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    Then came the Flames...  Shauntaystaffimgf
    Happy New Year:

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     Then came the Flames...

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    Then came the Flames...  Empty
    PostSubject: Then came the Flames...    Then came the Flames...  I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 9:43 am

    A lot has happened over the past few days, leaving Nasamea in a bit of an internal mess. The night of her escape she managed to catch up on her meals before returning back home. It was there that should found her mother waiting for her on the couch. At first Nasamea was glad nothing happened to her like she may have thought but once her mom started to rip and tear at her some more; she quickly fled the scene. Rather than sleeping in her own bed that night she ran off to the training grounds where she casually rested beneath a tree. She had picked up some dry fern leaves along the way and still had her blanket so it was easy to create a small shelter for herself. Taking on a fetal position, she watched the forest out around her beneath this makeshift shelter. Her ears were to alert and picking up on to many sounds from the rain to truly rest. However, she managed to doze off anyway and was soon out like a light.

    When noon came she finally woke up, her eyes shooting open as she nearly jumped from beneath the blanket and leaves. She didn't even know she fell asleep and was now freaking out that something may get her. She was fine though. A little dirty, but fine. With the rain still falling all around, Nasamea carefully stuck the blanket back into her pouch before pushing the ferns off. Some droplets got on her but otherwise majority of the water the ferns collected fell against the tree. Nasamea sat up and rubbed her eyes before gazing around. Her ears didn't pick up on any off movements which made her believe that nothing was lurking in the shadows. She scanned the area once more to take extra precaution before she finally stood up and stretched. It was then her ears picked up on the sound of twigs braking. She narrowed her eyes and turned towards the sound only to see a small rabbit fleeing from the opposite side of the tree. Another sigh escaped her. Maybe it would have been best to set up roach guards before dozing off last name. Her mind was everywhere though which was bad for a ninja. She needed to get it together before appearing before her parents and the citizens again. It was then she began to realize... she had grown soft.

    It was then she began to be overcome with an emotion that filled her body, mind, and soul. She felt as though she were burning internally and was letting off a heat externally. Her pupils quickly began to shape into that of a cat's as she pulled back her lip into a snarl which bared sharp teeth. She wasn't changing entirely but this didn't mean some physical features would. At least, she wouldn't change just yet. To continue this transformation her hair turned black with green highlights and two horns grew out from above her ears. These extended past her head and outward much like they would to a mythological dragon. Next her nails grew sharper and the black marks appeared on her skin. While this occurred her ears changed to where they were somewhat dog-like; much like her true form.

    Nasamea soon brought her hands together, fingers touching their opposite partner, as she began to sink into a calm state of mind. She had been worked up by this feeling of softness. It had caused her determination and will to burst from containment and surround her. It would be this very pure emotion that would push her the next few days too.

    Once she had released any tension and calmed her mind, Nasa soon sunk into a stance that resembled what the Hyuuga's were known for. If a foe were to attack she had some open spots but at the moment she most likely wouldn't have to worry about that. If so, she would change it up and what not but at the moment she was doing this because she actually had a technique in mind that she wished to learn.

    Before Nasa's father was murdered he gave her a scroll of Tishuto clan techniques. These were abilities from his clan before he was transformed into a Bohuki and became a Tsuyoshi. He made the scroll so that Nasamea could learn the techniques on her own terms. Since then she had studied it day and night in order to try and remember all of it's contents. This was the reason why she currently didn't need the scroll to practice.

    Still in that stance, Nasamea focused chakra to her hands. This made them feel warmer due to being katon chakra. Nasamea continued to focus before she formed hand signs and punched a fist out. This caused the emitted chakra to launch a ball of flames. Due to the thrust of her punch the flames had a force to abide by and were casted towards the ground. The ball hit the ground like a spark and mostly died due to the dew and rain but Nasamea made sure she stomped it out anyway. With a sigh, she then brought her hands together to create a triangle before her. She closed her eyes, taking a moment to somewhat relax as she felt her chakra begin to rise once again.

    Once more she focused and thrust out each fist twice, creating small flames once again. These hit the ground and, much like the first, mostly died out. Nasamea then continued with this attack as she focused more chakra into her fists and worked on punches with more thrust behind them. Soon enough she was creating more decent sized fire balls that shot out further out than the first. They reached about five meters away and this time these balls left black marks on the ground before dispersing. It was a jutsu that would take time, effort, a lot of practice, and required her to work on some basic taijutsu skills. Since she lacked in the later, besides what every ninja knows, she wasn't going to spontaneously be creating any amazing styles anytime soon.

