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To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) Shauntaystaffimgf
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January 16th to January 22nd

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 To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)

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PostSubject: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 3:47 pm

Coal can not help but smile as she watches the sun rise low above the trees surrounding her village. It seemed like weeks had passed since the landscape had been dry, but today was one of the more beautiful days in recent memory. The world was buzzing around her with children's laughter, adults working, and a general sense of good spirits and well being. The break in the rain had brought everyone out of hiding, and back into the life giving rays of the sun. The haze of lethargy the rain had cast over the village lifted as the last rain clouds evaporated, and finaly life seemed good. Beneath Coal's bare toes the ground still felt a little wet, but it was better than trodding through mud puddles.

It was one of the first busy days in the past month, and everyone was out making up for lost time. The merchants, traders, and every day workers of Konoha were each out making up for lost time, and the vast bulk of the population simply filled the streets to capacity. Konoha was truly alive, and Coal could feel all the activity thriving around her. Seeing so much activity was enough to lift her spirits to great levels of joy, and she simply beamed out her own inner happiness as she stood there beside a horse.

The Jounin waits near the main gaits with much patience, having been there to watch the sunrise. It was an hour after such act that the three genin that were in her care were ordered to assemble, but Coal was always one to be early to her own appointments. This gave her ample time to situate herself and finish the final arangments to be made. The quartermaster near the gate had been holding her transport vessle, and it took a good hour to get the proper papers signed and releases given. Once done, Coal was the proud owner of 1 cart, 1 horse, ten 30 pound bags of rice, and two large barrels of sake. Once in her possession, Coal leads the cart towards the gate, and positions it there to wait.

The additional cargo was destined to the same place the scroll was bound for, but she had previously neglected to mention it to her squad. Really, the rice could have been transported by anyone, but she graciously submitted her own clan to do so, as she was going in that direction anyway. Really, her reason for doing so was simple cruelty. This mission could have been a simple forced march to rapid completetion, but she had no desire to make this easy. The extra baggage would ensure a slow and arduous voyage across common paths and trails. The cargo would slow them down greatly, and add a bevy of unseen disadvantages for the genin.

Thinking over the added difficulty, Coal can not help but smirk to herself. She leans gently against the wooden frame of the small cart she'd just purchased. She'd be reimbursed for all of the peices that made it safely to the monastery, but she wasn't doing this for the money. This test was to see how well her students preformed under pressure, and see how well they adapted to changes in the mission. It'd test their skills protecting something that couldn't defend itself, and hopefully force them through difficult choices. Oh yes, she was quite certain that the extra cargo in the cart was going to make this much more difficult.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 6:33 pm

Mitsu awoke at the break of dawn, bright and early, right at sunrise. Already the village was buzzing with life. Mitsu grabbed a bag with a few food supplies, mainly fruits, and he prepared and at a very large breakfast, as he had a feeling this was going to be the largest meal he will have for some time. Mitsu gathered his things and said his goodbyes to his aunt and uncle and headed out for the village gates. He pulled out a book, science fiction no less and begun walking through the busy village streets.

While he was reading, he realized that the weather was bright and sunny for a change. This put a lift on his mood, and he put the book away in his pouch after marking the page. He quickened his pace as his brightened mood changed his mind about being second, but instead he wanted to be there first.

He jumped up ontop of a building, and started jumping roof to roof to move things along. He wondered the exact details of the mission they were on, and wondered if there were any last minute changes. He was prepared for any changes, but if the mission were to be cancelled, he would be beyond upset. He started to get the feeling of anger just thinking how mad he would be if the mission was called off. But as the sun continued to brighten his mood, he decided to not let it dampen his mood.

As he reached the village gates he saw his sensei and a horse and cart near here. He didn't really think of the cart or horse and looked around for other teammates. He looked hard as he wanted to be sure, but he saw noone nearby but his sensei. He walked next to his sensei and bowed to her.

"Good morning Lady Coal! How are you on such a beautiful morning? I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is with the horse and cart?"
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 6:54 pm

Nasamea awakened with the sound of the birds outside, their chirps acting much like numerous alarm clocks as they sand outside her window. It was annoying. Normally she didn't hear them and slept through it but this time she actually wanted to wake up early. Maybe this was her brains way of allowing her to do so, by listening to an outside noise or an excuse to wake her up and get her up. Anyway, as Nasamea rose out of bed she quickly went through her daily routines as quietly as possible. The goal was to finish up, get ready for the mission, and slip out the door before anyone noticed.

After coming home last night she had already prepared her bag full of clothes and her weapons in her pouch. She would carry the normal blanket bag around her back, this was probably the most important thing she needed besides her ninja pouch, and then she would have another bag strapped the opposite way full of clothes. They would make an X across her back and front. Nasamea packed light, only getting a few pairs of clothes. One was formal just in case but the rest was mostly ninja stuff. As she grabbed her clothes for the day, she placed these two bags near her bedroom door and bed, her ninja pouch being placed on the night stand. It was all set. Lucky for her she didn't need to worry about packing human food however unlucky for her, she needed to find another way to hunt.

While she showered and prepared she figured she would just hunt animals. She highly doubted her teammates would be willing and honestly it was embarrassing to ask even Shihouin if she could have some. She felt it was best if one did not know their victims. Shihouin, well, he was a different story merely due to their status with one another. However she still preferred hunting others despite her taste for him in that aspect. A red blush crossed her cheeks for a moment as she brushed her purple hair and got dressed. Before any sort of thoughts flowed into her mind she blocked them out and remained focused on the mission. She couldn't deny it, she was missing him already.

Entering her room she packed toiletries into her bags before she grabbed them and strapped them over her back. She then hooked on her ninja pouch, carefully triple checking everything first, before finally heading out the door. Her parents weren't awake yet. In fact she highly doubted anyone was yet except for the super early risers such as her self. This was the point though. She was going on a hunt.

Using fire chakra to heat up her head, and dry her hair, Nasamea ran from one rooftop to the next much like she always had. Dawn had yet to come and yet the birds still chirped to wake up their fellow neighbors. Nasamea's senses were fully active and running wild as her amber hues darted from one alley to the next and gazed at the roads below. Nobody yet, apparently it was still to early.

Traveling for a good fifteen minutes though, and further from her home, Nasamea finally found a victim. He was wearing a business suit and carried a brief case, obviously on his way to work. He was also walking rather fast which may have been a sign he was late. To bad for him though, he would be even more late after Nasamea got a hold of him. As she stalked him from the shadows she finally followed him until he took a short cut through an alleyway. Everyone always told you not to go down dark allies at night, appears this man didn't know. Nasamea didn't care though, it helped her cause.

As the man moved down the alley Nasamea made an E rank clone and placed her near the wall behind a dumpster. The man wouldn't notice until he passed it and saw the clone crying. Almost everyone was a sucker for crying children, the man included. He stopped willingly despite the fact his eyes kept darting to the other side of the alley from which he entered. Obviously in a hurry.

"I fell and scraped my knee," the false crying clone lied, her amber hues staring up at him with puppy eyes while she used her hands to cover it.

"Okay okay, let me see," he said with a long sigh, obviously not wishing to be there at the moment or that he had stopped.

