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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!

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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 10:44 pm

As Nasa and Mitsu started walking back from their now finished mission together, they soon found themselves in the village streets of Konoha. They took their time walking around for virtually no reason. Mitsu didn't know if he was following Nasa or if she was following him. They soon found themselves still in the Konoha streets at late evening. Mitsu looked up at the sky and noticed that the skies were clear. He was glad that the skies were clear for once and decided to stay up late into the night to try to stargaze. He glanced over at Nasa and thought maybe he should take her along. She was his teammate after all, and Mitsu could always use a good friend. He remembered her slight transformation she took on their first meeting with their team. He knew that she would tell him once she trusted him enough, but it managed to strike his interest and he wanted to know, but wouldn't press the subject at all. He might bring it up later, but then again, maybe not. He decided to wait and see. For now, He was going to invite her to stargaze with him, something he doesn't do with other people very often.

"Hey Nasa, I want to show you something. Do you like stargazing?"
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 11:00 pm

Since leaving the mission, Nasamea assumed that once they reached Konoha's streets they would go their separate ways and wouldn't talk until they decided to go on another mission, had to attend a training session, or some other meeting that included their duties as ninja. However, once they reached the streets, Nasamea soon learned this apparently wasn't the case. Nasa mostly walked around aimlessly as she kept a relaxed yet consistent gait. Her amber hues wandered as she took in the different, yet familiar, smells. She didn't really enjoy the ramen scent due to her distaste for human food however she did love the smell of freshly brewed tea. The scent held an essence of mint to it which not only helped clear the sinuses but opened her mind to brand new thoughts and ideas. She didn't know what it was, but mint always made her think a lot. Some scents had certain affects on her; like lavender made her relaxed. It was just one of those things.

With night approaching and the time for dinner drawing near, Nasamea was just about to talk to Mitsu about parting ways. It was rather odd on her opinion that they were walking around this long anyway but she wasn't complaining; it gave her something to do. She prepared to turn but then, "Hey Nasa".


She stopped and, in silence, turned so that her side was to him.

"I want to show you something. Do you like stargazing?"

'Stargazing?' she asked herself, 'actually...'"I do. What would you like to show me?"

Nobody had ever asked her about stargazing and the last time someone wanted to show her something, it turned out to end in something bad. Despite the option to decline though, she chose not to. By now, after being stabbed in the back by not only her "friends" in Taki but by Shi. She was beginning to just not care anymore. In her mind set, the more humans hurt her. The more reasons it gave her, in the future, to get revenge on them. Mainly those that hurt her, not other humans. Mitsu seemed fine so far. He was kind and very polite. From what she believed, he could turn out to be a good friend. But did she really want to get close to anyone again? Would it hurt to have one more potential person that she could trust her secret with? She wasn't sure.

Despite it all though she decided to give him a chance anyway. Besides, with the way things were going, it wouldn't be long before she was possibly promoted anyway. Maybe then she could put the team and her issues behind..... but did she want to? A bit of sorrow flowed over her but this was easily masked by the curious expression placed upon her face.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 12:05 am

Mitsu stared into Nasa's amber eyes and noticed something, like there was something bothering her, but he could barely feel it under the possible mask of curiosity she had bore upon her face. He decided it didn't matter though. "Ok then, I've got a great place then thats perfect, just give me a sec then follow me." Mitsu then jumped on top of a small building then to a higher one. Soon he was at the top of a 4 story building, quickly outlooking the area. He knew Konoha very well, but its nice to have a reminder every so often. He jumped down the buildings he used to get up there in reverse oder and back to where Nasa was standing. "Alright, this way." Mitsu then started walking out in the direction of the training grounds. As Nasa followed, he listened to the bustling noises of the people start to die down. Most shops and such were closing down for the night, and people began to leave for home. This was the time of the day where some things ended, but others began. Mitsu appreciated the bright blessed day, and the dark sacredness that is the night. He didn't really have a preference as to which one he liked better.

The sounds of night creatures and insects began to make their noises at they walked down the streets, now nearing the training grounds. Mitsu looked into the sky to check if the sky was still clear. Good news for him it was. He smiled at the fact that he would get to enjoy his favorite activity after so long, and as he was looking up he noticed the night's first star reveal itself. Mitsu then closed his eyes and made a wish, as was his tradition. He knew it was childish and that it didn't mean anything, but he always did it none the less. He only really wished for three things really. Those were to become the strongest he could ever possibly be, find a true love within the near future, or friendship. This time he wished for a friendship between Nasa and himself. He then opened his eyes and continued on his way, now they were at the opening of the training grounds. Mitsu figured he would try to start a conversation while they walked. "So, do you prefer the day time, or the night life?" Mitsu asked has he looked over to her.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 12:39 am

Nasamea nodded to him after he motioned for to follow. She was still unsure of it all but decided to go anyway. She did enjoy stargazing. In fact, when she hunted, she tended to watch the sky all the time or zone out between meals. One thing she loved in particular was the moon. She enjoyed its crescent forms but she couldn't live without seeing it when it was full. It was truly remarkable. Hoping to maybe get a glimpse of this large dazzling beauty, Nasa walked close behind. She was a little excited to see the night but more so curious as to where they were going. Night was falling quickly and thus some shops were beginning to close for the night; mainly the family owned ones. Meanwhile some stayed open while one would see tired people leaving and new people entering with the same outfits. This was the time for the third shift workers to begin, if they hadn't already. This was usually when Nasa was at home waiting on her parents. From the time the returned home, Nasa would then wait until they were sound asleep before sneaking out to hunt. She typically hunted during twilight for both dawn and dusk. The best times were when anyone was rarely out.

When the sounds around them began to change, Nasa paid more attention to their surroundings. They were leaving the streets and now apparently heading towards the training ground. Immediately Nasa got the idea that he actually did want to spar besides saying he wanted to stargaze. Mitsu didn't seem that sly to do that but looks can be decieving and she didn't know him enough. He could be like her except opposite. Basically a polite and kind person on the outside and a sly decieving jerk inside. These assumptions seemed outrageous as well, but possible.

