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Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items

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Shikyo Riku
Renjiro Kyoya
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 4:20 pm


Name of Weapon or Item: Vongola Cloud Ring

Location: On his right middle finger or around his neck on a necklace


This item converts chakra inputted into it from a finger into cloud dying will flames. (see picture below)


The Cloud Flames and Cloud Flame-based Weapons absorb other Flames to grow in size or multiply (See jutsus for these). Renjiro can use the Flames like a shield to absorb any Ninjutsu/chakra of rank B or below. For Ninjutsu ranked higher than B they are weakened by 1 rank (Due to the chakra absorbed by the flames). In addition the item increases Renjiro the chakra capacity with three B rank jutsus worth of chakra. It takes a single A rank usage of chakra to activate and produce a flame. This flame will remain flowing until Renjiro decides to deactivate it. In addition this ring can draw it's own flames back into itself but it doesn't replenish any chakra or stamina when this happens. Theses abilities are the flames properties not the 4cm flame produced on the ring because of its size it cannot do any of the abilities stated above.

Owner: Vongola Cloud Guardian (currently Renjiro Kyoya)

Rank: S


The vongola rings were forged in a deep underground magma pool by the First Generation Vongola Leader Primo and his Six guardians. From the magma pool, primo formed the rings from solid silver and himself and his guardians inserted part of their own chakra and soul into the rings. Primo put his into the sky ring and his guardians inserted theirs into their corresponding rings.

These rings (sky, thunder, rain, storm, cloud, sun and mist) have been handed down 11 generations and the Vongola Cloud Ring is currently in Renjiro's possession as he is the 11th generation cloud guardian and as such has was given this ring as proof of his guardianship.




Name of Weapon or Item: Skull Cloud Ring

Location: On his left middle finger or around his neck on a necklace

Description: This cloud ring emits the same type of cloud dying will flames as his Vongola cloud ring however it isn’t as pure or as powerful. This cloud ring was forged as a spare in case of emergencies or if the user was facing more than three opponents, where one cloud ring would be pushed to its maximum. It takes a single B rank usage of chakra to activate and produce a flame. This flame will remain flowing until Renjiro decides to deactivate it.

This ring is the reverse of the Vongola Cloud Ring and as so boosts Renjiros Ninjutsu with its dying will flames. By doing this it raises the techniques ranking by 1, however if it should meet another technique of its same rank (regardless of elemental differences) Renjiros boosted technique would win. An example, If Renjiro would use a Fire release: Great fireball jutsu (Rank C - Boosted to B by the flames) and his opponent would use a Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique, Renjiros Technique would win even though the opponent’s technique is elementally superior. This item requires a B rank amount of chakra input to create this effect.

Owner: Renjiro Kyoya

Rank: A


In the world there are many different types of rings that produce a varying amount of dying will flames. Most are not strong enough to produce flames that are effective in combat however with a knowledge of the rings and intense testing of rings Renjiro found this ring in a market on the outskirts of Konoha
and it reacted to Renjiros' presence. He bought the ring for 1000 Ryo and the stall seller said that the ring was uncovered in an grave from 200 years ago and was believed to belong to a man that could produce purple flames from it and was killed with his ring for being a witch.

Renjiro was unable to verify this story but with testing of the ring it did produce the purple dying will flames and as such assumed the story was correct.




Name of Weapon or Item: Tonfas

Location: In their holders on his belt or in his hands

Description: These Tonfas are chakra conductive Tonfas. These also allow Renjiro to channel the cloud dying will flames from his Vongola Cloud Ring and/or his Skull Cloud Ring. Inputting a B rank amount of chakra will infuse both Tonfas with enough power to fully utilise the rings flames true power, however the Tonfas can handle up to a A rank amount of chakra/dying will flames.

Inputting the cloud dying will flames into these tonfas increases it strength to that of a A rank weapon but also increases its swiftness and lightness to that of a S rank weapon.

Owner: Renjiro Kyoya

Rank: B


Custom ordered and bought when he was 16 from the Kumogakure weapons shop for 459 Ryo.




Name of Weapon or Item: Cloud Pentagram

Location: In a necklace around his neck

Description: This pentagram around his neck takes a B rank amount of chakra to activate and helps focus his chakra control which happens when using his Cloud rings. It also helps regenerate the excess chakra given off by the power boost given by the rings.