This wish would soon grow as the man reached for the clone, causing it to disappear. He jumped back from being startled before finding himself bumping into Nasamea's legs. Before he could turn around and get a good look, Nasamea's hand soon hit him in the neck in the spot that knocked him unconscious. Perfect.

As he fell, Nasamea caught him and sat him down, his brief case sliding away. She held his head before quickly grabbing it and sliding it back next to him. Her eyes made a quick scan over him and soon over the surroundings as her ears listened tremendously. Grabbing him, she slid him behind the dumpster and against the wall while she sat beside him. She had stuck herself between him and the dumpster so her eyes could scan the alleyway and watch for anyone coming. It would be easy for her to play off what was happening.

Nasamea soon moved in, her teeth turning sharp while she pulled his suit back before she ripped some skin off his shoulder. The red liquid began to run as the iron scent filled the air. She quickly covered the wound with her mouth and of course proceeded to feed. All the while she continued to watch her surroundings until she soon finished. She drank a good quart, feeling more refreshed than ever as she tended the wound. She removed a band aid from her pouch and put it on before moving and resting him against the dumpster. She had to admit she felt a bit bad for him but at the same time she didn't care. She didn't entirely enjoy humans, well most not all, and he was a stranger.

Leaving another victim behind alive she soon made her great escape and exited the alley unnoticed. Moving from roof to roof she decided to make one more round just like this. It would be the first time she overfed but she had no doubt that afterwards she would be as strong as ever. After this, she would then move to the gate.


As Nasamea finished her second victim, leaving her in the alley as well, she then headed towards the gate. At the moment she wasn't even that far away so it wouldn't take long for her to get there. Continuing to move from one roof to the next, Nasamea soon noticed a cart in the distance along with a familiar looking woman and a boy with white hair. Lady Coal and Mitsu, apparently Nasamea arrived second for once. Or third, whichever. As she got in range she heard Mitsu ask a question. Actually she was in mid leap when she heard it. Her aim on the top of the cart from a roof.

"Good morning Lady Coal! How are you on such a beautiful morning? I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is with the horse and cart?"

She then landed on the cart. This made the horse freak out and rear back for a moment. It huffed and neighed as Nasamea simply stared at it with an expressionless look. It was obvious in her mind that she was ridiculing the thing; calling it dumb and more. Her face read that loud and clear.

Turning her head towards them, she didn't greet them or anything but was listening to them loud and clear. She herself was curious about this horse and cart ordeal. She knew already that having this would slow them down, wherever they were going. She didn't care to much, maybe they would get to camp a bit on their journey. She liked camping. Her only concern was that the journey would take so long that she would need to feed again. With them around, this looked bad.

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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 11:37 pm

Yoshimaru awoke from his rest as peaceful as he had the morning before. He had no trained yesterday, but he still felt so good. He had stopped having his nightmares that he had every night: he had overcome them in the previous meeting the day before last. He had finally had something that he could hold onto for a little bit in time, a team, and more importantly two developing friendships, though one had just started and the other was at a more advanced stage, but nevertheless, his life seemed better to him now than it had been in a long time. He had a nice smile on his face riddled with excitement that Yoshimaru was sure would ensue through their mission that he was going to go on.

He then turned himself on the bed so that his legs dangled off the side of it, and his legs bent at the knees so that his feet would touch the ground. He then moved off the bed standing up in a great yawn. Looking around by his bed, Yoshimaru looked at his clothes that he had placed near the end of his bed. It was just some simple replacement clothes for his current attire, and was basically the same thing he was going to wear the entire time except for a one set which looked like a training Gi with a cloth belt laying by it that was white. He had all of these already folded, and all that was needed of him was to put it in his back pack that he was going to take with him. Inside of it already were 5 back up kunai, 5 back up shuriken, a small book that was roughly 300 pages titled The Art of War , 10 apples, 10 oranges, and a small loaf of bread.

Yoshimaru walked toward the windows, but it was still dark outside. Sun rise was going to come soon, though. He hurried to eat two bowls of oatmeal, and he put on his usual clothing of his ninja head band, a green t-shirt, some longish, loose, dark blue pants that were extremely comfortable and were obviously meant for exercise, a ninja pouch where he had 5 of each regular ninja weapon in, and two of his ninja sandals like shoes that were also comfortable looking. He walked over to his clothes and put them into his back pack after taking out the bread, and then he placed it on top after he was done. He put his back pack on his back, and opening the door, he looked outside. It was bright outside due to the fact that it was sun rise. He noted the enormous swarms of people that had already taken to the street.

Soon enough, Yoshimaru ran down the stairs of his apartment toward the village gates just after closing his door. He waved to the few people who said hi to him as he walked through the village streets, but he noticed that there were some clouds in the sky. Hopefully, it wouldn't raining during the team's trek to the monastery where they were supposed to be going. Before he knew it, he was at the village gates seeing Lady Coal and his other two companions that were on his team. He knew that they must not have been there for a long time, and he noted a faint smell of iron in the air that he was all familiar to. 'That same smell again?' This didn't disrupt his movements though.

He saw the cart near Lady Coal from a far distance away beforehand, but he didn't think that they were the ones that were going to use said cart. As he got closer, he saw the 30 bags of rice and the two barrels that at first he thought was drinking water, but as he got closer he could smell the sake that was inside of them. He didn't make any comment on them at all because he sort of already knew how much Lady Coal loved her sake, and he was okay with it most of the time.

"So, now that I am here, I am guessing that we are to set out and leave the village to start on the mission. Anyways, hello and how is everyone? With much adieu, let's be off then if I was the only thing holding everyone off," Yoshimaru coolly stated. He had lost most of the smell of iron mostly because he was near the large barrels of sake. He looked up for a second to make a second look at the clouds: they were in the air, but at the moment it seemed as if it wasn't going to rain, if at all.

Last edited by Dean on Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 2:59 am

“Ahh, hello Mitsu, good morning. I am doing very well, thank you for asking.” She replies with a growing smile, clearly pleased withhis promptness. No sooner had she finished her sentence when the second of her students arrived. She stands mostly still as the cart behind her rattles from the sudden impact of the girl jumping down from the roof. As the horse rears up, Coal remains serenely calm, and continues to just smile. The horse kicks up near her, she makes no mind of if. Leaning against the center of the small cart had placed her well out of the horses threat range.

In short order the horse calms down, and relative peace resumes to the bustling gate entrance. The few that had stopped to gawk continue on their way, and coal shifts her gaze over to Nasa. Coal didn’t seem upset in the least. Indeed, her perpetual good mood seemed to linger on. “And a good morning to you as well, miss Nasa. I hope you got a good night’s sleep. We’ve some traveling to do, and none of us will be sleeping in beds for quite some time.”

She continues to smile for just a moment, happier to have students than she thought she would be. Her own self confidence kept her doubt in check. She scans the nearby crowd for the last of her new apprentices. She spots Yoshi well off in the distance, and continues to banter on to the two who are present. “It should be most interesting. Personaly, I have brought everything I require.” She says as she pats the cart behind her. “Enough food and drink for a few days, and someone to carry it for me.” She adds, her grin growing slightly.. off.

It would be about then that Yoshi would arrive at the group, drawing the return of Coal’s normal smile, and a wave of her left hand. The palm was covered with a tattoo just as her right hand was, though the left held a flower. She had numerous tattoos, it was obvious, and most of them followed the flower theme. Without giving her students much time to think about the little comment she made, about it being her drinks, she continues on, speaking mostly to the group.