"So, do you prefer the day time, or the night life?"

Random, but at least it broke the silence between them. He was trying to make conversation; unlike her who was being shy like and mostly just quiet.

"Honestly, the night life. I'm not crazy about the people all the time and the loud parties but lucky for us we live in a quiet apartment and don't have to worry. What about yourself?"

Nasa kept walking with a normal pace. Wondering what would greet her at the end of their small journey.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 4:51 pm

"Well to be honest, I don't really have a preference. I like people, but at night I get all the time I want to myself and to just think. I like the feeling of the warm sun but i also enjoy the night's cold embrace." Mitsu was then walking next to Nasa while walking through the training grounds. The chirping of crickets could now be easily heard, along with a few rustling noises from the day dwelling animals retreating to their homes. They passed a clearing then into a patch of forest. Woodland creatures could be seen in the background, climbing trees and whatnot. The patch of forest wasn't all that long and they were soon at their destination, Mitsu's usual glade. The sky was clear and the stars were bright, and the fireflies with their phosphorescence were fluttering about. [color=blue]"This is the place. I go to this exact spot every time I look at the stars at night. And by the way, the farmer mentioned something about there being other missions. If you were planning on doing those too, and didn't have another person to go with, I'd be happy to tag along. I want to become a chunnin as fast as possible. Hopefully you me and Yoshi can all become chunnin together.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 8:21 pm

Shihouin had been following them again, but at this point he knew that they knew he was there, well. Nasa would know, she'd smell his blood, the same blood he used to feed her from, from meters away. He didn't care about making his appearance subtle, for a ninja, he was walking almost as if he was marching, making sure that every footstep could be heard on the deep brown dirt and the low grass. He walked through the woods directly behidn him and picked up Mitsu's last few words. Shihouin grunted and smirked, the toothpick in the corner of his mouth. It was a low grunt, but one that carried lots of sarcasm and laughter to it. "So I leave for a couple of weeks and you're here watching the stairs with some genin idiot? How low can you stoop Nasamea? You didn't even get my dick yet here you are running around searching for one." He moved his head and cracked his neck a bit. His Sharingan turned on and his eyes went to two tomoe. "To think, that my ex girlfriend is such a whore..."

Shihouin moved around a bit, walking a bit closer. He wore some flip flops and shorts with a white shirt, and his low cut hair made him look like a normal civilian. The ninja pouch on his back and the ninjato on his back told otherwise. He wore no Konoha headband, even though. "Hey chump, do you even know anything about this girl?" He looked back at Nasa and spoke before any of them could respond. "You didn't tell him," his eyes widened in sarcastic surpris and his grin flickered again. "You didn't tel him that you're a monster? That you're not even human? That you're some weird creature? I figured maybe the pussy would be tighter, but I never got to find that out. It's a shame though." He cracked his neck one last time. "That's enough talking. Come Nasa. Have you been sucking his dick this entire time or training?!" Shihouin with his left hand already in his pocket he threw two shuriken, one directly at Mitsu and one directly at Nasamea's face. He kept his eyes on the both of him and would back up a couple of meters and prepare his next move accordingly.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 9:12 pm

She listened to his determination as she gazed at Mitsu from the corner of her eye. A faint smile crossed her face as she prepared to reply before a very familiar scent crossed her nose. It was carried by the very faint breeze of the night and drew closer. Her thoughts immediately turned into turmoil as her eyes broke from Mitsu and stared hard at the ground before her. She gazed at a small rock before her with an intensity; making her appear almost as though she was trying to crumble it with her mind. It was the sound of a snap that caught her ears, making her turn her head to stare right at Shi. At this moment a spark lit within the pit of her stomach as she adverted his eyes and stared right at his center. She wanted to look into his eyes so bad; it was killing her inside. She could have sworn her heart skipped a beat from the shock of his presence. She had been meaning to talk to him, was wondering where he was, and wanted to see him just so she could be certain he was okay. But apparently his motives remained the same. He was still that same Shi that attacked her; or so she thought. What happened that night? The chest wound she once possessed began to burn like no tomorrow. It were as though the kunai he had used to stab her was still there. Was this real? She did her best to quell her thoughts as he spoke.

"So I leave for a couple of weeks and you're here watching the stars with some genin idiot? How low can you stoop Nasamea? You didn't even get my dick yet here you are running around searching for one."

The spark began to transform from her wishing to speak into her wishing to attack. She wasn't so much wanting to physically come at him, but her thought patterns quickly went from turmoil to focused hateful thoughts. Her hues crept closer to his own, but never once did she look into his eyes or even come here as she did. He cracked his neck.

"To think, that my ex girlfriend is such a whore..."

Another pang to the heart, the chest wound burned even more as her fingers began to slightly switch. No chakra was building up just yet but at this rate there was the high chance of some light transformations occurring.

'Stay calm....stay calm...resist'

It didn't take much to get her to resist the urge to attack him physically but this didn't mean she wanted to emotionally or mentally. Like it would do much good at the moment. In a way she felt as though she were reading Shi. There was no point in her saying much of anything, it would just be a waste of time. A low rumble that was naked to the normal human ear causally bellowed in her chest. Her anger felt as though it were solidifying into something else; something which fueled her emotions to spat words of hate despite how she really felt. Most of all, she was confused.

After speaking words to Mitsu, Shi turned his attention back to her. By then she slipped her hand into her pocket, mimicking him and preparing herself for anything. It was obvious that he was trying to do whatever he could to upset her. Especially after not only calling her a monster in front of someone who doesn't know but even saying she was a whore. He was edging her on and although she was feeling a tad irritated, she quickly fell into a very calm phase while trying to clear her head. It was then her training set in. She was ready to fight. She needed to break this curse that had seemed to fall over him. She wanted the old Shi back even if it meant hurting herself in the process. She wanted that man dead.

"That's enough talking. Come Nasa. Have you been sucking his dick this entire time or training?!"

