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Return of the flash (open) Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
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For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

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 Return of the flash (open)

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 10:49 pm

What amazed Heiki about this mission wasn't the fact that he didn't accomplish anything but the fact that he didn't have to kill anyone. Most missions involved some type of slaughtering of the sort, whether it is refine or brutal, it was usally bloodshed but this mission whom he was suppose to escort did not occur and therefore, he in honesty failed a mission.

It was the Raikage who cancelled the escort itself telling Heiki, from what he told him was "There is an enemy in my country. I am afraid that if I were to go konoha, things here would hit the fan and I wouldn't want that to happen" He was asked to go back and during that time, he wondered if the enemy was that large army who wished for the destruction of not only the shinobi who reign this place, but further along in this world. They beleived they were the dominated power, the power that God had given them in order ot achieve such materialistic ideals.

If God sent them to conquer, then it would be an abomination that would kill such inane prattle. They are naught but just human Heiki thought, they mean nothing in the eyes of a demon. He walked passed the gate guards just a few minutes before with his three oddly named ANBU San, Nii and Ichi. Heiki turned around and gave them the disbanning order. Even underneath the mask that did not display any emotion, he could sense that hesistant look. They were thinking that they would achieve the objective and no matter how the ANBU works, they get the job done and with this mission seeming like a failure, they did not understand.

"Heiki-sama" Nii said. He was in the middle of Ichi and San and was among the talkative of the three. "How should we report this to the Hokage? Our mission..." He also wanted to complain about this but Heiki rose a hand in silence.

"If the Raikage wants us to come back without him, then the mission was complete. I wouldn't say it was a failure but it's not a success either. You'll report the mission as complete, nothing more. Do you understand me?"

All three of them looked at each other before saluting saying "Hai!" at the same time. Like the shadows they were, they had disperesed. Heiki wondered what they would right. Even if they were human, the robotic and unemotional attitudes they display would most certainly conflict with the mission update he had given. It was one of the few reasons he left and had no problem leaving. ANBU wanted you to be emotionless, cold to the bone to assasinate. Granted it was effective, he didn't say it wasn't, it just that with no leniency nor effective way to handle missions like this, it was just another wall to break.

He yawned and stretched his arms outward in the middle of the street walking towards the civillian district. This huge plaza had recently been created after this Hokage took office and began rebuilding the village yet again. Shopping centers, resturants left and right, this place is where most of the villagers and shinobi just lie around and waste the precious amount of time being around with glamourous lights and commercalism. It was a place the stench with the greed of men and the foulness of the materialistic.

He hated this particular place. It was walking in a den of thieves, sniffing out the foolish and the eager. It was a place where he would avoid at all times but he was in no mood to skip around all over the rooftops. He was within the silence for a long time. It makes a man want to drown themselves with something that would numb him. The people's walking, talking, laughing and money would drown out his thoughts for awhile and perhaps...that is what he needs to do.
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PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 2:19 am

‘Ugh, this is sooooooo boring.’ Those words had to have rung inside Ayame’s mind a good few dozen times as she walked through the busy streets of Konoha. The young girl had been walking around these parts for a good hour and some change with nothing to do. Staying in her house all the time was starting to make her stir crazy, her grandfather was doing his usual “mysterious” ANBU work yet again and most of her family were either following him or hiding from their duties, not wanting her to attract attention to themselves with her natural presence among the village.

Today, was one of those days when Ayame would just wear a ponytail and just do something crazy so individual training was out of the mind for a little bit and her team… well, they were doing their own thing so it was just her, herself and she doing it big today. Unfortunately though, doing it big hasn’t really worked itself out for her since all she’s been doing is walking around and occasionally being dumped into buying objects that she didn’t need and sometimes even didn’t want, like that beaded necklace with sheep skin covers that she ended up giving to some crazy guy.

Just as these memories started to reach her yet again, Ayame had bumped into someone. “Sorry.” She tried to apologize but the guy she bumped into didn’t seem to hear her. As a matter of fact, he seemed completely interested in other things that don’t involve noticing what his nerves do. It was then that Ayame noticed that there was a circle of people gathering around a particular person, item, or event. Due to her height however, there was no way for her to see over them so she decided to go through the crowed of marveled citizens.

After a few seconds of bumping, unanswered apologies and Ayame could’ve sworn there was some shoving in there, she finally made it to the edge of the center to see what was going on. There was a man in the middle of the crowed holding a scroll that had a bunch of writing on it. He was holding it up and showing everyone willing to see, which everyone from Ayame’s point of view was basically. “Behold, citizens of Konoha. What I have in my hand is the scroll that holds many of the village’s secret techniques. Though not the original, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge on many of the village’s high ranks and here they are on a piece of paper."

This information intrigued Ayame to the point to where she was willing to check it out. Just as she was about to get her wallet, Ayame stopped, a smile creeping slowly across her face. ‘I think I may have just found the cure to my boredom.’


A few minutes later, Ayame was dashing through the crowds of people rushing through the village streets, a giant scroll strapped across her back and a man in his mid-30s chasing her down, yelling “Stop, stop that thief!” Just as the man seemed to be catching up with her, Ayame used her shinobi acrobatics to hop off a pole and started sprinting on the roofs. ‘Wonder how long it’ll take for the real fun to begin?’
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 6:21 am

His mind was drowned out with the sounds of this place. He could the feel the heartbeat of entire palace, irregular and spasmatic all at once. It was a place where life and death intangled each other. He could hear the munching of people eating, slowly chewing the food that would be there very end. As they masticated, they would be filled with bliss but down the line in the future, there was nothing more than pain within the body and they would curse the misfortunre of it upon the same genetics in which they unlocked.

His thoughts ran out of him as he was thudded against something. He was sure he was walking into a straight path. He looked down and saw a young girl, no, a young teenager from her looks. Her body was not necessarily lanky, she would turn out to be a fine women in the later years and Heiki could tell that she was something of a piece of work, causing trouble towards the people. She looked up at Heiki and apologized. Heiki eyes gazed forward and he moved to side of her walking away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a toothpick placing it in his mouth and began to chew on it.

He didn't have anything to say to her at the time, hell, she was just another shinobi to him. Nothing out of the ordinary and certainly nothing out of whack. Though, she did have a weird thing about her, something that he couldn't reconize at the moment. It would come to him sooner or later but for now, he was going to sit down. He sees a bench in the center of the plaza. It was the ideal spot for Heiki to sit down and rest his feet before walking on home.

