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Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self]

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Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] Empty
PostSubject: Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self]   Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 28, 2010 3:13 pm

It was a dumb idea to step foot outside lately. This week the weather had been horrid. People came for Konoha due to it naturally being sunny and bright but this week was just the opposite. Was this a sort of omen or was nature infuriated everywhere? News reports of wind and water damaged were coming from all over Konoha and it's allied nations. Even other nations seemed to be having the same issue. Of course to most humans they would get the shivers and stay indoors or grumble as they carried out their work but in Nasa's case, she was so restless she NEEDED to go outside. She NEEDED to do something to release all her pent up energy. This week her foster parents made her feel like a caged animal since the mission she had went on. She did break into a house after all, even IF it was for a good cause. Nasamea had to tell the mission providers but this news also seemed to travel back to her parents rather fast. She hated it.

Taking out her anger on a tree, her clawed hands slashed the bark right off as she snarled at it. An enraged glare crossed her face as she went for another round, tearing more bark off with her widened black marked hands. Her elbows down had been transformed into her natural form but she still did not have fur. Her hands would just look strange to anyone that saw them but Nasamea did not think anyone would even come this way due to the storm. She took a step back away from the tree and laid her hands on her knees. Heavy breathes escaped her as she stared at the ground. She watched the rain fall around her as she felt it hit her body and slowly slide off into the green grass below. Behind her, in the open areas unguarded by trees, small puddles had even formed due to so much rain. The wind had stopped for the moment but she had high doubts that this slight retreat would last long.

She held this position for quit a long time, her face holding no emotion and her eyes distant as she just stared. She did not know why she was so angry anymore. Was it because she felt caged? Was it because she still did not have an active team nor a Jounin to teach her? Was it because she was hungry from not feeding for a while? Did it have something to do with Shihouin figuring out her other form and then disappearing? Was it the weather in general? Her mind flooded with numerous unanswered questions just like the rivers touched by this odd weather. A sigh escaped her finally as she pushed herself up and stood straight. Her amber hues raised to the clouds as she squinted past the water droplets falling from above.

The rain almost felt like cold needles but it really did not phase her due to the fact any pain she felt or mark that hurt would heal in no time. How long would this last? A good question to ask. It truly had been a while since she fed due to the lack of humans to prey upon. This weather wasn't helping anyone at all, especially her. One would think it would make things far easier due to the fact that the rain would hide her scent and she could simply fetch the first person she saw and not have to worry about anyone else being around. Truth was though, she would have a harder time listening for people, tracking their scents, and even sneaking out and back into her room. Her foster parents would question why there were white patches on the carpet, if they noticed, or why her clothes were wet. Mainly why her shoes were wet, that would be the most obvious thing. Her body heated up due to the slight anger again. It felt like an internal fire that made her not only heat up but gave her power. An explained force she always had. Personally, she believed it was will power.

A breath of smoke was released from her nostrils and mouth, causing her to step back and gaze at it with a gaping mouth. How did she do that was all she could ask. She blinked once in confusion before suddenly the snap from behind caught her attention. Doing a 90 turn her ears zoned into the spot as her eyes burned a grayish red. A frown marked her face, the natural glare as she stared at the space. She could have sworn she felt someone there but that could be her imagination too.

"Who's there...."

It was such an over used question to ask when a sound was heard but it served it's purpose and kept things simple. No one answered.

As she continued to focus on the spot her body turned a bit more towards the source as she let out a huge huff of hot air. It was then that three items zipped out of the nearby bushes before her and were aimed right at her. A sort of gasp escaped her as she instantly tried to react, her body just barely moving the side as she turned. Two tools, or what looked like kunai, zipped by her, each a meter apart and giving her room to move. What she did not notice though, but picked up as the sound came closer, was the delays attached.

Her eyes shifted to the nearing kunai as she tried to move again. Problem was, she had less then a second to really do so. Before the attack even registered the kunai or tool suddenly exploded, creating a force that pushed her back and to the ground. She tucked and rolled as she got back on her feet, a tree placed behind her as she kept her senses open and attention focused. Of course by then the opponent was ready.... and right up on her.

A silenced gasp was heard before a body hit the ground.
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Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self]   Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 28, 2010 4:37 pm

Ever since her spontaneous fight against a well known shinobi, Sanzen Makai had become a more well known ninja in one ways then one. Due to her recent problem with the spirit in her, Kutsuu, she had been working for the red light district since the raccoon demon attacked Konoha. To her surprise, she had actually been doing a rather good job... which has made her popular... and now she hates it. After work she tended to go home and sit around. She couldn't read anymore because her mind was flustered, couldn't focus, and didn't want to go outside. She had fought a man and planned to say "oh no worries! I just wanted to spar and see what the other Chunin look" but then she ended up badly injuring him. This casted him into the life as a citizen but lucky for Sanzen she has gone unpunished. It was... strange, actually. Anyway, due to this sudden spar and damaging someone, she did not wish to have Kutsuu get her to do it again. She didn't wish to fight unnecessarily.

