the size of baseballs. Because of how quickly the balls are moving, they each do a fair amount of damage on impact. The more chakra used and snow available, the more snowballs produced.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Idaina Keibitai - Gurando Keimusho [Ice Release: Mighty Guard - Grand prison]
Rank: S
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: It will begin by creating a giant ice barrier, which will surround the user, or desired target. For the mighty guard technique, the user will then summon a water barrier in beneath the ice barrier. The two will act in a cycle feeding off the other. as the ice is chipped away, water will fill in through the cracks, and re form into ice, at a high speed, and keep the barrier strong, not allowing any attacks in. As well, the ice barrier can send spikes from the outer walls, and reform from the water, for those who venture to close, or can fire them, for those who stay back.

The grand prison technique is almost the exact opposite in theory. Instead of place the water barrier beneath the ice, it surrounds the outer layer of the barrier, and thus keeping the target inside. As well, spikes can form from the ice wall, or fire from the ice wall, and pierce the target within. Both techniques are very strong, and only the strongest of attacks can actually penetrate and destroy the barrier itself. This technique is also one which is very draining in chakra, and only those with a great amount of chakra, and chakra control, can use this technique more than once, with minimal consequences on the body.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Koori-Mizu Tsuin Atama no Haidora [Ice Release: Ice-Water Twin Headed Hydra]
Rank: S
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: This technique produces two dragons, one of ice and one of water, which fuse together to form a dragon, with two heads. If a head is destroyed it is able to regenerate, with extra chakra used, but this technique can be very draining as the size and power of the jutsu makes it hard to maintain. The ice head is capable of exploding, and sending shards of ice at the enemy as well, where the water can be used to surround the enemy and trap, or with better chakra control, even drown, or crush the opponent. But once again this technique is very draining on the user, and therefore cannot be used too much and for too long.

Name of Jutsu: Hyouton: Moufubuki - Hyouga no Buriza-do [Ice Release: Furious Snowstorm - Hyouga's Blizzard]
Rank: S
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity: Hyouton
Training Link:
Description: The user will first finish a long sequence of handseals. Afterward, The user's eyes will glow white as they summon upon a great and furious snowstorm that can obstruct an army and keep them struggling for a long time.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Koori Saiku [Ice Release: Ice Trick]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: E
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After forming a few handseals and concentrating chakra in the users finger tips the user touches someone with their cold fingers and releases the chakra in their finger tips. This leaves the opponent with a cold feeling that runs down their spine.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hyoushou no Sousaku [Ice Release: Ice Floor Creation]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user performs a few handseals, causing a small strip of ground to become icy and slick. This is often used to counter a charging enemy by causing the ground beneath them to become slippery and cause them to fall.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Kaze Tsumetai [Ice Release: Icy Wind]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] First, the user takes a few cubes of ice and crunches them in their mouth. The user then does a few handseals to amplify the cold emitted by the crushed ice and blows it out in a very cold gust of wind

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Koori no Hahen [Ice Release: Ice Shard]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After two handseals the user creates a single small shard and throws at target, however it's near useless beyond a range of 5 meters, making it a weapon to surprise the foe then a real threat, which makes it most effective against unprotected parts of the body.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Supurinta- Se [Ice Release: Splinter Torrent]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user performs a few handseals, causing Hyouton chakra to accumulate in their mouth. Right afterward, the user can exhale and shoot a torrent of small ice shards. Though harmless, the attack can be very frustrating from the successive stinging.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Yukidama [Snow Ball]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user goes through a few handseals and then gathers his palms together. Within his held grips, the user is capable of creating a snow ball that he can shoot at an opponent.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Suno- Fure-ku Sankaku [Snow Flake Sensation]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After forming a few handseals and concentrating chakra, the user spins around their axis once or twice inducing the water vapor in the atmosphere to freeze and turn into snow flakes. As a result, the user gets an aura of continuously regenerating snow that puzzles the opponent, or give the user charm and even allow the user to disappear out of sight if fast movement is performed. This jutsu would be only draining for a student to keep for a long while.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Kowareyasui Koori [Ice Release: Fragile Ice]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user flashes through quick handseals and then places their palms on the frozen surface of a lake or a pond. Afterward, the user manipulates the ice to melt most of it making it very fragile to stand on. As a result, any movement by the target or any slight impact to the ice will shatter it to pieces and cause whoever standing on it to sink into the frigid water.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hyoutenka no Sutingu [Ice Release: Subzero Sting]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user does a few handseals before he fills his gathered palms with water. The user's chakra will then cool the water freezing degrees very close to 0 Celsius. The user himself won't suffer the extreme coldness, but once he decides to squirt his handful of liquid on someone, they will by stung by the pain of the extremely-cold water touching them.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Koori Bunshin no Jutsu [Ice Clone Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes ice to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Koori Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out attacks on its target. Also, elemental clones can think, but only on the rudimentary level, and the concentration for their jutsu needs to be maintained by the user. When this clone disperses, it reverts into falling shards of ice.