Sitting down, he notice a women sitting there with her hands clenching on her purse. She didn't look at Heiki as he sat, her eyes were staring downward at the ground. He didn't know whether she was crying or not, her face was in the shadow of her long burnette hair. Heiki looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. He listen. He was good at this, listening and what not. When there was no need to talk, there was time to listen and he was proud of such good listening skills. He wondered why he didn't have a girlfriend, hell he would be perfect if she was a talker.

In the background what caught his attention was a man who apparently had a scrolll in his hand. He could hear the voices of the ongoing passers wondering in amazement about the historical scroll that held ancient secrets "“Behold, citizens of Konoha" he said in a gallant voice, projecting his voice out with a deep bellow "What I have in my hand is the scroll that holds many of the village’s secret techniques. Though not the original, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge on many of the village’s high ranks and here they are on a piece of paper."

The one question that probably popped into these people's mind, besides simple wonder and astonshiment was since when did Konoha begin giving out scrolls of ancient techniques? Heiki chewed on the toothpick and then he grinned. It was a fake he thought. If this man so happen to obtain all of the information necessary for these jutsus, he wouldn't brashly make statements as such. He thought it was a waste.


It was not long after that man made such a statement that he heard him again only this time he was screaming "Stop, stop that thief" at the top of his lungs. He didn't look up at who ran past him but he had a feeling it was the girl that ran into him. He could hear her feet pitter patter away towards the buildings where she jumped up and began running on the rooftops.

The man was running by the bench but Heiki's legs stretched outward and the man tripped toppling over him and rolling on the ground. Heiki had spit out his toothpick and yawned loudly. The woman beside him turned to him asking with his eyes why he rudely yawn like that. Heiki slowly slither himself up and placed his hand in his pocket. The man had grabbed his nose, which was bleeding as it was pouring through the cracks of his hands and said "Whadda you do thwat for?" he said holding his nose. "Thwat kid stowle ma scroll"

Heiki kneels down at the man. As Heiki moved close to his face, the men tried to scoot back but to no avail. His eyes stared into Heiki's and saw something he didn't want to see again. "Tch" Heiki said "I'll get your scroll back" . He knew it was fake but perhaps this would relieve his boredom

Heiki stood up and watched as the girl was moving. Heiki body zoomed past the people through the sidewalks as he ran to meet the young girl. The wind howled past people, skirts of women began to move upward and as the women tried there best to not show what they had underneath, the men eyes followed the trail of those goodies and could not look away. Heiki slowed down as he was neck and neck with the girl and before long he jumped up onto the rooftop and was running beside her.

They would meet eye to eye, his bored eyes would meet her excited but cautious eyes. He rose his fingers to her forehead and tapped it with a hard flick of his finger. Then he said "Why are taking a fake scroll?"
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PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 10:04 am

Ayame kept running on the rooftops, letting the wind flow through her hair as she was having the pinnacle of entertainment for the day, both action and comedy was playing into this. Speaking of comedy, Ayame looked behind her to see if the guy that was chasing was still after her, but she had lost sight of him. ‘Figures, most regular guys can’t even climb a tree, much less scale a small building.’ Taking this into knowledge, Ayame figured that she was going to be pretty much home free for a while unless of course he hired some ninja to come after her or something. Despite her sense of accomplishment, Ayame still kept on running however just in case.

Evidently, it would seem like her wild guess had come true as Ayame felt a thud not too far from her and the next thing she knew, there was a guy running beside her. Once she caught wind of his presence, Ayame instantly started picking up the pace though it didn’t seem to matter because every time she kept going faster and faster, he just kept catching up to her, she had to admit, that was a little annoying on the stranger’s part. It wasn’t too long before they met eye to eye, looking directly at each other’s pupils, anticipation in hers, and apparent boredom in his.

It was then that the guy would bring his finger over to her forehead, flicking it with a hard tap. This little distraction combined with the force of the flick would cause Ayame to lose her balance and with her sprinting on the roof, it was obvious that she was going to lose her footing enough to roll on the floor a bit and end up on her butt.

Once she had come to a complete halt, Ayame was left laying on her butt while rubbing her forehead, which evidently had a bit of a red mark on it soon afterwards. After a couple seconds of that, Ayame would hear him ask her why she would steal the scroll and Ayame instantly retaliated by hopping to her feet and staring angrily at the man. “Oh yeah, well why are you even following and attacking me if it’s fake!?” Ayame yelled out. It took a while for her to remember that she had no knowledge of the scroll being a fake so she added on. "And how do you know it’s even a fake anyways?”
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PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 5:08 pm

"Because not only did you steal that from someone who is attempting to make some money but do you honestly believe any upperclass ninja would allow a simple merchant to sell a scroll to Konoha's secret techniques?"

She turned her attention back towards the street before her, emitting a scoff as she muttered beneath her breath, "yet another out of control child who needs taught." Followed by this silent insult was a sigh. She shook her head as though she had been thinking about considering something in her mind. "I think I'll pass this time."

Up until this point this calm figure had been casually sitting on a rooftop; her mind lost in her thoughts as she rested. But it turns out a little piece of quiet wasn't in the agenda today. She saw this coming as soon these two came running in her general direction. Whether they saw her or not she didn't truthfully care but now that they invaded her quiet zone it was time for her to react. One thing to notice was that she was looking for silence in the center of Konoha's market but truthfully it was more silent up above than it was down below. Besides, she was somewhat patrolling as well.

After her tiny display of annoyance the woman's red hues peered back down on the young girl once again. In a way the child reminded her of her old student, Shihouin. But to be honest, her voice was rathering annoying compared to his and seemed more intelligent. Maybe her reaction to this scenario was merely due to the mood she was in. It didn't help that this phase was ran by her least tolerable spirit either. Had it been one of her other spirits that dwelled in her person then the tolerance level would have been at least a tad bit higher. But alas, this wasn't the case.

After examining the girl for a few split seconds her attention soon turned to the man who caught her. This woman, or Sanzen, was easily able to pick up on the experience difference between these two. It was obvious when she saw first saw these two running. This was simply because he not only had more grace to his step but was quicker as well. She even accepted that maybe he held a higher rank than even she; but this was uncertain. One ninja didn't tend to know another fully until they met fist to fist. That was her theory she tended to stick by.

After taking a few seconds of looking these two over, these two now had her attention and unless planned otherwise she had no intention of leaving. It was partially her duty anyway to see that a stolen item was returned anyway despite the fact the man was also here.

She soon turned her body to face them before she pushed off the ledge. Her skirt caught the wind a bit but she had black leggings that easily took care of that. The land was also only maybe seven feet so it wasn't as though she were making a leap of death. This allowed her to land with some ease. After dooing so, she quickly crossed her arms and leaned back against the wall behind her. She appeared bored now but was still rather curious of what would occur next.