    Time progressed, roughly ten minutes, and she was soon able to send out roughly ten decent sized fireballs back to back. She simply had to keep thrusting her fists forward; not that hard. These fireballs reached about seven meters as well. It was obvious at the moment she was working on fireball formation and distance more so than power. So, now came the time to perform the next task in this training listed in the Tishuto scroll: flame control and degree.

    At the moment the most she could probably do was create a flame that would maybe give a target first degree burn. She needed more than that, especially if she were to use this in battle.

    Nasamea then walked over and stood beneath the tree were she had slept. This was where the bag was that held her blanket, her makeshift pillow last night, and where her ferns, or covers, lied. Everything else was on her person. Taking a seat in the dirt, she positioned her stuff to her side to where they wouldn't possibly be caught on fire and would would be protected from at least majority of the flames.
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    Then came the Flames...  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Then came the Flames...    Then came the Flames...  I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 4:30 pm

    With a goal in mind and her heart set on achieving it, Nasamea proceeded to the next exercise which required some practice with chakra control and flame degree. First she summoned five roaches for safety. These would spread out adn alert her of any approaching enemies so she wouldn't be caught off guard. Next came the actual training. She started by taking a few breaths to relax her body and feel the active katon chakra moving through her. She soon felt the inner flame within and brought her hands together as though she were holding a ball before her. It was this flame that usually fueld her adrenaline and force when fighting. Some may refer to it as inner will but she truthfully didn't know how to desribe it. She just knew how to handle, which is what she started to do next.

    She began to focus this inner flame out in between her two hands while adding chakra to it to create a small fireball. This ball of flame needed constant focus and it was precisely what she was going to give it. Centering her attention to this flame she slightly blocked out everything else. The only thing she really listened for was the sound of thr roaches now. Because of this focus she now felt the flow of this flame before her. She also felt its heat, its light, and more. This was a pure flame in her mind.

    Now that she had fire to work with that she could control, she could now begin the training. She would first try to change the degree of the flame. Basically she would try to create it so that she could alter whether it would be a first degree type of flame or third degree. It was common knowledge that altering its heat even more, creating more intense flames, would cause its color to change. This was not what she was doing just yet. All she was working with was the basic flame. The rest would come later upon gainig experience.

    By getting down to the fundamentals of fire control, breath, she first started trying to alter it by controlling her breathing. The more air she consumed and breathed upon the flame, the stronger it became. The less she put into it, the weaker it tended to be. It were as though she were working with her inner flame except this was expelled outside her body; a rather difficult task that was already causing sweat to form on her brow due to the required control. When the flame grew, she felt her control begin to lessen. When it was weaker, she possessed more over the flame to where she could alter it. This was precisely wy she was training. She wished to gain more control over the stronger variety so that she may use it more in battle and for what ever else.


    Roughly a half hour passed with her breathing in and out, moving the flame around, and practicing her control over it. By then she was able to spread the flame out in her hands so that she could cause it to expand, or flex, and become smaller. She simply had to move her hands and douse it with some sort of chakra. She could also make the flame at least a full fledged first degree with slight second degree attributes. Problem was this also made her hands hot and was actually burning them. Playing with fire and you're going to get burned remember? At least she had regernative skills to heal her hands. Problem was this conusmed more chakra to heal as well. So while maintaining the steady flow between her and the flame, she also had to keep a flow on her hands to keep them healing. It was begining to become to much after a while. At least by then her physical alternations she had earlier had seeped away as well to reveal her human form. This took some chakra to revert back as well. Overall, she had grown rather tired and kind of hungry.

    Finally stopping, she let out a sigh as she laid down in the dirt. She pulled the blanket bag over and used that as a pillow while pulling up the leaves to rest. She squeaked a bit to the roaches whom replied that all was safe in their eyes. This made her relax more. Although there was still the posibility of being attacked, found, etc, she would at least have some converage. It would be the ground ninja to worry about she supposed. She couldn't wait to figure out her next element. She hoped she possessed the ability to use earth jutsu. The element seemed very handy and would aid her in hiding. Of course she needed to get to the next rank first before being considered able to control her next element and its jutsu. She had to work on her previous one anyway.

    With her eyes closed she could not see around her but could still hear the tiny water droplets hit the leaves above and grass below. It sounded peaceful and helped her calm down. Only problem was that it helped her think. Even though thinking was usually a good thing when it came to her recent scenarios it made her feel hollow, confused, and thus disrupted the natural flow she previously felt. Good thing she wasn't working with the fire. She would have been burned. Thoughts of the meeting came first but as her thoughts continued they went in reverse chronological order and thus ended up with her mind on Shihouin again. Her eyes opened then as her focus faded and she zoned out. A feeling of sorrow flowed over which soon changed back to her previous agitation. She rose up and sat against the tree again. She wanted to keep training, to not fall behind, but she needed rest more.