Finally beginning to fight back, Kutsuu's will still overpowered her but she still tried to resist it. She tried calling out to the other spirits for aid but it were as though they didn't even exist in her. It was confusing and yet she felt them fighting back too. Was she just insane? Sometimes she believed so but whenever her eyes changed colors or she shifted moods, she knew otherwise. Maybe she had a secret bloodline she did not know about. You would think she would have tapped into the power of it by now or was told about it. So maybe she didn't.

Trying to find a place to fight Kutsuu's will in peace, Sanzen traveled towards the training grounds due to the fact she figured nobody would be there. It had been raining and windy all week which kept most people from going outside. To bad for her there were still honry men. Oh God did she hate her job. She personally thought she wasn't even good at the act but then again, she didn't doubt that Kutsuu had some part in it too. Why was she even there? What was the damn purpose? It was frustrating. She hated feeling their grimy hands touch her body and how they penetrated her body for pleasure. Hated all of it. She was a ninja!

A sort of rage began to flow over her as she gripped her hands slightly. Feeling as though she was deep enough in the training grounds she began to challenge Kutsuu once more. His spiritual presence became known in no time as he fought back. She blacked out for a moment as she felt his force overcome her and push her around, mainly down. As her ears tuned into the sound of someone slashing from a distance she then snapped her black and red hues open and glared. Feeling a sudden calm surround her like a bubble she stepped forward, causing a stick to snap. The noise maker, a small girl with odd purple hair and strange clawed hands, suddenly turned around at this. She seemed rather pissed off herself. Sanzen wondered why.

Not giving her new found opponent, or herself, much time to figure things out. Sanzen soon felt her arm go numb as 'she' reached into her pouch and pulled out three kunai. She tried to grab it to stop Kutsuu but then her other arm went numb and soon her whole body. Sanzen's dead look gazed at the girl as she threw three kunai towards her, each purposely thrown to where they would be a meter apart when they attacked. Then, Sanzen threw two more, both loaded with exploding tags, that would not only be delays but would be thrown in between the original two. The girl reacted but chose the wrong thing to do. Also, instead of kawarimi'ing out of the attack, she found herself blown up. However, to Sanzen and Kutsuu's surprise, the girl rolled back until she managed to get back to her feet. By then though, Sanzen was right on her.

Before the girl had a chance to notice Sanzen attack, her hand hit a point on her neck that caused the girl to black out and go unconscious. At first Sanzen grew enraged at Kutsuu, thinking he killed the girl, but actually had not. As Sanzen bent down then she examined the girl, noticing her strange hands and that her wounds had healed. How strange.

"Ok...what's your purpose with her...why did you just attack her despite my choice"

Kutsuu was silent for a moment. Sanzen figured he was thinking about it or trying to find a good excuse. She wouldn't put the thought of him attacking at random past him. However, he seemed to have another reason.

"Simple... I want you to train her. Well, mostly, beat the living shit out of her when she wakes up."

"Um.....why... I'll be wasting my time...."

A chuckle was heard before he spoke in a very deep and sly voice, his tone sounding as though he were warning her, "Because...she seems interesting... a rare person...."

There seemed as though there was more to it then that. She could almost hear him say, 'because it may turn into something in the future'. He seemed the type to say it, maybe he thought it and she heard him. She wasn't sure. Either way though, despite how much she tried to fight him off, she was stuck...again.

With a sigh, Sanzen pulled the girl closer to the tree before she began to build a fire. She wanted to build a fire but it seemed impossible in this weather. So for now she would just...wait. How annoying.
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Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self]   Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 28, 2010 5:55 pm

Whatever it was, it hit her hard. Nasamea didn't know how long she was out or well, anything about what just happened, but at least she woke up. She didn't open her eyes as she began to awaken. Her sense of smell came first as she continued to keep her even breaths the best she could. She could smell the rain and ground of course but there was a human nearby. The human smelled like pine, a weird perfume, and sex. What...her foster parents still did it every once in a while. She hated coming home to the sound or smelling them later. It was a disgusting smell to her. Her nose wanted to snort to get the smell out but she continued to play sleep. She was rather good at it from doing it so much. Next, came her hearing. She knew for sure there someone from scent but she could also hear them breathing now to. Whomever it was then coughed a bit, a female. Explained the perfume. Wait... was this woman a whore? Her body grew stiff for a moment as she began to fill her lungs. That was when she suddenly rolled and sprung to her feet with a kunai in hand, all in one swift motion

Nasamea's amber hues glared as she took in the presence of the mysterious woman. She continued to sit casually against the back of a tree, her burning red eyes gazing at Nasa. It were as though the woman's eyes burned right through her. It was strange, in fact she felt weird, but Nasamea didn't question it.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me? What did you want?"