The moment he withdrew his hand from her pocket, she already saw what was coming. He tended to keep his tools in his pockets now for quick draws rather than digging into his pouch. Monkey see, monkey do, and now Nasamea ad withdrew a kunai from the same place. All her tools weren't in her pocket, most being in her pouch, but she was prepared none the less. Shi was one of her original teachers from Konoha. It didn't take her long to realize the simple alternation of where he stored his new tools and why.

The shuriken he threw towards her face was quickly deflected back towards him by utilizing a kunai. This deflection technique was the same thing he had used once on her own tools so he would know precisely what it is she had done. Right after deflecting it though she then moved towards the left, or his right, and away from Mitsu. While she ran she formed handseals, creating three simple dopplegangers whom ran right towards him. After this she threw the kunai and stopped about six meters, diagonal, from where she originally stood. This placed her seven meters in front of him.So not only was there three basic clones running towards him but there was a kunai aimed for him with something tied to it's handle. He would most likely immediately recognize these as illusions due to her lack of rank and not owning the actual shadow clone tech. Plus she wouldn't doubt that he was using his Sharingan. He seemed to be blinded by power as it is, why would he not? He wanted to train it after all. It just made sense. Either way though, that was her assault.

With her new position set and an assault making it ways towards him, Nasamea then formed hand seals and took a position that only read for him to go to her. It was the form she was wondering on. One that made her appear small, which gave her less to hit, and positioned her arms in a manner that she could counter practically any punches or kicks thrown. While she did this, chakra began to form at her hands while she stared at his center. She waited for him to make a move while watching to see what not only Shi but Mitsu may do. Nasa's position allowed her to attack, defend, and even run if she had to. Right now her moves mostly depended on Shi's reaction though and could be altered at any given time. It all just depended on Shi.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 10:59 pm

Mitsu was busy looking up at the stars and didn't notice Nasa staring at the ground. Suddenly, he heard an unfamiliar voice speak. " "So I leave for a couple of weeks and you're here watching the stairs with some genin idiot? How low can you stoop Nasamea? You didn't even get my dick yet here you are running around searching for one." This struck a small chord within Mitsu. The fact that he was disdained by the people of Kumo made him slightly extra sensitive to insults. Normally, he would know if someone was just poking fun, or if it was intentional. But this was definitely intentional. He easily kept his cool as he turned around. He looked into his eyes as he cracked his neck. Suddenly this man's eyes changed, the eyes of a sharingan user to be exact. Mitsu read about all the things that clan could do with the right training, and thus immediately looked away from them. Lucky for him, he was focused on Nasa at the time. He threw a few more insults at Nasa, in an obvious attempt to piss her off. Mitsu looked over at Nasa and noticed that she was...different than she was today. He knew she was getting angry inside, fighting against releasing it, at least not yet. Then the man called Nasa his ex girlfriend, and a whore. And all the talk about he being a monster, Mitsu had his suspicions, but he wouldn't have made that drastic of a conclusion from what he had seen. He wasn't sure what to believe, but he didn't like the fact that he was insulting Nasa, his friend. Suddenly, he heard the slight sound of metal then the man threw two shuriken at them. One for Nasa, and the other for him. Mitsu immediately reacted by extending a bone sword out of his arm and deflecting the shuriken. Mitsu didn't want any trouble, but was going to fight if this person was going to continue.

Nasa soon reacted with her counter. Seeing as it was so quick, Mitsu didn't attack for two reasons. One was because he would decide to strike right as he started to counter Nasa's attack, hopefully catching him off guard. The second reason, was out of slight fear. He was going against a sharingan, and he had never been in a real fight before. He may not know how strong the person was, but that fact at how powerful he could be frightened him. Mitsu quickly took a deep breath and held it, then let it out to calm his nerves. He removed a bone knife from his other arm, and prepared to throw it at just the right moment. He kept that process as hidden as much as he could, and he hopefully didn't see him do anything, he was confident in himself enough that he wouldn't hesitate at all. He didn't want to kill him, but he would have the intent when he would strike. Mitsu stood there waiting for just the right moment.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 11:26 pm

So she had learned to keep herself ready and quick. Ha. He actually felt cheated on, as if she had stole something from him and was now flauntign it. It didn't matter. See, she didn't know how talented he was. The Uchiha blood in his veins was the same blood that let him use the Sharingan, but it was stronger than normal. He could train his Sharingan to an extent that the could master his sight. He could see every move that both of them were doing and he knew that Nasa would move like this, if she had learned from him, she should have assumed the same about him. Before she started to move, and right after she threw his tools Shihouin uped the ante and went directly to three tomoe. It was time to learn. Every single one of their movements stood out and he could track them all, the way their chakra flowed as they prepared ninjutsu. He could see it all.

The clones that ran towards him had no substance at all, and they didn't block his sight. He could see clearly behind them, to the chakra signature that was moving. But he didn't plan on staying there. The tool that she threw was probably set to detonate, but he had already been moving towards Mitsu the moment she moved, preparing hand signs for a familiar technique. He ran positioned in a way that he could see both Nasamea and Mitsu at the same time. Since he was about six meters away from him, he was in perfect range of his technique. Mentally, it was annoying to deal with the both of them at the same time, but he made sure that he had no threats were in his way as he launched the technique. In his mind he realized that there was a chance that this might not work. The bone that this guy could manipulate using his chakra was awkward and he had never seen anything like it. He had to learn more. When Shihouin got to five and a half meters in front of him, he breathed out the massive fireball which began to race towards him. At this distance and at this size, there was nothing Nasa could do to get rid of the technique, she would have to attack him. Shihouin prepared his next move and his hand accordingly, watching their every move with his Sharingan.

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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 9:27 am

Shi apparently had a better idea and rather than taking the illusion trick or kunai, or coming towards her, he went after Mitsu. She had a feeling this would happen. Why would he NOT go after Mitsu? Nasamea was ready for him to do this; not necessarily now but still ready. She watched Shi prepare his next move while she was still finishing her own. Rather than standing and gaping though, she cancelled her stance before she made it and made her move towards where he and Mitsu would possibly collide. She knew she wouldn’t get there in time for Shi’s attack so Mitsu was on his own with this, but she did know she’d be there for an immediate follow up assault.