    * Special Notes *
    - Each bunshin takes 1/10 of your chakra pool to make.
    - Bunshin can only travel a moderate distance from the user
    - Bunshin have 1/10 the power of the user. This includes weapons, items, powers, speed, reaction speed, etc.
    - Elemental Bunshin can perform taijutsu, non-elemental jutsu, and elemental jutsu of its own element that the user knows, so long as the jutsu maintains contact with the elemental clone through the whole time. Note however, that an elemental clone only has as much chakra as the user gave it, and some of it is used to maintain the clone. Attempting to use a jutsu the clone no longer has enough chakra for will cause the bunshin to burst without the jutsu being performed.
    - Will disperse after a single hit or upon the user's command.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Otaki Arashi [Ice Release: Cascading Storm Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After performing a series of handseals, the user can create a swirling tornado of cutting shards of ice around him. It spins at an intense speed delivering a flurry of slashes. It is useful for dealing with multiple enemies at once or a possible escape technique.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hisanyuki no Jutsu [Ice Release: Flying Snow]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user creates a large ball of tightly compacted snow. It is then launched as a shooting bolt of ice after it is carefully aimed at a user. Although it is fast, its path is linear in direction and can be avoided if noticed in time.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Daburu no Kouri Shuriken [Ice Release: Double Ice Shuriken]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user's hands gather to finish a few handseals quickly. Afterward, the user extends their arms to their fullest and to the back farther and farther. At the palms of the user, and away from the opponent's sight, two ice shuriken start to form and even slowly spin. The user then violently pushes both arms ahead, possibly crossing them, flinging the two shuriken at the opponent. The shuriken are light and thinner than normal shuriken, but that only gives them more speed and more pain-inflection due to being sharp and cold.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Kouri Senbon [Ice Release: Ice Needles]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] As soon as the user finishes handseals for this jutsu, they make fists and hold their arms crossed against their chest. Gradually, three ice senbon will form in each grip between the fingers. The user can then use his newly-generated senbon as throwing weapons or in close-combat, notably more efficiently than normal senbon in terms of speed, piercing and hardness. The melting of the needles can be prevented by Hyouton chakra.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Yuki no Te [Snow Hand]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user's handseals for this jutsu allows him to use his chakra to form a hand from the surrounding white snow in front of him. The hand is quite large, perhaps as big as the user themselves, and it will imitate the user's dominant hand's movements by the inch. Also, this jutsu is quite draining to keep the hand formed and solid.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Yuki no Nami [Snow Waves]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After doing handseals, the user's palms will manipulate the snow to create multiple waves that will rise and ram into the target forcefully.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Dai Yukidama [Great Snow Ball]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This jutsu is best performed at a hillside covered with snow. The user will use his handseals to stimulate a small snow ball into rolling and getting bigger and bigger. The ball then, as large is it becomes, will roll at high velocity at the target crashing into them and overwhelming them with its momentum as they become buried under snow. This jutsu can be less efficiently executed in a flat landscape, though it can be enhanced by the user's physical strength or Fuuton ninjutsu for example.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Aisu Kyu-bu [Ice Release: Ice Cube]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will first use handseals, and then he will extend his open palms and create a big ice cube. This cube can be approximately as tall as the user. This cube can then be used to block an attack or assault an enemy by means of throwing or pushing it.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hayai Aisu [Ice Release: Swift Ice]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user would blow onto water to freeze it. This would work well on an opponent who is soaked in water. This does not require the use of handseals.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hie Kaze [Ice release: Chilling Wind Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] By concentrating and molding chakra via handseals one can begin to draw upon the heat in the surrounding area and slowly begin to cool the temperature. At first the wind begin to chill, then the water slowly begins to freeze, and any rain turns to snow, and continues to get colder as long as the jutsu is held. Even if it is interrupted it could take up to an hour to a day to return the surrounding area to its former climate.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hyouchuujou [Ice Release: Ice Spiking Columns]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user draws upon water from the water table beneath the ground they are on. When it rises up to surface level it is formed into several spikes of water that are then frozen and forced through the soil at their target .

