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Nara, Tatsuya{Chunin}{DONE~!} Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Nara, Tatsuya{Chunin}{DONE~!}

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Nara, Tatsuya{Chunin}{DONE~!} Empty
PostSubject: Nara, Tatsuya{Chunin}{DONE~!}   Nara, Tatsuya{Chunin}{DONE~!} I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 12:22 am

Name: Nara, Tatsuya [Last, First]

Age Appearance:19

Nara, Tatsuya{Chunin}{DONE~!} 200px-11
Tatsuya is a normal sized, muscular young man. He almost always carries around his three swords bundled up with a green sash, or haramaki, over his right hip, allowing him to easily draw any of them with his left hand; this may indicate that he is left-handed or even ambidextrous. His right hand is usually seen resting over them, though he also uses this hand to pull the swords with their scabbards from his haramaki, usually just before sitting down. He wears three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe, possibly to represent his three swords, and normally keeps a green bandanna that has a black Nara Sign over it tied around his left arm. This could indicate ambidexterity, as he must untie the bandanna with his right hand (and draw his swords with his left). He does so in order to tie the bandanna around his head when he is fighting seriously. Tatsuya's shirt varies from time to time, but he consistently wears black trousers, black shoes and the green haramaki sash around his waist. Tatsuya is most commonly seeing wearing a plain white shirt with three buttons at the collar.

His body is covered with scars from his many battles, most notably the one acquired during the Chunin Exams, when he lost a duel with the genin ninja greatest swordsman, Mihawk, and was left with a massive scar stretching from his left shoulder to his right hip. In his Chunin Years he tried to free himself from Shacles by cutting off his feet. Although he did not entirely succeed, he gave himself a scar around each ankle. These scars are marked by black stitches.

Tatsuya's other remarkable feature is his green hair, which His Friends often tease him about by calling him 'marimo' (moss-ball).

Many-alike say that Tatsuya resembles a shark. People usually say he smells of steel.


Skill Level: B
Ninja Rank: Chunin

Village: Konohagakure No Sato
Birthplace: Shimotsuki village.
Previous Village: N/A

Clan Name: Nara

Clan Location: Konoha

Clan Traits:

To begin with, all members of the clan seem to have black spiky hair and soft boyish faces. Also they are usually of a lighter build and not muscular. They tend to have lower chakra reserves, but a very high chakra control to make up for it. Typically, it is the men who become ninja, but every so often a woman will join the ranks as well. All the men are classified genius's with IQ's that are generally higher then the mark of 200. They tend to be lazy and unwilling to work however, but they do have a strong will and hold greatly the term "comrade" as one of the most important words in their vocabulary.

The focus of their jutsu is a secret to other ninja, and only they can utilize it. The jutsu focus on the manipulation and control of their own shadow. Largely this revolves around one singular jutsu known as the Kage Mane or otherwise called Shaodw Imitation (see clan jutsu for more info), and this branches off into other various techniques. By Connecting their shadows to other shadows, they can cause the target to freeze by using chakra and the shadows as a medium for their control. When caught in this the opponent will mimic any movement the caster makes, but speech and thought remains independent. The opponents chakra system is also unaffected by this. Furthermore they can stretch their shadows a considerable length, up to 10m in total past its normal length, whatever that may be at the time by thinning the shadow out. This of course is not usable during the times of night. They can also use the shadows of other things to extend the length of their own by again using the shadows as a medium. They can not use lesser shadows for this, in other words, a shadow which is fainter then their own shadow, to extend it. Also it only extends by the length of the shadow it passed through and does not actually increase the size of their shadow.

Kekkei Genkai: -

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Name: Shadow Imitation
Rank: D
Description:Kage Mane no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. It's original purpose was as a skill to help delay any pursuers. After forming the needed hand seals, the clan member is able to manipulate their shadow along any surface. By using other nearby shadows they can further extend the reach of their shadow, however they are limited to the surface area of the original cast shadow. Once the clan members shadow reaches the target shadow, it will attach itself. While attached the target will be frozen, only able to replicate in mirror form the actions of the clan member. If the clan member is low on chakra, the Kage Mane will falter and the shadow will return to its normal form. This drains a D rank amount of chakra for every post that the target is kept with in it and escalates to a C rank amount or more if the opponent tries to fight it depending on the extent to which they attempt to fight it off.

