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A New Home Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

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January 16th to January 22nd

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 A New Home

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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 3:31 am

After their rough match in the training field Shihouin brought Nasamea to a large home buried deep in the back of the suburbs of Konoha. Excluded from the rest of the world and shut out for only ninja alone, the suburbs were quiet and soft set; there were no loud noises that interrupted you or mangy dirty dogs that left their excrement in your yard. Each home was evenly spaced, neat and tidy as if they were blocks set in a grid. An almost perfect utopia. Shihouin now lived in the back, he now lived in the back were the mansions were, inheriting a large one from his father after he had deceased. Taking the long way around would take more time than he had, since moving quick to hide the nakedness of Nasamea was important. He didn't know whether to get what was left of her at the training field, so he decided to buy her clothes later on.

He carried her pale naked body over his shoulder with ease, cupping her in his arms as he leap from roof house to roof house under the pale cold sunshine. Evening was due to arrive at any moment; the clouds in the distance rushed the sun to fall down, some attempting to block its way to darken the earth beneath. The winds shuffled her purple hair and clouded her face in a deep mist as he continued to push on forward. They were getting closer with every move and second, almost as if they were racing the elusive winds which were pushing past them stronger with every moment. Shihouin look his last leap from a roof top and jumped, positioning both of his feet in midair for a nimble landing. He crouched to cushion the impact, and rose back up as he stared directly into his inheritance.

Crime never paid, but this time it had done more than that. The word palace came to mind when he gawked at the place, dwarfing the word mansion on par to a mere tool shack. It was a traditional-style home, with a large square building topped with the normal rectangular roof that loomed over the house like a giant triangular umbrella with the bottom missing from underneath it. The foundation of the house had been made for safety in mind, old study grey bricks piled high, at least six feet straight up, and around the entire place. On top of concrete slab which covered an untold amount of size, grass had been caked like icing, perfectly cut into sections around the houses. Shihouin walked up the firm concerete stairs, up to the iron picket-spear gate that surrounded everything. He looked in front of him to the main home, which had exactly four stories, each level roofed, but cut in the middle for the story above it. To his left and right were smaller rooms for servants and guests to reside in should they stay long enough. The middle area had been bricked out, but was surrounded by a bunches of lovely spring flowers which were begin crafted and cut by a tender hand, a young woman which seemed to be the gardener.

Shihouin called out to her with a grunt. “Hey! Open this gate.” The wind played with her, blowing her hair in her face the moment she turned her head towards the gate to see who was there. The brown dusty gloves on her hand moved towards her head to brush her hair away, leaving a small smudge of earth on her cheek. The dark colored kimono she wore was not made out of thick fabric, but a thin one which flustered about in the wind. She placed one hand in between her thighs as she brought her legs together to stand up, protecting the wind from blowing up her skirt. Once she was up, she ran dainty like any lady should, holding etiquette about her as she ran a bit slower to keep her breasts from moving. She arrived at the gate and held on to one of the pickets and looked at the naked girl, and back at Shihouin. “Uhh. Who are you?” She looked confused. Of course there was a guy, teenager, holding a naked girl about the same age in his hand. She was pretty too, nice curves from her head to her feet, and her chest was perfect. What else would she think? Shihouin spoke, knowing that she was confused. “My name is Shihouin. My father wa….is Shinshou. Let me in.” Her mind clicked and she reached into one of the pockets around her waist, digging quickly in search for something. She scuffled around enough until she finally found what she was looking for, pulling out a picture of Shihouin with long hair. Since he had his hair cut, he looked different from before, but holding the picture up next to his face, she was able to recognize him. Without a word, she opened up the large gate, gripping both hands and pulling back on the right side enough so he could walk in. She pointed towards the main house, still confused. Shihouin let her stay that way and took off towards the home.

Walking up to two massive front doors, both with the symbol of the Uchiha clan on them reminded him of his father. Of course he would pick a large place such as this to make into his own personal fortress. He ran crime through this house, and as much as he wanted to live in it, it might only be a matter of time before it became owned by the military. Maybe he could come to some compromise later. He walked up to the door and kicked it hard, thundering a large boom throughout the other side of the door. Instead, the door swung right open into the large house. Shihouin rushed in, ignoring the beautiful and dusted brown walled interior, passing over the large kitchen with the chef and rushed upstairs. Even though he’d never been here, he knew the structure of these homes and the rooms would definitely be upstairs. A maid rushed up behind him trying to catch him, but Shihouin had already floated up to the second story.

A a few doors lined the hall, and Shihouin chose the first one on the right, kicking the door wide open as he had just done before. It was one of the minor rooms, and held a king size bed in the middle, a love seat to the inside right of the room and two small chests next to the side of the bed. The young maid rushed up stairs, catching her breath as she watched Shihouin place Nasamea gently on the soft white threads of the bed. Before she could speak he turned his head towards her and shouted. “Just get her some cloth-“ He keeled over once again and gripped the trashcan at the corner of the wall and hurled, deeply. From the maids angle, she would see his stomach heave up violently, as if he were starving and his ribs had been pressed against his abs. He heaved once more and coughed rough, lungs full of air pushed out of his throat and expelled any vomit left. The maid waited in surprise, but a threatening look from him sent her on his way.

