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Kiyoshi Hikaru [Complete] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Kiyoshi Hikaru [Complete]

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PostSubject: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Complete]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Complete] I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 6:55 am

Name: Kiyoshi Hikaru
Nickname/Alias: Lord Raikage | Kumo's White Lightning

Age: 22
Age Appearance: Early adulthood

Kiyoshi is a young teenage boy that has an extremely smooth face compliment of his skin, which is nearly flawless, save for the birthmark right underneath his left eye. His eyes hold a deep shade of brown in them that match his semi short, semi medium untidy hair, though his hair’s brown is in a lighter shade then his eyes. Kiyoshi also has a pretty small nose that sometimes hold a slightly red color for reasons that are unknown to not only him but a good majority of the people around him.

Kiyoshi has a very lean and slender body. He doesn’t possess any bulging muscles that include biceps and triceps while rocking a 16 packed abdomen, but he does keep himself well fit enough to do good for himself to earn a well-toned body that includes not a steel like, in the figurative sense, six pack as well as a few muscles around his body. Everything past Kiyoshi’s right shoulder is metallic in a sense that it’s Auto mail that is attached to his nervous system and as such is just as much a part of him as his real arm was or any other parts of his body, even though he can’t really feel through it.

Kiyoshi usual casual attire often composes of rather large, but not necessarily baggy, white cargo pants that holds a total of 8 pockets in it as well as a white t-shirt. The t-shirt usually covered by his brown jacket that he always keeps clean and fresh looking and smelling, also having fake fur on the edges of the hood. He also wears a pair of white gloves at all times in order to keep his Auto mail from showing, keeping his lack of an arm a secret from anyone he doesn’t know enough personally.

Gender: Male

Skill Level: S
Ninja Rank: Jounin

Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Previous Village: Sunagakure

Clan/Bloodline: Yakushi/None

Personality: When talking about battle, Kiyoshi is a very humble warrior who is never one to brag or be arrogant about his abilities, feeling that doing stupid things like that only annoys people and doesn't bring good results. Kiyoshi's may even go so far as to undermine someone else's compliment or phrase if he doesn't think he's necessarily deserving of it. In general, Kiyoshi doesn't have the greatest respect for violence or bloodshed so he prefers not to fight or kill, but isn't will on a moment's notice in order to protect the village he inhabits and its people.

Kiyoshi has very few pet peeves in actuality due to having such a positive outlook on life. One of the few he has involves, as stated above, arrogance as well as boasting. It annoys him highly and slightly disappoints him when someone doesn't just enjoy it to feel highly about himself but he has to let everyone else, even the ones that don't seem to care as much, know just how highly of himself he thinks of.

Going outside of battle, Kiyoshi is quite soft spoken and has a rather quiet voice, not being one to raise it unless the situation completely calls for it. He usually has a smile on his face that many would say is a very warm while other would call it a very cute little smile. Kiyoshi can also be confused and oblivious rather easily at times, especially when he is dealt with situations that involve any type of intimacy. Speaking of which, Kiyoshi has a very shy outlook on intimacy and would normally grow anxious at any advances towards him and, being the Raikage at his age, those advances come quite often.

Kiyoshi's business lifestyle is more over a rather simple on in his case. He usually finishes paperwork rather quickly and gets things done around the village, but usually puts off anything else that doesn't involve fun to someone else as they are the only things that aren't mandatorily his work.

Goals: To shed peace between the entire ninja world.
Alignment: Good

Canon Personality: Hinata Hyuuga

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Medical
Recessive: Kenjutsu | Taijutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Raiton - Lightning
Recessive: Fuuton - Wind

History: Kiyoshi Hikaru was born in a family of non-ninja, his mother, Sayuri, was a florist & his father, Masaki, was a carpenter. He also had an older brother by the name of Daisuke (Who was six at the time of Kiyoshi’s birth) that aspired to be the clan’s first ninja. Kiyoshi used to be an outspoken, happy child, as he often watched his brother train hard & found ninjutsu quite fascinating, even going as far as speaking out to his own family when they tried to stop him from joining the academy. Kiyoshi was even there when Daisuke enrolled at the age of 10, watching in awe at the ninja & potential ninja in the academy. Kiyoshi was happy for his brother when he graduated 2 years later & suggested several times for a graduation party, but his family disagreed.