“Well, it seems as though someone is quite eager. I am sure all of you are, and since there will be plenty of time for idle chatter on the long trail ahead, we may as well get moving as quickly as possible. We need to bring this food and sake to the desperate monks of the Open Lotus Monastery. The quickest trade routes lead us through somewhat dangerous woods, but I think we should be alright to handle ourselves. Few people want to bother trying to steal from those who wear shiny headbands.” She says with a grin. After mentioning it, it might be noticed that Coal is not wearing one.

“It should take us about three days to get there if this weather holds and the trails are not washed out, and there are several inns along the way. I should make it quite clear now that this mission is only C ranked. I could easily lead this cargo there on my own.. so.. let me put it like this..” Coal’s smile drops some, and she grins once more. She hops up easily enough and lands atop the large bags of dried rice. “I’m just along for the ride. Think of me as your navigator, because I won’t be doing much, except pointing directions. What we do.. and what happens is going to be up to the three of you. I can assign one you three as the captain if you wish, or you three are free to attempt to choose your own.”

Coal falls quiet, giving the three just a moment to let the full orders ink in to their brains. It was likely unexpected, but oh well. Life was full of surprises, both good and bad. No doubt by now the three were beginning to assume that Coal was quiet lazy.. how could they not? When most often seen she’s just sitting there, and even now she’s announcing that she won’t be doing much for this mission either. Coal doesn’t seem the least bit worried with being thought of as lazy, however, and this is apparent as she simply sits there and grins happily at the three.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 6:58 pm

"Well then, If thats the case, what do I carry, and about how often are the breaks? Other than that, I say lets get going. the sooner we get there the sooner we get some intense training!

With Lady Coal giving directions, Mitsu didn't really mind having to carry a few things.He was reading his book with one hand and holding a heavy bag of rice with the other. Instead of leaving the bag of rice in the cart, he decided to place his pouch inside the cart, as some things made noise with every step and he knew it would get annoying.

Oh not his ninja gear though, he had all of those sorts of things in holsters and sheathes and what not. he preferred that his gear made no noise and to remain hidden, as to keep opponents in the dark as to what exactly he has with him. Mitsu also had his done knives he could create, yes. But since he was leaving the village, he felt he should keep his bloodline concealed unless absolutely necessary. When that thought crossed his mind, he figured he might as well mention it to his team, just in case the thought hadn't crossed theirs.

"Hey Yoshi and Nasa, since we are out of the village, as unlikely as it is, if we happen to run into and foreign ninja and are forced to fight, I suggest we keep any special jutsus or bloodlines hidden unless truly needed. I know you have your blood thing Yoshi, and I've no idea if you've got anything of that sort Nasa, but thats all I really have to say incase we hit that situation. Again, thats all I really have to say. I probably wont get involved with any minor conversations, unless it has to deal with details of our training. Details of which i doubt that our sensei will reveal, just to keep us guessing."

Mitsu then went back to reading his book. Instead of the science fiction he was reading earlier, he was reading a book of astronomy, star constellations to be precise. Strangely enough, he still hadn't memorized all of the symbols and creatures and such involved with the star pictures. But he just couldn't get enough of it. He had no idea how much time had passed while reading, but it was still sunny and the skies remained clear, save for a stray cloud or two.

He heard the others chat on about other things, and every once in awhile Lady Coal would give a direction or two. Otherwise she would just sit or lay back on the top of the cart, enjoying the ride. Mitsu would shift the sack he was carrying every so often, to keep comfortable. He didn't mind his sensei acting so lazy. By now it should have been apparent that she was lazy all the time, and there wasn't any real harm in her doing so on this mission. She was right though from what she said before. This IS only a C rank mission, and with her being a jounin, she could easily handle the mission herself. So, Mitsu just walked along with his team as their mission has finally gotten along.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 11:03 pm

The moment Nasamea landed on the cart she crouched before taking a a seat on the rice. She nodded to Coal and Mitsu, her way of greeting them. Whether Coal knew it or not it was also Nasa's sort of way to agree that she slept well too. The blood she drank before was coursing through her body and giving her unimaginable energy. She felt fuller than full but not bloated. She was ready to go and even ready to fight. Good thing she never suffered any sugar high symptoms. Well, at least majority of the time.

When Yoshi arrived and they prepared to leave, Mitsu managed to place some of his items on the cart while picking up a rice bag. Nasamea didn't know whether she agreed to this or not. Sure, it would help build his muscles. But at the same time it may wear him down and tire him out. That is unless he did this everyday. Honestly she had a feeling he didn't. She also didn't know him enough though. From the way he talked, he also didn't know a lot about her. This was good, she loved keeping people out of the dark.

She then grinned as she spoke, "well, I may or may not have one, but I suppose it won't matter. I didn't plan to use anything revealing anyway."

Nasamea then decided to pull her legs up and move back into her crouch. She then began to move some bags away, creating an opening before her. When the bags were moved enough she then put her legs in the hole before sinking down and disappearing from sight. She planned on hiding there the whole way just in case they were attacked. In her mind set, if anyone wished to attack them they would most likely do it for their cargo. Did anyone ever really check the cargo, not always. Also, who would attempt to damage what they were trying to steal? Honestly, even if they tried to damage it. Nasamea was grateful to have regenerative abilities. She was also grateful to have fire jutsu and good senses. Aka, if anyone was on the cart, she would hear them.

With this all in mind, Nasamea then took the next step to her plan and peered over the rice. She soon spied a tarp, causing a her light bulb to click on and a smirk-like grin to cross her face. Soon she reached down and grabbed it before pulling it over her and the rive. Now it would be very obvious if anyone was attacking simply because the tarp would probably be removed. It also helped hide her.

Moving into a good position, she withdrew a kunai and sat. She then let her head sink some as she rested, her ears listening outside for anything as she closed her eyes. They wouldn't have to worry about her falling asleep merely because she only really needed to when she had not had a lot of blood.It was like when a human was sleep deprived and starving; the best way she could think of explaining it. Well, her teammates didn't know she was a monster either so maybe they wouldn't know that she would fall asleep. It was whatever.

Nasamea sat comfortably and yet ready for action; waiting on the cart to move.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 24, 2010 10:24 pm

Yoshimaru looked around as if he had not heard anything. He was just ready to get onto doing some training and the mission. He did not like standing there like an idiot while they could be doing something of importance. He hated not being able to train with his team, which had just gotten a new member only two days ago. He looked slyly back over to Mitsu, and looked to Nasamea as he stood there. He was ready for this stuff to get underway or else he might have to create his own training regement for himself.

He looked up into the sky with they clouds swirling around overhead thinking, 'I just hope it doesn't rain again. It will really piss me off it is does, especially when we are transporting this stuff to a corner of the Fire Country, which is actually a large country.' He had a pessimistic thought that it probably would rain because it seemed to be his teams curse to always rain when they went underway to do stuff. Maybe, like another occurance, their teammate would get reassigned just like last time, and he hoped to whatever power it was that controlled his life to keep this girl there. She may be a little cold to him now, but he could sense, or maybe it was only a misguided hope, that she was actually a very nice person once you got to know here, and maybe she would open up.

