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A Tour? [Hina] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 A Tour? [Hina]

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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeMon May 17, 2010 7:42 pm

Yoshimaru had just met two travellers who were on their way to Konoha, catching them on the roads while he was on a break. These werent just any other travellers, they happened to be related to Yoshiko; a young female Yoshimaru had met and brought in as well. This was one of Yoshimaru's greatest opportunities, and probably the last for the young woman who wanted him to find her little sister. Thats exactly what he did. Of course, being the generous and friendly person he was, he convinced the two travellers to come into Konoha and stay, because he does know that Yoshiko might return, just hopefully. He never intended on fighting anyone, but if it means keeping Hina and Takeshi safe, he'd fight his own shinobi at that. This was his goal for now, reuniting the siblings.

Once Yoshimaru had entered the gate, he looked around, seeing as the guards ontop of it werent looking, he turned around and nodded to Hina and Takeshi that it was okay to go in. He had a mighty grin and put his hands behind his back, letting the two catch up to them. Once they did, Yoshimaru looked at the sky and breathed in deeply. "I welcome you two to Konohagakure no Sato. Also, dont worry, because you're with me, you wont get in trouble." Yoshimaru informed them and smiled towards them, looking around with his eyes, trying to find something interesting to talk about. "Well, you can stay here as long as you want. I dont mind sharing my house, but I do have a son who should be getting out of the Academy---" Pausing, he looked at his watch, then looked at them, "Soon." He chuckled and moved his hair out of his eyes.

"Is there anything you would like to do, or would you rather me just show you around?"He asked and offered. Yoshimaru would practically do anything right now to get them to stay as long as they can, atleast until Yoshiko turns up. This was a very important priority for Yoshimaru right now, and once he starts something, he will finish it. Especially if it was a promise. There were many things around Konoha for him to show the two, such as the famous Ichiraku Ramen, and the mountains with the Hokage's faces on them. Its been so long, Yoshimaru could hardly remember the names, but if he thought hard enough, he could recite all of them.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeTue May 18, 2010 7:02 pm

A past that needed to be forgotten, a lie was told for many years, something Hina now knew all to well. The past that she wanted to forget, but couldn't was the death of her parents and her younger sibling, Riku and her "supposedly" dead older sister, Yoshiko. Hina, Takeshi(and Shitake, even though he's inside of Takeshi) have travelled ever since the death of Hina's family. They have been travelling since the day Takeshi saved her; saved her from the thieves who were aqcuaitances with Ichinose, Hina's father. Now, years later, Hina still belives strongly that her sister is alive even though Takeshi tries to convince the young Tomoko that her older sister could be dead. But, nonetheless he followed her wherever he went, after all he was like a father figure to Hina.

And now, here they were. After unexpectedly meeting with Yoshimaru(who knew about Hina's older sister and told them when he first saw them)and talking with him for awhile, they decided to stay in Konohagakure, after the convinvcing look Yoshimaru gave them, and he promised that Yoshiko would come back, maybe they decided to give this a shot. The three of them passed through the gate, Takeshi looking at the guards while Hina was behind him with a blank expressionless look on her face as she decided to keep the flower inside her black notebook. Hina blinked when Yoshimaru had a grin, never seeing someone so happy; like they were on an adventure, it seemed? Nonetheless, both were amused by his actions. Takeshi nodded, looking around not 'too' eagerly. Both of them heard his words and seemed to acknowledge in the same way: both nodding. Hina blinked when Takeshi spoked "Ahh, I see. You have a son already in the academy?", he chuckled.

"I bet they grow up so fast... I would know. I took care of this-", Takeshi ruffled Hina's hair, which made her somewhat look at him as if she was pouting slightly. "-little one for... nine years", he counted in his mind. Hina, got out her notebook, opened it and started writing in it, making Takeshi wonder what she could be writing about once again. Maybe something that has to do with Yoshimaru's question? Probably. The young Tomoko turned the notebook towards the young Konoha Jounin and on the notebook it said :'We would like it if you could show us around, if that's allright?'. No matter what the circumstances was(except in battle)Hina was a quiet girl and spoke rarely, only a few times have she dared to speak but it's hard for her to actually make a few words; like if she had scream so much the day before and now she had no voice. But that wasn't the case, only recently has Hina started to speak instead of using so much the black notebook, so much so that it begun to startle Takeshi sometimes, though Shitake really doesn't give a crap, but who cares about Shitake? '....This is rather boring, I want to get a move on, Takeshi!' Shitake spoke calmly from his mind, even though his tone of voice was clearly one of annoyance.

'Now, now, Shitake. Where are your manners, hm?'