Once she finished the seals, still running, she withdrew four kunai and threw them towards Shi. These kunai, rather than going towards him, actually would make their way passed him instead. Two were timed to where they would pass just two seconds after his fire attack finished and wouldn’t be affected. Nor give him much time, if any, to counter these kunai. These were thrown between Shi and Mitsu as a warning for Shi to leave Mitsu alone and for Mitsu to back off. She had faith in Mitsu despite being ignorant of his ability but she felt that this didn’t involve him. Mitsu didn’t need to be caught up in their struggle; even though she knew she would probably have to do some explaining afterwards.

The kunai passed through the air around Shi before they began to spin. While they flew they created a minor whistling sound that would probably only be heard if one were paying close attention. Once they passed, the kunai then struck two trees behind while Nasamea finished a set of hand seals and crossed her arms while she breathed in. Soon after, fire would rage down an invisible path, crossing three meters before her and Shi and would then rage parallel to his path. The tree the kunai were lodged in was three meters away and would also be lit up as well once the fire ventured that far. Between these two parallel paths was none other than Shi; the paths being roughly a meter away from him on both sides. In her perspective, since the wires placed on the ends of the kunai were not dosed in chakra before the fire raged down them and since the sun was basically setting; there was a low chance of him actually seeing the wires and maybe only noticing the kunai. Due to the manner fire burns, the flames would venture also towards each other for heat and would only catch him in the cross fire.

He would be forced to somehow dodge or suffer burns from practically all sides.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 8:43 pm

As soon as Shi moved for Mitsu, he knew his attack wouldn't work, so he stood there, sending lighting chakra through his bone arm. then he saw that Shi was making hand signs, then shot a fireball at him. A kunai passed between them, thrown by Nasa. Mitsu took it as a sign to back off this fight."Oh, an Uchiha with Fire for his element? Like that was totally unEXPECTED!" Mitsu was obviously sarcastic, but the emphasis was there because Mitsu jumped up and back at that time on the low branch of a tree. He landed fine, as all the time he had spent here, he knew the terrain very well. He then quickly jumped again to a higher part of the tree, then jumping to another tree to avoid the conflict. Normally he would object to anyone else, but he just had this feeling that Nasa could handle this. Although, Mitsu wanted to get back at him for an insult, so he kept his bone knife ready to throw, pulling out an explosive tag now, but not applying it. He would only put it on if the opening he might get suited it. If Nasa was too close to him, Mitsu wouldn't place on the tag.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 9:13 pm

What did Nasamea not understand? What information was she lacking and how did she think that her attacks had any chance of working on him at all? Every single movement they made, he could see it all before they could consciouslly make it. He could predict their next move, the next step they were going to take and watch the flow of their chakra at the same time. His Sharingan allowed him to see through everything they were doing, and he planned on punishing the both of them with it.

The moment she had finished her seals, he had already drew five shuriken in his pocket and had them trained on her. There was no attack that was left unchecked or un-manipulated. If she had learned anything from Shihouin it would mean that every attack meant something, and no matter what, it might come back to bite you in the ass later on. He threw them all at their kunai targets, with enough speed to deflect them all mid flight. The kunai would not reach him at all, and they wouldn't go around him or come between him and his technique, he saw her form hand signs and she wasn't quick enough beat his eyes. As long as he kept his eyes on her, he could watch her move and be prepared before she could think about performing a technique.

Since Mitsu's move had been the incorrect one, he would now be dealing with a fireball exploding on him. This kid had to be a D Rank genin. The distance between him and the technique when launched was 5 1/2m. The technique had the ability to travel quickly for 10 meters. Every movement he made after that would take time. Precious time that he didn't have. Since his first move had been to jump back, extending the range that far to a tree would now put him in a horrible position with the Goukakyuu bearing it's flames on him. It would be too late to move in any other direction, he hadn't made the first move in the first place and the time it took to talk only made it more difficult. He wasn't out of this fight, Shihouin didn't want him to be. He had to either kawarimi or get burned.

After he had deflected Nasa's tools with his shuriken, the hand signs he had finished were complete. Instead of taking time to press his hands on the ground, he simply performed the technique without worry. The summoning technique gave birth to a full grown lion, one with a massive black mane and paws that would bore dents in the ground when it walked. It knew what it's job was and headed directly for Mitsu as Shihouin continued on simultaneously. He knew that Nasa had some skill, but he had to put the range between them down to nothing. He drew a kunai while running for her at a careful but fast speed, shortening four meter distance between them to three, two, and changing it into a close range fight. He would watch her every move and move accordingly to her moves. He prepared his next move mentally and physically and his lion began to move towards Mitsu's position. If he kawarimi'd he'd search for him, if he got hit by the fire he'd probably eat his leg or some other tasty limb.

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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 9:48 pm

She already assumed he would deflect the kunai, this was to be expected. So she didn't finish with the rest of the moves she prepared after, meaning no hand signs. At the moment she had chakra still generated in her hands and still held on to the wire. Rather than letting it go she still held on, allowing the kunai to fly off and fall to the ground while she slipped into her stance from earlier. Once more she made herself appear smaller, closing off gaps while keeping herself in a position to where she could attack, defend, or dodge at any given point. She could have sworn she learned this stance from Shi. Her stance came in handy for after Shi finished hand seals, summoning a full grown lion, he then whipped out a kunai and came at her. She let him come to her, waiting to make a move and fight the Sharingan head on. It was a risky thing to do but she already planned on turning their fight into a close ranged one anyway.

He came closer and closer, then once he was in a good four meter range Nasamea whipped out her arms then brought them in really fast, causing the wires to cross before he and at Shihouin's sides while he came closer. She then released the useless wires, only trying to make them cross before her as a way to make Shi get tangled up in them. This would happen if he got within two meters of her. With wires to deal with, or even if he managed to avoid them, Nasamea prepared to evade his attacks and punched forth; sending the charged chakra to emit a ball of flame that would go right towards Shi. Her chakra already began to replenish in her fist as she punched her other fist right after. The first aimed towards his upper chest / face, the second was aimed for his stomach.