The woman gazed at her for a moment, her eyes taking on a slightly mixed shade of red and black. She just kept watching her, almost as though she were a statue. Her right leg was propped with her right arm resting on it. The left was crossed underneath while her left arm remained resting on top. It was then Nasamea noticed the kunai in her right hand. What did she want?

"You seem rather jumpy for a ninja....probably because you're a genin..." she said with an even tone. Her eyes were examining the kunai in her right hand as she played with it slightly. Did the woman just mock her? Nasa just continued to glare.

"You also ask a lot of questions at once...what if I don't wish to answer?"

"Then I'll report you."

The woman's eyes gazed back up at Nasa now while Nasa stood her ground, her eyes appearing as though they were burning while her internal flame began to heighten. Her need to dominate other females, since she was queen, began to grow again. This woman wouldn't have her respect so easily as the woman at the mission provider.

The woman sighed, "and what makes you so sure that I'll even let you get away?"

Nasamea's glare then hardened even more, her pupils beginning to turn more cat-like from the challenge. She felt that she was like an alpha who needed to protect it's pack. That was wolf terms though and she did not have a pack or group of followers; at least not yet. Did she want any? Not the time to ask that. She stiffened more at the challenge for dominance and let out a low snarl; her foot moving forward slightly.

"I can tell you're different from everyone else..." the woman began, still sitting casually. "It was obvious from your hands being different but now it's obvious just by the way you're acting. Were you raised in a barn or something? Maybe an Inuzuka?"

That was an insult in some ways, she wasn't a damn dog.

"If you're going to keep challenging me, the stand up and fight me," Nasamea said, her face still formed as a snarl.

The woman gazed at her for a moment before a smile crossed her face. Her eyes took on a deeper black tint to them as she let out a laugh. This made Nasamea's pupils narrow more as she slid a bit more forward. Her lips were pulled back slightly as she bared sharp teeth now. Her fingers twitched out into claws as they began to form more and more, and she then moved into a fighting stance; standing her ground.

"Do you honestly think you can fight me and win when I had just threw a simple explosive tool to take you out?"

"It won't work again" Nasa snarled.

The woman smirked and closed her eyes, "very well then, LETS BEGIN!"

As Nasamea prepared to attack the sitting woman something suddenly burst through the bushes behind her, causing her ears to twitch the sound as she took action. A form burst right by her as she dodged and threw the kunai in her hand at it. The form slid, tossed its own kunai, which deflected Nasa's, and threw another towards her. Not wishing to possibly fall for the same trick, Nasamea pushed off the ground with her feet. This made her leap back towards the right as she began to already form hand seals. By then the being, or a copy of the woman, began to race towards her full on.

Making the motion to use a jutsu, Nasamea slid and stomped on the ground to attack the clone was right on her. Stomping her foot into the ground, the clone tried to evade as the flames caught it's arm. It was then Nasamea realized it was a bad idea for her to try and attack. The clone burst into a flaming heat right in front of her, causing Nasamea to fall backwards with a scream of agony.
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Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self]   Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 30, 2010 12:01 am

[Dropping Sanzen's view unless typed otherwise]

It hurt, no, it really hurt. Nasamea had taken a blast of pure heat that caused third degree burns to form all over her body and for her to fall to the ground in agony. She whimpered as she held her shoulders with her hands twitching. She never felt this much pain, especially in her face. It surrounded her, overcame her, she couldn't fight it, couldn't move it hurt to much. The words 'can't. can't cant' clouded her mind and blurred her thoughts until suddenly she just sort of snapped inside. She grew still as she let the vulnerable feeling dissipate, why had the woman not attacke- she questioned to soon. Suddenly a foot kicked right into her stomach and she was raised off the ground some. Her stomach hurt but her skin all around hurt worse, the burn the pain. She wanted it to end. Another kick struck her due to the fact her body flew a tad in the air. She hit the ground hard, causing her to twitch some before she was kicked over and over again by the woman. What the hell!?!!?

Suddenly Nasa's hand grabbed the woman's leg as she snarled, her exterior skin now beginning to heal before she received a blow to the face. Nasamea let out a scream of pain as she felt like her nose was kicked in. Blood began to pour out from it along with her tears before she was kicked in the stomach again. This caused her to squeak and cough as some blood came out from her mouth. Her skin didn't hurt as much anymore but her face was blazing with pain. As she twitched some she let out a few squeaks before the woman grabbed her collar and raised her up off the ground. Nasa instinctively tried to fight it as she grabbed her arm and tried to kick. The pain was making her lose focus and thus the thought of shifting left her mind. She stared at the black and red hues of the woman before she cringed. The woman drew her fist back before suddenly Nasa took a punch in the gut before thrown into a nearby tree. The bark stabbed into her back but fell out as she fell to the ground, going limp. Maybe if she stayed still the threat would go away.