'Fuck manners, Takeshi. Don't make me try and take over, you know I can do it'

The 'young' looking samurai rolled his mentally. Dealing with Shitake was always amusing, but at the same time it could've been very predictable. First a talk, then a 'mini' arguement coming from Shitake, then a mental roll of the eyes from Takeshi(or if there isn't anyone around, he just rolls them outside than inside his mind)and finally it would end with:'I know you can do it. But really? You know as well as I do you'll get your share of 'fun' whenever there's trouble. So , be quiet and shut up and stop nagging.. geez' At the end Takeshi sounded more colder than usual. The only people who have heard of him talking this way was Shitake and Kyouken, but that was another story altogether.
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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeTue May 18, 2010 10:24 pm

Yoshimaru noticed that they were alittle eager to tour the large village. Espeically the young one, Hina. Whenever he smiled, Hina seemed to be happy and smile back. Yoshimaru somewhat had an effect on people, specially little kids, because they were always somewhat happy, or sad. They seemed to nod to everything he said, which made him chuckle softly to himself. It was nice feeling that people were listening to him. But most of all, it felt amazing doing something good for someone. It was a beautiful day as well, the streets were calm and everyone did their daily routine. Nothing out of the ordinary, but everyday is different for Yoshimaru.

Taking his attention from everyone, he directed it Takeshi, him commenting on children. "Yep... Time flies when you're a widow and have a son. He looks exactly like me, its insane." said and chuckled, taking out his wallet and handing them a picture of Yoshidoku
. Grinning greatly, he chuckled whenever Takeshi ruffled Hina's hair, making her stare up at him with an odd expression. Yoshimaru was so glad that these two were with him and trusting him. He had that natural effect on people that happened to meet him that were very uneasy.

All of a sudden, Hina had taken out her notepad and wrote something down on it that made him watch. She turned it around and it wrote: "We would like it if you could show us around, if that's allright?" Yoshimaru stuck his tongue out playfully at the young girl and nodded, "Of course its alright." He said and looked at Takeshi, who was spacing out once again, 'Odd how he keeps doing that...'Yoshimaru thought and looked around and turned himself forward, standing infront of them as he began walking, going to the Ichiraku Ramen shop. It was quiet for a few minutes as he spoke up and said, "You know... Some people always wonder why im so joyful, kind and too trustworthy of people I just happen to meet along the way of my life. But in all honestly, in spite of everything, I believe that people are really good at heart. Especially Yoshiko. She seems like a very careless and carefree lady, but I brought out the good side of her, the side I know she hasnt brought out in I dont know how long." He told them and turned around, smiling.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 7:46 pm

Takeshi's eyes wandered over to Yoshimaru as he got out his wallet and handing them a picture of his son. Takeshi's eyes widened, they looked almost exactly the same! Except that, of course Yoshimaru had longer hair than his son, and could be easily told by the diffrence, and their age of course. "You weren't kidding when you said he looked exactly like you. I find the resemblance quiet easily!", his eyes darted to Hina and handed her the picture. The young Tomoko blinked as she looked at the picture of Yoshimaru's son, Takeshi was right, the resemblance was right in front of her anyone could see it !

Hina, out of the corner of her eye watched Takeshi as he mingled with Yoshimaru, she frowned but quickly it was replaced by a thin line appearing on her face as she look at Yoshimaru's son. Seh had to make sure Takeshi didn't see the look on her face, otherwise he'll ask what's wrong. The thing that was wrong was that the way Takeshi looked, when he appeared to be off in his own little world. Hina suspected that he was having a conversation with Shitake once again. Shitake Kurozaima, a man that scared Hina, but also made her respect him. Sure, sometimes he has done reckless things in the past but he always helped out in the end, even though it was HE who started whatever conflict.

Takeshi and Yoshimaru were talking while Hina looked at the picture of Yoshimaru's son. "I see", Takeshi said, crossing his hands and looking at Yoshimaru with a serious look. "A widow, huh. Must be tough on the young boy, am I correct?" He took a deep breath and looked at the sky, it was clear of any clouds, just like Takeshi likes it and the day seemed just fine, the wind blew once in awhile, bringing in fresh air that made both Hina and Takeshi close their eyes and try to wander into dreamland, but dreamland wasn't ready to have them back into their land just yet. They, of course must take tour of Konohagakure no Sato by their new ally, Yoshimaru.

"Ah, Yoshiko. Such a strong child she was, hard to belive she's alive after all these years. When Hina told me that she wasn't going to give up on her sister, I was a bit skeptical at first, but now I'm glad I stayed positive for Hina-hime". He looked at Yoshimaru from the corner of his eye. "Maybe because of you, Yoshiko is a bit happier now. Having the children seperated from each other left Hina depressed sometimes. But, she puts up a good front for me or when in battle, but I don't need that.. Ijust want Yoshiko and Hina to be together, just like they were as children", he turned to look at Yoshimaru. "Don't you think so as well, Yoshimaru-san"
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 8:46 pm