She didn't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Location : Wherever the wind tells me to go and spread freedom

Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 6:58 pm

He tapped the red spot on Ayame's forehead and pushed it lightly, only wanting to irritate the soreness rather than put her on the ground. He reached over to the scroll her hand and pulled it away. His thumb felt the smooth edges of the paper, the scroll roundness was almost near perfect, he couldn't feel any physical flaws on it and could see that it was rotound and smooth. He looked at the red seal that was ensignia of Konoha's scroll, it appeared to look both like a flame and a leave all at once, it would depend on how you looked at it.

Heiki begins to toss the scroll up and down. "It's perfect you see. Scrolls of this calibur are usually forged because they assume that every scroll each village has had the same consistent look. Smooth exterior with the seal of the village" he tosses the scroll high into the air and his eyes were directed at the young lady who stood on the rooftop looking down. He wondered where that other voice came from. He caught the scroll in his hand. "However, only twenty years ago, the Hokage placed a new type of seal that could only be reconized by certain members of Konoha and the Hokage themselves. They made sure that nothing could forge it..."

"Each scroll is completely different and it would take an expert to actually forge all 239 different replicas of each scroll of Konoha" he yawns as he said this and scratched his head "Looking at that guy who had the scroll, either he is one hell of a inflitrator and got a complete replica of a scroll and actually did steal it or he is just a con artist who is dumb enough to yell out 'I have a scroll with blah blah blah on it' Tell me, who would fall for-" he stopped, his face went comically blank and then his palm smack into his forehead "Nevermind"

He blinked over to the girl leaning a building wall, her arms cross as she watched them. He reconized her from her bored face and eyes of dark crimson. Her intentions on leaving was out of the question, she appeared to be one that was going to make sure this person was brought to justice. Heiki had an idea that this girl literally got duped from a con artist. He exaggerated a sigh of discontent and looked at Ayame "So, what should I do with you eh? I could just put a harsh punishment on you. Make you wash windows for a week or perhaps work at a nasty job for taking a con artist scam"

He leans down to her height and stared into her eyes. He was ready to tap on her head again but pulled his hand back at the last second and sighed yet again a heavy sigh "But that's alot of things I have to do. I'm way too tired to make you do anything right now" he rubbed the back of his neck as if it was aching "That means I have to make sure you do it and have to check up on you and that's alot of shit I dont want to get into"

"Man, what should I do, what should I do?" he rubbed his gloved hands into his hair and contemplated for a long minute thinking on what he could do. Deciding upon the fact that if he did nothing, the consequence would be-wait, what was the consequence. She in actuality did something good although her intent of taking it was something michievious, in the end, she prevented some gulliable person from buying a scroll so what was the problem with that. He laughed at the thought knowing someone would take his actions less than serious. It was odd seeing him laugh all of the sudden with that bored look he had on his face only awhile ago

He hands the scroll back to Ayame "Keep the scroll then, No need for me to punish the gulliable" he placed his hands in his pocket "Though you did perform some nice acrobatics, however, your balance is lacking just a bit"

Then his attention turned to Sanzen, who was still leaning against the wall "Oh, hey you're that weird chick right?" He was straightforward and said it as a matter of fact. He points at her "Sanzen if I remember. Yo, what's up?"
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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2010 8:05 am

Just as she noticed the man before her move his hand again, she instinctively backed up a little, trying to get her hands up to block the second flick but to no avail as she felt a light tap and her forehead, causing it to sting even more. Once she felt the pain, Ayame grabbed at the mark on her forehead, the stinging sensation also causing her to swear a bit. “Son of a-.” Ayame just left it at that as she continued to rub onto the forehead injury. Obviously not appreciating this stranger’s little love taps.

Too busy with her forehead bump, Ayame wasn’t paying too much attention to the fact that the scroll that she had just stolen had just been stolen from her. The man started to touch around the scroll in a very peculiar manner. Once he was finished with that, he started explaining to her about how it was a fake. In all honesty, Ayame was paying a bit of attention for the first few words but suddenly got lost around the time he started talking about two hundred and something replicas or something like that. Though she was pretending to listen by nodding her head, she was mainly thinking of other things, mainly involving the little things around them like the butterfly that just passed her by.

As Ayame’s eyes kept drifting off into different things, she just kept nodding vigorously, saying “Mhm.”, “Ok.” “Yeah.”, “Interesting.” Every couple seconds while thinking ‘I wonder what we’re having for dinner tonight; I hope it’s a new kind of Ramen. But that’s only when we’re going out then. Hey, maybe we will go out.’

It took Ayame a while to notice the woman that had injected herself into this scenario, causing her to throw her arms up in the air. ‘Oh my god, what’s next, they gonna send grandpa up here?’ Ayame was truly getting bored with all this lecturing to the point to where she was starting to think that she really had learned her lesson… probably not though. Before she knew it, Ayame caught the scroll that was handed to her. Ayame’s attention was finally brought back to the man as she started to tune him in once again. Hearing this “constructive criticism”, Ayame just placed the scroll over her shoulder, a short silence from her before going “Right…”

With that, Ayame simply jumped off the building and walked down the street with the scroll in hand. IT didn’t take too long for the owner of the scroll to find her, running over in her direction. “Aha! There you are, little miss thievery. Now hand over that scroll this instant or I’ll have to-” As Ayame walked passed him, she simply let the scroll go in his arms. She just looked back at him for a second. “You can have it back, that thing’s cursed. Plus, it’s fake anyways.” As she continued on, a woman who was watching looked at the man with a confused expression. The owner of the scroll let out a nervious laugh. “Kids… don’t they just say the darnest things?”
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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2010 10:21 pm

While the pitter patter of the rain droplets continued to fall around them, Sanzen listened to the man with full attention. This, however, was mostly covered up by the fact her eyes were closed. She remained stiff against the wall and left her arms crossed. It looked almost as though she were apart of the wall or a very real life looking statute due to her stillness. In all honesty she was mostly hanging around to see what became of this little event but it would have been nice to seem justice as well. The man rambled on and on about the numerous scrolls that were hidden in this village but after taking a quick peak it was obvious the girl wasn't listening. She was to caught up in her ADD and being distracted by a butterfly; it made Sanzen narrow her eyes some. She closed them once more while thinking over what rank he may be based on the knowledge he was so casually spilling out.

From what Sanzen could infer he was telling the girl this information because maybe he knew she wasn't listening. Maybe because he knew that no matter how hard she may have even tried to get a hand on one of these scrolls there would be someone who could easily cut her down and retrieve it. Maybe he also just enjoyed hearing himself talk...