Walking over to her the woman placed a foot on Nasa's back before she leaned down, pressing down and causing Nasa to squeak and shudder again. Focusing to much on the pain and her state, Nasa didn't really notice that her wounds were healing and the blood stopped. She forgot she had regeneration, she believed in the fact that was human way to much.

"Why don't you fight back? What happened to trying to claim superiority?"

Nasa was silent for a moment. She knew why she didn't fight back and thus let out a whimper. Feeling the force of the woman's threat intensifying though, she finally spoke the truth, "because I am afraid to hurt you."

The woman stared at her for a moment before a smirk crossed her face as she laughed. She stepped away from Nasa laughing, "hurt me? Do you really think you could? You can't even fight against me!" She laughed a bit more while Nasa slowly pushed herself up to stand. Before she could though she was met with another blow to the side and was forced back against the tree. She squeaked but then sat against, her hand holding her arm as her head faced down. Her purple hair covered her face as she sat there focusing and feeling her chakra surround her, heal her. She had regeneration but she didn't have a forever supply of chakra and using her blood and such made her more hungry. This was growing to become a pain in more ways then one. What the heck did this woman want?

It wasn't long before the woman came after her again but this time Nasamea fell to her side, just barely avoiding a kick to the head. While the woman's kick was still moving Nasamea reached up and grabbed her leg; causing Sanzen's leg to go towards the ground with Nasa between hers. Sanzen snarled as she brought her other leg to Nasamea's stomach to hold her before she clenched her fist. Nasamea's instincts kicked into gear as she bit down into Sanzen's calve, her teeth growing sharp as her eyes blazed a more red and gray. She tasted the iron on her tongue but resisted the urge to drain. However, she did get a taste of it. As Sanzen's fist met the side of her face it caused her to bite even harder too, drawing more blood. Her sharp teeth were latched, her eyes watching Sanzen as she tasted a bit more and more. It was then Sanzen drew out a kunai. Nasamea let go and pushed off and as Sanzen's hand came down she grabbed her wrist. Sanzen then took out another in the other arm and thus Nasamea disappeared in a poof of smoke; a log stuck between Sanzen's ankles now.

She was ready to fight now but would need to get good ground before Sanzen chased her down. Her wounds healed but already took a bit to much chakra so even thinking about beast form would probably be a bad idea. Plus, what if she kept inflicting wounds to make her keep regenerating over and over? She would run out of chakra, this way bad. She needed to conserve. Taking shelter in a tree, she could see Sanzen simply standing there as she tried to rest for a bit. It wouldn't be long until the woman came hunting after her, she needed a plan if she wished to beat her.
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Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self]   Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 04, 2010 7:01 pm

The moment the woman took to the forest Nasamea placed her back against a tree trunk as she slowed her breaths to near silence; her eyes watching and ears alert as she listened. It took a moment of some straining to hear her but the woman soon approached behind her on a different tree before falling silent. She then leaped and landed on the branch behind Nasamea's branch, and trunk, before the sound of shuriken and wire was heard through the air. Assuming what the woman would do next, Nasamea leaped up and grabbed the branch above. She used the momentum to pull herself up some before she used the trunk and her feet to push off and swing herself over the branch. Meanwhile the shuriken wrapped around the trunk where she was, nearly missing her, before fire erupted from the wire. The woman wasted a jutsu but at least something was hit.

As the tree began to burn this caused Nasamea to push herself to her feet as she tried to run off. However, Sanzen already made her way around and threw some tools. Unlike most people who block or deflect though, these actually caused Nasamea's form to vanish out of thin air. An illusion. As Sanzen stood there in the burning tree, she gazed around before sighing. Meanwhile, the real Nasamea kept running and running. She just wasn't in to fighting today and besides, consider it learning how to get away from an enemy. Pride a bit hurt, Nasa kept going until she was back in town. From there she made her way home while constantly staying on guard.

Sanzen however, put her tools away that were left in hand and leaped from the tree. It was burning but the rain would but it out. As she walked off, feeling disappointed in losing an opportunity to fight and letting a genin get away, the rain began to pour and douse the fire. She however would head back to her apartment and begin fighting Kutsuu once more.

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PostSubject: Re: Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self]   Impervious Flames and Splattered Blood ~ Oblivion and the Silent Raven [Self] I_icon_minitime

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