Barely able to stand straight from chakra exhaustion, Shihouin quickly sat on the bed as he removed the Chuunin outfit which had vomit on it. He tossed it in the trash can to cover the smell up; he’d just have to get another one. After a while of catching his breath, the maids came back with a set of clothes, some undergarments for her, and a night gown. One of the maids had a bucket of water and a damp warm sponge; they would clean her up before they put her in the white silk night gown. He turned his head for a few minutes and got up, running into a fat man who walked around the corner. He wore a black suit, which was stretched out of course, and his fat fingers gripped a ball atop of a gold colored walking cane. Each sausage finger on his hand was adorned with some sort of ring, matching the jewelry on his neck and his earring. Shihouin wanted to move around him, but he was to bubbly and round to get around, and plus he kept walking. He looked Shihouin into the eye, beady black eyes that goggled around in his greasy face, as if his fat were shaking his entire body. With each heavy footstep, he forced Shihouin back into the room while closing the door behind him, leaning over with a leg up to reach due to his fat arm. Once the door was close he spoke slowly like the old man he was, with a thick tone and words that seemed to squeeze out from underneath his weight. You could hear that he talked with difficulty, and couldn’t breathe without sounding like a pig. “You’re Shinshou’s boy aren’t ya there?” “What’s it to you?” He breathed in disgustingly. “Nothing, except this house, your beautiful naked girl over there, and maybe even you.” Shihouin’s face went to slight anger. “Who are you?” “Oh, who am I to not introduce myself. I’m Imajigi. I’m the next in line, that was, until you showed up.” He was sort of confused, but figured it out. “My father ran crime in this country, this is my inheritance. It is no one elses…” He breathed out again in a greasy sigh, which popped from the extra saliva in his mouth. “Well, see here we’re gonna have a problem.” “What problem?” “Just because you were his boy doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you take all that work from me.” The maids had finished dressing her, and Shihouin watched them leave with hush about their mouths. They must’ve known this man. “You want this house, his money? Everything he had?” His pudgy body bounced a bit. “Well of course.” “I’ll deal with this later, get out, I have other matters to attend to.” He moved uncertainly, awkwardly with his body towards the door. “You’ve got until tomorrow. I will let you take care of your girl here, but tomorrow is your dead line.” Angered a bit, Shihouin flashed his three tomoe and shouted. “GET OUT.” The pudgy man moved too slow for him, and that greasy smile pissed him off. In a quick lurch of speed, Shihouin kicked him square in his backfat, pushing him out of the room. He lost his balance quickly and fell over what was supposed to a gold stick, snapping it in half under his tremendous weight. The fat man tried to get up, but Shihouin stuck a kunai in his face, literally. The draw was quick, and he didn’t feel like being fancy. The kunai embedded himself deep within his nose, right above the roof of his mouth as the fat man squealed out in pain. “Somebody come clean this shit up!” Frustrated, he slammed the door and turned back to Nasa, as the fatty kicked and scrambled away in pain.

Tired and exhausted, Shihouin pulled off his nin boots and took off the clothes he had on. He always wore some shorts and a wife beater underneath, just in case he got stuck on a mission that required lots of time. This way, he’d always be able to wash his clothes if he ever needed to, or just wanted to sleep comfortably. He pulled Nasa under the covers and placed her head on the pillow, moving her to the far right of the bed. He awkwardly got on the left side, feeling strange. He’d never slept with anyone before, not that he was going to attempt to sleep with Nasa, but having someone else inside the bed was strange. Shihouin got in on his side, and buried himself under the white covers and slept in a fetal position. The fatigue he had been pushing away haunted him, pushing him into the deep layers of his mind as he slept. He’d sleep for way longer than Nasa would, and since he had pushed himself over the limit, dumping an S Rank amount of chakra on an A Rank technique, he might be out for a while. As he fell to sleep, his mind wandered across his conscious, pushing towards his subconscious as he thought about everything. The jutsu he’d learned, Imajigi, the house, his father, for some reason Ayame and the Hokage came up in his mind, the image of an ANBU did as well. Nasa was last, but she stayed a minute before fading away. The memories and images he saw blended together smoothly, lulling him in a warm mix of dreams as he slept. He snored heavily like the sleeping lion he was, hoping in vain for a better tomorrow, knowing that only problems would await him.
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 3:25 pm

The darkness shrouded her mind for a very long time. She did not dream one bit in this slumber for she was to tired for even her subconscious to even think about it. Her chakra levels were slowly returning from her rest but there was still the issue of her needing blood to feast. This would be a problem when she woke back up.

When that time actually came it was her sense of hearing that came first. She listened to her surroundings much like she always did and already she could tell something was wrong. She heard someone else breathing near her but after a few seconds she picked up on who it was. This caused her sense of sight to kick in rather quickly as she opened her eyes to gaze at Shihouin across a giant bed from her. She blinked once and then raised her head lightly to look around. She had no idea where she was but it was to early for her to freak out just yet.

She smelled the air, taking in the overall scent of Shihouin due to him being near her but she also gathered the scent of cleanliness yet, vomit?. It was as though she were home because her mom was a neat freak but the vomit smell was odd. Did Shi? She would ask later.
She took in a tinge of what seemed like tulips and dirt. This caused her some concern then and it soon clicked that it was from her. She raised part of it and sniffed; taking in what smelled like someone who was a gardener had touched her, or at least the gown.

Nasamea released the gown as if fell back to her formation. She then grabbed a hand at her throat and laid back against the bed. Her other arm grabbed around her stomach as she let out a very low whimper. Even if Shihouin were awake his senses would have to be super high to hear this cry. She was waking up more and more. With this came the pain of yesterday. Her burn wounds and her ribs had all already manged to heal so she wasn't going to die anytime soon. But she couldn't fix her hunger by sleeping. It made her throat and stomach burn much like her red eyes did. She curled into a ball some before stretching out and breathing heavily. She could smell Shi's blood merely from imagination and the fact she had tasted it before, but he was tired. She didn't want to take from him anymore. Especially without asking for permission. Maybe there was someone else in the house or she could hunt outside. She preferred doing it outside in case she ended up drinking from his family. So far, she would probably need to take out roughly five people so she didn't kill anyone and drain them completely.

Pushing herself onto her feet. She scrunched her toes against the carpet a bit, grasping the feeling before she stood up. Beside the bed was a night stand with a digital clock stating that it was 4:32 am. This was the normal time she tended to wake up anyway but she would need to hurry before the sun rose and Shihouin woke back up. She looked around for her gear now, walking across the room and searching but finding nothing. Her eyes did lay on Shihouin's though. His pouch placed near some clothes he had dropped off. She stared at it for a moment before raising a hand up and placing it against her forehead. She shook it before she walked over and picked the stuff up. She didn't exactly want to wear it buuuuut, it was better than nothing.

She slipped on his shorts and turned his shirt inside out before putting it on. She wouldn't mind wearing the Uchiha crest, that didn't phase her, but she didn't wan to possibly get Shi in trouble if someone saw her feasting. That would terrible. Nasamea then tried his nin boots but they turned out to be a bit big. They fit but she may lose them when running.So she decided to tough it and go barefoot. If only she didn't destroy her clothes. Finally, she hooked his ninja pouch to her waist and checked the tools. She probably wouldn't need anything from it but it was a just in case sort of thing. If she needed to she would replace any weapons lost.

Set and ready to go, Nasamea twisted the handle of the door before gazing back at Shi. She wondered what he would think if he woke up and she was gone; especially since she had some of his gear and clothes. She untwisted the smooth and cold handle before she walked over to him just in case he was actually awake and playing sleep. She did it, why wouldn't someone else? When she stood before him she lightly sat on the bed before his balled up body and placed a hand on his side. Maybe he would somehow know she was there if she did this. At first she bite her lip before leaning over and kissing his forehead lightly and whispering, "I'll be back."

