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Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist

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Feuer Anwender

Feuer Anwender

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PostSubject: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 3:36 pm

Name: Wilhelm Grohe
Nickname/Alias: Storm Fist

Age: 26
Age Appearance: 26

Wilhelm is average height at 6’ 2” and average weight at 200 pounds all muscle. He has flaming red hair which is constantly sticking up at odd angles and dark green eyes which survey the world with curiosity or devour an entire bowl of ramen by themselves before the hands with the utensils can get there. Wilhelm’s face and body are covered in the scars from his job as mercenary bodyguard. He has one long thing scar across his neck, several small crisscross scars on his forehead and cheeks, arrow wounds, sword slashes, and spear gouges tell a life of hardship across his stomach, chest, and back.

His clothing is somewhat unusual long dark green pants, a dark green overcoat, black dress shoes, a white dress shirt with a black vest, and a black bow tie. Wilhelm is not only fashionable, but looks like no other ninja out there. He more resembles an eccentric business man, then a missing ninja. This attire has allowed Wilhelm to go to any country with only a cursory glance, it also has helped him avoid any bounty hunters, since the only pictures that his former villages has are when he was in ninja gear.

Gender: Male

Rank: A
Ninja Rank: Jounin

Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Previous Village: N/A

Clan/Bloodline: N/A

Personality: Wilhelm is unshakably calm. You could toss him into a fire and he will not sweat. This calm has served him well through his years, it has provided him with an immeasurable amount of patience and knowledge, even while being chased by a team of hunter nin Wilhelm was able to casually escape them, though he did have to injure one, leaving the ninja unconscious with several hundred volts of electricity going through his body. He does not believe in unnecessary death, it becomes too much of a problem and is inefficient to take out five people when only two are needed. Along with being calm, Wilhelm is a somewhat cheerful person and can often be found whistling an old sea chantey or some old classical music by Bach or Mozart. Wilhelm has one obsession in life and that is ramen. He will literally walk for months to get to a new place with ramen. He will brave hordes of bounty hunters and avenging ninja just to taste the newest ramen out there. It is a safe bet that Wilhelm has done exactly that, bursting into a ramen shop’s kitchen through the back door and on his way out through a wall, grab a bowl of ramen. This would be his one natural weakness, but Wilhelm just can’t help it. Ramen is Life.

Goals: Find the best ramen ever, along with a more far reaching plan which he shall not reveal.
Alignment: Neutral

Canon Personality: None

Grohe was born to a middle class family who ran a minor trading business in furs and silks in Kumogakure. It was a somewhat successful business, but Grohe was ambitious even as a youngster. It was typical for Grohe to be found staring at pieces of a thousand piece puzzle for about an hour or so then put together the entire puzzle within 20 minutes. It was one of Grohe’s favorite things to do other then push himself physically to the point of exhaustion every day. Physical pain kept Grohe focused on his objective. He had a dream and he did not believe in failing. His dream will become a reality and any other situation is simply unacceptable.

He was enrolled into the academy at a young age, he figured that the older kids would dislike having someone younger then they outdo them, so he kept himself around average. Training hard secretly, Grohe made sure he surpassed his fellow students, but did not show any of his skills when others could see, even going as far as to let some older student to beat him up to hide his abilities. Keep the dream alive, that is all that matters. Humiliate yourself, hide, run, but never ever let people know of the ultimate goal. Grohe’s entire mind and soul were wrapped around this concept and it fueled his secret training to beyond normal training. Only a fanatic could match young Grohe’s belief in his goal.

It continued like that for his entire academy year. After he graduated, Wilhelm revealed his true abilities asserting himself as a rising taijutsu user. His distinctive series of lightning based taijutsu moves was not entirely unusual amongst the lightning users of Kumogakure, but it was the way he used his taijutsu which set him apart from the rest. He was comfortable to wait for his opponent to make the first move and will always defer to his opponent in the beginnings of an official match or spar. Once the fight began, Grohe fought dirty straight off the bat; he saw a fair fight to be a ridiculous idea and will always aim his first blows to the groin, eyes, or neck so as to quickly finish the fight so that he may continue on with whatever else he had in mind for the day.