One night, a year after Daisuke’s graduation, he had a private chat with his younger brother about how Daisuke doesn’t belong in the clan; he ended the conversation with simply four words “Don’t be like me”. Being seven years old at the time, Kiyoshi had little understanding of the sentence, & probably the whole conversation in general. The morning after, Daisuke was reported missing, much to the Hikarus’, especially Kiyoshi’s, confusion & dismay. Connecting the conversation he had with his brother to the sudden disappearance, Kiyoshi realized that Daisuke must have left the village (For reasons still unknown to Kiyoshi). Even though, his parents repeatedly told him not to, for fear of losing another child, Kiyoshi enrolled in the ninja academy.

Since his first day in the academy, the students ridiculed him because of the fact that he wasn’t born into a family of ninja & the only ninja of the clan ran from the village. Also, because of that, he didn’t have any friends in the academy, which slowly caused the shy personality that he has now. Even though his classmates didn’t think much of him, he still graduated from the academy with excellent grades at the age of 11, much to everyone’s surprise. Now that he has become a ninja, Kiyoshi has hopes of, one day, finding his older brother, Daisuke Hikaru. Seeing his motives & reason, Kiyoshi’s parents slowly, but surely approve of him being a ninja & even support him to their fullest ability. Those last words that he heard from Daisuke still ring inside Kiyoshi’s head to this very day.

Kiyoshi continued his self training, but he was getting frustrated for the fact that he couldn’t accomplish high leveled jutsu. A man named Battei Sennin stumbled across Kiyoshi in the middle of his training and gave him a short training session in order to help him with his jutsu. To Kiyoshi’s surprise, the training was successful and Battei told him of a group named “Wasuremono” that he was in and informed Kiyoshi that he could join if he wanted to. Impressed with the progress made form just 5 minutes of training, Kiyoshi immediately accepted the invitation and left Kumogakure with Battei soon afterwards to travel the nation and train with him.

Soon, they made their way to Sunagakure where Kiyoshi was told to wait with Anima as Battei, the new Kazekage, went to Konoha to accomplish some business. While waiting for Battei, Kiyoshi was informed that he would be training with a man named that went by Shizu-sensei.

On the first day of training, Shizukesa asked Kiyoshi about all of his strengths and weaknesses, along with any interests in technique training. Once everything was set, they continued their wind training, starting with Kiyoshi’s killing intent training on which he had to learn to stop hesitating, forgiving, and apologizing and kill like a ninja is trained to do. At first, Kiyoshi was doing nothing except dodging, but soon overcame that and killed his target, which was his first kill ever.

The next day, Kiyoshi was to learn a new technique, but with a twist added to it. Due to Kiyoshi explaining to him that he had no experience with Kunoichi, Shizukesa transformed into a naked, beautiful female in order to keep him from being distracted should he face a female ninja that would resort to using seduction as a way to trap him, The training session went semi smoothly with Kiyoshi’s hormones and shyness getting in the way a few times, but was successful in learning his new Fuuton technique nonetheless.

On the third day of training, the duo didn’t start the day with it like they would usually do. This time, Kiyoshi was to meet Shizu for a short break in a teahouse. While waiting for the fashionably late, Shizu, Kiyoshi met a girl name Aki, though she didn’t speak her name to him for a while. While having a friendly encounter, Kiyoshi told her of Wasuremono and the open, nonexistent requirements to joining the group. Upon request for their goals, Kiyoshi thought about and realized that he actually didn’t know what Wasuremono’s general goal.