With that said she stood back up, letting her hand slide away, before she crossed the room again and stepped outside. She carefully closed the door behind her and walked with ginger steps so she wouldn't possibly wake up anyone. In her perspective, any loud steps echoed through the house so she had to be careful. She also had a higher sense of hearing though so any "loud" steps could be deceiving.

The moment she closed the door though a strong whiff of blood crossed her nose, casting her mind into a world of shrouded darkness as she lost sense of her human side. That was how hungry she was. Shi would be safe, she wouldn't dare hurt him and had restraint for him. But this person whom bled on the carpet wasn't anyone she knew. She got down on all fours like a dog and sniffed it before standing back up really fast and moving swiftly, but quietly, towards its source. She smelled numerous scents besides blood. She smelled the cleanliness, Shi, a few different people, and even Shi's father. This caused her to stop and snarl slightly towards her left. There was nothing there but the very faint scent was making things rough. She walked past it , down some stairs, and continued until she found herself in a kitchen. She smelled the meats and variety of other foods in the fridge and soon the smell of some sweaty man. Must have been the chef.

By passing that, she crept her way through a living room before eventually finding a closed door. She placed her head against it, listening with one ear as she sniffed the air still. She could smell the faint traces of blood still and heard what sounded like heavy breathing. She couldn't. She could. But what if he was family? What if Shi was mad? She whimpered faintly before grasping the handle and opening the door. A rush of stench and the blood rolled out. The man wreaked of sweat, blood, and flat out ugliness. She crept in, closing the door behind her and staring at the man laying in a bed. Maybe this was a guest bed he was allowed to stay in until morning. Her red hues burned through the darkness of the room as she crept towards him. It was sickening but she didn't care, she was desperate.

When she was close she placed her hand near his neck and with the other she focused chakra and lengthened her nails. If the man woke up from this pain he would soon find himself unconscious again due to pushing a few pressure points. She was a pro at this for she had knocked numerous people out plenty of times. She ripped at his oily skin with her nails and smelled her hand. She wanted to gag but she had to do what she had to do. Placing her mouth against his left arm near his shoulder, she tasted blood but also the sweat. She wanted to choke but once she grasped the test of the red fuel she then even placed her hand on his arm, grabbing at it and drawing it closer. It tasted wonderful then. Not like Shi's, but still excellent at that. She felt the liquid run through her like it would when a human drank hot chocolate or cough syrup. It ran down her throat, causing the burn in her throat to fade and soon it ceased the raging hunger in her stomach a tad bit more. The heaving pain faded some as she continued on and on.

Not wishing to kill him, she simply stole enough to where he could still live but would be very dizzy when he woke up. If he slept longer he would have time to replenish any lost but may not be able to walk around the moment he got up. She released her hand from his arm and licked the wound until it started to clot and heal. All that would be left was a scratch in the morning that may scar or may not. She then backed off and shimmied across the carpet before ninja'ing her way out the door, closing it quietly when she had. She listened in the house again, no movement. She gazed around with her red but amber tinged eyes; nothing.

She licked her hand and wiped at her mouth to take away any possible blood fragments she may have left before making her way through the house. Now that her major hunger and burns were gone, she could think more rationally and decide what to go after next.

She picked the gardener.

Sniffing around she soon found herself walking down a long hall way full of numerous pictures and doors before she finally came across one that held the same scents as those on her shirt. She listened in again and heard faint breathing. It sounded like a woman, it had to be. She opened it gingerly and peaked in, spotting a night light off to the side to prevent true darkness but seeing that there actually weren't any windows in the room like the man had; odd. She couldn't imagine not having windows. She loved the night sky so much and needed windows to sneak in and out.

Crossing over to her, she made her second round but took even less from the woman. She took about as much as she would to anyone else she normally hunted. If she continued to sleep for a while longer then she would replenish in no time and may only notice the random scratch on her arm. Nasamea stepped back outside and whipped away the blood yet again. So far she managed to keep Shi's clothes clean. She was rather good at this by now that she leaned what not to do when feeding so none of her clothes rarely had blood unless the person managed to wake up or thrash somehow. Could never predict that sometimes.

Nasamea decided she would only go after one more for the night and would finish up tomorrow. For the most part her main pains were gone and the rest was like sipping tea. At the moment, her fuel level was at least at about half a tank so one more good feed could fill it to maybe a bit past that. She wanted to return to the room before Shi woke up and maybe get a bit more sleep.

With the last room set, she listened in and heard another female. It sounded like a female and smelled like a maid because of the fragments of bleach and the soft breaths that matched the gardeners. Nasamea made her third round and crept back out again, leaving a small scratch on the womans arm on the opposite arm of the gardeners. Bite marks wouldn't be seen on any of them, only scratches. Shi may notice who or why these were caused but she was sure he would understand. Besides, what harm was it to drink from these people when she didn't kill them?

Nasamea's amber hues peered around the different rooms as she saw the detail put into them. The walls and coloration of each room fit well together and nearly matched the next beside it. Everything was clean like her house but the scent was, of course, different. She smelled all the people and Shi around. She smelled the faint fragments of flowers, cleaning spray, candles, and even took in Shi's father. So this must have been where Shi was when his father was alive. Nasamea was impressed by all of this. She wondered how Shi felt going from the ghetto to the weapon shop and ending up here. He must have been thrilled. With a smile crossing her face, she decided it was time to return upstairs.

She continued to walk gingerly as she made her way up the steps and around to a hall. She followed it down and soon came to the door leading into where her and Shi slept. Along the way she thought over everything that had happened with her, Shi, and his father. She thought about how worried her parents must have been right now. She thought about the fight they had and how much she learned about herself, and even Shi. She then thought about how Shi helped her rather than killing her. The she remembered she was naked. Grasping the door handle, red crossed her cheeks from the heat of embarrassment before her eyes widened. Had he done anything to her? She didn't think so. She smelled more of the gardener and maid then him. She shook her head to try brushing the thought aside before opening the door. She wondered who else saw her naked and this made her turn even more red. She couldn't bare the thought of it all. It was embarrassing!