When his conversation with the girl was done, his decision that she be allowed to leave with any punishment, Sanzen soon opened her eyes again. She gave away no true emotion which left a rather dull expression on her face. He made a point that yes, the girl was technically doing a good thing by stealing that scroll. It could technically even be considered training since there were missions out there that involved stealing such items from other villages and what not. But was it really okay to let her go without punishment? Sanzen thought over whether or not she should say anything but this resulted in her letting it slide. It was probably a waste of time to deal with such a minor issue. In her mind, it would be best to report this only if the girl began to make stealing a habit. Hopefully this would be the one and only time. This was simply because Sanzen would probably enjoy getting a chance to take someone out. Especially after not fighting for a duration of time now. She growing bored.

Whe the man turned his attention to her she broke from her thoughts and lifted her head. This was her way of saying he had her full attention as well. Meanwhile, the girl leaped away. Last chance to catch her, but it appeared that she now had the merchant to deal with.
"Oh, hey you're that weird chick right?" he asked before pointing at her, "Sanzen if I remember. Yo, what's up?"

She could easily take this as an excuse to be pissed or assault him but personally she didn't care. She personally felt she was odd for possessing quite a few spirits in her body with each having separate personalities but other otherwise she was just a regular Chunin trying to make a living in this world. So, rather than giving an irritable look or answer, she simply shrugged and kept her dull feature. One thing she did do though was give a calm even toned response.

"I suppose it all depends on what you define as 'weird'. But yes I am a woman and my name is Sanzen. As for the later question, absolutely nothing."

With the girl gone and nothing to truly talk about, Sanzen grew a sense that she no longer needed to be around. She did have a few ideas that could change that though. It was just a matter of if she had the courage to do so or more so felt like carrying her ideas out. She was prepared but then again she had never carried out her plans at this sort of angle, so she wasn't sure if she was ready.

Trying to converse while she planned, Sanzen pushed herself off the side of the wall and stood straighter. It were as though she were more ready for anything now unlike her previous laid back appearance.

"You're the Chaotic Flash right?... I don't normally keep up with who's who unless I actually meet them, or if it's the Hokage of course, so my apologies but I don't know you're real name. I've just heard the alias a few times down the grapevine. Anyway, if don't mind me asking, what IS your real name?"

Yeah it was silly of her to not know the names of the higher ups but she personally didn't care. Unless she was actually there herself and not working with such individuals, why should she? Seemed like a close minded idea but at least she finally recognized him due to physical features. Had it not been for hearing rumors, she doubted that she would have done this either.

Placing her hands in her pockets, her right hand slightly bulged out more as she waited for him to respond. Maybe she could make a little small talk for once. Didn't hurt to get to know who was considered above you right? This was precisely what she planned to do.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2010 11:20 pm

Heiki points to himself with a fake look of an idiot asking what his name was. He coyly smiled and then answered "Kibou. Heiki Kibou. The chaotic flash and the yellow demon of Konoha are just names everyone else gives me. Me, personally, I just like to be called Hei or Heiki. It doesn't really matter" his index finger reaches into his ear and he begins to rotate his finger ever so as if he was picking gold from the minature cave deep in his eardrum.

"Not much of a talker eh?" he didn't have to say it, he knew this young lady wasn't much of a talker. Besides the fact that she had been standing there leaning against the building wall as he was explaining how a autistic savant had literally decided to create all of the different designs of the scroll. Hell, both girls lost interest as he explain and he got bored of talking about but there was no point of ending an explanation halfway though it happens from time to time.

"From what I've heard from HQ, they say you are one fucked up chick. Can't say that you are from this encounter but hell that's how I identify you. You seem pretty damn distant but probably because this is the first time meeting" They said more than her being fucked up. They say that her mind is at the verge of reaching madness and chaos. They didn't go really into detail when they explained it to Heiki but from Heiki could pressumed, he could tell that this girl was something else. Perhaps something that could intrigue him for the time being.

He hears in the distance someone running towards them. He turns his head and it was the peddler con-artist who was trying to sell a fake scroll. He was a bit out of breath. What he saw past his charcoal black hair was the pudge of a man who had eaten far too much processed foods and lost the entire 'I need to excerise from time to time' routine over the few years. He looked ready to grab her which in that case Heiki would've immediately dispose of him but Ayame toss the scroll back at him. The look of awe and amazement when she handed back and her explanation of it being a fake.

A woman who had watch this entire ordeal stood there and looked at the group with a perplex confusion that surmounted to looking at a theory of relativity. The man gave a nervous chuckled saying "Kids...dont they say the darnest things".

"Oh of course" heiki replied "Making all of these declarations without any reasoning behind it. Such a shame of this generation, you know?" he laughed and so did the man holding the scroll but his laughter was more nervous then conversational. Heiki stared at him again, the smile faded to a more calm and neutral tone "By the way. What jutsu's are in that scroll of yours? Perhaps the Shuushin no jutsu or the Kage Bunshin no jutsu. Maybe the infamous Rasengan that one of the kages had in the past. Mind showing me?"

The man gave more of nervous laughter, sporadic and distant as he explained "Well, I can't personally open it because it's apart of our policy to ensure that the trade is complete before I can open it. For safe measure. You understand no?"

"No, I dont fucking understand" Heiki had scratched into his hair and let his hand drag down to his forehead where only one of his sapphire eyes were staring at him 'Why in the hell would some pudge fuck salesman try to sell secrets of Konoha in the public?" The words 'pudgy fuck' took the man by surprise, his face squinted together in anger but more so in fear like an animal trying to scruvy away from a predator. The man didn't even blink as Heiki was behind him with such a freakish and liquid speed and tapped on the scroll "No kage would ever let such a damnable thing carry the secrets of there own village techniques"

Heiki could feel the tension leak out of his own body and the man was sweating on the back of his neck and his skin was beginning to become a flushing red. "S-Such an accusation" he was voice was trembling slightly. It was that slightness that would edge Heiki further "You need to know how to-" he was ready to say how to respect his elders but Heiki wasn't having it today.

"How to do what pudgy fuck? Know the difference between fake and real? Yeah, I got that down pretty well. What YOU dont get is the fact that I found out it was the real the moment you talked about it. I wondered would happen if that girl didn't steal from you. You probably be alot richer then" he pulled out a kunai. He heard a woman scream in front of them as he pulled it with such a quickness that it was like seeing a magician pulling out flowers from nothing. He placed the three pronged kunai on his neck "But now, you are gonna be a dead man"

Now he was really shivernig .This man was not just crazy but literally past the point of madness. He was five planets away from this one and he had went from kindness to killer in three seconds. Yeah, sure, he did make a fake scroll and he didn't believe anyone would buy it. But the looks on the people's face as he was speaking, it was amazing. They were stunned to see someone as himself had a scroll waiting to be bought. He didn't beleive anyone like Heiki was listening and was waiting to kill him.