    Standing up, she decided to send her thoughts elsewhere as she grabbed her blanket bag and strapped it over her shoulder. She would go hunting. With something that required little to no chakra and her full focus, she would be training while letting her chakra slowly replenish itself. For today the menu equaled deer and whatever else lied in the forest. If she hated the taste she would at least try hunting in town but since it was broad daylight it would probably not end well.
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    Then came the Flames...  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Then came the Flames...    Then came the Flames...  I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 30, 2010 9:52 pm

    She crept through the forest with stealth beyond any genin's average ability. At least that's what she told herself anyway. She felt like a pure animal on the hunt now, her senses fully open as she blocked out all else. In a way she developed a sort of tunnel vision; her target being an animal. She preffered a large one rather than having to catch multiple small ones and draining them dry but if thats what she needed to do then ok. She wasn't entirely sure what animal blood really tasted like anyway. She had never had it besides when she ate meat for dinner or something. That blood wasn't that fresh though. With her thoughts thinking 'food food food food', Nasamea crept through the forest until finally a meal was in eye sight.

    15 meters ahead was a deer. She barely noticed it at first but the closer she got the more visible it became due to its camoflauge. It was adjusted to this environment. This deer was a 5 point buck and it appeared to be very strong and healthy. Most wouldn't try touching it and it was probably that type of deer that got all the does. Well, until today that is. Crouching into a more hunter like position, Nasamea focused on her teeth and nails before she drew out a kunai. Her eyes turned cat like and burned a bright crimson red; on amplifying her hunger. She crept a little closer, a little more, and once she was within a 10 meter range she casted out a simple bushin.

    At least five of them, excluding her, appeared around the deer and let out growls. The deer let out a strong huff and raised up on its back legs until its front hooves came crashing to the dirt. Nasamea's clones reacted by getting into threatening positions. It lowered its antlers, aimed, scratched at the dirt with its hooves, and started tossing those same antlers around. It was all just a way of making himself appear tougher and threat her away. She didn't fall for it though. One of the clones to his right made a move, causing the deer to turn its head. It was then Nasamea threw the kunai which plowed itself into his ribs. From the look of it, it pierced right in between two of them. The deer let out a wail and began to flip out. It kicked forward and back while it tossed its antlers around before it began charging at a clone near Nasa.

    Nasamea soon whipped out a shuriken attached to a rope, the other clones mimicking her as the deer came closer. When it was in range of the clone, its antlers piercing it and causing it to fade, the deer jumped back from being startled and found it's legs wrapped up in wire. Nasa had thrown the shuriken and captured it. The deer fell to its side but wasn't down for the count. It continued to try and get up to fight. Nasamea had other plans though. Using her hands to whirl the wire, it wrapped around the deers legs more before she removed a kunai and ran over to it. The deer whailed, letting out deep groans before suddenly all fell silent.

    The kunai pierced the deers hear, causing its head to fall into the dirt as though it went limp. She didn't want to kill it but honestly she didn't know how to sedate it thought knocking it out would be difficult. It would've probably died of shock before she had the chance. With the massive beast down, something else would now have a meal tonight besides her. That is, if they didn't mind a blood drained deer. Animals were easier to hunt too. Other creatures would destroy the evidence and wouldn't beat the animal up or steal anything from it; besides its remains anyway, if that counted.

    Getting down on her knees she placed a hand on its warm side, feeling its fur in her fingertips and sighing.

    "Sorry..." she muttered to it, "but thank you..."

    She knew it wouldn't hear her and if it could, wouldn't understand her. But she still felt obligated to ask for forgivness and thank it anyway. On the weirdness skill right now, she even probably hit the top and made the dinger fly off. All well.

    When all was said, Nasa then slit its side and began to feast. It didn't taste half that bad. Probably like jerky in human terms. But it still wasn't like a humans. It would do though. Food was food and it kept her mostly innocent. She hated having to knock people out all the time. Although she hated killing helpless animals either. Were helpless people any different? It was a hard question she couldn't answer. So all she did was drink.
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    Then came the Flames...  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Then came the Flames...    Then came the Flames...  I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 30, 2010 10:54 pm

    A desire to continue and a full stomach to bring back, Nasamea returned to her temporary camping site before she sat down beneath the base of the tree again. The rain was driving her a little crazy. It helped her clean up, even though she took care of most of it herself, but her clothes were now soaked because of it. She didn't have an extra pair either. Only the blanket.

