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Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]

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PostSubject: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 8:40 am

Basic Information:

Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] 57676_-792898257_image_1000
Name: Kiyoshi Hikaru

Nicknames/Aliases Konoha's White Lightning

Age: 18

Gender: Male

General Appearance:
Kiyoshi is a young teenage boy that has an extremely smooth face compliment of his skin, which is nearly flawless, save for the birthmark right underneath his left eye. His eyes hold a deep shade of brown in them that match his semi short, semi medium untidy hair, though his hair’s brown is in a lighter shade then his eyes. Kiyoshi also has a pretty small nose that sometimes hold a slightly red color for reasons that are unknown to not only him but a good majority of the people around him.

Kiyoshi has a very lean and slender body. He doesn’t possess any bulging muscles that include biceps and triceps while rocking a 16 packed abdomen, but he does keep himself well fit enough to do good for himself to earn a well-toned body that includes not a steel like, in the figurative sense, six pack as well as a few muscles around his body. Everything past Kiyoshi’s right shoulder is metallic in a sense that it’s Auto mail that is attached to his nervous system and as such is just as much a part of him as his real arm was or any other parts of his body, even though he can’t really feel through it.

Kiyoshi usual casual attire often composes of rather large, but not necessarily baggy, white cargo pants that holds a total of 8 pockets in it as well as a white t-shirt. The t-shirt usually covered by his brown jacket that he always keeps clean and fresh looking and smelling, also having fake fur on the edges of the hood. He also wears a pair of white gloves at all times in order to keep his Auto mail from showing, keeping his lack of an arm a secret from anyone he doesn’t know enough personally.

Personality: When talking about battle, Kiyoshi is a very humble warrior who is never one to brag or be arrogant about his abilities, feeling that doing stupid things like that only annoys people and doesn't bring good results. Kiyoshi's may even go so far as to undermine someone else's compliment or phrase if he doesn't think he's necessarily deserving of it. In general, Kiyoshi is somewhat of a pacifist who doesn't have the greatest respect for violence or bloodshed so he prefers not to fight or kill, but is willing to put all that aside on a moment's notice in order to protect the village he inhabits and its people.

Kiyoshi has very few pet peeves in actuality due to having such a positive outlook on life. One of the few he has involves, as stated above, arrogance as well as boasting. It annoys him highly and slightly disappoints him when someone doesn't just enjoy it to feel highly about himself but he has to let everyone else, even the ones that don't seem to care as much, know just how highly of himself he thinks of.

Going outside of battle, Kiyoshi is quite soft spoken and has a rather quiet voice, not being one to raise it unless the situation completely calls for it. He usually has a smile on his face that many would say is a very warm while others would call it a very cute little smile. Kiyoshi can also be confused and oblivious rather easily at times, especially when he is dealt with situations that involve any type of intimacy. Speaking of which, Kiyoshi has a very shy outlook on intimacy and would normally grow anxious at any advances towards him and, being a Sannin at his age, those advances come quite often.

Kiyoshi's business lifestyle is more over a rather simple on in his case. He usually finishes paperwork rather quickly and gets things done around the village, but usually puts off anything else that doesn't involve fun to someone else as they are the only things that aren't mandatorily his work.

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:37 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 8:44 am

Clan Information:
Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] 10+medicalsymbol
Name: Yakushi Clan
Founders: Kabuto Yakushi | Anko Mitarashi/Karin
Location: Formerly Otogakure/Konohagakure | Currently Lightning Country


When Karin was first initiated as one of Orochimaru’s experiments/subordinates, she would soon meet his right hand man, Kabuto Yakushi. At first, both subordinates despised each other very deeply for the fact that Kabuto found Karin annoying as annoying can possibly get and Karin found Kabuto to be somewhat of a nerd and that she was secretly jealous of how Orochimaru treated Kabuto as opposed to her.

One day, Orochimaru left to complete a task and both Kabuto and Karin were left in charge of the base. Highly bored with that day’s activity, Karin decided to up the fun in her life a bit by playing some sort of joke on Kabuto by seeing how he’d react to being intoxicated (He has never taken a drink before in his life). Taking this in mind, Karin invited Kabuto in her room and they had a conversation about various things. Though Kabuto refused at first, Karin offered to take a drink with him if he took one and he eventually accepted the proposal. Though it seemed like a good idea, Karin had actually never taken a drink either so she didn’t know how she herself would react to it. At first, they seemed fine, but soon they took a few drinks too many and ultimately started to see each other in a different point of view, causing them to end their night together in Karin’s room.

After which, Karin and Kabuto decided to give it a chance and actually started to like it a bit until Karin first witnessed Sasuke Uchiha and instantly fell in love at first sight, causing the break-up between the two. Karin was also pregnant with Kabuto’s child after their first night but both agreed to leave the baby on someone’s doorstep for fear of how Orochimaru would react to it or may experiment on the child.