"P-pp-p-please, d-dd-ddd--dont, hurt m-me" he was stuttering profusely. He had a terrible stutter when he was a young child and he gotten control of it over time but it only came out when he was extremely nervous

"I aint gonna hurt you pudgy fuck. I'm going to kill you. There is a slight difference with the two" he said it so matter of factly that it almost didn't sound real. "If I wanted to hurt you, I would've fuckin' said it. Got it?"

"Yes!" He shouted. There was a crowd around them now. They were all anxious, scared, excited and anticipating on what would happen next. Heiki looked around, his cold eyes saying to them that there was nothing for them to see and if they didn't want to suffer they would walk away. They looekd in and out of some telepathic way, they began to scatter, All of which left at a fast pace and looked away to ignore what was happening. The man was now blubbering, tears came from the sides of his eyes and down his cheek in a stream. Snot was running down his face and his mouth was open with a soft wail coming out "Please....dont...kill me" he kept repeating this over and over. Heiki asked him to shut up once, twice, three times then he yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!". The man stopped saying but his crying continued

"Shut it with your fucking crying to. I aint your gotdamn mom so listen closely you pudgy fuck. Give me the scroll and dont you EVER in your life come back here again otherwise I make life less than plesant to live. I'll make death seem more like going to get some pussy. So DROP IT!" he didn't particularlly scream it out but it was firm and direct that it would be heard.

The man dropped it and covered his head like the sky was falling. Heiki points to the direction he came from "Now get the fuck out of my sight" the man did so as quick as his legs could do so. He was ten feet, then fifteen and then he merged with the crowd as if he didn't exist. Heiki sighed and spin the kunai in his hand before placing it back in his holt. He smiled as if this event didn't exist. He turned his head back to Sanzen "So yeah, they said you were weird and what not but I guess that's what they say about alot of people. I classify weird as the sky turning the color of honey but even then that would be pretty cool"

Then it occured to him that he never got the name of the girl he had stopped and critisize. He looked down at the small girl who had walked away. "Ade Ade" he said but shrugged "Probably wont see her anytime soon" he then yawned
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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 28, 2010 7:41 pm

[ooc: So I had a fairly decent post and then my laptop decided to randomly back space and thus I lost it right before I finished. Plus my battery is going to die soon and I don't have a charger.]

The overcast skies continued to release a rain while the people of Konoha continued about their business. So far it appeared that these light showers were weakening as well but if one looked further out they would notice the dark ominous clouds slowly approaching. There was no doubt in Sanzen's mind that this rain wasn't over and from what she saw; these forms of vapor were ready to dump a mother load upon them. Even the wind was beginning to grow a colder edge to it. Must of been a cold front, but wasn't Konoha supposed to be sunny and mildly warm all the time? Such odd weather could only mean something unseen had to be occurring in the world. Unless Sanzen was thinking to much. It was raining quite a lot lately! Maybe the actual Rain village was stealing all their sunshine.

Despite being caught up in the weather, merely because of the cold wind creating unignorable chills down her spine, Sanzen continued to pay attention to the 'Chaotic Flash' before her. Apparently his name was Heiki Kibou, or Hei for short. No matter which, at least they were semi appropriately greeted now.

"Pleasure to meet you then Heiki," she said smoothly, committing his real name to memory.

With that said she fell silent once more, her form slinking back against the wall as she removed her hands from the shelter of her pockets and crossed her arms. This kept her chest warmer and shielded it from the wind. Since her mid section and what not was the warmest part of her body, it provided her hands some warmth from this cool breeze. Despite the building behind her, they were still bombarded by it. Lucky for her she had fire proof clothes beneath, leggings, and a long sleeve shirt on over everything but the truth was the black skirt seemed ridiculous at the moment.

"Not much of a talker eh?"

She kept her eyes closed, appearing as though she were resting, before casually shrugging her shoulders. It was true, she wasn't talking much this time around, but this was merely because she wondered what else this charismatic man had to say. He spilled out enough info as it is, he must have had more. It wouldn't be long before he was probably making another provoking comment too.

"From what I've heard from HQ, they say you are one fucked up chick. Can't say that you are from this encounter but hell that's how I identify you. You seem pretty damn distant but probably because this is the first time meeting"

Now this, this was something to talk about. She couldn't resist now and soon a smirk even crossed her face as she opened her eyes. He now had her full attention again. If he was observant enough, he may also notice the dark red tinge her crimson hues now held....

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I suppose that's up to you to decide for yourself but I can assure you that no matter what it is you do, I personally don't give much of a care."

Her smirk widened now as she let out a slight chuckle; her eyes converting to a darker red with each passing second.

"It's good to know that I was mentioned at HQ though. It means i've grabbed some attention and am in their minds."

And soon enough... she may be in their heads even more...

Another small chuckle left her before her expression began to phase out and her red hues shifted past Heiki to an approaching man, "company."

Sanzen remained against the wall with a casual look as she watched Heiki confront the approaching man. Apparently this must have been the merchant since he seemed to be holding the scroll from earlier. Had the girl gave it back? She wasn't sure, she didn't care, but what did bother her was Heiki's sudden change of persona. Holding her position, she watched the scene escalate and begin to draw in the attention of others. People started to cautiously make their way over to these two; making Sanzen stand straight again. What was Heiki's deal? He didn't wish to waste his time on the girl yet he was now doing so on this man. Sure, maybe it would scare the merchant from selling things once again but what of the girl who would possibly steal again? What an annoyance.

Sanzen's eyes took on a brown color as she narrowed her eyes at this scene. Heiki was grabbing to much attention. If he were supposed to be a higher class ninja he should know not to do things in broad daylight, or overcast, and to handle the issue quietly. Did he want the people to fear the ninja who were protecting them? The man was performing a bad deed by scamming but still, what of the girl? Seeing as how he let the girl go for 'doing something ninja like' and yet Shihouin was punished for showing some actual talent; a dark feeling began to rise over her. She sought the need for justice in honor of her previously humiliated student. Or maybe she was just looking for another fight. She would hunt down the girl next but for now...

As the crowd focused on Heiki and the merchant they shielded his view from her and thus left her open for the oppurtunity to plan an assault.