Name: Shadow Neck Bind
Rank: C
Description:Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. To perform the technique the clan member will first bind their target using the Kage Mane no Jutsu technique. Once the target can no longer move, they form the needed hand seal to initiate this technique. The clan member uses their shadow to form a hand which will creep up their opponents body to their neck. Once the hand reaches the neck, it will constrict in such a manner so as to strangle the opponent. However, the clan member will need to be careful. If their target has a lot of chakra, they can turn back the shadow hand and prevent it from binding their neck.
Clan Nara

Name: Shadow Imitation Shrunken
Rank: C
Description: This technique utilizes specialized weapons which are able to absorb the users chakra and then take on the Nara clans ability to bind people via there shadow. By implanting the shadow chakra enhanced weapon into the shadow of the target, they will be frozen in place; just as if they were caught in one of the clan members extended shadow bindings. The length of time depends on how much chakra was placed into it. C rank- 2 post. B - 4 posts. A-7 Posts. S- 10 Posts. By increasing the number of weapons in the shadow you increase the number of posts they will remain frozen for.

Name: Shadow Sewing
Rank: C
Description:To perform the technique the user will first form the needed handseal to extend his shadow. The user will then change the handseal to cause the shadow to emerge from the ground in tendrils. The tendrils can extend and whip about and are strong enough to pierce nearby targets.

Name: Shadow Endgame
Rank: B
Description: Similar to the Shadow Sewing Technique, the user breaks their shadow into tendrils. Unlike the Shadow Sewing Technique, which exclusively ties down the opponent, the Shadow Endgame Technique's tendrils can grasp and manipulate objects. This gives the Shadow Endgame Technique a wide variety of uses. There are no hand seals used for this technique, but the hand movements resembles those used in Sand Binding Coffin.

Nara, Tatsuya{Chunin}{DONE~!} 120px-Nara_Symbolsvg

The Nara clan is known for their manipulation of shadows and tending of deer, which graze in a large area of Nara clan forest. They have kept a book with medicine preparations and effects for generations which imply they are skilled in the area of medicine. Among the medicine described in this book are the secret pills used by the Akimichi clan. Despite being considered geniuses, the men from this family are prone to being lazy and hard to motivate. Ironically, they tend to be attracted to stern, overbearing women. However, there appear to be other factors as well. The Nara men seem to hold women in high esteem, and as a result, willingly defer to their female partners. An old Nara quote states "Without women, men can't be born. Without women, men go to ruin. Even the hardest of women will show a sweet side to the man she loves and respects."

The Nara clan seems to have a special relationship with the Akimichi clan and Yamanaka clan. Members of these three families have formed an "Ino-Shika-Cho trio," quite often, named after the first part of the names of the members. The Nara members are the Shika in the trio. "Ino," "Shika" and "Cho" are the names of three cards needed for a highly prized trick of "Inoshikacho" in the Hanafuda

Clan Details: Open

Personality: Tatsuya usually maintains a stern, serious and distanced personality, but often loses his temper in a goofy and exaggerated comical style. He can also be extremely intimidating, easily frightening weaker opponents with just his glare. It has also been stated that he has a monstrous killing intent evident from the fact where he almost drew his sword on one of his superiors. Despite this, Zoro has a kind heart, shown as he was willing to risk death for the sake of a little girl he did not know. He has a strong sense of leadership and reasoning. While technically not a samurai, Tatsuya maintains Bushido to a certain degree (i.e. he consistently refuses to attack an adversary whose back is turned, the only exception being when his Squad-mate was in imminent danger of losing his life and Tatsuya struck the attacker from behind, and himself considers a scar on the back to be a swordsman's greatest shame). Whether he agrees with them or not, he will stand by His leaders decisions, stepping in only to point out the seriousness of a situation where it has been overlooked by his crewmates.

Tatsuya has an awful sense of direction and is capable of getting lost on a straight path. He usually assumes the others are the ones who have gotten lost and grows impatient with them. He is teased often because of it.

When he has free time he normally either trains with weights or naps (sometimes both at the same time; I jest.), only to be regularly awakened in a rather violent way by his squad-mates. He wouald also like to try alcohol (sake). He is also regularly reverts to drastic measures to solve simple problems, suggesting solutions that others would normally consider to be their last possible, worst-case-scenario choices. For example, when he and Sakro were accidentally handcuffed together, Tatsuya first suggested solution was to cut off one of their hands.