    Wanting some warmth, and dry clothes, Nasamea began to practice her inner fire control again. She focused these flames throughout her body, feeling it steadily grow warmer because her chakra remained at a constant rate. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the bark of the tree behind her. In a way she was resting again but more so she was focusing. Her center dried off first but eventually her arms followed and after a long wait, her feet. Her socks were bugging her. She hated wet socks and how her shoes made squishy sounds. So she removed those real fast and focused katon chakra between her hands into each shoe at a time. After roughly a good ten minutes the pair, and her socks, were all dry. She put them back on and sighed as she basked in this temporary warm and dry feeling. It wouldn't be long before she was wet again. Especially once she started to train.

    Soaking it all in for a good five minutes or so, Nasa finally stood up and walked out into the open area of the trees. A canopy still lurked above, protecting her from most of the rain, but the leaves still carried water to the bottom and dripped down. Not only that there were still openings where the branches did not reach. She tried avoiding these but she was to focused on training to really pay THAT much attention. She would worry about both later. For now though her intentions were to learn the jutsu in the Tishuto scroll.

    Nasamea stood in a fighting stance. Both of her arms were bent, fists up, and her feet were partially separated. She made herself appear smaller and yet like a wall; a stance she had been working on. Once this was complete she sighed and focused katon chakra into her fists. It wasn't hard to feel the heat, especially after the hours of training she already managed to put herself through that day. It was almost evening by now actually. Anyway, she focused this and soon formed hand seals. Acting as though an opponent manifested before her, she worked on her punches again before adding in a few kicks. When she kicked she acted as though she were aiming for the underside of someone's jaw. Thing is, if she had kicked someone, they would have been rather surprised by what else they would've been hit by. Nasamea had expelled fire from her feet that she had focused into, much like her hands. Dropping her foot back to the ground she pivoted and then kicked with her other, casting out another small fireball. This was the next step in her training; being able to cast the fire out on both types of limbs.

    Nasamea continued to do a series of kicks multiple times. She worked on aiming, although this was mostly done by imagination since she didn't have a real person before her. She could make a clone, but that takes the fun out of things. Nasamea casted out a fireball with almost every kick. Some she acted as though she was trying to surprise her opponent. Although she was doing fairly well, she wasn't skilled in Taijutsu. So a lot of her moves that were beyond basic were more so attempts that were rather sloppy. At least she had a decent form; or so she thought.

    After about half hour of constant kicking and expelling fire, Nasamea finally dropped to the moist dirt and panted. She couldn't tell if there was sweat or rain drops on her forehead but one thing was for sure, she knew she was wet. She could tell it had been some time since she had worked on her physical body too; aside from the usual running around on missions and stuff. Nasamea panted a little, used her sleeve to wipe her forehead, and rested a bit. After maybe five minutes though, she pushed herself back to her feet and took the stance again. She formed her hand seals and then focused chakra. As long as she continued focusing chakra into her hands and feet, she didn't need to continue doing the hand seals over and over again. If she stopped the flow though, say if she had used another jutsu, then she would have to perform them again. That was he catch to this jutsu.

    With the flow set up and her stance ready, Nasamea soon imagined a new foe. She gave this imaginary being a new height, body type, looks and more. She was fighting a Chunin in her eyes. Lurching forward, she practiced working on thrusting out kicks and punches while expelling fire. It was tricky thinking up new series of attacks and where to hit but she was pulling through. She would punch towards their left, their right, and then sneak a kick to their calve; all burning them. She would kick at them before suddenly drop down and punch a fireball towards their gut. She would even swipe out her claws towards them, casting out sliver of flames, before she would follow it up with a spin kick. She stopped after fifteen minutes and sighed, catching her breath again. One day she would be better in Taijutsu. On this day this jutsu would be easier and she would possess more control over her body. First though, she needed to work on her form and rank before taking on that mastery.

    Unlike most people she was actually in good physical shape and was stronger and faster than an average Genin. But the thing is, she was still a Genin. Although she was C rank and technically almost B rank leveled due to her clan's abilities and her training; she still needed to train and actually get the rank. It were as though she had the perfect make-up for possessing skill in Taijutsu. She just had to build the foundation on the base. There was a lot she wanted to do. A lot of goals, dreams, wishes. It all started with ranking first though. She needed to do more missions.

    Feeling as though she had gotten the basics of the jutsu and some taijutsu work in, amongst other things, Nasamea felt rather accomplished. For now she called it day and began to try and collect some good wood for burning. She needed some logs and kindle but also a pit to build it in. The ground and trees were moist and a fire would probably be very hard to make. But she was up for the challenge. Once she made it, she would sit beneath her tree and practice her chakra control again. Maybe then she would get back to practicing the jutsu again. For the most part though, she had learned it. Now she just needed to continue practicing with it to prefect it.