It appeared Heiki had reached his possible climax. At least that's what the sharpest yell tended to mean. Sanzen was forming handsigns the moment he shouted this and as his voice began to echo through the semi-silent, but anxious, crowd, a woman ran out from an alley and joined them. She tried to peer over them but kept an adequate distance so that she wouldn't be touched. Sanzen then formed more signs and took out three kunai from her pouch. She quickly checked the weight of one of the kunai as she watched for any signs of the crowd suddenly parting and giving her away.

Meanwhile, three children now ran out, one carrying a bright red ball, as they crossed over and two tried to shove their way through the crowd. The one carrying the ball hesitated and stayed back, looking at the crowd with a sad expression. Next, a man ran out from a nearby shop and did the same as the woman. He tried to look over the crowd, his form rather tall, but he still couldn't see over. A sigh of frustration escaped him. He seemed to hate it when people caused this much commotion. So did Sanzen. She was a type that tended to work behind the scenes. Much like she was now.

The yelling continued as Sanzen let out a sigh, preparing to make her assault as she waited. After the threats seemed to cease though, Sanzen tensed a bit. The air around Heiki and the man would probably seem to feel a bit warmer than what it originally had but this could possibly be mistaken for the body heat of the people surrounding them. Although they weren't right up on these two, giving them at least a three meter distance, the mind's way of reasoning with things sometimes tended to pick through what seemed more logical first than the improbable. But was this impossible?

It then happened. The ordeal seemed to have worked itself out as the man let out a gasp and fell from Heiki. The people watched as he then scrambled to his feet and fled the scene, shoving whoever he could out of the way in fear of his life. He nearly ran into the woman from the alley on the way out but she gracefully avoided before her eyes were set on Heiki. Sanzen was ready. At the moment she stood about eight meters away but the crowd of people were still creating a block between her and Heiki.

She waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally, as the tension died and the crowd began to slowly drift back, Sanzen walked over. A slight glare was set on her face as she kept her hands behind her back, hiding the three kunai. Any remaining people began to really back away now as they whispered to each other in the background. Sanzen stopped at six meters.

It was then Heiki turned to her, "So yeah, they said you were weird and what not but I guess that's what they say about alot of people. I classify weird as the sky turning the color of honey but even then that would be pretty cool."

He had a lot of room to talk.

"Ade Ade" he said but shrugged "Probably wont see her anytime soon"

"What was the reasoning behind that? You let the girl get away even though there was the chance she could steal again yet punished this man for trying to make a living. As real as it seemed, it had to be fake but no matter."

Without much warning the ground beneath his feet seemed to then explode. This set off the light gas which had rose up all around him, turning it into fire.

'If a boy is to be punished in this village for revealing his ninja skills in battle. A girl should be punished for showing her ninja skills from stealing.' she thought while moving two meters back and towards the right from where Heiki stood. She used the blast to give her some momentum while recieving a slight first degree burn to her face. The rest was covered by the protection armor beneath so she didn't have to worry to much about the explosion. It was more so the man that was in it and how he would react. Dirty trick? Yes. Enough to piss him off? Yeah maybe. A way to show some skill? Sure. Would this give HQ more to talk about? Maybe. Overall though, she just wanted to test out a new opponent and see where she stood compared to a higher rank.

Preparing for an assault, Sanzen continued to run towards the right of where he was, making her way to an alley. Her tools were still in hand.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 29, 2010 12:45 am

The ground underneath him exploded underneath his feet, the shockwave did send him in the air, his body did not flail away however. He pressed his feet together and his hands did an assortment of seals ending the last one with the rat. His feet began to press on the air like him stepping on a step in a stairwell and he pushed forward in mid-air. The fire didn't reach him though if he stood there any sooner, yes, he would had been burn to a certain degree. He could feel his outfit heat pressing on his skin, the heavy weights underneath were taking in the heat but he saw that the blue sleeve to his jounin shirt was burn off. He had use it to cover his face.

He landed on the top of a building, his eyes scan and saw her running to him and then into an alleyway. She wasn't running, no. That's a tactic that most shinobi do. Heiki knew that right away. You never go to a cornered animal, that is where they are the most dangerous. He got off of one knee and his finger went into his ear digging into it. Nothing he felt would catch his attention and he drew his finger out.

She was a katon user. Dangerous as they are, they are slightly more harmless to Heiki. He was a fuuton user and had, in the past, fought more katon users than any other elemental user. She was aggressive, that was one thing. She was in it for the fight, for the thrill. That anger she had was nothing more than a falsetto look of waiting to jump into something she wasn't fully aware. It was...interesting how she took this situation. She did that technique in order to test him, to see if he was the real deal and not just some guy who was in the spotlight for the time being. She brought forth a challenge but the question was, would Heiki accept it.

His actions were unshinobilike. Not even a real word really but of course, that didn't matter to her. She wanted that kid to get some justice and all she recieve was him threatening to kill a man who was just trying to survive in the mad world. He smiled and then he laughed, he laughed like he laughs when someone tells a good joke. That man had planned on ruining peoples lives and she was attacking him because he made it public? Hasn't all shinobi in the past been blantant about things in order to show fear? He knew how the system work, he knew how minds react to certain things.

"Tch, such a waste of time. I just got back from a mission and the lady wants to burn me. Geez, can't get a break this week" he thought to himself he looks at his sleeve again "Yeah, the guy who made this is gonna have a fit. I keep on telling him, it's not my fault, shit just happens like that. But noo, he gives me the stink eye every damn time" he sighed at this and looked at the alleyway. This was so wrong in attacking now. Why get led into a trap when he could walk away from this, go to a resturant and go to sleep early.

It's dangerous for a person to attack a cornered animal but it also dangerous for that person if they are trapped at all sides. She tested him, he got a bit burn yes but did that mean she had to do it at all, no. She was reminding him of the days when he teamed up and his two teammates would have this unsensible justice and use that as an excuse to attack. "Fucking dumbasses" he said to himself. He pulled out two kunai quickly. Letting out a cool breath, chakra began to form around the two kunai and as the chakra began to swirl around it, it was begin to make the sound of wind passing by around it.