Finally, Yoshimaru looked at Sly after thinking about what he had to say about the kekkei genkai he had and stated, "Well, we will all make formitable oppenents to whoever faces us. We may be genin, but in our hearts, we are the guardians of this village and everyone that belongs to it. A true warrior doesn't merely rely on his gifts. Rather, he relies on his wit and uses them only when appropriate. That is all I have to say."

He then looked forward into the gates staring out into what seemed to be a neverending line of trees. He had never been far from Konohagakure no Sato, but this would not be his last time being from his village. He didn't fear the change, but he welcomed it as a passage to the world outside of these walls that kept the peope and village safe, yet seperated them from the world that was around him. Yoshimaru had no idea what this trip would bring for him, but he was ready to day. He looked at Lady Coal and asked her, "Are we going to leave now? I understand that we should take our time, but the early bird gets the worm. Do you know what I mean?"

Yoshimaru looked back at the village before they were to leave, to see it one last time until they returned. He saw the hokage faces on the monument, the myriad of building throughout the village, and the other wonderful sights. It was nearing some time around 7:00 AM at that time, and the streets were bustling. He then turned back and crossed his armed. He waited for a responce.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 2:12 pm

Coal watches the three for a moment, her head tipping some to the side. Seems none of them wanted to choose a captain, so Coal would have to do just for them. “Yes yes, of course we can get moving. This is your mission; how we do it is up to the three of you. I am sitting this one out, and leave the logistics in your hands. Because I am not taking part of this mission, and am only along for the ride, you will need someone else to tell you what to do.” She says quietly, her beautiful smile once more shifting into her rather mischievous and playful grin.

“I suppose I nominate Kaguya Mitsuhide San.” She says, and places her hands together in front of her. She tips her head in a brief and respectful bow, then resumes speaking. “The responsibilities of leadership now fall upon your shoulders. You can put the rice down if you want. This cart has upwards of five hundred pounds loaded onto it, so it should be alright with a couple riders. Of course, my only task during this mission will be driving this cart. Quite relaxing, that. I don’t know if any of you have any history with traveling the landscape, but there is little I enjoy more than a slow leisurely ride to distant lands.”

Coal shifts herself around in the cart and slides easily into the driver’s seat. She had no intention of holding their hands this mission; she’d just be watching their backs. As was said, the three were quite bright, and she knew both Mitsu and Yoshi to be talented. She had yet to see Nasamae in action, but seeing as she was the first to spot Coal.. she clearly had some skill about her as well. Quite the squad she’d been assigned. Inwardly, Coal is quite proud of them all, though in her constant and quite tranquil smile it’s hard to read her deeper emotions.

Lady Coal leans forward and scoops up the reigns that led to the horse’s bridle. She looks over to Mitsu quite expectantly. “We’ll leave when you say, captain. You’re in the lead now.” She says and gives a little tug on the reigns. The horse neighs once and clops a hoof against the stone roadway beneath it. All was in order, and the gates were all that stood ahead of the three now. The road ahead was a good three day ride through rolling forest, and sloping badlands. The trade route to the Lotus Monastery was an easy, if long, road that led only to the edges of the mountainous northern lands.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 4:18 pm

“I suppose I nominate Kaguya Mitsuhide San...The responsibilities of leadership now fall upon your shoulders, we’ll leave when you say, captain. You’re in the lead now.”

Mitsu was somewhat surprised that Lady Coal had chosen him to lead the mission, but for a second, he thought it was right that he be chosen. This thought was immediately pushed away as all it did was feed an ego. An ego of which he didn't want to have.

"Well, well, I didn't quite expect this role. None the less, I say we get moving now while the sun is still rising. I will also be walking most of this, and I will only sit in the cart when either breaking or when my legs are near absolute exhaustion. But I only have one rule, even though I feel it shouldn't be a problem. There is to be no whining or complaining of any kind. Plain and simple. Oh, and I suppose not straying from the group and not getting lost are good rules too. Now, unless anyone's bladders are starting to contract, lets get going now."

As he was speaking, Mitsu walked over towards the cart and put the bag of rice he was carrying inside. He then returned his attention to his book and began walking out of the village. He glanced back up and noticed the clouds, but he wasn't worried about them as they were white enough to give no reason to worry. Mitsu then paused for a moment and looked back.

"One more thing, whenever the three of you decide when the best time to rest for the night, that is when we will rest. Otherwise we will keep traveling through the whole night, and that is something I am not afraid of doing."
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 4:48 pm

Nasamea continued to sit in the cart. Her body surrounded by rice and covered by a tarp to hide her while she listened to everything outside. She heard Yoshimaru speak, mostly blocking him out, and then heard Coal. Nasamea knew they had to pick a leader, or at least that's what Coal said, but honestly she didn't care at the moment who it was. She was glad that Coal picked one of the other two, mainly Mitsu, only because the whole point of hiding in the cart was to be hidden. Barking out orders through the veil made it rather obvious that someone was covered beneath it. When she heard Mitsu speak then, she simply listened to some of his orders and blocked the rest out. She wasn't dumb, she knew the basic orders just about every leader expected from their followers. See, due to her being the technical leader, or at least until she was older, Nasamea was required to be taught numerous ways to lead during her Tsuyoshi training. Those days were engraved into her mind to where she wouldn't be allowed to forget. That was how they important they were.

Nasamea listened more as she heard the rice bag hit the cart, noting that it was Mitsu. She heard him continue talking again and this time paid more attention. The only time they may have to stop to sleep was if she needed to feed but since she was above full she could probably go on for at least two to three days without eating. She didn't need much sleep because of that fact as well. In fact, she rarely needed to sleep due to having more stamina; all thanks to her clan. She didn't tire as easily. Anyway, as the cart began to move Nasamea continued to sit in her spot. She shifted a little to get comfortable but overall she was dead silent. Closing her eyes again, she waited for anything as she continued to hold the kunai in hand. She had a feeling this trip would be rather... boring. Because of it, her mind began to wander quite a bit to; making her miss Shihouin more and more.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 9:02 pm

At one point in time when Yoshimaru was younger he would have had a problem with Mitsu being leader, but now he was more acceptable of new leaders. It wasn't that he thought Mitsu was incapable, but instead he wanted to try out that role. Although he did want the position, Yoshimaru was willing just to let him take the lead. He deserved it more than him anyways, and he could get better along with Nasamea than he could because she really just seemed to have stuff fly in one ear and out the other every time someone were to speak. It was a quite annoying fact that he had picked up from the multitude of times that many people on the team had talked, and she still didn't seem to be paying the least bit of attention. He didn't hold that against her, though. It wasn't very important to Yoshimaru most of the time to actually listen to him speaking.

He slightly looked to the left of him at Mitsu who had just finished his rant about how they were going to travel. He really didn't care how far they had to travel, and how long they had to walk to. He had a lot of stamina, and he was just ready to use it. He had not been training for a long time, and from what Yoshimaru had remembered from Lady Coal, the road was arduous and hard. He was welcoming such a challenge and was ready to start going on the trek from the village. He was ready to see the outside world.