Wandering on the village streets was an entertainment for itself, but today it just wasn't doing itself for Hiroki. After he had left the training field he had checked up on the ramen bar to see who was working only to be disappointed when a middle aged and pretty plain looking man greeted him. It seemed like all the babes or hot guys were hiding somewhere today, making the young Jounin groan out as he pouted while scanning the area. "Waaaah I should've just stayed in bed... I knew it!" As he leaned his athletic body to a random wall in a dramatic way while sighing and rubbing his forehead, Hiroki heard a voice he was quite familiar with. Yoshimaru Kangai if I'm not mistaken. That man seemed to make friend's with everybody and he was loved wherever he went, making Hiroki wonder how he managed to hold up the act for what it seemed like -forever-. Surely it wasn't possible that anyone really was this friendly and caring... that was just ... bizarre to think about. However, as most others seemed to be then Hiroki was himself rather fond of that fellow Jounin. Yoshimaru was not only easy to be around, but he had some very handsome features. Now that was what Hiroki would call the whole package. It didn't mean though that Hiroki spent lots of time with the other man, seeing as he was careful when it came to someone as observant as Yoshimaru seemed to be. He wasn't quite sure just what Yoshimaru thought of him, but the handsome younger Jounin was pretty sure that the older man didn't at least dislike him. He seemed to take Hiroki better than the other Jounins, whether it was just because of his natural friendly behavior or if he felt sorry for the poor orphan that had been sent alone to the Konoha village when he had been but a brat. Hiroki found that unlikely though, he didn't really think anyone would care think about his past since he himself sure as Hell didn't bother to.

So moving in quick steps, Hiroki walked towards where he had heard the sound of Yoshimaru's voice until he spotted the back of the tall man. "YOSH-KUN!" Somehow the 18 year old hunk, and supposedly respectful Jounin, managed to make his voice sound like this was a 14 year old girl squealing after seeing her idol for the first time as he flung himself at the older Konoha Jounin and hugged his arm. Score! He doubted Yoshimaru was gay, but he didn't either seem homophobic when Hiroki had his moments of clingyness. So Hiroki was pretty sure he wouldn't have to flee for his life after this small moment of his right now. It wasn't until a few seconds after he had jumped at Yoshimaru when he actually noticed the other people and blinked slowly in a comic like manner before letting go of Yoshimaru's arm, while scratching the back of his neck. "Aaah gomen gomen... I didn't know you had such lovely company. I do hope I'm not interrupting anything." Stepping forward while gazing at the man and girl in front of him, Hiroki's reddish eyes had a humorous glint to them as he bowed deeply. "I'm Hiroki Katsuro, at your service. And whom might you be?" The girl's eyes had a fascinating purple color to them, Hiroki had never seen such beautiful eye color before as he had in a few seconds managed to scan her whole figure before doing the bow. She seemed to be a rather innocent looking one, having a quite serious expression on her face and that pure look to her brilliant colored eyes. I wonder how old she is... looks around 15 maybe... Now the man at her side was very handsome, having dark red eyes that seemed to be able to glare through anything and then dark brown hair that was begging to be ruffled with. Oh my... whom should I -begin- to flirt with?

Hiroki knew better than start right off the bat, especially since he wasn't sure how Yoshimaru would respond if he started flirting with his friends. Also another thought popped up in his mind. Tilting his head upwards he offered the girl and the man a smile before turning back to Yoshimaru and raising his eyebrow. "You know, I haven't really noticed them in the village before. Don't tell me you are bringing in outsiders without actually asking for permission Yosh-kun..." Despite the cheerful attitude, the lovely face and that almost comic like attitude, then it was hard not to notice the slight stingy tone under his voice. Well certainly he wouldn't be going running around and telling on Yoshimaru, but it felt -awesome- to perhaps be able to finally get to see that man squirm a little. It would be interesting to see how the others would respond to his presence. He was already used to girls squealing and men getting either uncomfortable or getting that slightly curious/horrified look in their eyes while trying to decide if they were gays or not after deciding they found that boy rather...charming to say the least.

Hiroki was always careful about his appearance and today he was wearing his usual clothing that consisted of a black T-shirt, dark grey jeans that were held up against his hips with a black belt and then dark brown shoes to go with. It had been a little too warm this day to wear his jacket, and he wasn't really afraid of showing off his well formed body, so Hiroki had decided against wearing it.
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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 9:18 pm

Yoshimaru was having a great time today, his smile growing bigger by the second. He let the young Hina look at the picture of his son as they continued to tour Konoha, as Takeshi brought up the fact that he was a widow. "Well, just alittle hard on the kid. But he really didnt know her, he was just a baby when she passed on." He told them and sighed, looking up at the sky. It was never in his nature to be a sad person, being strong for himself, others, and most importantly, his child. It was a lot of hard work keeping them in a house, with all the work he has to do. Paying for the house, food, and the academy were almost too much for Yoshimaru, but he gets it pretty easy because theres only two people in the house.

All of a sudden, a boy clinged onto his arm. It surprised him for sure, but he looked to see it was Hiroki, a fellow jounin of his. '... Nice way of saying hello...' Yoshimaru thought and chuckled at him. It really didnt make him uncomfortable, since he wasnt homophobic or anything. He was accually used to everyone around him, seeing as friendly as he was. "Hiroki-Kun!"He shouted back whenever the man shouted his name. Yoshimaru laughed as the boy realised he had people with him. It was a little embarassing, but its not like this happened everyday anyways. "Nah, its fine, you didnt interrupt anything." He said and scratched the back of his head, seeing as he really did. Yoshimaru just didnt want to seem rude or straight forward.