Nasamea crept back into the room they slept in and unhooked his ninja pouch. She laid it on a table nearby before taking off his shorts and shirt. She left those on the floor and covered her breasts with one arm until she found the night gown. She soon put that back on and looked at the clock; 5:26am. She nodded before sighing and crossing back over to the bed. Taking her position on the right, she crept back in before she laid down on her left side with her arm beneath the pillow to provide head support. Her legs curved slightly forward as her other arm was beside her, her hand placed on top of the pillow. She grew comfortable and closed her eyes again, trying to get some more rest before Shi awakened. If he already was then so be it, she wanted to talk to him anyway. If not though, she planned to sleep at least until 7am.
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 6:22 pm

Dreams didn't come and go, they were there but just murky and ambiguous, full of haze. He couldn't' make out forms or people or even shapes of things, it just looked like a mush of memories all being blended together. He had spent about ten minutes looking at the memories, ten minutes that he could count while he was dreaming, but ten minutes that seemed to last for an hour at the same time. Deep sleep, falling in the depths of his mind and continuing to fall without wanting to latch out on something to hold him, to bring him back to reality. Washing waves swung his body to either side of the world with a simple push, winds that scurried about the recesses of his mind a blew a strong chilled wind on him, cold as the moonlight. Nasa floated there next to him as if she was unaware that she was going to fall and drown and be blown away, but the smile on her face dissipated like smoke wafting from a burning cigarette that burned strongly.

A lion ran towards him and jumped over him and continued to run towards the darkness, with some sort of light in its golden eyes, following a path that was blind to him, he couldn't see what he was looking at but he could tell that the lion had some sort of purpose and was running for a reason. Murky deep black waters clouded with red as Shihouin stood in them in a cloak, black cloak with a deep red inside. Blood leaked from his feet and surrounded him like a trap and the skin on his body flushed pale white, and he couldn't feel anything. Ayame ran next to him, running up in a blue skirt in and a orange shirt, with her hair dancing on top of her head as the cold wind blew it. She said something, he couldn't understand it but he wouldn't have been able to hear it, her lips moved and she had a question to ask him but he didn't know what was truly happening. Ayame waited for him to respond as she put her hands behind her cute body and stood on one leg, twisting her hips as she waited for an answer. Her shoulder shrugged and she took off with Nasamea down the road. Shihouin held his hand out but she didn't come back.

Then there was this horrible image of terror and antagonizing doom that loomed over his subconscious, smashing its way into his conscious mind and wreaking havoc with lots of fire. The red eyes burned hotter and stronger than the flames did, almost as if they were only glass eyes letting the light of a fire deep inside shine out. It was his father, and he had a stab wound in his neck. Instead of red blood, this odd black tar like substance leaked out, it was unusually thick and bubbly, like it was boiling. Shihouin slipped as his father smiled, and he fell deep into cold ice water, fragments off ice shattered his back as he fell.

Cold ice water, unlike any he had drunk before, a temperature so deep and freezing that he didn't think he could make it out. But then everything started to crash around him, downwards. All those memories and people. They came from the depths of the ice water and came up, out of the water into the air, yet Shihouin thrashed around violently and couldn't get up. He couldn't swim and this odd current had gripped him like the hand of Tatehaya Susanoo-no-Mikoto, throwing him back down into his curse. That fat man, he had no injury on his face, he showed up like the water didn't exist at all, and calmly walked on who knows what ground or path, and sat on him. Shihouin sank fast, the fat man was weighting him down and he couldn't move at all. He was fighting it, trying to move but it was futile, and he futilely kept fighting. Nasa would soon realize that he was in a horrible nightmare trapped in the depths of his own mind with no way out. He would start kicking and shaking, grunting and holding his breath for too long. She needed to wake him up.
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 6:43 pm

She laid there for a few minutes, enjoying the silence of the place as she rested. She had a neraly full stomach now and could actually get some sleep. No more dealing with the burning pain, nothing. Just before she slipped into this perfect slumber though, her mind already beginning to create dreams, she found herself startled awake. Shihouin started to grunt and kick a bit. his breaths grew heavier and she quickly rolled over and propped herself up on her arm to see what was wrong. She had not heard anyone come into the room so she didn't think there were any threats. That is unless they were invisible. She saw him roll onto his back. His face was stressed and scrunched together, his teeth gritting, as he began to thrash his arms a bit and kick his legs. She blinked at first before quickly responding.

She quickly closed the gap between them as she crawled over to his body and caught his arms in mid air. She grasped them but he tried fighting. This made her hold them down at his sides as she laid across his stomach. This kept him from moving about and stopped everything but his legs. She quickly fixed this though as placed her hip against his, using her own weight to try and hold him down even though he was stronger. Quickly positioning both of his hands together on his stomach and holding them together with one of her own hands; she used the other to touch his face. He was sweating some from the stress, the cool perspiration leaving remains on her skin as she slapped the side of his face a bit. It was a light slap, not enough to hurt him.

"Shi" she whispered, her hand now resting against his cheek as she moved his head some. "Shi" she said a little louder, moving his face more.

She continued to restrain him, trying to wake him up. She whispered his name at least three more times, moving him a bit harder each time she did on attempts to wake him up. A look of worry was on her face as her hand rested on his cheek. She didn't care whether she was practically laying across him, or on him, but was more so worried about this nightmare he was fighting. Since she could still slightly smell the vomit, she worried about that as well.

She just wanted him to wake up. If he didn't at first, she would continue to move his face or even bite at him if she had to. Last resort would be scurrying to get water.

It was still dark out but the sun was beginning to light the sky. Time, roughly 6:30am
Apparently she was lying in the bed half asleep, half awake, longer than she thought.
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 7:13 pm

He couldn't' control what was going on because he was still drowning. The fat man was sitting on top of him like a sturdy wooden chair but his flailing arms and legs wouldn't let him control what was going on at all. The speed of their fall had been nothing short of insanely fast, and the darkness swallwed them up as if they were falling into a black hole, or the Krackens cauldron, either way they were going to crash with sea floor soon enough and his already damaged back would meet the ground and break once more since this man wouldn't move off of him. He felt this odd feel of resistance as if something were clambering on his body, he was being handled and touched but he couldn't tell what it was. He fought harder now more than ever because the depths of the cold water were creating more pressure on his body, and he put out extra strength to make some kind of move.

It had gotten to the point where he had still not decided to give up, but instead he realized that this current or this fall would take him as deep as darkness, to an area under the deep see which was darker than black. Dark as the nightmare he was in, he could not see anything at all, what was going on above him was unknown. There was nothing to hear here except his own cries in his head. Then, the image of Nasamea came up again, but this time she seemed to be bathed in a light as bright as gold. Her face had an angelic smile on it and her purple hair went against the current, her body was completely naked and there were wings on her back, beautiful wings of an angel which were large and proud. The kind of naked that looked like a statue crafted over the decades by an artist who was a prodigy. She was covered in those black markings from that form again, they went all over her body and spotted around her waist, the markings adoring her like a bride to marriage. She whispered so lightly as if she was playing around with him, and he barely heard her.