    Daiennetsu Genko:
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    Then came the Flames...  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Then came the Flames...    Then came the Flames...  I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 2:35 pm

    A few days had passed since Nasamea had worked on her new clan jutsu. Since then she had found herself on missions and doing some chores her parents had asked her to perform. As Nasamea was drawing closer to a possible promotion she began hearing speeches about her "still being to young to live alone", and to "be careful", that "if she needed anything to ask her dad" and more. She was just going to try to be a Chunin but they made it sound as though she were about to move out, get married, and have 34 kids plus two dogs. Okay, maybe that was over describing the situation but it was how she felt.

    She walked gingerly across the rain soaked mud. It left brown steins on her shoes and stuck to the bottom. It felt as though her feet were being weighed down as she progressed. She tended to wipe her foot across a rock any chance she got just to get the mud off. Hopefully fire would help dry it up and make it flake off when she practiced.

    Entering near the center of a mud filled clearing, Nasamea fell into a offensive stance. She appeared small once again but this time she positioned her body to where she appeared more aggressive. It was just a way to make herself appear more threatening. Nasamea fell silent, tuning into her surroundings. She picked up the sounds of birds singing in chorus with the casual sound of a squirrel chattering. The rain had changed into a light mist now but the trees mostly blocked that. It was starting to become warm again, much like Konoha should be. Hopefully the rain would cease soon and the sun would come out again. It would make hunting a bit trickier, except when it came to trying to be silent, but there wouldn't be anymore water to protect her scent.

    Nasamea started the practice run by focusing chakra, performing the hand seals, and beginning to punch her fists. She pumped them a few times, trying to work on creating decent sized fireballs, but then she began to add in kicks. Eventually she was going back and forth between making punches and kicks. She would punch punch kick, then kick kick punch. She was working on being light on her feet, pretending an enemy was coming at her from different angles or that there were weapons being thrown at her. She acted as though a katana was about to stab her and ducked before dropping to the ground, spin kicking out, and then twirling back to her feet before punching her fist. This would cast a fireball at the opponent if he or she were still there. It was aimed right at the imaginary human's stomach. While she did this she bounced back and motioned herself to the side as though the opponent dodged and was still trying to attack her. She then pumped her elbow out to where she would've struck the person in the back before she casted her hand down, sending a burning flamed hand on the imaginary opponent's back. This would have then sent the opponent to the ground to where she positioned herself for a new attack. Her fists were aimed at the imaginary person on the ground, she was ready to assault. Her senses were meanwhile tuned in around her so that she was ready for an attack from behind. This would prepare her for any sudden attacks she wasn't originally aware of.

    With this she then prepared an enemy was coming so she whirled around to where her left side was to the incoming person and her right side was to the person on the ground. She punched out both fists at the same time to the incoming foe and to the one on the ground. The person on the ground rolled and dodged while the incoming person slid to a stop and threw kunai. Nasamea felt stuck in a close range and turned her body to the incoming tools before she put her hands together, shot out fire, then moved her hands out. This created an arc that would attack the incoming tools. The one from behind would then be getting ready to come at her which was when Nasa turned to close combat while the one who threw the tools would deal with the fire coming their way or would prepare a new attack. The arc would only reach out to roughly 2 meters so he or she wouldn't really be affected.

    Nasamea quickly turned back to the imaginary foe where she started to pretend she was having hand to hand combat. When she deflected a few moves she then slashed out with a sudden claw, pretending to cut into the foe. By applying fire to the tips of her claws it would create a slashing burn; but only if she managed to get close. This was always the problem, getting close. Anyway, she then punched her other palm forward as though to inflict more damage in the wounded stomach and push flames into them. This would cast them back. Now that this person was hurt again, the one from behind came at her. Nasamea simply side stepped but the person stopped and starting to swing. This was when Nasamea performed a few more close combat punches and moves, sending the opponent to the ground as well. She punched forth two flames at them and in her book they were down for the count.

    She knew an actual battle may not necessarily go this way. Especially when up against someone more skilled who wouldn't fall for such easy untalented tricks but it was worth imagining anyway. It helped her generate a few ideas and attacks even IF the opponent didn't necessarily attack as planned. Basically, it prepared her to search or any openings when possible.

    From this point on she continued to practice casting out fireballs from her hands, feet, and claws then worked on making arcs with both limbs. She was getting in not only more control of the jutsu but over her fire in general. After about an hour, she finally stopped and relaxed. For the most part, she believed she was actually done with this jutsu until she needed it in combat. Hopefully she would have the opportunity to use it.
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