Knowing Hiroki pretty well, he would probably just fall in love with Takeshi, which he tried to prevent. The young jounin was checking both of his guests out, which made Yoshimaru a bit nervous, as then he spoke out, "You know, I haven't really noticed them in the village before. Don't tell me you are bringing in outsiders without actually asking for permission Yosh-kun...". That suddenly made his heart skip a beat, realising he would get in a LOT of trouble having outsiders inside the village. "Dont tell anyone, okay, Hiroki?"He asked and smiled to hide the fact that he was a bit nervous. Yoshimaru was great at hiding the fact that he had all sorts of emotions going through him. One he could be feeling scared, but have a serious expression on, and not have anyone know.

"Would you like to join the tour?"He asked Hiroki. Yoshimaru didnt want to be rude and just leave him or anything. He took in a deep breath and moved his hair away from his face. "Is that okay with you guys?"He asked Takeshi and Hina, needing to know if they didnt mind.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 8:21 pm

"I see then..."Takeshi kept his eyes on Hina and Yoshimaru as they walked the streets of Konoha. Takeshi hasn't known how it would feel like to have a child, but maybe taking care of Hina all these years could be a close thing to being a father, right? Takeshi then heard a voice, saying "YOSH-KUN!", it sounded like a males voice to Takeshi, and he was right on the dot. A male figure glomped Yoshimaru, making Takeshi back away from him juuust a bit, seeing as he seemed too hyper for his taste. Meanwhile, Shitake was a bit creeped out by the new guy that just came in, seeing as Shitake can see what Takeshi is seeing. 'Who the hell is he?, Shitake asked, having an annoyed tone. Takeshi mentally sighed, 'I'm guessing by the way he adressed Yoshimaru, old acquaintances, maybe?

And he was correct, again. Could be Takeshi was on a roll today? He gazed at both him and Hina, making Takeshi go somewhat defensive and stare at Hiroko with his dark red eyes that could stare long enough into someone's soul, and maybe find out something about them. But, he decided to act polite first, seeing as that's not the way he was raised. He bowed "My name is Takeshi, and this", he had a hand out to Hina, telling her somehow to take his hand in which she did while she held the notebook with her other hand. Hina's eyes looked at Hiroki's with a serious look, making her purple eyes look more radiant. "-is Tomoko Hina. She doesn't talk much, you could say she's close to a mute", Hina kept looking at Hiroki when he somehow was gonna threathen to tell on them, which made the grip on Takeshi's hand harder as her eyes got even more serious.

Takeshi noticed Hina's look towards Hiroki and mentally sighed, he wished the girl would calm down. Takeshi didn't think he would actually do it, if he did... It would cause problems for all. Then, both Hina and Takeshi heard Yoshimaru telling Hiroki to join them, Hina didn't mind much but Takeshi was a bit annoyed, but he kept it hidden really well. "We don't mind, right, Hina-hime?" The young girl nodded as she kept her eyes on Hiroki. He seemed strange to her, she wondered who this man was as he could be joining the mini "tour" that Yoshimaru is doing for them.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 3:19 am

Yoshimaru seemed a little weird, nothing really that much out of the ordinary but enough to give Hiroki the idea that he really -was- interrupting this little chat here. Aw.. always so polite wonder everybody loooooves you. Holding back a small grin, the younger Jounin memorized the names of those new friends/victims of his while wondering how to best spend the day while hovering over them. "Don't worry Yosh-kun, you know I'm not a snitch." Not in the open at least... The innocent look was put up as he smiled at his fellow Konoha ninja. Is he inviting me along so I'll keep my mouth shut? Probably... but that didn't matter to Hiroki, as long as he was able to have some fun. "Ah, Takeshi-kun and Hina-chan. It's nice to meet you. Now what would you like to see first? I'm sure this guy here would like to do some boring stuff... but I know of some good places we can have fun! Ne?" The people passing by could have sworn they saw flowers in the background of Hiroki as he pulled out an even more charming smile than before.

A low thud and cursing could be heard as a middle aged man had walked into a clothing stand after staring at the literally glittering Hiroki. The owner of that stand naturally got pissed off and started scolding the other and before long there had started a huge fight while clothes were flying in each direction. Hiroki looked there, tilted his head to the side and let out a sigh before shrugging at the stupidity of others. "Oh my... that just shows what happens when you don't pay attention to where you are going." Chuckled the cause of that accident while he turned his attention back to Hina and Takeshi, ignoring the rapidly growing scene behind them as more came to try and calm the bickering men down. "A mute hm? I'm sure you just haven't found anyone that interesting to waste you beautiful voice on yet. Good thing you came to -this- village!" His flirting was flying around the air, while he still kept a little at bay since he wasn't that much interested in getting impaled by that man that was at the girl's side. He acted kind of like the father figure, and from -many- experiences with pissed off dads then Hiroki knew better than rush straight to the good stuff and give a good excuse for anyone to send him early to the grave.... or at least try to.