He was ready to send this woman to a crumbled death. He had no restraint when it came down to it, though his emotions never showed nor did his eyes show any hint of agitation, he wanted to kill because he felt like it. Something like eating a bowl of ice cream on a winter morning because he wanted to. It was a choice. All of it was a choice. He could choose to walk away from this. He could choose to let that person think he ran out of some sort of illusion that it was out of cowardice or to believe that he didn't think of her as an opponent. All the options lay before him on a table but Heiki just flipped the table and sat down in the chair

He threw the two kunai at the building between the alleyway Sanzen had placed herself. To say that the kunai pierce through the building was an understatement, the kunai literally slice and then exploded through the building, metal tearing away like wood and the exterior of the metal walls of both buildings began to collaspe inward. The angle of how Heiki through would slant downward and the building would begin to fall caving in Sanzen. But that is not all he would do. His hands began to perform seals yet again, this time faster than his air jump techinque. When the two clones were summon they moved out from the smoke and outward at a ten meter perimeter of the collasped buildings.
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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 30, 2010 7:25 pm

[OOC: Sorry it took so long, was studying for a forestry contest that im going to be gone for all day tomorrow and almost all day Saturday. Next time ill be able to post will be after 5 or so on Sat. Fair warning

Also, the explosion caused the fog around to instantly ignite. I tried hinting at this to the best of my ability without giving it away and maybe I shouldve clarified in my last post which jutsu I used but its normally not my style. Exploding clones and fog though are. But i'll explain what happened in this post regarding the explosion and why there was heat suddenly raising up all around you. If you wish to argue it, please fill free to do so and we can stop this for the time being to discuss.]


IC:After the explosion took place not even a second later the fumes released, otherwise known as the dense fog technique's altered version, would of ignited instaneously. The exploding clone which was placed beneath him would have given enough force to cause the soil's surface to burst from beneath him and rise; creating something much like an air bubble. However, despite how fast he was to react to this scenario the chances of at least his knees on down being burned were rather high. Burst of speed, propulsion, experience and skill; whatever he may have had used to avoid this attack he had still been surrounded by the 'fog' from head to toe. This instant ignition of flames seemed to spontaneous for him to handle in her perspective. How could someone casually move under after not only an unexpected attack but one that happened in practically a blink of an eye? She stil had two left.

Whether he continued his dodge through the air or not, he had to have been in a good amount of pain. It would have been from taking at least a second degree burn from the heat and flames. She wouldn't be surprised if he was winded. But if he continued, she notice where he took his position next. Although running towards the alley she had still been in his general vacinity and it wouldn't be hard to see him coming at her or running elsewhere. Peripheral vision worked wonders.

She turned into the alley before she slid, did a 360, and waited for him to come at her. This alley wasn't a dead in so she could easily run out the other side and into the next street over if she wished but this wasn't her goal. Making herself much like a caged animal, Sanzen placed her back against the wall, her tools at the ready, as she waited for him to come.

Had he continued on the path he chosen and caused the wall to explode; Sanzen would react accordingly. Her eyes widened some as she pushed herself from the wall, casted a kuai up, and began forming handseals. Dust had already began to fall and caused her to close her eyes after she threw the kunai but this didn't stop her from hesitating with her seals. The kunai she threw, the one she had checked the weight of earlier, would sound slightly off to any high sensing ninja. That is, to any other kunai. When this kunai hit some rock above it's tag then exploded with a force which would delay the rocks fall and give her at least a few seconds, if that, of more time. This was all she needed. As soon as she finished her hand signs she carefully opened her eyes back and dove to the ground, fading beneath it's surface right before the rocks tumbled all around. It was a carefully timed action fueled by mostly her adrenaline and lack of hesitation. One slip up and she would've been down for the count.

Now that she was beneath the surface though, she at least had more space to work with. Her only problem would be if he also knew earth jutsu. She would just have to be ready for that as well. Positioning herself deep down near the base of a building, roughly fifteen meters down, she took a short breather to relax her nerves and thus began to move. She would place herself on the opposite side of the streets they were just in. From there she would hopefully be able to get a better position and perspective of where he was... and may be next.

He had been smart enough to not follow her and attack from a higher position. Especially in a way that didn't necessarily give him away; although the angle of the attack based upon how the rocks feel could prove otherwise. She was curious as to what he used exactly but already generated some ideas in her mind. Anyway, while she moved away she had something else prepared...

From the opposite side of the building from her alleyway, a hand reached up onto the rooftop before another hand followed. There was an 'oof' before a body flipped over and Sanzen landed on the edge; weapons still in hand. She had deposited the kunai she used but still managed to hold onto the two other kunai and the two shuriken. Placing her hands behind her back, as if to hide them, she traded all her tools into one hand.

"Looking for me?"

She sounded very calm and cheerful. By the time he may have looked at her she was even waving at him with a grin.

"I think you missed."

Her hues were a bright golden color, matching her cheerful expression. The only thing that didn't fit to picture though was her sickening smile of pleasure.

The Sanzen in the ground prepared her next move.

All and all, these actions were based around his response to her original assault.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 30, 2010 11:38 pm

IC: He had looked at the damage she done to his clothes. The instant that flame exploded was the instant that his clothing didn't necessarily burn off right away but began to erode. They weren't the best for explosions but they gave a sort of protection begans the skin. He had three layers on, one was his jounin outfit, the second was where he had his first set of weights on and then the third which had a second set of weights. These weights were a way to bind down his body so that it would be hard for him to move but what the weights did was absorb much of the heat that was coming from that explosion in that instant. He could still move with the weights with ease which would be a downfall for the young chunin if the time came.

He could feel it press on his skin but it was not painful but it wasn't comfortable either. If he had taken off his clothes to release the weights, his body would've surely been burned severly. He could feel the flush on his face. It wasn't as painful as he expected, he had essentially calm down and his body was at a norm yet he didn't feel the pain. He rubbed it, the sensitivity of his skin came with a blissful pain. He smiled at this rubbing the side of his cheek.

Less damage would seem impossible but the aspect of what was instant to her wouldn't be considered instant to him. There was a minute difference but it was that minute differene that truly makes the difference. If he wasn't already pumped from that mission, the explosion would've done much more. He knew that for a fact. If he was in his seventies or his eighties and he wasn't active, the damage would've done something far worse. Would she ever know that? No, he would put on the smile that hid nothing from her.

She was alive and well, the smile on her face was a prime example of such that said she laughed at the face of death and would give him hell to pay. He didn't see any other types of explosions as the shards of metal came soaring down on her. There was two explanation for this, it was that she was able to teleport her way out or she used an ability for doton. She didn't know anyone with the ability to manipulate the reality around them and there was much doubt in his mind that she could alter the space and time around him so of course it was latter.

With that in mind, it was a wonder how she was able to quickly place an explosion underneath him with such dexterity. He wasn't a sensory type but he was not aware, only because he was dealing with the public humilation of a man who was coning others. He smiled at this attempt to mock him. What an odd thing to do when someone is mockingly trying to piss a person off. It comes off as something of an insult only because the attempt was at him. He looks at his two clones. They had two of the kunai that were labeled with the kanji of lightning. Regardless if she had the lower level, the odds of her being able to handle lightning with the amount of conductivity around her, the odds are very slim to none.

