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Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] Shauntaystaffimgf
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Month: 1

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January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

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 Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage]

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] Empty
PostSubject: Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage]   Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 8:38 am

Basic Information:

Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] 2753244359_be262485fd
Name: Kurayami Kaisen

Nicknames/Aliases The Afro Assassin, 11th Vongola Rain Guardian.

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Past

He stands at an average of 5'5 and weighs about a good 117 pounds. Skinny but not all means lanky. He has a small frame that displays both artist like detail of muscle. Despite his small frame, he is not weak nonetheless but he isn't nessecarily the strongest when it comes to physical strength. He has enough to pass by. He wears his Kumogakure band around his arm and wears a white headband that his father gave to him. He has a suit attire that he wears when he around the Vongola, sometimes he wears a get up that is simular to Omoi's and when he is resting, a typical green or brown shirt with dark baggy pants are his casuals

Present Kaisen:

Personality:Kaisen is more or less a pessimist when it comes to the outlook of life. Not because he looks at the world at a negative point of view but because he can see through the smoke and mirrors of the society that he lives in. He has a very keen perception on what he knows is the truth and what he knows are the lies that society puts in the minds of such people and call it truth. In al honesty, his personality could be correlated with a revolutionary but because of his current position, he does not display his personal emotions towards anyone but those who are extremely close to him. Deep down however, he does have a sensitive side that he'll occassionally open up. He isn't one to open his heart out to anyone and isn't the first to actually show the inner happiness he sometimes has but deep down he has it

He is by far, a very intelligent individual. Some have called him genius, other prodigies but he denies such accusations and only says "I know what I know". Some might call him lazy when it comes to his full intelligence because he has had times where he will hold back on true potential. The reason why he holds back is because he does not believe that he should show anyone his true potential. If anyone were to see that, they would take him way too seriously. He likes to give his enemies and his allies the element of surprise and shows his intellect when it is nessecary.

He displays a very mature aura, mostly due to the intelligence that he has. It was well known for him to ignore those whom keep repeating to him constantly that he is young and inexperience. He does take great offense to that but he brushes off his conscious and only waves his head. He can hold well against other inelligent people like himself and has been in trouble for talking down to those who are older and say they are smarter due to thinking that he has not experience life. He does like to hang out with his generation however, he doesn't want to feel too much like a loner though he does have his tendencies, like his father, to go off somewhere and just stare at the stary night. He likes to have deep thoughts from time to time.

But over the recent months, after he was kept isolated away, he had began to welcome the loneliness. He has accepted it as apart of him, accepting this fact would had made him either a very depress young man or a highly intelligent philospher. He chose philosophy over a sorrowful destiny. He has absolutely no friends, there is no one in the Kumogakure or perhaps in the world that he could honestly say that they were his true friend or even a close associate. A loner to the very end, just like his father. He had once been a person who would try to open up to people, to give them the chance like his mother had always said to him. But that was impossible for him to accept and he would rather take the loneliest path possible to avoid any chance and when he did, he would back away from them closing his mind from the occasional chit chat. He will talk when necessary, act friendly if needed so but now he is just that one word: Loneliness

Calm like the gentle sea during a moonlit sky but like his father and grandfather, he is ruthless and cold like a lightning storm on turbulent seas. Thoughtful and intelligent like a monk

Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage]   Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 8:48 am

Rank Information:
Skill Level: S-rank
Ninja Rank: Kage
Village: Kumogakure no Sato
Birthplace: Kumogakure no sato
[Previous Village: N/A

Special Information:

Elements Affinity: Suiton, Raiton
    Dominant: Suiton
    Recessive: Raiton

Skill Specialty:: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Dominant: Taijutsu
    Recessive: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu

Special Characteristics

Points and Ryo:

  • Strength:80
  • Dexterity: 80
  • Stamina:100
  • Speed: 90

Total Stat Points Earned:
Mission Points Earned:

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage]   Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 8:54 am

Justu/Item/Other Information:


Taijutsu Styles




Vongola Techniques


Other Techniques



Name of Weapon or Item: Ame no Chinsei
Owner: Kurayami Kaisen
Location: on the right side of his hip

Description/Abilities: The blade is about 4 feet in length, the blade is about three feet in length, retaining a dragon that is etched onto the blade from the point of the blade down to the guard. Underneath the guard, there is a dragon underneath the guard. The guard is about a foot wrapped around in a black lace that is waterproof and holds a good grip regardless of the user's hands. The blade has no special abilities that is locked inside of it, however when the rain flames flow through the blade, the blade itself releases a soft hazy flame that'll release the tranquil flame if the user chooses

History: It was blade that customly made for Kaisen after he passed the chuunin exam, a present from his father before he left Kumogakure again. Through the years, Kaisen had always a rinky dink type of katana that has a very poor excuse. Kaisen always took his father katana for granted, although he could never wield it for the blade itself was entitled to his father. Everytime Kaisen would pass his father's blade, all he saw in it was blood dripping down from the top of the sheath where the guard and the sheath came together. Kaisen would rub his eyes to see if he was hallucinated and when his hands left his eyes, the blood would disappear

That's the feeling of what he gets from this sword, only this sword seems to appear cold and wet everytime he touched the handle of the blade. When Kaisen was given the blade, he was told that the wrapping around the blade was very waterproof and even if he got it soaked, it would remain grippable. Yet everytime he sheath his blade and then left it away in a dry place for the night, the next day, the blade would look like it was condensating and the hilt was wet. He did not know what this meant at first but his father explain that it was the sword connecting to the wielders soul.