Soon afterwards, Shizu would finally make his way over to the shop and inform them of what he knew about Wasuremono’s goals, which was surprisingly very similar to his own. Also, during their conversation, Shizukesa also informed him that he was of the Hyuuga clan, whether it was an accident or on purpose was unknown to Kiyoshi. The two separated from Aki and went on with there training soon after there trade of thoughts.

Once training began once again, Kiyoshi was put to the test as he had an A rank move to complete. This training session took several hours of hard work, dedication and a whole lot of burn marks. After he was about ready to pass out, Tenson Kijin decided to help Kiyoshi by giving him a chakra boost to complete it. When he was finished, Kiyoshi was able to master the ability, but it nearly cost him his life as he fell into a crater that his jutsu made. Fortunately Shizukesa was there to save him from death.

On the fourth day of training, Kiyoshi was to learn a final last minute technique for mainly defensive purposes due to the fact that Battei was growing rather late for his return to Suna. The next technique wasn’t particularly hard or dangerous to learn since it was a C rank so Kiyoshi was able to completely master the technique in a matter of minutes.

Though they added on another day of training, Battei still hadn’t returned to Suna so Kiyoshi spread the idea to take a break and head back to his home village. Due to him being extremely ignorant of the general rules of being a ninja and the undying habit of not speaking to higher ups unless asked to, Kiyoshi didn’t take into account that he had left village and was technically a Missing Nin now.

This lead for the current new Raikage, Kenshi Uchiha to challenge Kiyoshi to a death match after he refused to rejoin the village, due to the growing bond he was having in the group. Soon afterwards, it was time for Kiyoshi’s first death match and though he lasted fairly well for a while, Kiyoshi soon forfeited because he didn’t want to fight anymore. For having good reasons and not resisting, Kiyoshi’s life was spared, but he was still punished with the loss of his arm and his sword that he had grown so attached to.

Kiyoshi woke up soon after, unaware of the events that he cause due to the fact that no one was willing to give him much information. Battei was being convicted, his mother refused to talk to him, and Shizu seemed to be avoiding him for a reason Kiyoshi knew nothing about. Not only that, but Kiyoshi was going through various mood swings from the shock of losing his sword added with the medicine that he was given prior to his losses.

Kiyoshi also met up with Aki once again along with a companion that went by the name of when he escaped from the hospital that he was in. After a brief introduction and reunion, Kiyoshi was almost forced into releasing what he knew about the Kage Summit and its details. When he told him what he knew, departed from Kiyoshi after giving him an… Awkward farewell.

Kiyoshi was soon found by the medical ninja due to that greeting and was taken back to the hospital where he met a woman by the name of Kiyoko Haruno. This same woman was in charge of Kiyoshi’s new operation that involved him getting a new prostatic right arm by the name of Automail, which was generally a prototype that he was testing for them. Though there was extreme pain involved, the operation was a success and Kiyoshi immediately went to sleep.

When he awoke, Kiyoshi was informed that a meeting was adjourned for Wasuremono so Kiyoshi immediately left and went to the Kazekage’s office where he reunited with Anima, Shizu, and Aki and they were all informed of the up and coming danger that plagued the world. Anima also wished to peak to Kiyoshi in private.

Anima suddenly sent Kiyoshi to an underground passage where he met with Battei to finish the lightning training that he was promised to complete before Batei had to leave to help take down this danger that threatened the world. Throughout the rest of the Phoenix catastrophe, Kiyoshi was in hiding with the rest of the group members.

After all of that, they were informed that Battei had been killed by the Phoenix and Wasuremono eventually separated. Aki went n her own path while Shizu went on to be the new Kazekage in place of Battei with Kiyoshi as his right hand man.

About a year later, Kiyoshi was found by his older brother, Daisuke and was informed of Daisuke’s spirit and his possession of Kiyoshi’s old spirit along with the history of the two brothers and a way for him to gain I back.

Kiyoshi informed Shizu that he had to leave Suna in order to travel and train with his brother. For the next two years, Kiyoshi went traveling to Kirigakure, Kusagakre, and Tori to complete the life threatening training that required him to achieve his spirit back along with some training for new lightning jutsu.