A secondary effect of this item gives him the ability to dispel any Genjutsu of rank B or below. This is because of the high concentration of chakra flowing along the lines of the pentagram allowing for it to take control over Renjiros oozing chakra and recover it back into his chakra reserves.

Owner: Renjiro Kyoya

Rank: B


On Renjiro's travels across the continent he encountered a ninja market in the land of tea. The market was heaving with ninjas from across the continent and stalls as far as the eye could see. After hours of looking around the market Renjiro came across a very old man in a typical old and tatty gypsy outfit. The man explained the pentagrams abilities and how it worked and the inspiration of the items design. After much bargaining with the man Renjiro bought and experimented with the item for 2000 Ryo.




Name of Weapon or Item: Vongola Cloud Box Weapon - Roll

Location: in his pocket on a long chain connected to his belt.

Description: This box item that contains a sealed animal that can only be released by the vongola cloud ring and a powerful blast of chakra (A rank).

Owner: Vongola Cloud Guardian (currently Renjiro Kyoya)

Rank: S


This box was created by the 10th generation Vongola Boss 40 years ago for the younger versions of themselves when they travelled to the future. When returning to the past the boxes remained with the younger 10th generation and as such was passed to the 11th generation and as such Renjiro was given it at his inheritance as 11th cloud guardian.

Box form ^^

Normal Weapon form ^^

Weapon with Cloud dying will flames

The Vongola Box Weapon of Renjiro. The Box Weapon's name is Roll. It appears as a Hedgehog with larger, but fewer, spikes than the Cloud Hedgehog. It has the ability by multiplying itself with the use of the cloud flames.

Like the normal Cloud Hedgehog, it is capable of propagating at an incredible rate. However, while its predecessor usually expanded in size to Propagate, Roll more commonly copies itself. This was shown to be extremely effective when it singlehandedly held off multiple S rank Jounins while on a S rank mission. It also grants the Vongola Cloud Hedgehog more mobility than the generic Cloud Hedgehog, enabling Hibari to create a shield swiftly, a short distance in front of him.

Abilites: -

Multiply - Roll can multiply to form 20 versions of himself and takes a second to do

Shield - Using the dying will flames around him, Roll uses them as a barrier to stop all Ninjutsu and Taijutsu below S rank.

Renjiros's Box Weapon in Cambio Forma

Cambio Forma: Alaude's Handcuffs: Renjiro's Cambio Forma takes the form of a pair of Handcuffs with spikes on one end. At first seeming useless, it is revealed that Renjiro can multiply it using the the Cloud attribute's Ability, Propagation, by absorbing his enemy's Flames or using his own. These Handcuffs can also increase in size and envelope the enemy in a cocoon of Handcuffs and as a finishing move, Hibari can shrink them, crushing his opponent.


Roll Cambio Forma Abilities: -

Mass multiply - In cambio forma form Roll can multiply itself at ease and as such can form together and lock together to form below.


Chakra drain and locking - As shown in the cambio form picture the handcuffs have spikes on them that lock and dig into the opponents skin. These spikes are laced with Cloud dying will flames and as such directly drain a A rank amount of chakra every post after the post these handcuffs attaches themselves.

Last edited by Renjiro Kyoya on Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:03 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items Empty
PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeSat May 01, 2010 7:37 pm

approved unless said otherwise
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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2010 12:01 am

Yeah, I am going to have to reeximine this. I will post tomorrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2010 2:01 pm

Okay, Okay....All images to spoilers please... It is hard to view your app very well... Seperate your items better....

The first item has to be increased to S-rank.... Considering it can replinish strength, adsorb any ninjutsu B-rank or below, and weaken ranks below that by one ran.... To this huge comination of things I must say............HELL NO!!! Also no history....yet again HELL NO!!! You didn't explain this well enough for this to even been an S-rank item.... Yet again, Hell No!!!! Also, considering the weakness...which can be circumvented in a way by another one of your items..... Hell No!!! Describe better and increase your weaknesses....... <.<

Yet again no history? And an auto win way of beat techniques? Yet again HELL NO... Where is the weakness? Rank needs to vary from B-S, because the power depends on other technques, whose ranking may vary as well. I also need a better description

Yet again no History? What is so special about these Tonfas? You just say you can put chakra into it, but what does it help the weapon do with the chakra?