Tatsuya can also be very vigorous when he is determined to achieve a goal or defeat an enemy. The risks that he will often take to pursue his dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman often leave others wondering if he is crazy. As far as Zoro is concerned though, only he has the right to call himself "crazy". However, he is able to accept defeat when he perceives it to be inevitable. As pointed out in his Genin days, Tatsuya is indifferent to religion. He does not believe in any god but holds nothing against those who do. When Tatsuya has the intention to fight seriously, he ties his Green bandanna (normally kept knotted around his left arm) around head. He also has a habit of smiling when he is fighting a skilled opponent, As he loves the thrill of a battle.

Tatsuya can provide important and logical decisions at critical times by evaluating the situation from an objective point of view, as he did in His Chun Arc. by evaluating the best way to handle what, at the time, seemed like Hitomi's betrayal, and again when the Sqyad wanted to bring back Hitomi after he challenged Tatsuya to a duel and lost. Tatsuya is the one who noted that Hitomi was at fault for leaving the Squad of his own accord, and the leader shouldn't take him back unless he apologized for his mistake. However, while on some occasions he can be the voice of reason, most of the time Tatsuya rushes into things and leaves it to fate to decide the details, much to the horror of Squad members as he fails to see his own fault. One of the most noticeable instances of this is when he took an interest in the cursed blade, Sandai Kitetsu, and left it up to fate to decide if he would wield it by testing his luck against the sword's curse; he tossed the sword spinning into the air and extended his left arm into its falling path, to see if it would cut him, fully aware that the sword was sharp enough to easily amputate his arm. It did not, So that may note he has good luck.

Goals: To become the world's Greatest Swordsman
Alignment: Good.

Canon Personality: Serious Kakashi. Sasuke.

Skill Specialty:

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant:Raiton ~ Lightning
Recessive: Suiton ~ Water

History: Birth Arc:

Tatsuya was born into a normal family his father was Jounin and his mother had quit being a ninja once she broke her ankle really bad and every since she never did heal. Tatsuya lived a nice life with a nice family and nice friends, But one day his father came home with a really big smile on his face.

"What daddy What is it?!?" Asked Tatsuya really excited because something important had to happen maybe his dad had gone up a rank.

"I got you enrolled into Academy for ninja's!" Answered Tatsuya's father. Tatsuya's father's name was Tomaro (T-moRO), Tomoro had signed up Tatsuya because he had been training him bit by bit and he thought that Tatsuya was ready even though it was a year to early Tatsuya was a skilled ninja that Tomaro knew was going to succeed in the ninja life. Even though he had not even started Ninja academy Tatsuya knew three jutsu from vigorous training. One of the jutsu was a clan jutsu and because of that Tomaro was proud of Tatsuya he would bring the clan honor and respect.

"When does Academy start father I want to go right now I will blow everyone away with my jutsu and strength!" Said Tatsuya going to academy was like getting lots of candy to Tatsuya.

"Well if you want it can be done tomorrow," Replied Tomaro. Shigeki was so excited all he did was answer with a jump and he ran off to tell all of his friends. The very next day he started Academy.

Academy Arc:

Tatsuya was a brilliant kid being from the Nara and he always proved people wrong especially the rich ones, So behind Tatsuya's back they were planning to beat him up. That day was also the day of the exams to become a genin Tatsuya was very nervous because he still hadn't gotten the kawarmi jutsu down. Just as he had thought he messed up on the Kawarmi he could see the rich children snickering behind his back they were very happy that he had failed. But they were still going to team up and beat him up.

Tatsuya was walking back home it was night time he hadn't gone home because he was afraid his parents would get mad that he had failed the exam and that he was stupid. While Tatsuya was still deep in thought the Rich children{4 of em'} were still stalking behind Tatsuya ready to attack at the right moment. Just as they were going to attack one of them stepped on a plastic cup making a loud 'CRACK' noise, As soon as Tatsuya heard this he whipped his head around his heart stopped for a moment thinking it might be a assassin. But lucky for Tatsuya it wasn't just four kids that were in Tatsuya's class but wait they were the ones who hated him "Ah the four just-cuz-my-dad-has-alot-of-money-we-are-cool-people-and-better-then-you. How is it going Buddies!" Mocked Tatsuya while getting a smug smile on his face.