Now it was clear the two strangers were ready for anything surprising happening, as they were really stiff and then especially the girl. Hiroki was sure she'd drop dead if he jumped at her and yelled "BOOO". Not that he really -would-, it was just .... entertaining to think about. Since they were this worried and since Yoshimaru had asked him to stay silent, Hiroki almost wiggled around in his curiosity to know just what the deal was with them. Are they missing nin? Criminals? Is that girl maybe some bastard that has come here and claimed Yoshimaru is her dad? Oh my, don't tell me Yoshimaru has perhaps a thing for young girls like that and like.. had her delivered here! Does she have some daddy issues then, that thing for older guys?? That last thought made the raven haired ninja giggle slightly, but he quickly covered it with a cough. Nah.. if I had to bet on it then they are just some random people that Yoshimaru wants to be nice to... but the other stuff would be -way- more fun. Imagining Yoshimaru as a pedo... now -that- was messed up but no one could really say that Hiroki had normal thoughts.... ever.

But well whatever they were, he would probably find out. If not now then later that day.. or the next day. There wasn't really that much rush, unless of course other ninjas would come butting in. He clapped his hands together as he turned on his heel and pumped his fist in the air in a very energetic way. "Osu! We will make this a great day!" Looking over his shoulder, Hiroki winked at Hina and smiled. "And perhaps you will say a word or 2 for me."
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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 10:16 pm

Yoshimaru just stood aside as Hiroki got aquanted with his guests. He was hoping that his friend wouldnt creep out Hina and Takeshi, seeing as how flirty he was and how he was just too happy to see his visitors. 'I wonder what he's thinking...' Yoshimaru thought and tilted his head. Hiroki was one of those day dreamers that always had small conversations with himself, somewhat just like Takeshi. Yoshimaru was hoping that Hiroki wouldnt do something that he'd regret, or more likely, something Yoshimaru'd regret.

A clothing stall caught their attention when a few men began to fight. Yoshimaru sighed and hoped that they'd resolve it by themselves so he wouldnt have to go and break it up. Hiroki kept talking as Yoshimaru directed his attention to him. For some reason, the man had a very feminine voice but also somewhat masculine, as to Yoshimaru for having that soft, young man tone. There was a huge difference, but he knew it was Hiroki whenever he couldnt see him, it was that distinctive voice. Chuckling, Yoshimaru sighed and smiled at them all, silently appologising for having him being a bother, if the man was a small bother at all.

Finally, Hiroki stopped talking and stopped day dreaming. Yoshimaru noticed that Takeshi was looking as serious as ever and Hina seemed like a stone. He had wished he would see a smile out of either of them, maybe a small word from Hina herself. But whatever, she'd have to talk SOMETIME. Directing his attention to his friend, Hiroki pumped his fist in the air, shouting into the sky. "Someone seems excited for today." Yoshimaru finally spoke and grinned at each one of them. "Anywhere special you would like to show us, Hiro-kun?" Yoshimaru asked and looked over at him charmingly, teasing the young Jounin, trying to get him to take us somewhere.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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A Tour? [Hina] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 10:43 pm

'This guy...', Takeshi had an eyebrow raised while Hina was thinking Hiroki was a cute looking psycho or he's an idiot... Probably both. The man seemed flirty to Hina and Takeshi, which made Takeshi wary, and Hina just kept her eyes on him. 'This guy is a weird one, ne, Takeshi?' The image that Takeshi had on his mind was blank for a moment, until it disspeared and was replaced by Shitake, who seemed to be frowning and a dark somewhat room. The room itself had dozens of bookshelfs with books filled completely.

The floor was adorned with a brown rug, while the ceilings themselves had some kind of design that reminded Takeshi of something from his past. Shitake also knew this well, both males were in front of one another. 'Does this remind you of anything, Takeshi?' The young dark haired male sighed and ran a hair through his dark brown hair, his dark red eyes looking at light red eyes. 'Of course. Isn't this were we met-', the silver haired male nodded and said 'Exactly. 'Him'. Doesn't it bring back memories?'

Shitake's eyes set on the desk. The desk itself had many papers, some where filled with writing, others not.

Meanwhile with Hina, she noticed Takeshi kinda zoning in and out, meaning he was talking deeply with Shitake. SHe mentally cursed him, why now? They're now with what appeared to be a normal, cute-psycho young man who seemed to have an interest with her... and maybe Takeshi?

"Osu! We will make this a great day!" Looking over his shoulder, Hiroki winked at Hina and smiled. "And perhaps you will say a word or 2 for me." That made Hina have some pink in her cheeks and quickly grabbed onto Takeshi's hand and gripped it, hoping to get him out of his conversation with Shitake. 'Shitake... I suggest you talk with him later...' So completely in her own thoughts, Hina didn't notice the mini fight that happened. This goes to show that when both Hina and Takeshi are thinking very deeply, they tend to ignore everything around them.