He looked up now with his eyes on fire with passion, and he was not disheartened. He didn't care if it was going to rain or not any more. If it did it would mean more of a challenge for him, and it would mean he would have a better chance to become a better shinobi. The wind lightly blew a small gust of through the air, and it lightly moved his hair as it blew through it. He looked back at the group with a grand smile, "Okay Captain Mitsuhide, I know you might be a leader, but can I suggest that we both walk on oppisite sides of the cart to give even protection?"

He stood there for a second waiting for a responce, and he looked over to his sensei, Lady Coal. She seemed like such a lazy sensei, but perhaps she was more wanting them to do the work because she wanted it to be more training for them. Whatever the case, he was just glad for this mission that she bestowed upon them.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 1:04 am

When Mitsuhide says to go, Coal goes. She gives the reigns a little flip with her hands and the horse begins to trot onwards. The horse gets the wagon moving and pulls it easily enough at a nice slow walking pace. The four wheels of the wooden cart creaked and rattled as the group began to make their way along the trade routes. They wouldn't be alone at first, the path full of camped merchants and roaming traders, throngs of people who had business both inside and outside of Konoha itself. It would remain quite crowded for almost a full mile, until the group had put a good distance between themselves and their Village.

The area outside of Konoha is known to be full of old growth woods, and soon the paved path would gave way to cobblestones, then only packed earth trails. Because the routes saw a good deal of traffic the road was easy to follow. The cart bounced over the odd root invading the dirt, but didn't seem to be having any problems at all in carrying the two ladies, and the cargo on it. The horse remains quiet and docile.. and the tragic flaws of long travel would become more apparent.

Coal remains delightfuly quiet unless someone bothers her. Even as the hours tick on she simple smiles and stares off at the trees around her. She has a look of joy on her face like she'd never seen trees before in her life, though they were rather common all around her. The dreariness of travel, the wear of the road, it didn't seem to damper her spirits at all. She wasn't quite so sure how well her students would get along once cast into bordom, but she'd soon ind out.

Ater about three hours of walking they'd be very alone. Two hours had past since they'd seen another person on the road, and only the sound of small animals in the woods was evidence that life beyond the plants existed around them. The four of them would be cast into a confined sort of solitude now where the only thing they could do was keep eachother company. Times like this either gave way to great brevity and distractingly good times, or to humdrum boredom, and wearing tempers. Either way, Coal would just remain content and happy to be alive and in a forest. If it came to silence, Coal would just meditate, and let the horse lead itself.

The whole day would pass with no event. This close to the Village there was no bandit foolish enough to rob by sun or even moon. Ninjas were all but immune to the effects of such disorganized people so close to such a bastion of law and order. Sunset would be drawing down around them some ten hours after they had left. Whether or not the three genin chose to take the time to talk was completely up to them up until around then.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 1:37 pm

Since Mitsu had set his rules that he wanted to set, he started walking. He heard Lady Coal flick the reigns and the horse started off at a slow, but decent pace. There were still merchants and traders around. Some might say the area was still crowded, but that is all a matter of opinion. Mitsu just kept walking and reading his book. As he walked, he listened to the sounds of people bustling about and the birds and other woodland animals that could be heard over the people. Mitsu wouldn't talk unless someone talked to him. And considering that Nasa was in the cart 'hiding' and that Lady Coal was lying back basically letting the horse lead itself down the straight path, Yoshimaru would most likely be the one to talk. Just what Mitsu wanted. Its not the he didn't enjoy talking to Yoshi, no. Its just that Mitsu tends to get annoyed by him after so long, which isn't actually that long of a time span of which he can tolerate.

Occasionally he would glance up to take in his surroundings, mainly to make sure he wouldn't run into anyone/anything. Mitsu's anticipation was building, along with his excitement. The more he thought about training, the happier he got. He had put forth much thought behind how he was going to train, if he were able to train his way. It was all planned out in his head. There was a sudden but light breeze that came through, and it seemed like it wafted between each of Mitsu's hairs on his head. He took a deep breath through his nostrils and smelled the fresh air of the forest. He was enjoying the fact that he was leaving the village for the first time in his life, well excluding the time when his aunt and uncle had taken him from the Sand Village to Konoha. Other than that, Mitsu knew almost nothing about the outside world.

He had put thought into any possible threats they might encounter along the way, and it all seemed to be unlikely. He knew it would be at least a day or two's worth of traveling before they were actually in any mildly dangerous areas. Mitsu knew about how long it would take to get to the monastery. So, he had a few things planned out. As he read his book, he had no idea how much time had passed. He had made sure to bring a few books, as there wouldn't be much else to do until they had completed their mission and started training. But when Mitsu had finished his book, he just reached into his pouch in his belt and pulled out another book. It was a bit smaller in size, but is had more pages and a smaller font, allowing more text per page. Hi calculated it would take him a day or two to finish this book, which he didn't mind. He just walked and read his book, going in directions that Lady Coal would point to every once in a great while...
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 5:23 pm

Tick tock, the clock continued as the sun began to make its way behind the tree lines until, soon enough, it disappeared into Oblivion. Or at least on the other side of the world for now. It would be back to normal. Now, Nasamea was fully awake more so then what she was already. She was the nocturnal type, no doubt about that. She tended to hunt in the night whenever she wasn't sleeping and it was her favorite time of the day merely because no one was usually out during these hours. Only a few stragglers she quickly picked off for a feast. She had to admit she was a rather decent hunter. As long as nobody was getting actually injured or dying, what was wrong with taking some of their blood:? She needed it to survive right? It was better when inside the human coming out. Otherwise, it would probably taste bad. Enough of this though.

Nasamea barely moved if at all since the cart itself began to shift from the horse pulling it forward. She was bored in no time, her eyes still closed as she listened all around them. The sounds of humanity faded away hours ago and even now the day time animals were starting to head home to catch some shut eye. Now, it was time for the nightly beasts to roam and so far the trip was going smooth. Since it was dark, Nasamea figured now was a good time for the second step to her plan. In the blink of an eye she bit her finger, causing the blood to rise out before she quickly made hand signs and lightly placed her hand on the floor of the cart. Suddenly there was a small poof of smoke before roughly 8 cockroaches sat before her. Their gaze instantly moving to her as they awaited orders, making squeak sounds.

"Okay guys," she began to whisper, to low for the others to hear, "I want four of you to pick seperate corners and watch for any questionable people that may want to attack the cart. When you see them, make as much noise as possible to alert the other roaches and Then, three others climb onto the backs or hide in the pouch of one of our comrades. I'll write little notes saying you're mine before you exit. Make sure they don't crush you or I will have to get violent... Finally, the last one, hide on the horse. All of you will be guarding. You all know what to do. I will be listening for any morse code to. Boss Roach finally taught me although please bare with me."

They all squeaked a little before they scurried off, taking their positions. The three receiving their notes first that said 'I am Nasamea's'. If that wasn't obvious she didn't know what was. It would probably be difficult for the three to climb onto the backs of Mitsu, Yoshimaru, and Coal but one thing was for sure. If they did crush the roaches they would be dealing with a very violent Nasamea and she didn't exactly like the idea of ruining the mission.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 10:03 pm

As soon as the others started to move, Yoshimaru started to walk with them. With Nasamea and Lady Coal in the cart, he decided to follow his own suggestion and go on the left side of the cart. If Mitsu decided to follow his small suggestion, he would be on the right side of the cart, giving the cart equal protection from both sides. This would undoutibly be a strategic advanage, but a C-rank mission, as many ninja knew, aren't supposed to have many enemies. However, there was still a possibility for an ambush, and Yoshimaru still kept that in his mind when walking on the path.