Once she did this, and her chakra began to charge up again as though it never left, Nasamea sprang forth towards Shi, drawing a kunai from her pocket and preparing to counter any attack from his own kunai. There was little time to move but Nasamea prepared herself for anything. She didn't have the sharingan, she knew this. She couldn't predict his moves or see his muscles twitch as easily as Shi could watch her but she didn't care. She would stay on her feet as much as possible, which his body for any signs of sudden moves, and plan her moves as much as she could compared to his. Even if that also meant not going with her original and canceling her moves.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 10:15 pm

As Mitsu jumped into the tree, he knew it would only buy him little time. He also cut the flow of lightning chakra from his arm. While he jumped to that second tree, he knew he misjudged the fireball's speed. He was forced to use kawarimi to get out. He traded places with a log on the ground. Once there, Mitsu ran almost as fast as he could. That attack was really close. He couldn't see what was going on with that man and Nasa, but he had other problems to deal with. Soon he hear deep growling noises behind him. What the hell is that noise? He stopped and looked behind his shoulder and saw a lion with a black mane. It was large, and intimidating, as any lion should be. "He sent a lion after me!?" Mitsu said to himself as he took a sharp left then jumped a few branches. He knew he couldn't out run a lion, but in the trees he had a better chance. With his bone sword still ready, and kinfe still in hand, he threw back the knife at the lion and jumped to a tree back to his right, in the direction of the clearing again. He was going to stay near the edge of the clearing, to avoid getting involved. He knew that staying in the trees would be his best advantage against the lion. He had to make a plan of attack, and fast.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 10:58 pm

He kawarimi'ed. Great. He wasn't going to get away even though he had been running away. The lion had been sent after him for that reason. Shihouin wanted to spend some alone time with his ex girlfriend, and to get reacquainted with her again. However, Mitsu would realize that he didn't have the advantage he thought he did. The lion would simply dodge the knife thrown at him, it wasn't dumb. It was a lion that was capable of speaking the human language, it was far from being some ordinary creature that had a animal's brain. Since he was at the edge of the clearing he put himself in a horrible position for cover. The lion would simply bound up the tree and jump off the thick part of the branch towards his direction in an attempt to force him to go towards the clearing. He could stay in the forest as much as he wanted to, but the lion could climb through trees as well. He would have to make his mind up soon enough, or become food.

Meanwhile, Shihouin was busy with Nasa, wondering what she had new. She kept forgetting that he had the Sharingan, maybe it was because she wasn't looking at it. When she moved her arms to move the wires, he had seen her motion and figured her plan out before she could. At this range, even if the wires did hit him, it wouldn't cut through him at all, or even hurt him that much. They'd cause some damage and he might bleed a little, but he could tank it. He decided not to though, and simply jumped over it. As he did, he wouldn't be surprised but rather surprise her as well. His next attack had been planned perfectly. Using the advantage of the Sharingan, he had copied her move and performed it at the same time she did hers. He could see her manipulate and change her chakra, he could see her flow and he could copy it the same way. With the small jump, he planted his feet back down into the ground and moved. All of the fireballs that she threw would clash with his, but there would be a little surprise waiting for her. The kunai that he had in his hand was masked under the fire, and he could see her move. Had she forgotten that? He could see the little movements and the slight sets of tension that danced across her body. By time she moved to go for her kunai, his kunai would be flying direclty for her chest, under the cover of the flashing fire and the heat waves. If she came any closer, Shihouin would read her movements and deck her in the mouth and break her teeth. She could try to hit him with a kunai, but he was just as fast as her, but knew what she could do before she could do it. He had the advantage in ninjutsu and close quarters combat. She would lose, soon. He prepared is next move physically and mentally, thankful for the new technique she had shown him.
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A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 11:33 pm

Nasamea watched Shi leap for the air, causing her to cast her fireballs up. Thing was, he attacked with the same attack, countering hers and protecting him. FIGURES! He was using his Sharingan at the moment, as anticipated. It annoyed her that he was copying her clan jutsu. Especially when she just learned it and swore to herself she wouldn't let anyone learn it unless she wanted them to learn the said jutsu. She promised her father to keep them safe to. How irritating. Becoming more ticked over the fact he was using her jutsu then actually calling her and whore and other things; Nasamea instantly became more aggressive. The moment her attacked was countered she made a quick dash forward, her hands raised protectively before her as she made a move to tackle him to the ground; avoiding the fireballs. She didn't want to hurt him. She didn't want to fight anymore. She wanted answers. Fighting wasn't getting them anywhere. She needed to know what was going on, his reason for attacking and breaking up with her, who the man was and his purpose; she needed to know a lot of things. So, she felt that by tackling him she would be able to restrain him enough to get some answers. He was strong but so was she.

Now that she made the motion to tackle, and he most likely read it, she was prepared to move to where she could defend herself or adjust her force and grab at him. If he snapped out any tools, well, that would suck, but she would take a hit and push him to the ground. If she REALLY had to, she would kawarimi. But she had a plan for what to do after that as well. In her mind, she had him despite the fact she knew his sharingan was ever seeing and would catch on to practically everything . But she was determined. She knew determination wouldn't always take you far when it came to fighting the Sharingan. But if Shi was so ever seeing then he would catch on to what she was trying to do. Especially with the angry look she had on her face that hid her confusion and even sorrow. If she really wanted to cause some damage, wouldn't she attack him with fire or a tool? She hoped he caught on to her intentions. If he played right, he could even possibly use her attack to his advantage without continuing to waste time. Made sense to her, but it all depended on him.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 11:56 pm

The moment she continued to move she had fucked up from that point on. He had the advantage because they were the same speed. She wouldn't be able to surprise him the least bit at all. He lined up the image of her next move with his fist, and made sure he held his hand and kept his body proper. She made a quick dash, making it worse, and her hands didn't matter. His hands went up directly in between them and his fist would catch him in the mouth. Her teeth would literally explode into fragments, and she might even swallow a few in the process. He had to end this battle quickly. Once he struck her he would back away. The kunai that had been under the flames would reach her chest and embed deeper than normal. It would place itself in her lung and puncture it cause her to loose breath. She could kawarimi if she wanted to, but that mean she would change.

