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Returning Home, stronger then before. Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Returning Home, stronger then before.

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Join date : 2010-04-20

Returning Home, stronger then before. Empty
PostSubject: Returning Home, stronger then before.   Returning Home, stronger then before. I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 28, 2010 1:58 am

Faust celebrated on the inside. He was well on his way to Konoha now. THough not being in quite as big a rush, and fully planning to stop on the way, it would take him a full three days to return, as compared to the mere one that it had taken him to arrive at the cloud. He was upon his B ranked summon once more, flying through the air. He was, at the moment, replenishing his chakra. He had a long while to go, and so had plenty of time. He had used about 50% or so of his charka in the killing of Yoshimaru, which he hated to admit, was more then he had originally intended. However, the only reason he had been evaded so many times were the jutsu that Yoshimaru possessed that not many other did and also his large amount of chakra as a Jounin. Had it been anyone else at his skill level, the first attack would have probably been the end. Or at the very least, the battle would have been much shorter.

As before, He did not bother to check the scenery as he was upon the great body of the crow and to even take the time was needless effort. Instead he laid down flat with his knees bent and pointed at the sky, closing his eyes and resting. This wasnt a necessity either, but it was a nicety, one that he didnt often have. For him, rest came in small doses. He was always planing, always in the midst of his shinobi activities, and that could drain even a man of his caliber. Not that you would ever hear him complain of course. He loved his life style. It allowed him to truly appreciate and enjoy these moments rather then take them for granted and let them go unnoticed. He had earned this in a rightful manner, had worked for it, though it had not taken much effort on his part and had been a lazy job for him. All the same, it was more then some people did in a whole year.

He began to doze in and out, slighting in a state between being awake and asleep. He was definitely getting rest and recuperating, but he was just awake enough to hear most everything, namely the rush of wind and the flap of his carriers wings. He was enjoying this mini vacation, much to much.

Hours passed and he awoke fully, standing upon his servant of travel, staring out past the crows head, searching, He now felt fully rejuvenated, fully prepared to take on another enemy if need be, The Jingou which infested his body gave him incredible stamina, so the fight was easy to bounce back from, especially being such a low caliber fight. He quickly spied what he was seraching for, and ordered the bird to land.

The location was a soft meadow in the middle of a forest, a small clearing among dozens upon dozens, even hundreds of trees. It was perfect. The soil would be rich and useful, easier to handle, and that was perfect for practice, which is exactly what he was about to do. He exited off the bird but refused to desummon it. He patted its beak as his feet touched the ground.

Im sorry old friend, but things in Konoha must be taken care of. You see, as soon as im done testing this, we must make haste, and resummoning you would just take more of my chakra. I need to be as fit as possible when we arrive. I will not use you in the battles to come if I can avoid it, and your own rest will be assured. With that he turned on his heel and took several steps away. Now he needed to begin.

Faust took the package of Jingou threads containing the heart of Yoshimaru Kangai with in it out of his pouch and held it up in his hand, allowing the tendirls to reconnect with the ones in his body once more, and leaving only the barely alive heart in his palm. He had to decide how and where exactly he was going to store this in his body. He decided in the back of the ribs, towards the bottom of the cage, giving it protection, but not really obstructing any particular part of his anatomy. It would go on the right side, mirroring the position of his other heart in every way. This was going to be extremely tricky, but all he really he had to do was convey his thoughts to the Jingou and supply it with chakra to function, and it would take care of the rest.

He lay down upon his stomach after removing his shirt and casting it aside, his scarred and ripped up body being exposed to the air. He reached around with his hand and placed it upon his back, just below the rib cage. It would not be able to pass through bone and so would have to take a diagonal approach to arrive where Faust intended for it to go. He grimaced slightly as the tendrils wasted no time in ripping through his skin and shifting it around like plates. This did not injure him, but it was still slightly painful. He felt the organ seep into his body and get swallowed up with in himself.

Place it, higher, higher, yes there, the center should be even with the seventh rib up, yes perfect, now down towards the center for more protection. Bingo. Now, reposition the chakra system network, thats it, wrap it, now connect it to the ones entertiwned with my other heart. Complete.

It hadnt taken long, but he had not been using it for life support. He was merely using it for chakra. With this tied in to his other heart through chakra alone, it would give it a fake life of its own which would not enhance his own. Faust respected time to well to try and cheat it to quite that extent. But, it would grant him extra energy for this new technique he was about to try and learn. Shaking himself off, he stood up and gazed across the meadow, still deprived of any noticeable creatures aside from himself and the large crow that was his ticket back home. He wasted no time, and got directly into learning his new technique.

He quickly analyzed the new found power behind his new organ. It was not as expected. It had died a little, and was not at full strength, nor would it ever be. It would only grant him the power of two more S rank techniques worth of usage, and this was only going to be used to supply strength to his Kaika. He had done a little research before leaving Kumo, and that was the only defining word he could find to describe this ability.

He knew what he would need, focus. That was for sure. Faust began to loosen his thoughts and entered almost a meditative state of mind. He was very good with the earth element as it was, so this would probably prove not to much trouble for him, he just needed that extra boost in power. And so as he sunk further into his conscious, he halted his decent just before the full submergence occurred. Then he reached out with his mind, and hand, and tapped into the new supply of charka in his body. He surged it out and directly into the dirt surrounding him. He felt the need, and so stuck out both arms and raised them into the sky. With out warning, a dust cloud kicked up and the earth rose up from beneath the grass in small clots and swirled around him in a mini tornado of dirt.

He lowered one arm and focused his energy into one hand, and the earth all came together into his hand. It began to take shape, and formed a long staff about four and a half foot long. He used much pressure in doing this, and before long, released his hold on it through charka and was not surprised that it retained its shape, a newly solidified weapon. It would need some extra work, but no doubt, the technique had been a success. Faust new what he was doing, that was for sure. He whistled for his steed of air which wasted not time in flying right by him as he leaped into the air and landed on its back, headed off for Konoha once more.

Once Im done with you now my old home, you will never be the same. I promise. And this act, is out of love.
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