Being a genin also meant being assigned to a team. Unfortunately for young Grohe, he was never a good team player. The fact that Wilhelm disliked his teammates and his teammates disliked him did not help at all. Grohe always solved a mission in his head long before his sensei showed up. Once the jounin did turn up, he always had a different plan which made the mission take so much longer. Grohe chaffed under this, efficiency was the blood which fed his mind. This inefficiency was most likely due to Grohe’s sensei being one of those bored drones who didn’t really want to put in any effort, but still draw a full paycheck. In all he grew frustrated with being a genin and couldn’t wait for the Chuunin Exams.

To prepare for the Chuunin Exams, Grohe went through his usual solitary ghoulish physical training. He would as often as not come home bleeding from several new cuts and scrapes and the opening of the scabs from the old ones. His entire hands seemed to have become a hard callus, capable of punishing blows. He continued this regime of physical abuse with morning, afternoon, and evening runs of 5 miles or more. He could feel that the appropriate time to begin the diabolical plan to attain his dream was nearing and that thought kept him energized for the entire month before the Chuunin Exams.

At last the Chuunin Exams were here! Grohe early in the morning had already meant the rest of teammates to discuss the problem of their sensei. Grohe already had a plan figured out for them to get to through the first half of the Exams till the single fights began. His teammates agreed to cooperate despite their mutual hate and for the moment their energies were concentrated on a single task. Such a formidable gathering of forces boded ill for those who stood in their way to achieving their individual goals. The sun rose over the mountains, a beautiful red dawn, but off to the north dark storm clouds gathered and it was from the north which Grohe and his teammates came from. Once through the pleasantries of the introduction to the Chuunin Exams, the plan was enacted. Grohe and his team were the first to finish the written tests, due to subtle incidents at the place where the answer keys were held Grohe had obtained answers to the questions.

The second test, the squad combat test, was just as easy. Grohe had pinpointed the groups which had the scrolls which they could possibly need and it was a simply matter of good teamwork and pooled hatred to leave behind several other squads with dead or seriously injured genin to obtain the scroll which they needed. Though one person proved extraordinary stubborn, but after his face was flatten into the ground by Grohe, he proved as docile as a kitten. Though they did not finish first in reaching the destination, they put up an impressive show for the judges. Now it was time for the single combat tests and Grohe jumped for joy. Well, in his mind he did.

Grohe’s first opponent was a girl from Kirigakure. From what Grohe could tell, she used mostly clones and kunai to fight. A good teammate to have most likely, but wholly unsuited to single combat; perhaps she was even a medical ninja, which would make things interesting. Grohe waited for his opponent to attack and was quickly rewarded for his patience when the girl produced a clone and ran in an arc toward Grohe, the clone and the girl taking opposite sides. The girl’s stab with a knife was slow and Grohe easily slid back a step quickly and grabbed the hand of the clone or the girl and guided it to the other person. He happened to have grabbed the actual girl’s hand and her attack killed her clone. A swift elbow charged with lightning to the nose sent her sprawling in a heap on the floor. The rest of the single combat went much the same way, proving very little challenge to the dedicated taijutsu user.

After the Chuunin exams, Wilhelm began perfecting his lightning taijutsu, he was around 16 at this time. 8 years he spent perfecting his techniques, eight long years Wilhelm had spent honing every sense, every inch of his body. To find the perfect place to due this, Grohe left his village and traveled into the mountain ranges in the surrounding country. Four days into his travel, Grohe found a small valley with a crystal blue lake in the center. It was here were Grohe spent his entire eight years of training. Building a cabin for shelter and eating fish for food. The rest of the time he had during the day between fishing and repairing his shelter, Grohe spent practicing. He increased his normal runs to ten miles and stepped up every other training exercise he knew. At the end of the eight years Grohe returned to his village.