She would have to change into that monster form if she wanted to win, but the problem was that was the Sharingan. He would be able to see her no matter where she was, and he had an attack that would deal with that. She could try it if she wanted to, but she'd end up being stuck for a little while before her transformation could fully take place. He wanted to burn her again. Like he did last time, and stab her again, so close to her heart as almost as if he were playing with her life.

The moment he would deck her in the mouth and burst all of her teeth would be the same moment he would move back. He kept his next move prepared and his eyes trained on her and the surrounding area. The moment she kawarimi'ed he would immediately see where she was next. He wondered what she would do. Get stabbed, or change into the monster? Either way, it would prove more than interesting. Since they were the same speed, he could back off to the two tomoe to now and read her movements. He had mastered it at this point.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 12:13 am

Mitsu continued running through trees, knowing that the lion dodged his knife. He pulled out the bonesword from his arm but held it in his hand. This bone was fortified and stronger than a shin bone easily. He had made a plan an in good time, as the lion was getting very close. With the clearing on his right, Mitsu jumped down from the trees and bolted quickly to the left. He ran until he hit a small space in the forest. Here he planned to kill this lion, or at least get it to de-summon and get him out of this fight. He stopped and waited for the lion to show, which didn't take long. "I don't hold anything against you, lion, but you know as well as I do I must fight, and I'm not going down unless I put up a good one. So, come at me with your best shot right here and now!" He knew this would normally be a stupid thing to do, but his plan was to get it to charge for him. As soon as the time was right, when the lion leaped into the air and opened its jaws in a pounce, Mitsu would fall back to the ground, an jam the bone into the lion's mouth vertically, then fire bone finger bullets into its open mouth, before and after the bone was inserted. He also prepared to press his feet on the lion when it landed, and would roll backwards while pushing, so the lion's weight wouldn't crush him.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 12:51 am

Her plans failed yet again as she tried to think over a decent plan he could fall for. Something they both could use to their advantage. This was easier said then done and the results didn't exactly make her happy. The moment she drew near she saw his fist coming right at her. In less than a milisecond before hitting his fist she kawarimi'd out of there. It were as though she reacted before thinking. It was a mix of adrenaline and the will to survive and not get injured. She may have thought to dodge subconciously but she wasn't sure. Either way, she escaped uninjured and with all teeth in tact.

When she reappeared though, her destination being ten meters away in the forest, she felt as though she actually had been hit. An imaginary knife pierced her chest and made her stomach churn. She felt sick from confusion and even raised a hand up to cover her mouth. She truly felt like she was about to hurl chunks. Before she truly let this get the best of her and allowed her emotions to destroy her, she glanced at Shi's position, turned, and took off into a dead run away from the training grounds. This way she would know where he was.

Not forgetting Mitsu, but allowing her weakness to get the best of her, Nasa created five clones to find him and direct him to flee. She, however, continued to run. It was the lowest thing anyone could do. Not only was she running away like a scared dog with its tail between its legs but she was also leaving behind a comrade with a lion. It was Shi's lion at that, a ferocious beast that she had fought against at one point. It wouldn't stop fighting it was dead or it killed its target. He was her teammate and she was still running away. She couldn't stop, she couldn't look back, she had to keep going or she would die. But what about Mitsu?

'Stupid humans, the lot of them....All of them!'

Nasamea's face was smothered with hatred. She wanted revenge. She wanted to destroy Taki, kill Shi, kill that man, amd she didn't know what else. Only problem... She still loved Shi...

With the veil of emotion falling over her, she quickly changed course and headed for where Mitsu and the lion had taken off into the forest. She needed to protect her comrade, but more so than anything, she needed to kill that lion. She wanted to literally tear it apart, sling its body around between her teeth, and drain its blood so that it wouldn't have even a minor chance of living. From the moment she cursed at humanity, she was beginning to change. She already had her claws, her fangs, her gray enraged hues. She even had blue fur, black markings surrounding her, and was sprouting her wings and tail. Her neck was already started to lengthen and her face was manipulated into that of a dog.

The moment she would hone in on Mitsu and the lion, she would already resemble her beast form without the size and fully grown wings or tail. Everything else though would already be complete. She would just need to grow in size. When she was within range, she would stop on a tree nearby and let out a roar. That or she would spring at the lion protect Mitsu. Whatever the lion and Mitsu were doing; she planned to react accordingly.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 7:35 pm

The moment Mitsu jumped down from the tree, the lion stopped following him and jumped down to a safer branch. It trotted off in the other direction and turned around quickly, and ducked behind some cover to go to Shihouin. It left him alone as if he had just suddenly got bored of him, and the lack of interest got to him. Mitsu wouldn't have fared well against him either, none of his jutsu were strong enough and the lion definitely out ranked him when it came to pure strength. He could even crush his bones, even though Mitsu had the ability to strengthen them. It would avoid Nasamea at all costs, it wasn't scared of her, it just wasn't interested or wanted to deal with her at all. It would use it's speed burst and get away, probably faster than she could.

Shihouin's fist continued through, realizing that Nasa wasn't there anymore. Just like he had planned, he saw her chakra signature pop up a some meters away. He was about to rush forward to her and attack her with his next move, but then realized she wasn't changing, her chakra wasn't acting up and she wasn't coming towards him at all. Both of them, both of them had ran away from him. Was he that bad? Or was he that good? They could have landed an attack on him if they had just coordinated their efforts, but was he really that scary? Whatever. Shihouin looked at Hiro, as he came trotting back through the thick forest brush, looking at him in the eyes. The lion spoke to him, sitting down down on his belly with his front paws crossed in front of him. "What else?" It's voice was deep, almost as if he were commanding Shihouin. "Nothing, you can stay out. Stay 50m away from me at all times, and change yourself into a large dog or something. I might have to deal with her sooner or later. Make sure you aren't spotted or noticed either." The lion didn't grunt or nod or offer any sort of confirmation to Shihouin at all, but rather went off in the forest to hunt for a rabbit which he'd seen earlier.