Then she went to his left a bit, and move positions and then came up behind up. The soft light touched his pale cold skin and the sun, her body felt as warm as it in these cold waters, ignited a fire inside of him of some sort. It was a small flame, like a heartbeat, thumping slowly but surely like the call of a war drum. She wrapped her smooth silky arms around his body and held on to him like he was a baby. He sunk down into the intimate warmth of her body and she whispered one more time to him a bit louder this time, pressing her warm cheek against his face. "Shi." And then, with no regard for the fat man that sat on his body, she flexed her wings and took off faster going down and down, leaving the fading image of the fat man in the cold water, he could still see his greasy face looking at him. Her wings beat strong, and he couldn't hold on, but before he could breathe they were suddenly up, up into the sky and swooped down to land. The sand billowed out from under her, enhanced by the light of her body. She floated just above the ground, as if the ground was not worthy to accept even her feet and she smiled at him once more and dissipated, leaving him on a beach with jagged rocks and cliffs surrounding him. The light that surrounded her grew golden and exploded outwards, and a thin stream of light flew up towards the sky. He watched as he coughed up water, and put his hands down on the bed as...

He put his hands on the bed. The sand underneath his fingers wasn't wet and grimy but soft and dry. There was someone touching him, and after he realized the jagged rocks were now dark brown wooden walls he turned around and looked at Nasa as if he had been lost and stranded, delirious and confused. He realized he had woken up from a dream, and that she had saved him from it. He breathed hard and laid back on the bed, looking up at the lighted ceiling fan which turned slowly. "I was..." his body involuntarily forced him to breath deep, almost as if he couldn't control it. "I was dreaming." Had this been some cruel trick for playing an illusion on him? "I was dreaming and then you came down to save me. And now I'm here." He looked over to the clock, it was about 6:30 am. "What day is it? How long has it been since we trained?" It was obvious that he was a bit flustered and confused. He whispered to himself as he glanced towards her. "You were this angel that came and saved me." He got up from the bed, and sat on the side, trying to recollect what was going on.
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 7:57 pm

Finally her cries to him has pierced through and she watched the stress begin to slightly leave him. His face was becoming more relaxed but that didn't mean his tension faded completely. He released his arms from her grip before she had a chance to continue holding him but from what she saw he was done with flailing for now. His arms rested on his sides and she let her hand slip from him. She was still lying across him, her elbow propping herself up on his other side while her worried eyes continued to watch. Had he decided to thrash about again she was ready to restrain him once more. But this didn't appear to be what his conscious had in mind.

Suddenly his fingers grasped at the pale white sheets before his eyes snapped open. She could instantly see that his previous tension had faded to about half the original level yet still remained. His eyes were moving fast as he sat up, making her sit up as well. The covers had been pushed away to his legs since she had been laying across his stomach but her own body was still covered aside from her arms up. She moved away, sitting on the side of her legs as her arms propped her up. She wanted to give him some space and air seeing as how he just gasped for a breath. It were almost as though he gasped from the breath of life or reality.

"I was dreaming and then you came down to save me. And now I'm here."

She waited for him to regather her thoughts and refrained from speaking. Talking to someone who's mind was partially in shambles was probably a bad idea. Once he grabbed his barings then she would speak; for his sake.

"What day is it? How long has it been since we trained?"

His breaths were growing more even as he peered around in the darkness. The sunlight outside was beginning to slowly but surely rise yet dark shadows continued to litter the room. Their bodies appeared to be a bit pale in this faint light; as though they were porcelain dolls. It was hard to tell right now but Nasamea was actually back to her usual color since feeding. Maybe he would notice she had considering her eyes were also amber once more. But they could talk about this later. Once he truly got a hold of himself and where he was. Heck, she figured he would know more than she had.

"You were this angel that came and saved me." he whispered, causing her to look at him with a confused face. She slightly tilted her head as she rose up from the bed and moved his legs from beneath the covers. He sat up now, feet over the side as she turned her head to him. He was silent now, most likely seizing the opportunity to think considering everything probably just registered. It was also then that her own mind registered what was happening. At first she didn't care that she was in an unknown house in an unknown bed sleeping with Shi and that she had laid across him, kissed him, and tried to wake him up. It occurred to her that she had been naked but taking everything else in; now she her cheeks went from beaming red to pale. Now it was SHE who was wondering what the heck was going on, where she was, and then some. She thought she was on the verge of dying but here she was well and okay. Could she really trust him literally THIS much?

She shifted a bit before she crawled over to him, her back pulling the covers towards them until she threw her legs lightly over the side of the bed beside him. She nestled a cheek against his bare shoulder as she placed her arms around his back, sides, and stomach. Her eyes seemed a bit distant at this point as she tried taking it all in. Everything she had once believed was returning but with it came the words of what his father had said. What did he mean about her being in a pond full of piranha? None of that still made sense. She didn't want to really ask either. Not yet anyway.

"I think this is the next day since we trained but I am honestly unsure.... nobodies awake yet."

Her voice was very even and calm whisper. It was her way of trying to tell him everything was okay and to relax. She just wanted him to be at ease considering how frantic he just was. Maybe it was him that had thrown up considering his Chunin jacket lay over the trash can.

"And an angel you say?" she asked with a smile, her voice sounding as though she were highly impressed, "glad you think of me that way. Sadly, I don't have any interesting dreams to tell." She chuckled very lightly, "all I remember is just suddenly waking up."

She wasn't making fun of him but it was something that made her a bit giddy. She let go of him and pulled herself back onto the bed. She crossed her legs Indian style just behind his right back flank, or just out of his line of vision, and watched him with happy but worried eyes again. She didn't know if he was fully ok yet and didn't want to be to clingy if he wished to have space. She was also unsure if now would be a good time to ask questions either. But getting his thoughts off the nightmare, or dream, may help him.

"Soo.... where are we exactly? And" she spoke evenly again before she started to hesitate. She was somewhat unsure what to say so she made the next question a bit broad. "What happened yesterday?... More importantly, are you okay?"

She waited to listen as twilight progressed outside.
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 11:02 pm

She embraced him, putting that faimilar warm cheek on his shoulder as he was still confused about what was going on. Recollecting all of his senses that had been thrashed around in his brain like a washer took some time, but feeling another individual, seeing, hearing and smelling made it all easier for them to come rushing back to him. His body wasn't tired anymore and he had fully recovered from his chakra loss which had induced him into the horrible dreams to begin with. He looked outside when she said no one was awake, it was still early morning, the blue light of dawn streaked across the sky, but other than that it was still dark. "Yeah. I guess it is pretty early." He yawned like a lion rawring, not cupping his mouth at all and letting it echo acorss the room.