It all started with Kabuto and Anko when they first met. Anko was on a classified mission to locate and capture Kabuto Yakushi along with Yamato and Sai (Possibly for information on either Orochimaru or Sasuke Uchiha) until Yamato and Sai had to momentarily leave to Konoha. Anko decided to continue her mission on her own and eventually found Kabuto, who had the remains of Orochimaru. She subdued him, but before returning him to Konoha, Anko interrogated him on information.

Before she could get any answers though, she was attacked by some of Konoha’s ANBU members. After asking for the reason of this betrayal, ANBU refused to inform her of anything except that they were there for Kabuto and continued to attack her. Though she had a genuinely good amount of skill, Anko was no match for several ANBU root members and was almost killed before her life was saved by Kabuto, who apparently escaped from her trap. With his skill, added with Orochimaru’s remains, he was able to dispatch of the ANBU members before they could continue on with their plans.

When asked why he would bother helping her, Kabuto informs Anko that they share a deep feeling of dependency to their former master, whether they are in denial or not, and that he wanted to give her a chance to make her own decisions. Kabuto then gives her the option of taking him back to Konoha. Somewhat surprised by his words, Anko decided to let him go, but only if he allows her to travel with him to “keep on eye on him”, though in reality, her true motives were to find out exactly what goes through Kabuto’s mind.

After a few days, Kabuto and Anko learn a bit more about each other after traveling and spending some time together, even going so far as to what some would call it, though both refuse to call it like that, an intimate relationship. Eventually, Kabuto would inform Anko that their alliances were too greatly different and that she had to return to Konoha where she belonged. Kabuto also informed her that he didn’t belong anywhere and that he would undoubtedly accept fait’s decision to make him a fugitive for the rest of his life. Anko reluctantly agreed to go back under the condition that they would spend one more night together. Kabuto agreed and that they did. Kabuto and Anko would then separate from each other to their rightful paths.

Once Anko returned to Konoha on a failed mission saying that Kabuto escaped from her grasp due to an “interruption” from the ANBU members, she would soon find out that she was pregnant from that night with Kabuto. When asked how she became pregnant, Anko just responded that she met a guy on the streets and “it just happened”.

We are the Yakushi Clan

As the years and years went by, Anko’s side of the family would go by the name of “The Mitarashi Clan” and Karin’s side would go by the name of “The Okisawa Clan” (From the name of the family that Karin and Kabuto left their child with) until technology made it possible to find out where they’re true origin came from. Since then, both clans decided to form and unify for a period of time until the differences were revealed to be too great and the clan would have to separate once more then eventually unify once again, but somewhat separated among various areas, calling Karin’s bloodline to be recognized as “The Yakushi clan, K Division and Anko’s to be known as “The Yakushi Clan, A Division (Sometimes called M Division).
Special Info: The Yakushi Clan is set up of two parts to determine who has which clan's Kekkei Genkai. (Division K and Division A/M) Explained in history. All members are taught medical and snake jutsu at an early age.

Division K: All Sensor Ninja and has the abilities of to utilize their "Mind's Eye".

Division A: All are born with the Curse Mark of Heaven & Earth.

Requirements: Birth
Current Members:
Notable Memers
Division K Division A/M
Sayuri Hikaru Hitomi Mitarashi
Kiyoshi Hikaru Kaya Yakushi
Daisuke Hikaru Mituo Yakushi
Harumi Yakushi Takashi Yakushi
Maiko Yakushi Azumi Mitarashi
Kiyoki Kaimaru Kurodo Yakushi

Medical Ninjutsu

Snake Ninjutsu



Division K
Clan Traits:
Name: Mind's Eye of The Kagura
Rank: C-S
Type: Skill
Description: This ability allows the user to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range. This is done by closing his/her eyes and opening the mind's eye. The ability extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or if someone is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra he/she perceive its location and movement with great detail.

Novice ~ You've just recently opened your mind's eye for the first time and you're just getting the feel of it. You don't have enough visionary control just yet to do more than see a bunch of chakra sources around no more than 25 meters of your range so you're basically nothing more than the average sensor with their eyes closed.

Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] Icon_check_35pxIntermediate ~ Now, you're finally getting the gist and though there is still much to learn, you seem to have a fairly well amount of control over your mind's eye. At this point in time, not only can you sense any chakra source up to 50 meters from your range, you can also notice any type of disruption in someone's chakra, detecting things such as Genjutsu and even dishonest emotions.