Yoshimaru walked for a few minutes after the sun had fallen, and he could feel something get on him, something small. It was just like a little feeling he could feel faintly coming up his leg, but he really wasn't concerned at first because he thought he was just imagining it. After a while though, Yoshimaru was quite curious about this feeling when it reached his back. Soon enough, he reached around with one of his hands and could feel paper with his hand. Yoshimaru picked the piece of paper from his back and swiftly read it to himself. He put the note into his pocket after reading the piece of paper and recognizing that the thing that was on his back was Nasamea's, and it would probably be something extremely small and extremely light weight, yet able to craw easily up lateral surfaces.

The clouds were still rolling in the sky, but they had thinned out from the gigantic cumulo nimbus clouds, which are attributed as thunderstrom clouds, into culumlus, although it still looked as if it might rain. This actually made Yoshimaru very happy because the looming overcast sky was putting a damper on his fun. He kept a straight face and continued to walk beside the cart, glancing from side to side slyly as if observing the nature around him, but instead, he surveyed the area for anything that might be out of place or suspicious.

Eventually after a few of what seemed like hours surrounded by vertually nothing but lush, green trees, Yoshimaru decided it was beneficial to get out his book. He started to read the moderately sized book with military wisdom of the ages, but every few minutes he would peer over the book to look around. He he did this he kept his ears open, hearing the sound of the deep rattling and slight queeking of the wheels on the cart. He was not yet tired because he had a stamina that many people do not have at his age. He was willing to walk one as long as no one else complained about being tired.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 11:36 pm

"Such a beautiful day out." Coal chimes up, deciding someone had to talk. "This is going to be such a nice trip. The monastery we are going to is where I grew up. I never knew my parents, so the monks there are about all the family I ever knew before moving to Konoha. Mmhm, everything I know, I learned there, except for a few of my more special techniques, and some of the advanced talents I developed on my own since then. Yes yes, the whole place focuses only on perfection of both body and mind, and training that perfection to also bleed into the personality, and spirit. Above all, they would tell you, Inner Balance is the most important aspect of any ninja's life. When the mind, body, and spirit are all in perfect unison, Chakra flows more freely, and with more vigor."

Coal grins as she continues, speaking to no one in particular and just filling the time with idle conversation. "It was there I also learned all of my sealing techniques, and recieved the seal that saved my life." she adds, then hesitates a moment. Before they can ask for an explination, she continues. "See, I was born into an odd family, and under very strange circumstances. The family I come from, as far as I know, is completely extinct. I'll be the last one, and my clan will be no more once I've passed on. My clan has a unique trait, where the more chakra we contain, or the more excited we get, the hotter we become. I run a constant fever, because my clan's natural body heat is several degrees higher than the average for you three. When I get really excited, you will notice how hot I get.. though the same also applied to my chakra supply. Where as the Senju control Wood as an element, I have my own special element as well."

"See, the heat inside of me flows through my body, because the heat itself comes from my Chakra. My family has sway over heat to a certain extent, but no more so than any other user of Flame. My family, however, steps far beyond that. We can combine earth chakra with our own super hot inner fire, and control molten stone. Lava has always been the element my clan aligned with, and it's caused a few problems over the years. For example, upon my birth, I destroyed an entire small village. Yes, this is somewhat abnormal.. just.. Well." Coal pauses again, smiling rather brightly for having just said her whole home village was destroyed. After a few moments she continues once more, droning on and on about herself, so her students would understand her better. "See... I was born with an abnormal amount of chakra. I am not sure if any of you have assessed my full chakra capacity, but it is quite limited. I have a seal on m back that captures and contains most of my chakra, to keep me from bursting into flames, again, and accidentalty destroying a village. This seal saved my own life, and the lives of everyone around me."

Coal rattles on just to entertain her students, though she decides to pause now, for longer, in case the three have any questions or comments. She looks to the two on either side of her, though doesn't glance back towards Nasa. She'd let the girl remain hidden, well beneath the pile of rice and wine. With her there anyway, it made the scroll they were transporting much safer.

As Nasa releases the small swarm of roches, one of them would quite quickly scurry back to her to inform her of rather surprising news. Indeed, placed just beneath where Nasa had been hidden was a small hidden compartment, which the small bugs could find easily enough. It contained a sealed scroll within it, hidden safe from view. Nasa would likely be the first to find it, thanks to her new friends.

Speaking of Nasa's new friend, unsurprisingly Coal is almost instantly aware the moment the bug touches down on her skin. She shivers just slightly and reaches back behind her, seizing the small thing by it's antenna. She drags the bug off of her back and holds it out infront of her with a girn. "Hey now, little bug, my back is not your home." she says with a growing smile. She holds it in the air for a moment, inspecting it curiously. "you're lucky I'm not the sort to squish bugs." she says, then snickers softly.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 12:15 am

Time passed as Mitsu and the rest of team walked down the straight path. After some time Lady Coal had begun talking about her own past. This was when the sun started to sink down to the horizon. Mitsu actually lowered his book and paid attention to what she was saying. For some reason, this intrigued him so. He remembered everything she said. Once she stopped, he went over what she said in his mind.
Wow, does she really posses the kind of power to control lava? Does she really have that much power that a seal is needed to prevent her from causing uncontrollable disaster? She must be a very unique ninja indeed.
Mitsuhide being, well..Mitsuhide, he would never actually say or express a thought like that, so he just kept his opinion to himself and moved on with it. when curiosity really got the best of him and he had time alone with Coal, perhaps he would ask about it later, but for now, he had the mission to focus on. The Sun was moving down toward the horizon, the bottom just barely touching. He glanced at the horse and noticed something. The horse looked a bit tired and seemed like it was ready for a rest of some kind. Mitsu had planned on going through the night, but he almost forgot to include the horse's well being into the picture.

"Alright, we are going to stop here for a bit, I think the horse needs to take a break if we are to go on through the night. so if you could please Lady Coal, stop the horse and let me know where the water and food for the horse is, and I'll go get it. You two, I don't really care what you do, but don't get comfortable, this is only a break for the horse. We will only be here for a few moments."

Mitsu decided to stop and say this shortly after the tip of the sun was almost invisible from the horizon. He wanted to keep going after this. There was a clear sky and it was going to be perfect for his favorite thing: stargazing. Once they were back on there way, night started to fall. It was near then Mitsu felt something crawling up his person. Soon it was on his shoulder and he looked over. It was a cockroach. He noticed the note saying it was Nasa's so he let it be, but he picked it up by its antennae and held it in front of his face.

"Alright, if you are going to be on me I've only one thing to say, and don't play dumb you can obviously hear and understand me. Crawl up my coat and not my suit, and either stay on my shoulder on in this coat pocket"

Mitsu spoke so that he would go virtually unnoticed. He then placed the bug in his coat pocket and looked up at the stars, and they were shining as bright as always. He noticed a constellation and remembered its meaning. He had a newfound hope for the success of the mission and his upcoming training. Mitsu smirked as he walked down the path, gazing at the stars as usual, walking on the right side of the cart, now finally deciding to take Yoshimaru's advice now that they were traveling at night.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 5:02 pm

(OOC: I hope you guys realized that I said it was already dark in my post. I stated hours passed since they left and THEN the cockroaches came out. It didn't just happen right as we left. At least Sly got it right. Thank you Sly.)