He got up from his bed and stood up tall, standing on the tips of his toes as he flexed his leg muscles up and down, trying to get his warm blood to flow to the cool parts of his body. He did a few morning stretches and bent over from side to side, front to back, pooping and stretching all the bones in his body until he had that limber feeling once again. He listened to her talk about what he'd said. "Yeah, now that I think of it it might have been Ayame who was the angel, you were that raging demon who punched me in the face!" He joked and laughed because he knew the sarcasm in his voice was strong. He turned around and looked at her and smiled, while he rubbed his hair and ran it through his fingers. It was getting pretty long and it would be time for a hair cut soon. "Yeah about yesterday, I'm fine. I dumped way too much chakra to use that genjutsu technique. An A Rank amount was supposed to be my target, but I think I dumped somewhere around S... It killed me on the inside, literally, but I'm fine now." Shihouin walked over to the room and opened the door and looked both ways. "We're in my fathers house. It's mines now but I don't know how things will work out... apparently someone wants it."

Shihouin walked over to the corner and put on his nin boots. He looked awkward, wearing gym shorts and a white wife beater and those nin boots. He didn't feel like strapping on his nin pouches or even taking his sword with him but he looked like he wanted to go somewhere. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small card, looking at it and then stuffing it back down in his pocket. "Even though I'd like you to wear that nightgown all the time, you can't. Old man Jiro from the weapons shop is friends with a tailor down in the shops district of the village. They meet a lot and talk to each other and if I ever needed a favor he said I could ask him. I would just take you shopping, but I figure you'd enjoy tailor made garments. He does everything head to toe, whatever you want. Do you wanna go?"
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 24, 2010 11:31 pm

"Yeah, now that I think of it it might have been Ayame who was the angel, you were that raging demon who punched me in the face!"

She knew he was joking but responded with cocking her eyebrow and giving the "really?" face. When he turned back around and began rubbing his head, she held that until he talked about what happened to him. Now the vomit in the trash can made sense. What also made sense was the pain she felt and why he was so tired.

Walking over to the door, he opened it and peered around. She was still sitting Indian style but now turned her body to where she could look over at him. Her hands were placed on her knees and she had pulled her shirt over them to where he couldn't see her undies beneath. Not that it probably mattered anyway. From the way things looked he had seen her fricken womanhood. Still embarrassing! But better him then some creep right?

"We're in my fathers house. It's mines now but I don't know how things will work out... apparently someone wants it."

She tilted her head some, "Who?"

He returned inside and then put his boots on. It appeared now that they may go somewhere. She straightened her head back and blinked once, watching him as he took out a card and peered at it before returning it to his pocket. From what she saw it looked like a credit card, making her wonder what he was up to.

"Even though I'd like you to wear that nightgown all the time, you can't. Old man Jiro from the weapons shop is friends with a tailor down in the shops district of the village. They meet a lot and talk to each other and if I ever needed a favor he said I could ask him. I would just take you shopping, but I figure you'd enjoy tailor made garments. He does everything head to toe, whatever you want. Do you wanna go?"

" don't have to....I mean...I could always pick something up at my house. You've already done a" She sounded rather hesitant. She had averted eye contact and was rubbing the back of her head before she then looked back up at him with a straightforward giddy smile, "sure!"

She crawled across the fine linen and stepped onto her feet. To him it may seem she was up to something considering she hesitated then grew happy. Truth was, she was up to something and that something happened to be the fact she just wanted to spend some time with him. Going him may mean sticking around there and then him leaving. From the fight the had yesterday until now, things got interesting and she really wanted some answers about various things. It could be a good experience for them on her opinion. Making up for lost time right?

She walked over to the floor and picked up his clothes again before looking over at him with an embarrassed smile, "wait here, I have something to tell you before we leave this room but please turn around... even though...well...yeah."

After that she turned away and crossed to the other side of the room. With her back turned to him she made sure he wasn't looking before she quickly changed and threw the gown on the bed. Straightening his shirt, which was not inside out this time, she walked back over to him feeling a tad bit awkward. She never changed with a guy in the room. Actually, she never thought she would. But neither did she think she would sleep with one either. Odd day it was...

"I hope you don't mind, but I sort of don't want to go out into public in a gown and I kind of wore your clothes this morning because I went feeding...I needed my strength back. I wore the crest inside out though and nobody saw me. I didn't exactly leave the house either. I went downstairs and well, sort of fed on what I think was the gardener, the maid, and some overly large guy who wreaked of bad hygiene and tacos. The woman will be fine but the man well.. I didn't kill him over course but when he wakes up he very well may not be able to get up for a while considering the fact he'll need to replenish his own blood supply and will feel extremely dizzy."

She grinned an uneasy smile before she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment, "sorry if I shouldn't have."

If he grew angry at her, she didn't blame him but she would most likely be quiet for the rest of the day and distant. She would feel guilty and sad until he showed her it was okay. She hoped it wouldn't come to that but was already beginning to feel the pang of guilt rise. If everything was fine though, at least she was ready to leave and follow him wherever they needed to go.

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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 28, 2010 9:26 pm

Shihouin didn't care that she'd sucked blood, if she needed it to live then so be it. The training session with her had taken a lot out of the both of them physically and mentally and her way of recharging and relaxation from fighting was differnet than his method. With a good nights rest and some food Shihouin would be just fine, but she required something different that normal. It didn't matter at all. "Even though I've inherited this house by blood, it doesn't mean I feel like I'm the king of this castle. I barely knew that this room existed last night and the only reason we are here is because no one else was. Whatever you did doesn't matter, and plus these people worked for my father so they're not entirely blameless. Everyone that has their hand in with my father has done some sort of unspeakable act in their lifetime, so sucking some blood for the benefit of yourself will more likely just put them in check." Shihouin smiled. "It's all good, now follow me."

He would start a chase or anything with her, he was too hungry for that. Even though she was dressed in his clothes they were taking a way traveled by few, a back way which Shihouin knew about and could access from any point in the village. Old Man Jiro taught him the special route and told him to use it whenever he needed to see him quickly. Apparently that path had been as ancient as Old Man Jiro himself.

They would curtly exit downstairs as quickly as possible, leaving most of the guests in awe as they ran out in their morning nakedness, that is to say barely dressed for public eyes. Once outside, Shihouin lifted his head up to the east and moved his body towards the north, following a certain position with the sun as his compass. They would move into a forest quickly, as fast as both of their feet could carry them, Shihouin surveying each detail of the specific path laid out to him by Old Man Jiro. Not laid out by trodden ground or footsteps, there were several special old time markers which would lead the way, markers that strangers would never string together. An old crick which ran through the majority of this side of the village, long and skinny like a pipe, carrying a small swallow of water infinitely with some sort of unknown current. They would follow it for a bit until it winded out, and then turn in the direction of the sun for a bit.