Back with Takeshi and Shitake, both males seemed to be talking amongst one another, something they haven't done in awhile. Mainly, their talk was about Hiroki.'So, I suggest you keep an eye on this guy. Something about him reminds me... of myself, in a way'. That made an eyebrow lift from Takeshi, which made Shitake annoyed. 'I understand. But.. you, caring for Hina? Since when?' Takeshi chuckled at the mere thought. Shitake had always a hate for the young Tomoko, getting in their way of meeting Kyouken, so this was a suprise.

Shitake huffed and looked to the other side. 'I'm saying it to you! You know.. she HAS been tugging your hand for a good 10 mintues, you know?' And with that said, Takeshi snapped out of it.

Takeshi looked down at Hina, who seemed to be glad that he snapped out of it. She almost wanted to speak, but she kept glancing at Hiroki and blushing, which made Takeshi wary. Was Hina having a slight crush on the guy? Being somewhat of a father figure, he didn't like the guy but looks CAN be deceving... 'Oh well... maybe give him a chance... but must be wary of him... I cannot let him hurt Hina'

"Yes, is there any place you would like to show us, Hiroki-san?"
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Yoshiko Tomoko
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PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 9:44 pm

Yoshimaru seemed to know exactly how to treat Hiroki, and it made him grin widely when the other Jounin gave him a rather charming look. Not a bad move at all Yoshimaru. When Hiroki thought about it, he was sure he had never sparred or trained with the Kangai man and it made him curious to know if he was as friendly also when fighting. But back to what was happening now, then this was great! He had them now playing his little game in a matter of seconds, as he was in control over what to do and where to go. "How about we go to a restaurant to begin with? It will be my treat! No one can really have fun when their tummies are empty." He was walking in slow steps while holding his hands together at the back of his head in a relaxed and confident stance. He was deliberately walking that slow so that the others would perhaps walk next to him, making it easier to chat without always having to turn ones head.

"Hina-chan can look at it as my and hers first date!" He joked and smiled at Hina before glancing at Takeshi to see what reaction he would get. Of course his voice -sounded- like he had been joking as did his whole stance, but his eyes held a completely other look in them as he had smiled at Hina, making the girl slightly aware of that special -thing- between a man and a female. If he wasn't mistaken then the way he had noticed the girl blushing slightly before taking a hold of the male's hand was a clear sign she -was- as innocent as she first looked to be, but that also showed him that his flirting -did- get to her. And that meant Hiroki had a great chance of getting to her with more flirting. However the challenge to get past Takeshi was still there, along with Yoshimaru of course since Hiroki doubted very much that the older Jounin would want him flirting this much with that girl. Oh well, there isn't really any game that's fun without some obstacles... the harder it gets the sweeter the prize!

Either way, since they were probably not staying that long in the village then it meant Hiroki wouldn't have to have another whiny girl over him after his seducing acts. He hadn't completely decided on how far his "joke" would go, because it always got complicated with the innocent ones and if the Hokage or anyone higher ranked would catch him in the act... oh boy would he get scolded. It was already frowned upon when he was "hanging around" with his other female friends or male friends that were already his age or older. But enough of daydreaming... Somehow with his slow steps and sneaky nature, Hiroki was now walking at Hina's side. He was probably an arm's length away from her, but was still close enough. "So where do you come from?" Rule number 1. Hold up a normal conversation while getting closer to the prey. His question was pointed towards Takeshi, as his reddish colored eyes ran over the other man's face.

He was wondering if Yoshimaru knew what he was doing in allowing these people inside the village. He also wondered if perhaps someone else knew and had approved, which was though very doubtful. Yoshimaru, Yoshimaru... soon the day will come that your friendly act will betray you and get you killed... Even if Hiroki wasn't any snitch, then he was thinking about if he should send a word about this. Would Yoshimaru object? The puppet ninja glanced sideways at Yoshimaru, his expression blank as he thought it over. -If- those 2 were dangerous, not that they -looked- like it, then it would pose a great threat to the village. But well, if anyone would come and start bitching about this then Hiroki would just say he didn't know that there hadn't been permission for them to enter the village. It was that simple.
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PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 5:39 pm

Yoshimaru began to follow Hiroki as he started walking, taking the offer of a nice meal at a restraunt. It was getting close to noon and he hasnt had a bite since breakfast time. He suddenly stopped and looked at his watch. "Oh my god I forgot to get Yoshido!!!" Yoshimaru groaned and looked at them with an embarased laugh, "Sorry, I'll be right back, I gotta go pick him up." And with that, he disappeared in a heartbeat. Whenever it came to his son, Yoshimaru would miss anything just to see him safe and with him. He was hoping that he didnt disturb them in their get together, but he trusted Hiroki.