Nasamea continued to sit peacefully in the cart. She was honestly growing very bored and was glad she wasn't human like, despite her appearance, or she may have fallen asleep by now. She continued to listen to the roaches and their surroundings. In fact she was pretty much doing the same thing she had been since they left. It was getting annoying.Taking the time to practice it bit, she worked on focusing chakra to manipulate what she could control in large to very tiny quantities. Her objective was to work on control. So far she was actually very good at it but still felt she needed more work; especially with late jutsus that required more precision.

Tick tock, tick tock, the clock continued as the night drew closer and on. At the moment, they were now stopped. Nasamea heard Mitsu talk about taking a break for the horses as well as her roaches. Two of them squeaked and from what she heard, they were being picked up by their antenna. She hated hearing them squeak out of pain and was tempted to attack the shit out of them. The other roaches on the cart grew tense too. The third on Yoshimaru beat it's wings some and let out a squeak noise as if telling them to stop. The one Mitsu then put down beat its wings and made sharp squeak sounds as if pissed off before it crawled across his back and to the opposite shoulder. It was there that it stayed put and grew very still. Almost as though it were a stone or figurine. The other in Coal's hand also took a spot on her shoulder as it waited. The third that was with Yoshimaru then did the same thing. If one was paying enough attention they would see that the roaches were all looking in separate directions.

One roach watched their backs, one watched the right side (and where the cart was) and the other watched the left. The four roaches on the cart took separate corners as well. It would be one of the original three, the one on Coal, whom would watch and see if anything attacked the cart from above. If they did, Nasa would know.

Anyway, despite the horses resting Nasamea was still wide awake and listening. In fact she was focusing even more. If anyone knew her well enough and asked her, they made notice not only the overly cautious attitude but the sight of something bothering her. She was a tad bit nervous. It wasn't because the mission, no it had nothing to do with that. More so, she was worried about leaving Konoha. The leaders in her class, or the Kisaki/Queens, each had their own amount of territory. Nasamea happened to own Konoha but not the area around Konoha. When another Kisaki steps into another Kisaki's territory without permission, or if their the violent type, bad things could happen. Right now, Nasamea just happened to be in the territory of the Kisaki who not only possessed the most numbers and territory but was the one who killed Nasa's mother years ago. She was also waiting on Nasamea to come to her one day. This spelled bad news if they found out.

Nasamea hoped the smell of the cart, wine, and rice, besides everyone else's scent, would hide her own but a Kisaki had a potent scent. All members knew a Kisaki by their scent, it was weird. At least this was what she was told. Nasamea could summon a cockroach species known as the Konoha Wood Cockroach; roaches with the ability to give off a an amaretto or the smell of an an Italian sweet almond-flavored liqueur. It would most definitely hide her scent but at the same time it could make the cart obvious. Kisaki's members won't attack anyone that's not a Tsuyoshi unless they're feeding. Maybe she was worried to much.

Simply staying alert, Nasamea waited and listened while her guards watched over everything and the team.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 6:29 pm

Quickly, the overwhelming dark turned into a night like darkness though the sun hadn't completely fallen yet. The overcast sky made it seem as if it was deep night already, so it was easy for one to assume that it was night, but Yoshimaru knew better than that. A slight wind was in the air; it was a cool breeze welcoming the cold of night to come. It had been a nice compliment to walking nearly all day so far in the warm, yet to opressively hot weather. It seemed that it wasn't going to rain today, and hopefully that meant it wasn't going to rain at all during this mission that the team was on.

Yoshimaru noticed that the the cockroach on his back was acting stupid, as if it was trying to command him to do something. He hadn't noticed any enemies in the area, so he obviously wasn't concerned by it. He just blatantly ignored it because he, for one, didn't want to draw attention to himself, and, for two, he just didn't really care what it was going on about considering that he hadn't even touched it with his hand, let alone done anything to piss of the insect on his back. Also, he had noticed something quite strange in the way that the air around them smelled. He inductively reasoned that it was the cockroaches that were causing the smell due to the fact that the smell had only arrived a little before he first smelled the the weird smell, and he reasoned that cockroaches seem to be in dirty places and would most likely smell because of that reason.

When Yoshimaru heard from Sly that it was time to stop, he stopped in his place that he was at wondering why they had stopped. After further explaination from Mitsu when he was talking, he learned that they had stopped for the horse to get a quick breather. With these few moments of so called "rest," he looked around for a few moments and soothingly whistled a few scales quietly to pass the time that they were going to be there. He had no need to catch up on his breath because he was not tired yet. He was right and willing to walk for much longer, so he viewed this as a waste of time to him, Finally, after the relatively short time, in comparision to the walking, they set off yet again for the monestary.

As they set off, Yoshimaru noticed the cockroach crawling yet again on his back. It was going up toward his shoulders, which was most like because it would give the cockroach a better view of the surroundings. As last time, he ignored it for the same reasons. He just kept moving, trying to ignore the odor that was produced or rather obtained depending on whether it was natural or not.

At that point in time, Yoshimaru's mind was blank, rather than its usual rattling with information and questions. He had achieved this through his abstaning to kill the smelly bug that was on his shoulder, and it was the only way he would be able to resist the temptation. He kept silent, as if he was a machine then, but still he was ready to fight as soon as it started because he wasn't plauged by his usually racing mind. He had not talked in a long time, and still would not talk until it was time for him to say something of importance because then he had nothing to say. He realized that it was best to stay this way until needed, and to talk conservatively.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 11:35 pm

Coal smirks just a bit, casting the roach aside, back into the back of the cart with the cargo, before looking back to the road ahead of her. On Mitsu’s instance, she draws back on the reigns and the horse slows in reaction. The small cart creaks to a stop, and the endless clip clop of the horse's hooves are finally silenced. Finally given a moment to stretch, Coal leaps from within the cart and lands just to the side of the horse. “Oh good, I could use a break myself. So much sitting really gets annoying, ya know? Can become a real pain in the butt.” she says with a familiar smirk on her lips.

She stretches her back for just a moment, then makes her way over to the front of the horse. She pets its snout for a moment, smiling as she does. She’d prepared for this moment, and had three days worth of horse feed just waiting to be used. Without saying a word she sets to weaving only two simple seals, then a puff of smoke fills her hands. As the smoke fades a simple feed bag remains, and of course, Coal carefully loops it over the horses head so it can eat to its heart’s content. The bag was filled with oats, barley, spinach, and even a few sugar cubes just as a treat, and some extra calories for the horses long voyage. Of course, food is not the only thing a horse needs. Coal steps back after the bag is looped over the horses head, and works over the exact same two hand seals. Tiger, dog, then she focuses. A moment later a much larger poof of smoke pops in front of her. When the smoke fades a five foot long, one foot wide, and one foot deep trough appears between herself, and the horse. Cool clear water fills the trough, and the horse would enjoy it after it finishes its dinner.