The blade, it was always condensating, like it was stuck in middle of a rain shower in the middle of april and then back out of the rain. Kaisen thought that if his sword was always wet like a stone on a rainy day, did that mean his inner soul was like that as well?

Appearance:Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] Long-katana-00-7X28

Last edited by Shikyo Riku on Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage]   Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 9:02 am

Background Information/ RP Sample

In the very beginning

....through the heaviest of rain, a guardian shall come to protect....

The rain cloud only increased in size, letting down more rain;never-ending in the storm of life

RP Sample:
"Now, you become more than a sword"

Role-Play Sample:The filing cabinet was the destruction of Iwagakure in there. The important documents were not in the right order, papers coming of the slots of the cabinet drawer, many of them wrinkled and some torn. This was a hassle of the secretary when she wanted to find somethin in Kaisen's office and she had complain that she would be glad to organize it for him but he was against it. He knew this would keep his mentality sharp as he begins to remember the places he left certain files and documents.

He used the bottom of his heel to close the drawer and walked towards his table. Bare from the waist up, the steam rising off his body was from him training his body. He had been practicing his form of the mimicry technique, a perfected yet imperfect form of fighting that held no bounds to any particular martial art. It gave him a bit of a sweat, he hadn't stretch when he started but the kicks and punches warmed his body and loosen his muscles.

He heard the door open up and then softly it latched close. His head didn't stir and he continue to move to his desk. He set the papers down on the desk, a few unattended papers moved as the soft breeze from the minila folder landed. He open up the file and pulled up a sheet of paper "There is a chair to your left good sir. No need for you to stand there waiting to catch my attention"

Behind Kaisen was a figure of a man. It stood like a man, had the appearace of a man, had the face of a man with long black hair and obsidian eyes but it was not a man. That was certain. He wore a black suit, a black undershirt with a black tie. His skin was also a charcoal skin tone, something that was certainly not nature to any darken skin tone human. This was not his skin tone however this man wanted this skin tone for today. Tomorrow it would probably be a pale white and he would have blue eyes. It depends on his mood He looks to his left and just as Kaisen said, there was a cushioned chair. He pulls the chair out of the corner and lifts it towards Kaisen desk. Kaisen was already sitting down in his desk chair, his hands intertwine together and his eyes close as he waited for him to sit.

The man didn['t make the actions a person of normality, or what they would say 'normal', sat down. It appeared that he floated downward in the seat, his legs were crossed and his hands were over his knees "Kaisen" his voice had an overtone. One sounded deep and demonic, the other sounded like a normal males voice "It's been awhile, Kaisen"

"You make it sound like we've met before" kaisen said "Not to be rude or anything but it appears as if I should know you. I do not"

"This is fine" he said slowly "I'm not expecting you to know me. But I know you and all those who rule in this land"

"I assume you have a name"

"I do but it is not a name that I shall reveal to your ears. For your ears, I shall be called Rain Man"

"Rain man..." Kaisen repeated. It didn't seem he did know him personally but he has heard of him. From where he heard him from, he could not recall "Well, Rainman-san, I suppose you are here to convince me or some sort. A type of Faustian deal....No, not your kind. You may be wearing a suit for buisness but buisness is not what you do with. You are more of a formal messenger"

The thing cackled a rasp and horrific laughter that screeched in Kaisen's ear "You..." he sounded as if he was about to cough but he continued "..are an interesting boy. Did I look so formal? Do you wish for me to change into something more suitable for this occasion"

"Not really. I wouldn't want a demon to be naked in front of me. Though, I am half naked, I'm not in the mood to see someone with hideous scars"

He made that laugh again. This time Kaisen head turned slightly to the left. It was a sound of cats clawing on chalkboard and crunching on foil by the thousand "You funny little man. Funny indeed"

Kaisen sighed when he was done laughing "Would you like some tea? Perhaps I can get you something to drink or to eat"

He waved his hand in dismissal "No, no. No human necessities could ever satisfy my needs. eh heh" he breathes in a harsh and warm breath "No, what I want to tell you is something that my master wished for you to know"

"Oh? Your master..." there was a long pause then "He was here before wans't he. When that kid went rampant on Kumo. Yes, now I remember. I sense some kill intent that was fierce. That was master, correct?"

Rainman nodded "He was introducing himself to the land of death. He had no ties to that boy who went was all in chaos. However, I did enjoy how he killed all those people. It really gave a fire to my loins. Children these days are such evil things."

"Yes, I can imagine it so..."

Public Profile
Name: Kurayami Kaisen
Appearance: Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] Hueyfreeman2
Village: Kumogakure no Sato
Organization: Kumogakure, Lightning Country
Rank: Kage
Age: 16

-Graduated Academy: Age 8
-Graduated Chunin exams: Age 10
- Became Jounin: Age 16
-Became Raikage: Age 16
-Smartest Shinobi in Lightning country
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PostSubject: Re: Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage]   Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 9:28 am

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PostSubject: Re: Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage]   Kurayami, Kaisen [Raikage] I_icon_minitime

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