Appearing at the door of the Academy, Yoshimaru walked in quietly, to see Yoshidoku sitting on a bench with a friend of his. He was glad that he had someone to talk to and have fun with while Yoshimaru was late. Sighing, Yoshimaru walked over to him and quickly poked both of his son's sides, making the small boy jump out of his seat and scream like a little girl. Yoshimaru laughed as his son jumped into his arms screaming, "Dadddyyy!!!". Picking him up and standing, they left the building together. It was nice to be reunited with him after even just a few hours. "Guess what? Daddy has a job today to take some visitors around Konoha along with Hiroki-kun." Yoshimaru said to him as Yoshido grinned widely, "And im coming along, too!?" He asked with such excitement. "Of course. In fact, there they are!" Yoshimaru said as Yoshido turned his head to look at them.

"Okay, im back." Yoshimaru said and chuckled, a smile on his face as usual. He carried Yoshido in his arms and the small boy examined them. Yoshido was small only to Yoshimaru because of how tall he was, surely taller than Takeshi and Hiroki. The small boy had spikey brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes just like his father, which he resembles so much like. Yoshido didnt say a single word, just nodded his head. "This is my son, Yoshidoku. Say hello~!" Yoshimaru grinned as his son waved and said hello to them. They all were on their way to the restraunt as Hina and Takeshi still seemed very unamused by Hiroki, but they were always like that, he assumed. Yoshimaru was just slightly scared that Hiroki would report him, even if the man said that it was safe with him, anything can happen.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 7:45 pm

Takeshi's eye immediately twitched when Hiroki said: "Hina-chan can look at it as my and hers first date!", it also made Shitake snicker, sensing Takeshi being uncomfortable around the man known as Hiroki. Meanwhile, Hina was slightly suprised and held in her blush of embarrasment. 'Who does this male think he -is-? .... ..... Of course he -is- joking... I can already sensen Take-kun angry at Hiroki...' Takeshi smiled, even though inside he now knew he had to keep an eye on Hiroki. "Of course, we can go to a reastaurant. Besides..", he looks at Hina, while Hina looks at him, then he looks at Hiroki with a wary glance. "Hina's also hungry". Hina looked at Takeshi questiongly, before glaring a bit at Hiroki, while still fighting her urge to blush. Even if Hina -seemed- innocent, she wasn't all that innocent considering she was, in fact wearing mostly sharp weapons. Two katanas on each side of her hip and the largest of the katanas was strapped onto her back.

Even if she didn't want to admit it to anyone at the moment, Hina was 'kinda' hungry, but she was ignoring her hunger. Without noticing, Hiroki sneaked onto Hina's side, making the young girl immediately grab onto her right katana that was on her hip and point it towards Hiroki when he said: "So where do you come from?" , Takeshi placed his hand on Hina''s shoulder, making her glare at Hiroki, even though having her cheeks just a bit pink. Takeshi put up a smile while he pulled Hina back to him. Hina didn't mind, she was still giving wary glance at Hiroki. "We-", Hina stopped him by grabbing onto his hand. She looked at Hiroki and closed her eyes then opened them, and spoked slowly to him. "It.. is... none of your business...", her voice was low, but it was heard, she had a gentle tone and at the same time a strict one as she looked at Hiroki. She turned her head away and continued walking, Takeshi following silently beside her. Both Hina and Takeshi were thinking the same thing: 'Got to be wary of him...'

"Oh my god I forgot to get Yoshido!!!"Yoshimaru groaned and looked at them with an embarased laugh, "Sorry, I'll be right back, I gotta go pick him up." And with that, he left towards the Academy, leaving Hiroki, Hina and Takeshi alone.... Great. 'This is seriously not your day, Takeshi', Shitake laughed at him while Takeshi sighed mentally. 'I suppose you are right. But still...', he was taking glances at Hiroki and Hina once in awhile, making sure Hiroki didn't get -too- close to her. 'You can't be too careful today...' As Yoshimaru came back Takeshi smiled at him. "Welcome back. Oh!", Takeshi noticed the small boy in Yoshimaru's arms. He looked just like Yoshimaru... Meaning-

"This is my son, Yoshidoku. Say hello~!" Takeshi was right on the dot. It was Yoshimaru's son, Takeshi waved back at Yoshidoku while Hina smiled and bowed, then waved back. Then, Hina did something that seemed very much out of her 'cold' character for a moment. She walked over to Yoshimaru, to be beside him and said in a soft, gentle yet strict tone "Thank you for everything, and... it's an honor... to meet.. your son... Yoshimaru-san", her voice was not used to speaking so much. It was still getting used to speak this much in one day. Meanwhile, Takeshi was suprised, he hoped Hina would continue speaking to them even as they headed towards the restaurant.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 12:54 am