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hyouheki [Ice Release: Ice Wall]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user's action to create handseals will allow them to create a wall of ice to stand in the way of an attack. the wall is a couple of feet thick, and thus, is quite strong. Nonetheless, a strong or concentrated attack could be able to crack through it. The user has the option of making the wall dense to block sight beyond it, or making it as clear as an ice cube.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Koori no Hashira [Ice Release: Ice Pillar]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] Standing on ground with moisture in it.
Description: This jutsu quickly accumulates all of the moisture in the ground in one point and, following the will of the user, quickly cools it to a low temperature. The cooled water then chills and pushes out from the ground at a high speed, becoming a cylinder of ice. It can range in width and length depending on both the skill of the user and the amount of moisture available but it cannot go further than 2 meters long and two feet in girth. It moves at a speed dependent on the chakra put into the technique, with the upper limit being the user's "charging" speed.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyoton: Tsubame Fubuki [Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user launches a bunch of ice needles that are in the shape of mini-swallows. These needles can change direction in the air.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyourou no Jutsu [Ice Prison Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] After forming the needed handseals, the user will touch the ground, causing columns of ice to rise from the ground at their foe. If caught, the ice will rise up around the target and imprison them.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Saido Suwaipu [Ice Release: Side-Swipe]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] Thrusting their hand out, the user creates a long, thin line of ice, sharp on one side. The user then swipes their arm horizontally, the line of ice flying off at the end of the movement.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Ryuusou [Ice Release: Dragon Frost]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] Gesturing with his hands after the completion of handseals, a small group of big piercing ice spikes forms aerially around him and shoot at the target desired.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hyoushou Hi [Ice Release: Ice Crystal Hail]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user's preparations of a long chain of handseals will then allow them to raise their hands to the sky and call upon a hail of rhomboidal ice crystal against their target. The hail will be quite ferocious and harmful due to the crystals weight and momentum of falling. Moreover, the hail is uncontrolled by the user, so it can harm them as well.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Yuki Yose [Snow Summoning]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] Depending on the weather, this jutsu can be easy or very difficult to execute. The user performs a series of handseals, and then calls upon frost and snow to form around him in a relatively big area. The snow rises in level to almost knee level. For that, this jutsu is quite beneficial to supply snow for jutsu. Importantly enough, at high temperatures, this jutsu is quite default, draining and time-consuming. While in much colder circumstances, this jutsu could be a piece of cake.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyoton: Akaka Hachure [Ice Release: One-Horned White Whale]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user creates a large one-horned whale out of the ice nearby that is shot at the opponent, crashing down on top of them with its massive body. This jutsu has a great deal of force behind it, able to knock even the largest summons or strongest of shinobi aside, but as a downside takes up a lot of chakra.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Enbu no Buttobasu Touketsu [Ice Release: Full Frozen Waltz]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] To perform this attack the user must be capable of incredible agility and maneuverability. The user first attacks by grabbing hold of the opponent’s wrist, pulling the opponent’s arm toward them. They quickly thrust their outer most foot against the footing of the adversary, knocking them off balance, slams their free fist into their opponent’s stomach, knocking them upward. They then make a Koori Bunshin which leaps after the enemy, while the user follows in the shadow of it. The Koori Bunshin then swings at the enemy but instead of hitting them shatters into ice shards that continue past the enemy. The user then thrusts the shards into the opponent’s back, injuring them and sending them towards the user. Then they grasp the enemy and spin back, sending the target toward the ground, making them hit the ground with their back first. Finally the user gathers ice around their heel as they do a front flip while they fall back to the ground, slamming the ice covered heel into the enemy’s chest.