They were ready to throw, there eyes were keen at throwing it towards Sanzen's location. Even if it didn't hit her directly, odds of her dodging every single water molecule that contained the metai ions of the earth was something that would take Heiki a few tries to grasp and he didn't think Sanzen was one to avoid such tackles. The eyes of the clone stared at Heiki waiting for him to give the order. Heiki was looking at the burnt vest he had on and the tather remains of his pants. They were completely burned off. His face felt hot, nothing that the rain couldn't fix with it's cooling touch kissing parts of his red face.

She had skill, she was one of those chunin that should be a jounin but probably didn't have the time. She use the advantage of the city street against him and it had been a long time since he had a opponent who used there head instead of pure power. He was interested, very interested. He had a thing of underestimating and that was the result of doing so. He couldn't just go all out on her but he was holding back and that was another thing that probably gave her a bit of pride. Though not damaging him completely, she at least gave him something to think about.

He hyperextended his neck back and then flexed his neck. He rubbed the back of his head and pulled out three fingers. The two clones understood that this meant not to attack. They pulled back the cocked arm, spinning the kunai away back into its pouch then dispered. Heiki smiled, an eerie and full of demented humor smile "You may see it as survival but what about the shionbi who dont do anything about true thieves in this world. If not the world, then what about your own damn home village? Do you condemn those that may done a hidden good or do you punish those regardless. You might say I'm not a shinobi for not keeping in the dark but trust me, there are some things darkness cannot cover."

He sighed and then let out another laugh from before, a heartfelt laugh that was both amusing and at the same time, haunting. "You ruined my clothing, that I admit but defeat?" He paused for a long moment, then he shook his head "When you get stronger than the rest of thees fucks who run around prancing at there skill, come and find me again. We'll finish this fight. For now..." he put him his middle finger and index finger and spread them giving him the peace sign "Goodbye" a poof of smoke rose in front of Heiki and even then he was gone
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Return of the flash (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Return of the flash (open)   Return of the flash (open) I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 02, 2010 10:48 pm

[Had a better post but my laptop randomly clicked Konoha and so I lost it all. Here's a redo but it'll probably have a lot less quality considering the original was maybe one of the best posts I've made yet and i'm still flustered from losing it]

Today had turned to be a rather interesting day due to the run in with Heiki. He had managed to prove his rank, as expected, but also gave Sanzen a taste of the upper class ninja of the village. He held a high place, she knew this much, and based upon his attack style he meant it as well. She made an assumption that he was holding back but then again it was hard to tell since it appeared they were both still getting warmed up. Little did she know of what he had planned next. She wasn't aware that he actually spared her but this battle wasn't something she was going to let go to her head either. She was satisfied with damaging his clothes and partially burning him. In her past, she knew very well that attempting to do this would have most likely been futile and would have resulted in her death bath at the avalanche of metal. She got lucky, to lucky. Had she not been prepared, hesitated, or unable to think on the spot she would have been done for.

Even though she already had a few plans set up as to what if the battle turned this way or that, Sanzen wouldn't have been ready for the electricity that could have coursed through her at the release of his tools. It would have been all bad.

With the rain still proceeding to sprinkle on them, Sanzen waited for his move. What came next though was what he didn't expect. She had returned her hand behind her back, the smile transformed into a smirk as she tried to tempt him to come at her. She dared him to come towards her as she held a kunai at the ready. But instead he made a motion and the clones quickly faded. It appeared he wasn't going to strike. Was this a trick? Was he setting up his own trap? In this sort of scenario one could infer that the opponent was giving up due to feeling cornered and stuck. But Sanzen knew all to well that this wasn't the case. There was no way Heiki felt cornered seeing as how there were three of him verse her. So then why? She wasn't sure what the answer to that question was and thus she didn't relax just yet. Instead, she just waited and listened.

"You may see it as survival but what about the shionbi who dont do anything about true thieves in this world. If not the world, then what about your own damn home village? Do you condemn those that may done a hidden good or do you punish those regardless. You might say I'm not a shinobi for not keeping in the dark but trust me, there are some things darkness cannot cover."

She didn't speak a word. She was rather uncertain how to respond actually. In a way it seemed as though he were hinting at something she couldn't make out yet. Maybe she was thinking deeply on it but the truth was she was unsure of what he meant exactly. She would ponder it later. Keeping a straight face, she kept her guard as she listened and he continued.

"You ruined my clothing, that I admit but defeat?"

She shook her head after this. She didn't believe she defeated him. She felt accomplished for burning his clothes, as said already, but that was it. Unless he was laying tired on the ground or placed in a vulnerable position, she would never consider this as defeating him. This was only a minor attack compared to what more she could have done to him had he not dodged. Or if given the chance to take this fight further in a better environment. She would have held back to much here for the sake of the people. Otherwise she wouldn't mind using fire abilities and such which may take out a forest or so.

"When you get stronger than the rest of these fucks who run around prancing at there skill, come and find me again. We'll finish this fight. For now..."

Now this, this was something to remember. A sort of determined smirk crossed her face as he raised his fingers to make a peace sign. She nodded, her way of not only saying farewell but stating that she accepted that challenge. There was no doubt that she would be back eventually. By then she hoped to be stronger as well. First though she needed to become Jounin.

As he said his goodbye and disappeared, Sanzen gazed up to the sky and let out a sigh of relief. This let her relax some from the built up tension she had during battle. She was ready for a drink actually. She wasn't one to get drunk, that would make her to vulnreable, but a good drink every once in a while. It made her feel a little better sometimes and was more of a treat than a must have. She may pass though and go running tonight instead. That seemed healthier and would help her endurance and such.

Suddenly Sanzen that was before Heiki exploded into a burst of heated katon chakra. This was one down. Next the man whom had came out of the shop earlier to join the crowd, while avoiding any physical contact, walked into an alley before the henge around her second clone faded and the clone burst like the first. This one caused more attention though which drew in some people.

While all information traveled back to the original, Sanzen rose up from beneath the earth with her arms crossed and her eyes locked on the alley the clone had exploded in. It was oppoosite of the alley she now stood in. Her form hid in the shadows as she watched the people gather and look at one another in question. They were trying to get someone daring enough to look in the alley to see what it was. Sanzen placed a hand on her head, smiled, and shook it before she turned around and let her arms fall back to her side again. Now she would return home and probably try to find a book to read or maybe take a bath. That sounded kind of good right now. Sure it was something a ninja shouldn't probably do, be lazy and all, but everyone needed to relax every once in a while right? Now that she was beginning to see more and more of where she stood, she also needed to think. So right now, the bath sounded perfect.
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