Shihouin didn't leave, he had picked up some valuable tricks that Nasamea had used. He sighed and then spoke a loud, but to himself. "Thanks to them I've collected two new things, I've mastered my two tomoe and I picked up a new jutsu from Nasa, one that is quiet versatile." He remembered how she prepared the hand signs and molded her chakra in a specific way, to almost allow some sort of free manipulation of fire. He assumed the same exact stance she did, recollecting the events in his head. He tucked his fist, and then thrust it forward. A small fireball, about the size of the Housenka fireballs rushed out in front of him and struck a tree. It dissipated and faded away quickly. He tried again with his next fist and pumped out another ball the same size. These were quick blasts, about five of them would be D Rank. His mind quickly popped open to a new thought.

He needed to learn a martial art style as soon as possible. At Chuunin, he could use taijutsu without using it as a specialty, which meant he could learn more than just his plan of genjutsu. If he learned or even created another martial arts style, he could incorporate close range ninjutsu techniques in with this skill. He continued to practice, pumping fists full of fire at the C Rank level, incorporating hand signs and chakra flow like the Goukakyuu, and expelling fire from his hands in that sort of large burst. It took more chakra to do it that way, but it offered convenience. Training was more exciting than difficult, he spent most of his time trying to do blasts from different parts of his body, manipulating his chakra in different ways and seeing how quickly he could produce it. One trick he had created was hiding a shuriken in his hand and throwing a ball of fire and hiding the shuriken under the flames at the same time. Once he had gotten most of the jutsu under his belt, he decided to record it to memory, and took out a small parchment of paper and a pencil and wrote the technique down. It was easier than he thoguht it would, but the potential of the technique could only go to B Rank and he was easily capable of that now. Just to spite Nasa more and more, he would record it and make it avaliable knowledge to anyone, or maybe any Uchiha. He could almost feel the hate coming from her, but it wasn't strong enough yet. He still had a lot of damage to do. After finishing his training he left the grounds, headed towards his father.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 8:54 pm

When Mitsu stopped at the small clearing as he waited for the lion to appear, it was gone. It just stopped following him all of the sudden. Mitsu let out a sigh of relief but still had his guard up, incase the lion was still lurking. He knew that since it must have been summoned, it obviously wasn't stupid. Perhaps it formed a plan of some kind, but Mitsu wasn't sure of that. All seemed too quiet, and it was suddenly broken by a loud roar from a nearby tree. Mitsu immediately withdrew a kunai, holding it in defense. He tossed the bone sword he was holding out of the clearing, he knew he it wouldn't provide much use at all at this point. Besides, he could make a new one with ease if truly needed. The roar was different than a lion's, it was from some sort of...beast. Mitsu's body started filling with adrenalin and it was prepared to move. He kept his head clear and paid great attention to his surroundings. He had no idea what to expect, so he looked for any signs of movement possible, yet he hadn't found any. Mitsu just stood there glancing around searching for what might be there...
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 9:21 pm

Nasamea moved along the ground as she went from two legs to four, her hands now transformed into dragon like claws with her back feet cat like. Her back feet had retractable claws yet somewhat looked more dogish. She was odd at that. Her body was covered in blue and black fur; the black making ancient markings all around her. Her hair had grown out and went from purple to black with green highlights. The hair chair, besides her growing fur, was one of the weirder changes on her opinion. She forgot why she even chose purple as a color. By the time she saw the lion, as it made its way back to where Shi was, Nasa released a very aggressive roar and bared a mouthful of sharp teeth. Her iris's were a pale gray and her pupils were cat-like; her overall eye appearing threatening and full of hate. She had stopped running and now stood her ground, snarling at the lion even though it appeared to keep moving. She wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to fight damnit, not be ignored.

Seeing as how the lion kept going and Nasamea kept growing, she then raised her long neck to peer through some trees with a better view. She thought she could smell Mitsu's scent not to far off and thus she let her eyes fall from where the lion had headed and made her way over towards Mitsu. She could full out attack Shi at the moment but decided she had some time and could wait first. She would just follow him by scent and didn't really care where he ran. She would catch him in due time and when she did, he may get a taste of revenge.

Nasamea soon saw Mitsu and stepped from behind some bushes, her tall head already visible and seen as it hung down to look at him. It were as though a dog like dragon just walked out from the forest, her wings were now fully grown along with her tail. She was completely changed and was about a half her normal size when in full form. She was still growing but the rate of change was still slow despite the fact she actually was changing quicker than usual.

"Drop your weapons..." she said calmly to Mitsu. It were as though she didn't even speak or was using telepathy; her mouth just barely gaped open and not moving. This was a skill she possessed in this form; although she was still speaking with her mouth not using telepathy of any sort. "I'm not going to hurt you."

She released a breath of air from her expanded lungs, her wings resting a bit more at her sides as her tail laid on the ground. Her head dropped a bit but she still stared Mitsu straight in the eyes. Her expressions were still the same, mainly her eyes, despite the color change from amber to gray and her overall physical features. She hoped he would see some familiarity. If not, she would fill him in.

Nasamea raised her head again as she tried looking into the clearing where Shi was. She wanted to go after him now, wanted to make his life hell. Wanted to rip him apart limb for limb as previously said. However, this was something a monster would do and unless she fully accepted herself for what she was then there would be nothing like that coming from her. She also didn't want to kill Shi. Physically harm, yes. Permanently damage or kill, no. Whatever Shi's reason were for doing all of this, she still trusted him at least a little. She felt maybe he would get over this once he reached whatever goal he was trying to obtain and come back to her as a normal civilized being not consumed by rage and power. Maybe then they could settle this. But was this what may actually happen or her denial? She wasn't sure. She wanted it to be true but things didn't always go as planned. She was confused.

