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Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P Shauntaystaffimgf
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January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

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 Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P

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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P Empty
PostSubject: Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P   Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 11:59 pm

Basic Information:
Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P Gin-ichimaru-1
Name: Gin Ichimaru Shikyo

Omoshiro Assasian [The amusing assasian]

Age: 9

Gender: Male

Appearance:Two paragraphs[Five sentences each] or more on the general appearance of your character. Explain in detail what your character looks like including height, hair color, eye color and other physical appearances, including clothes he or she wears.

Personality:Gin can be described as various things. The main thing of course being a child young clueless and untainted. However this couldn't be further from the truth. From birth Gin has been trained to be cold, energetic and heartless. Many people would continue to try to place his personality. The next words that would spill out would be “Adorably cute and deadly”. This also could be further from the truth. Gin is what people call a contradictory subject.

From the earliest age and his training with The Creed began he was trained to be an assassin. Cold heartless and powerful. He was trained vigorously and from the point he had begun his training and his first kill came along did start his changes. The first was of course his smile that did emerge from his first spill of blood. A straight smirk that came straight from the devils own soul and slitted eyes that of a blind mans. Many people called this child a true assassin.

From that first spill of blood this child had become proud and semi hotheaded yet peaceful and calm like the rest of his family, the Shikyo clan or what is left of it. He holds a few characteristics that defiantly make him outshine his other family members in his cuteness. It may not be his childish misdemeanor but it sure comes down to his actions. He utilizes a very polite yet sarcastic remarks to his speakings meaning it becomes very hard to discern his thoughts.

Of course from that first drawn blood not only has the child changed but he has also become more of a man in the sense of knowledge. He studies greatly even more so than his father did at this age many say he takes more after his 'deceased' uncle than his father but it still doesn't matter too much. He holds a sadistic and masochistic flair a taste and child like feeling to blood not caring if he is injured or not. He loves playing with people till they slowly die increasing there torment to the very last drop watching them struggle if they are not one they should eliminate. This trait obviously drawing towards insanity.

Gin has a taste for odd foods and so far his favorite food is of course dried persimmons and he will always have one on him. He hates anything that looks like them and will literally become angry if he is denied his favorite food. However other than that he is very down to earth. He enjoys to watch people and many would call it a hobby of his. Watching a person's every move what there doing and how they act.

Gin from his appearance and odd way of acting comes down to be very intimidating to most. This has become almost a natural apart of him and he utilizes this as a way to toy with people. He scares them and manipulates always watching and always picking at peoples insecurity's. He has become an expert at reading people even other Shikyo's or assassins. This is why he is labeled as a child prodigy for his skills beyond his years. However who would doubt his abilities from the gene pool he arises from.
Now the final trait shown is his joking manner always being the end to make a joke at the worst of times. He loves it and he often tries to be playful nor would he try at anything with his eyes shot. He uses them as a sort of handicap and when they open is when he gets serious. Which of course is very seldom.
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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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PostSubject: Re: Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P   Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 12:00 am

Clan Information:
Name: Shikyo
Location: “Dead”



Special Info: Just like a shinobi, the members of the Shikyo clan who utlitlizes the power of ninjutsu, the elements of the Shikyo vary from location around the world. Riku, who was raised in water country, has a affinity for water whereas Hanashi, who was born in Sand Country, has a affinity towards fire and wind. There are a few rare exceptions (Being that the only Shikyo has does not have the typical element from location is Kyouken. His element is water and he was born in Fire country).

3/4 of the Shikyo also have a large capacity of chakra, making it difficult for ninjutsu to be utilize (Riku Shikyo, Kyouken Shikyo and Atrum Shikyo are known Shikyo to have large amounts of chakra). The other 1/4 have exceptionally balance chakra (Hanashi Shikyo, Kudara Shikyo, Kuro Shikyo, Raizen Shikyo are known Shikyo to have balance amount of chakra).

The Shikyo have also display longitivity of life, a point of immortality that can be kept if the Shikyo decides to live a long, eternal life. They can be killed through every other means like a human being. When a Shikyo contorts with there body in any other way (i.e ninjutsu, extreme feats that there body cannot handle), they will begin to show the age that they truly are

-Resistants to many negative aliments and body are highly durable to damage

Interesting F.Y.I: With the Shikyo, everyone one of them derive from assassins. Each leader or the offspring of the leader have had the title of assassin for a nickname based upon a personal characteristic that they are known for.