As he returned home and began just light practice there to keep his edge he discovered that his spar opponents had become boring; his fellow lower rank jounin had grown weak; it was time for him to move on. And move on he did. Wilhelm left the village which he was born in and became a mercenary for hire at the age of 24. His fighting techniques were great for bodyguard duty and Wilhelm became a well-known bodyguard for merchants and the upper class. He worked for 2 years as a bodyguard, guarding caravans, people, and even a few castles. At the end of those 2 years Wilhelm decided to wander for awhile in search of the perfect ramen. Safe to say Wilhelm hoped this quest will last him the rest of his life and that is where we find him now.

RP Sample: (From a different character)
It had been a long walk, under the noon day sun, from the coast; especially in the still dripping wet clothes, which made a trail of droplets behind the man as he walked. The man paused on the side of the road; he took off his hat and wrung out some of the water onto the ground. A small puddle formed reflecting the priest’s mildly disgusted face. He hated this kind of situation, all dressed up and no where to go.

Down the road a ways, a clatter of wheels on the road alerted the young priest to the passage of a wagon of some sort. With dubious hope, the man walked out into the middle of the road his wet shoes squeaking as he did, but his legs betrayed him. A quick stab in the ground with the end of his staff saved him from the indignity of falling down. Get a hold of yourself! You are the representative of Mael here, get your act together. With this conservation in his head, the priest straightened up and relaxed. It was almost an after thought that his hand went up with its palm faced outward toward the direction of the sound, a seemingly futile gesture to stop.

The wagon was driving hard down the road; it was almost too late before the driver saw the stranger in the road. A sharp pull on the reins, thankfully, stopped the wagon. The two horses ,who were reined together, were less then a foot away from the young priest who had his eyes closed. The driver scratched at his balding with a hand as looked down at the stranger who had the audacity to stop his wagon, “Do you need a ride?” asked the old man in between chewing on some tobacco.

The priest had his eyes shut tightly, hoping to not get ran over by the wagon. At the sound of the wagon driver’s question, the young man opened his eyes, relief evident, to stare at the balding man up on the driver’s seat. “Yes, I need a ride, but first, where are you going?” The balding man figured the youngster was not much of a threat and after spitting a long stream of tobacco juice onto the side of the road answered, “I am heading to Rain. If that’s where you are going hop on.” The answer seemed to satisfy the young priest, “Thank you sir.” He replied back as he walked around to the back of the wagon and hopped on amidst bales of hay. The driver wondered at the foreign accent, but simply shrugged it off and took up the reins again. A sharp crack echoed and the wagon was off again, racing down the road.

The wagon clattered down the road, the balding man squinted in to the distance, attempting to penetrate a sudden fog bank. The priest looked out at the thick fog with moderate surprise. Cover? Looks like Mael has decided to provide his protection to me, his nemesis and yet strangely devoted follower. Maybe it’s because we are so much alike! The fog cleared as unexpectedly as it appeared. Or not so much alike.

The wagon suddenly stopped within sight of the village, a faint whiff of fire, smoke, ashes, and a hint of spilled blood was scented by the priest in the back of the wagon. So! I am not the only invader today! Hopefully the company will be more talkative then the driver. The priest hopped back out the wagon and made his way to where the driver sat, once again scratching his balding head in confusion and concern. “Good fellow, this is far enough. Go back to your family, today is not yet over.” The old man visibly whitened at this remark and with a nervous last look at the village he snapped the reigns with shaky hands and headed back from where he came, faster than he normally would if that was possible.

The priest ignored the wagon as it sped off and instead began to walk to the village, confidence in every step. It was this stride which carried the priest through the fire, the bodies, and all the chaos of the citizenry to the middle of the village where two groups were faced off. And it was this stride that strode past one group into the space between them. He looked at both groups, then planted his staff into the ground by his side and declared, “My name is Amanas Ruse and I claim this village for the sea.”