Expert ~ Congratulations, you now have complete mastery over The Mind's Eye of the Kagura and detect chakra sources, lies, Genjutsu, etc. from as much as 100 meters from your location with just the blink of an eye. You now have the potential to be the world's greatest sensory shinobi and should prove to be very useful to your associates.
Open: Yakushi Clan [Division K]

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 8:44 am

Rank Information:
Skill Level: S
Ninja Rank: Sannin
Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Previous Village: Sunagakure

Special Information:

Elements Affinity:
    Dominant: Raiton
    Recessive: Fuuton | Suiton

Skill Specialty::
    Dominant: Medical
    Recessive: Taijutsu | Kenjutsu

Special Characteristics

Points and Ryo:

Total: 310
  • Strength: 85
  • Dexterity: 75
  • Stamina: 70
  • Speed: 80

Topics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Total Stat Points Earned: 5
Mission Points Earned:

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 9:10 am







Tenson Kijin


Name of Weapon or Item: Tenson Kijin (Descent of a fierce God)/Tenson Akujin (descendent of an evil god)
Owner: Kiyoshi Hikaru/Daisuke Hikaru

Location: Usually around the waist, sometimes around the back
Rank: E-S

Description: “Only those with a pure radiance are allowed to unsheathe the Tenson Kijin.” Both katanas can block out C-Rank or lower Genjutsu from those that are touching it. They also report any high-level threats that seem to be approaching the owner. If the owner’s life is in serious danger, the Tenson Kijin and the Tenson Akujin might act on its own to defend him/her. They may also start to glow and/or pulsate if they sense extreme level of power. It’s also said that if the owner becomes more powerful, the Tenson Kijin/Akujin will “evolve” Thus, granting the owner access to new features (In jutsu section). If someone who can kill without hesitation, but with pure enough intentions to wield them, The owner can fuse both swords to create the Akukijin, doubling their power.

History: The Tenson Kijin is a very powerful blade, so powerful that there are many rumors saying that it was descended from God himself, hence the name “Tenson Kijin” Some also call it the “Salvation Blade” because, according to legend, whoever takes ownership of this blade is destined to save thousands of lives. The Tenson Akujin however is said to be an evil blade that rivals the power of the Tenson Kijin, hence the name “Tenson Akujin” Some also call it the “Destruction Blade” because, according to legend, whoever takes ownership of this blade is destined to destroy thousands of lives.

When Daisuke Hikaru went on his first C-Rank mission, he came across a chest, located in a hidden underground passageway. It was locked, but Daisuke used ninjutsu to open it. Within the chest were the Tenson Kijin and its “evil twin”, the Tenson Akujin. When they were obtained, Daisuke decided to study these items, but, being the low rank of a Gennin, he was only able to obtain stories and rumors. As frustration started to build, the Tenson Akujin started to glow. Curious, Daisuke drew the sword, but quickly sheathed it when he felt it pulsate. Then, he tried to unsheathe the Tenson Kijin, but couldn’t because it wouldn’t budge; Daisuke was very confused by this, but eventually gave up. Being able to actually wield it, Daisuke favored the Tenson Akujin, but every time he wielded it, Daisuke gained an unstoppable bloodlust. Daisuke realized this and decided to take the Tenson Akujin with him and leave his village to obtain the necessary knowledge to suppress its power; he left the Tenson Kijin at home for Kiyoshi, his younger brother, to possibly wield when he comes of age, believing him to be the "pure radiance" the sword is looking for, hence the name Kiyoshi Hikaru. The whereabouts of Daisuke and Tenson Akujin is currently unknown. Kiyoshi Hikaru is, currently, the owner of Tenson Kijin, but he has no idea of the powers held within the blade or even its name.

After several years with the young boys, many things happened with the blades. Long story short, the original Tenson Kijin was destroyed by a former Raikage and fused with Tenson Akujin in it's home of Daisuke's possession for the next 2-3 years. After that time, the S ranked shinobi used Fuuinjutsu to seal the soul of Kijin within Kiyoshi himself, who has in turn learned how to forge a blade but had one of his high ranking shinobi whip up a fresh seal to place Kijin's soul in.



Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] Ribbon-bracelet-72

Name of Item: Needle Bracelet
Owners: Sayuri Hikaru | Kiyoshi Hikaru
Locations:Right Wrist (Sayuri) Left Wrist (Kiyoshi)
Rank: C (Poison ranks below)

Description/Abilities: Each bracelet holds 140 needles in all, half on the top of it and half on the bottom of it. Each needle is specifically designed for a snake venom poison while a few is designed for the antidotes (64 Hemotoxin needles, 43 Tetrodoxin, 20 Myotoxins, 10 normal and 3 for each antidote). The pouches are cloth externally, but internally, they are made of glass and metal to prevent poison from leaking out. The needle pouches also double as poison veals which hold 10 drops of each venom.