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Kami no Karada, Tenshu Hitotoki
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu [Gin is one of the few who can utalize the ninjutsu portion]
Rank: D-S



Clan Traits: Clan Traits: Depending on skill level and rank, this applies to all levels. These are the general skills

[spoiler]God Speed:
Description. Due to the alteration of the brain, there is very high impulse time, meaning his brain processes the information and sends it to the muscles so quickly that they can move not even a a second after they sees something. (Vigorous trait or abilities of Kekkei Genkai related only)

1. Superhuman Reaction: The reaction of this character has just begun and because you are starting to see patterns with peoples movements, you are able to process and move at 1/5 of a second. You are still susceptible to rips and tears to the body if the body is weak however

2. Demi-God Reaction: The reaction of this character are advancing well and seeing that have improved in brain function and in movement that you are able to process the information and move 1/10 a second faster than everyone else. There is less of an physical effect if the body is weak

3. God Reaction: The reaction of this character has been mastered, being able to move fluidly and function will under a good amount of stress. This character is able to process information 1/20th faster than most. The wear and tear of the body is still liable but your body is condition so the chances are slim.

Character's with this trait are in excellent physical shape. They are generally slightly stronger, heal faster and are rarely ill. (Enhances physical traits)

1.An Athlete: You're still a tad bit shabby on some stuff but your still well condition and are still stronger than most shionbi around. Your wounds still take a bit of time to heal and your sometimes sick but you are beginning to shapen your body (C-rank shinobi and below)

2. A Trainer: Do to the right foods and your training regimen, your body is shapening up more, you are seeing some definition in your body and you're getting stronger and stronger everyday. There is a steady healing process with your wounds and you hardly get sick anymore(A-rank trainer and B-ranked)

3. A Spartan: Your body is insanely tone, you knew how to eat well, you train your body properly and on top of that, you're pushing yourself harder and harder as the days go on. Your strength has increase significantly. Your wounds heal quicker and you rarely, if ever get a small cold.(S-rank shinobi)

High Pulse Rate
Description: This allows the character to keep their muscles more soaked with constant blood and oxygen allowing them to work at peak efficiency for longer periods of times essentially prolonging their muscles endurance and keep them from getting tired as fast.

1. Mild Energy: The amount of energy you are able to pertain is about three post longer than most characters. Not only do you have more energy with endurance, you are able to last longer in fights and training meaning your taijutsu type training are lowered by 100 words

2. Long Lasting Energy: The amount of energy that you are able to hold and not feel exhausted are that of five post longer than most in the most intense of fights and training. Your muscles have got the hang of the endurance and you are beginning to hold your own in fights. Taijutsu type of training word count decreases by 300 words

3. Near-limitless Energy: The amount of energy almost seems, as stated, 'near-limitless' not feeling the ways of exhaustion and being able to hold your own seven post more than the average shinobi and you're muscles are way use to the amount of blood you draw to your muscles making taijutsu training much the easier. You're taijutsu type of training word count decreases by 500 words

Characters with this trait are generally smarter than your average shinobi, able to create excellent strategies and figure out how another's technique works faster than your average shinobi

Mental Comprehension
Description: This character has increased mental capacity, being able to utilize the entirety of their brain. This allows for near instantaneous processing of information, along with complete and total recall of all information, much like a photographic memory

1. A mental laptop: You're able to prcess information well and fine but you can only hold on to long term information for a short while. It's not that you cannot learn more, your mind has to yet to condition itself to learn more and more information. You are able to grasp information and hold onto it, but you're not able to learn too much otherwise you'll begin to lose it.

2. A mental computer: You're able to process more and more information followed by quickly adjusting to it swiftly. You're able to obtain twice as much information as you could without any hassle but any more would certainly put your brain into overload. You have an understanding about this limit so you try not to go overboard.

3.A mental supercomputer: Your processing ability is almot par to none and is rare to achieve. Your ablity to quickly adjust followed by processing more information right after the adjustment is something natural to you. You are able to hold five times the amount of information are and you understand that you have a limit so you know not to go too far with processing.

Muscle fiber alterations.
Description: The person with this characteristic has had there muscle fibers altered and this allows them to have increased speed and strength. They are usually faster than any member of there own rank and can match up to someone of a rank higher than them. (Supplementary towards Kekkei Genkai type Body Modification

Last edited by Kaji Kanto on Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kaji Kanto

Kaji Kanto

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PostSubject: Re: Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P   Gin Shikyo Ichimaru W.I.P I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 10, 2010 12:00 am

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