He would count paces by the steps, make leaps to different trees and notice small types of landscape changes and things, sensing the world all around him. After some odd set of time, they would drop down and travel by foot, following the sun through a large clearing which had the village coming up quickly, blotting otu the majority of the golden egg sitting in the sky. The position they had come upon, from this back way was directy behind an old raggedy shop. Around this time Old Man Jiro and his friends would be here.

There was a mangy dog in the back, tied to an old orange tree who always bore good fruits. He was white and speckled black, covered in the dusty dirty. He sat on both of his paws and looked forward through sleepy eyes as he smelled a familiar sent coming forward. Shihouin hopped over the wire fence with the ease of a ninja motioning for Nasa to do the same thing. The dog rushed over to Shihouin with a strong tail wag, its hind legs were moving back to back as it rushed up to its face, liking him with its sour tongue. Shihouin welcomed the dog and patted it down, rubbing its head all over. After a while, he left the old dog there, whining as Shihouin went to the back door.

A special knock was required. He performed it with his memory and then burst open the door, revealing a dark cavern. There were tables all around and old men sat about them with squint wrinkly eyes from the sunlight outside. The tea shop here held a musty sweet smell, like old men that had been spending their years chasing the flowery skirts of young girls. Shihouin shouted at the top of his lungs. "An old man resides in this pace, and smells like the blade of a thousand samurai, yet none coated in a single drop of blood!!" The old men didn't say anything, stood still with hands ready to move to hidden tools that hid even in they're wrinkles. "And he likes the tea that drips from in between womens legs, where can I get a glass of that?" All of them relaxed, and chuckled loudly across the entire room, coughing and wheezing and looking in the direction of Old Man Jiro. For the most part, they would ignore Nasa, but she would have to watch out for hands that touched her smooth thighs, trying to find their way into her legs. Hopefully she would simply tap them away, these old men meant no harm and poked fun, even though she might assume they wanted to poke with something else.

At the end of the corner, the familiar old face of an old boss lit up the dark room when he noticed Shihouin. Jiro struggled up from his seat and coughed, marching over to Shihouin and embraced him in a huge hug. He sized him up, both him and Nasa with his old glasses, one side crooked and bent out of shape. With an old shaky voice, he spoke. "So I see you've been doing well." "Yep, yep. I've come for a favor." "You don't even ask me how I'm doing after you destroyed the shop and you come asking for favors!" Shihouin smiled and laughed. "I can pay you back big time, I just need clothes and some of those old ninja scrolls you had. Clothes for me and her." Jiro looked at Nasamea, and smiled. "I remember you little girl." He smiled cutely at her, the best an old man could manage with missing teeth. It wasn't cute though. "Well, go meet Segata in the back. You know how perverted he can be so I would suggest you stay with her."

Shihouin took hold of Nasa's hand quickly as they turned tail to the back, after he parted with Jiro with a hug. "This guys a pervert, but he's really really talented. He's all into the anicent arts of ninja and samurai and does great work. So I hope you are comfortable being a bit, uhh, exposed for a short time. If it bothers you, we can go somewhere else, but I can keep him in check. Any clothes that you can think of... he can make it. Trust me he's awesome." Besides his foretold pervertedness, he hoped Nasa would oblige. If she would, they would both walk into a dark room in the back, and be asked to change into fundoshi.
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 28, 2010 10:46 pm

Nasamea traveled practically loyally behind Shi from one unfamiliar place to the next. Her ears listened as the birds fluttered their wings when they ventured through the trees. She heard the water streaming itself through the earth, not sure where it may spill out. Then she would listen for any other oncoming attacks which may occur, typical Nasa. From what she could see, the sun was finally rising in the distance. It took the shape of a golden egg as it burned with heat and lit up the sky. Its rays stretched far beyond the eyes could see and thus the day truly began. Normally Nasamea would be sitting around on some rooftop by now if she wasn't doing chores, training, or on a mission. She would feel the heat of the sun against her back as her form casted a shadow down on the bustling civilians. It was rather entertaining but most of all, relaxing.

When they had left the natural setting of the forest a part of Nasa felt a bit sad. She enjoyed the trees and animal life quite a lot. It was where she normally fought against people as well. But today she wasn't entirely in a fighting mood but was rather in a rambunctious one. This was settled at the moment though and covered in a veil of calmness. She was more so weary seeing as how everything seemed rather unfamiliar. She thought they would be going to the market like anyone did but here Shi was leading her to the unknown. Normally she would stop and fight someone for doing this but when it came to Shi, she was okay with the unknown. Even if this might one day bite her in the ass, she would probably be okay with it depending on what occurred afterwards. But that was thinking negative.

With her eyes set on Shi they came to a small old shop. It appeared to have been beaten down a few times but was still rather decent. Shi beckoned her over a wire fence which he leaped over and soon enough she followed. For the most part she was silent and watchful as she took everything in bit by bit. 'A dog?' she questioned herself. The animal ran over to Shi like a father and man's best friend reunion before it licked his face over. He rubbed its head before letting it be. Nasamea happened to be a sucker for animals so she began to try to befriend it, showing it she was a friend and not a foe. After she seemed to be granted its approval, she stroked its head a few times before following Shi around to the back of the shop. Things seemed odd but in her opinion, they got a bit odder. Especially when they entered the old shop.

The scene unfolded with a poorly lit room and a group of old men scattered amongst a few tables. Now this was very odd. Nasamea glanced over them with a confused expression as she tried to not gag at the sweet and sour smell. It was as though something to die for had been set out for to long and began to mold which was kind of gross. If only the sour part of it could be taken away, but maybe then it wouldn't be complete. She stayed close behind Shi as she watched them eye the two of them suspiciously. This didn't seem like a clothes place at all.

"An old man resides in this pace, and smells like the blade of a thousand samurai, yet none coated in a single drop of blood!!" The men eyed Shi, as did Nasamea who threw a 'what are you doing and why are we here' look before turning her attention back to the men. "And he likes the tea that drips from in between womens legs, where can I get a glass of that?" That was the ticket. Nasamea grunted and glanced at Shi. She knew what that meant but had yet to figure out why it was relevant. Considering the way Shi knocked before busting down the door, had to be a secret code. but it was still vulgar!

Either way, the men relaxed and chuckled to themselves. Nasamea glanced at Shi with a bit of a worried and confused expression before someone in particular caught her eye. Wasn't that the man from the weapon shop taking care of Shi? He looked familiar, it had to be. The man struggled from his chair before he made his way over to them, his careful eye sizing Shi and Nasa up as he did. Nasamea straightened herself when he had, trying to look even more tough then she probably had in her small human form. She sized him up in return yet remained rather hidden behind Shi. Believe it or not, Nasamea was actually shy when the layers were peeled back.