Once he was finished with his training, Kiyoshi decided to go back to Kumogakre and turn himself in due to the fact that he felt homesick and he wanted to see his parents again. Once he was apprehended, Kiyoshi was put on trial and was informed of a way to escape being executed. The new temporary Raikage was an arrogant man and read that Kiyoshi was just a weak Genin so he told him if he were able to beat him in a deathmatch, Kiyoshi would gain his freedom.

After a grueling match, Kiyoshi shocked everyone when he was able to defeat the S rank skills of the temporary Raikage and was given his freedom along with the praise of many of the villagers. Though it was a deathmatch and the temp Raikage did attempt to kill Kiyoshi multiple times, Kiyoshi couldn’t escape his benevolent personality so he spared his life.

After about a day of reuniting his family, the higher ups and advisors requested to have a meeting with the young Genin . Incredibly with his skills, control and benevolence, they recommended him to be the new Jounin, which he accepted immediately in good faith, being the first Genin to be promoted straight the Jounin in Kumo history. After which, Kiyoshi spent the next two years as Jounin, being trained in medical ninjutsu by his mother to further help his fellow villagers until he was told he had been approved for the title of Raikage, which he didn't remember applying for.

It was later mentioned that during a time for the selection of a new Raikage, Kiyoshi's name was put in the selection from his known battles with the previous Raikages of Kumo. Kiyoshi would then go on to accept the title of Raikage, doing his best to keep the village running as smoothly as possible. After about a year of his reign, a member of the council noticed a mistake, Kiyoshi's name was indeed put in the list of suggestions but he wasn't supposed to be chosen due to his lack of experience (Only completing 36 missions in his career due to being defected for so long and his age) so he had to be replaced. In order to avoid conflict and to cover the mistake up as much as they could, Kumo's council decided to erase his and his families memories for the passed year when his reign began and traded him with Konoha, keeping the slip up as much as a secret as possible.

RP Sample:
Special Characteristics:
Skill Based

Mind's Eye of The Kagura: This ability allows Kiyoshi to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range. This is done by closing his eyes and opening the mind's eye. The ability extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or if someone is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra he perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Chakra Control: Kiyoshi has excellent chakra control, which means he wastes little chakra in battle. People with excellent chakra control usually have average or below average chakra. Since the amount of chakra is smaller, it is easier to master control over it.


Vigorous: Kiyoshi is in excellent physical shape. He is generally slightly stronger, heal faster and are rarely ill.

Strength: Kiyoshi is stronger then your average ninja in his right arm, due to it being metallic.

Speedster: Due to physical training, Kiyoshi is much faster than the average ninja.


Amnesia: Due to a previous event, Kiyoshi cannot remember the last year of his life.

Shy Guy: Kiyoshi tends have a lack of confidence in himself a good amount of time and also has a hard time handling even the slightest form of intimacy towards him.

Public Profile
Name: Kumogakure's White Lightning
Village: Konohagakure no Sato
Organization: Wasuremono
Rank: S
Age: 17
Info: It has been noted through recent years that Kiyoshi Hikaru has been able to produce lightning jutsu that has grown to become white in their nature, giving the shinobi the public title of "Kumogakure's White Lightning". All that is known is the shinobi once left Kumogakure no Sato in order to join the ironically forgotton group known as Wasuremono but has recently detested as stayed in Sunagakure for some time before returning to Kumogakure. It has been said that in his return, Kiyoshi Hikaru killed Kumo's, at the time, current Raikage in return for his freedom and the title of Jounin at just the rank of Gennin. He also seems to have enourmous strength and wields the legendary Chidori technique. Rumor has it that he was also once a kage himself, though there are no real details behind it.

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:43 am; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : Age)
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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Complete]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Complete] I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 4:10 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Complete]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Complete] I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 03, 2010 1:40 pm

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