<.<.... Wow, and here is the item I was talking about... The item needs weaknesses........ Also, it allows you to curcumvent the weakness of one of your previous items............ Also it takes Genjutsu B-rank and below.......... HELL NO..... First it was ninjutsu now genjutsu in the same app. Also be more descriptive... I might not approve this one.... If you impress me with a great revision... I might consider it, but for now it remains a Hella no.....

Your last ting is yet another hell no... I do not think I am cool with an item becoming an animal.... If you want this thing... It would constitute a summon, and I will not approve it one the weapon creation..... Maybe once you have revised I will relook over this item................................... But I am doubtful I will even give it a chance as an item.
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 4:30 pm

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 4:37 pm

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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 9:07 pm



Okay, Okay....All images to spoilers please... It is hard to view your app very well... Seperate your items better....

The first item has to be increased to S-rank.... Considering it can replinish strength, adsorb any ninjutsu B-rank or below, and weaken ranks below that by one ran.... To this huge comination of things I must say............HELL NO!!! Also no history....yet again HELL NO!!! You didn't explain this well enough for this to even been an S-rank item.... Yet again, Hell No!!!! Also, considering the weakness...which can be circumvented in a way by another one of your items..... Hell No!!! Describe better and increase your weaknesses.......

And since I myself happen to agree with this quite well, just imagine this is coming from me.
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 1:45 pm

editted ... good enough
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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 12:30 am

Vongola Cloud Ring

Quote :

The Cloud Flames and Cloud Flame-based Weapons absorb other Flames to grow in size or multiply.

Needs to be specified what rank of flames it can absorb.....Not to mention the flames themselves need a rank.

Quote :
Renjiro can use the Flames like a shield to absorb any Ninjutsu/chakra of rank B or below.
How would the flames absorb a water, earth or lightning based ninjutsu attack ? [ remember Water > Fire ] The only two elemental based ninjutsu attacks it could absorb without further explanation would be wind and fire. Also this only can absorb attacks that hit the shield and cannot absorb chakra straight from the opponent themselves.

Quote :
For Ninjutsu ranked higher than B they are weakened by 1 rank.
Explain how it weakens techniques..

Quote :
In addition the item increases Renjiro the chakra capacity with three B rank jutsus worth of chakra.

This is iffy IMO but I'll let it slide for now

Quote :
It takes a single B rank usage of chakra to activate and produce a flame. This flame will remain flowing until Renjiro decides to deactivate it.
Given the effects the chakra amount would need to increase to A or S and it would also need an upkeep cost.

Skull Cloud Ring

Quote :
By doing this it raises the techniques ranking by 1, however if it should meet another technique of its same rank (regardless of elemental differences) Renjiros boosted technique would win.
This will only work with techniques [of the opposite element] that are 2 or more ranks below Renjiro's jutsu. Example: A rank fire jutsu would lose to B rank water jutsu but not to a C rank water Jutsu.

I'll check the rest after these changes are made.
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 4:08 pm


Needs to be specified what rank of flames it can absorb.....Not to mention the flames themselves need a rank - See jutsus for this ... the rings description is a general thing. Jutsus are used to make the flame usable

How would the flames absorb a water, earth or lightning based ninjutsu attack ? [ remember Water > Fire ] The only two elemental based ninjutsu attacks it could absorb without further explanation would be wind and fire. Also this only can absorb attacks that hit the shield and cannot absorb chakra straight from the opponent themselves. - The Cloud dying will flame LOOKS like a flame but isn't fire. It doesnt burn nor does it feed off oxygen ... it is a changed form of chakra.

Explain how it weakens techniques - DONE

Given the effects the chakra amount would need to increase to A or S and it would also need an upkeep cost. - increased to A ... i disagree to a upkeep due to it already costing A rank of chakra for a useless 4cm flames

This will only work with techniques [of the opposite element] that are 2 or more ranks below Renjiro's jutsu. Example: A rank fire jutsu would lose to B rank water jutsu but not to a C rank water Jutsu. - Again it isnt fire but it looks and takes the appearance of fire.
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 10:18 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 3:58 pm

The jutsu for that use/require these items will need to be posted here as well.
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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 3:52 pm

*points at LADs posts*
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PostSubject: Re: Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items   Renjiro Kyoya - Kumo Jounin - Weapons/items I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 28, 2010 12:28 pm

Archived due to failure to respond
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