"So I see you've been doing well." "Yep, yep. I've come for a favor." "You don't even ask me how I'm doing after you destroyed the shop and you come asking for favors!" Shihouin smiled and laughed. "I can pay you back big time, I just need clothes and some of those old ninja scrolls you had. Clothes for me and her." Nasamea eyed the weapon owner carefully as he put on a rather goofy smile. "I remember you little girl." She gave a rather sheepish smile back as she tried to grin, "heh"
Her voice sounded a bit squeaky and yet as though she were out of breath when she said that. For the most part it was because she wasn't sure what to say. She was a bit creeped out.

"Well, go meet Segata in the back. You know how perverted he can be so I would suggest you stay with her."

Yet another confused look was shot at Shi before he grabbed her hand and dragged her forward. Not sure if she should fight it or not, considering he was trying to be nice, she quickly let him pull and went along for the ride.

"This guys a pervert, but he's really really talented. He's all into the anicent arts of ninja and samurai and does great work. So I hope you are comfortable being a bit, uhh, exposed for a short time. If it bothers you, we can go somewhere else, but I can keep him in check. Any clothes that you can think of... he can make it. Trust me he's awesome."

Exactly how exposed was he talking?

"Er, it's fine. I mean it can't be that bad right? Better than being eaten by wild bears I guess," she said, trying to make this partially unpleasant situation sounded better. She smiled a bit at him before she glanced forward. From poorly lit to pure darkness, Shi led her into a pitch black room. She stepped through cautiously as she listened to their footsteps against the creaky wooden floorboards. There was only very little light from outside but it only barely shown through the doorway. Once again, before she had a chance to ask questions it appeared someone had to speak.

"Follow the wall to your right and you will come to doorway. I ask that the two of you step in and change into Fundoshi before we begin. After that we can proceed," a man said. His voice sounded calm yet he then began to chuckle, "I won't turn any lights on until you two are done but please hurry before I change my mind."

Nasamea's hand grew a bit tense in Shi's grip as she restrained herself from snarling. She couldn't stand it when people were perverted, more so old men. In her book the only exception would probably be Shi had they been in a excruciatingly serious relationship. That was the best way she could probably put it without getting embarrassed. Unless Shi led the way, Nasamea began to then pull him along as her pupils took the form of a cat's. She could partially see as her eyes absorbed any light they could but she still held a hand out. They quickly moved into the next room as their eyes adjusted more and more. The sun would probably make hers bleed by the time they say daylight again. Maybe they should have done this during the night.

When they entered Nasamea saw that there was a very faint glow from what appeared to be like a night light. It was as though they were walking by moon light, the bulb mimicking the pale beauty quite well. She crossed stepped around her ears listening to try and get a grasp on the space they had to work with. From the sound of things the room wasn't small but didn't sound that big either. She soon saw near the light a few clothes placed about. Actually, it looked like she was peering at some kind of panties and a bra beside a cloth. She was a bit confused.

"I think that's it" she whispered at Shi before walking towards the light. She almost felt like a moth as she watched it before she gazed over a few different clothes and bra like things. She gave it an odd look before she whispered back at Shi with a bit of contempt, "if I have to swear this please don't let him touch me."

She held a whimper before picking up a black pair trimmed in light purple. She grumbled within her head before she headed across the room, her footsteps causing the floorboards to very lightly creak, before she took a spot in the far corner away from the light. She examined her surroundings as much as she could before she gave in and began to pull off Shi's clothes, and his protection. She first took off her shirt before folding it and setting it in reaching distance when she bent over. She then slowly slipped out the bra like cloth, her cheeks turning red as she tried to imagine Shi not there. She didn't know if she preferred having him in eye sight or not. She put in on, positioning her breasts as need be before she made faces in the dark and slipped off his shorts. She folded these as well before she picked up before making more irritated faces and hesitantly slipping off her underwear. She looked patted the ground for the bottom piece, grunting a bit, before finally picking it up and slipping it on. She positioned it over her parts before she really grew uncomfortable.

"Shi you can see my butt!" she whispered directly at him in protest. She quickly picked up the clothes before she covered her behind and listened for him, waiting to see if he was done.
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A New Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Home   A New Home I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 30, 2010 12:07 am

The lights would go dark soon and eat Shihouin away from her, moving into the darkness. She would feel some hands reach around her body, old wrinkled hands like long raisins, pruned and withered. They would squeeze all around her body and tug at parts she would be uncomfortable with, her waist especially. The old man would reach his measuring stick around her waist and decide to measure it on her cheeks, making sure he got a great feel on her bottom, trying to pass it off as quickly as possible. He would move his hands and measure her from head to toe, stopping to check her breasts especially. A smooth palm would push them forward in a sense, to check how large they were and how large they could be. He would then weigh them properly in both hands, determining how much they would move around and the type of fabric needed for maximum mobility.

After fondling her for about a good five minutes, he would move to her thighs and measure her inner thighs, the thickest part of them without regard for touching her privates. He'd spend some time there, but not too much he didn't want a punch in the face or get slapped across his cheek. He would go down to the side of her waist and measure all the way down to her feet, and lift her ankle up gently to measure how big her feet were and how big each one was. Her body would be fondled all over, but quickly the old man didn't take long to feel her, err measure her up.

Shihouin had gone through the same exact thing but didn't have to deal with it much. He didn't need to worry about the fondling of his privates since mens were so easy to manage. A woman had much more curves and had to be fitted for a clothing different form men. A generic shirt would do him well, but of course this was all custom clothing. After a few odd minutes the lights would come back on and both naked lovers would be covered under large robes to hide their selves. They would be pushed back outside to the tea shop, where Shihouin and her would sit down next to the old man.

They talked for some time, discussing some of the new products and some of the secrets that they had worked together. He came baring gifts for Shihouin and Nasa, all sorts of new tools and some generic ones to resupply their stock on. The large duffel bag he carried was heavy, one for each of them, but was in plenty supply. With this, he had enough tools to last him for a long time and didn't have any need to buy them. Once they had accepted the gifts, they would both be pulled back into the room and stripped of their robes once more. Shihouin would be thrown a set of clothes and so would Nasa and they would change into the clothes that they had desired. After spending an awkward amount of time changing, they would both be sent off with several other outfits that matched and a few spares of the current ones they had on. Shihouin would end up splitting with her at this point, but would soon meet up with her later.
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