Coal smiles as if the pair of summonings had been nothing, because really they may as well have been. The E rank of chakra required to tap into her essence bond seal was minimal, and allowed her to summon any item she marked with her special tag. “Ahh, now, what about us? Are we going to be eating on this break as well, or is it starvation and forced march for the three of us?" she asks with a growing grin, and look over to Sly.

It seems after placing him in charge, she was indeed letting Mitsu call all the shots. Coal resumes stretching for just a moment, then hops back into the cart. She sits crosslegged in lotus position and begins gathering her own energy for a soon coming jutsu. By the sound of Mitsu’s words, she didn’t think the break was going to last long, so she sets to gathering chakra. She doesn’t wait for an answer from Mitsu, and just keeps on speaking on her own.

“So.. watch this. Though I hold sway over Lava, such jutsu are actually not my bread and butter. As you all may have heard, I am quite the experienced medic. Lucky all three of you, because I can bring people back from the very doorstep of death.. but that is not all.. Watch this she says, then closes her eyes. The jutsu she was preparing for was difficult beyond words. Coal focuses intently, peeling open her seal so she can access some of it’s stored chakra. She refillsher own supply, then forms a simple hand seal. The seal was very similar to Kage Bunshin, though three fingers of each hand were crossed against each other.

“Taju.. Kage.. Kuchiyose..Coal whispers under her breath, then pours almost every single ounce of her chakra into the jutsu. Only because of her supreme chakra control is she able to accomplish such a feat, because it required almost every single drop of chakra she had inside of her. However, the result of the jutsu was certainly breathtaking.

In an instant the clearing is surrounded by small explosions of smoke, each one a new clone appearing around them. Though Clones they were, each one took on a form far different from the fair Lady Coal. Feathered and small, chirping quite cutely, each cloud of smoke slowly disperses to reveal 30 small birds. The birds were simply everywhere, sitting on Coal, on the cart, and on the horse. Coal can not help but smile as the 30 small roadrunners chirp and squawk, then all at once they take to the air. It was no small feat, and after the single jutsu Coal is let quite out of breath, and exhausted.

She sinks back slowly into her seat as the flock of birds lifts skywards, and scatters out in all directions. “See? Now.. that jutsu is very difficult.” She whispers, and closes her eyes. While the group takes a much needed break, Coal takes the moment to begin reilling her chakra supply. Summoning 30 birds was no simple feat. “My own creation.” she says quietly, her eyes falling shut as she did. If the break was to be short, she'd make the most of it. “But it is certainly, the world's… best.. scouting Jutsu.

Last edited by Wind on Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:34 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : edited for composition.)
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 05, 2010 8:23 pm

Seeing as Lady Coal had taken care of food and water for the horse, he then had to make a decision as to whether or not they would eat along with the horse, or just keep walking through the night on an empty stomach. He knew food would take longer to prepare, so he decided against a full on dinner.

"Personally, I don't care if any of you eat something small but--"

Mitsu was suddenly cut off by Lady Coal. She seemed like she was greatly concentrated and she then made a hand sign. all the sudden smoke was all about her and the cart, and as the smoke cleared, 30 or so little roadrunner birds were covering her, the wagon, and the horse. Then suddenly, the birds who were chirping all over took flight in various directions. Coal then mentioned something about them being perfect for scouting, and Mitsu then guessed that that was what she had them do. She then nearly collapsed where she was, almost completely exhausted as it seemed. To summon that many things, despite their size, must have required a great deal of chakra, so Mitsu wasn't worried about her safety if her abundance of chakra she had spoken of was true. Once the horse had finished the meal and drank some of the water, he waited for Coal to send them away again.

It may have been a sign of sympathy for Lady Coal, but Mitsu decided to take the reigns of the horse for Coal while she rested herself. He knew it shouldn't be too hard to perform such an act, as he had read upon the subject before, and remembered most of the readings. That is, unless Lady Coal still wanted to keep going. Then Mitsu would continue walking, which he didn't mind.

"If you don't mind Lady Coal, I would like to take up the reigns while you rest if you don't mind. You must be tired from all the chakra you just used, so I won't mind driving for a part of the night while you rest up a bit. Also, as I said before, you all can eat something small, like a fruit of some kind if you want, just be sure to toss what is left off the trail, unless it doesn't decompose, then just carry it with you as long as there is no scent."
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 05, 2010 9:41 pm

OOC: Pass because I am still sitting in the cart doing the same thing I was like 2 to 3 posts ago, Dean's turn. Roaches are still on shoulders or in Mitsu's pocket, nothing has changed.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 08, 2010 4:40 pm

Before he caught sight of Lady Coal summoning her animals, Yoshimaru noticed the offer to eat was on the table; therefore, he decided it was time to take out a few of the pieces of fruit he was carrying in his backpack. He quickly swung it around to his front side by unlatching one of his arms from one of his straps. He then opened the backpack and took out two apples and an orange and replaced them with the book he was reading because it was dark out and nearly impossible to read. He pealed the orange just before he started to split it up and eat it. The sweetness of the fruit was great considering he hadn't eaten anything since the breakfast he had that morning and now it was just about if not night. He spit out the seeds as he encountered them with the different pieces. Soon after, he began biting into one of the apples he got out and quickly finished it, then he began on the other and finished that one, too.

Still walking, Yoshimaru looked to see Coal performing a jutsu. The smoke finally cleared when he could finally get a good look at the animals that she had summoned. He noticed that Lady Coal seemed weary after performing the jutsu, but if she needed help, she would know to ask for it. The road runners she summoned all took off into the air just like the little birds they were. Yoshimaru was a little thankful that the thing that was summoned was not the talkative road runner that Lady Coal summoned in a previous encounter. Before Lady Coal whispered what she stated, Yoshimaru already figured that that is what the jutsu was meant to do. It was obvious to Yoshimaru that a large amount of small animals are perfect for the job of scouting.

The long journey still had yet to take a toll on Yoshimaru because he was still as vigorous as ever with energy. It was just getting a little boring due to the large amount of interesting things that he had encountered so far, particularlly the lack of change in scenery that he was hoping to happen soon. He thought that they should have been out of the forest that surrounded Konohagakure no Sato by now, but surely he had underestimated how truly large the forest really was.

He noticed that Mitsu was talking to Lady Coal about giving up the reigns of the horse in order for her to eat and restore her energy a little. This really didn't concern Yoshimaru much; however, if this did happen the formation would be off balence, meaning he would have to change to the rear of the cart rather than being on the oppisite side of Mitsu, although it wasn't really a large concern. He was just ready to get this arguous trek to Lady Coal's temple over with as soon as possible because of the repetative scenery and actions.

Yoshimaru kept vigilent, though, as to not allow himself to be caught off guard by anything, let alone interlopers. This also was getting a bit trite, although he kept doing them. It was his job to keep an eye out for the team, though, the cockroach on his shoulder was supposed to be watching, too. Even if nothing happened, it was still great practice for noticing small details like the differences in trees, shurbs, animals, etc. that one would miss if not being too careful. Anyways, he would continue on his quest with his team until he was ordered otherwise, and that was that.
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PostSubject: Re: To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic)   To the Borders of the Land of Fire (Team 3 Mission Topic) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 8:31 pm

(I am waiting the others to post. I will start getting a lot more active but not overly active.)(PM me please about more missions and team activities)
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