History: Sayuri Hikaru originally made the bracelets in her teenage years in order to get better access to her poison rather than just stick a kunai/senbon into a vial and risking infection on herself and an ally. On top of that, the bracelets' seemingly natural design would surely catch an opponent off guard while being fashionable at the same time. After teaching Kiyoshi the secrets behind her snake venom, Sayuri gave her left bracelet to Kiyoshi, despite the protests of it being colorful in appearance and promised to make his very own with his style of color. Though she never did get around to it, Kiyoshi still wears the bracelet during battle.
Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] Stock-vector-poison-bottles-drawing-37066195
Name: Hemotoxins
Rank: B
Appearance: Middle
Description: Toxins that destroy red blood cells (that is, cause hemolysis), disrupt blood clotting, and cause organ degeneration and generalized tissue damage. The term hemotoxin is to some degree a misnomer since toxins that damage the blood also damage other tissues. Injury from a hemotoxic agent is often very painful and can cause permanent damage. Loss of an affected limb is possible even with prompt treatment.

Antidote Healing: 6 hours
Infection Round: (Takes effect immediately [1 post]/Each round takes 1 hour)
Round One: Headache
Round Two: Nausea
Round Three: Disorientation
Round Four: Extreme Fatigue/Pain
Round Five: Immobilization /Extreme Pain
Round Six: Loss of Consciousness
Round Seven: Loss of Limb

Name: Tetrodotoxin
Rank: A
Appearance: Right
Description: Tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin with no known antidote. There have been successful tests of a possible antidote in mice, but further tests must be carried out to determine efficacy in humans. Tetrodotoxin blocks action potentials in nerves by binding to the pores of the voltage-gated, fast sodium channels in nerve cell membranes, essentially preventing any affected nerve cells from firing by blocking the channels used in the process. The binding site of this toxin is located at the pore opening of the voltage-gated Na+ channel. 14 drops can contain levels of tetrodotoxin sufficient to produce paralysis of the diaphragm and death due to respiratory failure. Toxicity varies between dosage and seasons/geograpic location (I.e. Cold winter in Kumo can slow the process) and a normal one dosage may not usually be dangerously toxic. It is not always entirely fatal; however, at near-lethal doses, it can leave a person in a state of near-death for several days, while the person continues to be conscious.

Antidote Healing: 12 hours
Infection Round: Takes effect immediately [1 post]/Each round takes 2 hours (Except for round 6)
Round One: Pain
Round Two: Extreme Pain
Round Three: Paralysis
Round Four: Verge of life and death (Still conscious)
Round Five: Loss of Consciousness
Round Six: Coma (3-6 weeks)
Round Seven: Death

Medical Use: Blocking of fast Na+ channels has potential medical use in treating some cardiac arrhythmias if mixed with the right ingredients. Tetrodotoxin has proved useful in the treatment of pain from such diverse problems as terminal cancer, migraines, and etc.

Name: Myotoxins
Rank: S
Appearance: Left
Description: Myotoxins are small, basic peptides found in snake venoms. This involves a non-enzymatic mechanism that leads to severe muscle necrosis. These peptides act very quickly, causing instantaneous paralysis to prevent prey from escaping and eventually death due to diaphragmactic paralysis

Antidote Healing: 24 hours
Infection Round: (Poison takes 10 minutes to take effect & 2 hours to go from round 1 to 2)
Round One:Paralysis
Round Two: Death

History : Back in her prime, Sayuri Hikaru had a reputation for using Snake Venom as a potent poison, so much that she was once called by the name "Princess Venom" a long time ago. The venom studies were taught to her by her clan as they specialized in many things involving snakes. Since retiring however, Sayuri has long since abandoned that name and all association with it. She did however pass on the knowledge on how to make said poison to her son, Kiyoshi, once she started teaching him the poison aspects of his medical training. Since starting back as a medic, Sayuri keeps samples of them as well as antidotes in her office.

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:34 am; edited 3 times in total
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Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 10:55 am

Background Information/ RP Sample


Role-Play Sample:

Public Profile
Name: Kumogakure's White Lightning
Village: Konohagakure no Sato
Organization: Wasuremono
Rank: S
Age: 17
Info: It has been noted through recent years that Kiyoshi Hikaru has been able to produce lightning jutsu that has grown to become white in their nature, giving the shinobi the public title of "Kumogakure's White Lightning". All that is known is the shinobi once left Kumogakure no Sato in order to join the ironically forgotton group known as Wasuremono but has recently detested as stayed in Sunagakure for some time before returning to Kumogakure. It has been said that in his return, Kiyoshi Hikaru killed Kumo's, at the time, current Raikage in return for his freedom and the title of Jounin at just the rank of Gennin. He also seems to have enourmous strength and wields the legendary Chidori technique. Rumor has it that he was also once a kage himself, though there are no real details behind it.
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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 2:03 pm

You're 10 points over you have 320 total not 310
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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 5:22 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 5:28 pm

Approved unless said otherwise
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PostSubject: Re: Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor]   Kiyoshi Hikaru [Konoha Advisor] I_icon_minitime

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