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Haryu Muuko [Ice Release: Piercing Dragon Fierce Tiger]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b]  A Hyouton (Ice element) jutsu where the user creates a large tiger out of nearby ice. Due to being so cold, it can freeze nearby water around it while attacking its target. It resembles an ice version of Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu, and its hand seals are tiger, bird, boar, then followed by dog.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Hyougen [Ice Release: Ice Field]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] A ninjutsu that creates a field of ice that is emitted outward, causing the surrounding area to be covered in a frost that quickly becomes pure ice. This is a very powerful technique which is mostly considered forbidden due to its destructive capacity.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Rogan Nadare no Jutsu [Ice Release: Wolf Fang Avalanche Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user creates an avalanche of wolves made of snow that run towards the opponent to attack. This attack is able to cause opponents who hit by it to be sucked underneath, and potentially drown, making it very dangerous. As a trade of, it has a large chakra cost.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Touketsu Yaiba no Arashi [Frozen Blade Storm]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] To initiate this attack, one must be able to manipulate water. By performing a few seals, the user begins to take a section of water and shape it into a blade, then turning it into ice. The more chakra used and the higher the skills, the more ice/blades can be made. Once the blade is fashioned it can then be launched at the selected targets, from many directions, all controlled by the users chakra, but this take a lot of concentration, and even still, has somewhat poor accuracy, which is only made up for, by creating multiple blades at once.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Yukitama Hougeki no Jutsu [Snowball Bombardment Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user concentrates their chakra into the snow, causing balls of snow to form and rapidly fire at a target. These balls are nearly as dense as stone, making them very solid, and they are all about the size of baseballs. Because of how quickly the balls are moving, they each do a fair amount of damage on impact. The more chakra used and snow available, the more snowballs produced.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Idaina Keibitai - Gurando Keimusho [Ice Release: Mighty Guard - Grand prison]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: S
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] It will begin by creating a giant ice barrier, which will surround the user, or desired target. For the mighty guard technique, the user will then summon a water barrier in beneath the ice barrier. The two will act in a cycle feeding off the other. as the ice is chipped away, water will fill in through the cracks, and re form into ice, at a high speed, and keep the barrier strong, not allowing any attacks in. As well, the ice barrier can send spikes from the outer walls, and reform from the water, for those who venture to close, or can fire them, for those who stay back.

The grand prison technique is almost the exact opposite in theory. Instead of place the water barrier beneath the ice, it surrounds the outer layer of the barrier, and thus keeping the target inside. As well, spikes can form from the ice wall, or fire from the ice wall, and pierce the target within. Both techniques are very strong, and only the strongest of attacks can actually penetrate and destroy the barrier itself. This technique is also one which is very draining in chakra, and only those with a great amount of chakra, and chakra control, can use this technique more than once, with minimal consequences on the body.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Koori-Mizu Tsuin Atama no Haidora [Ice Release: Ice-Water Twin Headed Hydra]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: S
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] This technique produces two dragons, one of ice and one of water, which fuse together to form a dragon, with two heads. If a head is destroyed it is able to regenerate, with extra chakra used, but this technique can be very draining as the size and power of the jutsu makes it hard to maintain. The ice head is capable of exploding, and sending shards of ice at the enemy as well, where the water can be used to surround the enemy and trap, or with better chakra control, even drown, or crush the opponent. But once again this technique is very draining on the user, and therefore cannot be used too much and for too long.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hyouton: Moufubuki - Hyouga no Buriza-do [Ice Release: Furious Snowstorm - Hyouga's Blizzard]
[b][u]Rank[/b][/u]: S
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/b][/u]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/b][/u]: Hyouton
[b][u]Training Link[/b][/u]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will first finish a long sequence of handseals. Afterward, The user's eyes will glow white as they summon upon a great and furious snowstorm that can obstruct an army and keep them struggling for a long time.
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