All of the rich kids got really mad at him, One the leader even pulled out a kunai. "Yo my good friends Ingoshi watcha doin with that kunai hasn't you mother ever told you not to run with sharp objects!" Mocked Tatsuya yet. That was not a smart thing to say on Tatsuya's watch because this set off Ingoshi he threw the kunai and even before he knew what he was doing he had already made the necessary hand seals for a kawarmi and as soon as the kunai hit him he had tuned into a log. Tatsuya pulled out a kunai of his own and ran behind Ingoshi and put a kunai to his throat.

All of a sudden the was a loud clapping and Tatsuya heard a mans voice that sounded very familiar and it said "Congrats Tatsuya you are now a genin!" Said a man coming out of the darkness Tatsuya Identified him as his academy teacher his teacher also had a headband in his hands "Tatsuya I knew that these boy's were going to try to beat you up because I had over-heard them planning it and I thought of this as a second chance for you and my prediction came true GENIN!" Smiled Yomu very broadly but then his face became very dark and serious "And as for you four you are being demoted back to Academy student." Yomu said this plainly without and feelings in his voice.

Genin Arc:

Tatsuya had passed his academy along with his best friend Sakro and they luckily got put in the same team they got a really nice teacher but he was very strong and strict about training but it was also fun and he didn't only train them phsycally but mentally too so they had become the strongest genin team of their year. They got a mission to pick weeds Tatsuya was sad he wanted extreme he wanted adrenaline. But when his sensei found this out he chuckled out

"Ahahaha well that isn't going to be happing for a long time if you don't get much better and do easier missions like these!" That really pumped Tatsuya up "Ok guys lets get going!" When they reached the weed field Tatsuya sensed something like a big chakra and sensed it would be more fun then he thought when they started picking weed a silver flash flew by Tatsuya's face. The next thing he felt was a warm liquid pouring down his nose blood was his first thought he quickly shouted "Duck there is another ninja here to attack us!" everybody ducked except his sensei who did some handsigns which released a fireball which made quick work of the ninja.

When they got back Tatsuya's sensei said that they would all be learning new jutsu today and they did Tatsuya learned most of his fire jutsu then. His sensei asked to see him and Sakro they went into a corner and he learned that they were both going to the chunin exam selection's. That cleared up why he was making them train so hard today Tatsuya thought

Tatsuya and Sakro passed the test easily as they were very smart so they had spent the rest of the time making a battle plan and the plan was Sakro would try to get attacked but that would only be a clone and Tatsuya would use a fire ball after Sakro had thrown two kunai to give a fake position away.

The plan went almost exactly how they wanted it but Sakros kunais didn't give the enemy a fake position so it ended up in close to close battle. Tatsuya had to use another fireball make a lot of clones which left Shigeki with almost no chakra left and also meant they were in danger but they both did became Chunin but barley.

RP Sample:
Special Characteristics:
Chakra Control: These users have excellent chakra control, which means they waste little chakra in battle. People with excellent chakra control usually have average or below average chakra. Since the amount of chakra is smaller, it is easier to master control over it. People with this skill are like, Itachi, Kakakshi and Orochimaru.

Strength: Character's with this trait are stronger then your average ninja, due to intense training. [Requires Taijutsu or Kenjutsu]

Speedster: Due to physical training, character's with this trait are much faster than the average ninja. [Requires Taijutsu or Kenjutsu]

The Wall: Character's with this trait are very adept at hiding their feelings, keeping them under lock and key. Emotions will not be easily noticed by those who do not know the user very well.

Public Profile
Name:Nara, Tatsuya
Appearance: Tatsuya stands at 178 cm (5'10") weighs about 179 Lbs, He has green Hair and tanned skin. Quite skinny and always carries around three swords, Black Trousers and black boots. Green Bandana on left arm.
Village: Konohagakure No Sato
Organization: Konohagakure No Sato
Rank: Chunin
Age: 17
Academy Entrance Age:6
Academy Graduation Age:12
Chuunin Promotion Age:15
Great Kenjutsu user
Master of Santōryū (literally: three sword style)
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