Skill Specialty: Taijutsu/Ninjutsu
Dominant: Taijutsu
Recessive: Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Lightning
Recessive: Wind

Special Characteristics:
Vigorous: Character's with this trait are in excellent physical shape. They are generally slightly stronger, heal faster and are rarely ill.

Strength: Character's with this trait are stronger then your average ninja, due to intense training. [Requires Taijutsu or Kenjutsu]

Speedster: Due to physical training, character's with this trait are much faster than the average ninja. [Requires Taijutsu or Kenjutsu]

The Wall: Character's with this trait are very adept at hiding their feelings, keeping them under lock and key. Emotions will not be easily noticed by those who do not know the user very well.

Eidetic memory: Characters with this trait are able to recall memories with extreme accuracy, rarely do they forget information.

Strong Willed: Character's with this trait are often hard to dissuade when they set their mind on something, anyone attempting to convince them to do something else may often find themselves leaving very flustered.

Internal Clock: Characters with this trait are hardly ever late, due to a spectacular internal sense of time.

Public Profile
Name: Wilhelm Grohe
Wilhelm is average height at 6’ 2” and average weight at 200 pounds all muscle. He has flaming red hair which is constantly sticking up at odd angles and dark green eyes which survey the world with curiosity or devour an entire bowl of ramen by themselves before the hands with the utensils can get there. Wilhelm’s face and body are covered in the scars from his job as mercenary bodyguard. He has one long thing scar across his neck, several small crisscross scars on his forehead and cheeks, arrow wounds, sword slashes, and spear gouges tell a life of hardship across his stomach, chest, and back.

His clothing is somewhat unusual long dark green pants, a dark green overcoat, black dress shoes, a white dress shirt with a black vest, and a black bow tie. Wilhelm is not only fashionable, but looks like no other ninja out there. He more resembles an eccentric business man, then a missing ninja. This attire has allowed Wilhelm to go to any country with only a cursory glance, it also has helped him avoid any bounty hunters, since the only pictures that his former villages has are when he was in ninja gear.

Village: Kumogakure
Organization: None
Rank: Jounin
Age: 26
As he returned home and began just light practice there to keep his edge he discovered that his spar opponents had become boring; his fellow lower rank jounin had grown weak; it was time for him to move on. And move on he did. Wilhelm left the village which he was born in and became a mercenary for hire at the age of 24. His fighting techniques were great for bodyguard duty and Wilhelm became a well-known bodyguard for merchants and the upper class. He worked for 2 years as a bodyguard, guarding caravans, people, and even a few castles. At the end of those 2 years Wilhelm decided to wander for awhile in search of the perfect ramen. Safe to say Wilhelm hoped this quest will last him the rest of his life and that is where we find him now.

Last edited by Feuer Anwender on Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:09 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Age : 31

Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 3:42 pm

Wandering Ninja rank is closed
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Feuer Anwender

Feuer Anwender

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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 3:43 pm

Jounin opened?
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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 5:06 pm

You're rp sample's the level of a Chuunin so..... I suggest you try that
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Feuer Anwender

Feuer Anwender

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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 5:08 pm

Ah *goes to find a different rp sample*
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 6:08 pm

Character approved however it is Kiyoshi decision to decide whether you are accepted into Kumogakure under the classification of jounin or not
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Feuer Anwender

Feuer Anwender

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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 6:11 pm

Alright then
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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 6:52 pm

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Kaji Kanto

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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 9:44 pm

Moved back to Character creation due to Inactivity.... You have well, you have until kumogakure fills up to come back and re-claim this character.
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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 11:02 pm

Archived (Village is filled)
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PostSubject: Re: Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist   Wilhelm Grohe- Storm Fist I_icon_minitime

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