Hiroki's fox like grin got even bigger as he noticed the young girl's reaction, as she grabbed at her katana that had been on her hip and was using it to apparently threaten the Konoha Jounin that was at her side now. His expression didn't change as he pretended not to notice, but inside his mind he was literally giggling. Oh how fun! Just with this she gave me a good reason to attack and kill! Not that I wooouuld though... hehehe He had to admit though that he got very surprised as when Takeshi was about to answer his question, the girl grabbed onto his hand and finished the answer for her father-figure companion. Well well well.. "Ah so I -did- manage to charm out a few words! How fun!" The cheerful attitude never changed, and it wouldn't have changed even if she had tried to stab him in the face. According to many of the Konoha ninjas, Hiroki Katsuro was always so cheerful that it made them sometimes want to kick him in the face. ...That is if they didn't know that it would only amuse him even more. It's none of my business, so it would mean they don't want anyone knowing.. which can only mean that they are missing nins... He was itching to press a few more buttons, maybe cause that girl to start something that would require him "needing" to calm her down, by force of course. But at the moment he was going to least for now. It was kind of weird though that none of those stuck up higher ups weren't already all over them ... Perhaps they were too busy with their "important" tasks?

It almost startled the young Konoha Jounin when Yoshimaru cried out about forgetting to pick up his son before he ran off. He's gonna bring his brat here? Interesting... Hiroki glanced after Yoshimaru while he ran off before turning his attention back on the two that were now left with him. They had now reached the restaurant, so Hiroki came to a halt. "Well, we are here. It's probably more polite to wait for Yoshimaru to arrive again before we enter!" Hiroki kept being close to Hina, still not being too close but yet close enough for her to probably be all jumpy. It was -so- tempting to do something out of the ordinary... Yoshimaru returned after just a few minutes, just as the silence was starting to sink in and making Hiroki wonder if he should start to talk about something random. "Welcome back Yosh-kun! And hey there little Yosh-kun!" Hiroki had seen Yoshido before, so that greeting was good enough. He wasn't really that good with kids, but they still seemed to like him most of the time. Maybe because of his cheerful attitude? "You sure do trust your new friends, Yosh-kun! Bringing your young son here." The words were innocent, as was Hiroki's expression as he kept up the foxy grin, and yet the words stung and prickled like they were thorns. This was indeed meant as a mental slap for the older man, to bring his offspring to unknown ninjas that were already being invited into the village without anyone knowing.

That kid was getting more and more alike his father in looks with the age, making Hiroki sure he'd be a total heart-breaker when reaching the right age. While patting the boy on the head, Hiroki smiled brightly. "You have to remember to give me a visit when you turn 16 years old! Then we'll have a drink together and I'll tell you all about the scandals your father made when he was younger himself!" Winking at the father and son, Hiroki turned on his heel and the opened the door to the restaurant while waving his hand for them to enter.
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PostSubject: Re: A Tour? [Hina]   A Tour? [Hina] I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 9:28 pm

[sorry I have to make this short and sweet to get to Fausts topic]

The moment Yoshimaru arrived with his son in his arms, a small crow was lurking over them. 'Odd...' Yoshimaru thought, seeing as there were hardly any crows around this time of year, usually going to the other, less populated countries. The three said their greetings to Yoshidoku, as the young boy smiled and waved back. Hina, coming up to them, in her soft and quiet voice, said "it's an honor... to meet.. your son... Yoshimaru-san" It made the young boy smile, and Yoshimaru smile as well. It wasnt surprising that their smiles identically matched one anothers.

The mysterious crow swooped down infront of Yoshimaru, surprising him as it made Yoshido jump alittle, out of his fathers arms and onto the ground landing on his feet. The crow stood apon the ground and looked deep into Yoshimaru's eyes, Yoshimaru looking back. He felt a strange vibe, but this crow must've been a summon of some shinobi. "Daddy, it has a paper tied to its leg.. Is it a note for you?" Yoshido tilted his head to the side and stared up at his father. "Must be..." Yoshimaru said and held out his hand on the ground, the crow stepping onto his palm and holding out his leg.

Yoshimaru untied the note and read it inside of his mind:

Yoshimaru Kangai,
You are hereby summoned to the Oriental Express for a lunch with me. This falls under Hokage mandate, and as such is required of you. You shall not be required to provided any expenses and will in fact be receiving a free meal. This is most urgent, and you have one hour to arrive.

Faust Arp, Barrier Squad Captain.

Sighing, rolled up the letter and stuck it in his pocket. "Im sorry everyone, I must go. The Barrier Squad Captain sent me this letter saying that he needs to speak to me." Yoshimaru said and ran his fingers through his hair. Catching an idea at the last second, he made the tiger sign and breathed deeply. A formation of himself began to come out of his right side of his body, then completely stood on its own. It was a woodclone, with 50% of Yoshimaru's chakra into the clone. "If anything goes wrong, this guy will be here." Yoshimaru smiled and looked at Hina, and then Takeshi. He bowed, as did Yoshidoku. He looked at Hiroki, walking towards him, then as soon as he stood next to him, facing the opposite side, he whispered, "Dont pull off anything you'd regret. Im watching you." Yoshimaru whispered softly with a stern and serious voice. Then, both Yoshimaru and Yoshidoku, disappeared within a cloud of smoke.
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