Nasamea soon lowered her head back to Mitsu, her gray eyes refocusing on him once more.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 9:50 pm

Mitsu was standing on full guard, watching for any movement. He wasn't seeing anything and began doubting rather or not he heard the roar or not. But he was so sure that he had. There really was a roar, wasn't there? Mitsu reassured himself, thinking he wouldn't imagine something so real or so loud. Suddenly from a tree, he saw something dangling, something covered in fur. A tail maybe? Mitsu squinted his eyes when suddenly a giant beast fell from the tree. It looked...incredible, frightening, and very large. Mitsu was prepared to attack when it suddenly spoke. "Drop your weapons, I'm not going to hurt you." The thing could talk!? Mitsu's mind was racing with thoughts and questions that he wanted answers to right away. Then suddenly his mind went blank when he stared into it's eyes. Mitsu saw something that reminded him of someone he knew. It had the same expression that person almost always seemed to have, but for some reason he couldn't quite remember who! It seemed it should be so easy for him to remember, like it was on the tip of his tongue, like it was barely out of reach. He started thinking of all the faces he knew for a possible reminder as he stared into those pale gray eyes. Suddenly it came to him in a flash. It was so obvious to him! Why did he not think of her in the first place!? "I...Is that you Nasa?" Mitsu lowered his arm and placed the kunai back into his pouch and took a more formal stance as he spoke.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 10:27 pm

The moment her gray hues returned to him he finally spoke. His expression was littered with shock as he went stiff. Mitsu even stuttered as he spoke, his eyes never once leaving her as he gaped. Finally he resorted to a more formal stance while Nasamea remained in her spot. She could easily lie at this moment and use the opportunity to get away. She could flee, fly far away from Konoha and never return. She could still go out of her way to chase down Shi and try fighting him in this form. She could try and do multiple things at this point but above all else she wanted to just go home, lock her door, and curl up in her bed. She would then wait there for days and days for nothing except some sort of way to get away from all that was going on. Her secret was getting out. This time she actually LET Mitsu know. She could of called Shi crazy, it was rather believable at this point, then said she wasn't a monster. But after seeing her form, it would have been hard to believe. She could say it was a transformation jutsu but honestly, was it really THAT bad that people knew? She trusted Mitsu to a certain extent and he seemed to be the type to never betray. But so did Shi at one point.

Brushing her thoughts aside for the time being, Nasamea responded in the same voice she had when in her human form. Her voice was actually a bit deeper in tone yet sounded very calm at the point. To some it may be hard to believe it had been her who actually roared in the first place. Yet this form was probably hard to believe as well.

"Yes, it is. This is what Shihouin was talking about. This is my true form. The human form is more of a container so to speak; a way for me to fit in and appear as though I am not this... monster...."

Her voice became softer at the mentioning of being a monster before she closed her eyes. She hated being called that but now she actually was starting to slowly except it. She was different than most humans and although she wasn't necessarily a murderous monster set to destroy and create fear in the beings around her, she was still technically a "monster". The word beast seemed more appropriate on her opinion. She had a lot to think about.

After having a minor moment of silence so that Mitsu could soak it all in, Nasamea opened her eyes back up and looked at him again.

"It was a waste to turn into this, especially because I didn't go after Shi or attack the lion like I planned to. I'm afraid that changing back..well... i'll not be on the verge of falling asleep but I don't have any clothes to put on. My blanket and pouch are somewhere else to, I forgot about those when I changed... if you catch my drift."

She breathed in air, causing her lungs to expand, before she let it all out in a huff. She had stopped growing a while ago and was about two thirds of her full size. Imagine a jeep and one could imagine what her full size was like; this was a bit smaller. She felt no need to keep growing.

"I'm sorry you were dragged into this...I ask you to please not tell anyone that what is going on. Shi knew of my form, I trusted him to much and believed he wouldn't tell anyone but I was wrong.... Mitsu....i'm sorry..."

She wasn't sure what else she could say and soon she laid down on the ground. Her form actually started to shrink. She would stop at about a third of her full size just in case she needed to stay transformed. Who knew if Shi would come back. Who knew if Mitsu would attack her. She thought about changing back completely but didn't want to be naked. So she did this instead.

Laying there, she waited to see what Mitsu had to say.
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PostSubject: Re: A bond strengthens! A friendship is made!   A bond strengthens! A friendship is made! I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 07, 2010 11:06 pm

Mitsu's mind was baffled. He couldn't believe that this was Nasa. It just couldn't possibly be Nasa, there was no way. But somehow, some way, it was true, and it was possible. Mitsu didn't want to believe it at first, but he soon accepted it as the thing before him spoke in her voice. It made sense to him. These eyes he stared into seemed the same as Nasa's. Mitsu closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. Nasa began to shrink before him, as she laid down. She mentioned about if she went back to normal, she would most likely pass out, and wouldn't have any clothes. Mitsu felt sorry for her, being who she was, trusting someone basically her whole being, only to be betrayed. Mitsu's kind heart began telling him that he should trust her, help her in any way if he could. He wouldn't be like that man...Shihouin, and stab her in the back and try to kill her for what seemed to be no reason. Mitsu felt angry towards that person, and felt one day he would get what he deserves, and regret ever doing what he did to Nasa. Mitsu knew he shouldn't get involved with such a thing. But what made him mad the most, was that he was willing to kill some random innocent for literally no reason at all.

"No. You are not a monster Nasa. A monster is something that has no compassion, has no feelings for anything but itself. If you really were a monster, you wouldn't have come back to help me. You would have left without a second thought and with no concern. But you came back, you worried about me, you were even willing to protect me. Your definitely safe with me. If it wasn't, you would have killed me or never even talked to me. If you really trust me this much, I can only do the same. You have my word, and you have my assistance at anytime you may need it. I will not involve myself with that man in any way unless you direct me to. do we go about getting you home?"
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